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JBL What - Why - How? CORRECT Garden Pond Care
Page 1: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed

JBLWhat - Why - How?


Garden Pond Care

Page 2: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed



Published by JBL GmbH & Co. KGD-67141 Neuhofenwww.JBL.de

�th edition 2007Text: Dr. Rainer Keppler,JBL Company Biologist

1. IntroductIon .......................................................................................31.1. nAturE concEPt Pond from JBL .........................................42. thE gArdEn Pond, AttrActIon And nAturAL oAsIs In thE gArdEn .........53. thE gArdEn Pond durIng thE AnnuAL cycLE ........................................64. fEEdIng Pond fIsh ..............................................................................125. thE corrEct Pond wAtEr ....................................................................195.1. rAIn wAtEr for thE Pond? ..............................................................236. ALgAE In thE gArdEn Pond .................................................................247. fIsh dIsEAsEs In thE gArdEn Pond ......................................................288. JBL Pond Products nAturE concEPt Pond ...........................30

Contents Page

1. IntroductIon:

A beautifully laid out garden pond is a fascinating feature in any garden. People have always been strongly at-tracted to water. Relaxing near water is one of the most pleasant and varied of leisure activities. The banks of any pond or lake and the water itself offer an opportunity to observe wildlife and appreciate nature in many forms. These are probably the very reasons why you have chosen to make a pond.

In order that nothing clouds the pleas-ure this small biotope can give, a few measures have to be taken to care for your pond. Considering the enjoyment a healthy biotope brings, these measures will soon become a pleasurable routine. This short brochure describes how to successfully look after a pond and its inhabitants throughout the year using JBL care products and JBL feed.

Page 3: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed



15°C 15°C


Nature CoNCept poNdNature CoNCept poNd

Summer Spring AutumnWinter

Energy requirementsNutrient requirements Temperature

2. the garden pond, attractIon and natural oasIs In the garden

By building a garden pond you have not only added a design feature to your gar-den but also laid the foundations for a wide variety of different facets of nature study in your very own back yard. By creating a small pond you have provided a haven for many endangered species, threatened by the disappearance of more and more small pond and lakes from our countryside. Small ponds, in particular, with their surrounding marshy areas and banks are the natural habitat of a multitude of creatures from a wide range of species.

Depending on whether your pond is located in the centre of a city or on the outskirts, a greater or smaller variety of wildlife will find its way there. Amongst the animals which might be attracted are various types of amphibians, such as frogs, toads, newts etc. which will spawn in the pond in early spring. If the pond is not too densely populated with fish you will have the opportunity to observe at close range the fascinating transformation of small tadpoles into frogs. Birds will like to bathe and drink from the shallower areas of the pond. And interesting guests from the large insect kingdom will appear from time to time. The most striking are the colourful dragonflies which lay their eggs on the stems of plants. With a little patience you will be able to observe the hungry larva in the water. And with luck you will be able to see at close quarters how a dragonfly struggles to emerge from a chrysalis suspended from the stem of a plant. The insect kingdom offers many more fascinating sights for the careful observer, such as mayfly larva, water beetles and their larva and many others. It will certainly never be boring

for you with your private grandstand view of nature.

Not forgetting the main stars of the pond, the fish. You are certain to find just the right sort of fish for your pond from amongst the wide range of suit-able fish stocked by specialist retailers. Ask your retailer for advice. Many of the smaller indigenous fish are easy to keep in a garden pond, such as min-nows, bitterlings etc. If you prefer the more natural type of pond, these fish are the right choice. However, their rather unspectacular colouring makes them less noticeable in the pond. Fish which are easier to observe and highly noticeable are goldfish, koi and the red-coloured breeds of indigenous fish, e.g. golden orfe etc.

As well as the incomparable wealth of opportunities to observe wildlife which a private biotope can offer, simply relaxing by a pond is surely one of the best ways of spending leisure time. The cooling and invigorating, yet soothing beneficial effects of water add to the pleasure of whiling away the time in this manner. But now, back to the few measures which need to be taken to ensure you have long-lasting pleasure from your biotope.

In the temperate regions all living proc-esses are regulated by the seasonal course of the temperature and the length of daylight. The same applies to a pond. Each season has its own particular at-traction and life in and around the pond adapts to the special conditions of the season. Responsible care of this small biotope must therefore be based on the needs of the living creatures in each particular season. The most important and probably the most enjoyable task, certainly the most eventful one, is without doubt feeding the main occupants of the pond, the

fish. JBL´s NATURE CONCEPT POND includes a range of feeds specially balanced to meet the needs of fish in each particular season. This ensures that the fish are provided with the exact amount of essential proteins and energy which they require in a specific season, thereby guaranteeing a balanced diet and healthy growth with minimum pol-lution of the pond water (more details in the chapter on feeding pond fish). A comprehensive range of care products supplements the feed range for every season.

1.1 nature concept pond from JBl

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As previously mentioned, life in and around the pond is governed by the changes in the seasons. For this reason certain measures are called for to care for your pond in each specific season.

3. the garden pond durIng the annual cycle

This is also the time to fortify your fish with JBL AccliPond. The vital ingredi-ents in JBL AccliPond promote the resistance of the fish to disease which is particularly important in spring as the temperature of the water slowly increases. A normal dose of JBL Ac-cliPond should be added to the pond once a week for 4 weeks.

Pond care:

The danger of excess algae growth is especially high in spring as tem-peratures rise and the length of daylight increases. Specific meas-ures can be taken to eliminate al-gae problems at the outset and substantially prolong the pleasure your pond brings.

Futher information on the subject of algae in the pond can be found in Chapter 6.

Pond water often becomes polluted during the winter, so this is the time



In early spring the increasing tempera-ture of the air and water waken the pond from its winter slumber. The fish, in particular, need extra attention as temperatures rise. Warmer tempera-tures also bring an increased growth in the bacteria which cause illnesses and fish therefore need extra energy re-serves to resist disease. JBL PondEn-

ergil is a feed which is specifically suited to meet these nutritional re-quirements. With a high energy content accompanied by a reduced protein content, it is easily digested. The fish are provided with a vital source of energy without polluting the water with unnecessary waste by-

products such as ammonium and nitrite from the digestion of the proteins. At this time of year the micro-organisms which break down these pollutants are still largely inactive. More details on feeding fish are to be found in the following chapter.

to change about 1/� of the water in the pond. At the same time any remaining fallen autumn leaves should be fished out of the pond using a net. Refill the pond with tap water. The addition of JBL CondiPond® ensures that the quality of the water is suitable for your fish. Woody plant stems from the dormant winter period may be cut back now. New plants may be added from April onwards. If you do not wish to place the plants in existing plant areas, but in planting baskets, or if you want to es-tablish new planting areas, do not use normal garden soil. Special earth for pond plants, available from specialist suppliers, is ideally suited for use in ponds as its low-nutrient composi-tion does not introduce excess nu-trients which would encourage the growth of algae. The best time to thin out the plants is late summer. In the growing season which is now beginning, the plants use up nutrients which might other-wise encourage the growth of unde-sirable algae.

The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed dose of JBL Bacto-Pond® for 4 - 6 weeks. JBL BactoPond® provides the pond with beneficial bacteria, which are now particularly important to remove pollutants which have built up in the wa-ter throughout the winter. BactoPond® helps the pond to help itself and quickly en-sures clear, healthy pond water. Over the winter a visible layer of rot-ting vegetation and other waste ma-terial has perhaps formed on the less

accessible areas of the pond. These deposits can be specifically combated with JBL OrganoPond®. This product contains concentrated bacterial strains which are specialised in rapidly break-ing down such half-rotted residue. A mineral granulate serves as a carrier for the bacteria, sinking rapidly in the water and enabling the pond owner to apply the bacteria quickly and exactly where they are needed. However, you should be aware of one fact. Although the bacteria in JBL Or-ganoPond® are able to deal with al-most any waste, they cannot perform

miracles. In the course of time (after some years) a layer of material will collect which cannot be broken down any further and which represents the final stage of what bacterial breakdown can achieve. As a rule, this layer is dark black and can only be removed by me-chanical means, such as pond suction equipment. Well-stocked specialist re-tailers therefore regularly offer a hire service for such pond “vacuum cleaners” in spring.

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Abbildung Teichansicht Sommer File: I00�.tif Equipment:

Early in spring, when the danger of frosts has passed, ice-free devices may be removed from the pond and stored for the summer. This is also the correct time to re-install the pond filter, if it was removed and stored over the winter. If you do not have a pond filter, now is the time to think about purchasing one.The task of a pond filter is, on the one hand, to mechanically clarify the water and, on the other hand, for the cleans-ing bacteria to biologically break down pollutants which could endanger the fish. A new filter, of course, does not yet contain such cleansing bacteria. The product JBL ActivoPond® con-tains a concentrated form of such cleansing bacteria which have been se-lected and cultivated to biologically ac-tivate new pond filters. Adding JBL Ac-tivoPond® to the new pond filter or to a filter which has been cleaned ensures immediate biological cleansing power.

The combination of pond filter and the UV-C algae clarifier JBL AquaCristal UV-C has many advantages. These de-vices work on the physical principle of UV-C rays which eliminate floating al-gae and algae spores and reduce the level of bacteria causing diseases. This successfully eliminates or prevents ex-cess algae and produces crystal-clear pond water. A reduction in the level of germs promotes the health of the fish. The water is not polluted by chemical additives, such as algae preparations.

After biologically activating the filter with JBL ActivoPond® or other cleans-ing bacteria, a UV-C clarifier should not be used for approx. �-4 weeks, as the beneficial bacteria might otherwise be killed by the UV-C light. After a “run-ning in” phase of �-4 weeks, the bacte-ria in the filter have stabilised and UV-C appliances can be run without any problem. The same applies to the use of bacteria preparations such as JBL

BactoPond® in pond water. However, in this case the UV-C appliance can be already operated 2 weeks after the use of the bacteria preparation.

Different strengths of UV radiation are needed depending on the effect re-quired, such as the elimination of algae bloom or a reduction in germs. More details on selecting the correct UV-C unit are given in Chapter 6. Pond care:

Summer is the time to enjoy your pond and appreciate its beauty, without the trouble of time-consuming tasks. It may be necessary to thin out the plants to prevent the pond becoming overgrown. Regular monitoring of the water quality should also be a routine task. More de-tails are to be found in the chapter „The correct pond water“. The water level may also need topping up during long periods of dry weather. The added wa-ter should also be given a helping hand with JBL CondiPond®.


As the water temperatures rise, the abil-ity of water to absorb oxygen reduces. Therefore it is particularly important in summer that the pond filter or aera-tor work efficiently to supply sufficient

oxygen. The pond filter or other aer-ating devices (e.g. JBL PondOxi® pond aerating set) should be regu-larly checked to ensure that they are operating correctly.



When the temperature rises to about 1�°C towards the end of spring, your fish require a varied and nutritious feed with a balanced mixture of building blocks (proteins), energy carriers (car-bohydrates and fats) and ballast mate-rial (vegetable fibres etc.). Now is the time to change the fishes´ feed, from JBL PondEnergil to the wide range of JBL pond feed.

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pond with rotting matter. A protective net also does away with the tiresome task of having to fish the fallen leaves out of the pond with a catch net. Cut

back soft-stemmed plants now. Hard-wood plants are best cut back in spring, as the stems assist in the exchange of gases in winter when the pond is cov-ered in a sheet of ice.


The filter and UV-C algae clarifier may operate as long as there is no danger of frosts in autumn and the beginning of winter, since they perform an impor-tant role in improving the quality of the water. Check, as in summer, that the devices are operating correctly. Since the pond filter and UV-C algae clari-fier are not frost resistant, they should be removed, emptied and stored in a frost-free place before the first frosts.



When the water tempera-ture drops below 1�°C in autumn, the pond fish need easily digestible, high-en-ergy feed to enable them to build up sufficient reserves for the winter. As in spring, the fish should now be fed with JBL PondEnergil. As the water temperature drops

further, the amount of feed required by the fish will also decrease.

JBL AccliPond further boosts the health of your fish, promoting their resistance to disease and fortifying them for the rigours of winter.

Pond care:

The pond needs more inten-sive care in autumn to help the fish and other inhabitants of the pond survive the win-ter unharmed. This is the best time to clean the pond thoroughly. Re-move excess plant growth and some of the sludge which has formed on the floor of the pond. Carry out a partial change of water at the same time. Water taken from the pond may be used to water the garden. Refill the pond with fresh water, adding JBL CondiPond® to improve the water quality to the benefit of your fish.

Before the leaves start to fall in au-tumn, we recommend you protect your pond from dead leaves with a Leaf Protection Net. The leaves would unnecessarily pollute the

Oxi pond aerating set prevent the pond

freezing over entirely. A combination of ice-freeing

equipment and a pond aerating set is recommended for regions with harsh winters. The aerating set ensures that there is move-ment of the water surface inside the ice-freeing equip-ment, prevent-ing the thick-ening sheet of ice infiltrating the ice-freeing device. In order that the fish survive the winter, it is very important that the airstone of the JBL PondOxi Set is positioned no deeper than �0 cm under the surface of the water, otherwise the warm water of the deeper levels would rise to the surface and cool, resulting in the death of the fish. Using the floater included in the JBL PondOxi Set the airstone can be easily positioned in whatever loca-tion is selected. A covering of snow on the ice reduces the amount of light in the pond and prevents the assimilation of light which is vital for the underwater plants. To prevent this, try to keep the ice as free of snow as possible.



In winter the pond rests. The fish re-treat to the deeper areas of the pond where the water is 4°C. Their me-tabolism slows down to the minimum.

Nevertheless the fish still require low amounts of energy to maintain their metabolism at this low level. JBL PondEnergil is the best method of pro-viding the fish with just the right amount of ener-gy in a form which exactly meets their needs. When the pond is frozen over the fish can be carefully

fed through the ice-free zone within an ice-free device or other equipment de-signed to prevent the pond becoming completely covered in ice.

Pond care, equipment:

Before the pond begins to freeze over, appropriate equipment should be put in place to prevent the pond icing over completely and to allow the vital ex-change of gases with the air to continue. An ice-free device or the JBL Pond-

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Summer Spring AutumnWinter

Energy requirementsNutrient requirements Temperature


JBL Pond NaturJBL Pond VarioJBL Pond SticksJBL Pond FlakesJBL Pond ColoronJBL Pond EnergilJBL Koi miniJBL Koi midiJBL Koi maxiJBL Koi FunSnackJBL Koi DelikatJBL Pond Sterlet

Summer Spring AutumnWinter


4. feedIng pond fIsh

The main purpose of the JBL NATURE CONCEPT POND range is to provide a balanced selection of feeds which meet the nutritional needs of your pond fish in every season. The individual feeds are designed to harmonise in a system oriented to the natural conditions of the particular season, therefore taking

15°- Cold seasons (water temperature below 15°)

JBL Pond Energil is a special feed for low temperatures. The latest research has shown that pond fish require feed which provides the energy needed for

metabolism even in lower tempera-tures. This means feed-ing the fish practically throughout the year with the quantity and com-position of ingredients required for the condi-tions prevailing in each particular season. It is especially important in spring, when the water temperature slowly be-gins to rise above 4°, to ensure that the fish are fed with just the right quantity and combination of high-en-ergy, low-protein nutrients to meet the needs of the gradu-ally increasing metabolic rate of the fish. If the fish are not fed, the incidence of disease in-creases significantly.

In autumn as the water tempera-ture begins to drop below 1�° once more, the fish again require high-en-ergy, easily-digestible feed to build up sufficient reserves for winter. JBL PondEnergil is high in energy in the form of carbohydrates and fats which are exactly balanced to meet the needs of the fish in this season. As fish at this time of the year hardly need any protein for growth, JBL PondEnergil contains little protein in order to reduce the excretion of am-monium resulting from the digestion of proteins. Ammonium would be a serious pollutant otherwise, as the ac-tivity rate of the beneficial cleansing bacteria is low in autumn. Since the fish spend their time in the lower re-

gions of the pond once the tem-perature sinks under 10-1�° C,

JBL PondEnergil consists of small sticks which sink in the

water and can be given in specific doses. The cor-rect dosage of JBL Pon-

dEnergil must be gauged from experience. The lower

the temperature of the water, the less the fish will eat.

the specific physiological nutritional requirements of the fish into conside-ration. The diagram below shows the individual feeds listed according to the season for which they are designed.





Analysis of PondEnergil

Raw protein

Raw fat

Raw fibre

Raw ash

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15° Warm seasons (temperature above 15° C):

In the warmer seasons when the water temperature rises above 1�° C, pond fish require nutritious feed with a great deal of variety to promote healthy

growth and breed. A balanced mixture of building blocks (proteins), energy providers (carbohydrates and fats) as well as ballast material (vegetable fi-bres) is required at this time. A multi-vitamin complex with stabilised vitamin C improves the fitness of the fish and strengthens their resistance to dis-ease.With the JBL PondThermometer you can check the temperature of the pond water at any time.

JBL PondSticks are practi-cally the „bread and but-

ter“ in your fishes‘ diet in this sea-son. Variety is provided by the range of feeds JBL PondVario, JBL PondNatur and JBL Pond Flakes.

JBL PondVario contain a bal-anced mixture of various flakes, natural crustacea and sticks. Fish of all sizes can therefore be fed the food which suits them best.

With JBL PondNatur you can offer your fish occasional natural treats in the form of various dried crustacea.

JBL PondFlakes is a pure flake feed made up of various flakes, which are ideal food for smaller species of fish, above all. Goldfish and related breeds as well as all the other red or gold-col-oured breeds of pond fish display particu-larly vivid, glowing colouring if they are

often given JBL Pond- Coloron.

Food for koi

JBL has developed a range of top qual-ity food specifically for the king of pond fish, koi. Pond owners who are particu-larly concerned about the quality of fish food can feed this food to other fish, too. JBL Koi mini, JBL Koi midi and JBL Koi maxi are designed to meet the specific nutritional requirements of koi in all their phases of development. All three foods contain high-quality proteins from fish, shrimp and wheat-

germ as build-ing blocks for healthy growth, as

well as spirulina algae and carotinoids for outstanding and clearly defined colour patterning. Fish oils and other energy carriers which are rich in un-saturated fatty acids promote fertil-ity, ensure optimum energy levels and enhance the unique colouring of these breeds. In order to guarantee optimum rates of healthy growth for koi whilst ensuring that the pollution of the pond with nitrogenous waste products from the protein metabolism is kept to a minimum, the koi food from JBL men-tioned above has a protein/fat ratio of 4 : 1.This enables the koi to convert as much of the protein as possible into growth, without having to burn it off

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unnecessarily as a source of energy, thereby excreting water-polluting nitro-gen compounds. This is ensured by the carefully balanced fat content.

Koi are fish which develop a „character“ in the course of their life in the pond. They learn to recognise their keepers, and will become so tame with time that they can be stroked and fed by hand.

This behaviour can be en-couraged by feeding the fish with JBL KoiFun Snack. This particularly tasty treat was specially developed for hand feeding and will tempt koi from even the farthest corners of the pond. The

carefully selected and easily digested mixture

means that the fish can be given more to

eat simply for fun. The size was se-lected so that the

individual JBL Fun-Snacks can be held

comfortably in the hand, whilst your favourite fish

„nibble away“.

JBL offers a further deli-cacy for „snacks between meals“, the JBL Koi Delikat. Dried silkworms are a great favourite in the Land of the Rising Sun, the home of the koi. However, care should be

taken to ensure that the silkworms are really

only given as occa-sional treats, as the

unbalanced amino acid content can lead to serious

deficiencies in the diet of the koi if given

as a staple food.

The long transition from autumn to winter and winter to spring in the Cen-tral European climate is a major stress factor for koi. Low energy supplies in this period usually inevitably lead to dangerous outbreaks of disease in

spring. Of course, koi are also accustomed to strong winters in Japan, their home country. However, the win-ters are far shorter than here and the transition times with water temperatures below optimum are virtually neg-ligible. If the koi pond does not have heating or another

facility to prevent the temperature dropping drastically, the most impor-tant measure to maintain the health of the koi is ensuring that energy sup-plies are guaranteed during this transi-tion time.

JBL PondEnergil, mentioned previously, has the ideal composition to provide this energy supply during the "transition" period.

An additional supply of vitamins in the form of JBL KoiVitol increases resist-ance in times of increased stress and prevents diseases. JBL KoiVitol con-tains a balanced multivitamin com-plex, produced in a special emulsion

process with lecithin, making the fat-soluble vitamins fully accessible. The addition of 10% pure bee´s honey makes any food given addi-

tional vitamins with JBL KoiVitol into an irresistible treat for your koi.

JBL KoiVitol is available in a practi-cal spray bottle. Used in combination with the new dosage beaker for pond food by JBL, this makes feeding very easy. Simply measure the required amount of food in the dosage beaker, spray with JBL KoiVitol as required, mix thoroughly and leave to soak in for 10 – 1� minutes. Then feed to koi or other pond fish.The dosage beak-er also helps you to measure out the

amount of food to be given each day simply and easily. For most of the JBL food products for koi and other pond fish, weight scales are printed on the beaker, so that you can always give the optimum dose. You can decide for yourself how much food your fish re-quire using the size scale printed on the beaker.

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1�JBLFood for sturgeon

These archetypal fish are becoming increasingly common as pond fish. They are particularly popular as ac-companying fish in large koi ponds. With their specially adapted upturned mouths, sturgeon eat all kinds of small creatures hiding on and in the bottom of the pond. Their special whiskers include highly sensitive sense organs, enabling the sturgeons to detect these creatures and devour them.

JBL PondSterlet was designed such that the form and composition is suited to the special feeding habits of stur-geon. A high content of selected protein carri-ers from fish and other aquatic animals as well

as unsaturated fatty acids from fish oil

reflect the natu-ral diet of these

fish. In addi-tion, the form

of of the food as small pearls which sink suits the anatomical features and the feeding habits of these fish. The pearls sink quickly to the floor of the pond , where they do not dissolve. The sturgeon can take its time, graz-ing, and slowly eat these tasty pearls one by one.

5. the correct pond water

Water chemistry cannot be completely dispensed with in the garden pond ei-ther. However, you do not have to be an expert scientist, and you will find that you very quickly master the few basic principles. These include water hardness, the pH level and a little knowledge of the nitrogen cycle in the pond. Using the practical five-fold test strips, JBL EasyTest 5 in 1, you can gain an insight into the � wa-ter values in your pond in less than 2 minutes. Depending on your requirements and any pos-sible problems, e.g. the growth of undesirable algae, low carbonate hardness levels etc. we recommend the use of the more precise JBL Test Sets, working on a drip principle, which are described in the following.

The water hardness:

The hardness of the wa-ter and especially the carbonate hardness play an important role in sta-bilising the pH level in the pond and are therefore two of the most important hydrochemical factors in the pond. The carbonate hardness ensures that the

pH level, which we will discuss in the following, remains constant, avoiding any drastic swings which the fish and plants do not like at all. As a result of the assimilation activity of the plants and especially of the algae, which are present in vast numbers, the carbon-ate hardness can be reduced or even depleted, which can cause life-threat-ening fluctuations in the pH level. The formation of acids (nitrate) due to over-feeding also leads to a decrease in carbonate hardness. The carbonate hardness in the pond should always be �° d CH and can b e measured using the JBL CH Test Set. Decreased CH-levels can be re-adjusted by exchanging some of the water with hard tap water or by adding JBL Alkalon-Combi to the water.

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pH level:

The pH value indicates whether a liq-uid reacts in an acidic, neutral or basic (alkaline) manner. The pH scale ranges from 0 (very acid) to 14 (very basic), with neutral at about 7. We are constantly confronted with the phenomenon of the pH level in every-day life: e.g. Coca Cola has a pH level of approx. �. All the food dishes which we find tasty are more or less acidic. The optimum pH level for all pond life is between 7.� and �.�. It fluctuates slightly throughout the day, with the level in the evening higher than in the morning.

It is important to know that when there is a one point change in the pH value, the concentra-tion of ions responsible for the change alters tenfold, in the case of two points there is a hundredfold change. This causes fish and

The nitrogen cycle:

Compounds containing nitrogen en-ter the pond water from the excretion of the fish and other animals. One of the main sources of such waste prod-ucts is the digestion of proteins which are not used for growth. For this rea-son, the task of a responsible producer is to produce feeds for garden pond fish composed in such a way that as much of the proteins as possible can be utilised for growth. In special situ-ations, where the fish can only make use of a small amount of proteins for their growth, as for example in the cold season, the feed should only contain a small quantity of proteins to ensure that the pond is not unnecessarily polluted.

cleansing bacteria via the intermediate stage of nitrite to nitrate (see illustra-tion). Nitrate, even in a relatively high concentrations, is harmless to fish, but it encourages the growth of undesirable algae. It also serves as a plant nutrient.

Since nitrite is highly toxic to fish, trac-es of nitrite should never be evident in pond water. The presence of nitrite is an indication of a major disturbance in the biological balance of the pond. Ammonium itself is not toxic, but con-verts to ammoniac depending on the pH value. The more the pH level ex-ceeds 7, the more toxic ammoniac is produced. Under normal circumstanc-es, ammonium should also never be traceable in the pond water. Evidence

plants great stress. For this reason, the carbonate hardness plays a vital role as a stabilising factor in the pond. The pH level can be measured using JBL pH Test Set 3.0 – 10 as a guideline, or, if more precise measurements are desired, with pH Test Set 7.4 – 9. In view of the fluctuations in pH levels throughout the day, measurements to be compared should always be taken at the same time of day.

ExtrEmEly hostilE ph rangE

hostilE ph rangE for many fish

optimum ph rangE for pond fish

ExtrEmEly hostilE ph rangE

3 up to 4 5 up to 6 7 up to 8 10 up to 14


Both these criteria are met by the feeds in the JBL NATURE CONCEPT POND range.

However a small amount of nitrogen will inevitably enter the pond water in the form of ammonium. This ammo-nium either serves directly as a plant nutrient or is transformed by beneficial

of ammonium is a further sign of seri-ous disturbance in the equilibrium of the pond.

In a carefully laid out pond with a marshy area, low-nutrient ground sub-strate (e.g. pond earth from specialist retailers) in the plant zone, sufficient gravel as a ground bed and possibly

Nitrogen cycle




Waste productssuch as excrement, urine, food remains and dead plant matter


Food chain Fish

Page 12: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed


2�JBLalso a pond filter or running water, such

disturbances should not occur - unless serious mistakes have been made in the care and maintenance of the pond. The nitrogen compounds in the pond can be monitored using the JBL NH4, NO2 and NO3 Test Sets.

Possible causes for the occurrence of nitrite or ammonium in pond water may be:

nGreatly overfeeding the pond fish, resulting in feed being partially di-gested or not eaten at all. This leads to a surplus of ammonium in the pond water, which cannot be broken down quickly enough by the cleans-ing bacteria.

Remedy: Feed less and add cleansing bacteria through JBL BactoPond®. If a pond filter is available, activate this bi-ologically, too, with JBL ActivoPond®. A good supply of oxygen is important for the cleansing bacteria to be most effective. If no pond filter is available, this can be provided by the JBL Pond-Oxi pond aerating set. JBL NATURE CONCEPT POND ensures balanced feeding in the long term.

nTreating disease with preparations which destroy the bacterial flora or the mi-cro-organisms in the pond. Cleansing bacteria are de-stroyed and toxic nitrite or ammoniac become en-riched.

Remedy: Diseases should be treated in a quarantine tank whenever possible. If this is not possible, change 50% of the water after treat-ment has finished. Condition the water with JBL Condi-Pond® , adding cleansing bacte-ria an hour later to the water, with JBL BactoPond® in the water and JBL ActivoPond® in the filter.

nFeeding with feed which is too high in nutrients for the colder sea-sons. High-protein feeds will cause increased excretion of ammonium by the fish in the cold seasons. As the cleansing bacteria are less active at lower temperatures, the ammonium is not processed sufficiently.

Remedy: Feed with JBL PondEnergil which is designed to meet the needs of the fish at low temperatures. Add three times the normal dose of cleansing bacteria for several weeks.

nIntroduction of fertilisers to the pond. Lawn fertilisers and other fer-tilising products may cause a sharp increase in nitrates, nitrites, ammo-niac and phosphates in the pond.

Remedy: The edge of the pond should be 5 – 10 cm higher than the surround-ing land. Additional fertiliser should not be used in the garden near to the gar-den pond. Carry out a partial change of water, changing approx. 50%. Condition the fresh water with JBL CondiPond® and add cleansing bacteria an hour later with JBL BactoPond® in the water and

JBL ActivoPond® in the filter.

In the light of growing concern for the environment and the increasing cost of water, the use of rainwater as a source of pond water is often considered as an option. After all, rainwater falls from the heavens free of charge. There are, in principle, no objections to this provid-ing a few points are borne in mind:

As mentioned already in the previous chapter, the carbonate hardness plays a vital role as a pH buffer in the pond, a type of life in-surance for your pond fish. Rain-water is known for its softness and is unsuitable for this reason. Further-more, thanks to our industrialised soci-ety, rainwater may contain acids and/or heavy metals, quite apart from the dirt washed off the roof. In addi-tion, rainwater from storms may contain larger or smaller levels from nitrates as a result of the electrical discharge process in the atmosphere.

Rainwater intended for use in a pond should first pass through the sort of mechanical filter which is included in most rainwater collection systems. It should then be hardened to at least �°d carbonate hardness. Any heavy metals must also be treated and pro-tective collides added to the water to make it suitable for the pond. JBL AlkalonCombi increases carbonate hardness, binds toxic heavy metals and introduces vital ingredients and protective collides to the rainwater,

transforming it into the ideal water for the garden pond. If larger amounts of rainwater fall directly into the pond dur-ing heavy showers, JBL AlkalonCombi may be added to the pond directly.

5.1 raIn water for the pond?

Page 13: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed



By taking the following measures you can prevent the growth of excess algae and enjoy the beneficial effects of the algae which should be in any pond:Excessive algae growth or even green water is always caused by a surplus of nutrients. Avoiding excess nutrients in the water is the best prevention meas-ure. This starts with the design and construction of the pond. We hope you started off correctly and did not

use over-rich plant substrate such as garden soil, but instead used the low-nutrient pond soil available from pond suppliers. The edge of the pond should also be �-10 cm above the level of the surrounding garden to avoid fer-tiliser seeping into

the pond.

The introduction of algae nutrients can be kept to a minimum by feeding the pond fish with a balanced range of feed which meets the nutritional re-quirements of the fish in the different seasons i.e. the NATURE CONCEPT POND from JBL (chapter 4). All you need is the right „touch“ when judging the correct amount of feed to give, do not be over-generous. Give your fish as much feed as they can consume com-pletely in about �-10 minutes.

Provide the algae with competition for nutrients by planting as many aquatic plants as possible e.g. curly pond weed. Plants with strong roots, such as water lilies, pickerel and others gradu-ally use up the nutrients which they re-ceived when planted in the pond soil.

Algae are the least popular organisms in the garden pond, although they are an integral part of pond life and can have a positive influence on the water quality and the entire biotope. To put it bluntly: algae must be present in a biologically intact pond! A completely algae-free pond does not exist. If any-one wants a pond which looks as clean as on the first day and would really like to attack it with a steam cleaner each week, they should seriously consider whether a swim-ming pool would not be a more suit-able body of water in the garden for them. Algae make a significant con-tribution to the smooth function-ing of the small ecosystem of the garden pond. They contribute to the provision of oxygen, they offer shelter and are a source of nutrients to smaller forms of life, they introduce chelating agents to the water, making nutrients available to plants, amongst many oth-er useful functions. However, the algae should not be allowed to take over the pond and turn the water into a form of green soup. If this happens, something has gone drastically wrong.

6. algae In the garden pondJBL PondClear in your pond filter or in a position with good water flow (e.g. the course of a stream). JBL PondClear remains effective for about � months, after which time it should be replaced.

A very smart method of removing green water, or preventing it occurring at all, is to use the UV-C algae clarifier, JBL AquaCristal UV-C. This device oper-ates on the physical principle of UV-C rays, and does not alter the pond water with additives in any way. The capac-ity (type of device) and flow rate should be selected depending on the desired


As a general rule, the removal of cloudiness (e.g. green water caused by algae bloom) requires much lower UV-C capacity than a significant reduction in germs (partial germ destruction) or a re-duction in the growth stages of pathogenic germs. The following

table serves as a guideline.

A commercial pump or filter for the pond with hose attachment facility is required to operate the unit. If the pump capacity of the pond filter or pump exceeds the flow

rates given in the table, we recommend installing a bypass and only channelling part of the water stream through the UV-C water clarifier. The UV-C water clarifi-er should always be installed on the delivery side of the filter or pump, never on the intake side. When used in the pond, this almost always means installing before

At the beginning of the growth period in spring there may be insufficient lev-els of some nutrients, preventing lush plant growth. By placing JBL Flora-Pond® fertiliser balls close to the plant roots, the specific plants can be given a balanced supply of vital nutrients. The balls are made of a special clay with exchange properties, similar to a battery, absorbing excess nutrients

and releasing them as re-quired. This guarantees a balanced supply of nutri-ents, without the risk of an excess causing the growth

of undesirable algae. The JBL products AlgoPond®

spectral and HumoPond activ help you to control the growth of unwanted algae from the outset. The effective ingredi-ents of natural peat give the water a light yellow colouring, thus filtering out the sections of the spectrum of sunlight which are important for algae. This prevents the assimilation of the algae, which is not able to thrive. JBL CleroPond® can be used to re-move any green discoloration of the pond water (water bloom) caused by a massive increase in floating algae. This preparation causes the algae to form clumps which sink to the bottom of the pond or can be removed by the pond filter (clean frequently). The causes of excess nutrients which lead to water bloom must be removed naturally. JBL PondClear is a special filter material which binds all excess algae nutrients such as nitrate, nitrite and phosphate. Simply place one or more net bags of

Page 14: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed





the water flows through the filter. For this reason, newly established ponds should be run for 4 – � weeks without UV-C water clarifier, in order to allow sufficient cleansing bacteria to settle in the filter. It should be pointed out that UV-C water clarifiers damage the spores of firmly attached algae and thereby slow down their amphigonic propagation, whereas the vegetative propagation, i.e. propagation by division continues unabated. Therefore firmly attached algae are only slightly reduced by the use of these units. However, excess amounts of thread algae which form a blanket on the pond can be easily re-moved using a simple pond catching net (JBL Pond Net).

As a last resort, algae-eliminating prep-arations such as JBL AlgoPond® rapid 1) can be used. However, these should only be applied in an absolute emergency, as the causes are not rectified and the dead algae may add further pollution to the water.

1) Use biocides safely, always read the labelling and product information before use


UV-C 5W60�00 00



UV-C 9W60�01 00



UV-C 11W60�02 00



UV-C 18W60�0� 00



UV-C 36W60�04 00



Algae checklistfor garden ponds


Measured level

Specified level: 4-8° GCH

NO3Nitrate -Test

Measured level

Specified level: < 10 - 20 mg/l


Measured level

Specified level: 7 - 8PO4Phosphate -Test

Measured level

Specified level: < 0,5 mg/l

The carbonate hardness stabilises thepH level. Often the CH is below 4° GCHand must be increased.Remedy: JBL Alkalon Combi raises theCH and stabilises the pH levels. If the CHis above 8° GCH, filtered rainwater maybe added to the pond. Before beingadded to the pond, mains water mustfirst be treated withJBL CondiPondwithout fail, in orderto bind heavy metalsand other pollutants.

The pH level indicates the acidity of thewater and should be around the neutralrange of 7. Raised pH levels encouragethe growth of algae, low pH levels hinderthe biological breakdown of pollutantsand damage the mucous membranes offish. Stabilising the pH with JBL AlkalonCombi is usually all that is needed toraise the level.

Nitrate is one of the main nutrients ofalgae. The main causes are insufficientplant growth and overstocking.Nitrate removal:immediate steps: use JBL PondClear inthe filter.

Phosphates, together with nitrates, areone of the most important nutrients ofalgae. They mainly stem from fish food(JBL fish food is phosphate-reduced),dying plants and algae and incorrectfertiliser (e.g. lawn fertiliser).Immediate steps: Use JBL PondClear inthe filter.Long-term: Feedminimum amounts ofJBL pond food.Mechanically removeplant residue and algae.

Professional algae prevention:1. Identify causes (see above)2. Identify type of algae:

• Green, floating algae or water bloom (green-coloured water)• Thread algae (filamentous green algae on stones and plants)• Other algae (brown coating, green coating etc.)

3. Actively preventing algae:• JBL CleroPond against green floating algae• JBL AquaCristal UV-C tubes prevent green floating algae• JBL AlgoPond rapid against thread algae and other algae • JBL AquaCristal UV-C tubes hinder further spread of thread algae.

4. Fighting causes:• Adjust water values CH & pH (see above)• Reduce water pollution (see above)• Eliminate algae- encouraging nutrients (see above)

5. Optimise filter:• Clean filter material regularly• Biologically activate filter material (JBL BactoPond)

6. Encourage plant growth as plants use up thenutrients algae need!• JBL FloraPond fertilises aquatic plants in a liquid form

without phosphates and nitrates7. Prevent algae growth:

• JBL HumoPond peat granulate for ponds acts naturally to prevent anincrease in pH levels.

• JBL AlgoPond spectral peat extract gives pond water a slight amber colour,filtering out the section of light promoting the growth of algae.

• JBL AquaCristal UV-C algae clarifier uses UV-C rays to prevent thespread of algae spores.

PondVolume (l) recommended

flow (l/h)


Partial germ destruction


Partial germ destruction


Partial germ destruction


Partial germ destruction


Partial germ destruction

1) Usebiocidessafely,alwaysreadthelabellingandproductinformationbeforeuse


Page 15: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed



If you feed your fish according to their needs with JBL NATURE CONCEPT POND and take care of your pond fol-lowing the advice given in this bro-chure, you should have no reason to worry about diseased fish. Just to be on the safe side, we would like to look at a few common diseases in more de-tail. Of course, given the limited space this cannot be a complete review of all the fish diseases which can occur in a pond. In principle fish in the garden pond can suffer from the same dis-eases as fish in the natural waters of our latitudes.

If fish suffer from diseases, this is usu-ally a sign of inappropriate conditions, of imbalanced nutrition, lack of vita-mins, stress due to the wrong combi-nation of species or similar reasons. Therefore if diseases occur, you should look carefully at the feeding habits and the conditions in which the fish are kept and improve them according to the ad-vice given in previous chapters.

A disease which is easy to recognise and usually also easy to cure is the so called „white spot disease“ which is caused by the single-celled para-site ichtyophthirius multifilius. This parasite regularly attacks fresh water fish all over the world and is well known to aquarium-keepers under the short form „ichthyo“. Small white dots, the size of a pinhead, on the skin and the fins of the fish are the easily identified symptoms of this disease. In addition the fish rub along stones, plants etc. The disease is usually eas-ily cured using JBL MedoPond®. Quite often success is already evident after only two days. Should this not be the case, change the dose according to the instructions for use. Once treat-

ment has finished, JBL AccliPond added to the water helps the fish to get over the stress which the treatment has caused. JBL BactoPond® adds new, beneficial cleansing bacteria, which might have

been harmed by the treat-ment.

Important: During spawning time in spring,

gold-fish often have a „spawn rash“ which appears

in the region of the head and is very similar to ichthyophthirius, but is harm-less and should not be confused with the disease.

Unfortunately more and more very an-

7. fIsh dIseases In the garden pondnoying diseases caused by bacteria have been occurring recently. Carp (gold-fish, koi, and others) in particular have been affected. These diseases occur mainly in spring, when the fish are weakened from over-wintering. For this reason feeding according to the NATURE CONCEPT POND by JBL is also very important during the cold season as a precautionary measure. Open, ulcerous ruptures suffused with blood are usually the symptoms of these bacterial infections. Distended stomachs can sometimes also be observed. As soon as the first symp-toms of this kind are noticed, the affected fish should carefully be caught and treated with JBL FuraPond in a separate quarantine tank.

FuraPond is very quickly absorbed into the internal organs of the fish, an important factor for successful treatment. Treatment should only take place in the pond in exceptional cases, as JBL FuraPond also kills the ben-eficial cleansing bacteria. After successful treatment, AccliPond helps the fish to get over the stress which the treatment has caused. If the treatment has taken place in the pond, it is vital to reintro-duce cleansing bacteria by adding JBL BactoPond®.

Page 16: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed




Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash






Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash






Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash






Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash






Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash






Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash






Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash





8. JBl pond products nature concept pond


JBL PondEnergil is a high-energy, easily digested feed for koi and all other garden pond fish at low temperatures under 1�° C. JBL PondEnergil contains proc-essed fish oil which ideally meets the fishes‘ need for energy and unsatu-rated fatty acids which is greater at these temperatures. The reduced pro-tein content and high level of digestibility prevent unnecessary pollution of the delicate pond biotope. Vital vitamins increase resistance to disease.

Since fish rarely rise to the surface of the water at temperatures under 1�°C, JBL PondEnergil was designed as small sink-ing sticks in order to be able to give specific small amounts of feed.

JBL PondVario is a mixture of high-grade flake feed and untreated, dried water fleas. It contains a balanced mixture of all the essential ingredients such as pro-teins, carbohydrates, fibre and fats required by garden pond fish in the warmer months. Vital vitamins increase resistance to diseases.

JBL PondSticks contain a special balanced mixture of essential animal and vegeta-ble materials which exactly meet the nutritional requirements of all garden pond fish in the warmer months. High-grade plant fibre and vital vitamins promote a healthy digestive system and strengthen resist-ance to disease.JBL PlantSticks do not cloud the water and are highly buoy-ant, enabling you to check the

amount of feed consumed.

JBL PondNatur is a mixture of un-treated, dried water fleas and other crustaceans which all garden pond fish enjoy eating as a treat or as a tasty change to their diet.

JBL Pond Coloron is a mixture of vari-ous sticks designed to meet the requirements of koi and other garden pond fish. A specially bal-anced combination of high grade natural raw materials and plant ex-tracts enhance the natural brilliant colouring of all pond fish.Vital vitamins increase resistance to disease.

JBL Pond Flakes are a mixture of various high-grade, easily digestible flakes designed to meet the nutritional requirements of most garden pond fish in the warm season. They contain all the nec-essary ingredients, such as pro-teins, carbohydrates, fibre and fat, in a specially balanced mixture. The floating flakes are eagerly consumed by fish of all sizes. Vital vitamins strengthen resistance to


JBL Koimini are, in shape and nutritious content, designed to specifically meet the needs of small, growing koi in garden ponds. A high pro-portion of selected protein carri-ers as well as the corresponding fat levels provide sufficient build-ing materials and energy for the active metabolism of young koi. High grade vegetable protein from wheat-germ (20%), fish protein and fish oil (6%) ensure balanced growth. Spirulina

algae and natural carotinoids enhance the natural brilliant colouring. Stabilised Vitamin C and other vital vitamins increase resistance to disease.

Page 17: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed




Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash






Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash






Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash






Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash






Raw protein

Raw fat

Crude fibre

Raw ash





JBL Koimidi are, in shape and nutritious content, designed to specifically meet the needs of medium-sized, fast-growing koi in garden ponds. A high proportion of selected protein carriers as well as the corresponding fat levels provide sufficient building materials and energy for the ac-tive metabolism of medium-sized koi. High grade vegetable protein from wheatgerm (1�%), fish protein and a modified proportion of fish oil (4%) ensure balanced growth. Spirulina algae and natural carotinoids enhance the natural brilliant colouring. Stabilised Vitamin C and other vital vitamins increase resistance to disease.

JBL Koimaxi are, in shape and nutritious content, designed to specifically meet the needs of large koi in garden ponds. A high

proportion of selected protein carriers as well as the corresponding fat levels provide sufficient building materials and energy for the active metabolism of large koi. High grade vegetable protein from wheatgerm (1�%), fish protein and a modified proportion of fish oil (4%) ensure healthy growth appropriate to the age of the fish. Spirulina algae and natural carotinoids enhance the natural brilliant colouring. Vital vitamins increase resistance to disease.

JBL KoiFunSnack provide variety in the diet of these kings of the garden pond fish and give the owners the pleasure of feed-ing their fish by hand. Within a short time the fish learn to eat the tasty JBL KoiFun-Snacks directly from the owner´s hands. For shy fish, simply place the JBL KoiFun-Snacks in the pond. Essential vitamins and vital ingredients in JBL KoiFunSnacks promote the health of your fish and increase their resistance to disease, whilst mak-ing feeding fun.

JBL KoiDelikat contains 100% dried silkworms, which have long been known in the Far East as a great favourite of the kings of the pond fish. The high proportion of proteins as building blocks and high-grade fat with many unsaturated fatty acids as energy providers ensure healthy and strong growth in the fish.

JBL Pond Sterlet feed pearls are specially developed in shape and content to meet the

nutritional requirements of sturgeon in the garden pond. Only high-grade proteins and fats from aquatic ani-mals are used, meeting the require-ments of the sturgeon which feed on small aquatic animals in the wild. The feed pearls sink rapidly to reach the habitat of the sturgeon at the bottom of the pond. As the pearls are stable in water, the slow-eating sturgeon have ample time to feed without the risk of the water becoming unnecessarily polluted.

KoiVitol multivitamins with honey for koi and other pond fishn Supplementary supply of vitamins in times of increased stress e.g. Spring and Autumnn High acceptance rate due to addition of honey (10%)n Prevents deficiency diseases and promotes healthn Fat-soluble vitamins are fully accessible due to special emulsion process with leci- thin.

Page 18: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed


��JBLCare products and fertilisers:

JBL CondiPond® for biological pond water protects the mucous membrane. Aqualon immediately converts tap or rain water into biotope pond water.

JBL AccliPond provides valuable vitamins and plant extracts which contribute to a strengthening of the immune system of the pond fish. It therefore helps preventing dis-eases and stress especially in the critical interseasonal periods spring and autumn.

JBL CleroPond® is a water-clarifier which removes micro-sized cloudiness, e.g. water bloom, cloudiness caused by bacteria etc.

JBL BactoPond® regulates sludge and harmful substances. Highly concentrated, use-ful micro-organisms in Bactolon ensure the preservation of health of the pond water by a selective decomposition of sludge and harmful substances and therefore create most favourable living conditions for fish and plants.

JBL ActivoPond® the filter starter with live bacteria for a fast start for the filter and pond. Biological activation for any pond filter and pond. Enables fish to be stocked immediately.

JBL OrganoPond® for the biological breakdown of sediment. Effectively breaks down organic waste (sediment) precisely where it arises. Mineral granulate, which sinks, loaded with highly active break-down bacteria.

JBL AlgoPond® rapid 1) fights algae in a most effective way by selective algaecides. Does not contain copper.

JBL AlgoPond® spectral - peat extract with active iodine and vital substances, pre-vents excessive algae growth and increases the resistance of the fish in the garden pond.

JBL Humolon peat tablets naturally impede excessive algae growth in the garden pond. The effect of these valuable peat extracts, which impede algae growth but are completely harmless for higher plants, is supported additionally by a slight brown col-oration of the water.

JBL HumoPond activ active peat granulate for 6,000 liters as biological algae-prophy-laxis in the garden pond.

JBL AlkalonCombi increases the carbonate hardness and stabilises the pH value. Converts rain water into biotope pond water. Binds heavy metals and is beneficial to the health of the fish skin due to protecting colloids and vital substances. Provides the most favourable conditions for fish and plants in the pond.

JBL Oxylon oxygen tablets provide the essential oxygen for all garden pond fish. A sufficient oxygen level in the garden pond supports the respiration of the fish and im-portant bacterial cleaning processes, therefore providing healthy water conditions. Es-pecially on hot summer days or in winter there may be insufficient oxygen. This can be easily remedied using JBL Oxylon oxygen tablets.

JBL FloraPond®, the fertiliser balls for pond plants, providing fresh growing strength to all water lilies and marsh plants in the garden pond. JBL FloraPond provides all water lilies and marsh plants with the main nutrients, iron and trace elements in a depot form. A particularly iron-rich clay which has been up-graded with additional main nutrients and trace elements in a special process.

1) Use biocides safely, always read the labelling and product information before use.


JBL Medolon fights effectively against „mycelium“ and skin parasites, such as ichthy-ophthirius, costia and trichodina. Skin injuries and „fin rot“ also heal within a short pe-riod of time. Signs of healing can usually be seen after only 24 hours. Water plants are not harmed and the discoloration of the water disappears after a short period of time.

JBL FuraPond against internal and external bacterial infections of koi and other gar-den pond fish.


JBL AquaCristal UV-C 5 – 36 W

JBL PondOxi Pond Aerator Set

JBL Pond Thermometer

Page 19: What - Why - How? Garden Pond Care€¦ · The ideal way to support the bio-logical ability of your pond to maintain a healthy bal-anced environment is by adding the recommend-ed


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V 0


Your JBL specialist retaileis pleased to give you advice and provide

you with further literature. Further

JBL-WWH BrocHures on the subject of aquarium and terrarium

keeping are available here.
