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What Reika Taught us

Date post: 12-Apr-2017
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What Reika Taught us Lessons learned from building Reika, a DSL for TSDB Pinglei Guo & Chujiao Hou

What Reika Taught usLessons learned from building Reika, a DSL for TSDB

Pinglei Guo & Chujiao Hou

Agenda● What is Reika● What is Time Series and Time Series Database (03/21 if interested CMPS 278)

● Design Goal● Staging achievements● Implementation detail● Lessons learned● Acknowledgement

What is Reika

- General language + Query language- Built in function for running SQL like query on various Time Series Databases- Depend on TSDB-Proxy for execution

Design Goal- SQL like syntax- Support various backend

Staging achievement- Only the general programming language part is implemented- written in Java (1500 + 1000 (generated by ANTLR) )- REPL- Editor support (vscode)

REPL (Read Eval Print Loop)

VS Code Editor Plugin

Implementation Detail- Lexer and Parser using ANTLR4 (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) - Build AST from parse tree with symbol and type checking - Static typing- Interpreter & Shell in Java

ANTLR Grammar

prog : stat+ ;

type : 'int' | 'double' | 'bool' | 'string' | 'date';

varDeclare : type ID '=' expr ';';

varAssign : ID '=' expr ';';

stat : varDeclare

| varAssign

| expr ';'


● http://www.antlr.org/● From a grammar, ANTLR generates a parser

that can build and walk parse trees

Grammar: Program & Statements

ANTLR Grammar

expr : INT




| ID '(' exprList? ')'

| ID

| expr MULT expr

| expr DIV expr

| expr ADD expr

| expr MINUS expr

| expr AND expr

| expr OR expr


exprList : expr (',' expr)* ;

Grammar: expression & expression list

ANTLR Grammar

INT : [0-9]+ ;

DOUBLE: [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+ ;

BOOL : 'true' | 'false' ;

STRING: '"' (ESC|.)*? '"';

ESC : '\\"' | '\\\\' ;

ID : LETTER (LETTER | [0-9])* ;

LETTER : [a-zA-Z] ;

ADD : '+';

MINUS: '-';

MULT: '*';

DIV: '/';

AND : '&&';

OR : '||' ;

Grammar: Token

WS : [ \t\n\r]+ -> channel(HIDDEN) ;

COMMENT : '/*' .*? '*/' -> channel(HIDDEN) ;

SL_COMMENT : '//' .*? '\n' -> channel(HIDDEN);

ANTLR Grammar

Grammar: Token (ignored)

Symbol Checking

● Undefined variable

x = 1;

● Duplicate definition

int x = 1;

double x = 2.0;

● 1 is int -> x is int (type inference)

int x = 1;

● Replace the old one with new one in

symbol table

double x = 2.0;

Error Recovery

Recovery != Recovered AST node should be passed to next step ( interpreter etc.)

Type Checking

Error Recovery

● Incompatible assign

string chinaMobile = 10086;

● incompatible type

"elder" + 1;

● unsupported operation

"elder" - "1s";

● Use lhs type

string chinaMobile = “”

● Use Any Type

● Use Any Type

Symbol & Type checking example

You often don't really understand the problem until after the first time you implement a solution

- The Cathedral and the Bazaar



Check the library's source before you use it

When shit things happen, they happen recursively

ANTLR Golang runtime

It’s Run Time

The original Reika repository, written in Golang

Related work● InfluxQL & Tick Script● HeroicQL● Juttle ● SparkQL● LINQ

Acknowledgement● Zheyuan Chen & Prof. Alvaro in CMPS 232
