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9/26/18, 10*12 PM Recipes for a Fasting-Mimicking Diet Page 1 of 16 What to Eat When you’re Fasting These recipes are derived from the research of Valter Longo , but not endorsed or approved by Dr Longo or his lab. Dr Longo’s research shows that a water fast of 4 or more days can trigger a reset of the immune system. As we get older, our blood contains too many memory T-cells, each programmed to combat a particular microbe, and not enough naive T-cells, which respond to new challenges. Fasting purges and rebuilds the immune cell population with naive T-cells. There is also an enduring effect on insulin sensitivity, which is a primary driver of aging. Many people find it difficult to sustain a zero-calorie fast for 4 days, and Dr Longo has developed a 5-day diet program that delivers much of the benefit with less hunger. It’s not exactly a free lunch, but at least to some extent you can have your fast and eat it, too. Dr Longo endorses a program under medical supervision using a package of prepared vegan foods, including herbs and caffeine. His company is called L-Nutra and the packaged 5-day diet will be sold under the brand name ProLon . (not yet available as of 2015 August.) The recipes below are satisfying vegan meals with the same calorie content and macronutrients as the ProLon diet. Each recipe has about 360 calories, in the form of 9% protein, 44% fat and 47% carbohydrate. Instructions: Each of the recipes below is sized for one meal. Choose 3 meals for the first day, 2 meals for each of the
Page 1: What to Eat - Richard Hrubyrichardhruby.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Fasting... · Indian Cabbage Salad 9 oz green cabbage, finely shredded 1.5 tsp peanut oil 1 Tbsp flaked coconut

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What to EatWhen you’re Fasting

These recipes are derived from the research of ValterLongo, but not endorsed or approved by Dr Longo or hislab.

Dr Longo’s research shows that a water fast of 4 or moredays can trigger a reset of the immune system. As we getolder, our blood contains too many memory T-cells, eachprogrammed to combat a particular microbe, and notenough naive T-cells, which respond to new challenges.Fasting purges and rebuilds the immune cell populationwith naive T-cells.

There is also an enduring effect on insulin sensitivity,which is a primary driver of aging.

Many people find it difficult to sustain a zero-calorie fastfor 4 days, and Dr Longo has developed a 5-day dietprogram that delivers much of the benefit with lesshunger. It’s not exactly a free lunch, but at least to someextent you can have your fast and eat it, too.

Dr Longo endorses a program under medical supervisionusing a package of prepared vegan foods, includingherbs and caffeine. His company is called L-Nutra andthe packaged 5-day diet will be sold under the brandname ProLon. (not yet available as of 2015 August.)

The recipes below are satisfying vegan meals with thesame calorie content and macronutrients as the ProLondiet. Each recipe has about 360 calories, in the form of9% protein, 44% fat and 47% carbohydrate.


Each of the recipes below is sized for one meal. Choose3 meals for the first day, 2 meals for each of the

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following 4 days.

This diet is not intended for weight loss, and is notappropriate as a long-term regime.

Introduction by Enid Kassner


developed by Enid Kassner in consultation with JJM

Apple-Almond Salad 8 oz apple8 oz lettuce5 oz cucumber1 tsp salad oil1 oz almondsvinegar, salt andpepper to taste

Toss salad with oil andvinegar, adding herbs,spices, salt, garlic, etc.to taste.

Eggplant Paté with Vegetables(Baba ganoush) 1 Tbsp tahini

2 tsp olive oil4 oz cookedeggplant3 Tbsp lemonjuice8 oz fresh tomato4 oz cucumber2 oz cooked corn(fresh or frozen)

Blend tahini, eggplant,oil, and lemon juice infood processor, addingsalt, cumin, and freshgarlic to taste. Servewith vegetables

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Hearty Red Cabbage Slaw5 oz red cabbage2 oz carrot1.5 oz avocado1 Tbsp lime orlemon juice1 oz apple(shredded forsweetness)3 oz cooked corn(fresh or frozen)3/4 oz crushedwalnut

Shred cabbage, carrots,and apple in foodprocessor. Cook cornlightly in microwave.Chop nuts. Blendavocado with lemon orlime, adding salt andpepper. Garlic optional.Toss all together.

Sesame Noodleswith Bok Choy 3 oz bok choy

3 oz red pepper2 oz cauliflower1.5 oz ricenoodles (weightuncooked)2 tsp toastedsesame oil1 Tbsp tahini1 Tbsp lime or

Braise vegetables inwater or vegetablebroth. Cook noodles todirections on package.Mix vegetables andnoodles and toss withthe following dressing:sesame oil, tahini, soysauce, grated ginger,lime juice.

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lemon juicesoy sauce andginger to taste

Gazpacho12 oz tomatoes (canned, fresh ormixed)1 oz onion2 tsp olive oil1 oz black olives1 Tbsp vinegar3 oz snap peas3 oz cucumber2 oz avocado3 oz red pepper

Blend all ingredients inblender, adding garlicand salt to taste. Hint:leaving someingredients to the endwith just a quick buzz ofthe blender can add achunky texture.

Aloo gobi (Indian cauliflower & potatoes) 7 oz cauliflower

5 oz potatoes1 Tbsp peanut oil1/2 oz cashewscurry spicesginger, garlic

Blend ginger, garlic,turmeric and currypowder (extra cayennepepper, if desired) witha small amount of waterin blender. Add oil toheavy pot and heat. Addthe spice mixture, being

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careful not to splatterthe oil. Add cauliflowerand potatoes and cover,adding more water asneeded to preventburning. Salt to taste.Simmer covered about20 minutes, untilvegetables are cooked.Squeeze on a bit oflemon or lime and addfresh cilantro.

Potatoes and Veggieswith Kale Pesto 1/2 oz pine nuts

1 oz fresh basilleaves1 Tbsp olive oil2.5 oz kale5.5 oz summersquash4.5 oz potatoesgarlic, salt andpepper to taste

Make a pesto with basil,kale, pine nuts, garlic,olive oil, salt and pepperby blending in foodprocessor. Steamsquash (or othervegetable); boilpotatoes, and dress withpesto.

Spinach Hummuswith Veggies 2 oz spinach

1 Tbsp tahini1 Tbsp lemonjuice1 oz dry chickpeas(or 3 oz canned)2.5 oz avocado4 oz carrots

Boil dried chick peas inpressure cooker 1 hr, orwithout pressure 4 hrs,or use canned. Drainand blend chick peaswith tahini, spinach,lemon juice, garlic,cumin, and salt in foodprocessor. Eat withcarrots and avocado.

Spinach-Strawberry Saladwith Rice Cakes 5 oz spinach

6 oz strawberries2 tsp olive oil1/2 oz pecans

Toss spinach,strawberries and nutswith olive oil/lemondressing, adding salt

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1 oz rice cakes and pepper to taste.Serve with rice cakes.

Summer Vegetableswith Pesto and Rice Cakes 7 oz summer

squash orzucchini3 oz carrots2 tsp olive oil1/2 oz pine nutss3/4 oz fresh basilleaves1Tbsp olive oil3/4 oz rice cakes1 oz corn (freshor frozen)

Make pesto in foodprocessor using basil,olive oil, garlic, pinenuts, salt, and pepper.Steam summer squashand carrots; cook cornin microwave or boil.Toss with pesto andserve with rice cakes.

Summer Vegetable Saladwith Rice Cakes 6 oz fresh

tomatoes4 oz green beans2 tsp olive oil6 oz cucumber2 oz avocado3 oz spinach3/4 oz rice cake

Cook green beans orother green vegetable,such as broccoli. Tosswith spinach, tomatoes,onion, cucumber,avocado, and dressingof olive oil, vinegar, salt,pepper, and any fresh

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herbs. Serve with ricecakes.

Coconut Currywith Tofu and Vegetables 2 oz tofu

4 oz carrots5 oz butternutsquash6 oz coconut milk1 oz onions3 oz red pepper2 oz broccoli2 tsp peanut oilcurry powder,ginger

Sauté peppers andonions in oil (can alsoadd fresh garlic), thenadd carrots and squashwith coconut milk, currypowder, and gratedginger. Simmer untilveggies and about halfcooked (about sevenminutes) and then addbroccoli and tofu. Cookuntil desired crispness.

(In the picture at left,cauliflower has beensubstituted for broccoli.)

Ginger Carrot Soup11 oz carrots2 tsp vegetableoil7 ozunsweetenedcoconut milk*1 oz onions1/2 oz almonds8 oz water orvegetable stockor bouillongrated ginger,pressed garlic,ground corianderseeds

Sauté onions, gratedginger, (coriander andgarlic, if desired), andchopped almonds in oil.Add chopped carrotsand water or vegetablebroth, seasoning withsalt. Cook about 20minutes and then pureein blender. Return to potand swirl in coconut milkand heat till warm.

* A note about coconutmilk. There are manyproducts labeled "coconutmilk," some of which arecloser to coconut cream:very high in fat andcalories. The product usedin this (and other) recipesis the Trader Joe's brand ofunsweetened coconutbeverage—sold by thequart—which contains 60calories per cup.

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Saag Aloo(Indian spianch with potatoes) 8 oz spinach

1 Tbsp olive oil4 oz potato4 oz tomato1 oz avocadoginger, garlicgaram masala

Sauté ginger and garlicin oil. Add spinach andcook until wilted. Add abit of water, if necessaryand cover and cook onlow heat until totallycooked. Boil potatoesseparately. Whenspinach is cooked,puree in food processoror with immersionblender. Add potatoesand garam masala (atoasted curry power).Serve with fresh tomatoand avocado.

(Note: a higher proteinversion of this dish canbe prepared by using 4ounces of tofu and just2 ounces of potato...tryit when you’re notfasting!)

Kale Risotto1.5 oz arborio rice1 Tbsp olive oil4 oz kale1/t oz onion1 oz avocado6 oz veg broth orstock

Sauté onion in oil andadd rice, browninggently. Add kale andthen add vegetablestock gradually, stirringconstantly untilabsorbed – about 20minutes. Add salt andpepper and somegrated lemon peel.Serve with slicedavocado. A smallamount of lemon juiceor vinegar can be addedfor tangy flavor.

Eggplant and Potatoes withFenugreek and Tofu 8 oz eggplant

4 oz potatoes

Toss eggplant andpotato chunks in a blendof turmeric, coriander,

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1.5 oz tofu1 Tbsp veg oillemon juiceIndian spices:turmeric,coriander,cardomon,cayenne, cumin,saltfenugreek

salt, and cayennepepper. Heat oil in aheavy pot and add asmall about (about ¼teaspoon) fenugreekseeds. When they turnbrown (about 10seconds) add thecoated vegetables andbrown uncovered about5 minutes. Then addenough water soveggies don’t stick,cover pot, and cookabout 15-20 minutes.Gently stir in tofuchunks.

Indian Cabbage Salad9 oz greencabbage, finelyshredded1.5 tsp peanut oil1 Tbsp flakedcoconut4 tsp choppedalmonds1 oz rice cakeslemon juice,mustard seeds,and hot pepper

Heat oil and add 1 tmustard seeds,covering pan. Whenseeds stop popping,add hot pepper,almonds and cabbage.Toss together and turnoff heat. Place in bowland add coconut, salt,and lemon juice to taste.Serve with rice cakes.

Turnip and Potato Soup12 oz turnip2.5 oz potatoes7 ozunsweetenedalmond milk2 tsp veg oil1 oz choppedonion1/2 oz choppedalmonds (about 4tsp)8 oz water orvegetable broth

Heat oil in pot andlightly saute onion. Addturnips and potatoes,cut in chunks, andalmonds. Add water orbroth and cover. Cookabout 15 minutes.Puree with imersionblender, or transfer toblender to puree. Returnto pot and add almondmilk, heating soup butnot bringing to a boil.

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Morning Oatmeal1/2 C rolled oats.5 oz walnuts1/2 C raspberries8 ozunsweetenedcoconut milk*

Cook the oats with 1Cof water. Add nuts, fruitand coconut milk. Asmall (about 4 oz) applemay substitute forberries. * A note aboutcoconut milk. There aremany products labeled"coconut milk," some ofwhich are closer tococonut cream: veryhigh in fat and calories.The product used in this(and other) recipes isthe Trader Joe's brandof unsweetened coconutbeverage—sold by thequart—which contains60 calories per cup.

Ratatouille with Walnuts2 oz red peppers7 oz summersquash6 oz eggplant8 oz fresh orcanned tomatoesl2 oz choppedonion and freshgarlic, to taste2 tsp olive oil.5 oz walnuts

Cut eggplant in chunksand sprinkle with salt,letting it sit about 10minutes. Heat oil in potand lightly saute onionand garlic. Add peppers,squash and eggplant,cut in chunks. Sauteabout 5 minutes. Addtomatoes and cover.Cook about 15 minutes,until vegetables aretender. Add salt, pepper,and fresh or dried basilto taste. Serve withwalnuts.

Coconut Curry with ButternutSquash, Broccoli, and Cashews 8 oz butternut

squash, peeledand cut intochunks6 oz freshbroccoli florets8 oz

Sauté onions in hot oil,and add curry powder.Add coconut milkgradually, stirring. Addsquash and cook,covered, about 7minutes. Add broccoliand cook an additional 5

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unsweetenedcoconut milk*1 oz onions1/2 Tbsp oil1/2 oz roastedcashewscurry powder andsalt, to taste

minutes, or untilvegetables are desiredtenderness.Add salt totaste and servegarnished withcashews.

* A note about coconutmilk. There are manyproducts labeled "coconutmilk," some of which arecloser to coconut cream:very high in fat andcalories. The product usedin this (and other) recipesis the Trader Joe's brand ofunsweetened coconutbeverage - sold by thequart - which contains 60calories per cup.

(Note similar curries canbe prepared in the samemanner. For example,instead of squash,broccoli, and cashews, therecipe works with 9 ozokra; 3 oz corn; 3 ozonions; and a scant Tbspof oil.)

Coconut-Creamy Corn-Kale-PotatoSoup 4 oz fresh kale,

chopped1/2 Tbsp oil2.5 oz potato2 oz corn - freshor frozen2.5 oz richcoconut milk orlight coconutcream: about 100calories per 1/4cup*12 oz water orvegetable broth

Sauté onion and garlic,if desired in hot oil. Addwater or broth andpotatoes, cooking about5-7 minutes. Add kaleand continue cooking,mixing as kalewiltsspinach and cookuntil wilted. Add cornand cook anotherminute or two. Gentlystir in rich coconut milkand heat until warm, butnot boiling. Add salt totaste.

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salt and garlic totaste

*Note: unlike manyrecipes on this page, thisrecipe calls for a higherfat, richer coconut milk.There are many types ofcanned coconut milkavailable. Look for onethat has about 25 caloriesper Tbsp.)

Tamarind Eggplant with Peanuts2 tsp tamarindconcentrate,dissolved in 1/4 Cboiling water(available inAsian grocerystores)2 tsp peanut oil8 oz eggplant,cubed and salted1 oz onion,chopped andchopped garlic, totaste1/2 oz choppedred or greenpepper1 Tbsp shreddedcoconut(unsweetened)2 Tbsp roastedpeanutssalt, cayennepepper, to taste9 oz fresh orcanned tomatoes,chopped

Heat oil and saute garlicand onion 2-3 minutes.Add peppers andeggplant and continueto saute until wilted. Addtomatoes and cook,covered, about 20minutes until eggplant isvery soft. Add moreliquid if needed. Addtamarind, coconut, saltand cayenne papperand cook an additional 5minutes to blend flavors.Serve with peanutssprinkled on top.

Kale and Corn Salad4 oz fresh kale,chopped, largestems removed3 oz fresh or

Place chopped kale in alarge bowl and sprinklewith salt and lemon orlime juice. "Massage"the kale, squeezing it

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frozen corn,cooked about 1minute inmicrowave2.5 tsp olive oil2 Tbsp goldenraisins1.5 Tbsp choppedwalnutsjuice of 1/2 lemonor lime

with your hands until itwilts. It will considerablydiminish in volume. Addall remaining ingredientsand mix. If desired,fresh garlic can beadded.

Miso Soup with Soba Noodles andVegetables 1 oz bok choy,

chopped1 oz mushrooms,sliced1.5 oz turnips,peeled and cubed1 oz scallions,sliced1 oz wakame(seaweed)1.5 oz sobanoodles1.5 tsp miso2.5 C water2.5 tsp toastedsesame oilsoy sauce,ginger, and hotsauce, to taste1.5 oz avocado

Heat water and dissolvemiso in it. Add turnips,bok choy, andmushrooms, simmering,covered, about 5minutes. Add wakameand scallions for the lastminute. Cook noodlesseparately, according topackage instructions,and drain. Assemblesoup in a large bowl:add drained noodlesand toss with sesameoil. Then add the brothwith veggies, seasoningto taste with soy sauce,grated fresh ginger &/orhot sauce. Serve withsliced avocado.

Barley Risotto with ButternutSquash and Mushrooms 1.3 oz hulled or

pearled barley(about 3 Tbsp)3 oz slicedmushrooms4 oz butternutsquash, peeledand cubed1/2 oz onion,chopped

Heat oil in a heavy potand saute onions about2-3 minutes. Addmushrooms andcontinue cooking 4-5minutes, adding somebroth if pan is sticking.Add barley, squash, andbroth and cook, covereduntil barley is tender.Check and add more

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2 tsp olive oil5 oz vegetablebroth (more ifneeded)4 tsp choppedwalnuts

liquid as needed.Depending on the typeof barley, cook time maybe anywhere from 45minutes to 1.5 hours.The recipe can also beprepared in a slowcooker on low -requiring 3-5 hours,depending on whetherpearled or hulled barleyis used. When finished,add salt and pepper totaste. Fresh or driedrosemary is a niceaddition and lemon juicecan be squeezed on fora more tangy flavor.Serve with walnuts.

Spanish Beets in Romescu Sauce13.5 oz beets4 oz freshtomatoesscant Tbsp saladoil1/2 oz almondsgarlic, dried chilipepper, winevinegar, salt andpepper

Cut fresh tomato in halfand roast in non-stickpan with almonds and 2cloves of fresh garlic,peeled and halved, for30 minutes at 350degrees. While tomatois roasting, peel, cube,and boil fresh beets untiltender – about 10-15minutes. Blend roastedtomato, garlic, andalmonds with about 1.5Tbsp wine vinegar, ascant Tbsp olive oil, and¼ tsp dried chili flakesor powder. Add enoughwater to blend into asauce (about 2 Tbsp),adding salt and pepperto taste. Combine beetsand sauce and garnishwith chopped parsley.

Enid’s Vegetarian Lao Crispy RiceSalad 1 cup white rice

Cook the rice with 1 cupof water (more if using

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(Jasmine ormedium-grain; orbrown)3T Thai red currypaste (about halfa small can – Iused Panangcurry)coconut or otheroil spray½ - ¾ block ofextra firm tofu1T peanut oil (orother lightvegetable oil)1T soy sauce1t salt1T sugar orbrown sugar½ cup flakedcoconut1/3 cup thinlysliced shallots(could usescallions oronions)1/3 cup roastedpeanuts, chopped½ cup choppedfresh mint½ cup choppedfresh cilantro(also can add ½cup choppedfresh basil)1 tsp red chiliflakes (optional –depends on howhot the currypaste is)1 whole lime,juiced (more ifdesired)whole lettuceleaves/optionaladditionalvegetables – raw

brown rice). Mix cookedrice with the curry paste.Take a large nonstickroasting pan and spraywith coconut (or other)oil. Spread the rice/currymixture in a thin layer tocover the bottom of thepan. Spray a little moreoil on top. Bake in theoven at about 325degrees until the rice isdried out and crunchy.May take about 30-40minutes – more or lessdepending on oventemperature andwetness of rice. You canflip chunks of it over asit’s getting dry. Whendone, remove from ovenand let cool.

Cut the block of tofu intofour thin slices. Use akitchen towel tosqueeze out excesswater. Then place theslices on a dry towel ona plate and lightly saltthe top with coarse salt.Microwave for 3minutes, flip slices, re-salt, and microwaveanother 2 minutes. Thetofu will become drierand firmer. Whenthey’re cool enough tohandle, chop the tofuinto small cubes. Heatthe peanut oil in anonstick or cast iron panand lightly fry the cubes,tossing them about toget all surfaces fried.Set aside when done.

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and/or cooked In a large bowl, mixtogether soy sauce, salt,sugar, coconut, shallots,peanuts, mint, cilantro,and chili flakes. Breakthe crisped rice intochunks and add tosalad, along with thetofu. Squeeze lime juiceover everything and mixwell, adding more lime,salt, chili, sugar, or otheringredients to taste.

Add cooked vegetablesif you like – such asgreen beans or broccoli.Also can add rawcucumbers and/orsweet peppers.

Serve with lettuceleaves, placing a bigspoonful or two on eachleaf, rolling up the saladin the lettuce leaf andeating.

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