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What Is SEO?

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April, 2015 Jake Aull | Zen Fires Digital Marke6ng | 404.259.5550 | ZenFires.com | @jakeaull What is SEO…

April,  2015                      

Jake  Aull    |    Zen  Fires    Digital  Marke6ng    |    404.259.5550    |  ZenFires.com    |    @jakeaull    

What  is  SEO…    

[email protected]  

What  is  SEO…  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

•  SEO  (search  engine  op1miza1on)  is  “making  your  business  come  up  in  Google”  (&  other  search  engines  –  organically)  

     •  What  does  that  mean?  

 •  Consumers  are  looking  for  something  -­‐  they  need  

something  -­‐  a  solu6on  to  a  problem.      

•  How  do  they  aUempt  to  solve  it?  With  info  -­‐  by  going  to  Google  -­‐  or  Bing  -­‐  or  Yahoo.      

•  They  enter  their  search  terms  -­‐  their  ques6on  -­‐  their  problem.      

[email protected]  

Sample  SERP  (search  engine  results  page)    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

[email protected]  

What  is  SEO…  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

•  Web  users  enter  their  search  terms  -­‐  their  ques6on  -­‐  their  problem.      •  And  up  comes  the  SERP  (search  engine  results  page)  -­‐  lis6ngs  of  results  and  links  per  their  query.    •  The  “organic”  or  “SEO”  lis6ngs  are  the  majority  of  lis6ngs  on  the  page  -­‐  they  are  regular  lis6ngs  that  are  

not  ads  (ads  typically  are  separated  at  top,  boUom  and/or  side  -­‐  with  an  indicator  such  as  the  word  “Ad”  shown).  

Organic    (SEO)  lis6ngs  

PPC/digital  ads  

[email protected]  

What  is  SEO…  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

•  The  goal  here  is  to  get  consumers  to  see  and  click  on  lis6ngs  for  some  specific  ac6on  -­‐  a  company-­‐desired  landing  page,  promo6on  or  general  content.  (example  of  a  web  landing  page  below  –  such  as  from  an  ad  campaign)  

[email protected]  

What  is  SEO…  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

•  Going  deeper,  for  the  business  and/or  marketer,  the  SEO-­‐specific  goals  are:    •  To  communicate  with  search  engines  and  solve  errors  the  search  engines  find  on  websites  (these  

errors  happen  all  too  oden)    •  To  adapt  and  respond  to  search  engine  updates  (i.e.,  Google  Penguin,  Panda,  and  Hummingbird  

algorithm  updates)  •  To  iden6fy  the  keyword  phrases  that  prospects  and  customers  search  for    •  To  come  up  on  the  first  page  of  search  engines  for  many  of  those  keyword  searches  •  To  consume  more  SERP  “real  estate,”  with  a  variety  of  lis6ngs  for  same  keyword  searches  •  To  achieve  more  visible  lis6ngs  on  the  SERP,  such  as  local/maps  results  or  images,  or  with  rich  

content,  such  as  video  or  news  results  •  To  expand  the  brand’s  overall  digital  footprint,  for  brand  awareness  results    •  To  con6nually  grow  visitor  traffic  (such  as  first-­‐6me  visitors  coming  to  the  website)    •  To  iden6fy  and  capitalize  on  primary  traffic  drivers  to  the  website  (such  as  back  links  or  social  

media)  •  To  adapt  and  harness  new  content  (such  as  blog  posts),  with  op6miza6on,  for  ongoing  traffic  

growth  and  search  engine  results  (note  that  blog  posts  should  typically  be  on  your  own  website  -­‐  social  media  results  can  also  be  considered  “organic,”  but  they  represent  separate  tac6cal  effort  than  SEO).  

•  To  con6nually  monitor  website  analy6cs  for  all  above  results  (and  errors),  tweak,  improve  and  achieve  more  growth  in  posi6ve  results!    

[email protected]  

Sample  SERP  (search  engine  results  page),  with  maps  and  news  rich  content  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

Rich  content    news  lis6ngs  

Maps/local  results  lis6ngs  

[email protected]  

What  is  SEO…  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

•  Ul6mately  –  the  goal  is  to  connect  good  company  content  with  target  consumers  seeking  answers  -­‐  the  “answers”  are  the  right  match  of  company  services  for  consumer  problem-­‐solving.    

•  Some  of  the  biggest  contributors  I’ve  no6ced  to  SEO  results  include  a  high  amount  of  content  (such  as  pages  and/or  blog  posts),  and  longevity  of  domain  ownership  (less  controllable  -­‐  based  on  the  ques6on  of  how  long  have  you  owned  your  business  domain  name?).      

•  SEO  is  marke6ng.  It’s  website  coding.  It’s  copywri6ng.  It’s  all  of  the  above.  It’s  all  of  that  for  you  and  your  best  customers.      

•  So,  why  do  SEO  and/or  ads?  First  of  all,  which  lis6ngs  do  you,  as  an  individual  web  user,  which  lis6ngs  do  you  usually  click  on  from  the  SERP?  If  you  said  organic/SEO,  you’re  in  good  company  with  the  majority  of  web  users.  But  this  doesn’t  mean  there’s  no  role  for  search  engine  adver6sing.    

[email protected]  

Sample  SEO  Analy6cs  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

[email protected]  

What  is  PPC…  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

•  Digital  paid  ads  can  achieve  things  that  SEO  can’t,  such  as:  •  Let’s  say  you  are  a  startup  company  with  no  digital  presence  and  a  brand  new  website  -­‐  PPC  (pay-­‐

per-­‐click  adver6sing)  can  get  you  visibility  on  the  SERP  that  you  can’t  get  right  off  the  bat  with  SEO.      

•  Digital  adver6sing  is  a  good  way  to  achieve  more  visibility  (via  mul6ple  lis6ngs)  on  the  same  SERP  -­‐  incen6vizing  web  users  to  click  on  one  or  the  other  of  your  lis6ngs.    

•  Digital  adver6sing/PPC  is  a  good  way  to  “buy”  keyword  phrases  you  can’t  come  up  for  organically  no  maUer  how  hard  you  try  (e.g.,  “head”  keywords  such  as  “book”  or  “television”  -­‐  as  opposed  to  good  organic  niche/“long  tail”  keywords  such  as  “children’s  book  about  three-­‐legged  elephants”  or  “buy  used  American-­‐brand  60-­‐inch  HDTV  flat  screen  cheap”).  

•  Digital  adver6sing  is  a  good  way  to  target  highly  specific  web  users,  such  as  “men  in  Birmingham,  AL  between  40-­‐50  years  old.”    

•  Digital  adver6sing/PPC  is  also  great  at  demonstra6ng  highly  specific  analy6cs  (such  as  the  above  for  website  clicks)  

•  And  digital  adver6sing  is  great  for  “immediate  gra6fica6on;”  while  SEO  is  more  of  a  long-­‐term  benefit,  PPC  starts  and  stops  the  minute  you  start  and  stop  paying  for  it.    

[email protected]  

“Head”  or  “Short-­‐tail”  keyword  phrases  in  PPC  adver6sing  (“television”)  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

PPC/digital  ads  

PPC/digital  ads  

[email protected]  

Google  AdWords  Adver6sing  Campaign  Setup  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

[email protected]  

Google  Keyword  Research  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

[email protected]  

Local  SEO/directory  search  channel  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

[email protected]  

Search  Analy6cs,  Trending  and  Alterna6ve  Search  Engines  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  


[email protected]  

Analy6cs  Showing  Social  Media-­‐Driven  Traffic  to  Website  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  


Facebook,  TwiUer,  and  LinkedIn  are  successfully  driving  traffic  to  the  website.    

Thank  You!                  

Jake  Aull    |    Zen  Fires    Digital  Marke6ng    |    GSU  Social  Media  Marke6ng  Instructor  404.259.5550    |  ZenFires.com    |    @jakeaull    
