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When Does Funding Research by Smaller Firms Bear Fruit?: Evidence

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  • 8/14/2019 When Does Funding Research by Smaller Firms Bear Fruit?: Evidence


    When Does Funding Research by Smaller Firms Bear Fruit?:

    Evidence from the SBIR Program*


    Joshua S. Gans andScott Stern**

    First Draft: April 2, 1999This Version: November 24, 2009

    This paper evaluates whether the relative concentration of funding for small, research-oriented firms in some important high-tech industries is related to the differences acrossindustries in the appropriability regime facing small firms. We explore this hypothesis byanalyzing the performance of projects funded by the Small Business Innovation Research(SBIR) program, a Federal subsidy that provides R&D funds for small businesses. Bydesign, the cost of R&D capital is (approximately) equalized for firms funded by theSBIR. As a result, we neutralize capital market imperfections as a direct source ofvariation in our sample. In contrast, the SBIR does notaffect sector-level differences inthe appropriability regime or in the underlying level of technological opportunity. Themain contribution of this paper results from exploiting this difference to evaluate thesalience of capital market imperfections, the appropriability regime facing small firms,and the overall level of technology opportunity. Specifically, if the SBIR fund projects onthe margin (as it should under an optimal subsidy regime), then a cross-sectional

    comparison identifies the relative importance of capital versus product marketimperfections across markets. Our principal empirical result is that project-levelperformance is highest for those technologies that are in industrial segments that attracthigh rates of venture capital investment. As well, there is weak but positive evidence thatperformance is related to the overall level of scientific opportunity. We interpret thesefindings as suggesting that an important difference between industrial sectors is thedegree of appropriability for research-oriented small businesses; variation in theappropriability regime helps explain the concentrated nature of venture capital activity inthe economy. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers:

    * The cooperation and assistance of the firms that contributed data used in this study is greatly appreciated.

    Josh Lerner, Scott Wallsten, Scott Shane, seminar participants at MIT, the FTC and the NBER, andespecially Iain Cockburn, provided thoughtful suggestions and advice. David Hsu provided outstandingresearch assistance. We also gratefully acknowledge funding for this research by the MIT Center forInnovation in Product Development under NSF Cooperative Agreement # EEC-9529140. Any remainingerrors or omissions are our responsibility.** Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne, and MIT Sloan School & NBER, respectively. Allcorrespondence to Scott Stern, Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge (MA), 02142;mailto:[email protected]. The latest version of this paper is available athttp://www.mbs.unimelb.edu.au/jgans/research.htm.

    mailto:[email protected]://www.mbs.unimelb.edu.au/jgans/research.htmmailto:[email protected]://www.mbs.unimelb.edu.au/jgans/research.htm
  • 8/14/2019 When Does Funding Research by Smaller Firms Bear Fruit?: Evidence


    Keywords: innovation, appropriability, subsidy, capital constraints, technologicalopportunity, venture capital.

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    I. Introduction

    Since Arrow (1962), economists have been aware that competitive markets may

    fail to provide the socially optimal level of R&D investment. Innovation is beset by

    uncertainty, imperfect monitoring and imperfect property rights; the combination of these

    factors leads many to conclude that the realized level of R&D investment by private firms

    is too low (Bush, 1945; Griliches, 1992; Romer, 1990). In this context, special attention

    is paid to the role of the small, research-oriented firm. While many suggest that these

    firms have organizational advantages enhancing their research productivity (Schumpeter,

    1934; Foster, 1986; Acs and Audretsch, 1996), others highlight that smaller, start-up

    firms may be particularly susceptible to the constraints identified by Arrow (Holmstrom,

    1989; Teece, 1986; Kamien and Schwartz, 1982; Himmelberg and Petersen, 1994).

    Specifically, smaller firms may both have difficulty raising capital for R&D projects and

    be less well positioned to extract the social value of their innovations in the marketplace.

    Perhaps in part because of the salience of these constraints, private financing of

    small firm research is quite concentrated in a small number of industrial sectors.

    Historically, areas such as biotechnology and software development have attracted a

    disproportionate share of financing, particularly when compared with industries such as

    industrial equipment, transportation or environmental technologies (while all of these

    sectors experience high rates of innovation, the composition of funding and performance

    differs across sectors). Concentrated financing of entrepreneurial activity suggests that

    venture financiers have somehow overcome the capital market imperfections and

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    appropriability constraints in a small number of distinct market and technological

    environments. Put another way, understanding why small firm research is financed in

    only a few sectors involves discerning how the funded sectors differ in terms of the

    salience of agency and/or appropriability. By undertaking such an exercise, this paper

    enhances understanding of how agency and appropriability affect innovation incentives

    as well as providing policy guidance in terms of how to better encourage small firm

    formation and innovation.

    The paper evaluates the variation across sectors in the performance of projects

    funded by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, a Federal subsidy

    that provides R&D funds for small businesses. By design, the SBIR program effectively

    equalizes the type of capital market imperfections that theoretically raise the costs of

    capital to small firm R&D. As a result, the salience of capital market imperfections is

    (roughly) equalized across our sample. In contrast, the SBIR does not affect sector-level

    differences in the appropriability regime or in the underlying level of technological

    opportunity. The main contribution of this paper arises from exploiting this difference to

    evaluate how sectors differ in terms of capital market imperfections, the appropriability

    regime facing small firms, and the overall level of technological opportunity.

    We construct a theoretical model demonstrating that, if the SBIR funds projects

    that would not have been funded in the absence of a subsidy, then a cross-sectional

    comparison identifies the relative importance of capital versus product market

    imperfections across industries. The intuition is straightforward. Private financiers will be

    deterred from funding innovations with relatively high ex post returns in those industries

    where capital market imperfections are particularly binding. If projects are funded on the

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    margin, then one would expect that grants provided to firms in capital-constrained

    industries would tend to perform most highly. On the other hand, grantee performance

    will be highest in those sectors that have the ability to earn the highest returns even in the

    absence of the subsidy. If differences across sectors are driven by differences in the

    appropriablity regime, this will manifest itself as a positive correlation between

    performance and the stock of private venture capital fundraising, conditional on the level

    of technological opportunity. Alternatively, if the key correlation is between performance

    and technological opportunity itself, this may suggest that the critical differences in

    funding across sectors simply result from variation in technological opportunity.

    Using a novel dataset constructed from a survey by the authors of SBIR funded

    projects, our principal empirical finding is that project-level performance is highest for

    those technologies that are in industrial segments that attract high rates of venture capital

    investment. As well, there is weak, but positive, evidence that performance is related to

    the overall level of scientific opportunity. We interpret these findings as suggesting that

    an important difference between industrial sectors is the degree of appropriability for

    research-oriented small businesses, and this variation helps explain the relative

    concentration of venture capital activity in some industrialsegments.By examining performance differences across subsidized projects, this paper

    differs from most prior treatments that have attempted to evaluate inter-sectoral

    differences in the environment for small-firm R&D. By and large, such studies have

    analyzed samples that are subject to an important selectivity they have indeed been

    funded by the private sector (Mansfield, 1995; Griliches, 1998; Hall, 1988; 1993;

    Himmelberg and Petersen, 1994). As such, it is difficult to isolate the differences in

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    capital market imperfections from more downstream issues such as the appropriablity

    regime. As well, our approach differs from prior work on the SBIR (in particular Lerner

    (1996) and Wallsten (1997)). Both of these prior studies seek to identify the incremental

    benefits of an SBIR grant relative to privately funded research; in contrast, we examine

    the differences across funded firms in order to understand how different segments differ

    in terms of the environment for innovation for smaller firms.

    The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. In the next section, we review the

    theoretical and empirical literature on the constraints facing small research-oriented firms

    in capital and product markets. Section III presents a model that captures the essence of

    capital and product market imperfections and we use this as a basis to formulate testable

    hypotheses about the determinants of venture capital funding levels across industries.

    Section IV then describes the SBIR program and the features that allow it to provide an

    experiment to control for capital market imperfections across sectors. Section V presents

    an overview of our dataset while in Section VI we present our main empirical results and

    tests for the robustness of these. A final section concludes.

    II. The Concentrated Nature of R&D and Venture Capital

    Expenditures: An Economic Puzzle?

    Among the most distinctive facts about the innovative process is the concentrated

    nature of formal R&D investment across the economy and the even further concentrated

    nature of venture capital finance or small-firm R&D financing. Consider first the

    concentration of privately funded R&D expenditure. Figure 1A presents the Lorenz

    distribution of R&D funding relative to value added across the manufacturing sector of

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    the U.S. economy.1 Relative to the distribution of aggregate economic activity (even

    confined to the manufacturing sector), a small share of sectors (such as the

    pharmaceutical, computer equipment, and transportation industries) account for most of

    privately financed R&D.2

    This relative concentration of innovative investment is even more pronounced

    when one examines the venture capital financing or the financing of R&D in small and

    medium-sized firms. Using data drawn from Kortum and Lerner (1999), Figure 1B

    compares the relative distribution of venture financing by industrial segment relative to

    the (already concentrated) privately financed R&D investment. Though there are

    substantial difficulties in uniquely assigning venture capital investments into specific

    SIC-oriented sectors (a concern which we address directly in our empirical work), Figure

    1B suggests that, even among R&D-intensive sectors, a very small number receive a very

    high share of the overall funds from venture capital sources.3 This latter finding about the

    concentrated nature of investment by small firms suggests that differences across sectors

    are not merely driven by difference in raw technological opportunity (which would be

    reflected in the aggregate R&D distribution) but depend on the ability of small firms to

    both finance risky but potentially valuable innovation investments and their ability to

    translate their technological success into economic returns.

    1 All data are drawn from the 1992 NSF Science and Engineering Indicators and are presented in terms of

    their rank of& j


    R D


    2 Indeed, the Gini coefficient of inequality is over .6, a relatively high rate of inequality across sectors interms of their R&D expenditures.3 Indeed, while economists have relatively ignored the consequences of this observation, its validity is awidely accepted and well-documented feature of the venture finance industry (REFS,www.ventureone.com). As well, one could replicate our result by shifting the analysis away from venturecapital in particular and towards the somewhat more comparable concept of small-to-medium sized R&Dinvestment (tabulations available from the authors).

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    Although prior research has acknowledged that these distributions are in fact

    skewed (Griliches, 1986; Hall, 1992; Kortum and Lerner, 1999), few attempts have been

    made to distinguish the different potential drivers of the heterogeneity across sectors.

    Specifically, while there exist studies which examine a single hypothesis and exploit

    variation across sectors to evaluate its relative importance (e.g., Cockburn and Griliches,

    1988; Himmelstein, 1993), there has been little systematic analysis of the full set of

    potential drivers of this observed heterogeneity across sectors in terms of the intensity of

    the innovative or entrepreneurial process. In particular, our analysis will consider three

    broad sources of non-mutually-exclusive differences among sectors which may

    contribute to differences in terms of their R&D investment levels: the salience of capital

    market imperfections, the degree of appropriability, and the level of technological

    opportunity. Each of these potential sources has the potential to create variance in the

    environment across different industrial sectors that manifests itself in terms of differences

    in R&D investment. Accordingly, we review each of these areas informally before

    turning to an equilibrium analysis of how each shapes industry-level R&D funding and

    how evaluation of government-subsidized research may provide insight into the relative

    salience of these different forces.

    Level of Technological Opportunity

    Perhaps the simplest explanation for differences across sectors is fundamental

    differences in the level of technological opportunity or demand across sectors

    (Schmookler, 1967; Rosenberg, 1974). Indeed, to the extent that most studies of the

    determinants of R&D investment focus on the activities of established incumbent firms

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    within given sectors, the opportunity hypothesis is perhaps a persuasive baseline

    hypothesis for considering the sources of differences across sectors. Indeed, one of the

    Discussion of Adams (1990), Levin et al (1987), Mowery and Rosenberg (198*),

    Toole (1999), others (????).

    Salience of Capital Market Imperfections

    From a theoretical perspective, research on the salience of capital market

    imperfections in shaping R&D investment has focused on the presence of information

    asymmetries between financier and research firm and the consequential incompleteness

    of financial contracts (Kamien and Schwartz, 198*). One strand of this literature focuses

    on the potential conflict between equity or debt finance and the incentives of small

    research firms to expend non- or partly contractible effort in innovative activity.

    Holmstrom (1989) notes the difficulty in measuring either the inputs or outputs of

    research firms while Aghion and Tirole (1994) extend this to demonstrate the adverse

    incentive consequences of in-house R&D and of equity participation by third party

    financiers such as venture capitalists.

    Related to this are concerns that innovators themselves may be able to hold-up

    financiers. Anand and Galetovic (1999) examine the potential concerns of corporate and

    venture capitalists in having multi-project research firms realize the returns from financed

    innovations in opportunistic ways. Hellmann (1998a) notes that innovators may have

    incentives that are not purely commercial and hence, may not act in ways that maximize

    investor returns. These effects can make finance contracts infeasible or require excessive

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    control and monitoring by financiers thereby diluting the innovation incentives of small


    A final strand of the literature concerns the ability of financiers to identify

    potentially successful projects ex ante. The adverse selection literature goes all the way

    back to Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) and their analysis of the difficulties of using debt

    contracts to identify good projects. Ownership arrangements and other forms of corporate

    governance can mitigate these issues. However, the potential for small firm

    overstatement of the potential feasibility of their proposed research remains (see

    Hubbard, 1998).




    Degree of Appropriability

    Finally, there may be differences across sectors in terms of the ability of

    innovators to appropriate the economic returns from the innovative process. Innovation

    involves spillovers (Bush, 1949; Nelson, 1959) and the pricing of indivisibilities is

    imperfect (Arrow, 1962; Romer, 1990) so that private investors can never appropriate the

    full social returns on any sunk R&D costs. These challenges face all private research

    activity. Indeed, the role of appropriability in shaping both the mode of

    commercialization and the incentives for R&D investment is the central focus of the

    work by Teece and others (????).

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    There is also a specific set of constraints that face research-oriented start-ups.

    Schumpeter (1942) noted that the competitive process dissipates innovative rents

    favoring monopoly over entry (see also Gilbert and Newbery, 1982). However, even

    when these firms are looking to license or otherwise sell their innovations to product

    market incumbents, there are important challenges. As noted earlier, such licensing

    contracts can rarely be agreed upon ex ante. Either the output of innovative activity is

    hard to specify (Aghion and Tirole, 1994) or it is difficult to identify good projects ex

    ante (Anton and Yao, 1994). The result of this is that, even when intellectual property

    rights are relatively secure, small firms may only appropriate a fraction of the private

    returns from innovation. Only when they pose a sufficient competitive threat to existing

    incumbents or play multiple incumbents off against on another, can they improve their

    bargaining position (Teece, 1987; Gans and Stern, 1998).

    Furthermore, there are transactions costs associated with the exchange of ideas ex

    post. Potential purchasers of tacit knowledge or innovations with weak property rights

    can expropriate small firm innovators deterring them from seeking profitable partnerships

    (Anton and Yao, 1994). This is fundamental because it is rarely the case the innovations

    can be sold without revealing their nature to potential buyers (Arrow, 1962). 4 This means

    that small research firms may face costly product market entry as the only feasible

    commercialization route, thereby, reducing their returns further (Gans and Stern, 1998).

    4 Anton and Yao (1994) demonstrate that the presence of multiple incumbents or low entry barriers canmitigate this expropriation problem. In these cases, the small research firm can credibly threaten to destroythe potential for an exclusive licensing arrangement in order to avoid expropriation and improve theirpotential license fee (see also Rasmusen, 1988).

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    The remainder of this paper is devoted to exposing and exploring the economic

    test embedded in these three features of the SBIR. By being more diverse than privately

    funded investment, data from grantees provides information about the differences in the

    returns structure across industries where there is currently venture capital funding and

    also where such funding is more rare. Differences among SBIR grantees across industrial

    areas may reflect the differential impact of reducing the salience of capital market

    imperfections. For example, if capital market imperfections are particularly strong in a

    given industry, then the provision of public funds may hold particularly high marginal

    productivity there. Alternatively, perhaps capital market imperfections are somewhat

    similar across sectors, but sectors differ substantially in terms of their appropriability

    regime (or overall technological opportunity). In this case, the subsidy will be most

    productive (in terms of project performance) in those sectors which already offer a

    favorable appropriability (or technological opportunity) environment. As such, in contrast

    to the earlier hypothesis, project performance should be highest in those sectors that

    already are funded by venture capitalists.

    In the next section, we refine this intuition by demonstrating how each of these

    effects depends in part on how the SBIR selects projects. In particular, we show that the

    relationship between sector and performance depends critically on whether the SBIR

    chooses projects which are the best available (a la Wallsten) or in fact funds projects on

    the margin of profitability at the industry level (as would be optimal from the viewpoint

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    of theory). Consequently, the wedge between SBIR funding and private venture funding

    provides an experiment insomuch as we observe a shift in the capital constraint,

    holdingthe appropriability regime constant.

    III. A Simple Model of Sector-Level Variation in Innovative


    In this section, we integrate the insights of the previous two sections and develop

    a simple model of the impact of an R&D subsidy focused on small mostly research-

    oriented firms. We demonstrate that, if capital market imperfections are important

    constraints on small firm research financing, the average performance of SBIR grantees

    is likely to be negatively associated with observed levels of venture capital funding. This

    is because the funding mechanism identifies high potential performers only in industries

    where those are not otherwise likely to be funded. Alternatively, a positive association

    between average performance and venture capital funding will be indicative of the

    relative importance of appropriability as explaining differences across industries in terms

    of small firm research financing.

    Either way, this discussion will highlight the fact that we need to control for

    differences across industries in appropriability and technological opportunity when

    attempting to examine the importance of capital market imperfections in constraining

    small firm research activity.

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    Players, Payoffs and Choice Variables

    Our focus here is on the provision of capital to a research unit (RU) that engages

    in innovative activity. That capital is considered a critical input for innovative activity.

    We suppose that a project requires a unit of capital.5 This capital may be provided by a

    venture capitalist (VC) or by a subsidy from the government. The primary difference

    between the two sources is that the former requires, while the latter does not strictly use,

    potential private returns in selecting projects to fund. We will consider the VC capital

    source first and discuss the role of a government subsidy later. It is assumed that the

    VCs capital contribution is contractible and that VC financing is competitive.

    Having received the requisite capital for the project, the probability that a

    commercializable innovation is generated is p. This probability may be endogenous

    depending on the ability (type) or effort of the RU.

    An innovation, if generated, has a social value of Vof which the RU (and their

    equity partners) can only appropriate ( , )iv V where i parameterizes the distance

    between V and v in industry i. v(.) is assumed to be non-decreasing in V and non-

    increasing in i. i is, therefore, a measure of the lack of appropriability in industry i.

    As discussed earlier (in Section II), previous research has identified many potential

    determinants of i including the degree of product market competition and the ease of

    entry to it, the strength of intellectual property rights, and transactions costs involved in

    selling ideas. Each of these represents a potential imperfection at the product, rather than

    capital, market level affecting the private returns to innovation.

    5 This unit is the minimum level of capital required for a project. The unit assumption is a normalization;essentially all our return variables are in per unit of capital terms for notational ease.

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    While our discussion of the model here will focus on an individual project with

    social return, V, we expect that these returns will vary among projects. For our exposition

    here we will assume that a given project is drawn from an industry-level distribution that

    is uniform over the space [0, ]iV . The parameter, iV , is, therefore, a measure of the level

    of technological opportunity in industry i. Hence, one would expect average performance

    to be higher in industries with larger iV .

    Determining VC Funding

    Suppose that funding a research product in industry i costs ( , )i ic F where Fi is

    the total level of industry funding, and i parameterizes the difference between the

    private and social cost of capital for industry i. We assume that c(.) is non-decreasing in

    both of its arguments. That is, the supply curve of capital for small firm research in the

    industry slopes upward and is increase in the level of capital market imperfections, i.

    This model is admittedly a reduced form. In the appendix, we provide three alternative

    models of why, in this context, the private cost of capital may be greater than the social


    On the demand-side, the expected private return from a project is pv. The total

    industry demand for these projects that is, the number of projects funded, Fi is

    determined by the distribution of project value in the industry. So, ifF projects are

    funded, the marginal project has social value Vdetermined by i iF V V = . The expected

    marginal private return when Fi projects are funded is, therefore, ( , )i i i i pv pv V F = .

    This is the (inverse) demand for funding of RUs in the industry.

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    Figure 2 graphically depicts the supply and demand for RU funding in an

    industry. In equilibrium, the level of industry funding, iF, is determined by:

    ( , ) ( , )i i i i ipv V F c F =

    Notice that iF is increasing in iV but falling in i and i. That is, an increase in iV or a

    decrease in shifts demand and hence iF, upwards, while an increase in i, shifts

    supply upwards and reduces iF. Thus, industries with high appropriability, greater

    technological opportunity and lower capital costs, will see more funding than other

    industries. However, other things being equal, the marginal project funded will have a

    higher expected value in industries that have higher capital costs as well as greater

    degrees of appropriability and technological opportunity.

    Figure 2: Equilibrium Industry Funding


    FTotal Funding

    ExpectedProject Value


    c(Fi, i)

    ( , )i i i pv V F


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    Notice that a project will be undertaken only if ( , ) ( , )i i ipv V c F . This differs

    from the social criteria for project desirability: ( ,0)ipV c F . Consequently, the level of

    private investment in R&D may be less than the socially desirable level both because of

    difficulties in appropriability through the product market ( i > 0) and a greater private

    cost of capital.

    At this point, it is important to note that some potential financiers of the project

    might have a superior ability to appropriate the rents from innovative activity. For

    example, larger incumbent corporations have a superior product market position to

    smaller firms (Gans and Stern, 2000). Such organizations may be able to integrate with

    the RU (owning any innovative output produced) and finance the project even though this

    would reduce the probability an innovation is generated (Aghion and Tirole, 1994). This

    means that total funding of research and development in an industry is likely to be driven

    by V than by v, as the latter may carry distributional consequences that rule out these

    alternative funding sources (see Hellman, 1998b; Gans and Stern, 1999).


    The Effect of a Capital Subsidy

    Our empirical goal is to determine the broad explanation of differences in

    observed VC funding across industries. Above we derived that, for industry i,

    ( , , )i i i iF f V = . That is the random variable, iF, is a function of the industry levels of

    technological opportunity ( iV), appropriability ( i) and capital market imperfections

    ( i). Each of these variables determines either the demand or supply of funds to the

    6 For example, incumbents may not finance innovations that cannibalize their existing assets (Arrow, 1962).

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    industry. Therefore, to discover which of these might account for variations in industry

    VC funding, we need to determine whether different inter-industry funding levels are

    consistent with movements along the demand or supply curve.

    The key issue with this empirical exercise is that, while the quantity variable ( iF)

    is readily observable, there are difficulties in determining the price variable (the expected

    profitability of the marginal project, iv ) in a way that is comparable across industries. We

    propose that SBIR program recipients provide a means of identifying the marginal

    project. The SBIR program provides capital grants that effectively equalize the type of

    capital market imperfections modeled here. Specifically, these grants do not require

    equity participation by third parties or any reference to the private returns from capital

    investment. As such, the effect of the SBIR program is to (roughly) equalize any

    differences in capital market imperfections across grantees in different industries. The

    private cost of capital is simply irrelevant in terms of the direct objectives of the subsidy

    program. Hence, SBIR recipients include those that would not otherwise meet private

    funding criteria.

    It is the SBIR funding mechanism that assists in identifying marginal projects. A

    laudable goal of any government subsidy program is to encourage economic activity

    where it does not currently exist. For the financing of small firm investment, this goal

    could be realised if the projects that were selected were the most promising projects that

    missed out on private funding. In our model, these projects would be those that just failed

    to attract funding. For industry i, the marginal project would be characterized by the


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    ( , ) i i


    c Fv



    If this project is granted a subsidy, this condition characterizes the private return it would

    realize. Observe that this private return is increasing in the degree of capital market

    imperfection ( i) and the space of technological opportunities ( iV) but decreasing in the

    lack of appropriability ( i). Importantly, given its role in determining the supply of

    funds, changes in i move iF and iv in opposite directions. Hence, if differences in

    capital market perfections were an important driving force in the concentration of VC

    funding, we would expect observed iF and iv to be negatively correlated.

    The following proposition summarizes this basic intuition.

    Proposition 1. Suppose that Var( ) Var( ) 0i iV = = while Var( ) 0i > , then cov[ , ] 0i iv F while Var( ) 0i = , then cov[ , ] 0i iv F > .

    This result follows from the fact that if the only variation is in i, then only the c(.) curve

    differs across industries while the pv(.) curve remains the same. As such, ( , )i iv F pairs

    will lie along the pv(.) curve which is downward sloping. Hence, observed iF and iv

    would be negatively correlated. In contrast, if the only variation was in iV or i, then the

    c(.) would be unchanged across industries and the only differences would be in the

    position of thepv(.). This means that ( , )i iv F pairs will lie along the upward sloping c(.)

    curve. Consequently, iF would be positively correlated with iv .

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    By assuming a specific functional form for c(.) and v(.) we can go further and

    clarify the relationship between the covariance of iF and iv and the variances of iV , i

    and i.

    Proposition 2. Suppose that ( , )i i i ic F F = + and ( , )i iv V V = and that iV , i and

    i are independent. Then [ ]( ) [ ]( )21(1 )cov[ , ] Var Var Var i i i i ipv F p V + = .

    PROOF: For this case, from , 1 ( )pi i i ipF V += and, from ,

    ( )1(1 ) ( )i i i ip pv p V += + . Then:

    ( ) ( )

    [ ] [ ]( )2


    1 1(1 ) 1 (1 ) 1

    2 2 22 2 21

    (1 )


    (1 )

    cov[ , ] ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


    p p

    i i i i i i i i i i i i i i p p p p p p

    i i i i i ip


    v F E p V V E p V E V

    pE V pE E pE V E E

    p V

    + + + +



    = + +

    = + + +

    = [ ]( ) [ ]( )Var Var i i

    where the second step follows from the independence assumption.

    For the linear case, therefore, the covariance of iF and iv is negatively correlated if and

    only if the variance of i exceeds the variance inpv(.).

    In summary, by looking to the SBIR program for information regarding the

    returns of marginal projects ( iv ), we can use the correlation between this and observed

    VC funding ( iF) to determine the relative strengths of capital market imperfections and

    product market variables in accounting for differing levels of VC funding across


    Funding Mechanism

    In proposing the above empirical test of the relative salience of capital and

    product market imperfections in determining the level of VC funding we have postulated

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    a marginal funding mechanism for selecting SBIR recipients. It may be objected that the

    SBIR could use other mechanisms for allocating funds. In particular, projects may be

    selected to ensure political success of the program. Consequently, the SBIR may cherry

    pick the best possible project rather than projects that would otherwise not receive private

    funding (Wallsten, 1997).

    If cherry picking is the selection mechanism, then if the main source of variation

    across industries is in the capital market imperfection ( i) then the level of industry VC

    funding is unlikely to explain the average performance of grant recipients. While the

    grant alleviates the capital market imperfection, it equalizes its expected effect on

    individual grant recipients, as those recipients are not selected on the basis of Valone.

    This is in contrast to the marginal rule that implicitly considers i when it searchers for

    projects that are not likely to be funded by the VC. Under cherry picking, projects that

    might otherwise by funded, are selected for a government subsidy. Hence, the concerns

    that subsidy programs, such as the SBIR, may not be allocating resources to where they

    are currently scarce (Wallsten, 1997).

    Nonetheless, grantees in industries with greater technological opportunity ( iV) or

    higher product market appropriability ( i), will perform better under a cherry picking

    rule. Hence, if either of these were the main source of structural variation across

    industries, this would still be reflected in a positive correlation between industry-average

    grantee performance and the level of industry VC funding. Otherwise that correlation

    would be close to zero.

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    IV. The SBIR Program and R&D Investment by Small Firms

    This paper uses Proposition One in order to evaluate how an evaluation of the

    performance of government-subsidized small R&D-intensive firms may inform us about

    the relative salience of different forces which determine the funding and intensity of

    small-firm research-oriented innovation across industries and technology segments. To

    do so, we exploit data about projects funded by the Federal governments SBIR, the

    largest individual source of R&D financing for small to medium-sized firms in the United

    States. SBIR funding provides a unique and informative source of variation in the

    funding of small, research-oriented firms. Specifically, from the perspective offunded

    firms, the SBIR program (roughly) equalizes the cost of capital for R&D regardless of

    industrial sector, while keeping the nature of downstream appropriability and

    technological opportunity constant in specific industries and technology sectors. We

    exploit this variation to evaluate the relative importance of capital market imperfections,

    product market imperfections, and technological opportunity in determining differences

    in the level and composition of R&D investment across industries and technological

    sectors. Such a test depends, of course, on drawing a precise mapping between the

    institutional details of the SBIR program and the assumed economic consequence of the

    program. We, therefore, first briefly review the SBIR program, highlighting the potential

    economic effects of the subsidy program.

    The SBIR Program, first authorized in 1982, requires that all Federal agencies

    who support a minimal level of R&D activity are required to set aside a certain

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    percentage of their funds for extramural grants to fund R&D projects by small business.7

    The principal legislative goals of the program are to:

    (a) increase the rate of commercialization of innovations derived from Federal


    (b) enhance the competitiveness of small firms in technology-intensive

    industries; and

    (c) enhance the participation of small firms as well as women and minority-

    owned businesses in the Federal contracting process (GAO, 1995).

    From a political perspective, the programs support seems to derive in part from (ever-

    increasing) political demand to focus R&D expenditures towards more near-term

    development projects and to areas which have a clear relationship to medium-term

    economic growth (Cohen and Noll, 1993). Combined with political rhetoric which simply

    assumes that research-oriented start-up firms are the engine of long-term economic

    growth, and that such firms face a particularly severe funding gap arising from the

    unwillingness of investors to shoulder the risks of early-stage financing, the SBIR has

    been a popular program whose scope has been consistently expanded since its inception

    (REFS). Indeed, the SBIR is now the single largest source of earlystage R&D financing

    for small firms in the United States with 1997 expenditures of over $1 billion.

    Despite its political support, the program has been somewhat controversial. In

    part, this is because neither the legislative nor regulatory rules governing the program

    mandate the program fund projects on the margin (which would determine performance

    according to the first part of Proposition One): indeed, as dramatically highlighted by

    7 This percentage has varied over time starting at X in 1990 and reaching a stable level of Y in 1997. Forthe purposes of the program, a small business is defined as an US-owned firm with less than 500employees. Further details of the SBIR are discussed extensively in GAO (1995), Wallsten (1995, 1997),and Lerner (1999).

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    Wallsten (1997), the programs funding guidelines seem to focus on funding the most

    attractive grant applications from either a technical or commercialization perspective

    (thus suggesting that performance may reflect the cherry-picking regime).8 Perhaps as a

    consequence of this selectivity, there is some evidence that firms funded by the program

    do tend to have an accelerated rate of growth compared to similar firms (Lerner, 1999).

    However, Lerner emphasizes that this boost to firm-level growth seems to be localized

    according to the location or technology focus of the firm, a contention which we explore

    in much further detail in our empirical work.

    Indeed, the main focus of this prior research is on the assessment of the marginal

    contribution of SBIR funding (and government venture capital more generally). Towards

    this goal, each of these analyses is framed in terms of the counterfactual of the expected

    behavior or performance of these firms, in the absence of the subsidy program. Indeed,

    both Lerner (1999) and Wallsten (1997) focus their results around the comparison of a

    group of SBIR-funded firms and a matched sample of firms who are observationally

    similarex ante but who do not receive SBIR funding. For example, Wallsten concludes

    that SBIR award winners do not necessarily grow faster than other firms (in terms of

    employment growth) by comparing a group of SBIR award winners with a group of firms

    who had applied for but been rejected in the SBIR grant applications. Lerner also

    examines both SBIR grantees and a comparison group in a regression analysis. Once

    again his focus is on the incremental differences at the firm level associated with

    8 An additional critique is that a small number of firms have been able to win a disproportionate share ofoverall grants. While the absolute importance of these so-called SBIR mills is limited, the potential forregulatory capture by these firms has led to interest in limits on the total number of grants for which asingle firm might be eligible (GAO, 1995). While we do not specifically address mini-mills per se, we dodemonstrate that our results are robust to their inclusion or exclusion.

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    receiving an SBIR award. He concludes that the awardees do tend to grow faster though

    this effect is mostly localized around firms in locations that also fund venture capital.

    This paper refocuses analysis of the program away from program assessment.

    Instead, our analysis exploits three central features of SBIR funding:

    (1) the wide dispersion of these funds across industries and technology segments;

    (2) the programs ability to alleviate capital market imperfections in the funding

    of research; and

    (3) the programs inability to directly impact the nature of appropriability or

    technology opportunity in a given field or technology area.

    We use these features together to pose and analyze our empirical test which compares the

    behavior and performance of SBIR grantees across industrial areas and technology


    First, because the program is administered through a variety of Federal agencies

    (Agriculture, Defense, HHS, etc.) whose missions span the scope of the economys

    activities, the expenditures of the SBIR program are much more widely dispersed (across

    industries and technological areas) than privately funded R&D. This wedge between

    SBIR expenditures and private funding is particularly salient if one focuses on investment

    or R&D expenditures specifically for small (or venture-backed) firms. In other words, a

    specific if unintended contribution of the SBIR program is to expand the supply of capital

    to research-oriented, smaller firms to a set of industries and technologies which, for one

    reason or another, do not currently attract such funds.

    The second element of the program that we utilize is that, as a hands-off

    subsidy, the SBIR program substantially alleviates the salience of capital market

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    imperfections. In contrast to the tradeoff that emerges between the provision of incentives

    and the taking of equity in the analysis of private investment in a research-oriented

    organization, the SBIR does not extract equity (or debt) from the grantee. In fact, quite

    the opposite. The incentives to perform the research are preserved and incentives to divert

    the fruits of research away from equity holders are minimized. Of course, SBIR funds do

    not completely alleviate capital market issues or incentive problems we only claim (or

    need to claim) that the SBIR program reduces the salience of capital market

    imperfections relative to the provision of private venture capital.

    Finally, as a hands-off subsidy, SBIR grants cannot alleviate product market

    imperfections or the lack of technological opportunity in a given field. If intellectual

    property rights are weak in a given area prior to the SBIR grant, there is nothing in the

    funding of that research which will overcome this general bias. Indeed, while venture

    capitalist funding may provide non-pecuniary value to the firm through the experience of

    the managers in translating research results or novel ideas into appropriable technologies

    or business models, the SBIR granting process is focused on funding technology

    development per se and contributes essentially no additional commercialization services.9

    The remainder of this paper is devoted to exposing and exploring the economic

    test embedded in these three features of the SBIR. By being more diverse than privately

    funded investment, data from grantees provides information about the differences in the

    returns structure across industries where there is currently venture capital funding and

    also where such funding is more rare. Differences among SBIR grantees across industrial

    areas may reflect the differential impact of reducing the salience of capital market

    9 In recent years, there has been legislation encouraging the funding of consultants for grantees to assist inthe commercialization process. By all accounts, such efforts or activities are very rare empirically and palecompared to the involvement of venture capital management.

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    imperfections. For example, if capital market imperfections are particularly strong in a

    given industry, then the provision of public funds may hold particularly high marginal

    productivity there. Alternatively, perhaps capital market imperfections are somewhat

    similar across sectors, but sectors differ substantially in terms of their appropriability

    regime (or overall technological opportunity). In this case, the subsidy will be most

    productive (in terms of project performance) in those sectors that already offer a

    favorable appropriability (or technological opportunity) environment. As such, in contrast

    to the earlier hypothesis, project performance should be highest in those sectors that

    already are funded by venture capitalists. In evaluating the performance of the SBIR

    program, we are examining a interesting empirical context where we observe an

    equalizing shift in the capital constraint, holdingthe appropriability regime constant. We

    can examine this more carefully by first describing the data we have gathered for this

    study before turning to our empirical results.

    V. Data

    This paper presents results from a novel dataset of 100 projects funded by the

    SBIR since 1990. The data were gathered via a field-based proprietary survey conducted

    by the authors. This project-level data was then supplemented with public data on each

    firms patenting behavior, SBIR grant history, and covariates related to the industry,

    business segment, and scientific underpinning associated with each project. In this

    section, we first review our procedure and the elements of our survey (highlighting the

    sample selection and data gathering process) and then review the summary statistics for

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    the sample (Table 1 includes the definitions of all the variables used in the analysis;

    Table 2 provides means and standard deviations).

    Survey Data Sources and Sample Selection Method

    The data is drawn from several sources; most importantly a survey conducted

    between December and February 1999 (see Appendix B for a copy). Along with a similar

    survey of the commercialization histories of venture-backed firms, the data from this

    survey are being used to study a variety of phenomena associated with the incentives,

    strategies, and performance of research-oriented start-ups and, in particular, on the impact

    of the Federal SBIR subsidy on each of these issues.

    The sample is drawn from a list (compiled by the Small Business Administration)

    of the (approximately) 200 largest historical beneficiaries of SBIR grants. For survey

    participants, we requested information about their most successful project funded by the

    SBIR (for most firms, there was only one (or at most two) SBIR-funded projects which

    the firm considered technologically successful). By focusing on the projects for each firm

    that overcame the substantial technological hurdles associated with innovation, the data

    provide information about the relative economic returns of projects in different industries

    that are at least successful in a technical sense.

    Approximately 50% of the surveys were conducted over the telephone. The

    remainder was completed through fax and regular mail (many surveys required follow-up

    telephone conversations to clarify ambiguities or to fill in missing data fields). The

    overall response rate to the survey was approximately 50%. While sample selection was

    not ideal, the degree of non-response seemed correlated with the level of effort devoted to

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    identifying the individual at the firm who could answer the questions on the survey. Only

    a minority of non-responders reported either that no SBIR-funded project was

    commercialized successfully or that their non-response was based on concerns relating to

    secrecy or confidentiality (all respondents were ensured that their individual responses

    would be kept confidential).

    The surveys provide information both about the company who received the SBIR

    grant as well as the details of the SBIR-funded project. The first part of the survey

    gathers information about the size and background of the workforce (e.g., share of

    workforce with a Ph.D.) as well as some information about the criteria used to promote

    scientists and engineers. Second, the survey asks about the financial structure of the firm

    (e.g., share of the firms equity owned by venture capitalists or by top management) as

    well as the rules used to fund research and development activities (as well as other

    investment activities such as advertising). Data is also gathered about the internal

    authority structure of the firm (the composition of the board of directors) and the firms

    overall strategy and perception of its competitive advantage.

    Firm-level information is complemented with detailed information about the

    commercialization history of the SBIR-funded project. These questions include

    information about the nature of the technology and the underlying innovation (e.g.,

    product or process innovation, development of novel system, the intellectual property and

    appropriability environment) as well as information about the product development

    strategy of the firm (e.g., time from conception of the new product to market

    introduction, upgrades and modifications since product introduction). Further, we break

    out the revenues associated with the project into several different categories,

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    distinguishing direct product market sales from licensing revenue and the sale of

    intellectual property assets (e.g., patent exchanges and the like). For both product market

    sales and licensing revenue, the survey gathers information about the current-year

    revenue (which seemed to be much more reliable, consistent and complete for most

    firms) and the total revenues accruing to this product since its commercial introduction.

    Finally, the survey gathers information about the nature of the licensing (if it occurs) as

    well as the structure of decision-making associated with choosing how to commercialize

    the technology.

    From this survey, we construct both project-specific and firm-specific variables

    (see Table 1 for definitions). First, we define the project-level variables. We define

    performance in terms of the aggregate annual revenues from product sales, licensing, and

    intellectual property exchanges (REVENUE 98).10 For each project, we identify the

    number of PATENTS awarded since the grant as well as the project-level SBIR AWARD

    SIZE (from the USPTO and the Small Business Administration, respectively). In

    addition, we identify all firms who receive at least some of their overall revenues not

    through direct product market sales but through licensing arrangements or intellectual

    property sales. We denote these firms COOPERATORS insofar as nearly all of these

    firms are involved in cooperative contracting with more established product market

    incumbents; it is useful to note that this cooperative behavior is in lieu of competition

    with the same firms who have arranged to buy out the SBIR awardees product market

    position (Anton and Yao, 1995; Gans and Stern, 1998). We also include several dummy

    variables, which denote the technology, product and customer base types of each project

    10 All of the qualitative results are robust to using the data on total project revenues (indeed, they are highlycorrelated). However, this would further reduce the number of usable surveys by approximately one-third.

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    BASE). Finally, we calculate one measure of overall product development efficiency

    (TIME-TO-MARKET) that is simply the overall time from initial product conception to

    the first sale of this product to any customer (either directly or through licensing).

    As well, we include several firm-specific variables that describe the more general

    financial and organizational structure of the firm. In terms of the measurement of

    performance, a portion of our analysis is organized around the determinants of current

    firm size (EMPLOYMENT 98). We use the initial value of this measure as a key control

    in most of our empirical analysis (BASELINE EMPLOYEES), in order to control for the

    initial size of the firm. As well, the analysis examines variables related to financial

    structure, VC EQUITY SHARE and INSIDER EQUITY SHARE. The difference

    between these is while the first confirms the potential importance of the certification

    hypothesis (SBIR grants lead to VC funding which leads to overall performance), the

    latter allows us to capture the pure associated between performance and maintaining a

    closely held organization. Similarly, FOUNDER CEO proxies for the overall

    entrepreneurial culture and authority structure of the firm.

    Sources and Definitions of Industry and Segment-Level Variables

    A critical element of the analysis is the relationship of project-level performance

    to measures of private and public investments in the industries, technology segments or

    scientific areas associated with each project. Specifically, we want to distinguish three

    concepts: overall investment in businesses or R&D by small firms, aggregate private

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    R&D in the projects industrial area, and the scientific and engineering opportunities

    present in the technological areas inherent in the project.

    To capture the first, we assigned each project to one of eleven technology

    segments identified by Venture One (see Figure 3A). For each segment, we measure the

    VC FUNDING STOCK as the (undiscounted) sum of venture investing in that segment

    between 1985 1992. We also present results for the VC CAPITAL FLOW, which are

    composed exclusively of the 1992 disbursements. We also assign each project (firm) to a

    single three-digit SIC; the NSF Science and Engineering Indicators provides data for each


    FIRM R&D EXPENDITURES. Finally, we measure the projects association with

    scientific or engineering opportunity by constructing a SCIENCE STOCK for each

    project. First, we assigned each project to one or more scientific and engineering fields

    (out of a total of 14). In contrast to the mutually exclusive nature of the prior variables,

    the science base of each project can be composed from multiple sources. For each area

    (e.g., physics or chemical engineering), we computed the (discounted) Federal Funding

    stock in that area (equal to 1990 FUNDING + .8 1988 FUNDING + .6 1986 FUNDING).

    Each projects SCIENCE STOCK is simply the sum of the individual field-level stocks

    for fields associated with that project.

    In addition, we attempt to provide additional controls for the environmental

    heterogeneity among firms by including a number of variables from the survey that

    capture, at least to some degree, the firms perception of the appropriability environment

    relevant for the project under consideration. Specifically, we include several variables

    that relate to the relative importance of differences source of intellectual property

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    (PATENTS, SECRECY, SPEED TO MARKET), each of which is measured as a 5-point

    Likert scale variable. As well, we include several assessments of the degree of

    importance associated with the control of different complementary assets


    measures, each is a five-point Likert Scale measure as reported in the survey.

    Summary Statistics

    Out of a total 100 responses, 74 were fully usable for the empirical work reported



    However, for most of the analysis, we exclude the small number of observations

    (3) that were clearly so-called SBIR mills; these organizations have a much more

    diverse research portfolio from the rest of the sample and also have a different

    relationship with funding agencies. This leaves us with 71 total observations for the

    majority of our analysis.

    Among these 71, the average project reports approximately 6.5 million dollars in

    revenue, compared with an average award size of 1.5 million (but note the high standard

    deviations associated with each). As well, these organizations seem to be highly

    productive in a technical sense. On average, each has been issued over 9 patents that were

    applied for since the first SBIR grant associated with the specific project here (all chosen

    projects have their first funding date after 1990). In addition, almost a third of the sample

    earns at least some its revenue through cooperative licensing or IP exchanges (most often

    with product market incumbents). As well, the average commercialization length of

    projects is a little over four years, though some outliers in part drive this (from

    11 Most of the non-responses were because of non-reporting of all 1998 revenues (e.g., sales reported butnot licensing revenue. We have checked our results including all results, even those for whom the data wasincomplete; the qualitative results are unchanged.

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    biotechnology and the like). Finally, at the firm level, while most of these organizations

    are quite small at inception (35 employees on average), they tend to experience

    substantial growth over time (the average firm has nearly 90 employees by 1998).12

    As suggested earlier, the principal empirical exercise of this paper will be to relate

    project-level performance measures (REVENUE 98 and EMPLOYMENT 98) to

    segment-level measures of private investment activity and the technological environment.

    Figure 3 presents the distributions of the three principal measures we use to capture these


    EXPENDITURES. Each of these measures provides a distinct way of capturing the

    degree of environmental heterogeneity facing different SBIR-funded projects in terms of

    the level of technological opportunity and realized private investment activity. Whereas

    the VC FUNDING STOCK (Figure 3A) measures the skewed distribution of

    entrepreneurial activity and is divided into several segments which do not precisely map

    into the traditional SIC classification, Figure 3B and 3C measure differences in

    investment in alternative scientific and engineering fields upon which many of these

    innovations draw and differences across sectors in terms of aggregate R&D expenditures,

    respectively. Whereas SCIENCE STOCK and R&D EXPENDITURES will tend to be

    sensitive to differences across sectors in terms of technological opportunity, only VC

    FUNDING STOCK will be sensitive to the differences across sectors in terms of the

    degree of appropriability or the salience of capital market constraints facing small

    research-oriented firms. Consistent with the SIC-level motivating statistics we presented

    12 As well, in terms of the internal organization and finance of the firms, over 50% of equity is retained byinsiders; perhaps surprisingly, while 25% of the sample had attracted some form of VC or angelfinancing, the equity share of these investors is quite small (the average level of equity held by theseoutside investors across the full sample is less than 7%). In addition, in nearly 60% of the firms, the CEO isone of the original founders of the firm. Finally, the firms are reasonably concentratedgeographically(nearly half the companies are located in either California or Massachusetts).

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    in Table II, Figure 3 highlights both the skewed nature of both venture financing and

    R&D funding (e.g., telecommunications, medical care technologies, and software make

    up over 60% of the aggregate 1992 VC FUNDING STOCK).

    In terms of their overall summary statistics, while the VC FUNDING STOCK is

    measured as the cumulative investment in given areas over 8 years, one can see that the

    aggregate average level of SCIENCE STOCK and R&D EXPENDITURES are

    considerably higher, particularly given that SCIENCE STOCK depends on the

    summation across three years of investment and R&D EXPENDITURES is measured

    from a single cross-section. As well, the Appropriability Mechanism measures (control

    vraiables for the environment) are each Likert measures; not surprisingly, the mean of

    each varies from a little above 3 to just over 4. With these summary statistics in mind, we

    can turn the heart of our empirical analysis, to which we now turn.

    VI. Empirical Results

    We now turn to our evaluation of the principal hypotheses of this paper (recall

    Proposition 1). Specifically, we are concerned with the degree of variation across sectors

    in technological opportunity (Var(V )), the degree of appropriability (Var( ) ), and the

    relative salience of capital constraints (Var() ). Our empirical test provides evidence

    about the relative salience of these factors in explaining the large differences in R&D

    funding for small firms across industries that we highlighted in Section II. Specifically,

    we test for the relationship between project-level performance and the level of private

    investment in each projects industry or technological segment, controlling for project-

    specific or firm-specific factors that also may affect performance. In Tables 3-5, we

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    present our main finding from this analysis: controlling for project-level, firm-level and

    other environmental characteristics, revenue is increasing in the level of venture capital

    funding for small firms in a given technology segment and, more tentatively, in the

    science stock associated with a given technology. In contrast, performance is not

    statistically related to overall R&D investment in a given area or the overall size of an

    industrial segment. These basic findings are robust to several quite stringent tests of

    robustness, including the inclusion of additional controls for appropriability, project-level

    and firm-level factors, as well as variation in the measurement of the level of financing

    for small research-oriented firms (some of these results are presented in Appendix C). As

    well, in Table 6, we show that there is also a positive relationship between an alternative

    measure of performance (EMPLOYMENT 98) and the industry-specific level of venture


    The Performance of SBIR-funded Development Projects

    We begin in Tables 3 with the relationship between L REVENUE 98 and each of

    the alternative measures of private investment and technological opportunity. The most

    striking result is that, whereas SCIENCE STOCK, SIC R&D EXPENDITURES, and SIC

    SIZE are uncorrelated with project-level performance, 1992 VC FUNDING STOCK is

    both statistically significant and quantitatively important: doubling the level of venture

    funding in an industrial segment is associated with over a 50% increase in measured

    revenue (see (3-1)). As well, in (3-5), we demonstrate that our principal result

    concerning the VC FUNDING STOCK is robust to the inclusion of the alternative

    measures of the segment-level environment (which remain themselves insignificant and

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    lower in magnitude). When considering these results, it is useful to recall that, relative to


    EXPENDITURES are more closely associated with variation in technological

    opportunity than the variation in the structural parameters associated with appropriability

    or capital market imperfection impacting small, entrepreneurial firms. While we defer our

    overall interpretation of this result until our conclusions, it is useful to note that, under the

    logic of Proposition 1, this result suggests that there is a salient difference across

    industrial segments in terms of their appropriability environment (i.e.,

    Var( ) > 0), even after incorporating some more direct measures which would capture

    variation in technological opportunity (Var(V )).

    Table 4 extends this analysis of the determinants of REVENUE 98 by focusing on

    the robustness of the VC FUNDING STOCK result to the inclusion of various project-

    level, firm-level, or alternative environmental controls. In (4-1), we include the simplest

    control, the level of initial employment at each firm. In some sense, this very simple

    measure should capture some degree of the heterogeneity among firms in terms of their

    initial conditions in terms of generating products associated with a given level of

    revenue; however, its inclusion does not impact our main result at all. We then extend our

    analysis is (4-2) and (4-3) by including a number of alternative control variables,

    associated with the firms perception of the appropriability environment and project-level

    controls, respectively. At one level, the results from this analysis are interesting in their

    own right: while revenues are increasing in the technological quality and product

    development efficiency of the project (PATENTS, UPGRADE and TIME TO MARKET

    respectively) and whether firms cooperate with more established firms (note this could

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    be in part the result of the selectivity of projects which are attractive for licensing),

    revenues are relatively unrelated to the Likert measures of the appropriability

    environment facing individual firms. However, the more important finding from Table 4

    is that the coefficient associated with VC FUNDING STOCK remains roughly the same

    magnitude and statistically significant, despite the large number of control variables

    included and given the relatively small number of observations in the sample. Indeed, in

    (4-4), we include all of the control measures simultaneously with no impact on the

    underlying result regarding the VC FUNDING STOCK variable. Once again, given the

    logic of Proposition 1, these results suggest that there exists an important source of

    variation across sectors in terms of the degree of appropriability facing small firms, and

    that such differences are reflected in the ability ofsubsidized firms to earn returns on

    their innovations in specific industrial segments.

    In Table 5, we turn back to the more general comparison between the VC

    FUNDING STOCK variable and measures which more closely correspond to

    technological opportunity (SCIENCE STOCK and SIC R&D EXPENDITURES).

    Specifically, in (5-1) and (5-2), we regress REVENUE 98 on each of the alternative

    measures (SCIENCE STOCK and SIC R&D EXPENDITURES, respectively), including

    all of the controls considered in Table 4. Interestingly, with these controls in place, the

    magnitude of the coefficient associated with SCIENCE STOCK increases substantially

    and is statistically significant (SIC R&D EXPENDITURES remains both relatively small

    and statistically insignificant). However, when, in (5-3), we include all of these variables

    together, the principal result associated with VC FUNDING STOCK remains robust, as

    does the SCIENCE STOCK result. In other words, even after we control simultaneously

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    for various project-level controls as well as measures associated with technological

    opportunity and aggregate R&D expenditures, the highest performing SBIR-funded

    projects tend to be associated with those industrial segments with high rates of venture

    capital funding.13 While such a result may be interesting in terms of SBIR evaluation per

    se, perhaps its more important implication is that such covariation is only possible when

    differences across sectors are powerfully shaped by differences in the appropriability

    conditions facing small, entrepreneurially oriented firms.

    Finally, in Table 6, we compare our results regarding REVENUE 98 to an

    alternative analysis focused on the determinants of firm-level employment

    (EMPLOYMENT 98). In some sense, this analysis is more directly comparable to the

    analysis pursued by Lerner (1999), in that Table 6 focuses on the determinants of firm-

    level performance among SBIR-funded firms. The analysis is straightforward and echoes

    our earlier finding: while employment growth seems to be relatively unrelated to

    environmental measures associated with SCIENCE STOCK or SIC R&D

    EXPENDITURES, there is a quantitatively important and statistically significant

    relationship between EMPLOYMENT 98 and VC FUNDING STOCK, even after

    controlling for BASELINE EMPLOYMENT (as well, this result is relatively robust to

    the inclusion of various controls, similar to the earlier analysis). In conjunction with our

    earlier findings regarding REVENUE 98, Table 6 provides additional evidence that there

    13 Appendix Tables A-1 and A-2 further establish the robustness of the VC FUNDING result. In A-1, weinclude additional firm-level covariates, including measures of the financial organization of the firm, aswell as additional environmental covariates associated with the geographic location of the firm. As before,while the SCIENCE STOCK variable is only significant in some specifications, the VC FUNDINGSTOCK remains significant at a similar magnitude. Finally, in A-2, we consider alternative sampleselection schemes such as mandating that we only include projects whose 98 REVENUES are greater thanthe size of their SBIR grant or including the SBIR mills in the analysis. As before, our main qualitativeresult is confirmed: project-level revenues are strongly associated with segment-specific level of venturefinancing.

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    is a robust positive relationship between the performance of SBIR-funded projects and

    segment-specific levels of venture activity, a result which can be tied to the potential

    presence of differences across sectors in the appropriability environment facing small

    research-oriented firms.

    VII. Conclusions and Interpretation

    Before turning to our interpretations, we emphasize the fragile nature of our

    results. The sample is small and based on an imperfect survey. Even with this limitation,

    however, several generalizations are possible. First and most importantly, our results

    suggest a very specific interpretation of the extreme concentration of venture capital

    financing in a small number of technology segments. Rather than simply being a

    herding response to a diffuse sense of technological opportunity, such financing

    behavior seems to reflect that the economy offers small pockets where the

    appropriability regime facing small, research-oriented start-ups is particularly favorable.

    Understanding how such pockets emerge seems to be a promising area for further study.

    More broadly, our results can be tied to policy. While recent policy activity has

    focused on overcoming the funding gap for small, research-oriented firms, our results

    suggest that benefits might arise from turning attention to strengthening the

    appropriability regime facing small firms.

    Finally, we return to our contention that our results are suggestive but not the final

    word. Beyond the small sample size, we can imagine that a more conclusive approach to

    this type of research would be to more carefully integrate the earlier approaches of

    Lerner, Wallsten and others (which compared the incremental benefits of SBIR grants)

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    with the intra-grantee analysis presented here. Such a dataset would allow for more

    careful distinction between variation resulting from overall technological conditions, the

    fact of being an SBIR grantee, and policy-sensitive issues such as the appropriability

    regime facing small firms.

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    Appendix A: Sources of Capital Market Imperfections

    NEED TO CHANGE ALL OF THIS TO REFLECT NEW NOTATION ... InSection III, we considered the effect of a capital subsidy. We argued that a capitalsubsidy effectively eliminates problems caused by capital market imperfections or at leastequalizes them for grant recipients across industries. It is, therefore, important to considerin more detail the reasons why 0> . We consider three alternative models based onmoral hazard, adverse selection and expropriation. In each the capital market

    imperfection will arise when a particular parameter, , is positive. We will demonstrate

    that = 0 whenever the parameter is zero.

    (a) Moral Hazard

    Suppose that the RU employs effort in innovative activity and that this caninfluence the likelihood of generating a successful innovation. We assume that this efforthas a contractible and a non-contractible component. Using only contractible effort, theprobability of generating a successful innovation is pL. We normalize the cost of thiseffort to 0. However, by expending non-contractible effort for a marginal cost of 1, theRU can raise this innovation probability topH>pL.

    We make two simplifying assumptions. First, we assume that research and capital

    provision to the RU is socially desirable for some projects, i.e., 1Hp V F > + . Second, weassume that there exists F beyond which it is never worthwhile providing capital to the

    RU if it is not expected to expend a high level of effort in innovative activity, i.e.,

    Lp V F = . The former assumption raises the possibility that some socially desirableprojects may go unfunded because of a lack of appropriability. The latter assumption,however, means that the VC may not fund some privately profitable projects. This isessentially because of a capital market imperfection that dilutes the role of VC-equitywhen RU effort is non-contractible.

    Turning to the determinants of VC funding let denote the level of equity theRU retains in its own firm. This level of equity (and any capital forthcoming from theVC) is determined prior to the RU engaging in any innovative activity. The minimumlevel of equity the RU can have and still expend a high level of effort ex post is given by

    the that just satisfies the RUs incentive constraint:

    p v p vv p p

    H L

    H L


    ( ).

    Given the competitive nature of VC capital markets, VC capital will be forthcoming forthe project so long as it is still profitable at this minimum RU-equity level.

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    (1 )Hp v F

    Substituting for , we can re-write the participation constraint for the VC as:

    1Hp v F + ,

    where /( ) L H Lp p p= . Notice that, in this model, = ; meaning that the private costof capital exceeds the social cost of capital whenever, > 0.

    (b) Adverse Selection

    In the previous model, the capital market imperfection arose because of thedetrimental effect of VC equity on the incentives of the RU to expend non-contractibleeffort in innovative activity. Here we consider an alternative model where the probabilityof a successful innovation depends on the RUs type that is private information to theRU. We suppose that there are two types of RUs. RUs with high ability generate asuccessful innovation with probability pH while for those with lower ability thisprobability is reduced topL. There is no non-contractible RU effort. It is assumed that a

    given RU is a high type with probability 1- and this is commonly known. The potentialvalue of the project, v, is, however, known. Finally, we maintain the assumption of the

    previous section that Hp V K > and Lp V K < .

    Recall that the VC market is competitive, so RUs can demand the maximum levelof equity for a given project, v. However, as they cannot signal their type, the maximumRU equity that either the high or low type can demand is:

    ( )

    ( )

    (1 ) (1 )

    1(1 )

    H L

    H L

    p p v F F

    p p v

    + = =


    This means that the lowest value project that can be funded in an industry is determined

    by the v that results in = 0; i.e., (1 ) H LK

    p pv

    += . This implies that the total level of VC

    funding in the industry will be:

    ( )( ) H H L

    FF V

    p p p


    Notice that this is decreasing in implying that the inability of VCs to distinguish goodRUs from bad results in a lower level of VC funding in the industry. Thus, for this model,

    ( )

    (1 )H L

    H L

    p p

    p p


    = . This equals 0 if = 0.

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    (c) Expropriation

    Our final model of capital market perfections is based on the potential forexpropriation of ideas by a VC. When an RU approaches a given VC for funding theymust reveal their potential idea. In some situations an RU will provide inputs that are

    required for that idea to become commercially viable. In other situations, however, theRU does not add any value in this sense. If property rights over the idea are weak (as theymay be prior to any patents or copyright), then a VC may expropriate the idea and refuseto let the RU share in any returns. This is a fundamental difficulty in any trade in ideas(Arrow, 1962; and Anton and Yao, 1994) and it constrains RU appropriability in at everystage of innovation.

    We suppose that, provided a unit of capital is expended, the idea becomescommercializable with probability, p, and the potential return, v, is common knowledge.However, it is possible that the VC simply expropriate the full private return v ifapproached by the RU. Anticipating this, the RU may not develop the idea of approachthe RU (although here there is no incentive for the RU not to bring the idea to a VC14).However, as Anton and Yao (1994) demonstrate, a capital constrained RU may havesome alternative means of raising capital. This is certainly the case here given ourassumption of a competitive VC market. If one VC were to expropriate the idea, the ideamay be financed by another VC.

    To see this, recall that product market appropriation ( ) depends in part on thedegree of competition an innovation faces. That is, are there products that are closesubstitutes? If the RU were to turn to another VC, it may be able to reduce product

    market appropriation to (1 ) ; even though it would not receive any ex post rents itselfin this eventuality. Fearing the RUs competitive threat from disclosure to others, theinitial VC may not expropriate the RU; instead giving the RU some equity in the venture.

    This means that RU-equity will be determined through a bilateral negotiation between themselves and the first VC they approach. This equity is, therefore, notdetermined competitively but through a bilateral monopoly (Williamson, 19??).Essentially, both the RU and VC can use the threat of disclosure to others orexpropriation to bind themselves to reach agreement.

    Following disclosure of the idea to the VC, the two parties negotiate over theequity level given to the RU. Assuming Nash bargaining with equal bargaining powerthis yields:

    ( )1


    (1 ) (1 )p V F p V F p V



    A project with social value, V, will be funded if and only if the VCs participationconstraints (expecting this level of equity) are satisfied. This participation constraint is

    14 One could imagine that the RU has some sunk expenditures prior to bringing an idea to a VC that wouldbe lost in the face of expropriation. This could be added to the model here but it would not alter the basicinsight below about the high private cost of capital; it would merely complicated the cost of capitalfunction.

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