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What is the “Money Matrix”? - A personal growth and ... · What is the “Money Matrix”? ......

Date post: 11-Jun-2018
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Paul Bauer: I bid you a warm welcome tonight. In Hawaiian, the words are “E komo Mai”, which means “welcome from the heart”. My name is Paul Bauer and what we’re going to be doing tonight is talking about how we break free from this “Money Matrix”. I’ll define what the “Money Matrix” is. You’ll need your study guide to follow along, because we’re going to be going at a pretty quick pace going through some pretty powerful concepts. This is not just basic stuff here. These are advanced concepts in the sense of the way that the world has been living thus far. And what I mean by thus far is typically from the mind, rather than the heart. And we’ll go into specifics in each section of the study guide, so you’ve got something to follow along there. So, if you don’t have it already, make sure that you’ve got that and we’ll start tuning in. First thing what I’d like to do is have a moment of silence for the people that are suffering or have passed down in Haiti. So, if we can just close our eyes, tune in, and let’s just have a moment of silence. Send your prayer from your heart. Knowing that in some small way as you do that, you’re sending peace, you’re sending Mana, Chi, in that direction. You can do that with many different intents. In other words, it’s not just sending the physical means of helping people there. It’s also the energetic means, which helps the workers that are helping those people that just arriving on the island and also the people that are suffering there. And also the people that are about to assist in this terrible time that they’re going through right now. So, it’s a time when we’re all being called to pay attention to what’s going on on our planet. So, it’s not some kind of a curse, you know. There are certain people that are misinterpreting the event. The Earth is growing. Mother Earth, she has a pulse. She has a breath pattern and this is what happens, so we won’t over interpret the event. What we’re going to do is just be in the flow. What is the “Money Matrix”? If there’s anything that has afflicted man kind over centuries, it is, what I call the “Money Matrix”. Essentially, the “Money Matrix” is the accumulated belief systems of dozens of cultures across thousands of years that has one central premise. “There’s not enough.“ Now, no one questions this belief system, so it keeps being perpetuated century after century, down through systems. This belief has gone in question for so long, millions of people, good natured people, have fallen into the trap of associating their inner worth with how much money or possessions or material stuff that they have.

Paul Bauer: I bid you a warm welcome tonight. In Hawaiian, the words are “E komo Mai”, which means “welcome from the heart”. My name is Paul Bauer and what we’re going to be doing tonight is talking about how we break free from this “Money Matrix”. I’ll define what the “Money Matrix” is. You’ll need your study guide to follow along, because we’re going to be going at a pretty quick pace going through some pretty powerful concepts. This is not just basic stuff here. These are advanced concepts in the sense of the way that the world has been living thus far. And what I mean by thus far is typically from the mind, rather than the heart. And we’ll go into specifics in each section of the study guide, so you’ve got something to follow along there. So, if you don’t have it already, make sure that you’ve got that and we’ll start tuning in. First thing what I’d like to do is have a moment of silence for the people that are suffering or have passed down in Haiti. So, if we can just close our eyes, tune in, and let’s just have a moment of silence. Send your prayer from your heart. Knowing that in some small way as you do that, you’re sending peace, you’re sending Mana, Chi, in that direction. You can do that with many different intents. In other words, it’s not just sending the physical means of helping people there. It’s also the energetic means, which helps the workers that are helping those people that just arriving on the island and also the people that are suffering there. And also the people that are about to assist in this terrible time that they’re going through right now. So, it’s a time when we’re all being called to pay attention to what’s going on on our planet. So, it’s not some kind of a curse, you know. There are certain people that are misinterpreting the event. The Earth is growing. Mother Earth, she has a pulse. She has a breath pattern and this is what happens, so we won’t over interpret the event. What we’re going to do is just be in the flow.

What is the “Money Matrix”? If there’s anything that has afflicted man kind over centuries, it is, what I call the “Money Matrix”. Essentially, the “Money Matrix” is the accumulated belief systems of dozens of cultures across thousands of years that has one central premise. “There’s not enough.“ Now, no one questions this belief system, so it keeps being perpetuated century after century, down through systems. This belief has gone in question for so long, millions of people, good natured people, have fallen into the trap of associating their inner worth with how much money or possessions or material stuff that they have.

Now, right from the get go, because I’ve had this question from a lot of people, this is not just about money. Money is only the symptom. We have made an unconscious agreement that our money equals something important to us. And for many of us, it means something that equals who we are. In other words, we created identities out of this “Money Matrix”. Never questioning where it came from or is it even there, you know? Is it even happening in the background? So, as we go through this really incredible call at a beautiful time of year – the Mercury retrograde is just ending right now. The full moon was just a couple nights ago. The energies are really opening up in the cosmos. This is a perfect time to time tune in and examine some of the belief systems that we’ve been holding for this long, primarily, unconsciously.

The Scarcity Meme So, let’s define the word meme first. A meme is a culturally accepted belief across large amounts of people. It’s like a gene within your chromosomes. In this case, though, it would be like amongst all your chromosomes throughout your body. The scarcity meme, in other words, the unconsciously hell belief across scores of people, hundreds of millions, is there’s not enough. So, since we don’t question it, it just keeps on being repressed and being buried further and further and further in our dark recesses of our unconscious mind. And by buried, I don’t mean just slightly under the surface, I mean so deep that you could work with the best therapist in the world and seldom can they find it. It goes in such a dark place that you can’t even see it in the darkness, because it’s so dark. So, there’s many ways that it’s been perpetuated and we’ll go into that. But our self worth has been primarily determined on this amount of stuff that we have in our life and money is one of those things. We use it almost as a currency to check in on how good we’re doing in life, you know? Like you can kinda tune in on your own life and ask yourself “how often do I check my stocks, my bank balance, or the check that I get?”

What if my money doesn’t determine who I am? How often do I talk about it? How often do I think about it? Now, that’s not to make you feel bad or to create anymore burden. There’s been plenty enough up ‘til now. It’s a way to help free yourself, to help notice the thoughts that are going on within you. To notice that maybe in this moment, you are carrying across the abyss in a way that you’ve never considered before, that what if my money doesn’t determine who I am? What if my bank balance or the amount of money I make in my career or the amount of things, and you can define things by any number of ways, and this is the additional way that we can define the scarcity meme is beyond stuff, it could be the amount of love that

you have or don’t have. It could be the kind of feelings you wish you had. “I don’t feel confident enough”. “I don’t feel secure enough”. Those are invisible things, aren’t they? Not something you could count with a measurement. And yet it’s all part of this “Money Matrix” because in order for the “Money Matrix” to be held consistent and for it to be real, we have to keep giving our power away into it. We have to keep capitulating. In other words, to say, “that’s just the way it is” and to not wake up and say, “Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What’s going on here?” This has been going on through all of my adult life and then if I look at my parents, what happened there? Hmm. Wait a minute…” So, I’ll digress just for a moment, little bit of my background. If you haven’t heard us, if you haven’t heard me speak before or my partner, Susan Castle, who will join us after the hour mark. We’re going to talk a little more in detail about Heart Consciousness. My background is I was like the “fair-haired boy”. I was doing pretty good in life. I wasn’t born in one of those real rich families, kind of like lower middle class, middle class. I did okay, though. And I was on a pretty good trajectory. I graduated Marquette University and it looked like things were going to go pretty well for me although I had feelings of uncertainty big time. I graduated in a similar recession back in 1980 and there really weren’t many jobs to be had, so I took a really low paying job and I really didn’t like it very much.

I‘m mad as ______ and “I’m not going to take it anymore.” But still I was still looked at as the fair-haired boy, like the All-American boy. Well, didn’t take very long for the fall to happen to me. It happened about five, six years later. Everything happened that could have gone wrong – everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. The money was as low as it could be. A lady that I was engaged to be married to just broke up with me fell swoop, just out of nowhere. And my dog that I had had since high school was killed. And all of the stresses that can happen in your life were happening at that time to me. So, it broke the mold for me. And I remember back in 1986 sitting in my living room, downtown Chicago, and saying “I don’t want to live like this anymore”. And there’s a lot of power when you say a phrase like that. It’s almost like the actor Peter Finch in the movie “Network” when he screams out the window, “I’m mad as hell” and if you’ve seen the movie, you know how the rest goes. “I’m not going to take it anymore.” And if you do that just by yourself, it’s pretty powerful, because you gain your power back when you say something like that to yourself. But if we start gathering in numbers, and I don’t mean just against the banking system, that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about standing for something, not standing against something, alright?

Because you could get all caught up with the “robber barons” and “they’ve done it to us”, but that’s victim mentality. I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t really float my boat. That doesn’t make me feel good. See, let’s take away these huge compensation packages from the robber barons. You know what? Let them do what they’re doing. They’ve got karma to deal with. Let’s create a whole new model.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something build a new model that makes

the existing model obsolete.” - Buckminster Fuller

So, I said to myself back in 1986, “this isn’t working for me. I’ve gotta change. I’m not going to blame it on anybody anymore. I’m not going to blame it on my boss who laid me off. I’m not going to blame it on the person who killed my dog. I’m not going to take it out on the lady that broke up with me”.

”Self –Reflectivity” I said, “if something is telling me, it’s me. It’s me and the belief systems I’ve been carrying around.” And from that point forward, I began to do self-introspection. In psychological terms, they call it self-reflectivity. When you can reflect upon yourself, look inside and say, “Hmm. What’s going on inside of me? Hmm”. At that point, that’s when things begin to shift because you can become aware, not of just your thoughts, but much deeper into your feelings. What feelings am I having about this, because that’s what makes it real for you. Not just the thoughts. Thoughts are really kind of like low vibration in comparison to your feelings. If you’ve got vibes about something, whether it be good or bad, they’re very powerful and they’re palpable.

”There’s got to be a simpler way…” So, the vibes I was having at that time was there’s got to be a simpler way, and that’s been almost like a credo, you know, like a maxim or a mantra in my life. I know there’s a simpler way. That is the spirit that’s woven through our call tonight. Anything that you hear us do has that seed planted in it. There’s a simpler way. It’s a higher vibrational way. It’s a way that the mind may not at first understand, but as time goes on, you can be okay with letting go of the mind and let your heart speak, even if your mind doesn’t

know how. And that’s what started happening for me. And I didn’t know how to let my heart speak by then, at least not in the way that I know now.

The Law of Attraction Myth But all of us have this opportunity right now to step out of this “Money Matrix”, you know. In other words, the scarcity meme of there’s “not enough” and stop having our self worth being determined by external material objects. I’m not into law of attraction. If you’ve been on our calls before, you know that. I make no qualms about that. Law of attraction is a man made belief, by the way, and if you subscribe to it, I respect you for that. When you inquire a little deeper, when you go to your Source, and you, at one moment, in one instant, realize that you are your Source, no one and no thing outside of you determines that. Not for an instant do you need to attract anything, because you are the Source. So, the whole game, even the new age game, is still falling prey to this belief system of “I have to look outside of me to get something”. “If I don’t have it, I must attract it”. No, you don’t. That’s still part of the old model, the old paradigm. You’re here on this call tonight to hear something refreshing, something that comes from higher than me and higher than your conscious mind. Something’s coming through us tonight on our call. It’s something that is profoundly powerful. It is to help you remember that you are Source, that you need not attract something. All you need to do is remember that you can have it flow through you and remember to gift it on to other people in your life in whatever way that means. And you’ll have more than plenty by doing that.

Why isn’t money the answer? So, why isn’t money the answer? Because money, by itself, can’t solve problems. We can throw all the money at things, like Haiti tonight, and it’s not going to solve the problem. We have to help build the infrastructure there. Yes, it does take money for the infrastructure itself, but it’s not going to teach the people there how to rebuild what’s going on within them. Any place you see in our world that has been oppressed or is other than, let’s call it peaceful, it happening because the people have agreed to give up their power. Maybe they’re not even aware that they have it, but that’s what is maybe part of our responsibility is to help them re-find that responsibility. The ability to respond is the definition of that word. It may seem difficult. It may seem daunting at first, but the best thing you can do is what we did at the beginning of the call tonight. You tune in and you make peace with whatever feelings are going on inside of you. So, if your mind keeps playing the game that there’s not enough, go to the feeling underneath that and tune in and do what I call

Re-sourcing. In other words, make peace with those feelings because if you don’t, it’s going to keep haunting you. It’s going to keep resurfacing. It’s going to come back in many, many different ways until you finally pay attention to it.

II. How did the Money Matrix get created?

”The Primal Split” How did this “Money Matrix” ever come about? You’ll see the phrase there called the primal split. Before we got to this planet and to this earthly vessel called your body, you made a decision that’s solo and that decision was you’re going to have a wonderful ride, like on a roller coaster. If you can picture a roller coast, it has it’s highs and it has it’s lows. That’s what makes it really cool. It makes it exciting. It makes it more stimulating. You’ve got the highs to kind of go wow and you got the lows to almost take your gut out they’re so low. But each of those as their points because they’re high powered points, if you will, you know? They help realize, they help you realize that you’re alive in those moments, more alive than maybe you’ve ever been before, including the depths, the depths of your despair, the depths of your depression, the depths of whatever the fears that you may feel in your life, but they don’t last for long unless you push them away. It’s the only way they can continue. So, the primal split is the moment that we decided that we’re going to come down to this earthly plane, we left the void, the oneness. There was no dualistic stuff. It just was. It just existed. You just existed in pure potentiality. The primal split is that in the moment that you were conceived that you fell, so to speak, down into a human body. You fell from grace down into this dualistic thing we’ve got here of rich and poor and enough, not enough and light and dark and all the other polarities that we either suffer with or we can transcend, and then finally integrate. That’s a choice. So, this primal split, in some cases, determines the amount of suffering that you’ll have in your lifetime by the decision you made when you first came here. The awakening that’s happening in all of us is an invitation to remember what did I say to myself when I got here. Why did I come here? What’s my mission? What was my decision when I first said I’m going to be here to do x? And the further away that you are from that, the more pain you’ll feel. In other words, your purpose for being here on this planet. Now, what causes the further sense of that primal split, in other words, the split from your source, the split from the real you, is what I call the polarized mind. In other words, the mind that thinks that it’s got to accomplish something. Otherwise, it won’t feel accomplished. The part that feels that there isn’t enough and it’s got to create more and more and more until finally you realize that no matter how hard you try, that there’s still not enough. That sounds like a blanket statement. What I mean is that you get the fulfillment that the things that you requested after, whether it be love or money or some

more esteem or recognition in your job or whatever it might be that you quest for, that you long for. Once you’ve gotten it, do you feel satisfied? Do you feel fulfilled is the deeper question? Because if you don’t, you know that the mind that created it was polarized in that moment. It doesn’t mean it’s good or bad. It’s not a judgment of any kind. We all have times during our days of the polarized mind. Times when things just aren’t working, you know? It’s just not happening. And so, the mind wants to stay in and kind of like rescue us. So, by stepping in, what I mean is it says maybe we should try this idea. Maybe we should jump on to that next strategy, that next thing to do. Maybe I can get more love if I play this little game. Maybe I can get more confidence by boosting my – and then you fill in the blank. The problem with that is unless you’re really working with your feelings, it’s done from the mind. The heart doesn’t have a chance to really speak and give you the wisdom that you already have on the inside. In other words, you don’t have to seek on the outside what you really want. It’s there. It’s been there the whole time. It’s going to be there for the rest of your life. So, it’s a choice. So, there’s two emotions that keep this whole thing going and, on your study guide, you can write them down right now. The two emotions – desire and fear. That’s the only thing that can keep this game going. The more you desire something, it keeps you on that hamster wheel. It keeps you chasing things. And then fear, that fear of not enough, that fear of it’s not coming, that fear of it may never get here, it gets you desiring and it’s like a vicious cycle. It just keeps chasing it’s own tail. That’s the only way that you can get stuck in the “Money Matrix”, the scarcity meme. It’s the only way it can be perpetuated is that you stay in fear at some level. Now, let’s say that you’ve done your work. You’ve tapping. Let’s say you’ve unconscious work. Let’s say that you’ve done releasing. All the different forms, but you still don’t have what you want or you still don’t feel what you want. I’ll ask you this one question. Can you be okay with that? It’s okay if the answer is no because at least you’re being honest with yourself. I’ve had many different occasions in my life that I had the stuff, but I didn’t feel fulfilled. The reason why typically was because I wasn’t doing what I was brought here to do. You can’t be feeling without when you’re tuning within. You can’t feel like you’re separate from something when you’re connecting to someone in this world. When you’re doing what you were brought here to do, from your heart, the Hawaiians call it puuwai. You can spell that on your paper if you want. P-U-U-W-A-I. The puuwai is the heart. Now, as we get deeper into the heart, there’s a much deeper sense of it then just talking about the physical organ, by the way. Many of you know that that have been on our calls before. That deeper sense is that’s what we’re really longing for. We’re longing to come home, back to who we really are, and there’s nothing on the outside that could do that for you. There’s no amount of possessions, there’s no amount of love from someone who can even look into your eyes that can do that for you. It’s still an internal feeling and a decision to allow that to be filled.

So, if you long for you love in your life and you don’t have it, it’s because there’s a part of you that you won’t embrace yet and that’s okay. Your ability to step back and tune into whatever fear, whatever part of you is fearing being loved at that level unconditionally, that will free you in ways that you’ve never imagined. The next phrase – intense pain often precedes a great breakthrough. The greatest falls have preceded the greatest growths in our society. And you can look at any of the people you look up to that you admire and one of the reasons that you admire them might be because you notice that they’re real. You notice that they’ve been through the gristmill. They’ve walked the rough part of the street and now they’re on the good side, but they appreciate they had walked that rough side at all. In fact, it helped define who they were. On of our good friends, Keahi from Hawaii, who you’ll hear about at the end of this call, maybe some of you have heard of him on some of our calls before. He says it this way. Opposition is what makes us grow. In other words, whatever that thing you feel opposes you, some thing that you’re fearful of, stuff that you can’t get enough of, whatever it is that you feel is stressing you, is actually trying to get you to grow. The moment you let go, it will help you grow in ways beyond what your mind could imagine. And that, you can write down. You can bet on that. So, why does this pain keep going and going and going? Well, we’ve got some skin in the game. Unless something really, really intense happens in our life, sometimes we don’t pay attention. So, where you see the little phrase there, why? Why we keep doing this stuff, even though it’s painful, in some cases, it gets more painful, because it gets you attention. So, you can write that there. It gets your attention, wakes you up. How else would we know that there’s something outside of our consciousness unless it would either A) be pure and be given to us, but sometimes we’re not ready for that or B) this is the way that most of us in humanity choose is it’s got to be intensely painful. And after a while, not so intensely painful. And a little while after that, just minor pain. All along the way, you tuned in and you trusted your feelings. The more you do, the less pain you have, the more true you are to you as a source. Some people occasionally say, “Paul, I can’t believe what you’re believing that I am Creator, that I am God, I am source”. Well, you don’t have to. That’s your choice. We’re not talking about belief systems here. In fact, this is beyond belief systems. It’s not dogmatic in any way. It’s stuff that you know deep on the inside. No one can ever teach you something that you already know on the inside. It’s just a bunch of facts and babble, you know? It’s just going to go in one year and out the other, just like Charlie Brown when you hear an adult speak on Charlie Brown in the cartoon. It sounds like wa wa wa wa. You’ll forget most of this stuff, but the stuff that you may remember is somewhere deep inside me, there is a beacon. And when I feel that beacon, sometimes it’s painful. The only way it’s painful is if I push it away and I resist it. When I feel that beacon and I act upon it, and I move in the direction that it’s guiding me, it brings you peace. In fact, it brings you Mana. In other words, energy and you feel enlivened. Like when I get on these calls, my energy just shoots up. I don’t even have to think. It just kind of moves

with me. I’m doing what I’m supposed to do in this world, you know? So, you don’t have to have these intense lessons to keep you tuned in. You can go right to your source. Maybe not the easiest thing for the mind, but we’ll work with that.

The Great Deception What is the great deception, first of all? It’s this funny little agreement that we made from a very young age that things like money were going to define us. And, as I mentioned earlier, we’re not going to talk about conspiracy theories here, because that doesn’t serve anybody. Although remotely, some interesting folks in this world have decided that they’re going to play a little game and they’re going to create a little credit system, and a little banking system and a little other tricks and techniques, including your mortgage. The root word, by the way, of mortgage is it’s a death agreement. Mort equals death and “gage” is an agreement. It’s a death agreement and there it is. It’s hiding in plain sight. So, that’s kind of the great deception. We can go into much greater detail about that if you ever want to, but suffice it to say that the great deception is that we allow the wool to be pulled over our eyes when we decided to get into this desire and fear debacle. This little bouncing back and forth between I’ve got to go to work, because if I don’t, I can’t have enough money to then get the stuff. And if I don’t get enough stuff, I won’t feel full or my kids won’t and then after a while, it’s just too late almost, because the pattern becomes engrained. The moment it became engrained is when you decided that you were going to step into this matrix and, believe it or not, it was a choice that you made, but you probably forgot when you made it and how you made it. So, how did we miss the mark? Somewhere along the way, we noticed that other people were getting what they wanted and we started adopting their strategies instead of our own. In other words, that we followed somebody else’s creed instead of tuning into the one that was planted inside of us by, not some outside from, but us before we got here. Remember that primal split? That’s what I’m referring to. The only way you can feel split is that you don’t move in accordance to your soul’s purpose. Then you start doing stuff based on the design of other people working for them, doing things that you really don’t want to do. Following the guidelines and the dogmas of other people in their systems, whatever system that might be. That’s how we missed the mark. That’s the real meaning of sin is just missing the mark without any religious connotations to it whatsoever, no dogma. That’s all the word really means is to miss the mark.

Why do we give it so much power? Why do we give this money game and the not enough effect, which we’ll talk about more, so much power? At some level, because we forget that, in the moment, that’s when we make our decisions. We forget that the mind isn’t in control. In other words, the opposite of that is we actually believe that the mind is in control and our identities are based on the mind. That whatever I see, must be true. Whatever is happening in my life must be true, including, let’s say if some of you are in the midst of foreclosure or losing your business, or whatever it might be, I’ve been through each of those before, but didn’t fall into the crevice. I stepped back and out of it and I asked for help and I got help. And I mean more than just one phone call, you know? I dug way deeper than I thought I had to and by doing so, money issues don’t happen in my life today. And I feel humbly grateful for that, because I saw my father suffer with that. I listened to stories of how my grandfather killed himself during the Great Depression. Now, you don’t have to learn those directly to learn from them. I heard those stories and went, “Wow. You mean people would suffer with money that much that they would take their own life and it would be carried down to another generation?” So, in this lifetime, it’s my kuleana. It’s a Hawaiian word that means your responsibility to help make this right, to help make it Pono. In other words, to help balance out this darkness that we’ve allowed to happen when we give away our power to this “Money Matrix”. And the reason why we give it so much power is because we believe that it’s our truth. We don’t let the truth come through us. It’s not a frequent understanding. We doubt the truth that comes through us. We doubt that there’s a simpler way. We doubt that there is a different way for us to maybe make a living or to allow love into our life or to have radiant health or to have the kind of inner peace that we long for. Therefore, we think we’ve got to follow someone else’s model. Now, it’s okay to ask for help, but what I mean is that if you are thinking that they’ve got it better than you do, right there is who you capitulate, who you give up your power. The only reason we would do that is because we don’t believe in our true selves on the inside. And at some level, it makes us feel better by saying I just don’t want to pay attention to this. It’s too painful. And the same old cycle goes over and over again and you actually strengthen the old cycle by doing that. So, why did we hide that source? In other words, our connection to the all. It’s a myth that there’s not enough and we know that. If you look in our natural world, there’s more than plenty. There’s some things that you could not doubt for one second. Is there enough air? Obviously, there’s more than enough. Is there enough water in our planet? Yes. Are there enough natural resources? The answer is yes. I’m not talking about wasting them. I’m talking about using them

properly. We have enough food on this planet to feed every human being. The question is getting the food to people and helping them empower themselves, though, not just giving it to them. You’ve got to teach people how to fish; you can’t just give them the fish, because it actually disables them. And the best foundations of the world have learned this, so they’re turning the tide. The only way we can perpetuate the myth that we don’t have this connection is by keep giving it away and expecting for our bail out. I use bail out as a metaphor. In other words, you expect someone else to give you something that will bring you your connection again, whether it be money or love or recognition, some of the things that we’ve talked about.

Why We hid the Source It’s really the same title, is it not? We have a little, what they call Manahune. So, on top of page two, how we keep the myth alive. If we look at our school systems, our government, our political systems, our own families, most certainly our religions and definitely the media, you’ll notice that you’ll hear these little things that are said on TV shows and news programs and in the common fabric of society that’s based on not enough. The current bail outs that are going on across the world from the governments are not going to solve the problem and you know that. In fact, it may worsen the problem, because the money may flow into the wrong areas. If I were to give you money for something right now if you need money, I actually will disable you. It will prevent you from growing. But if I help you find the means within yourself to create it, from the moment that you make the decision to create, you are now the fisher instead of the person that’s being given the fish. And that’s the gift that I kind of found within me. I don’t borrow money anymore like I used to in the early stage of my life. I stopped debting, so I don’t owe any money. And what the does for you on the inside, if you’re having a debt issue right now by the way, you just made an agreement up to the point in this stage of your life that it served you. You can make the decision that not just trying to pare down your debt, but why do I debt? Why do need to get more money from somebody else when I could actually create it for myself if I just dug a little deeper? You may not find the answer right away. The answer is hidden a little bit deeper for each of us. Some, it may take months to find it, and I’ll be really honest with you. The course that we’re going to each called Breaking Free: The “Money Matrix”, you may not find it right away. But what I will promise you is we’re going to be there for you and I’ll tell you in great detail what I mean towards the end of the call. I don’t mean just the course itself, including if you can’t afford the course, we’re going to show you a way that you can tune into the network and I’ll go into more detail on what I mean. And get help.

And actually be able to work from pulling up your own boot straps, like my dad taught me when I was young, that you actually find your own power again and it’s incredibly, incredibly liberating.

Where the Power Hides It hides in our careers, our finances, and you read down the list there – our feelings or lack of confidence, our relationships, even in time, when we say I don’t have enough time. Why don’t I meditate in the morning? I don’t have enough – you don’t say you don’t have enough money to meditate. You typically say I don’t have enough time. Why don’t I take time for me during the day? Because I don’t have enough time? Time’s an illusion. Just like money is and yet we give it so much power. In those moments, we say we don’t have enough time, we’re actually self-rejecting. We’re actually repressing and suppressing the feelings that want to be freed. That’s where you’re going to find what you really want. The stuff, whatever “stuff” means in your life, the love, the security, your 401K account getting back up to where it was or just starting it up right now, or the retirement account being where you want it to be. It’s going to happen when you start paying attention to the inside in a way that you never had before and I mean never. In a way that not just you individually, but us collectively, that the meme is going to shift from the scarcity meme to one of abundance.

The “Treasure Map” So, there’s this thing called a treasure map. And what I mean by treasure map is it’s a place where we hide our power. So, picture the treasure map that you’ve seen in your life. You know, the kind that have that parchment on them. You may remember the stories of Robinson Caruso that the character was given a treasure map. And on that map are these red Xs and normally what we’re thinking of is somewhere at the end of that set of little red Xs, there’s another spot, there’s another one, there’s another one and there’s the gold. There’s the treasure. What I mean by treasure map is behind what looks to be gold is actually a sign. You get real close to that door and you’re going to notice something. The closer you get to it, suddenly you’re going to start feeling something. And then you’re going to start seeing the sign. It’s going to be somewhat familiar and it’s going to say “fear”, “job”, “money”, “depression”, “rejection”, and you’re going to run. At least that’s the first impulse, but the real treasure is you stay true to your feelings. You start feeling those feelings and breathe into them. And you have the courage to go open one of those doors, you will meet with an unbelievable amount of energy that gets opened up and you will have the very thing you want because you did that. I don’t mean in that instant, but I mean deeper than the thing that’s material.

You won’t be seduced by the material any longer, at least in respect to that part of your life. So, let’s just go over that one more time. The reason why you have pain is because you won’t go to that door and open it. What’s on that treasure map is what you set up for yourself in that previous life, before you got here. Before you got to this planet, you said I’m going to have an interesting time. Where can I hide all this power? There it is on the treasure map. You may not be able to notice where those are all the time, but the closer you get to those doors, the most intense your feelings are. The worse you feel, the greater the gift. Write that down. The worse I feel equals the greater gift, because those intense feelings are deep incredible vein of Mana, of chi, of deep energy that will resource you, that will bring you back to your core better than any technique, better than any material possession can ever do for you including someone to say I love you from the outside. Because none of that can equal the self-love that you give to yourself. That’s the treasure map. You’ve planted your seeds of energy, the seeds of your pain, along a path that you said that on those little spots, I won’t go there. But when I actually make the choice and I wake up, when I do go there, I’ll reclaim my power. I’ll feel better than I have in years, decades, maybe my entire adult life.

The Unquestioned Myth A myth is something that isn’t true. It’s something that is told, like a story, over and over and over again. And if you don’t question a myth, what happens? It becomes fact. So, some of the facts that are rumbling around in our society right now is that there’s a world wide recession. Some people are thinking it’s almost like a near depression. That hasn’t happened yet. “I haven’t gotten what I wanted yet. It looks like it’s not going to happen.” The myths that support that, the foundational myths, are ones that people don’t question. In other words, that the economy is necessary to be good in order for us to feel good, which is patently false. You can be free of those things going on outside. You decouple from it. You detach from it. How do you do that? You find the ways that you Re-Source yourself, meditation, breathing, yoga, tai chi, chigong, taking a walk in nature. “Now, c’mon, Paul, I’m talking about serious practical stuff. I need money and I’m stuck.” Take a nice deep breath if that’s what you’re thinking and say thank you to your mind because that language is mind language. It’s fear based. As long as you entertain those thoughts, that will be your realty. And believe me, I understand that. I remember the days when I was there. I was reading books like “Think and Grow Rich” and I didn’t get it. I used to keep thinking there’s got to be some simple little “fix it”, you know. One more little fix-it and everything will get okay. Little did I know it was right there staring me in the face.

It was me on the inside that I didn’t want to get in touch with. It was too painful. Remember, that pain is trying to guide you.

The Stronger the pain, the stronger the breakthrough And the intensity of that pain, the stronger it is, the stronger the breakthrough. It’s a gift and it’s of profound proportions. The “Unquestioned Myth” keeps going and going and going. “If I keep thinking this myth, I’m going to keep having this in my life. But if I start questioning it – write that down in your study guide. The moment I begin to question is this even real – let’s say that I don’t have money today. Let’s say that I don’t have the amount that I want, which is usually the case.” It’s not that you don’t have any. It’s that your mind isn’t getting the amount that it wants. Go underneath that. Take a deep breath and notice the urge that you have underneath that. For most of us, it’s an uncomfortable feeling. Go a little deeper now. Tune into it. Yeah, it’s an uncomfortable feeling. What’s under the uncomfort? Hmm. Oh, that’s a strong feeling. Wow. Then go a little deeper than that and keep tuning in. Keep breathing. And I mean deep breaths and after a while, you’re going to come back to your source if it’s only little instants at a time. It may only be like a second at first. The next time you practice it, it’s going to be about three or four seconds. After that, it’s going to get to be about 30 seconds or so and you’re going to have some peace despite the fact that your mind and it’s projection screen says, “Yeah, but look at the bank account. Yeah, but no one loves me. Yeah, but look over there. I still have to do all these things in my life.” That’s okay. You say thank you to your mind and you slow it down. You make peace with it. Don’t fight it. It’s not going to work. Kind of like Darth Vader used to say, “Resistance it pointless. It’s futile.” Let go. It’s not going to overtake you. Something even greater is going to happen that your mind fears, because it lies outside of this island of the known that you’re in right now, the cocoon.

The “Not Enough” Effect What percent of our lives do you think are spent thinking about money, security, finances? You could put a few more symptoms there. Figure it this way. How much time do you spend at work? If you’re the average person, at least nine to five, so that’s about eight hours. How much time do you take going to work? How much time do you take when you’ve come home, thinking about it? For some, maybe not as much. But it’s taking up, for most people, 60 to 70 percent of their thoughts and, therefore, their lives. If you don’t retire until you’re about 65 or 70 and you’ve been working all that time in your life, think of that. That’s 65 to 70 percent of our lives that we spend working and, for most folks, it’s doing jobs that they don’t even like. They certainly don’t love. And they’re living their lives in quiet desperation, hoping that the lottery may come along and that, my friend, is one that’s going to keep you in pain and fear for a long time if that’s what you’re hoping for, for your ship to come in. And that may sound like tough medicine, but until you decide to pull yourself up by your own boot straps, it ain’t going to happen for you. In fact, the people that win lotteries end up losing most or all that money and they become even more depressed, because they let it all go away because of poverty consciousness. They didn’t know what to do with it properly. They weren’t ready for it. They weren’t prepared. So, be careful what you ask for, because if you get lots of it, you may not be prepared to know how to use it in your life, to invest it in many different ways. You may just out and buy the stuff, thinking that the external thing is the same thing, that it’s going to do something for you and give you peace. It’s not. That’s the “Money Matrix”. So, you can look at how your spending habits go. I don’t mean that you’re bad. I don’t mean that you don’t have the right to go ahead and get something. That’s not what I mean. I’m not talking about abject, you know, like taking off regular life and becoming a monk. I’m not referring to that kind of a life at all in any kind. What I mean is can you be free of the desires? And after a while, the fear that you feel underneath it, of now having it, you begin to let go and realize that having it and not having it doesn’t define you. Neither one of those polarities, having the good stuff, not having the good stuff, neither one of them defines you and somewhere in between you find a deeper part of you that resources you, in other words, that gives you energy in a way you never imagined. Do you want this not enough effect to continue in your life? Do you want it to drive you to distraction time after time after time? If you don’t, then now’s the time to take the choice to leave this old model.

The Old Model Number ten is the old model – hard work, suffering, the believe that money equals happiness. And number eleven is the inflection point, the moment you choose to take these moments of tapping into your heart, even if your mind doesn’t know how, you activate the heart. The mind starts going, yeah, but what about this and yeah, but what about that? And the heart just says, “It’s okay. I’m here for you”. Unconditionally, because that’s the heart’s energy. Yeah, but that doesn’t solve the money problems. The heart says, if you’ll listen, if you’ll tune in, I’ll share with you the way that become clearer, simpler, easier, and you turn back into Creator, rather than I’m hoping it will come to me some day, which is victim mentality. You get your power back, in other words, the more you tune into your Heart. It’s not just the physical heart remember. We’re talking about the energetic heart. It extends outside of your body that people across the room can feel, because it is a deep and more powerful energy than brain. Heart waves are fare more powerful than brain waves. The word pure intent there means intent that comes from your heart. It’s not polarized. It doesn’t have it’s split pairs. Let’s take an example. Let’s say that you want to have love in your life. And you’re hoping for this person to complete you. The moment you think that, that you need them in your life, that is polarized intent. It’s not pure intent.

Pure Intent Pure intent would be, “I’m okay with who I am now. I feel peaceful. If someone comes in my life, that’s just great. That just adds to the joy, but I choose to be in joy now. I enjoy my life. I don’t mean that just as an affirmation. Find what brings you joy. Practice it. Do it. For years, that’s what I was telling people through my software called Dream Minder, through all the things that we did through those first ten years of Dreams Alive, my company’s history. After a while, though, I started seeing that people just, they didn’t want to follow it because they couldn’t because the fear was too strong. Then that brought on the second part of what we do, what I do and what Susan does. We help people tune into the heart to bring that level of compassion that you would for your own child. If you’re feeling that something isn’t happening in your life, what do you say after that? In that moment, the decision you make will determine what you’re saying to the child within you. If you’re scared, that means that you’re pushing away that child on the inside at some level. The secret, so to speak, is to take a deep breath and to tune into those emotions and to treat them just like you would if that little child was in your arms right now. Picture that little child in your arms. Those feelings are that young. They’re that primal. They don’t know how to move on to the next step. They’re hoping that you can help them with that. They need your help in moving on. You need their help for the energy and the power and the Mana and the spirit they have. So,

it’s like a symphony. The two of you guys have got to work together. How do you do that? It takes a little bit of practice. If you’ve heard our calls before, we talk about this with my partner Susan Castle. She tells people all you have to do is tune into that inner child. It is so much more powerful than someone like me, like a little touchy-feely new-agey thing. No, no, no. It’s very practical. I do it almost every day when I’m sitting in my office or doing things that are business related. But I also do it in relation to people in my life. I value their feelings. The level of compassion that I have for people today is much greater than it used to be. You really step into how other people feel. That’s what you’re hoping others to do for you, right? If someone doesn’t value your feelings, it means at some level, you don’t value your own.

The Inflection Point The inflection point is when you start choosing from the heart to accept your feelings. Something happens in that moment, that’s why I’m calling it the inflection point. If you look at a hockey stick, instead of it being flat on a graph, it starts turning up and suddenly, it’s like a quantum shift. Now, that’s the introduction. That is the invitation, if you will, that we’re being given right now as a consciousness across the planet. Choose the old way and you will continue to suffer. Choose the way of the heart and you will let go of years and generations, in fact, of old pain, of old suffering, of old dogmatic, repressed belief systems that have caused suffering for untold millions of people, not just you. This is far more than just about you or I. this is something much, much greater going on right now on our planet.

The Great Shift It’s called the Great Shift and you’ve heard us talk about it, or you’ve heard other people talk about it. You are the great shift. It can’t happen without you. The more that you hold back, the shift has kind of like a stunted feeling, but the moment you begin to say okay, I think I’m getting this, if I just own my own feelings and I take responsibility for my actions and my intent, something happens within me. I begin to quiet that mind. I don’t mean pushing it down. What I mean is making peace with it. You embrace the mind. You say thank you, mind, for being so active. Hey, I appreciate that. Yeah, it drives me nuts, but you know what? Sometimes kids drive us nuts. Do you love them any less? No. In fact, you love them more, because you go, oh, they’re just being silly. And that’s what the mind sometimes does. After a while when it knows that you’re not pushing it, and that you’re just letting it, you’re allowing, it will stop pushing against you and it will start working in concert with your heart’s intent. So after this activation of your heart, this lineage stuff starts moving.

The generational stuff starts moving and your DNA starts activating. Some of it is on purpose. Some of it is unconscious. We’re going to teach you how to actually let go at also the DNA level and I’ve taught these classes for years now. Some people aren’t really interested in DNA clearing. They just want the good stuff. That’s fine. We won’t be focusing on just DNA clearing in this course, in the Breaking Free: The “Money Matrix” course. It will be a strong benefit, though, of going through it.

The New Paradigm

This new meme, you can put meme next to that – the new meme or the new paradigm is one of abundance consciousness or one from the heart, because when you’re in your heart, you feel like you have plenty. You feel that you are enough. You come from the resourced state of it just is. You do work that you love. You leave that job that just doesn’t empower you anymore. You know, even if the money’s more, you know that the job that you’re just about to go to pays maybe a little bit less, at least temporarily. It actually fulfills you more and because of being fulfilled more, you spend a little bit less on those frills. You invest a little more wildly because you’re grounded when you make those investments. You spend more quality time with the people you love, so you feel richer on the inside. I’m not talking about austerity here. I’m not talking about taking less when you deserve more. What I mean is that in the meantime, you’ve chosen to let go of the golden handcuff. In other words, you’re choosing something that’s fulfilling, rather than something that fills the mind only, which can never ever be filled enough because it is the slippery slope. And that’s the cause of our suffering in the world is the mind, because that expression of energy within the mind is fear. It’s language is fear. The language of the heart is love. So, if you want to write there next to the new paradigm, the language of heart equals love. The language of mind equals fear. After while, your heart’s going to reveal it’s wisdom a little more, time after time. When you start trusting it a little bit more, it creates what the author Rick Jarow says. He calls it regenerative trust. The most you trust it, the more it generates more trust. After a while, you don’t doubt it. Your heart says I’m going to let go of this. You let go of it and something good happens, because you let go. I’m going to transfer out of this opportunity into another one. The moment you do that, you feel better. That’s that intelligence within you. That’s your heart’s wisdom that’s telling you keeping going, girl. Keep going, guy. You’re on the right track here. You know it on the inside. The only time we feel pain is when you don’t follow that blessing, that intuitive message that you know. Part of the new paradigm, it’s not that money’s going to go away, because some of you were asking – Paul, are you talking about a barter system? Are we talking about leaving the grid? Only in the sense that you’re not attached to the meanings of it anymore. You may still use greenbacks and your ATM card and your charge card, that’s fine and

dandy. I’m not telling you, you should stop any of those things. What I’m suggesting is that you use these things as just a means of expression. Like the author Lynn Twist talks about that every time that you spend money, you do it with love, with pure intent, that when you pay a bill, you don’t feel yucky. You feel like something’s being taken from you. You actually say thank you and you write a little smiley down in the note section of your check or if you pay online, turn some music on while you’re paying your bills online. Turn some of your favorite music on, in fact, when you’re doing that. Take time out and journal and say, “Hmm. What’s my abundance plan?” Not just my money plan. In other words, this new paradigm, you’re going to be part of it whether you join this course or not. Unconsciously, we’re all shifting at some level. But if you do it with intent, you join with a group of people like we’re going to have in this course, and I mean unparalleled friends and mentors and helpers and souls that mean something on such a deep level, we’re shifting the mean as we speak, as you are on our call tonight or as you are listening to this as a recording. This new paradigm allows you to wake up in the morning and go, “Oh, wow. This is really cool. Whoa.” That polarized mind, that restless mind, that’s not there today. Why? Because last night I said thank you. I actually blessed the things that I am and where I come from. Hmm. I blessed even the bad stuff. Hmm. And as our friend Keahi from Hawaii just shared with us last week, I asked him this question. Keahi, what about the people that think – you’ll hear more about Keahi as we talk tonight and in our future courses. What if you bless the bad stuff? Some people think that that’s actually going to increase it. He said, “No, no, no, no. When you bless bad stuff, what happens is you’re really letting go. You’re opposing the bad stuff and energizing it, because the more you oppose it, the more energy you give to it. So, whenever you bless what looks like it’s bad, you’re embracing it. The heart has so much more depth and wisdom than I ever suspected. When Susan first started telling me, Paul, your heart will never fail you. My mind would go, yeah, right. Boy, I hope she figures that out some day. I remember saying stuff like that to myself in my 20s when I first knew Susan, and I mean Susan Castle. You’ll hear from her in just a bit. The real key is understanding that when I’m using my heart’s wisdom in my business, my customers love their transaction even more. When I’m in my heart, when I’m in my relationships, the person feels like I’m in the moment with them. They feel heard. They feel loved. They feel the opposite of being judged. They feel accepted. So, by tuning into your heart, it’s far more practical than any of the practical stuff that we do. Why is that? Because there’s something that the heart just knows that the mind can’t even figure out. The mind can’t fathom what the heard already knows. You’ve heard us say that over the year. Some of you that may have Dream Minder might remember that

quote that came up. The mind can only imagine what the heart already knows and, in some cases, can’t imagine what the heart already knows.

The Power of Feelings

Feelings are really the most real part of all of us. Even if the mind may be thinking something and you’re fearing something, it’s not real until you feel it. On the other side, if you feel loved, it’s not that the person is loving you. It’s what you’re saying to yourself on the inside and then how that makes you feel. So, feelings actually create it. Feelings actually created real within you. That’s what makes it palpable. It’s not real until it’s felt. Our old pattern, in terms of feelings, used to be that I’ll avoid it and I’ll resist it, and you know, just intellectually, that’s just going to cause more of the same old pattern. The new paradigm is to embrace and allow. I’m going to embrace this pain. I’m going to embrace this opposing energy that’s happening in me, this thing that’s trying to teach me that I don’t have enough or that until I get it, I’m not going to feel complete. And then you make a different choice and you go, hmm. I’m going to try this. I’m just going to do a little experiment here. I’m going to embrace that thought. I’m going to give it some love. I’m going to bless it.

The real meaning of Aloha The real meaning of aloha is with every breath, I send love. So, I’m going to take a deep breath and say (inhale) (exhale) into that feeling. Every moment that you make a decision like that, you’re freeing yourself and you’re bringing yourself back to your source, or as I call it, you’re resourcing yourself. In terms of feelings, the more pain that you feel is the more power that’s waiting to be awakened and released. The only way you can feel pain, remember, is how? Is by pushing away at the pain. That’s the only way you can feel pain is to avoid it, is to resist that pain, but the more I embrace it, the more it actually awakens me. There’s a deep message to that pain. The more intense you feel pain, no matter what the situation in your life, the situations are outside of you so to speak. But what’s going on inside of you is a big, big energy movement. When you embrace it, what’s going to happen is you reclaim your power and the energy starts moving through your body. It’s healing energy, by the way, so if you have health challenges right now, it’s because at some level, you’re pushing away feelings. That’s not meant judgmentally. It happens to all of us. I get back pains every once in a while. If I judge myself on that neck pain, what’s going to happen? It’s just going to make it worse. If I embrace it and I do a little breathing exercise like I did yesterday, and the pain went away in a matter of minutes.

And I went, “Wow. How simple”. We know these truths to be self evident and the truth shall set you free, as Shakespeare said. But the mind gets involved and it wants to make it more difficult, doesn’t it? It just, for some strange reason, wants to make it a little more crazy and that’s the highs and lows that we talked about in the beginning of our session today. So, if I let go of this pain, then what happens is a whole new truth comes through me and the heart that we just talked about, the heart consciousness, begins to awaken. And after a while, opportunities present themselves naturally, spontaneously. I don’t have to attract them. I don’t have to go get them. They already are. So, remember this and you might want to write this down. What I want already exists right now in this moment. In this very moment, I don’t need to seek anything outside of me, because it is here in the kingdom within my heart. After a while, my mind and my heart will join again. In fact, they may be right now already, just by listening to these words. And it will become the heart-mind again. In Chinese, they call Xin. You can spell it X-I-N on your paper there. The more I allow myself to be a Heart-Mind again – in other words, I return to my wholeness, to the oneness, the more that things spontaneously begin to happen again for me, knowing that I’m giving rather than hoping that I’ll get. Because getting will cause you more not getting. Hoping for something, wanting something actually drains your Mana. We know this. The more you want some thing, the more you wish for something to happen, it’s actually sending out a negative vibe and it’s based on scarcity. So, some of you that have read David Hawkins’ work, the energetic measurement of scarcity, by the way, is 60, which is lower than fear, which is 100 on Hawkins’ map of consciousness. Grief is at 75. But Scarcity is at 60. The more that you’re thinking thoughts of not enough, you’re actually depleting life. It’s like sucking life right out of your body. Now, I don’t know about you, but if somebody would have told me that back in my 20s, I would have instantly gone out and gotten one of his books or I would have joined a course like this or I would have at least said, “Whoa”. That every scarcity thought, every “not enough” thought that I think actually drains energy right out of my body, and typically it’s from your kidneys, by the way, which is the energy you need most in your body. In other words, that’s the life gate force in Chinese medicine. If it’s not there, you’re not going to be vital. If your immunities are down, it’s because you’ve been worrying and thinking about stuff too much. And now doing stuff that makes you Mana. And again, that’s not judgmental. That’s happened to me many times, but the more that you tune in and resource yourself and you do these very simple practices

on the inside, even if they seem difficult to your mind, believe me, I have compassion for you. It’s difficult at first because your mind does not want to let go.

A “change of heart” It fears you may leave it. It fears it’s own death. But death in the sense of you may change your mind or you may have a change of heart. A change of heart is a complete new revolutionary step for you. You’ve actually transcended your identity when you have change of heart.


“You don’t get much without givin”. So, let’s talk about community. I’ll give you details about the course, the Breaking Free: The “Money Matrix” course in just a little bit. But when I talk about community, you’ll see that quote there. You don’t get much without giving. That’s in a song by the BoDeans. Whether that’s a great singing voice or not, that’s not important. They key is that the community that’s going to be part of this Breaking Free course is going to be multi-tiered. It’s going to be unlike anything we’ve ever done before. First of all, of the three levels of the kinds of community, there’s even more than this. There’s stuff that just hasn’t fully come to me about this yet. Number one, you can become a mentor in the level of the course. If you say that, yes, I want to help people, you’re going to learn the principles of the course in such a way that you’ll have abundance flow to you in ways that it’s never come to you before. I’ll go into more details about that. I’ll have a special call once you join the course, an orientation call. And even if you can’t join for some reason, I’m still going to give that to people, that orientation call. We’re going to teach people how to create their own abundance groups. They don’t have to be part of the course, per say, but I’ll be clear about what I mean about the difference between the two. The course is going to take you down and deep into the “Money Matrix”, how to clear it, where it started, in your own life, in your family system, and clear it. And then how to create the abundance meme going on in your life. There’s a lot more detail than that. If you for some reason choose either A) not to do the course of B) that you can’t afford it, then you could still access some of the people in the network, just not officially. They can’t spend a lot of time with you unless the mentors say that’s okay. “I’m going to give from my heart.” But that is a special favor. That’s not something that all of them are going to do and that’s up to them. So, if you’re expecting someone to give to you, it’s the wrong energy and it’s not going to work for you, alright? So, if you think that

someone’s going to come along and give something to you right away, you are denying the energy of this whole project. So, I’ll be more specific about that.

When You Come with Aloha in Your Heart When you begin with how can I give, like the Hawaiians have taught us. When you come to the island of Hawaii, that all we ask of you is you come here with Aloha. When you come into this project with aloha, that you’re going to give. You’re going to help people. It will return to you multiplied. So, even if you don’t become a mentor, the next level is just learning and sharing within the course. You don’t have to be a mentor. There’s going to be people who actually feel. I feel like it. It’s like part of why I’m here. It’s part of a purpose for me. The next step is that I’m just going to be working with some people in my life. Part of the inspiration in this just came about, I was watching a show by Bill Moyers on PBS several weeks ago. A gentleman from Boston was helping people that were being foreclosed by the dozens in the neighborhoods around that city, around Boston. Now, you could judge those people and say, “Well, they shouldn’t have ever got themselves into those really low loans”. But that’s not serving anybody when you do that. Also, it doesn’t serve anybody when you stay up at the banking level and you say, “You know what? Sorry. We’re just going to sell that house from underneath you even though we’re going to take a hit on it and resell it again”. That doesn’t serve anybody at that level. What I’m talking about is deeper than this. This gentleman is helping people -- I believe his last name is Meacham – empower themselves. He’s teaching them what their rights are. He’s teaching them what their legal responsibilities are. And by them learning that they can either keep their homes or at least stay in their homes long enough that they can work with the bank and renegotiate their loans, they get their power back. And I could see their faces. If you could picture right now how a person feels when they feel that they may not have to be thrown out of their home and by doing the right steps that they can work out an agreement with the bank, that they could actually keep their home as long as the promised to work under the accordance under the agreement. And this community that’s built into the Breaking Free: The “Money Matrix” course is going to work the same way. There’s going to be no “freebies” here, because it doesn’t serve anybody. We’re not going to give the course away to anybody. But if you say, okay, I am on hard times and you can prove it to us, the second step is that what you’re going to do is you’re going to say, “Here’s what I’m willing to do as I’m learning some of the principles, not of the course itself, but what we’re going to do outside of the course”. In other words – “How I’m going to pass these principles on to people who need help, and by doing so – by helping others, I help myself in the process”

And we’ll determine that as we go, that you can pull yourself up by your own boot straps. The third step is that you can ask for help within the network. In other words, let’s say you’re in the course and you get stuck. You’ve tried the principles, you’ve gone through the cleaning processes, you’ve worked at some of the stuff and you’re not getting it. The reason why you’re not getting it is because you’re not believing in it and you’re not stepping out of your own stuff. On the next page, let’s just kind of skip ahead. Look on page four. Under the special bonus for the course, special bonus number one is community and mastermind root. You see the word that says note. If you try to do this course on your own, it’s highly probable that you’ll end up hitting the same glass ceiling and road blocks as before. In other words, in your past. In other words, it’s really hard to be objective about our own stuff, isn’t it? I mean, if you figured it out just by reading a book, you wouldn’t be having any challenges in your life. Book stuff is primarily intellectual until you feel it, until you practice it and then you own is through experience. It’s the experience we long for. So, to prevent the same old problem from happening in your life of not being objective, we designed several ways for you to step out of your own way and get objective on your own stuff. Number one, you choose a mastermind partner from within the course. And I say a special sign up is required at no cost. In other words, you have to say, “Paul, I want to have a mastermind partner”. We’ve done this for people before. We actually assign mastermind partners and they didn’t use them, alright? And guess what happens? Some of those people end up complaining about the same problems over and over again because they did not choose to be with someone and help somebody. I can say this from my own experience. When I have gone to bat with other people in my own mastermind groups that I have created, that I’ve been part of, that I’ve been fortunate enough to be part of, and I gave my all, I got back ten times what I gave. My speaking career started because of what happened in my mastermind group back in 1993. I formed my company, Dreams Alive, because of that’s mastermind group. I would have done it anyway, but it made it so much simpler, because I let go. The only reason you have any problems today is because a part of you won’t let go. If you’re working with people with clear intent and I mean from the heart, pure intent, you’ll sense it, that they have no agenda, that they need nothing from you, that they’re giving unconditionally. And that’s the new meme of heart consciousness. Number two is you pick someone in your life, a friend, a loved one, a child, a college, somebody you work with maybe, during the program to kind of like bounce things off of each other and say, “I don’t know if I get this. Let’s do some of this stuff that they’re teaching us in this course”. And if you’re not getting it, ask them. Do you get this? Chances are they will. And if they don’t, they find somebody who does, learn it and then

teach it. The more you do, the more you will not only expand your knowing, but you’ll be helping other people and the energy will come back to you multiplied. Three, you tap into the network. When you join the course, you can work with fellow course members and specially chosen mentors who can help you move through the blocks and you’re going to grow past those old pains, those old blocks. There’s also a way to start your own abundance group in your own locality. It could be just one person, kind of like what Susan and I used to do back in the old days. It was back in 1990 – oh, boy – 1994, I believe, is when Susan and I started our own little group. It was just she and I at first. And we would just work with a book and we would go back and forth on the stuff that we thought was amazing about that book. And we studied it and we never forgot it. Something happens. When two or more meet in thy name, something of a higher nature happens… You let go of our own preconceptions and, in that moment, something new, something of high truth comes through you. In other words, the heart expands. You begin to realize that your consciousness yourself in those moments. And if you’re seeking something, remember that when you help other people get what they want, you will be paid in kind. Even if your belief system says, but I’ve tried that before. Maybe you didn’t do it unconditionally or maybe you weren’t doing the full extent and the breath of your work on this planet. So, we can go back to page three now. All three of these involve your capacity and your responsibility to share, which you’ve learned and your unique talents and gifts. So, what I mean by that is that you were given these seeds, okay? You gave them to yourself at very, very unusual time before you got here. So, the highs and the lows that we’ve talked about, the depths of your depression, the worst feelings you’ve ever felt, are the seeds of your greatness. In fact, the worse times and the worse problems that you are either now encountering or have encountered or will encounter will be reminders to come back to your source when you learn, when you remember, I should say, that that’s your guidance system. They bring you back to your source, you don’t have to depend on an outside influence for that, for the reminder, for the feeling of it. Now is the time

No one’s going to do this for you. I can’t do this for you. Susan can’t. A friend on the outside can’t do this for you. If you won the lottery, that’s not going to do it for you. Now’s the time for all of us to step out of the dark ages of this “Money Matrix”, the feeling, the meme of scarcity, the belief that there’s not enough. You know what? It’s old. It’s so outdated. Now is the time to wake up to this pure heart consciousness that’s encircling the planet. You may notice it more and more when you start priming your brain for it and the heart opens up more and, after a while, the two act in concert and you start going, “Whoa, that was simple. Wow. Check that out.”

The New “Human-Divine Template” If you were on the call that we did back just after Thanksgiving with Keahi from Hawaii, and even if you didn’t, even if you couldn’t be part of that call, what we discussed was this new human divine template. In other words, divine is that it’s just pure source, pure God energy with no dogmas, no religions attached to it. Man can’t determine this, okay, but the mind is what I mean. The human divine template is that you allow your mind, your body, your spirit, all parts of you, to become, let’s say, guided by something that’s far higher than the mind. You know it when you feel it, because you feel these ah-ha moments. No one told you anything necessarily. It’s a realization that you had. It’s a shift that you had on the inside. So, what happens in this new human divine template is that your abundance strands have been activated and the scarcity strands are literally turned off. All of us have scarcity DNA at some level, just like we all have cancer genes in our bodies, but they’re not activated. You’ve got some different hair color genes in your body, but they’re not activated. You have latent talents, skills and also latent tendencies built into your genes, into your DNA. With choice, and what I mean by choice is by hearts pure intent, you can enable and enact and enliven and turn on these latent strands within you. How do you know what it is? You feel it. Nobody can tell you what it’s like. No mentor, teacher, guru, not me or Susan, nobody is going to tell you what it’s like. It’s the feeling and the experience of it. How can you feel it? Really, the simplest way is to let go. And in the first week of the course, what we’re going to do is we’re going to teach you this letting go process in ways that maybe you’ve not felt before. And each person that learns this increase the m-field, the new meme. The m-field is the morphogenic field. In other words, the field of the aura of you as the individual and then the person that you’re working with, even if you haven’t worked with anybody yet, some of your buddies on the calls, because we’re going to do this all live. It’s all going to be done from Hawaii. So, we’re going to be working with Keahi. We’re going to be working with Susan. And you’re going to be getting the best of the energy we have as humans, okay? And after a while, it’s not going to be our humans that do the speaking. It’s going to be the divine selves, your divine self, my divine self, Susan’s. And you’ll be literally tuning into this new template. You’ll be downloading at a faster rate than people have ever imagined, and what I mean by downloading is you’ll be tuning into a level of source that most people have never been able to do, because they didn’t concentrate their energy and their power. Take a nice deep breath. Alright, in a few moments, Susan’s going to join us, but before she does so, I’m going to explain to you what the Breaking Free course is all about, what you can expect from the course, and even if you’re wondering, “I hope he doesn’t sell anything.“

You know what? I’m sharing this from my heart. I’m putting my heart and my soul into this new course and it’s way more then my conscious mind. In fact, I’m now going into my 50th year and these 50 years that I’ve been here have led me to this moment. This is something I’m supposed to do. If I tried to avoid this, if I tried to push it away, I couldn’t. Because I’ve seen the way people suffer with money. And you know what? It’s time to let that go. I’ve seen people suffer enough with external recognition, with hoping for something to happen. I’ve had the own experience in my life. It’s no longer a money thing, but I see little things where my mind plays tricks on me. And the gift that I’ve been blessed with, with people like Susan and some other folks in my life, is that they give unconditionally, not just to me, but to other people. I watch that and I am in awe. I am in reverence of those moments. That’s what this Breaking Free course is going to be about.

Breaking Free Course Orientation When you join, the first thing we’re going to do is an orientation and an intro. We’re going to go deep into this concept of by giving, you receive. How you could become a mentor or how you can be working with some people in a mastermind group or how you at least be learning how to ask for help. Sometimes it’s just learning the how. Well, I don’t know how to task for help. Well, maybe it’s just a couple basic shifts of your intent. And after while, it’s easy to ask for that help. In this network of people, I can promise you is a group of people of like mind and like heart and maybe unlike people that you’ve worked with before. So, the orientation intro, we’re going to go into and talk about what it’s like to have your own abundance group. Now, I’m actually going to make that part free. After that’s recorded, we’re going to give that to people, just like that gentleman in those neighborhoods of Boston was doing. If you want to look that up, by the way, you can go to PBS, look for Bill Moyers, and the whole show is on there. It is so inspiring. You can see people that are crying, not because they’re in tears of sadness. They’re in tears of joy, because they’re learning their own power again. I was so moved by these people thanking this man for something that he did out of the goodness of his heart, and of course he gets paid at some level in some way. But they don’t – it’s so much bigger folks than getting paid for something. There’s something that we’re supposed to be doing here on this planet to shift this meme. We’re not going to be working with the old system anymore. And some of you have heard me share this quote before by Buckminster Fuller. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” So, the old model is the scarcity meme, the game that we play with money, that whole money myth in the “Money Matrix” that our worth is determined, that the world’s

economy is supposed to be what determines what’s real and what’s important. In fact, that’s not the case. We can’t depend on our leaders anymore. We know that. One leader that just got into office, he’s actually starting to disappoint some people that thought that this guy was going to actually change things. In fact, it’s worse. I’m not judging any one political party. That’s not the intent of this discussion. But the more you notice that and you go, gosh, okay, there’s another person who I thought was going to fix it and they’re actually getting brought back into the same old problem. And in some cases, it’s now worse and what are we going to do? You do like this gentleman in Boston did. You take your power back and you start getting down to the nitty gritty, the street level, and this is going to become and is becoming a social movement. Now, I’m going to shift the nature of the discussion just for a second. In terms of “they” – I really don’t believe in the “they” concept, but they’ve messed with us for a little too long. If you feel that your credit card balances are a little – I’m sorry, not the balance, but the interest rate, or the NSF fees on your checking accounts, or that your foreclosure or your bank is toying with you or your 401K and the fees that are being charged, if they’re unreasonable, plus all the other parts of the game, you know what? It’s time. They’re just running out of their last ability to hold on to the greed that’s been fueling the same old game. The only way it can happen in our lives is if we keep playing it. What you’ll learn in this course is how to transcend it, if not entirely, at least in part. So, while you’re still playing some parts of the game, like at your job, for example, or your 401K account, because you can’t take it out because if you do, you’ll get all those extra taxes, that you’ll be looking at it completely differently and that will free you in ways that all the money in the world, all the love in the world, all the energy in the world could never do for you. Because of simple decisions, because of this heart activation that we’ve been referring to.

Module I So, after that orientation and intro call that we’re going to do, we’re going to go into module one – Discovering the Origins of the “Money Matrix” Within You. In other words, when they happen, how they happen, and you’re going to begin clearing them like a level one clearing. Just that level one clearing, you’re going to start noticing differences and shifts. Each week of the course, I’m going to do a Q&A session, so you get to ask questions and find out, “Okay. Am I the only one that’s stuck with this problem?” Which the answer is no. We always find out that there’s number of people that have the same issue, so when you ask from your heart what these questions are going on inside of you, you’re actually helping everyone in the group by doing that, whether they listen life or whether they listen as a recording.

People are blown away by just how many people actually have the same issue, and then clearing it. Once you clear it, the group begins clearing it. They feel the presence shift. It’s pretty amazing and Susan and I have watched this for years going on in our groups and are amazed at this.

Module Two Module two is clearing the effects, level two. In other words, a deeper sense of the level. We’re talking about family and generational systems at that point, way deeper than you’ve been able to do in most of your inner work when you’ve done it by yourself and in some group stuff that you’ve done. It’ll take the stuff that you’ve done, in terms of other programs you’ve studied, and expand on it maybe to the exponent level. At that point, Susan and Keahi will be guiding us through some of these processes. And our friend Keahi works at such a level, at such a deep sense of integrity, that you will be gob smacked, as the Australians call it. In other words, blown away by the sheer clarity and realization that, oh my god. Levels of understanding and awareness that you didn’t know you could have and the moment that you make the decision that you will make when you’re part of this course, the shift will have already been made. It’s not a technique. We won’t be doing technique one and technique two as much as you’ll be making awareness shifts inside of you where you get your power back instantly. It will blow you away.

Module Three Module three is a creation of the new paradigm. In other words, that we’re co-creating this together, but in a way that it’s pure within you.

Module Four Module four is living in this new abundance and what I mean by living is that you’re out there practicing. You’re noticing the shifts. You’re like, whoa, this is really cool and I think I’m going to try it this way. And you try it that way and it works. And you go, hmm, I’m going to try it that way and maybe it doesn’t work quite as much. And you go, hmm. Oh, that’s right. I forgot to do this one little thing. I forgot to breathe. I forgot to tune into my heart. I’m going to start noticing it differently in my life in other words. So, that’s the real short review of the course. Next week when the course is released – in other words, when the launch actually begins, I’ll have a full description of what all these things are going to do for you. I just wanted to give you a nice overview.

Special Bonuses

Bonus 1 is your own Mastermind Team and the Breaking Free Community So, special bonus one is this community, which will pay dividends beyond any one unique little bonus could do for you, like a report or a piece of software or something like that. Special bonus number two is especially designed, what I call an awakened mind CD, that we’re putting together and we’re just finishing it. As part of the course, you get that. You can’t get it any other way, because we’re not selling it as a retail product. This CD alone is something that builds on clear mind, if you have Clear-Mind™. And if you don’t, then you will have deeper meditation sessions than you’ve ever had before. You’ll have moments of clarity and peace and insight and awareness that you’ve had few times, if ever, in your life. And it will help you make the shifts and the transitions and the transformations that you’ve been longing for. So, those are two of the primary bonuses. And, of course, if you’ve been through our courses before, you know we love throwing extra surprises in along the way. The whole course will be taught from Hawaii and the energy there is profound. As I was sharing with Keahi and Susan on a call that we had last week with just the three of us, Hawaii’s an energy amplifier, as are the other sacred sites on the planet, Machu Picchu and Sedona and there’s parts of Chile, parts of the Himalayas, Egypt, etc. The real key to this energy amplifier that we go to frequently is there’s just something that when you know how to tap into the Mana and you come to that island with aloha, it brings you gifts that you could not have imagined. So, what we’re going to do is not only hold teleconferences from there, where we’re working together both the modules themselves and the Q&A sessions, but also we’re going to add a couple little bonuses in there and one of them – I’ll just put it this way. Some of it’s going to be some video stuff. I’ll just be brief in my description. And you’ll get to see this energy in action, in motion. And so, the very modest investment in the course, which I’ve not fully decided on what that investment is, it will be affordable for most people. If you’re having money challenges, then you can work within the network and see how to start your own abundance group, get some friends together and you can co-invest in the course.

The Breaking Free course opens for registration on Wednesday, January 20th Watch your e-mail for updates…

Aloha to you… Paul
