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What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez

Date post: 08-May-2015
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Page 1: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez
Page 2: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez

“The  M-­‐Learning  workshop  was  the  best  investment  I’ve  made  in  a  long  ;me.  It  is  a  “mobile  first”  look  at  how  to  build  learning  tools  that  not  only  work  on  the  devices  students  are  most  likely  to  look  at  them  on  first,  but  also  to  build  them  using  responsive-­‐design  concepts  that  enable  them  to  be  viewed  on  literally  anything  connected  to  the  web.  His  design  concept  of  “Going  Small  by  Going  Big”  is  well  thought  through  and  graphically  demonstrated.      RJ  Jacquez  remade  my  to-­‐do  list  for  the  next  18  months  in  just  6  hours.”  –  Paul  Weaver  

Page 3: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez

RJ’s  mobile  learning  class  is  worth  every  penny.  He  definitely  has  established  himself  as  an  expert  in  designing  and  developing  mobile  learning,  and  his  knowledge  shows  in  his  teaching.  He  provides  a  wealth  of  informa;on  and  ;ps  about  the  state  of  the  mobile  learning  market,  the  types  of  devices  that  deliver  mobile  learning,  and  how  to  create  learning  experiences  that  are  easy  and  fun  for  students  to  consume.  If  you  have  any  interest  in  mobile  learning  –  whether  you’re  curious  or  want  to  get  started  –  sign  up  for  this  class.  You  won’t  be  disappointed.  –  Cheryl  Landes  

Page 4: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez

“An  applicable,  well-­‐illustrated,  informa;ve  and  very  relevant  workshop  that  is  tailored  to  everyone,  from  beginners  to  more  advanced  designers  of  m-­‐learning.  Plus,  the  workshop  is  well-­‐presented  and  conducted  in  a  warm  and  friendly  manner  by  an  enthusias;c  speaker  with  a  clear  outstanding  knowledge  of  the  topic.  I  gained  plenty  of  informa;on  to  take  away  and  to  refer  to  as  well.  I  would  highly  recommend  this  workshop  to  anyone  who  is  determined  to  learn  more  about  m-­‐learning!  –  Ka2a  Hama2,  Instruc2onal  Designer  

Page 5: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez

“There  are  very  few  online  learning  opportuni;es  out  there  for  m-­‐learning.  This  course  covers  everything  from  WHY  mobile,  to  development  tools,  to  design  dos  and  don’ts  and  more.  I  would  definitely  recommend  this  course  for  anyone  embarking  in  mLearning.”    –  Isa  David,  Learning  Technologies  Advisor  

Page 6: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez

“Many  thanks  indeed  for  an  excellent  mLearning  course!  I  learned  a  huge  amount  about  the  importance  of  thinking  mobile  first.  You  have  further  increased  my  enthusiasm  in  this  fast-­‐moving  and  exci;ng  industry  that  we  are  involved  in.  And  also  given  me  the  confidence  to  begin  the  move  away  from  Flash!  Now,  I  had  beYer  start  downloading  all  those  cool  apps!  :)  ”–  Barry  Galvin  –  eLearning  Developer  and  Technical  Writer  

Page 7: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez

RJ’s  workshop  is  informa;ve  and    well-­‐presented  about  learning  on  mobile  devices.  Throughout  the  workshop,  RJ  engages  the  audience  and  his  exper;se  and  enthusiasm  for  mobile  technologies  come  through  loud  and  clear.  It’s  well  worth  your  ;me  and  I  highly  recommended.  –  Lori  R.  Meyer  

Page 8: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez

“RJ’s  workshop  is  awesome!  I  applied  what  I  learned  right  away  and  improved  course  players  for  mobile  devices.  His  workbook  is  packed  with  valuable  informa;on  that  I  will  be  following  for  a  long  ;me”  –  Linda  Warren,  Instruc2onal  Designer  at  MicroAssist  

Page 9: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez
Page 10: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez
Page 11: What Students Say about the mLearning Workshop by RJ Jacquez

