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What is Fashion Blogging?

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Page 2: What is Fashion Blogging?

What is Fashion Blogging?

Credits to: www.iblogfashion.com Sportsgirl and Topshop do it, so do fashion journalists. But what is fashion blogging exactly? To quote the great Wikipedia fashion blogs started popping up in 2002, but many did exist before then that have since gone to pasture. With so many different fashion blogs, Wikipedia categorized in a number of ways:

By Writer’s Expertise: Where the blog could be penned by insiders, outsiders or aspiring insiders. More commonly fashion bloggers are becoming insiders themselves, but with journalists launching their own fashion blogs and fashion designers contributing to major commercial blogs, this method of categorizing blogs may not be the most ideal. By Ownership: Where fashion blogs can be categorized by who owns it, an individual who blogs in their spare time as a hobby, an individual who tries to monetize it through advertising dollars or if it’s own by a company (a media outlet or blog publisher like Glam and Sugar, or a brand/retailer like BlueFly and LuisaViaRoma) and bloggers are paid a salary to blog. By Theme: Where fashion blogs can be categorized by their particular topics they choose to blog about. Some fashion blogs look at news, fashion trends, what celebrities are wearing, particular items (i.e. shoes, handbags, and denim), street style and personal style. Meanwhile personal blogs which sometimes write about fashion come under the category of personal blog due to its more personable nature and the fact that it doesn’t focus on fashion specifically.

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What is a bloggers influence in the blogosphere?

“Bloggers [are] in our top 5 marketing categories and contribute about 5% of sales” Natalie Massenet, Net-A-Porter.com founder at the International Herald Tribune Techno Luxury Conference in Berlin, November 2009.

According to Drapers, Net-a-Porter’s 2008 sales are about US$134m/£81.5m – that’s $6.7 million of sales generated from bloggers, measured through affiliate programs.

Throw in the thousands of other blogs who plug Net-a-Porter’s items without going through affiliate programs; we guesstimate that the percentage may grow to 10% – 20%.

Let is tell you a story of how a young Filipino blogger came to have a Marc Jacobs handbag named after him…

His name is BryanBoy and he was a long time Marc Jacobs fan, garnering quite a following in the blogosphere with his passion for fashion shining through his cheeky and camp commentary. With an audience of hundreds of thousand, he slowly and surely started infiltrating the fashion industry with many industry insiders showing their love through fan signs (where people would create signs and have their photo taken holding it up).

After seeing pictures from the Marc Jacobs Fall 2008/09 show in February 2008, he wrote about how much he loved a particular ostrich skin handbag and little did he know, the designer himself heard of the post and named it after him.

The bag is now known as the Marc Jacobs BB.

“I’m literally on cloud nine! This is what tru fashin dedicashin dreams are made of…” BryanBoy said at the time

“I give you a 10 for effort… Love your passion for fashion, after all, where would designers be without enthusiasm like yours?’ Marc Jacobs reportedly told BryanBoy at the time.

The following season – Spring/Summer 2009 in September 2008 – Marc Jacobs flew BryanBoy (both pictured together, above) out to New York to sit front row at his show with the likes of Victoria Beckham. Never before had a blogger sat front row at one of the

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‘big four’ fashion weeks.

And the rest they say is history! Bryan Boy has since been invited to attend Rosemount Australian Fashion Week, Melbourne Spring Fashion Week and Air New Zealand Fashion Week (just to name a few), sat front row at many more international fashion shows along with the likes of Susanna Lau of Style Bubble, Tommy Ton of Jak & Jil and Scott Schuman of The Sartorialist.

While we’re not advising Australian designers and brands to start naming items after Australian fashion bloggers (or flying them around the world), this is just one example of how to create buzz for your brand online and show that you are social media friendly.

The appeal of fashion blogs are that they are written by a real person and not a marketing professional writing for a particular brand. They give honest opinions and reporting of trends and fashions and in most cases are not paid directly for endorsing products. With the Federal Trade Commission in America now ruling that bloggers must fully disclose freebies if they blog about products and designer brands, it will bring a higher level of accountability and trust in a blogger-reader/consumer relationship than ever.

“The vast majority of bloggers do not create their blogs to be a channel for plugging products and brands. Their blogs are about their lives and their interests and therefore, PRs must be sensitive in how they approach bloggers and what with. However, when a brand is a good fit for a blog, a mention can be incredibly influential.” - Darcie O’Malley, Zing

Of course with the good there is the ugly.

There are speed bumps you should watch out for, the main one is the blagging bloggers who use their blogs to score some freebies and who exercise no critical judgment. So it is up to you to judge whether or not you should liaise with certain bloggers depending on their writing skills, reach and popularity.

With the advent of social media, people are getting more of their information online and fashion bloggers are taking their seats front row at fashion shows next to the likes of Suzy Menkes and Anna Wintour. And if you don’t reply to a blogger, much like a journalist, they will get the story anyway and may write it in a more negative light due to a perceived snub.

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How to make money from your blog: 4 tips

By Jeff Wuorio

Many people who write blogs today simply want to share their opinion

on something. But then there are the business-minded folks, who have

found a way to use blogs, or Web logs, to bring in a little extra cash too.

If you're interested in taking it further — blogging for bucks, if you will

— here are five strategies that could turn your blog into a moneymaker.

1. Sell advertising. This is likely the most common means of

leveraging a blog to generate income. If yours happens to become a well-

known blog, or one that is well-received in a particular niche, it's always

possible to sell ad space on your own. For Bing Blogs and services

such as Google's AdSense or BlogAds, bloggers can establish ad

programs. AdSense's — which lets you select several ads that are


with the content of your blog — pays you based on how many readers

click on the ads for further information. Even better, it's free. BlogAds,

on the other hand, hooks bloggers up with would-be advertisers and

levies a commission in return for any ad placements that result. "The

nice thing, too, is that the ads are relatively unobtrusive," says Scott

Allen, co-author of The Virtual Handshake: Opening Doors and Closing Deals Online .

2. Help sell others' products. Here is another click-through

opportunity. Affiliate programs enable your blog to serve as a conduit

between readers and online sites offering various goods and services.

One popular choice is Amazon.com. If, for instance, you offer book

reviews or even just mention a book in passing in your blog, an affiliate

program provides a means for your readers to click directly from your

blog to Amazon to obtain further information about the book.

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If they break out the checkbook or charge card, you get paid as well.

3. Solicit contributions. Not every blog-related income opportunity

involves hawking goods or services. As Blanche DuBois said in A Streetcar Named Desire, consider relying on the kindness of strangers.

Ask for contributions. If, for instance, your small-business blog

supports a cause or issue in some fashion — say you repeatedly mention

tax reform, health care or some other topic — you can always ask for

reader support. Even if you've attracted a group of regular followers who

simply enjoy reading what you have to say, they may be willing to

underwrite their loyalty with a little financial help. Programs such as

PayPal make it easy to establish a simple on-site contribution collection

button. "There are lots of worthy 'cause' blogs that would qualify for

donations from grateful members of the blog community," says Las

Vegas communications consultant Ned Barnett.

4. Market your services in your blog. Many people associate blogs exclusively with a cyberspace-based

soapbox — a place to shout your opinions and little more than that.

Granted, blogs are an ideal venue to share your thoughts with others,

but don't overlook their capacity to generate new business as well. When

appropriate, work in references to what you do and, in turn, what you

may be able to offer any would-be client or customer who may be

reading your blog. That can spread your opinion and your business

moxie at the same time."Instead of short commentaries that begin a

dialogue with readers, as many blogs do, I write the equivalent of

journal articles that demonstrate my abilities, strategies and

perspectives on specific issues," Barnett says. "When it resonates, it

means money. Since starting this approach, I have generated three new

paying clients and brought in about $10,000 on revenue — directly

attributable to specific blogs." VIDEO PLAYLIST

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Issue 1

December 2009

All you need to know about Fashion Blogging for Public

Relations Executives and Marketers

Fashion bloggers wear many hats, literally and figuratively.

They are sources of fashion inspiration, some document moments in their

lives while others are independent journalists and writers who are looking

for the next hot story.

It’s what we do and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

But what is fashion blogging exactly and how can public relations

specialists and marketers work together with fashion bloggers?

By Helen Lee – a fashion lover, writer and blogger since her teens.

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"The web, for luxury brands, is not the future but the present." Domenico Dolce, Dolce & Gabbana

WHAT IS FASHION BLOGGING? Sportsgirl do it, so do fashion journalists. But what is fashion blogging exactly? To quote the great Wikipedia fashion blogs started popping up in 2002, but many did exist before then that have since gone to pasture. With so many different fashion blogs, Wikipedia categorized in a number of ways:

By Writer's Expertise:

Where the blog could be penned by insiders, outsiders or aspiring insiders.

More commonly fashion bloggers are becoming insiders themselves, but with journalists launching

their own fashion blogs and fashion designers contributing to major commercial blogs, this method of

categorizing blogs may not be the most ideal.

By Ownership:

Where fashion blogs can be categorized by who owns it, an individual who blogs in their spare time

as a hobby, an individual who tries to monetize it through advertising dollars or if it’s own by a

company (a media outlet or blog publisher like Glam and Sugar, or a brand/retailer like BlueFly

and LuisaViaRoma) and bloggers are paid a salary to blog.

By Theme:

Where fashion blogs can be categorized by their particular topics they choose to blog about. Some

fashion blogs look at news, fashion trends, what celebrities are wearing, particular items (i.e. shoes,

handbags, and denim), street style and personal style. Meanwhile personal blogs which sometimes

write about fashion come under the category of personal blog due to its more personable nature

and the fact that it doesn’t focus on fashion specifically.

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“Bloggers [are] in our top 5 marketing categories and contribute about 5% of sales” Natalie Massenet, Net-A-Porter.com founder at the International Herald Tribune Techno Luxury Conference in Berlin, November 2009.

According to Drapers, Net-a-Porter's 2008 sales are about US$134m/£81.5m – that's $6.7 million of sales generated from bloggers, measured through affiliate programs. Throw in the thousands of other blogs who plug Net-a-Porter’s items without going through affiliate programs; we guesstimate that the percentage may grow to 10% - 20%.

Let me tell you a story of how a young Filipino blogger came to have a Marc Jacobs handbag named after him…

His name is BryanBoy and he was a long time Marc Jacobs fan, garnering quite a following in the blogosphere with his passion for fashion shining through his cheeky and camp commentary. With an audience of hundreds of thousand, he slowly and surely started infiltrating the fashion industry with many industry insiders showing their love through fan signs (where people would create signs and have their photo taken holding it up). After seeing pictures from the Marc Jacobs Fall 2008/09 show in February 2008, he wrote about how much he loved a particular ostrich skin handbag and little did he know, the designer himself heard of the post and named it after him. The bag is now known as the Marc Jacobs BB.

“I‟m literally on cloud nine! This is what tru fashin

dedicashin dreams are made of…” BryanBoy said at the


“I give you a 10 for effort…Love your passion for fashion,

after all, where would designers be without enthusiasm

like yours?” Marc Jacobs reportedly told BryanBoy at

the time.

The following season – Spring/Summer 2009 in September 2008 – Marc Jacobs flew BryanBoy (both pictured together, above) out to New York to sit front row at his show with the likes of Victoria Beckham. Never before had a blogger sat front row at one of the ‘big four’ fashion weeks. And the rest they say is history! Bryan Boy has since been invited to attend Rosemount Australian Fashion Week, Melbourne Spring Fashion Week and Air New Zealand Fashion Week (just to name a few), sat front row at many more international fashion shows along with the likes of Susanna Lau of Style Bubble, Tommy Ton of Jak & Jil and Scott Schuman of The Sartorialist.

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While we’re not advising Australian designers and brands to start naming items after Australian fashion bloggers (or flying them around the world), this is just one example of how to create buzz for your brand online and show that you are social media friendly. The appeal of fashion blogs are that they are written by a real person and not a marketing professional writing for a particular brand. They give honest opinions and reporting of trends and fashions and in most cases are not paid directly for endorsing products. With the Federal Trade Commission in America now ruling that bloggers must fully disclose freebies if they blog about products and designer brands, it will bring a higher level of accountability and trust in a blogger-reader/consumer relationship than ever.

“The vast majority of bloggers do not create their blogs to be a channel for plugging products and brands. Their blogs are about their lives and their interests and therefore, PRs must be sensitive in how they approach bloggers and what with. However, when a brand is a good fit for a blog, a mention can be incredibly influential.” – Darcie O’Malley, Zing

Of course with the good there is the ugly. There are speed bumps you should watch out for, the main one is the blagging bloggers who use their blogs to score some freebies and who exercise no critical judgment. So it is up to you to judge whether or not you should liaise with certain bloggers depending on their writing skills, reach and popularity. With the advent of social media, people are getting more of their information online and fashion bloggers are taking their seats front row at fashion shows next to the likes of Suzy Menkes and Anna Wintour. And if you don’t reply to a blogger, much like a journalist, they will get the story anyway and may write it in a more negative light due to a perceived snub.

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WE TALK TO BLOGGERS, BUT HOW DO WE MEASURE IT? One of the most discussed subjects when it comes to utilizing social media for a business is how to measure the Return on Investment (ROI) when a blogger talks about you/your clients on their blogs, Twitter and Facebook accounts? As the Socialnomics blog states:

“Why are we trying to measure social media like a traditional channel? Social

media touches every facet of business and it should be viewed more as an

extension of good business ethics. Which, if done properly, will harvest sales

down the line.

Depending on who you speak to, measuring Social Media can be a difficult thing – much like word of mouth, it is priceless but how do you explain its worth to the boss? Luckily with Twitter and Blogs you can usually access traffic and follower numbers to work out a ROI. While many have a different ROI calculation (or insist that there shouldn’t be one because social media cannot be measured like old school numbers) we found a Social Networking Media ROI Calculator online that may cater to your needs by DragonSearchMarketing it does all the calculating for you so just input your numbers and off you go. Social Networking Media ROI Calculator: http://www.dragonsearchmarketing.com/online-marketing-strategy/social-media-marketing/social-media-roi-calculator

Please keep in mind that this is just one method of calculating the ROI of social media. There are many

different calculations out there and each have their pro’s and con’s. We suggest you find one that works out

best for your business.

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WHAT’S HAPPENING OVERSEAS WITH FASHION BLOGGERS We touched briefly on BryanBoy’s experiences with Marc Jacobs earlier, but it’s not just the American market opening up for bloggers, the British are too. Kimberly Foster, editor of popular British fashion blog Catwalk Queen gave us some personal insight into what has been happening there:

As the editor of British fashion blog CatwalkQueen, I have

experienced first-hand the many changes that have occurred within the online media and fashion industries. Over the past three

years, fashion blogging in Britain has come a long way and

continues to break new grounds in the delivery and quality of

digital content.

When I first began at Catwalk Queen in 2006, many brands and their

respective PR agencies were either unaware, uneducated or simply

unwilling to consider bloggers as a viable form of media. Undeterred,

we continued in our plan to bring our readers a fresh and unique

perspective on fashion, an industry that can often exclude by appearing


Fortunately, the High Street in Britain meant an immediate gateway for us bloggers. One company in particular, Arcadia (TopShop, Miss Selfridge, Dorothy Perkins, etc) were

among the first brands to open their doors to us. They invited us to visit their offices and

brief them on how we could build a partnership that would be mutually beneficial. Such meetings eventually led us to take over Topshop.com for a week. Known as the „Topshop

Take over‟, Catwalk Queen authored features, style videos and blogged daily on the

TopShop website.

Since then, Arcadia‟s support of fashion bloggers has grown to the point where they now

host blogger-only press events. In August this year, they invited bloggers to check out and

more importantly - try on - their A/W „09 collections. A professional photographer then

took photos of the bloggers wearing the garments and handed over the photos on a USB stick so they could be uploaded pronto – very handy! It is this type of instant coverage

that has seen bloggers‟ professional relationships with brands to blossom.

As fashion blogging grows in influence and exposure, more experiences like that of Kim and BryanBoy are occurring. But why simply invite a fashion blogger to your event or send them a press release? This is your chance to do something different and buzz worthy. Susanna Lau of Style Bubble, along with a select group of other fashion bloggers, were invited to Antwerp, The Netherlands to embark on a fashion treasure hunt to explore the shops around the city and collecting particular goodies as they went. The success was that the bloggers were able to experience the sights and sounds of Antwerp along a guided path – albeit one where they were allowed to go at their own pace and really experience the city. It’s easy to invite a blogger to events, but it is the experience that we crave and want to blog about.

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HOW TO APPROACH AND WORK WITH BLOGGERS It’s sufficed to say that not all bloggers have journalist or PR backgrounds. Some do, while others are stylists, photographers or just love fashion. With such different backgrounds you may experience different results, depending on whom and how you approach them.

- Start the conversation: get in touch via an email, phone call or a press release in the mail. Some bloggers won’t reach out if they don’t know who to get in touch with.

- Bloggers aren’t out to ‘get you’ so include them when you’re looking to talk to the media, invite them to your launches or include them in your mail outs.

- Honesty is the best policy – it’s a two way street. If you can tell the blogger the truth, they should do the same for you. Even if the write up is not as positive as you would like, it is getting talked about. In return a blogger should be open about what they’re writing and if asked, give you the number of visitors they attract to their blogs. Be wary of those who may not reveal their stats when asked or insist it is not about numbers. After all who is reading the blog then?

- Bloggers have a following that is more accessible than a magazine on a newsstand. Their readers are constant seeking out new information on your brands or new initiates you are running (i.e. Barbie Loves Mimco, Australian’s Next Top Model, Big W’s Gossip Girl line, Australian designer collaborations).

- Finally as a New York based fashion blogger recently said: If you are looking for sales, make sure to provide [bloggers] the detailed product info, pricing and availability, if SEO optimization is your top goal – make sure you use the right keywords in your pitch, if publicity buzz is what makes you satisfied – give them juicy stories, and if you simply want love – give them the reasons to love you. It‘s as simple as that.

Read about more fashion blogger experiences with brands all around the world on our soon -to-be launched blog on iBlogFashion.com .

WITH THANKS TO: Kimberly Foster and all the fashion bloggers and publicists who gave us their time to discuss fashion blogging in

Australia. To Auspire Web Services and Newsletter Advantage for helping us with the website and email

newsletter set up. And most of all thanks to you for taking the time to read this.

Stay tuned for Issue 2!

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Issue 1

December 2009 The Australian Fashion Bloggers database

Includes everything you need to know about Australian based fashion

bloggers; what they write about, achievements, statistics and more.

All blogs are sorted by categories (then alphabetical order):

- Fashion News & Commentary blogs - Street and Personal Style blogs - Accessory& Item specific blogs - Lifestyle & Personal blogs - Misc and the International bloggers

Compiled by Helen Lee ([email protected])

Please note these details are not to be used for spam purposes

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An Australian Wintour www.anaustralianwintour.com Australian based content aimed at 18-35 classic style conscious Author: Megan Aney ([email protected])

Postal Address PO BOX 855, Robina DC, QLD 4226

Contact phone number 0405 458 454

Unique Visitors 4,035 (September 2009, Square Space Traffic Reports)

Page views 5,893 (September 2009, Square Space Traffic Reports)

Twitter: http://twitter.com/MeganAney - 277 followers

Personal Bio Fashion Blogger & Freelance Runway Stylist

Blog achievements Cosmopolitan FFF Nominee 2009

Advertising rates Email us

Capture The Castle http://capturethecastle1.blogspot.com Capture The Castle is a rose-tinted view of fashion filtered through a love of American magazines, British it-girls and French pastries. With a heavy focus on fashion features and commentary by an impartial observer, Capture

The Castle seeks to explore issues of style, emotions, influence and shoes. Author: Hrose ([email protected])

Postal Address 4/56 B Ormond St Paddington NSW 2021

Contact phone number 0423 687 694

Unique Visitors 3,432 (Average October 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 14,036 (Average October 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/hrose_ - 185 followers

Personal Bio 18 year old journalism student hopelessly devoted to Vogue, Topshop, her laptop and writing.

Blog achievements Partial coverage of RAFW, blogger awards, contributing blogger to Word on the

Street website. Advertising rates N/A

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Frock Writer http://frockwriter.blogspot.com Front row, back row, backstage, leftfield fashionalysis from a Sydney-based journalist. Author: Patty Huntington ([email protected])

Postal Address Available upon request. Blogger is based in Sydney, NSW.

Contact phone number Available upon request.

Unique Visitors N/A

Page views N/A

Twitter: http://twitter.com/Pattyhuntington - 2,187 followers

Personal Bio Freelance fashion journalist, Patty Huntington is the Australian correspondent for international trade bible Women's Wear Daily.

Blog achievements Nominee for the Cosmopolitan Fun Fearless Female Awards 2009

Advertising rates N/A

Little Black Book http://littleblackbook.typepad.com Little Black Book began in June 2008 and has slowly grown in readers. While the majority of subscribers are from Australia, followed by the United States and a scatter of readers from across Europe and Asia. Author: Emily Fang ([email protected])

Postal Address 2/2A Upper Avenue Road, Mosman, NSW 2088

Contact phone number 0430 062 756

Unique Visitors 3,464 (October 2009, Sitemeter)

Page views 5,354 (October 2009, Sitemeter)

Twitter: http://twitter.com/lil_blackbook - 110 followers

Personal Bio I am a university student who blogs with a passion.

Blog achievements Media pass for RAFW 09, LMFF 09 and local fashion events in Sydney

Advertising rates Email us

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SASSYBELLA.com http://www.sassybella.com One of Australia’s first fashion blogs, SASSYBELLA.com, is an internationally recognized fashion blog that focuses on fashion & beauty news and trends, providing commentary on fashion in Australia and around the

world. Author: Helen Lee ([email protected])

Postal Address GPO Box 375, Sydney, NSW 2001

Contact phone number 0438 418 768

Unique Visitors 60,014 (November 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 83,555 (November 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/sassybella - 2,156 followers

Personal Bio An online producer in her past life, Helen is a fashion writer and blogger who wishes she could stop dreaming about owning designer clothes. She has also blogged for IMG‟s ChicReport.com.au, CatwalkQueen.tv, Shoewawa.com and FashionVerbatim.net about all things fashion and more.

Blog achievements Top 4 finalist at the Cosmopolitan Fun Fearless Female Awards Our stories regularly get picked up by international sites like People.com, NY Mag‟s The Cut blog, Gawker‟s Jezebel.com and more.

Advertising rates Email Us ([email protected]) or click here

Style Lines http://www.stylelines.blogspot.com Kat George likes to dance, but after several of her signature moves being widely discredited she turned instead to a life of documenting fashion, art, and other cultural absurdities. Author: Kat George ([email protected])

Postal Address Available on request. Blogger is based in Melbourne, VIC.

Contact phone number 0407 047 778

Unique Visitors N/A

Page views N/A

Twitter: http://twitter.com/kat_george - 500 followers

Personal Bio Kat hopes to someday fulfill her dream of becoming a super hybrid of her heroes Kate Bush, Richard Mercer and John McClane.

Advertising rates Email us

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Style Melbourne http://stylemelbourne.com StyleMelbourne.com loves to be a backstage pass to share and discuss all things stylish, fashionable and Melbourne with locals and the world.

Author: Sarah Willcocks ([email protected])

Postal Address PO Box 779, Ringwood, VIC 3134

Contact phone number 0421 920 259

Unique Visitors 15,980 per month (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 32,294 per month (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://www.twitter.com/stylemelbourne - 1,167 followers

Personal Bio Sarah is a former editor, current freelance lifestyle journalist, who lets blogging take up far too much of her already non-existent “free” time…and loves it.

Blog achievements Providing the most extensive coverage of Melbourne Spring Fashion Week, L‟Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival and the Spring Racing Carnival Fashions on the Field

events available. Advertising rates Email us

Style on Track http://www.styleontrack.com Style on Track brings to its audience, the latest in Australian and overseas fashion news. This includes upcoming talent, photographers, stylists, designers, brands and creative talent. The focus of Style on Track is quality news and good graphics Author: Rachel Riddle ([email protected])

Postal Address 19/ 19 Crown Street, St Peters, NSW 2044

Contact phone number 0408 420 375

Unique Visitors 800 (average, Izea)

Page views 1,000 (average, Izea)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/rachelriddle - 330 followers

Personal Bio Born in Melbourne and living in Sydney, I have studied fashion design, fashion business, graphic design and music business and have worked for one of Sydney‟s most successful photographic production agencies The Artist Group.

Blog achievements Invited to write product reviews for The Grand Social. Writing an article about cerebral palsy, that got an amazing response and bought a lot of attention to that important cause

Advertising rates Email Us

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Young Machete Mafia http://www.courtneyawesome.com Started in early 08, caught the attention of The Grand Social, have been blogging and working for them since. A mind numbing url of opinions on fashion. High, low and mid range. Actual writing vs shitty pictures repeated from

other blogs. Less of the self gratuitous personal style shots and buy brags and over thought opinions on collections and other clap trap YMM is all about the people man, and preaching is for published print not the internet. word. Author: Courtney Awesome ([email protected])

Postal Address 321 Newcastle Road, Lambton, NSW 2299

Contact phone number 0402 769 207

Unique Visitors 1,313 (October 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 2,025 (October 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/courtneyawesome - 197 followers

Personal Bio I like Fashion and Jokes. 21, studies fashion, will write for food.

Blog achievements Have blogged from Swim Fashion Week, L‟Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival, Sydney Fashion Fest, Rosemount Fashion Week and other stuff.

Advertising rates Email Us

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Boy moments http://boymoments.blogspot.com Fashionable, menswear, womenswear, Artistic, Crazy, Musical, Photography, Food -stuff Author: Boy Moments ([email protected])

Unique Visitors 312 (approx. for October 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 1,168 (approx. for October 2009, Google Analytics)

Postal Address P.O Box 285, Cherrybrook, NSW

Contact phone number 0424 069 137

Twitter: http://twitter.com/boymoments - 68 followers

Personal Bio I am a fashionable, artistic, crazy, musical, who loves photography and food and is an aspiring designer from Sydney

Blog achievements Is on Academy For Men facebook “press”

Advertising rates Email us

Brookestyle, 365 http://brookestyle365.blogspot.com The process, the inspiration, the result – a 19-year-old Sydney girl’s 2009 resolution, improving her personal style. Author: Brooke Hart ([email protected]) Postal Address 60 Parklands Ave, Heathcote, NSW 2233

Contact phone number 0408 257 226

Unique Visitors 831 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 1,671 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/brooke_attack - 78 followers

Personal Bio Sydney-based journalism student and fashion obsessive.

Blog achievements Partial coverage of RAFW, blogger awards, contributing blogger to Word on the Street website.

Advertising rates N/A

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Fashion Hayley http://fashionhayley.com/ Fashion Hayley is a Melbourne chick who lived in Tokyo for a year styling and taking photos. Now she is back home taking photos for MelbourneStreetFashion.com and writing a daily fashion blog about her thoughts on

everything fashion. My blog is a visual diary of my styling work and inspiration. Author: Fashion Hayley ([email protected])

Postal Address 814/422 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic, 3000

Contact phone number 0416 515 336

Unique Visitors 14,800 (approx. Site Meter)

Page views 19,585 (approx. Site Meter)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/fashion_hayley - 699 followers

Personal Bio Fashion Hayley is a Melbourne chick who lived in Tokyo for a year.

Blog achievements Finalist in Sportgirl‟s Super Stylist competition and has been interviewed by The Age and Das Superpaper.

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Fashion Romance http://www.fashionromance.com/ Author: Amy Hungerford ([email protected])

Postal Address 41 Lee Steere Cres, Kambah, ACT 2902

Contact phone number 0431023657

Unique Visitors 150 per month (Nuffnang)

Page views 260 per month (Nuffnang)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/AmyHungerford - 251 followers

Personal Bio I‟m an aspiring fashion designer who is a total girly-girl and loves fashion.

Blog achievements N/A

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Flip & Style http://flipandstyle.blogspot.com The latest trends, stylish celebs and inspiration from your favourite magazines, including my own purchases and outfit photos.

Author: Vanessa Gollasch ([email protected])

Postal Address “Walma”, Wagga Road, Lockhart NSW 2656

Contact phone number 0417 461 636

Unique Visitors N/A

Page views 2,200 (September 2009, Google Adsense)

Twitter link N/A

Personal Bio 20 year old coffee addict who spends her days flipping through magazines, eating banana bread and watching The Hills.

Blog achievements N/A

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Lady Melbourne http:// www.ladymelbourne.com.au Author: Phoebe Montague ([email protected])

Postal Address PO BOX 12672, A'Beckett St, Melbourne, VIC 8006

Contact phone number Available on request.

Unique Visitors 40,712 (November 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 57,799 (November 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/ladymelbourne - 1,320 followers

Personal Bio Lady Melbourne hails from her namesake city but has travelled the world and lived in Sydney and London. With a background in fashion and journalism, she now focuses her time on the pages you are about to read as well as freelance writing assignments

Blog achievements Top 100 Australian Women Bloggers, Winner of Best Fashion Blog in the Nuff Nang Asia Pacific Blog awards 2009, Cover of Peppermint Magazine. Featured in: N.E.E.T magazine, Spanish Elle, MinMote.no, Foam Magazine, Fashion Journal, and Peppermint Magazine. Writes fashion commentary for thevine.com.au, Lady Melbourne TV, Ambassador for 'Frocktober' campaign that aims to raise money for Ovarian Cancer Research,

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Lady Sarah Jane http://www.ladysarahjane.com Author: SJ ([email protected])

Postal Address 18/20 Fitzgerald Street, Newtown, NSW 2042

Contact phone number 0405 294 520

Unique Visitors 2,300 (September 2009, Easycounter)

Page views 3,400 (September 2009, Easycounter)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/ladysarahjane - 439 followers

Personal Bio I work at MTV, I distribute fashion, I write for magazines and I have lots of sneakers and tattoos.

Blog achievements Paid/Seeded stories for two brands, mentioned twice on Mumbrella.com

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Mylookbook Blog http://fashionlookbook.blogspot.com/ An extension of the Mylookbook Online Fashion Magazine Author: Krista Eppelstun ([email protected]) Postal Address 76 Undara Ave, Buddina, QLD 4575

Contact phone number 0438 731 532

Unique Visitors 4,682 (October 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 7,299 (October 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/Mylookbook - 422 followers

Personal Bio Owner editor of online fashion magazine www.mylookbook.com.au and the Mylookbook Blog

Blog achievements Won Cleo Magazine‟s „Most Stylish‟ Blog in 2008

Advertising rates N/A

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Not So Naked http://notsonaked.blogspot.com Not So Naked is Adelaide’s most prominent source of information on fashion-related events and sales, as well as beautiful photography of personal style.

Author: Chanelle Leslie and Amanda Lim ([email protected])

Postal Address 25 Arcoona Ave, Rostrevor, SA 5073

Contact phone number 0430 299 500

Unique Visitors 2,025 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 6,669 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/notsonaked - 181 followers

Personal Bio A published journalism student and budding photographer, Chanelle Leslie is beginning to establish her career in media through Not So Naked and freelance writing. Amanda Lim is a final year engineering student who is passionate about fashion and a talented stylist.

Blog achievements Paid/Seeded stories for two brands, mentioned twice on Mumbrella.com

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Sea Of Ghosts http://www.seaofghosts.com Melbourne-based designer, online store owner, shopaholic and all-round internet geek blogging about style, fashion, inspiration, & the eternal struggle to dress one's self. Author: Alicia aka Miss Ghost ([email protected]) Postal Address P O Box 8040, East Oakleigh, VIC, 3166

Contact phone number Available on request.

Unique Visitors 7,652 (August 2009, Woopra Analytics)

Page views 9,423 (August 2009, Woopra Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/goaskalicia - 621 followers

Personal Bio Award winning designer for Drink Me, Alice jewellery (Best Accessory Designer – 2threads Australian Fashion Awards 2008) and owner of Alegorie.com.au Online Accessories Boutique.

Blog achievements N/A

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Through the Looking Glass http://t-t-l-g.blogspot.com A street style blog that covers fashion from all walks of life. Unlike most other local street style blogs, it concerns itself with a strong visual narrative and commentary – rather than adolescent faddishness.

Author: Giang Cao ([email protected])

Postal Address Available on request

Contact phone number 0402 719 088

Unique Visitors 15,218 (September 09, Google Analytics)

Page views 21,075 (September 09, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/giangc - 116 followers

Personal Bio t-t-l-g is helmed by Giang Cao, a constant hunter for inspiration and style maven – blogging is his full time occupation.

Blog achievements Official Melbourne GPO Style Spy/ Coverage in Australia FashionTrend Magazine

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W I D E A W A K E thoughts http://wideawakethoughts.wordpress.com W I D E A W A K E thoughts considers commentary on fashion marketing and luxury branding merged with subtle style anecdotes from the back of my mind. Author: Jessy Cameron ([email protected]) Postal Address Available on request. Blogger is based in QLD.

Contact phone number 0438 539 555

Unique Visitors N/A

Page views N/A

Twitter link http://twitter.com/wide_awake_vtg - 73 followers

Personal Bio A young professional interested in fashion marketing and retail branding.

Blog achievements N/A

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Diamonds & Whirls http://www.diamondsandwhirls.com Accessory eye candy for when the Brad Pitt lookalike from work isn’t around! Author: Carla Caruso ([email protected])

Postal Address PO Box 555, Surry Hills NSW 2010

Contact phone number 0408 970 034

Unique Visitors 500 (September 09, Sitemeter)

Page views 815 (September 09, Sitemeter)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/cliquemedia - 56 followers

Personal Bio I‟m a journalist and jewellery junkie and have reported on international jewellery trade shows in Italy.

Blog achievements Have had international support, such as being mentioned on Twitter and foreign sites, like India Wedding Net.

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Imelda, The Despotic Queen of Shoes http://www.imelda.com.au A satirical shoe blog written under the pseudonym Imelda, The Despotic Queen of Shoes.

Author: Matt Jordan ([email protected]) Postal Address Available on request

Contact phone number Available on request

Unique Visitors N/A

Page views N/A

Twitter link http://twitter.com/imeldamatt - 965 followers

Personal Bio Featured in the likes of L‟Express (France) and Grazia Australia, Imelda.com.au was also featured in a window display by Jean Brown entitled „Imeldarific‟.

Blog achievements N/A

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AUSstyle http://Ausstyle.blogspot.com Much to your disappointment, I am not a fast talking, witty teenager whose best friend is sarcasm but do I love to blab about fashion…amongst other things. Author: Adreamer ([email protected])

Postal Address 36 Campbell St, Epping, VIC 3076

Contact phone number 0434 191 680

Unique Visitors 2,395 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 6,300 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/emsydo - 66 followers

Personal Bio A girl who is often mistaken for a little boy despite her pretty dresses

Blog achievements Just a few small blogging awards among the blogging community.

Advertising rates [email protected]

Fashionising.com http://ww.fashionising.com Fashionising.com has steadily grown to become one of the most-read Australian fashion community. It has also successfully distinguished itself as one of the most trusted and key resources for fashion trends forecasting, read by the fashion industry and consumers alike. Author: Tania Braukamper ([email protected]) Postal Address GPO Box 4462, Melbourne, VIC, 3001

Contact phone number 0409 539 423

Unique Visitors 799,180 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 5,177,244 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/fashionising - 720 followers

Personal Bio As one of Fashionising.com's founders, Tania has been Editor of the publication since its inception; her main focus is on trends, designer profiles, reviews and events.

Blog achievements N/A

Advertising rates AU$35 CPM - Email us for more information

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Flair to Remember http://flairtoremember.blogspot.com A collection of thoughts, happy snaps + inspiration of a daydream believer / happiness junkie – a look through my eyes to hopefully inspire you too see the beauty in life + to keep your light shining bright…

Author: Nikki Hassett ([email protected])

Postal Address Avaliable on request. Blogger is based in QLD.

Contact phone number Avaliable on request.

Unique Visitors 3,616 per month (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 12,869 per month (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://www.twitter.com/nikkihassett - 113 followers

Personal Bio An eternal optimist, vintage lover, happiness sharer + go-getter - “She turned her cant‟s into cans & her dreams into plans”

Blog achievements Featured in an articles in: Cosmo Jan 09 „The Everyday Style Icon‟, Chictopia Style Icon (June 08 – first style icon on site), TeenVogue.com, Weardrobe, „Everybody is Ugly‟ blog and in 2009 Gold Coast Bulletin‟s 50 Best Dressed

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House of Turtle http://houseofturtle.com.au Obsessions of a fashionista and shop-a-holic Author: Melena Birtles ([email protected]) Postal Address Unit 6, 183 Auburn Road, Hawthorn, VIC 3122

Contact phone number 0412 144 598

Unique Visitors 1,001 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 5,864 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/houseofturtle - 1520 followers

Personal Bio Fashionista, shop-a-holic, blogger, writer, communications specialist, daughter, sister and friend

Blog achievements Growth rate for September 2009 hit 250%. Achieved through different strategies.

Blog only started in March 2009 Advertising rates Email us

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Individual Chic http://www.individualchic.com Author: Icy ([email protected])

Postal Address 1/6 Elwin St, Peakhurst, NSW 2210

Contact phone number 0409 455 976

Unique Visitors 2,598 per month (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 3,953 per month (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://www.twitter.com/individualchic - 115 followers

Personal Bio I'm an IT Sys Admin who blogs about personal style and fashion. I play computer games, read sci-fi, sew, cook and I'm a mother.

Blog achievements N/A

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Karen Cheng’s Snippets of Life http://www.karencheng.com.au Snippets of Life is about women's lifestyle, fashion and living a balanced and fulfilling life. It also covers topics on family, parenting, life, food, design and online shopping. Author: Karen Cheng ([email protected]) Postal Address Available on request. Blogger is based in WA.

Contact phone number 0413 315 848

Unique Visitors 158,322 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 233,935 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/karencheng - 1,687 followers

Personal Bio Karen Cheng has worked as an art director, web designer and graphic designer; she is now an international problogger and a mother of 3.

Blog achievements 1st in the “Top 50 Australian Women‟s Blogs” (Sept 08 - March 09) 13th in “Top 100 Australian Blogs” (Oct 2008) 12th in the “World‟s Top 20 Female Bloggers” Listed as one of the 50 Most Influential Female Bloggers. Featured on broadcast television, online and print publications all over the world, including Sydney Morning Herald, Channel 10, Notebook Mag, Singapore Women‟s Weekly, Simply Her Mag, The Straits Times, Today, HWM, DotNet Mag, SHIFT Mag.

Advertising rates Email us at [email protected] for more information

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Sassi Sam’s Girlie Gossip Files http://www.sassisamblog.com Sassi keeps you updated with all the gossip on all things fun, girlie and totally Sassi. She chats about all things Pop Culture, Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle, her favourite things, new products the online world is her oyster and a

girl can’t have too much excitement! Author: Sassi Sam ([email protected])

Postal Address PO Box 311, Coogee, NSW 2034

Contact phone number 0408 443 033

Unique Visitors 15,301 per month (November 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 20,538 per month (November 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://www.twitter.com/sassisam - 2,100 followers

Personal Bio Sam Winter, the creator of Sassi Sam, started Sassi Sam in 2006 and has focused on building her brand; she comes from a marketing and media background and is addicted to shopping and girlie pop culture.

Blog achievements N/A

Advertising rates Please visit http://www.sassisamblog.com/advertising/ for more information

Side Street, Sydney http://www.sidestreetsydney.com.au Sydney. It’s a city which simultaneously proves and contradicts itself. It is at once associated with beauty and electricity, frivolity and soul, going out and staying in. It is made up of its people and defined by its scenery, but the real Sydney exists in each and every side street. Side Street, Sydney is a blogazine dedicated to the fine city of Sydney and the competing passions of its people and its admirers. It is for the fashionista as much as it is for the social worker. The streets of Sydney aren’t divided up into categories, so why should a website dedicated to them be? There will be music, there will be fashion, and there will be writing. There will be profiles on people you should be thankful for and issues you should know about. There will be the life behind the buildings, the city within the people and the thoughts that eat up the streets. Author: Seema Duggal ([email protected]) Postal Address PO Box 331, Rose Bay, NSW 2029

Contact phone number 0405 921 443

Unique Visitors 2,000* (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 7,900* (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/sidestsydney - 306 followers

Personal Bio Ex journo and fashion publicist who got bored and decided to create a blog.

Blog achievements N/A

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* launch month

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Viva la Angelina http://viva-la-angelina.blogspot.com A blog thats only been around for three months, it has a strong following by the kids that I go to school with, and hopes to recruit more loving fans through iBlogFashion success.

Author: Angelina ([email protected]) Postal Address 4/19 Cusack Avenue, Casula, NSW

Contact phone number 0403 110 695

Unique Visitors N/A

Page views Approximately 40 a month (Blogspot)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/_ange_lina

Personal Bio I am a 17 year old student who also models part time and scrapbooks and knits in her spare time.

Blog achievements N/A

Advertising rates N/A

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Kimberley Foster Blogs for: Catwalk Queen: http://www.catwalkqueen.tv Shoewawa: British blog dedicated to all things shoes. http://www.shoewawa.com The Bag Lady: British accessories and handbag blog. http://www.thebaglady.tv Email: [email protected]

Postal Address 13 Royal Road, Bonbeach, VIC 3196

Contact phone number 0450 452 118

Unique Visitors Catwalk Queen: 222,104 (November 2009, Google Analytics) Shoewawa: 153,000 (September 2009, Google Analytics) The Bag Lady: 150,000 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views Catwalk Queen: 423,509 (November 2009, Google Analytics) Shoewawa: 282,000 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

The Bag Lady: 273,000 (September 2009, Google Analytics) Twitter link http://twitter.com/catwalkqueen - 3,629 followers

http://twitter.com/shoewawa - 423 followers http://twitter.com/TheBagLadytv - 272 followers

Personal Bio Blogging fashion on both sides of the world.

Blog achievements N/A

Advertising rates Refer to Aigua Media http://www.aiguamedia.com

melbourne girl http://melbgirl.onsugar.com/ Author: melbgirl ([email protected]) Postal Address PO Box 2202, Ringwood North, VIC 3134

Contact phone number 0430 670 478

Unique Visitors N/A

Page views Approx 2400, counter on site

Twitter link http://twitter.com/melbgirl - 1,036 followers

Personal Bio Melbourne girl (loves design, photography and all things fashion).

Blog achievements Blog lover award

Advertising rates N/A

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Whatever she said then I’m that http://buctopia.blogspot.com The history of fashion meets personal style.

Author: Rebecca ([email protected])

Postal Address 17 Christmas St, Northcote, VIC 3070

Contact phone number 0415 269 155

Unique Visitors 3,262 (Nuffnang stats)

Page views 4,397 (Nuffnang stats)

Twitter link N/A

Personal Bio Australian fashion blogger with an interest in historical fashion

Blog achievements Peer awards, guest blogs for style Melbourne and other freelance writing offers from various online media outlets

Advertising rates N/A

Wikifashion http://wikifashion.com Wikifashion is a place where the fashion community can compile images, videos and information about fashion, accessories and beauty. It has the same features as Wikipedia but with a lot more style. A type of fashion blog Wikifashion is a wiki created by those in the industry and fashion lovers. All images and pages are created or edited by our users, who are both designers and consumers. Author: MBee (Wikifashion username) ([email protected]) Postal Address PO Box 1877, Toowong DC, QLD 4066

Contact phone number 0405 376 702

Unique Visitors 9,882 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Page views 43,354 (September 2009, Google Analytics)

Twitter link http://twitter.com/Wikifashion - 417 followers

Personal Bio Founder of Wikifashion/Australian coordinator, I also create the featured articles and videos

Blog achievements Since our launch in July 2009, we have been featured in Brisbane MX newspaper, Paper magazine, Girl with a Satchel, My Look Book and galadarling.com

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