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Wheeling daily intelligencer (Wheeling, W. Va. : 1865).(Wheeling, … · 2017. 12. 16. · Hon....

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THEY'RE HARD UP. I .It-!! I ^ JhrSl' i"'; 7.' Clialttlinn I)itrr*li. ot thpffcoimty I'opocratlc Committee . v GOB AFTER THE M CARRIERS j-or rinipalRH «'OHUlbntlou«r )mt He Srrinlvsly Mcelii With LUUt or Xa Kmc- ,tm-.Mall Currier* Voir the Civil ServlM ' itrgtilatloM. Work of tli* Ballot Oom- tloueiV-Coloncl Arncti's NtcjlU^ entkc fcoatit *lilr. ilHhv WllKELINC, W. V*., Oct. 16. l»t Mr.- .*; nKAR MR:.You will please ,meet roe to-TiiKht at 7:50 o'clock at thb ltcgtiter U"I<:C' THOMAS Jf. DABRAtr, Chairman Democratic County Committee. The nbove was received yesterday by each ot thu ij.iatoltlco wall «*rrler». In this city, who -ar« ot the Democratic faith. Of course the carriers kpow what it mcftttt-fen attempt to force from them contributions to thcFdpocratlc campaign fund, which Is aald to be at a very low figure Just at this staff* of the campaign. Of course the fact that the nail carriers are under civil service rule?, Which distinctly provide that guv- crnment employes shall not take part In n political campaign. beyond. casting their ballots on election day,: and shall not contribute to campaign funds, cuts rut the slightest llguro With the enter- prising chairman of the Ohio county Popocratlc committee. The-' r condition that c(«ifronts him is desperate and desperate remedies are In order. However, the fact thai dlsmlsea! from the government service follows a viola-1 tlon of civil aorvice rules, and that vio¬ lation of th* section prohibiting cam¬ paign contributions are especially «nd ¦severely dealt with, will mkke the "Wheeling mail carriers chary: of vio¬ lating it just now, particularly as they share the belief, soon to bcCdlhc a cer¬ tainty, that there will be.& Change of politics in th« Incoming administration. This was shown most conclusively last evening. An Intelligencer reporter, ata- tloned across the street from :thb Regis¬ ter office from 7:30 to 7:45 pijp.»_saw not cue mail carrier enter th# Newspaper olilce. At 7:45 Mr. Darrah; who was in the counting room, left the place, cvi- dentiy in disgust, *nd went^up-Market street. 'Tla very sad. Mr. Darrah. You can't blame the mail carricra, though: they seethe handwriting on thewall -ami evidently, do not propose to, send good money nfter bad in a hopeless fight The Popocratlo commltteeuin Pitts¬ burgh tried the same scheme''-taIs week and got ' beautifully left" £ne of tho mail carriers Informed Postmaster-Gen- oral "Wilson of tho Incident -The result was the detailing: of a special jx»stofflce inspecator on ^tbe case by the-clvil ser¬ vice commissioners, who 13 nbtr to the Smoky City working np the fcase. In New York, Collector ol£*he Port Gllbreath beard that circulars were In circulation from ..the TananaayeommU- t«e. asking for campaign contrlbutioas. He at once placed the case Ihrthe hands .x' inspectors *od attorneys'who will, make somebody coffer the heavy; penal- ty provided In siich cases. y'^ BALLOT COM2CTSSIOirae Holt! Another Hwttwg *nd <iiie tlie >'*.' tloual DcmorcmrtcTtckrtmPIttoij ou tlio omciai n&iiot. :". Ballot Commissioners Dobbins, Hand- !an and Walton held another ^meeting yesterday afternoon and resumei the; work of preparing the official" ballot for the approaching election. Jp^ring tho afternoon the .certificates of-nomination of all candld&tes with the esejptlon of county oandWates, were examined by the commtesiowsrs and approved. The county candidates will be gone, over at a meeting to be held to-day. C The Democratic member GTtne board of ballot commissioners yesterday with¬ drew his objection to the National Dem¬ ocratic, (sound money) ticket bfclng giv¬ en a place on tne ballot He''conferred with local Popocratlo leaded .who com¬ municated with the state .leaders at Charleston, but it 13 understood no reply was received before he withdrew his ob¬ jections. The local Popocrats came to the conclusion that it would have been «ho height of political folly to exclude the National Democrats fron\j£plece on the ballot, as it would have the cCCect of farcing many sound money Democrats to vote-for both McKlnley awl-the Re% publican state ticket.. ESffWOOD REPUBLICANS. Will IlolA * Rontlufc 3&«eUHi{Tft-nlfctrt. '51r. AtUiuoa to Spo^i. -' The Bcmvooi Republicans wltf hold a musing rally tn that town tli-hlcht, in honor ot West Vtrfrlnla'3 nert sureroor. Hon. Georec \Y. Atkinson, who will ad- rirc?3 a crowd gathered from tktth sides or (he river. Th* meeting fc» under the euyplcra of th* Marii liamta Republican dub ot Btnwofd. Tlio mean io the next Rovtrnor will consist of '!)" B. 11. Dovencr and G. W. Atklnson.club*. Wheeling, the Benwood elubs-and clubs fnim Uellalre, Sherrard and Mounda- Tllle. The mcon nill. rorm at. Forty- ¦.Khtli Htreirt, thence morfna' off to F.writi, to McMeehen. to Blevstitlt, to Main, to'Fiiurtti. to Water, to Main, to ihe fpr-aUero' Htand <H«poAUe the I3ftn- wood ctty huiliUnir. The Mark' Hannft club, bavin? Tlio alTalr In charK'e, are niakin;; greal.vltorts,' and a successful meetimc already assured. Squire Hnrry Kiddle Is chktomarshal of the parade. Mr. John Juwts^rlll pi'e- at the mwtlns. The following vico Iiresldeuts havorbeen nelecledr P. Siugcr. H. N. Pcabody. ciiarlen Sprouts, William Price, Arthur l-'ox, II- Blddlc,- f Uwlsey, llobert N<"*ton, W. MeMullen, Albert SerlC. VA. Nrwton, sr., o. Fitzgerald, J. W. DavlH, Thomas Shepiiard, Thomas Garret, Aug. Shad/ 'jfj Itobart Coatcs, " William L$ajcu, .¦.ameK Geragluy* J- Barton,. Joseph 31 He. J3d. Noel, Porterfleld, C. A. Lacy, P. Altmeyer. William Shad. P- Hhultz, Dr.-McDonaltii' A HALICI0P8 P.EPOF.T Hcflcctliu on Itesprctnhle ClUzrits of Whetllug aiid Cnlion. In the Register's report of tli^;mcet- lng hold by the Triadolphla district Re¬ publicans Thursday night that.''paper out of its way to reflect upon the character of the Republican voters from Wheeling nnd Fulton who attended the meeting. Tile malicious tone of the ar- tlil<» all the way through Is in harmony with (Ik; opening sentence, In whltth It Is n%ted tlmt the Trlndelphla ItepuMlcans wi-ry "re-lnforced by some Goths and Vandals from Fulton nnd a few Indians from East Wheeling." ThciKcglster Roiy» on to say that those .attending tho meetlijRT were "about as disorderly a sot ever misrepresented Wheeling^that f «r windows were smashed; th^t-ladles "n tin- return train woro subjected to JiiaultH," foe, Tho 1act Is that tho cluba fi'otn Wheeling and Fulton are composed of respectable.citizens and that thQ dls- orderly conduct alluded to by tiiGTtcgls- '*r should not beycredlted to thorn. The name night a Domocratlo meeting Avaft Jk.M out tho same road i&rtd theii?;were "'"nc disturbances ralHed by members of I'omcKrratlo delegatlono, one canoeing '.n IumuU to a colored /tepublloan (by a J'Tnooral, which was promptly ,re«ent- "d. The Kcglster reporter rode home on th<' aains oh r with a number of the mem-, '.era of the Fulton [dub,, which Is com- l»'is»d of ropreserilatlvo cltlswtis/o/uhat Pliicft; Thcre was^Kieflt deal of)fa\ural eniinislajrnl over tin) sucoMs of thVinect- Ini, ana thin probably er&tcil on. tho Hi*l«ter innu'. nerve*. 11« felt .bad over wlUwMlnffio much ItcpuMlcan en¬ thusiasm lind evidently MURtit comfort In writing the vlclmi* uul vindictive ac¬ count which appeared In the next morn¬ ing's paper. Attcneral Order. MEADQUARTKIIB REPUBLICAN MARCHING CLUB8, WHEELING, W. VA^ OcU 17.1WI. General Orders No. 4 3. Ths club* will atatomble at Ihclr re- Bpectlv*. headquarters Monday evening, Octbber m, at 7 o'clock, for tho jnurposo of attending tho demonstration at Bellnlre, Ohio. Arrangements have been made with tho Wheeling Hallway Company and tho Kenwood Ferry to transport Use clubs to and from Bellalre, faro for lho round trip 15 cents. Ample accommodations will bo furnished, ana tho clubs will embark at nearest point-on .street cor line to their respective headquarters. 2. Captains will rei>ort not later than Raturday evening, October 1", the number of men. also the numbor of musicians thut will participate. 3. Aides will renort mounted at Twenty- third and Cbapllne streets at 7:15 p. ro. By order of Chief Marshal Bainiloy. C. D. THOMPSON', Chief of Staff. POLITICAL NOTES. Meetings lu the Fnture nud Goulp About tho Club*. Hon. 'A*. Kendall, of "Wood county, Republican candidate for state treasur¬ er, was In the city yesterday on busi¬ ness. Mr. Kendall expressed hJmeelf no being fully .satisfied with the outlook for Republican 'victory in AVest Virginia and said it was now only a question'of majority. ; A large excursion of West Virginians bound for Canton wjll pass through tho city at 9 o'clock this morning. They will come over the- Baltimore & Ohio from all points as far out as Cumber¬ land, and will be transferred to the Wheeling & Lake Erie over which line they will be taken to the home of the next President % /Arrangements for the big Republican and sound money demonstration next Saturday night are going on In fine style, and the indications are even more flat¬ tering? than the coihmlttee had hoped for. Letters hare been received from many cities and towns asking for Infor¬ mation as to what time the parade is to take place and what rates have been of¬ fered by the railroads. Clubs for miles around have been invited and will bo found In the big parade. All business houses and residences should be decorat¬ ed on that day, and citizens 6hould not spare themselves a little red lire for the occasion. Let everybody, join in giving the visitors a hearty welcome. The demonstration committee has invited Hon. Garret A. Hobort,' Republican nominee for Vice President, to bo pres¬ ent, and as he has no appointment for the 24th, it Ju more than h^ely that he will be here to review the procession. Tire railroads will offer a very low rate cind dubs from all points will be well taken care of. Ohio end Pennsylvania clubs will be out In force a.nd the parade will probably be headed by the magnifi¬ cent Tippecanoe club of Cleveland which will come 200 Btrong. The item printed, in the News last night that the Amerlcus club would go to New York on that night, was an er¬ ror. The dub coe« to New York on the SLst end will decide to-morrow night as to whether it will come to "Wheeling or not. The Republican Tariff, club, Six Footers. Fourth ward club,' of Pitts¬ burgh, Elevnth ward club of Allegheny, will be Among- tho representatives of the Smoky City. Washington, Pa., -will send the Wash-Jeff McKlnley club., and the Young Men's McKlnley; and Hobfwrt club. "All members of the.Youug Men's Re¬ publican Escort Club are urged to re¬ port at the I. O. O. F. hail. In uniform, this evening at 7 p. m., to take part In the parade. The H. C. Richards Six Footers will towt at the city building at 7 o'dlock to¬ night, for escort duty;' Hon, M. A". Kendall, Republican can¬ didate for state treasurer, and Col. J. E. Hooten. of Moimdsville, addressed ft very enthuslastlQ audience of nearly 3&0 voters in McMechen last night Mr. Robert Rlggs, of B&nwood, was chair¬ man of the meeting. The Republican Cyclers' Eeoort Club held n meeting last night and decided to participate 1n tho parade at Bellalre on Monday evening. All members of the dub are called to report at 7 p. m. sharp. A meeting is called for Tuesday evening tQ consider the Parkersburg trip on Thursday. The club, desiring to make a good showing, Asks the members to toe present at each future meeting, so that all may receive tickets. Hon A". W. Campbell and Hon. W. IT. Hearne, of Wheellngj-will address u Re¬ publican meeting at West Liberty, this county, next Friday afifemoon at 2 o'clock. The Popocrata held a meeting at the Fifth ward market house ta»i night and Col. W. W. Arnott succeeded in attract¬ ing a fair slfced crowd. He used the stock arguments of silver so common this year, but did not mention the tar¬ iff, upon which the people of Ohio county depend so much. Mr. Arnetl's attitude on the tariff qucstron is too wwi known for comment. His silver attitude Is but lately acquired. Gladness Comes Willi a belter understanding of the transient nature of tho many phys¬ ical Ills, which vanish before prbper'cf- forts.gentlocfTorts-^pleasantefYorts. rightly directed. Thero is comfort in tho knowledge, that so mai>y forms of sickness sro not due to any actual dis¬ ease, but simply to a constipated condi¬ tion of Iho system, which t no plensant family laxative, Syrupof Figs, prompt¬ ly removes. That Is why it Is tho only remedy with mlllionsof families, nud is everywhere esteemed BO highly by all whovaluo good health. lis bcnctfclal eh'ccts are due V1 tho fact, that itls tho ono remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating tho organs on which It acts. It is therefore all important, in order in got Its bene- fici'al offsets, to onto when you pur¬ chase, that you havo tho gOnuino arti¬ cle, which Is manufactured by the Cali¬ fornia Fig Syrup Co, only nnd sold by all reputable druggists. If In tho enjoyment of good health, nnd tho system is rcgulM-, I(motives or other remedies nro then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, AMI may ho commended to tfiortost skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should havo tho best, nnd with the well-Informed ovorywlioro, Syrup of irigsslunds highest anil L< inou largely Vcd and irlves mostifom-rill satlsfnetioa »>»& I " 7';.-.Vif f§r ¦' $.;' jBJ}' «'-Vfeu v TO-DAY'S GAMIi. "When Greek meets Grc »k \fieo cornea the tug of war." Of nothing Is thin moro truo than the struggle on'tbe grld- Iron this afternoon between the peerUm Lafayette* and the pride of West Vir¬ ginia. From 18-0 to 6-0 la a mighty. i' Xdhltni aiul ioi.*, .Two 'Varsity Favorites. stride, and the Pennsylvania!!# will fight every inch of ground before allowing a tie, which means cuual ability, or a de¬ feat, which means disgrace. The Penn- sylvanlans, beaten by the West Virgini¬ ans, would return east shorn of the lus¬ tre clinging, to them by their tie with Princeton. Lafayette acknowledges having folind foemen worthy of their steel, and hence will make the contest a decisive one, If possible. The University boys are confident that the science displayed by the maroon and white will be of no avail to-day. Should they win, avery West Virginian should rejoice. Unlike tho eastern college teams, made up of the pick of the land, their team consists of natives of the lit¬ tle mountain state, .with two exceptions from across the border of the Keystone state. All Wheeling Bhould get out, decked In old gold and blue, and root for home raised material. A big attendance to-day assures the Princeton game next month. So corno on ye rooters from near and: far. The line-up at the Is¬ land ball park this afternoon at three o'clock is as follows: Lafayette. Poeltlon W. V. U. Hill Left End Wood Rowland Left Guard Jones Centro Btandlford Rinehart Right Guard *<£!!.11 Weldenmeyer. .Right Tackle -White Spear .....Right End --Kimst Bo®t Quarter ..........Bralller Barclay Left Half ....South Walbridge Rlrht Half .....Ely Bray Fullback Ycager W. V. U. IS ALL RIGHT. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. PARKERSBURG, W. Va., Oct. 16.. The West Virginia University foot ball team and Lafayette College eleven play¬ ed their second game of the serle3 of three, here to-day, and the Pennsylva- rvians were victorious, the score stand¬ ing G to 01n their favor. Although the Varsity boys were shui <Jut they were In a sense victorious. They played bril¬ liantly and stood by their adversaries In a tine manner. The game here to-day was a surprise to everybody, as it was known that Lafayette won the Fair¬ mont gamo by a. score of IS to u. It was supposed that they would beat Varsity wore* than that to-day, but they didn't nnd they themselves were surprised by the way Trenchard's men played. The day was ideal nud about 1,000 people Raw the contest. Tracy Want* Anotliar "Go." SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16..Tom Tracy, being dissatisfied with the re¬ sult of his recent meeting with George Green, "Young Corbett," before the Occidental Club, has challenged the latter to fight him again at 144 pounds beforo the club offering the largest purse. Green says: "I am in a bit of a quandary as I had a cablegram from London a day or two ago, telling me that an Important letter Is on the way. I don't know what kind of an offer it contains, but if 4t is not something en¬ ticing. I Will he perfectly willing to give Tracy the first chance." At North Street Church. 'At the North Street M. E. church to¬ morrow, Rev. W.-A. Nicholas, of Hun¬ tington, will preach. In the evening, Dr. waiter W. Wyetb, a prominent missionary, will occupy the pulpit, and treat the subject or missions. The morning service begins at 10:30;. the evening at 7:30. BELUIBE. All Sorts of Local Jietvs oud Gomlp About tlte GlaitClly. Monday night will be a gala, night in this city for the Republican cause. Judge George .K.'Nash,"of Columbus, .and Hon. J. W. ITolllhgsworth will deliver addresses. The Whole City Will he lighted In a blaze or enthusiasm. The Wheeling clubs, tho Martin'* Kerry clubs, tho liridKCport cluba, the' BeftWdOd Clubs and tho Shadysldo Club, with fifty mountod men, will be in lino with torches, red firo and roman can¬ dles. Everybody will dccorate along the lino of march, and tho putes of the city will be onon to blaze tho way for an holiest dollar and protection to homo Industries. A. M. Schoycr and W. M. Grafton, of Pittsburgh,, were in the city yesterday on an Inspection totir. The former is super¬ intendent of a telegraph line and the lat¬ ter signal engineer of the Pennsylvania company. Miss Minnie Wilson, daughter of Mrs. I T. Freeze, and Mr. Fred Find, steward of the steamer Lexington, were wedded at the homo of the bride's mother Thursday evening by Rev. William Peregoy. Mr. J. JB. smith and daughter, of the Fourth ward, left yesterday for Philadel¬ phia and other eastern cities. Mr.' G. W. Yost, of the bottle company, has returned home from Pittsburgh, whero lie attended a confercnce. Joseph N. Thornborry and wife havo re¬ turned to the city from a visit with rela¬ tives In Benllsvllle. The Capitol baso ball team went to .Barnesylllo yesterday morning. MARTIN'S PERRY. Map* ami Mishap* In the Thriving City Aero** the lllvcr. On Tuesday, October 27, a great Re¬ publican street demonstration will tako place in Martin's Ferry. It Is not expected to have any speaking, but an evening of unalloyed Republican enthusiasm. It will be under the auspices of the Republican club of Martin's Ferry, and promises to be u corker. Clubs from all the. towns within a radius of 100 miles havo been invited, and many havo signified their intention of accepting. About $75 Was ronllzed last night at the sound money social given by the Danford Guards. This la tjulto a sum. considering the other attractions^ prevailing In tho town, and but three days' notice of tho social being given. The,Danford Guards ko to.Bollalro on Monday night, Parkcrsburg. pr Cortland on Thursday night, and Wheeling Satuiv day night. They go to Pittsburgh on the 31st. . , ^ John i-fetily. of Bradford, Pa., Is Visiting his friend, Francis Mullaney. WHY not profit by the experience of others who havo found a permanent euro for catarrh In Hood's Samparlllft? 7 DE WITT'S Witch Haiti Salve Is an nntl-soptlc, soothing and healing application for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, etc'., and cures pllotyllke magic. It instantly stops pain. Charles R. (loots", corner: Twol/th and Markot streets; Bowie & Co., Bridgeport; Pea- body & Son, Ucnwood, IK TOT Oil imps. llttnl Afllvlty III* »»ntkw«t ou At- iiiitut of Xtu'tut (luoil Strike*-III thv JUmvoo<l nuti let. A fow dayu ago mention was made in these columns that a well had been struck on the Johnson <3.-Long farm, at tho Owl's Head, near MldJle'bourne, Tyler county, and that It tvas showing hp for a good producer. It has sine? been learned that tho well is showing a nice lot of oil and that while it will not b* of tits gusher variety, when com¬ pleted It will be a food well and will open up a lot of territory that has not yet been tested. The well is repeated now to be making about forty barrels a day and It Is txpevted increase in pro¬ duction when It has beta drilled deeper. There Is a largo scope o* territory out there that can be operated now tmd this .will make things lively In tho vicinity of the county seat. There Is practically nothing new from tho Mayfleld well and there Is not likely to be for some days. There Is one well out there that should be near tlx© eand in a very short time, but there Is no filing when ft will come In as it Is Impossible to hear auythlng from it. Since the Mayfleld well was cleaned out it bas been showing up better and It la now do- ing 1&0 barrels a day. Crawford & Treat have a couple of very Important wells due In the sand at Hebron, but so far nothing hn3 been heard from them. They should, reach the sand sometime to-day or to-mor row. unless some accident has befallen them.- The territory of the southwest that Is attracting tfw attention of operators at present 1s that in the vicinity of Ben- wood. in Monroe county, Ohio, where the Fisher and Henry oil companies .have recently drilled In several good wella As hue been stated before these two companies "have about oil of tho territory over there, but deep lie that fact there Ims been a great influx of oil men In that section, all intent upon se¬ curing, 1C possible,'a small lease or r bit or royalty that the big companies have overlooked. There is a large amount of work mapped out In that sec¬ tion by the people who are doLng the principal operating, and that will be the busiest part of the southwest the com¬ ing winter from all Indications. The Kenwood Field. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer. WOODSFIELD, O., Oct. 1C..Oil men at this place are feeling jubilant over the new pool opening a few miles east of here, at Benwood, Ohio. Nine wells have been drilled in to date and they are all good ones. Cehrs No. 1, which came In "Wednesday, is making fifty barrels an hour. New locations are being made almost dally. .... THE RIVER. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES. Pittsburgh...VIRGINIA, 30 a. m. Parkersburgr.BEN HUR. 11 a. ra. Steubenvi»e..F. A. GOEBEL. 2:30 p. nu Clarlniton...JEWBL> 5:30 p. m. BOATS LEAVING TO-DAY. ClmrIeaton...H. K. BEDFORD, 5 a. nu ParUcrsburs.ARGAND. 11 a. m. Matamoras...LEXINGTON. 11 a. m. Steubenville-F. A. GOEBEL, 2:S0 p. m. Clarlngton...JEWEL, 3:30 p. m. BOATS LEAVING TO-MORROW. Pittsburgh...BEN HUR, <5 a., m. Pittsburgh...KANAWHA, G a. nu Pittsburgh...HUDSON, 8 a. xn. Cincinnati....VIRGINIA* S a. nu Aluujj tUe Lauding. The marks at C p. m. showed 0 feet-6 inches and slowly rising. The top uotch of the rise, about 10 ftr*t. will bo reached early this morning. ^Veather,-Clear and coder. A special dispatch to the IntcIligencer from Washington, states that Captain Asa Booth, son of Captain John K: Booth, baa been appointed a pilot ia the ensrineer corps oil the war department, with headquarters at Cincinnati. He la ^detailed for duty at the wheel of the government snagboot E. A. iWoodruff. iUver Telegram*. OIL CITY.River 4 feet 6 inches and falling. Cloudy and cool. GREENSBORO.River 9 feet and stationary. Cloudy and cool. WARRBN.River 4 feet % inches and falling. Cloudy and coot. MORGANTOWN-River Z feet 5 inches and falling. Clear. PITTSBURGH.River 9 feet and fall¬ ing at the. dam. Clear and cool. STEUBENVILLE.River 10 feet and rJglng. Cloudy and cooL .Up.Virginia. Down.H. IC. Bedford. PARKERSBURG.River 1 feet 4 inches and rising. Cloudy and cold. Down and up.Argand. Up.VaUey Belle. Due down.Ben Hnr. Little Ka¬ nawha rising. If a woman is not attractive there ia something wrong. Any woman can be attractive if she will make the effort. It isn't altogether a question of beauty. It's largely a matter' of health. The bloom and glow of health go far toward bringing beauty. A dear skin, bright eyes, red lips aud the vivacitv which bodily good feeling brings, will make even a homely woman handsome. Half of the women one meets are semi- invalids. Failure to heed the warnings of outraged nature.failure to give tbe help needed by the most delicate and sensitive organs.little troubles ignored until they have become dominant.dis¬ ease allowed every chance to spread aud gain a settled 6eat.these things bring about the sunken, circled eyes, the hol¬ low cheeks, the pale and sallow skin, the flabby, strengthles9 flesh, which characterize the oppcarance of the wo¬ man who suffers from "female weak¬ ness." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has curcd thousands of suffering women. It is.,a perfected specific for the troubles peculiar to them. It eradicates the dis¬ ease, stops the dragging, life-sapping drain, unci in a perfectly rational, nat¬ ural way, builds up the w-asted strength. It will bring buoyant health. It will pnt roses into pale faces.solid flcsli in sunken nlaccs. It docs away with the humiliauug examinations and 41 local treatment" so much dreaded by mod¬ estly sensitive women. For thirty years, it has been successfully prescribed by Dr. Picrcc, Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y. THE ICIng of Pills la Beocham'a BEECHAM'S, A' HACKING cough In not only an- noylnK to others, but Is dangerous to the person who has It. One Minute Cough Cure will quickly put an end to It. Charles R. Goetse, corner Twelfth and Market streets; Bowlo & Co Bridgeport; Peabody & Son, Benwood' 1 OABTOniA. ITMDHELLA.8, ETO.-OBO. S. BTIVSli & 00. SEE THE- "Umbrella Window." 4 Come ktand examine tlic Umbrellas.-then you will realize rtlie size of your bargain.providing you buy.but i! you- don't bur, you will appreciate'the factthat \vc are giving dio ; best Unitirella for 75c you ever saw.eight-ribbed, atMridi. ? (Paragon Frame, gloria coye#:^ ' loop handles, and .».«,YJJ, ' '' ; ONLY 75c - EACH. iThese at that price won't last but a'few 'days, but tftcy aro only specimens of the values to be had in our Umbrella Dei paiiment Indies', Gentlemen'a oc Jj®l>r.c,l!a» at from 59c §8.00 eaclv '| """ it'scd more now than in years. 'Alls wTdtlis, especially Hie t wider ones, for crush collar, belt or trimming, in Roman Stripes, Glace Mope, and Dresden, Black and White Cheeks " and Stripes, Plain Satins and Grogwil o.lSMejjs, fr°m 2gc..to 75c a yard. V .;TTi t/, V EARLY PURCHASERS OF WRAP3 , Have many advantages by getting- better work', cHoicet; t styles, better material and greater .variety. .Our departnjenli now most complete. ' ^ CLOTH AND FUR GARMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. DRESS Goods stock now offers greater, variety and better value9 than ever in all wool or silk and wool fabrics, in black'or. colors, the handsome imported and domestic manufactures Bt all prices. . ,1 f.if/Tki 't s ft i ,, i I 1 «. ? HEKM & ©®c | Bicycle Repairing. \ . _ _ { Don't send parts back to the factory, when -you can have $ them repaired here and save time. ^ A full line of Sundries and Supples in stock. 1smm 1523 Market St., Opposite Postofliee, "Wheeling, W. Ta. FOR SALE. 17\0R SALE.CRTSTAL GLASS CO. } stock. CO shares of tho stock of the Crystal Glass Co. "Mil bo offered for salo at the First National Bank, Bridgeport. O., on Wednesday, October 7. at 10 o'clock a. m. Tho above sale Is adjourned until the 17th day of October. oc7 JfiOR SALE. A FES CHOICE LOTS AT EDG1HGT0H. CHEAP AND OX KASY TERMS, W. V. HOGE, Cily llnnk Buildinc. 1300 Jfarket St. Stocks for sale. 13 share** National Bank of \V. Va. W shares Wheeling Railway Company* 8 Wheeling Pottery bonds, 6 per cent. CO shaves Junction Iron Company. 3 Wheeling St^el & Iron Co. U p. c. bonds, W shares Bellalro Steel Company. fiO shares Wheeling Bridge Company, fl shares Exchange Bank. 30 shrtres Aetna-Standard Steel & Iron Co. 3 shares Ohio Valley Bank. R. S. IRWIN,-Broker, 22 Twelfth St. se20 FOR + SHLE. The National Collection Agency, of Washington, D. C., will dispose of the fol¬ lowing judgments: WEST VIRGINIA. Bellnnton Coal and Coke Co., Bellng- ton $ C!> 12 Gilpin & Son. Berkeley Springs 69 01 .T. F. Gillespie ft Co., Brets 47 31 Farrcl. Norman A Co., Brookville.. 403 (ID J. P. Bowermaster, Bruceton fi8 35 Aug. Seholte, Chnrlestown 25 73 G. M, Christian, Dingess.... r>tl» 00 G, E, Benedict, East Bank 1ST 00 G, B. llarvey, Elklns 150 Oil T, J. Baker, Fettcrmnn 12f» CO C, Rogers, Framotown «»7 3.1 G. W. Shiner & Son, Freed S82 50 L. M. & W. H. Evans, Faycttovillo.. 74 95 W. T. Lilly, Grafton 3S7 00 N, B. Carpenter. Gap Mills S00 W) B. W. Cowan, Greenwood 224 W M. Parson?, Hendricks 2S4 20 11, J, Hughes, Hlnton 35 33 J. R. Ramsey, IlofTnian is 25 P. A. Lyons, Lyons 66 23 C. E. Hnrewood, Martlnshurg 44 21 Lutx & Bennett, Nestorville N) 25 D. Kennedy, Peeryvlllo 100 00 Payne & Beaver. Peeryvllle 157 00 B, Parsons, Petersburg M 97 12. F. Phnres, Peck's Run S3 40 J. "M, Woodford, Phillip! 214 75 C. W. Wheeler, Rowlcsburg 157 50 Stone, Bowman ft Co., Rowlesburg.. 7R2 15 .T. I). Cowger Co.. Ruddlo 75 M T. A. Douglas, Rusk 39! S1} O. A. Ogden, Sardls 47 H, 13. Bland & Co., Sutton IfiG 00 Bartlett Bros., Triplet! 75 M. SehesKinger, Wheeling 112 00 J. D. Adklns, Yorkville 97 22 SEND BIDS TO THE NATIONAL COLLECTION AGENCY. WASHINGTON, D. C. oo3-w Tins intelligencer printing Estubliuhracnt, Mem, Accurate,I'rorupu AGENTS. WANTED.AGENTS FOR "A VISIT to Uncle Sam:" greatest parlor gamo or the age: sent prepaid .51; unmounted copy and terms ac In stamps. GARFIELD & CO.. Louisville, Ky. ocl? PERSQNAL- "y PERSONAL.DISTRESS AFTER EAT¬ ING and all other forms of dvspepsla. Indigestion and stomach disorder Instantly; relieved with Preston's Anti-Dyspeptic Tablets. They will permanently, cure any sufferer. Box sent free. PRESTON'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cincinnati. O. oc!7 FOR RENT. ~ For rent-several good rooms in tho City Bank Building. Inquire at the City Bank of Wheeling. mr20 "T710R RKNT-TWO OFFICES ADJOIN-. ING in City Bank Building, on tha third floor. Possession given at once. FOSTORIA GLASS CO.. Moundsvllle, W. Va. L_ Jyn 'T710R RENT.WITH BOARD. TWO Jj suites front rooms, furnished or un¬ furnished, both gases, bath, centrally lo¬ cated: also suite of three rooms on ,second lloor, ull modern conveniences. Rclerenco required and given. Address I, Intelll- geneer .office. soS ITlOR RENT-BEST OFFICE ROOM.IN j tho city: largo and, plenty of light; centrally located In best advertised build¬ ing, in tho city. Also large hall for rent.. Apply at HUB CLOTHIERS, Fourteenth and Market streets. jaSl i.4 Rooms at $S, in Alley lie west end of Wire Bridge. TO XiOAH .55.000 on good Real Estate.- FAR QITR.Improved Island property, lira unUupuylng ia per cent. Also va¬ cant river lot near Yacht Landing. JAMES 1,. HAWLET, j': Real Estato and Loan Agent; IOoS Main street. GENERAL NOTICES. EEDEMPTION OF BONDS-LOAN. OF JSRI. . wheeling, W. Va., Oct 1-. W«. . The following bonds of tho loan of ISSt have this day been drawn by lot. accord¬ ing to ordinance, and will be redeemed on and after Ihe first day of November, 18JM5, at tho Bank of the, Ohio Valley; in¬ terest on same ceases that day: _ Numbers M. 11. X17, 223. 577, 10.1. 242, 23.7, r.W, 421, &SQ, m, 426. 491. ft>3. «4, IIS, 81, l»7, Gf>l, K5, 371, 225, 31S, 391, M3, 423; f.70. 4.10, 42, 41H, 270. &S, 845. 415. S3, 231, 21*. <73, 1«, 214, fW, 211, oP2, SOS, *93, of ono hundred dollars each. Numbers 706, 7t»"3, 771, SCO, of five hundred dollars each. Number StH, of one thousand dollars. WM. B. SIMPSON. JULIUS POLLOCK, F, P. J EPSON, oe.13 Commissioners of the Loan of 18.S1. |OSEPH J. SMITH, >J a hoo MAr.rtirr srnnF.T. PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER. Shoes neatly repaired and half Bolcd while you wait. HALF SOLING fPh.GGIJD.; .'...O.'Vo AND 11K1SLING, \ SEWED ........;...00o 14Q0 Market streot, cornev Fourteenth;!
Page 1: Wheeling daily intelligencer (Wheeling, W. Va. : 1865).(Wheeling, … · 2017. 12. 16. · Hon. Georec \Y. Atkinson, whowill ad-rirc?3acrowdgatheredfromtktth sides or (he river. Th*meeting


^ JhrSl' i"'; 7.'Clialttlinn I)itrr*li. ot thpffcoimty

I'opocratlc Committee. v

GOB AFTER THEM CARRIERSj-or rinipalRH «'OHUlbntlou«r )mt HeSrrinlvsly Mcelii With LUUt or Xa Kmc-,tm-.Mall Currier* Voirthe Civil ServlM

' itrgtilatloM.Work of tli* Ballot Oom-tloueiV-Coloncl Arncti's NtcjlU^ entkcfcoatit *lilr.

ilHhvWllKELINC, W. V*., Oct. 16. l»t

Mr.- .*;nKAR MR:.You will please ,meet roe

to-TiiKht at 7:50 o'clock at thb ltcgtiterU"I<:C'

THOMAS Jf. DABRAtr,Chairman Democratic County Committee.

The nbove was received yesterday byeach ot thu ij.iatoltlco wall «*rrler». Inthis city, who -ar« ot the Democraticfaith. Of course the carriers kpow whatit mcftttt-fen attempt to force fromthem contributions to thcFdpocratlccampaign fund, which Is aald to be at avery low figure Just at this staff* of thecampaign. Of course the fact that thenail carriers are under civil servicerule?, Which distinctly provide that guv-crnment employes shall not take part Inn political campaign. beyond. castingtheir ballots on election day,: and shallnot contribute to campaign funds, cutsrut the slightest llguro With the enter-prising chairman of the Ohio countyPopocratlc committee. The-' rconditionthat c(«ifronts him is desperate anddesperate remedies are In order.However, the fact thai dlsmlsea! from

the government service follows a viola-1tlon of civil aorvice rules, and that vio¬lation of th* section prohibiting cam¬paign contributions are especially «nd

¦severely dealt with, will mkke the"Wheeling mail carriers chary: of vio¬lating it just now, particularly as theyshare the belief, soon to bcCdlhc a cer¬tainty, that there will be.& Change ofpolitics in th« Incoming administration.This was shown most conclusively last

evening. An Intelligencer reporter, ata-tloned across the street from :thb Regis¬ter office from 7:30 to 7:45 pijp.»_saw notcue mail carrier enter th# Newspaperolilce. At 7:45 Mr. Darrah; who was inthe counting room, left the place, cvi-dentiy in disgust, *nd went^up-Marketstreet. 'Tla very sad. Mr. Darrah. Youcan't blame the mail carricra, though:they seethe handwriting onthewall -amievidently, do not propose to, send goodmoney nfter bad in a hopeless fightThe Popocratlo commltteeuin Pitts¬

burgh tried the same scheme''-taIs weekand got ' beautifully left" £ne of thomail carriers Informed Postmaster-Gen-oral "Wilson of tho Incident -The resultwas the detailing: of a special jx»stofflceinspecator on ^tbe case by the-clvil ser¬vice commissioners, who 13 nbtr to theSmoky City working np the fcase.In New York, Collector ol£*he Port

Gllbreath beard that circulars were Incirculation from ..the TananaayeommU-t«e. asking for campaign contrlbutioas.He at once placed the case Ihrthe hands.x' inspectors *od attorneys'who will,make somebody coffer the heavy; penal-ty provided In siich cases. y'^

BALLOT COM2CTSSIOiraeHolt! Another Hwttwg *nd <iiie tlie >'*.'tloual DcmorcmrtcTtckrtmPIttoij ou tlioomciai n&iiot. :".Ballot Commissioners Dobbins, Hand-

!an and Walton held another ^meetingyesterday afternoon and resumei the;work of preparing the official" ballot forthe approaching election. Jp^ring thoafternoon the .certificates of-nominationof all candld&tes with the esejptlon ofcounty oandWates, were examined bythe commtesiowsrs and approved. Thecounty candidates will be gone, over ata meeting to be held to-day. CThe Democratic member GTtne board

of ballot commissioners yesterday with¬drew his objection to the NationalDem¬ocratic, (sound money) ticket bfclng giv¬en a place on tne ballot He''conferredwith local Popocratlo leaded .who com¬municated with the state .leaders atCharleston, but it 13 understood no replywas received before he withdrew his ob¬jections. The local Popocrats came tothe conclusion that it would have been«ho height of political folly to excludethe National Democrats fron\j£plece onthe ballot, as it would have the cCCect offarcing many sound money Democratsto vote-for both McKlnley awl-the Re%publican state ticket..

ESffWOOD REPUBLICANS.Will IlolA * Rontlufc 3&«eUHi{Tft-nlfctrt.

'51r. AtUiuoa to Spo^i. -'The Bcmvooi Republicans wltf hold a

musing rally tn that town tli-hlcht, inhonor ot West Vtrfrlnla'3 nert sureroor.Hon. Georec \Y. Atkinson, who will ad-rirc?3 a crowd gathered from tktth sidesor (he river. Th* meeting fc» under theeuyplcra of th* Marii liamta Republicandub ot Btnwofd. Tlio mean io thenext Rovtrnor will consist of '!)" B. 11.Dovencr and G. W. Atklnson.club*. o£Wheeling, the Benwood elubs-and clubsfnim Uellalre, Sherrard and Mounda-Tllle. The mcon nill. rorm at. Forty-

¦.Khtli Htreirt, thence morfna' off toF.writi, to McMeehen. to Blevstitlt, toMain, to'Fiiurtti. to Water, to Main, toihe fpr-aUero' Htand <H«poAUe the I3ftn-wood ctty huiliUnir. The Mark' Hannftclub, bavin? Tlio alTalr In charK'e, areniakin;; greal.vltorts,' and a successfulmeetimc already assured.Squire Hnrry Kiddle Is chktomarshal

of the parade. Mr. John Juwts^rlll pi'e-at the mwtlns. The following vico

Iiresldeuts havorbeen nelecledrP. Siugcr. H. N. Pcabody.ciiarlen Sprouts, William Price,Arthur l-'ox, II- Blddlc,- fUwlsey, llobert N<"*ton,W. MeMullen, Albert SerlC.VA. Nrwton, sr., o. Fitzgerald,J. W. DavlH, Thomas Shepiiard,Thomas Garret, Aug. Shad/ 'jfjItobart Coatcs, " William L$ajcu,.¦.ameK Geragluy* J- Barton,.Joseph 31 He. J3d. Noel,

Porterfleld, C. A. Lacy,P. Altmeyer. William Shad.P- Hhultz, Dr.-McDonaltii'A HALICI0P8 P.EPOF.T

Hcflcctliu on Itesprctnhle ClUzrits ofWhetllug aiid Cnlion.

In the Register's report of tli^;mcet-lng hold by the Triadolphla district Re¬publicans Thursday night that.''paper

out of its way to reflect upon thecharacter of the Republican voters fromWheeling nnd Fulton who attended themeeting. Tile malicious tone of the ar-tlil<» all the way through Is in harmonywith (Ik; opening sentence, In whltth It Isn%ted tlmt the Trlndelphla ItepuMlcanswi-ry "re-lnforced by some Goths andVandals from Fulton nnd a few Indiansfrom East Wheeling." ThciKcglsterRoiy» on to say that those .attending thomeetlijRT were "about as disorderly a sot

ever misrepresented Wheeling^thatf «r windows were smashed; th^t-ladles"n tin- return train woro subjected toJiiaultH," foe, Tho 1act Is that tho clubafi'otn Wheeling and Fulton are composedof respectable.citizens and that thQ dls-orderly conduct alluded to by tiiGTtcgls-'*r should not beycredlted to thorn. Thename night a Domocratlo meeting AvaftJk.M out tho same road i&rtd theii?;were"'"nc disturbances ralHed by members ofI'omcKrratlo delegatlono, one canoeing'.n IumuU to a colored /tepublloan (by aJ'Tnooral, which was promptly ,re«ent-"d. The Kcglster reporter rode home onth<' aains oh r with a number of the mem-,'.era of the Fulton [dub,, which Is com-l»'is»d of ropreserilatlvo cltlswtis/o/uhatPliicft; Thcre was^Kieflt deal of)fa\uraleniinislajrnl over tin) sucoMs of thVinect-

Ini, ana thin probably er&tcil on. thoHi*l«ter innu'. nerve*. 11« felt .badover wlUwMlnffio much ItcpuMlcan en¬thusiasm lind evidently MURtit comfortIn writing the vlclmi* uul vindictive ac¬count which appeared In the next morn¬ing's paper.


3. Ths club* will atatomble at Ihclr re-Bpectlv*. headquarters Monday evening,Octbber m, at 7 o'clock, for tho jnurposoof attending tho demonstration at Bellnlre,Ohio. Arrangements have been made withtho Wheeling Hallway Company and thoKenwood Ferry to transport Use clubs toand from Bellalre, faro for lho round trip15 cents. Ample accommodations will bofurnished, ana tho clubs will embark atnearest point-on .street cor line to theirrespective headquarters.2. Captains will rei>ort not later thanRaturday evening, October 1", the numberof men. also the numbor of musicians thutwill participate.3. Aides will renort mounted at Twenty-third and Cbapllne streets at 7:15 p. ro.By order of Chief Marshal Bainiloy.C. D. THOMPSON',


Meetings lu the Fnture nud Goulp Abouttho Club*.

Hon. 'A*. Kendall, of "Wood county,Republican candidate for state treasur¬er, was In the city yesterday on busi¬ness. Mr. Kendall expressed hJmeelf nobeing fully .satisfied with the outlookfor Republican 'victory in AVest Virginiaand said it was now only a question'ofmajority.

; A large excursion of West Virginiansbound for Canton wjll pass through thocity at 9 o'clock this morning. Theywill come over the- Baltimore & Ohiofrom all points as far out as Cumber¬land, and will be transferred to theWheeling & Lake Erie over which linethey will be taken to the home of thenext President

% /Arrangements for the big Republicanand sound money demonstration nextSaturday night are going on In fine style,and the indications are even more flat¬tering? than the coihmlttee had hopedfor. Letters hare been received frommany cities and towns asking for Infor¬mation as to what time the parade is totake place andwhat rates have been of¬fered by the railroads. Clubs for milesaround have been invited and will bofound In the big parade. All businesshouses and residences should be decorat¬ed on that day, and citizens 6hould notspare themselves a little red lire for theoccasion. Let everybody, join in givingthe visitors a hearty welcome. Thedemonstration committee has invitedHon. Garret A. Hobort,' Republicannominee for Vice President, to bo pres¬ent, and as he has no appointment forthe 24th, it Ju more than h^ely that hewill be here to review the procession.Tire railroads will offer a very low ratecind dubs from all points will be welltaken care of. Ohio end Pennsylvaniaclubs will be out In force a.nd the paradewill probably be headed by the magnifi¬cent Tippecanoe club of Cleveland whichwill come 200 Btrong.The item printed, in the News last

night that the Amerlcus club would goto New York on that night, was an er¬ror. The dub coe« to New York on theSLst end will decide to-morrow night asto whether it will come to "Wheeling ornot. The Republican Tariff, club, SixFooters. Fourth ward club,' of Pitts¬burgh, Elevnth ward club of Allegheny,will be Among- tho representatives of theSmoky City. Washington, Pa., -will sendthe Wash-Jeff McKlnley club., and theYoung Men's McKlnley; and Hobfwrtclub.

"All members of the.Youug Men's Re¬publican Escort Club are urged to re¬port at the I. O. O. F. hail. In uniform,this evening at 7 p. m., to take part Inthe parade.The H. C. Richards Six Footers will

towt at the city building at 7 o'dlock to¬night, for escort duty;'Hon, M. A". Kendall, Republican can¬

didate for state treasurer, and Col. J. E.Hooten. of Moimdsville, addressed ftvery enthuslastlQ audience of nearly 3&0voters in McMechen last night Mr.Robert Rlggs, of B&nwood, was chair¬man of the meeting.The Republican Cyclers' Eeoort Club

held n meeting last night and decided toparticipate 1n tho parade at Bellalre onMonday evening. All members of thedub are called to report at 7 p. m. sharp.A meeting is called for Tuesday eveningtQ consider the Parkersburg trip onThursday. The club, desiring to make agood showing, Asks the members to toepresent at each future meeting, so thatall may receive tickets.

Hon A". W. Campbell and Hon. W. IT.Hearne, of Wheellngj-will address u Re¬publican meeting at West Liberty, thiscounty, next Friday afifemoon at 2o'clock.

The Popocrata held a meeting at theFifth ward market house ta»i night andCol. W. W. Arnott succeeded in attract¬ing a fair slfced crowd. He used thestock arguments of silver so commonthis year, but did not mention the tar¬iff, upon which the people of Ohio countydepend so much. Mr. Arnetl's attitudeon the tariff qucstron is too wwi knownfor comment. His silver attitude Is butlately acquired.

Gladness ComesWilli a belter understanding of the

transient nature of tho many phys¬ical Ills, which vanish before prbper'cf-forts.gentlocfTorts-^pleasantefYorts.rightly directed. Thero is comfort intho knowledge, that so mai>y forms ofsickness sro not due to any actual dis¬ease, but simply to a constipated condi¬tion of Iho system, which t no plensantfamily laxative, Syrupof Figs, prompt¬ly removes. That Is why it Is tho onlyremedy with mlllionsof families, nud is

everywhere esteemed BO highly by allwhovaluo good health. lis bcnctfclaleh'ccts are due V1 tho fact, that itls thoono remedy which promotes internalcleanliness without debilitating thoorgans on which It acts. It is thereforeall important, in order in got Its bene-fici'al offsets, to onto when you pur¬chase, that you havo tho gOnuino arti¬cle, which Is manufactured by the Cali¬fornia Fig Syrup Co, only nnd sold byall reputable druggists.

If In tho enjoyment of good health,nnd tho system is rcgulM-, I(motives orother remedies nro then not needed. Ifafflicted with any actual disease, AMImay ho commended to tfiortost skillfulphysicians, but if in need of a laxative,one should havo tho best, nnd with thewell-Informed ovorywlioro, Syrup ofirigsslunds highest anil L< inou largelyVcd and irlves mostifom-rill satlsfnetioa

»>»& I"

7';.-.Vif f§r ¦' $.;'jBJ}'«'-VfeuvTO-DAY'S GAMIi.

"When Greek meets Grc »k \fieo corneathe tug of war." Of nothing Is thinmoro truo than the struggle on'tbe grld-Iron this afternoon between the peerUmLafayette* and the pride of West Vir¬ginia. From 18-0 to 6-0 la a mighty.

i' Xdhltni aiul ioi.*,.Two 'Varsity Favorites.

stride, and the Pennsylvania!!# will fightevery inch of ground before allowing atie, which means cuual ability, or a de¬feat, which means disgrace. The Penn-sylvanlans, beaten by the West Virgini¬ans, would return east shorn of the lus¬tre clinging, to them by their tie withPrinceton. Lafayette acknowledgeshaving folind foemen worthy of theirsteel, and hence will make the contest adecisive one, If possible.The University boys are confident that

the science displayed by the maroon andwhite will be of no avail to-day. Shouldthey win, avery West Virginian shouldrejoice. Unlike tho eastern collegeteams, made up of the pick of the land,their team consists of natives of the lit¬tle mountain state, .with two exceptionsfrom across the border of the Keystonestate. All Wheeling Bhould get out,decked In old gold and blue, and root forhome raised material. A big attendanceto-day assures the Princeton game nextmonth. So corno on ye rooters fromnear and: far. The line-up at the Is¬land ball park this afternoon at threeo'clock is as follows:Lafayette. Poeltlon W. V. U.Hill Left End WoodRowland Left GuardJones Centro BtandlfordRinehart Right Guard *<£!!.11Weldenmeyer. .Right Tackle -WhiteSpear .....Right End --KimstBo®t Quarter ..........BralllerBarclay Left Half ....SouthWalbridge Rlrht Half .....ElyBray Fullback Ycager

W. V. U. IS ALL RIGHT.Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer.PARKERSBURG, W. Va., Oct. 16..

The West Virginia University foot ballteam and Lafayette College eleven play¬ed their second game of the serle3 ofthree, here to-day, and the Pennsylva-rvians were victorious, the score stand¬ing G to 01n their favor. Although theVarsity boys were shui <Jut they wereIn a sense victorious. They played bril¬liantly and stood by their adversaries Ina tine manner. The game here to-daywas a surprise to everybody, as it wasknown that Lafayette won the Fair¬mont gamo by a. score of IS to u. It wassupposed that they would beat Varsitywore* than that to-day, but they didn'tnnd they themselves were surprised bythe way Trenchard's men played. Theday was ideal nud about 1,000 peopleRaw the contest.

Tracy Want* Anotliar "Go."SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16..Tom

Tracy, being dissatisfied with the re¬sult of his recent meeting with GeorgeGreen, "Young Corbett," before theOccidental Club, has challenged thelatter to fight him again at 144 poundsbeforo the club offering the largestpurse. Green says: "I am in a bit ofa quandary as I had a cablegram fromLondon a day or two ago, telling methat an Important letter Is on the way.I don't know what kind of an offer itcontains, but if 4t is not something en¬ticing. I Will he perfectly willing togive Tracy the first chance."

At North Street Church.'At the North Street M. E. church to¬

morrow, Rev. W.-A. Nicholas, of Hun¬tington, will preach. In the evening,Dr. waiter W. Wyetb, a prominentmissionary, will occupy the pulpit, andtreat the subject or missions. Themorning service begins at 10:30;. theevening at 7:30.

BELUIBE.All Sorts of Local Jietvs oud Gomlp About

tlte GlaitClly.Monday night will be a gala, night in

this city for the Republican cause. JudgeGeorge .K.'Nash,"of Columbus, .and Hon.J. W. ITolllhgsworth will deliver addresses.The Whole City Will he lighted In a blazeor enthusiasm. The Wheeling clubs, thoMartin'* Kerry clubs, tho liridKCport cluba,the' BeftWdOd Clubs and tho ShadysldoClub, with fifty mountod men, will be inlino with torches, red firo and roman can¬dles. Everybody will dccorate along thelino of march, and tho putes of the citywill be onon to blaze tho way for an holiestdollar and protection to homo Industries.A. M. Schoycr and W. M. Grafton, of

Pittsburgh,, were in the city yesterday onan Inspection totir. The former is super¬intendent of a telegraph line and the lat¬ter signal engineer of the Pennsylvaniacompany.Miss Minnie Wilson, daughter of Mrs.

I T. Freeze, and Mr. Fred Find, stewardof the steamer Lexington, were wedded atthe homo of the bride's mother Thursdayevening by Rev. William Peregoy.Mr. J. JB. smith and daughter, of the

Fourth ward, left yesterday for Philadel¬phia and other eastern cities.Mr.' G. W. Yost, of the bottle company,

has returned home from Pittsburgh, wherolie attended a confercnce.Joseph N. Thornborry and wife havo re¬

turned to the city from a visit with rela¬tives In Benllsvllle.The Capitol baso ball team went to

.Barnesylllo yesterday morning.


Map* ami Mishap* In the Thriving CityAero** the lllvcr.

On Tuesday, October 27, a great Re¬publican street demonstration will takoplace in Martin's Ferry. It Is not expectedto have any speaking, but an evening ofunalloyed Republican enthusiasm. It willbe under the auspices of the Republicanclub of Martin's Ferry, and promises tobe u corker. Clubs from all the. townswithin a radius of 100 miles havo beeninvited, and many havo signified theirintention of accepting.About $75 Was ronllzed last night at the

sound money social given by the DanfordGuards. This la tjulto a sum. consideringthe other attractions^ prevailing In thotown, and but three days' notice of thosocial being given.The,Danford Guards ko to.Bollalro on

Monday night, Parkcrsburg. pr Cortlandon Thursday night, and Wheeling Satuivday night. They go to Pittsburgh on the31st. .

, ^John i-fetily. of Bradford, Pa., Is Visitinghis friend, Francis Mullaney.

WHY not profit by the experience ofothers who havo found a permanent eurofor catarrh In Hood's Samparlllft? 7

DE WITT'S Witch Haiti Salve Isan nntl-soptlc, soothing and healingapplication for burns, scalds, cuts,bruises, etc'., and cures pllotyllke magic.It instantly stops pain. Charles R.(loots", corner: Twol/th and Markotstreets; Bowie & Co., Bridgeport; Pea-body & Son, Ucnwood,

IK TOT Oil imps.llttnl Afllvlty l» III* »»ntkw«t ou At-iiiitut of Xtu'tut (luoil Strike*-III thvJUmvoo<l nuti let.A fow dayu ago mention was made in

these columns that a well had beenstruck on the Johnson <3.-Long farm,at tho Owl's Head, near MldJle'bourne,Tyler county, and that It tvas showinghp for a good producer. It has sine?been learned that tho well is showing anice lot of oil and that while it will notb* of tits gusher variety, when com¬pleted It will be a food well and willopen up a lot of territory that has notyet been tested. The well is repeatednow to be making about forty barrels aday and It Is txpevted increase in pro¬duction when It has beta drilled deeper.There Is a largo scope o* territory outthere that can be operated now tmd this.will make things lively In tho vicinity ofthe county seat.There Is practically nothing new from

tho Mayfleld well and there Is not likelyto be for some days. There Is one wellout there that should be near tlx© eand ina very short time, but there Is no filingwhen ft will come In as it Is Impossibleto hear auythlng from it. Since theMayfleld well was cleaned out it basbeen showing up better and It la now do-ing 1&0 barrels a day.Crawford & Treat have a couple of

very Important wells due In the sand atHebron, but so far nothing hn3 beenheard from them. They should, reachthe sand sometime to-day or to-morrow. unless some accident has befallenthem.-The territory of the southwest that Is

attracting tfw attention of operatorsat present 1s that in the vicinity of Ben-wood. in Monroe county, Ohio, wherethe Fisher and Henry oil companies.have recently drilled In several goodwella As hue been stated before thesetwo companies "have about oil of thoterritory over there, but deep lie thatfact there Ims been a great influx of oilmen In that section, all intent upon se¬curing, 1C possible,'a small lease or rbit or royalty that the big companieshave overlooked. There is a largeamount of work mapped out In that sec¬tion by the people who are doLng theprincipal operating, and that will be thebusiest part of the southwest the com¬ing winter from all Indications.

The Kenwood Field.Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer.WOODSFIELD, O., Oct. 1C..Oil men

at this place are feeling jubilant overthe new pool opening a few miles east ofhere, at Benwood, Ohio. Nine wellshave been drilled in to date and they areall good ones. Cehrs No. 1, which cameIn "Wednesday, is making fifty barrelsan hour. New locations are being madealmost dally. ....


Pittsburgh...VIRGINIA, 30 a. m.Parkersburgr.BEN HUR. 11 a. ra.Steubenvi»e..F. A. GOEBEL. 2:30 p. nuClarlniton...JEWBL> 5:30 p. m.

BOATS LEAVING TO-DAY.ClmrIeaton...H. K. BEDFORD, 5 a. nuParUcrsburs.ARGAND. 11 a. m.Matamoras...LEXINGTON. 11 a. m.Steubenville-F. A. GOEBEL, 2:S0 p. m.Clarlngton...JEWEL, 3:30 p. m.

BOATS LEAVING TO-MORROW.Pittsburgh...BEN HUR, <5 a., m.Pittsburgh...KANAWHA, G a. nuPittsburgh...HUDSON, 8 a. xn.Cincinnati....VIRGINIA* S a. nu

Aluujj tUe Lauding.The marks at C p. m. showed 0 feet-6

inches and slowly rising. The top uotchof the rise, about 10 ftr*t. will bo reachedearly this morning. ^Veather,-Clear andcoder.A special dispatch to the IntcIligencer

from Washington, states that CaptainAsa Booth, son of Captain John K:Booth, baa been appointed a pilot ia theensrineer corps oil the war department,with headquarters at Cincinnati. He la^detailed for duty at the wheel of thegovernment snagboot E. A. iWoodruff.

iUver Telegram*.OIL CITY.River 4 feet 6 inches and

falling. Cloudy and cool.GREENSBORO.River 9 feet and

stationary. Cloudy and cool.WARRBN.River 4 feet % inches and

falling. Cloudy and coot.MORGANTOWN-River Z feet 5

inches and falling. Clear.PITTSBURGH.River 9 feet and fall¬

ing at the. dam. Clear and cool.STEUBENVILLE.River 10 feet and

rJglng. Cloudy and cooL .Up.Virginia.Down.H. IC. Bedford.PARKERSBURG.River 1 feet 4

inches and rising. Cloudy and cold.Down and up.Argand. Up.VaUeyBelle. Due down.Ben Hnr. Little Ka¬nawha rising.

If a woman is notattractive there iasomething wrong.Any woman can beattractive if she willmake the effort. Itisn't altogether aquestion of beauty.It's largely a matter' of health. The

bloom and glow of health go far towardbringing beauty. A dear skin, brighteyes, red lips aud the vivacitv whichbodily good feeling brings, will makeeven a homely woman handsome.Half of the women one meets are semi-

invalids. Failure to heed the warningsof outraged nature.failure to give tbehelp needed by the most delicate andsensitive organs.little troubles ignoreduntil they have become dominant.dis¬ease allowed every chance to spread audgain a settled 6eat.these things bringabout the sunken, circled eyes, the hol¬low cheeks, the pale and sallow skin,the flabby, strengthles9 flesh, whichcharacterize the oppcarance of the wo¬man who suffers from "female weak¬ness."

Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription hascurcd thousands of suffering women. Itis.,a perfected specific for the troublespeculiar to them. It eradicates the dis¬ease, stops the dragging, life-sappingdrain, unci in a perfectly rational, nat¬ural way, builds up the w-asted strength.It will bring buoyant health. It will pntroses into pale faces.solid flcsli insunken nlaccs. It docs away with thehumiliauug examinations and 41 localtreatment" so much dreaded by mod¬estly sensitive women. For thirty years,it has been successfully prescribed by Dr.Picrcc, Chief Consulting Physician to theInvalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute atBuffalo, N. Y.

THE ICIng of Pills la Beocham'aBEECHAM'S,

A' HACKING cough In not only an-noylnK to others, but Is dangerous tothe person who has It. One MinuteCough Cure will quickly put an end toIt. Charles R. Goetse, corner Twelfthand Market streets; Bowlo & CoBridgeport; Peabody & Son, Benwood'





"Umbrella Window."4

Come ktand examine tlic Umbrellas.-then you will realizertlie size of your bargain.providing you buy.but i! you-don't bur, you will appreciate'the factthat \vc are giving dio

; best Unitirella for 75c you ever saw.eight-ribbed, atMridi. ?(Paragon Frame, gloria coye#:^ '

loop handles, and .».«,YJJ, ' '' ;

ONLY 75c - EACH.iThese at that price won't last but a'few 'days, but tftcy aroonly specimens of the values to be had in our Umbrella Deipaiiment Indies', Gentlemen'a oc Jj®l>r.c,l!a»at from 59c i» §8.00 eaclv '| """

it'scd more now than in years. 'Alls wTdtlis, especially Hiet wider ones, for crush collar, belt or trimming, in Roman

Stripes, Glace Mope, and Dresden, Black and White Cheeks" and Stripes, Plain Satins and Grogwil o.lSMejjs, fr°m2gc..to 75c a yard. V

.;TTit/, V


WRAP3, Have many advantages by getting- better work', cHoicet;

t styles, better material and greater .variety. .Our departnjenlinow most complete. '


DRESSGoods stock now offers greater, variety and better value9than ever in all wool or silk and wool fabrics, in black'or.colors, the handsome imported and domestic manufacturesBt all prices. .

,1 f.if/Tki 'ts ft i ,, i I 1


? HEKM & ©®c

| Bicycle Repairing. \. _ _ {

Don't send parts back to the factory, when -you can have $them repaired here and save time. ^

A full line of Sundries and Supples in stock.

1smm1523 Market St., Opposite Postofliee, "Wheeling, W. Ta.


17\0R SALE.CRTSTAL GLASS CO.} stock. CO shares of tho stock of the

Crystal Glass Co. "Mil bo offered for saloat the First National Bank, Bridgeport.O., on Wednesday, October 7. at 10 o'clocka. m. Tho above sale Is adjourned untilthe 17th day of October. oc7



W. V. HOGE,Cily llnnk Buildinc. 1300 Jfarket St.

Stocks for sale.13 share** National Bank of \V. Va.

W shares Wheeling Railway Company*8 Wheeling Pottery bonds, 6 per cent.CO shaves Junction Iron Company.3 Wheeling St^el & Iron Co. U p. c. bonds,W shares Bellalro Steel Company.fiO shares Wheeling Bridge Company,fl shares Exchange Bank.30 shrtres Aetna-Standard Steel & Iron Co.3 shares Ohio Valley Bank.R. S. IRWIN,-Broker, 22 Twelfth St.


FOR + SHLE.The National Collection Agency, of

Washington, D. C., will dispose of the fol¬lowing judgments:

WEST VIRGINIA.Bellnnton Coal and Coke Co., Bellng-

ton $ C!> 12Gilpin & Son. Berkeley Springs 69 01.T. F. Gillespie ft Co., Brets 47 31Farrcl. Norman A Co., Brookville.. 403 (IDJ. P. Bowermaster, Bruceton fi8 35Aug. Seholte, Chnrlestown 25 73G. M, Christian, Dingess.... r>tl» 00G, E, Benedict, East Bank 1ST 00G, B. llarvey, Elklns 150 OilT, J. Baker, Fettcrmnn 12f» COC, Rogers, Framotown «»7 3.1G. W. Shiner & Son, Freed S82 50L. M. & W. H. Evans, Faycttovillo.. 74 95W. T. Lilly, Grafton3S7 00N, B. Carpenter. Gap Mills S00 W)B. W. Cowan, Greenwood 224 WM. Parson?, Hendricks 2S4 2011, J, Hughes, Hlnton 3533J. R. Ramsey, IlofTnian is 25P. A. Lyons, Lyons 6623C. E. Hnrewood, Martlnshurg 44 21Lutx & Bennett, Nestorville N) 25D. Kennedy, Peeryvlllo 100 00Payne & Beaver. Peeryvllle 157 00B, Parsons, Petersburg M 9712. F. Phnres, Peck's Run S3 40J. "M, Woodford, Phillip! 214 75C. W. Wheeler, Rowlcsburg 157 50Stone, Bowman ft Co., Rowlesburg.. 7R2 15.T. I). Cowger Co.. Ruddlo 75 MT. A. Douglas, Rusk 39! S1}O. A. Ogden, Sardls 47H, 13. Bland & Co., Sutton IfiG 00Bartlett Bros., Triplet! 75M. SehesKinger, Wheeling 112 00J. D. Adklns, Yorkville 97 22




Tins intelligencer printingEstubliuhracnt, Mem,Accurate,I'rorupu


WANTED.AGENTS FOR "A VISITto Uncle Sam:" greatest parlor gamo

or the age: sent prepaid .51; unmountedcopy and terms ac In stamps. GARFIELD& CO.. Louisville, Ky. ocl?


ING and all other forms of dvspepsla.Indigestion and stomach disorder Instantly;relieved with Preston's Anti-DyspepticTablets. They will permanently, cure anysufferer. Box sent free. PRESTON'SCHEMICAL CO.. Cincinnati. O. oc!7


For rent-several good roomsin tho City Bank Building. Inquire at

the City Bank of Wheeling. mr20"T710R RKNT-TWO OFFICES ADJOIN-.

ING in City Bank Building, on thathird floor. Possession given at once.FOSTORIA GLASS CO.. Moundsvllle, W.Va. L_ Jyn'T710R RENT.WITH BOARD. TWOJj suites front rooms, furnished or un¬furnished, both gases, bath, centrally lo¬cated: also suite of three rooms on ,secondlloor, ull modern conveniences. Rclerencorequired and given. Address I, Intelll-geneer .office. soS

ITlOR RENT-BEST OFFICE ROOM.INj tho city: largo and, plenty of light;

centrally located In best advertised build¬ing, in tho city. Also large hall for rent..Apply at HUB CLOTHIERS, Fourteenthand Market streets. jaSl

i.4 Rooms at $S, in Alley liewest end of Wire Bridge.TO XiOAH.55.000 on good Real Estate.-

FAR QITR.Improved Island property,lira unUupuylng ia per cent. Also va¬cant river lot near Yacht Landing.

JAMES 1,. HAWLET,j': Real Estato and Loan Agent;

IOoS Main street.



wheeling, W. Va., Oct 1-. W«..The following bonds of tho loan of ISSt

have this day been drawn by lot. accord¬ing to ordinance, and will be redeemedon and after Ihe first day of November,18JM5, at tho Bank of the, Ohio Valley; in¬terest on same ceases that day: _Numbers M. 11. X17, 223. 577, 10.1. 242, 23.7,r.W, 421, &SQ, m, 426. 491. ft>3. «4, IIS, 81,l»7, Gf>l, K5, 371, 225, 31S, 391, M3, 423; f.70. 4.10,42, 41H, 270. &S, 845. 415. S3, 231, 21*. <73, 1«,214, fW, 211, oP2, SOS, *93, of ono hundreddollars each.Numbers 706, 7t»"3, 771, SCO, of five hundred

dollars each.Number StH, of one thousand dollars.


oe.13 Commissioners of the Loan of 18.S1.

|OSEPH J. SMITH,>J a hoo MAr.rtirr srnnF.T.

PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER.Shoes neatly repaired and half Bolcd

while you wait.HALF SOLING fPh.GGIJD.; .'...O.'VoAND 11K1SLING, \SEWED ........;...00o14Q0 Market streot, cornev Fourteenth;!
