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What pharma mktrs need to know about big data now

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Paragon Solutions, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential Why Pharma Marketers Must Embrace Big Data Now Big Data as a Driver of Analytics 9 October 2012
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Paragon Solutions, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

Why Pharma Marketers Must Embrace Big Data Now

Big Data as a Driver of Analytics

9 October 2012

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What I would like to accomplish today is to provide an overview

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The Past

Big Data Historical Context

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1940’s Rider estimated university libraries were doubling in size every 16 years

The Past

Fremont Rider, a Wesleyan University Librarian, published,

“The Scholar and the Future of the Research Library”

Harvard Mark-1 is completed

• Conceived by Harvard professor Howard Aiken

• Designed and built by IBM

• Room-sized, relay-based calculator

• Quickly superseded by stored program computers

Given this growth rate, Rider speculates that the Yale

Library in 2040 will have:

• ~ 200,000,000 volumes

• Occupy over 6,000 miles of shelves

• requiring a cataloging staff of over 6,000 persons

Marketing Environment

• 1st TV commercial aired July 1, 1941

• NY station before Brooklyn Dodgers & Phillies game

• 10-second spot displayed a picture of a clock

superimposed on a map of the United States

• Tagline "America runs on Bulova time”

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1960’s To cope with the present information explosion they suggested

H. Gray & H. Ruston published, “On Techniques for Coping with

the Information Explosion in IEEE Transactions on Computers

CDC´s 6600 supercomputer unveiled

• Performed up to 3 million instructions per second

• Part of the speed derived from 10 small computers

funneling data to a large central processing unit

• Fastest computer in the world until 1968

The Past

• No one should publish any new papers

• Or only short papers should be published <2500


• Short papers should delete one or more papers

whose combined length is 2501 characters +

Marketing Environment

• Mass media dominated the consumer landscape

• Audience coverage of 80% was accomplished with

only three 60 second TV spots.

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1980’s Growth trends in 17 major communications media from 1960 to 1977

Ithiel de Sola Pool published, “Tracking the Flow of Information

in Science”.

Cray introduces X-MP Supercomputer

• CPU had a 9.5 nanosecond clock cycle

• Supported 2 million 64-bit words (16 MB) of main

memory in 16 banks

• World's fastest computer from 1983 to 1985

The Past

• Words made available to Americans through

media grew at a rate of 8.9% per year

• Growth in the flow of information was due to the

growth in broadcasting

• By 1977 point-to-point media was growing faster

than broadcasting

CERN CRAY-XMP48 exposed at the EPFL in Switzerland

Marketing Environment

• 1.800 numbers as a call to action was in its infancy

changing the shape of television advertising

• PC was just being offered to the general public

• dB Marketing a precursor to CRM emerges

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So, what was the impact on


The Past

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American Express established a competitive niche

The Past

1990’s Citicard’s total transactions volume represented 4% of U.S. GDP

• Unable to identify total purchases at the individual level

• Hampered their ability to deliver & manage a personalized,

tailored credit card experience

• Customer relationship management impact limited

• Data control enabled precision profiling, segmentation

and targeting

• Enabled concise personalize and tailored messaging

• Established control over LTV and Share of wallet KPIs

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The Present

Modern Day Uses of Big Data

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The Present

collects and aggregates data from the 4 million vehicles

• Uses in-car sensing and remote app management software to create a virtuous cycle of


• Engineers glean information on a range of issues that could help them improve the quality,

safety, fuel economy and emissions of the vehicle:

- How drivers are using their vehicles

- Driving environment

- Electromagnetic forces affecting the vehicle

- Feedback on other road conditions

• Paul Mascarenas, Chief Technical Officer of Research and Innovation stated in CIO

Journal, “Improving quality is about building a database and really understanding how

people are using their vehicles and making better choices and better decisions”

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• Winning team created the No Sleep Kills website,

where people can access info on how poor sleeping

patterns can lead to drowsy drivers & auto accidents

• Aims to draw attention to the link between sleep

apnea, a condition in which people temporarily stop

breathing during sleep, and vehicular crashes.

• They incorporated anonymized patient data from

Athena Health and several sources, including publicly

available data from Centers for Disease Control and

the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

The Present

85 participants formed groups to create an application that turns

large amounts of health care data into useful information for

patients and care providers.

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Medical diagnostics company developed 1st non-intrusive test for predicting coronary artery disease

The Present

• Developed predictive test that could identify coronary

artery disease in its most nascent stages

• Researchers analyzed over 100 million gene samples to

identify the 23 primary predictive genes for CAD

• Only blood test that can quickly and safely identify

symptomatic patients unlikely to have obstructive CAD

The “Corus CAD Test,” was recognized as one of the “Top Ten Medical

Breakthroughs of 2010” by TIME Magazine

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The Future

Potential Marketing Use Cases

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Marketing has only begun to see the tip of “Big Data” iceberg

• What you wear

• What you see

• What you eat

The Future

Are just a few of the events that will create data points impacting marketing capabilities in the future

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Future of wearable health tracking sensors devices looks bright

Implications: As marketers advance their profiling capabilities, identifying users of wearable devices will improve marketing message engagement and efficiency of marketing expenditure

The Future

• A seed accelerator for health startups predicts

~400 million products will flood the market by 2014

• Tracking and analyze exercise, diet, and sleep

data will be commonplace

• Sensors will emerge in unexpected items: Pillows,

seating (office, car), toilets Jawbone UP flexible wristband $99.99

What you wear

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It’s a visual world, is augmented reality the final frontier?

Implications: As part of a comprehensive health regimen Marketers will be able educate patients and caregivers on the fundamental and advanced aspects of disease treatment and management

The Future

• Computer-generated sensory input (sound, video,

graphics or GPS data) will enhance peoples lives

• Info about the surrounding real world of the user

becomes interactive & digitally manipulatable

• People will tailor and personalize their experiences

What you see

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“You are what you eat” soon to be a reality . . . . .

• FDA approved Proteus ingestible digital

sensor will be used ubiquitously

• Data capture and Real-time tracking will be

delivered to mobile healthcare app

• Ability to share to designated 3rd parties;

HCPs, caregivers, solutions providers, etc.

Implications: Digital adherence programs that capture data points and provide a comprehensive real-time “health status” view will facilitate enhanced usage and move capabilities toward enabling advocacy relationships

The Future

What you eat

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The game changer in the future is not the content, devise, channel, platform, or technology . . . .

The Future

. . . . it’s capturing and leveraging the data

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To advance enterprise marketing capabilities, consider . . .

The Path Forward

•Consolidating marketing dB’s into single a repository

•Leveraging predictive models to advance profiling, segmentation & targeting capabilities

• Improving operational efficiency by utilizing an enterprise wide Campaign Management System

•Enhancing optimization through standardized KPIs

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Big Data as a Driver of Analytics
