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What is a sppl

Date post: 12-Jul-2015
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What is a SPPL? Voluntary informal Association of people, many, many millions of ordinary, everyday people from all over the world. These are people of all ages, nationalities, religions, beliefs, and walks of life. A man and a woman. Europeans and Americans, Russians and Australians, Chinese and Indians. White,black, yellow. ... But all of them have one thing in common. The desire to help each other! Do good."Love thy neighbor"! Help him. Don't say-JUST do it!
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What is a SPPL?

Voluntary informal Association of people, many, many millions of ordinary, everyday people from all over the world. These are people of all ages, nationalities, religions, beliefs, and walks of life. A man and a woman. Europeans and Americans, Russians and Australians, Chinese and Indians. White,black, yellow. ... But all of them have one thing in common. The desire to help each other! Do good."Love thy neighbor"! Help him. Don't say-JUST do it!

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essentially, #SPPL is a charity in the pure and original form, free from husks every unnecessary formalities and bureaucratic chicanery, freezing everything alive and known to be inappropriate in aholy and pure fact, as charity, mutual aid.In our stinky and dripping for a regulated world, the world of General mistrust and suspicion, all these contracts and signatures-the press seem to have something inherentand even taken for granted: "How could it be otherwise? Otherwise it would be thrown. If there is no agreement. How can a person not cheat if he will have the full opportunity? be shure people cheat if they have the opportunity to do it. ".

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Yes, of course. If you expect this from him. Insulting incredulity. In proposing to enter into a contract,you're actually talking about the man: "I don't believe you're a thief and con artist. And to you I haven't cheated, I conclude the contract with you, where the record in countless paragraphs and paragraphs of all possible and impossible situations and options. Here's a try now, fool! "ever wonder? By doing so, you are giving a person the moral right to deceive themselves.If it can. If finds a loophole in these your countless paragraphs and paragraphs. In fact, this is also part of the contract. That loophole. Find-and you are right.Everything is strictly under the Treaty. But about morality here speech did not go. The Wolf Man is theman! What the moral of that is money?! Don't tell, gentlemen.

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In SPPL YOU don't find anything like that. Even close! #SPPL-this is a return to the origin, to a genuine,global, true human values. This is an original, authentic, honest and fair cash assistance. As any man in her soul is imagine this and bielive.

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Like in you family.. You do not require any stamps and signatures? Everything is based on trust, and certainly not on some sort of "guarantees and commitments", right after all? (Otherwise, how do we can live?) Exactly the same here. #SPPL is a kind of giant total bedside table, in which all put money. And then take as needed. No tearing, no grabbing with two hands, but as we say -take necessary amount . After all, a man in fact not need too many money . It is only important understanding that they have enough when he need .. Confidence in the future!

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SPPL just gives people such confidence. Makes a person free! Financially. Gives him the incomparable sensation of feeling elbow. Consciousness that in difficult times, you will be helped . Need to help!! And it's very very much for human means. Generally, almost all ! "Ideology + technology + people" you help today -tomorrow will help you! "is the slogan of our community.

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And know what ? Between us. To assist unfamiliar people is also very nice. Even more great is often , than getting help . Don't believe it? Try it! Make Sure. Providing help to others give great feeling of how kind and helpfull person is .. Now we turn to our case.

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So. Taking Community rules #SPPL, you should understand the following: people here are engaged in charity, assist each other. Without expectations !Nothing waiting in return (and even not requesting !).Not because they want to benefit from all this a benefit there, earn dividends, and just like that. Why? Nor why.Because they are kind and good. Because they are people. Because they want to do good, they want to help others . Help the needy, socially vulnerable, helping those who are bad, worse than his own. It is quite natural for any human to do good. He's the same human.

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Accordingly! There is no guarantee or promise there any etc. etc. No! Absolutely! No obvious or hidden. No property benefits you are not promised! What you have had someone help, it does not mean that it will and then help you. Charity! Is a strictly voluntary. . There are no promises. The SPPL simply don't have. In the hundredth, thousandth time! No, no and no! There is no promises.

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In other words: If you came here not with pure intentions, not to make people good, do it! -just like that! unselfishly, gladly and wholeheartedly! -but have to grab much money , for the sake of profit, any "profits" and benefits-you don't belong here. All the best and see you soon. But not in SPPL.

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Good. Now we will go further. How it works?"Works" in the sense that any community, has its own, unique to him rules of conduct. That makes it a community. Unique and different from all the rest. That's about it for now and let's talk.

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So, what are these rules? In short, every participant has a rating (in cryptocurrency Mavrocoin) that determines the degree of its usefulness to the community. The ranking determines the amount of assistance that party may request. (Well, request he may create in principle but but it's hardy to get help if you have insufficient ranking. Charity still selective also .Better help some one who transfer their hard-earned coins to help others in our community a month ago, and now expects from people receive the same-support.

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What is the rating based (percentage of the assistance provided)? The degree of utility of the party for the community. And the usefulness of this is determined first by the amount of coins that he is willing to provide (or have provided) help. As well as the conduct of the participant. If a participant fails to comply with the recommendations of the community, does not record video, not actively carries information about cryptocurrency on social networks ... and of course, his percentage is less .

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Learn more about ratings and interest and conditions can be found in our community Here is just overwiew . The overall message is clear, and the parts of the work. you can find in community SPPL . Why such aconvoluted and ... comfused , so let's say scheme? For such a simple and straight forward case as charity? It would seem, well, people want to help each other and let them help you. To the extent possible and without there rules and ratings. Why everything is socomplicated? Kind of a "return to roots!.. as a family..Agreement-insulting incredulity!.. "

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Yes, as well! "There without any rules and ratings and cryptocurrency ". Yes but tomorrow appeare one clever guy for example ,most unfortunate and needy, who will dispatch all the tear requests (well request for help take all coins , sell coins on the stock exchange and fled in an unknown direction and what then? Yes, but family ... and every family has its black sheep. Yes, but trust ? What about trust ? : Trust, -but verify.- wisdom of the ages! papers agreement we dont really have - no ,no, but people have seen what this man made for the community , what kind of person he is ....This is normal ! People decide for themselves. To help him or not . Charity certainly-still remain voluntary .

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And in General. The goal was to create a working system. Real and live (and not only on paper)charitable organization. This has been achieved.Everything! What are the issues? Can do better?Graceful and beautiful? And without any out there scoring and cryptocurrency ? Flag in your hands and the drum on the neck. Try. Real people real #SPPLCommunity helping real people. Specified living people.Thousands of people! (see the video on YouTube and see for yourself.) Thats it.. '

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the #SPPL can also be seen as a sort of people's Bank. Honest and fair, without any predatory interest.Without this damn " cheating % ". Why banks huge % takes? Usury is condemned and being bad at all times and all peoples.And now it's the norm. Entrepreneur takes a loan in the Bank. For that, they charge percentage? He did something useful for society to create something , for society, and for bankers including. He must receive benefits for this. actually- not ,pay so huge bank interest for shure .

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it is-"a kind of" Bank. Under the definition of banking technology Community SPPL is not ingested.In SPLL no "contributions", the promised interest, no conditions of urgency and giving back. In addition, all of the coins are in the cryptowallets of the participants. And they help each other directly sending coins to participants purse who deserves help. No commissions, no bureaucracy like in the banking system,instantly, safely-all thanks to Cryptography. All countries in the world-ONE CURRENCY! So that the people's Bank of SPPL-not a bank in the conventional sense. And, accordingly, no licence is required for its operation. #bitcoin #mavrocoin #sppl
