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What is the Wellness Lifestyle?

Date post: 07-Feb-2017
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What is the Wellness Lifestyle? 1.9K 1.9K 21 23 44

What is the Wellness Lifestyle?

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Many people ask me what the Wellness Lifestyle is,

but I find it easier to first explain what it is not…

What is the Wellness Lifestyle Not?

• If you want to make truly lasting health changes, they have to be a complete lifestyle change, not just a diet.

• Diets rely on willpower and have a depravation mentality, which sets many people up for failure.

• The Wellness Lifestyle isn’t about a temporary diet to lose weight (though it may help with that) but a true lifestyle change focused on nourishing and strengthening your body from the inside out.

• My particular recommendations are also not specifically the Paleo diet either. Certainly, I agree with many of the aspects of the Paleo diet and think that many people benefit from it.

• My “Wellness Lifestyle” incorporates many of the aspects of Paleo/Primal/WAPF lifestyles and I think there are many valuable resources in all of these areas…

Healthy Eating

• Rather than thinking of foods as “bad” and trying to avoid them, focus on the nourishing and healthy aspects of real foods and focus on trying to incorporate more of them.

• For instance, I recommend removing grains/sugar and consuming more healthy fats.

• Strive to add more vegetables and healthy fats and focus on the nourishing aspect of food, rather than just the pleasurable one.

Eat more Nutrient Dense Food

• Start the day with a glass of water or herbal tea and drink a quart or so of water between meals.

• For those who don’t regularly drink enough water, this change alone may improve sleep and energy levels and get rid of headaches.

Drink More water

• For the most part, it is best to get your vitamins and minerals from foods, though this isn’t always possible with our depleted soil and food quality.

• At times, it is necessary to supplement certain nutrients to improve absorption of the foods you are eating.

• Here’s a list of some basic supplements that many people need though it may vary for children or those who are pregnant/nursing.

Supplement Wisely

Healthy Living

• This is the one piece of health advice that it seems everyone can agree on.

• From vegans to paleo, WAPF to SAD, people seem to agree across the board that sleep is important and that missing too much of it too often can hurt your health..

Get Some Sleep

• Stress also has a dramatic impact on the body as it disrupts normal hormone production and can affect everything from blood sugar levels to sleep quality.  

• This can lead to a cascade of hormone and health problems, and reversing them isn’t always as easy as doing some deep breathing or learning to meditate.

• Often, a comprehensive plan of diet, lifestyle changes, and supporting supplements is needed until the body heals.

Don’t worry, Be Happy

• Oral health affects the health of the whole body and much as 65% of us have the beginnings of gum disease.

• There are many blood vessels and nerves that run from the mouth to other parts of the body so infection in the mouth can contribute to problems other places in the body.

• Certain supplements and lifestyle changes will support oral health, and natural, homemade products can help remineralize teeth.

Improve Oral health

• You can’t out-exercise a bad diet without the health issues eventually catching up with you and exercise isn’t an excuse to eat junk food.

• While cardio type exercise is generally encouraged for weight loss, it turns out that other exercises like weights and high intensity are better for weight loss, muscle growth and physique improvements.

Exercise Wisely

• Household cleaners and detergents are a major source of chemical exposure for many people, and this can be a tremendous problem, especially with small kids.

• By making your own cleaners, you can avoid the chemicals and save a lot of money.

• Here is a list of some of my favorite homemade cleaning products.

Clean without Toxins

• Beauty products and toiletries are another major source of chemical exposure for many people.

• There are healthy, homemade alternatives to almost every product, and they usually work better and are much cheaper too!

• Here’s a list of some of my favorite DIY beauty recipes.

Make your Own Beauty Products

• Contrary to conventional wisdom, all sun exposure is not harmful.

• In fact, despite high use of sunscreen, skin cancer rates continue to rise and most cases of melanoma are in places that are not regularly exposed to the sun.

• When a person is in the sun without sunscreen, the body naturally makes Vitamin D, which is protective against many other types of cancers.

Spend some Time in the Sun

For more information about the Wellness lifestyle and

resources to help you live it, Click here.

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