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What’s In Your Toolbox To Drive Innovation and Creativity? · What’s In Your Toolbox To Drive...

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8/29/16 1 What’s In Your Toolbox To Drive Innovation and Creativity? Angela Wick, CBAP, PMP Angela Wick, CBAP, PMP, PBA, ICP-ACC CEO & Founder of BA-Squared, LLC Trainer: BA-Squared – Requirements and Agile Courses Lynda.com U of MN CCE Consultant: Agile Transformation & Requirements Coach Build BA Practices/CoEs Competency & Curriculum Development Volunteer: PMI BA Practice Guide Expert Reviewer IIBA BABOK v3 Core Team IIBA Competency Model Chair Website: www.BA-Squared.com Blog: www.BATimes.com - Email: [email protected] Twitter: @WickAng



What’s In Your Toolbox To Drive Innovation and Creativity?

Angela Wick, CBAP, PMP

Angela Wick, CBAP, PMP, PBA, ICP-ACC CEO & Founder of BA-Squared, LLC

Trainer: •  BA-Squared – Requirements and Agile Courses •  Lynda.com •  U of MN CCE

Consultant: •  Agile Transformation & Requirements Coach •  Build BA Practices/CoEs •  Competency & Curriculum Development

Volunteer: •  PMI BA Practice Guide Expert Reviewer •  IIBA BABOK v3 Core Team •  IIBA Competency Model Chair

Website: www.BA-Squared.com Blog: www.BATimes.com - Email: [email protected] Twitter: @WickAng



Learning Objectives Ø Discover why innovation and creativity are

important to the BA role

Ø Discover ways every BA can facilitate innovation and creativity

Ø  Learn about common and new BA Techniques that inspire creativity and innovation

Drum Jam

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC



BABOK and Creativity & Innovation “Creativity is any act, idea, or product that changes an existing domain, or that transforms an existing domain into a new one… What counts is whether the novelty he or she produces is accepted for inclusion in the domain.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Creativity – Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention The New definition of Business Analysis in BABOK V3: “The practice of enabling change in an organizational context by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders.” Innovation is the practical application of creative ideas that are new, useful and feasible

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC

Obstacles To Creativity -  Defining the problem only one way

-  Limiting alternative solutions

-  Using one language (words) to define and assess the problem

-  Not filtering out irrelevant information

-  Defining boundaries too narrowly

-  Not asking questions

-  Not thinking – avoiding mental work


Copyright BA-Squared, LLC



Collaboration and Engagement •  Its about doing this WITH

others! –  Not sitting in a cube by ourselves

•  Its about getting others to set down their phones and participate

•  Its about getting work done faster

•  Its about meetings being productive for more than the meeting organizer

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC

Personalities of Problem Solving, Innovation, and Creativity a) Visionary: Has big picture ideas, not concerned with details. Jumps from one idea to the next. Enjoys discussing ideas and possibilities and sees many solutions that will work. Others frustrated that there is no follow through. b) Explainer: Loves details and wants a clear understanding of the problem/opportunity before looking at answers and solutions. Is uncomfortable moving forward if the details and root cause are not understood. Enjoys researching. Others get frustrated with the analysis paralysis this person gets into. c) Executer: Action oriented, gets things done. Easily puts structure to ideas so they can be acted on. Concerned most about getting the ball down the field. Others may be frustrated that they act too quickly. d) Builder: Likes to examine the pros and cons of ideas, comparing ideas, and planning the detailed steps to implement, enjoys crafting a rough idea into a solution.

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC



BAs MUST be Creative and Innovative! •  Group Learning and discovery

through complex ambiguity

•  Problem solving!

•  Career Growth

•  Conflict Resolution

•  Leading Change – sometimes the change future is blurry

•  BAs need to bring it out in others

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Multi-Tasking – Is This a Problem? Ways  to  avoid  it!  

•  Simple  &  Meaningful  Visuals  

•  Small  Group  Work  

•  Draw!  •  SBcky  Notes  •  Feedback  on  Visuals  



Use Visuals Spontaneously







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Facilitate Differently •  Using multiple senses, action, and fun! •  Using fun engaging meetings supplies

and props •  Get participants into pairs or small groups

to create content outputs and solve problems

•  Do not discuss new ideas, options, or solve problems with more than 8 people. Break the group up to get everyone involved.

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC



Scamper http://litemind.com/scamper/

Everything new is a modification of something that already exists . . . •  S = Substitute - Could we replace or change any part of the

solution? •  C = Combine - Can any parts of the solution be combined? •  A = Adapt - Does something exists already we could reuse? •  M = Magnify - Do certain features add more value if we make

them stronger? •  P = Put to Other Uses - Could others that we have not thought of

yet use the solution too? •  E = Eliminate (or Minify) - What parts are not essential, little or no

value? •  R = Rearrange (or Reverse) - If the order, pace, sequence, etc . . .

were to be changed what would happen?

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC

Brainstorming Lets discuss abc, what ideas does everyone have? Ø  Common brainstorming approaches:

a)  Round table discussion b)  Everyone write their ideas on post it notes and we will all review/react c)  Get into small groups and each group come back with 3 ideas d)  Give the group categories/areas of reflection that trigger different lenses

of ideas, ask them to write down on sticky notes. Looks for themes.

Innovative Brainstorming: Ask the group to brainstorm ideas individually then, ask them react to others ideas and accept or transform the idea into something else à This is where innovative ideas happen!

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC



Visuals and Frameworks

•  Sketching •  Matrices •  Metaphors •  Models and Diagrams

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Collaboration Games

•  Planning Poker •  Buy a Feature •  Dot Voting •  Product Box •  Empathy Map •  Impact/Effort Matrix

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Lets Try One •  Get into groups of 3 or 4 •  Scenario - Your local grocery

store is switching to a self checkout only model.

•  You are the BA and thinking about the impact to the customers. Work through the Empathy Map in your small groups

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC

Empathy Map •  What will they think about

the change? •  What will they need to see

about the change?

•  What will they say to others about the change?

•  What do they feel about the change?

•  What do they need to hear from others about the change?

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC



Results of Using Creative Techniques Those trained in and using creative problem solving techniques impact the behaviors in others: •  More engagement and responses •  Less criticism •  More verbal support •  More laughter and smiles •  More ideas generated

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC

Agile Product Owner eBook

Download at: http://www.ba-squared.com/free-agile-e-book/



TwiMer:  @WickAng          

Blog:  www.BATimes.com          

Email:  Angela@BA-­‐Squared.com  


Website:    www.BA-­‐Squared.com  

Copyright BA-Squared, LLC
