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What went right or wrong on election day - Nov 8th, 2016 USA

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Some of - What Went Right and Wrong on November 8 th , 2016 US Election Marshall Sponder, WebMetricsGuru INC

Some of - What Went Right and Wrongon November 8th, 2016 US Election

Marshall Sponder, WebMetricsGuru INC

Polls weren’t accurate enough

The Drama of this election is finally over!


Oversampling of Likely Democratic voters in favorable districts to Clinton was a common feature of most polls


Many of the pollsters were working with, or for, the MSM outlets colluding with the Democratic Party, or the Clintons, directly – WikiLeaks has a lot of evidence of news collusion. Wrong

Clinton's Pied Piper Strategy (use media contacts to promote Trump) has backfired spectacularly

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1120 Looked Right – but it backfired

This Election Was Not The 'The Death Of Data:' Filter Bubbles And Analysis

• Filter bubble also applies to the forecasters who are just picking the data they want to see and using it as your measurement of the world, and that has not really been talked about very much.

• It would also explain why most of the polls excepting for the two sided below were incorrect or totally off.

• This pretty much sums up what the state of election forecasting is today, as well as its limitations.

• Also, I followed the two polls that were more accurate and wondered why the real clear politics average uses polls that were flawed to begin with.



Trump Win Exposes Media's Smug Failures

• Ads don’t work, polls don’t work, celebrities don’t work, media endorsements don’t work and ground games don’t work.

• It all washed away. Beyonce. The tax returns. The theoretical blue wall. Trump as sexual predator. Putin. His shambolic debate performances. Hispanics. Indeed, every aspect of the media narrative, dust. This narrative not only did not diminish him, it fortified him.

• The criticism of Trump defined the people who were criticizing him, reliably giving the counter-puncher something to punch. It was a juicy target. The Media Party not only fashioned the takedown narrative and demanded a special sort of allegiance to it — Twitter serving as the orthodoxy echo chamber — but, suspending most ordinary conflict rules, according to the Center for Public Integrity, gave lots of cash to Hillary. The media turned itself into the opposition and, accordingly, was voted down.






How could so many projections have

been so far off the mark?


Dr. Sam Wang, a polling expert who said he would eat a bug if Donald Trump won more than 240 electoral votes during Tuesday's election has made good on that promise on Saturday



Our analysis strongly suggested that Hillary Clinton was in more trouble than any of the other polling data to that point indicated.

• The Real Problem with Polls

• Well, I can’t say I told you so, because what I wrote was a colossal understatement; however, this experience has reinforced my conviction that conventional quantitative Likert-scale survey questions—the sort used in every poll—are generally not terrific predictors of actual behavior.

• If I ask you a series of questions with a set of answers or a ratings scale I’m not likely to get a response that tells me anything useful.

• We know that consumers (and, yes, voters) are generally not rational decision-makers; people rely on emotions and heuristics to make most of our decisions.

• If I really want to understand what will drive actual behavior, the surest way to find out is by allowing you to tell me unaided, in your own words, off the top of your head.

• “How important is price to you on a scale of 1-10?” is no more likely to predict actual behavior than “How important is honesty to you in a president on a scale of 1-10?”

• It applies to cans of tuna and to presidents.



Nate Silver Blew It three times in a row (2014 US, 2014 UK and 2016 US) on the Election – Can His Brand Recover? NO

“Nate was arrogant. His numbers were all over the place. The title of ‘guru’ is now gone,” The Hill media reporter Joe Concha told TheWrap. He said Silver’s career will survive, but “never again will he be held in any revered regard.”

On Monday, Silver predicted that Trump had a 1-in-3 chance of defeating Hillary Clinton. Some other pundits thought Silver was being too generous: Huffington Post Washington bureau chief Ryan Grim accused him of “putting his thumb on the scales” to give Trump a better chance of wining.

(Grim tweeted an apology to Silver on Election Night, saying there was “far more uncertainty than we were accounting for.”)By Tuesday morning, Silver’s site reported that Clinton had a 71.4 percent chance of winning the election.Wrong

Twitter Facial Analysis Reveals Demographics of Presidential Campaign Followers


Not sure this helped anyone

Following Donald Trump's election, the war against algorithms began


For marketers, the algorithimization of the web has been a fact of life for years.


For marketers, the algorithimization of the web has been a fact of life for years.

• Success or failure on the web will in large part be determined by algorithms marketers don't control, or their ability to understand and make the most of them.

• Google has escaped a Microsoft-like crackdown, perhaps in part because marketers themselves are an unfavorable lot to regulators and the public.

• Many are accusing Facebook's algorithm of helping Donald Trump win the election he wasn't expected to win by allowing misinformation to be widely spread across its network. Throughout the election, fake stories, sometimes papered over with flimsy “parody site” disclosures somewhere in small type, circulated throughout Facebook: The Pope endorses Trump. Hillary Clinton bought $137m in illegal arms. The Clintons bought a $200m house in the Maldives.

WikiLeaks: Clintons Purchase $200 Million Maldives EstateBY SHADY GROVE | 108 COMMENTS67.9K931


Clinton’s data-driven campaign relied heavily on an algorithm named Ada.

What didn’t she see?

A raft of polling numbers, public and private, were fed into the algorithm, as well as ground-level voter data meticulously collected by the campaign. Once early voting began, those numbers were factored in, too.

What Ada did, based on all that data, aides said, was run 400,000 simulations a day of what the race against Trump might look like. A report that was spit out would give campaign manager Robby Mookand others a detailed picture of which battleground states were most likely to tip the race in one direction or another — and guide decisions about where to spend time and deploy resources. (they probably lost their way here)



Bad Trade Deals –The more we know, the worse it looks

• The TPP are a corporate lobbyist’s dream.

• Get the world’s most powerful corporations together to make a wish list of rule changes.

• Bundle them into an international agreement of thousands of pages of technical legal text that few people are likely to read.

• Call it a free-trade agreement and promise that it will create jobs, grow economies, and bring the world together.

• Include a provision that foreign corporations can sue a signatory government for any loss of anticipated profits due to government action.

• Require that these claims be decided by secret international tribunals composed of three private-sector attorneys; preclude review of the awards they grant.

• Push the agreement through the national legislative bodies of the prospective member nations under rules that limit debate, prohibit amendments, and require a simple up-or-down majority vote.



As a result of the Election, TPP is no longer going to be enacted and other trade deals may be renegotiated


Then there was this!



If there was anything that would “Freak Out” Evangelicals, this would!



#Spiritcookingwas in the hashtags

associated with Wikileaks


#Spiritcookingemerged on 11/4/16 and

dominated the weekend before

the election


WikiLeaks dominated the US election in October 2016 according to

Facebook statistics



The Podesta Emails published by WikiLeaks balanced Clinton’s MSM collusion making it easier for Donald Trump to win.


FBI reopens Clinton probe after new emails found in Anthony Weiner case –then closed it again 2 days before the election.



The 44 Most Damning Stories From WikiLeaks



Hillary Clinton supporters at her election night event in New York.


It was the biggest polling miss in a presidential election in decades.

It was the biggest polling miss in

a presidential election in decades.



Only the IBD/TIPP Poll and the L.A. Times/USC pollhad Trump ahead on Election Day.


The IBD/TIPP Poll and the L.A. Times/USC poll were the only accurate polls, as it turned out.



Finding out Why: Using Brandwatch Analytics determines the Top Stories from Wikileaks over the last 2 months

1. Clintons Paid Wall Street Speeches - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/11011(69,216 Tweets)

2. 2016 GOP presidential candidates Strategy Call (Pied Pier Strategy) – April 7, 2015 -https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1120 (37,249 Tweets)

3. Heads Up to Justice Dept. to HRC – Peter Kadzik - https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/43150#efmABWAB8ACiACqACvADUADXAIF (36,000 Tweets)

4. Photo/Tweet of Full Transcripts of Clinton’s Goldman Sachs Private Speeches -https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/787343422227091457/photo/1 (35,700 Tweets)

5. Re: Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy – (25,300 Tweets) -https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/3723#efmAMnANJANLAN9

6. Last Night – Apple gives governments device information despite strong encryption -https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/30593#efmAHtANd

7. POTUS on HRC’s Emails (“we need to clean this up”) – (25,000 Tweets) -https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31077#efmAAGABT

Crimson Hexagon Monitor – Who will win the Election – Clinton or Trump? Run before, during and after the Election


Students helped define the Crimson Hexagon Monitors which pointed the way to a Trump win.

Crimson Hexagon Topic Waves picked by AI



EMOTION: Disgust

EMOTION: Sadness

EMOTION: Surprise[–]timmyjj2 1 point 12 days ago*Markets according to insiders who know this told CNBC the market is pricing in a >60% chance he pulls it out. The Mexican peso is telling the tale, 4% drop in the peso to the dollar after the ABC poll dropped.http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=USD&to=MXN

Fear of Trump was the strongest emotion detected and peaked a few times shortly before the election

Expected turnout was low, and this chart suggests some reasons why.

Crimson Hexagon Swing State Opinion Monitor set up just before the election

Prediction: High End Technology (Targeting) is in a “Bubble”.The Technology did not deliver what was intended for the Clinton team or the DNC for at least a few reasons I can think off offhand, and a few more that will probably pop up, later.

• 1 – The Targeting Technology and Data Science were applied by the DNC with assumptions that were incorrect (Garbage in, Garbage out).

• The technology is flawed and still immature.

• Better to have “No Data” than “Bad Data” or “Incorrect Assumptions”

• 2 – No technology can fully compensate for bad content or a deficient candidate!

Facebook Mobile

Data Up To 80%


Rakuten Marketing engineers uncovered a measurement flaw in Omniture, Google Analytics, Coremetrics and other analytics packages that measure the click-through rates (CTRs) and cost per clicks (CPCs) for Facebook mobile campaigns.

Attributable revenue only comprised on average 5.6% of the total revenue generated across mobile-only, desktop-only and cross-device campaigns -- and as little as 2.4% for one retailer in the study.

Don’t we rely on mobile targeting more and more for hyper precision targeting and even, Programmatic? What if its all a “Bubble”?


Summary: The Filter Bubble for Analysts and Pollsters is as skewed as it is for the entire population

