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What the Internet Means to Your Business in 2015 (And Beyond)

Date post: 12-Aug-2015
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What the Internet Means to Your Business in 2015 (And Beyond) Gere Jordan, Holony Media

What the Internet Means to Your Business in 2015 (And Beyond)

Gere Jordan, Holony Media

Hi!My name is Gere Jordan and I’m President of digital marketing company Holony Media.

Quick survey. How is your organization leveraging the internet?

Goals for today’s session:

1. Review internet trends and research2. Explore consumer, business uses3. Bust common misconceptions4. Provide useful insights

What is the Internet?

“A global system of interconnected computer


The World Wide Web, or simply the Web, is a unique system for transmitting data over the Internet.

For our purposes, it’s all the same.

By the Numbers

88% of North America

is online

6 hrsper day, per

adult avg. in USA

47%of all time spent

with media is digital media

Sources: http://www.slideshare.net/wearesocialsg/digital-social-mobile-in-2015http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Mobile-Continues-Steal-Share-of-US-Adults-Daily-Time-Spent-with-Media/1010782

14.3 TrillionWeb pages live online

Source: http://www.factshunt.com/2014/01/total-number-of-websites-size-of.html

Google’s advertising revenue is bigger than that of the entire U.S. print industry.

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/24-mind-blowing-facts-about-business-2013-6#print-is-nearly-dead-3

The internet has become a ubiquitous extension of our daily lives.

But how exactly do people spend their time online?

Source: http://www.go-gulf.com/blog/online-time/

38,00 ThousandGoogle searches per second

Source: http://www.internetlivestats.com/google-search-statistics/

1.6 BillionVideos viewed so far today on YouTube

Source: http://www.internetlivestats.com/

33.8 MillionPhotos uploaded so far today on Instagram

Source: http://www.internetlivestats.com/

More Usage Statistics

95% of smartphone

users search for local information

77%of phone users

contact a business after


88%of consumers consult online


Source: http://www.brightlocal.com/2014/07/15/9-essential-stats-convincing-smbs-invest-local-search/

And mobile proliferation continues. 60% of online traffic now mobile.

So, how are businesses capitalizing on all of this?

Marketing & Advertising Must be visible where people are searching and spending their time. From search to email to social media.

Reputation Management Protecting your image online.

E-commerce Selling products and services directly via the internet.

Customer Service Assisting customers through email, social media, live chat, and help desk systems

RecruitingFinding and attracting talent using social media, job sites, and company marketing.

FundraisingPromoting your cause and collecting donations.

OperationsHR, accounting, project management — you name it. Entire businesses can now be run online.

Future: The Internet of ThingsIntelligent devices networked to the internet will include everything from appliances to clothing.

In short:

We must think beyond marketing. As an extension of our daily lives, the web has no limits.

“Our [ugly] website is good enough.”


You are being judged by your website and missing opportunities.

“Our website is done. Mission accomplished.”


You are never really done online because the web keeps moving.

“Our customers don’t use the internet.”


They do. Even seniors and low income populations are taking advantage of the internet.

“We don’t need any more customers.”


Existing customers rely on your web presence. The most common search is for a known business.

“We rely on word of mouth.”


The internet is even more important. Word of mouth can start and stop entirely online.

“We don’t have the budget.”


Budget is not a barrier to entry. Many online channels are available for free or very low cost.

There’s no excuse for your business to ignore or neglect the internet.

In Summary● Internet is extension of our lives● Mobile, internet of things will further growth● Consumers have expectations● Business cases go well beyond marketing● Avoid excuses and embrace the tech

Discussion time. What questions do you have? Let’s discuss your


For more information, including a copy of this presentation, visit:

