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What's cool in the new and updated OSGi Specs (2013)

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Presentation given at EclipseCon Europe 2013 in Ludwigsburg (Germany) about ongoing specification work in OSGi, covering the Core Platform Expert Group (CPEG) and the Enterprise Expert Group (EEG)
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Carsten Ziegeler David Bosschaert What's cool in the new and updated OSGi Specs What's cool in the new and updated OSGi specs 1 of 50
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Carsten Ziegeler

David Bosschaert

What's cool in the new and updated

OSGi Specs

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David Bosschaert ([email protected])

⦿ JBoss/Fuse at Red Hat

⦿ Co-chair OSGi EEG

⦿ Open-source and cloud enthusiast

Carsten Ziegeler ([email protected])

⦿ RnD Adobe Research Switzerland

⦿ OSGi CPEG and EEG Member

⦿ ASF member

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Agenda⦿ Framework updates

⦿ OSGi/CDI integration

⦿ Repository update

⦿ Declarative Services

⦿ Http Service

⦿ Cloud

⦿ Portable Java Contracts

⦿ Semantic Versioning Annotations

⦿ Other spec updates

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Framework Updates

Service Scopes (RFC 195)⦿ Service Scopes: singleton, bundle, prototype

⦿ Driver: Support for EEG specs (EJB, CDI)

⦿ Usage in other spec updates

⦿ New PrototypeServiceFactory

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ppuubblliicc iinntteerrffaaccee PPrroottoottyyppeeSSeerrvviicceeFFaaccttoorryy<S>

eexxtteennddss SSeerrvviicceeFFaaccttoorryy<S> {

S getService(BBuunnddllee bundle,

SSeerrvviicceeRReeggiissttrraattiioonn<S> registration);

vvooiidd ungetService(BBuunnddllee bundle,

SSeerrvviicceeRReeggiissttrraattiioonn<S> registration,

S service);


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New method in BundleContext:ppuubblliicc iinntteerrffaaccee BBuunnddlleeCCoonntteexxtt {

<S> SSeerrvviicceeOObbjjeeccttss<S> getServiceObjects(SSeerrvviicceeRReeffeerreennccee<S> rreeff);


New Interface ServiceObjects:ppuubblliicc iinntteerrffaaccee SSeerrvviicceeOObbjjeeccttss<S> {

S getService();

vvooiidd ungetService(S service);


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RFC 185 – Data Transfer Objects⦿ Defines a DTO model for OSGi⦿ Serializable/Deserializable objects

⦿ Use cases: REST, JMX, Web Console...

⦿ To be adopted by other specs

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RFC 185 – Data Transfer ObjectsGetting DTOs: adapter patternppuubblliicc ccllaassss BBuunnddlleeDDTTOO eexxtteennddss org.osgi.dto.DTO {

ppuubblliicc lloonngg id;

ppuubblliicc lloonngg lastModified;

ppuubblliicc iinntt state;

ppuubblliicc SSttrriinngg symbolicName;

ppuubblliicc SSttrriinngg version;


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RFC 185 – Data Transfer ObjectsDTOs for the OSGi framework

⦿ FrameworkDTO

⦿ BundleDTO

⦿ ServiceReferenceDTO

⦿ BundleStartLevelDTO, FrameworkStartLevelDTO

⦿ CapabilityDTO, RequirementDTO, ResourceDTO

⦿ BundleWiringsDTO, etc

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RFC 193 - CDI SupportBridging OSGi and standard JavaEE

dependency model

● Publishing CDI beans as OSGi services

● Injecting OSGi services in CDI beansCDI = Contexts and dependency injection

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RFC 193 - Examples● Publishing CDI bean as OSGi service@Component

ppuubblliicc ccllaassss MMyyCCoommppoonneenntt iimmpplleemmeennttss MMyyIInntteerrffaaccee { ... }

● Dependency Injection@Inject


pprriivvaattee MMyyIInntteerrffaaccee serviceA;


@Service(optional = ttrruuee)

pprriivvaattee MMyyIInntteerrffaaccee serviceB;

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OSGi Repository today

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Example Repository namespaces

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RFC 187 - Repository 1.1Existing repository powerful

but: limited to queries in a single namespace

New in RFC 187:Combine requirements spanning multiple namespaces:

RReeppoossiittoorryy repo = ... // Obtain from Service Registry

CCoolllleeccttiioonn<RReessoouurrccee> res = repo.findProviders(









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RFC 190 - Declarative Services

Enhancements⦿ Support of service scopes

⦿ Diagnostic API

⦿ DTOs

⦿ But most importantly...

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Use annotations for

configuration...@interface MMyyCCoonnffiigg {

bboooolleeaann enabled() ddeeffaauulltt ttrruuee;

SSttrriinngg[] topic() ddeeffaauulltt {"topicA", "topicB"};

SSttrriinngg userName();

iinntt service_ranking() ddeeffaauulltt 15;


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...and reference them in

lifecycle methods@Component

ppuubblliicc ccllaassss MMyyCCoommppoonneenntt {

SSttrriinngg userName;

SSttrriinngg[] topics;


pprrootteecctteedd vvooiidd activate(ffiinnaall MMyyCCoonnffiigg config) {

iiff ( config.enabled() ) {

tthhiiss.userName = config.userName();

tthhiiss.topics = config.topic();




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...or even simpler...@Component

ppuubblliicc ccllaassss MMyyCCoommppoonneenntt {

pprriivvaattee MMyyCCoonnffiigg configuration;


pprrootteecctteedd vvooiidd activate(ffiinnaall MMyyCCoonnffiigg config) {

iiff ( config.enabled() ) {

tthhiiss.configuration = config;




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Annotation Mapping⦿ Fields registered as component


⦿ Name mapping (_ -> .)

⦿ Type mapping for configurations

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Mapping@interface MMyyCCoonnffiigg {

bboooolleeaann enabled() ddeeffaauulltt ttrruuee;

SSttrriinngg[] topic() ddeeffaauulltt {"topicA", "topicB"};

SSttrriinngg userName();

iinntt service_ranking() ddeeffaauulltt 15;


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RFC 190 - Declarative Services

Enhancements⦿ Annotation configuration support

⦿ Support of service scopes

⦿ Diagnostic API

⦿ DTOs

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RFC 189 - Http Service

Update⦿ Update to Servlet API 3+

⦿ Whiteboard support for

Servlets, Servlet Filters

Listeners, Resources and HttpContexts

⦿ and DTOs

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Whiteboard Servlet Registration@Component(service = javax.servlet.SSeerrvvlleett.ccllaassss,





ppuubblliicc ccllaassss MMyySSeerrvvlleett eexxtteennddss HHttttppSSeerrvvlleett {



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Whiteboard Servlet Filter

Registration@Component(service = javax.servlet.FFiilltteerr.ccllaassss,





ppuubblliicc ccllaassss MMyyFFiilltteerr iimmpplleemmeennttss FFiilltteerr {



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Additional Support⦿ Most listener types are supported

Register with their interface

⦿ Error Pages and Resources

⦿ Shared HttpContexts

⦿ Target Http Service

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CloudWhat's cool in the new and updated OSGi specs

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Current PaaS offerings...

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OSGi Cloud Ecosystems PaaS

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An OSGi cloud ecosystem...⦿ Many frameworks

○ hosting a variety of deployments

⦿ Together providing The Application

⦿ Not a bunch of replicas ○ rather a collection of different nodes

○ with different roles working together

○ some may be replicas

⦿ Load varies over time

⦿ ... and so does your cloud system ○ topology

○ configuration

○ number of nodes

○ depending on the demand

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To realize this you need...⦿ Information!

○ need to know what nodes are available

○ ability to react to changes

⦿ Provisioning capability

⦿ Remote invocation ○ inside your cloud system

○ to get nodes to communicate

○ either directly...

○ ... or as a means to set up communication channels

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RFC 183 - Cloud EcosystemsFFrraammeewwoorrkkNNooddeeSSttaattuuss service:

information about each Cloud node

accessible as a Remote Service

throughout the ecosystem

Information such as:Hostname/IP address

Location (country etc)

OSGi and Java version running

A REST management URL

Runtime metadataAvailable memory / disk space

Load measurement

... you can add custom metadata too ...

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FrameworkNodeStatus service properties

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RFC 182 - REST APIA cloud-friendly remote management API

works great with FrameworkNodeStatus

Example:addingService(SSeerrvviicceeRReeffeerreennccee<FFrraammeewwoorrkkNNooddeeSSttaattuuss> rreeff) {

// A new Node became available

SSttrriinngg url = rreeff.getProperty("org.osgi.node.rest.url");

RReessttCClliieenntt rc = nneeww RReessttCClliieenntt(nneeww URI(url));

// Provision the new node




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Additional ideas in RFC 183⦿ Special Remote Services config type・ osgi.configtype.ecosystem

・ defines supported Remote Service data types

・ not visible outside of cloud system

⦿ Ability to intercept remote service calls・ can provide different service for each client

・ can do invocation counting (quotas, billing)

⦿ Providing remote services meta-data・ quota exceeded

・ payment needed

・ maintenance scheduled

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Current OSGi cloud workProvides a base line

○ to build fluid cloud systems

○ portability across clouds

Where everything is dynamic

○ nodes can be repurposed

... and you deal with your cloud nodes

through OSGi services

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Semantic Versioning...... is a versioning policy for exported packages.

OSGi versions: <major>.<minor>.<micro>.<qualifier>

Updating package versions:

● fix/patch (no change to API):

update micro

● extend API (affects implementers, not clients):

update minor

● API breakage:

update major

Note: not always used for bundle versions

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Semantic Versioning is great, but...

- not all projects use it, e.g. APIs from JSRs

- e.g. Servlet 3 is backward compatible with 2.5

- what's its javax.servlet package version?2.6 ?

or 3.0 ?

- different projects made different choices

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RFC 180: Portable Java Contracts

osgi.contract capability to the rescue

● client bundle requires capability with 'marketing' or 'spec' version

● and also imports the package without version osgi.contract provider binds the contract version to package versions

IImmppoorrtt-PPaacckkaaggee: javax.servlet, javax.servlet.http

RReeqquuiirree-CCaappaabbiilliittyy: osgi.contract;


Allows writing portable bundles that import non-semantically

versioned packages.

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Type andPackageAnnotations

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RFC 197 – OSGi Type and

Package Annotations⦿ Annotations for documenting semantic

versioning information⦿ Class retention annotations

⦿ @Version

⦿ @ProviderType

⦿ @ConsumerType

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▻ Blueprint 1.1・ Non-damped service references

・ Grace period enhancements

・ Many small fixes

▻ Remote Service Admin 1.1・ Remote Service registration modification

▻ Subsystems 1.1・ Provide Deployment Manifest separately

・ Many small enhancements

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When can I get it?RFCs available to everyone today:



◎ Most work aimed at Core/Enterprise R6 (2014)

◎ Some specs in Enterprise R7 (2015)

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Questions?What's cool in the new and updated OSGi specs

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