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What do you think the major elements of media

Date post: 04-Aug-2015
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The market audience of the Dictator The marketing campaign used by the producers of the dictator was very risky but effective. They used the main star Sacha Baron Cohen as the marketing scheme, they would put him on various talk shows and he wouldn’t just do the usual and talk about is film, he would cause uproar and controversy which would ultimately give the producers the best form of marketing which was word of mouth. People would speak about the film and watch it to se all the popularity around it. A main factor in this was the stunt he pulled at the oscars, this is the link and video the full story. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=mhAg0COnqds

The market audience of the

Dictator• The marketing campaign used by the

producers of the dictator was very risky but effective. They used the main star Sacha Baron Cohen as the marketing scheme, they would put him on various talk shows and he wouldn’t just do the usual and talk about is film, he would cause uproar and controversy which would ultimately give the producers the best form of marketing which was word of mouth. People would speak about the film and watch it to se all the popularity around it. A main factor in this was the stunt he pulled at the oscars, this is the link and video the full story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhAg0COnqds

The dictator website

This website is smartly made because it offers you the chance to buy the dvd in two different forms (the other being Blu-ray) and offers you a chance to enter an extended version of the website where its comically made to be realistic, for example it says your entering the proper of ‘Wadiya’ and gives you full profiles on other dictators. It adds that realistic effect to it but is also a comical element to the website. It also offers links to there twitter and Facebook page, this is is bringing the social networking part of marketing into it and offering you different dimensions and destinations throughout the whole website.

The Dictator Trailers

• The trailer for every film is crucial but even more so for a film like the dictator, because of Sacha Baron Cohen's previous films ‘Borat’ and ‘Bruno’ they are unique in the way that what happens in the film is real, it has a set narrative but most of the shots are real. So the different trailers offer insights into how this film is shot and as it shows there are a lot of a star celebrity's in it so the film is most likely not going to be real which can change peoples opinions on the upcoming film in a positive and negative way.

What do you think the Major elements of a film marketing campaign – the different ways in which the films ‘message’ is presented to potential audiences?

Budgeting your marketing is key to how successful the film actually is, there is no point spending millions of pounds on a film to only spend 2 or 3 per cent of that on marketing, this is because people need to know about the film or they wont consume the film so normally top film company's will spend about a third of the budget on marketing. The main aim of big film companies is to make money so if they strategies and market there film correctly to a worldwide audience then they can potentially make profit. The message of the film is presented in the trailer or because of modern day technology ‘apps’. These both give away key elements of the film and display the narrative or story line of the film. These are all shown through the media for example adverts, posters, viral campaigns,etc.

Where might you expect too see each of the different parts of the marketing campaign?

• In todays society the internet is a good way to get a message across to people, anything can be put on the internet for billions of people to see it so the use of social networks including twitter,facebook,etc, blogs and websites like ‘YouTube’ give you the opportunity to get your film out to the world and usually at a cheap cost compared to your budget. This gives the opportunity for the main actors in the film to tweet about the film, give hints about the film etc. and get a larger audience involved and most crucially a lot of people talking about the film.

What factors make you want to go and see a film? How do you decide what film to see?

• Most audiences decide to a see a film based on word of mouth, this is also connected with the use of social networks and most aspects of marketing. The use of posters, adverts, websites give people the opportunity to talk about this film especially if it adds a unique side to marketing, for example district 9 distributors used posters to put in bus stops, now this is an original technique but the posters offers more than just a picture of the film, it tries to add that realistic element like your in the film even before watching it. It’s a clever way of marketing your film and also for people to get talking about your film. Another example of this unique marketing scheme is when Sacha Baron Cohen poured ashes over Ryan Seacrest, this stunt also makes people talk about the film and is all to do with the marketing of the film. This influences the public.
