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What kind of media instruction might distributes your

Date post: 08-Jan-2017
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what kind of media instruction might distributes your media product and why?
Page 1: What kind of media instruction might distributes your

what kind of media instruction might distributes your media

product and why?

Page 2: What kind of media instruction might distributes your

Which cinemas would most likely to exhibit your film?Odeon and VUE cinema are both mainstream cinemas which exhibit modern upcoming films which are likely to appeal to a large audience. Our film would suit this distribution because of the vest audience that the film appeals too (young adults, mixed gender and teenagers) this target audience is one of the audiences that cinema distributions such as Odeon and VUE aim there films towards. Cinemas are mainly audience to a younger audience because the new technology used for instance 3D viewings but also the idea how going to the cinema is seen to be a type of entertainment. Looking at the types of films that are currently available to the age bracket of young adults but also the audience for our own thriller (14- 18 years old)

This is a screenshot taken from the Odeon website which shows what films are currently being shown, this evidence shows that 9 out 12 of these films are targeted towards the similar age bracket of young adults/teenagers. This just shows that Odeon cinema aims and see’s this age bracket to be a poplar audience.

Comparing how our production would suit the cinema distribution of Odeon & VUE to cinema city, which is an independent cinema audience who targets sophisticated, stylised arthouse films in which their target audience is of an older middle class audience, therefore don’t believe that our production would suit this targeted audience. Below is another screen shot of the films that are currently available, however these films are aimed at an older, more educated audience rather than teenagers/ young adults.

Page 3: What kind of media instruction might distributes your

Consider which film distribution company is most likely distribute your film? In order for our film to be produced successfully to a mainstream audience the film distribution company needs to fit this area and market. Therefore an company such as universal would, although they are a big, successful American company. Universal have produced similar mainstream films and are known within our target market of young people/adults. For instance the film choices shown below are produced by universal and are aimed at the same audience as our production ( teenagers/ young adults) With the company being an American based, the “Britishness” illustrated and shown in our production would appeal to there other nationalities.

On the other hand working title are a smaller British company who owned by universal, they are known for publishing British setting films, although their films are not aimed at such a mainstreamed audience and are more arthouse based films. Some of there films are aimed at a similar target audience of young adults, however the company rarely produce horror genre films and are more likely to produce literally adaptations, comedy's and arthouse films.

Buy hood wild child The boy next door

Page 4: What kind of media instruction might distributes your

The company Warp films is an alternative film destitution company. Warp films produce new, modern British produced films, they look at upcoming issues which are currently about in our society today. For instance a strong example of a Warp Film is “This is England” which is the story of a teenage boy who gets involved with a gang. Similar to our story line of a teenage girl, Therefore I believe that the company also targets the same younger audience which are film is aimed at. We are also young, independent British film markers who warp films destitute from.

A quote taken from warps website

Page 5: What kind of media instruction might distributes your

How could digital technologies offer new distributional opportunities? YouTube and social networking sites such as twitter and Facebook would be great digital way of advertising our production especially as our target audience of young adults/ teenagers mainly use these new technologies to socialising and to find out about new upcoming films. YouTube is a great way to publish and advertise films again, it s a quick, easy and simple way to upload and watch for free website which Is also easy assessable on mobile phones, tablets and laptops.

Would your status as a student film-maker offer opportunities as a film distribution?

Being a young film making offers us opportunities such as entering the first film and student film competitions, this gains public knowledge on the film, making it known to the public. Also the fact that people today want to support, new upcoming film makers, as a society we are interested in new, modern ways including within the film industry.
