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Think. Serve. Worship. Belong. VOLUME 36 NUMBER 6 www.ststephenpresbyterian.com April 9, 2021 WHEN ETERNAL LIFE BECOMES A KILLER By Rev. Dr. Warner Bailey How odd it is to think that perhaps the most blessed giſt God makes possible in the resurrecon of Jesus from the dead, everlasng life, could in the wrong hands turn out to be something deadly toxic to life on earth. How odd and how frightening! Before delving into this conundrum any further, lets pause and remember that Jesus himself addresses this issue in the Sermon on the Mount. (Mahew 7: 21-23) Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord,will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?Then I will declare to them, I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.’” Here Jesus sets out a stark contrast between those who do the will of his Father and those who have used his Name in vain. They are called evildoers and sent away. Jesus is drawing a strong theological disncon, even though one group thinks they are magnifying his Name through what they say and do. The consequences are terrifying. The acons of the group that Jesus slams all contain a huge dose of showmanship. While everything done may be said to be to the glory of the Name, the doer of the acts—the ecstac prophet, the fiery exorcist, the radiant miracle worker—comes in for lots of spotlight, too. Their faith, their prowess, their charisma is put out there for all to admire. Regarding such spiritual showmanship, Jesus has a simple, but devastang reply: They have received their reward [already]as in the Sermon on the Mount (Mahew 6:8 and also 16) And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward received their re- ward.The Bible gives out serious warnings against spiritual pracces that turn deadly. You would think that of all spiritual peo- ple, evangelicals would know this Bible content. But apparently when it comes to the spiritual pracce of caring for your neigh- bors health and your own, white evangelicals appeal to a toxic version of eternal lifeas jusficaon for not geng a COVID-19 vaccinaon. As reported in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on April 5, 2021, “40% of white evangelical Protestants said they likely wont get vaccinated, compared with 25% of all Americans, 28% of white mainline Protestants, and 27% of nonwhite Protestants.The reported comment by one white evangelical illustrates a prevailing view among many: We are going to go through mes of trials and all kinds of awful things, but we sll know where we are going at the end. And heaven is so much beer than here on earth. Why would we fight leaving here?This theological statement values personal salvaon in eternal life over community protecon. It values the next world over living in the most abundant and caring of ways on this earth that God pronounces good. This is taking the most precious of Gods giſts wrought through the costly sacrifice of Jesus and turning it into a poison that aids the spread of the coronavirus, caus- ing suffering, economic damage and death. There will be an accounng. When Jesus was raised from the dead, he went to extraordinary means to demonstrate that while he was an enrely new creature, he was nevertheless something solid, not a ghost. (Luke 24:36-48) He stands as the proof that the spiritual pracce that comes from belief in eternal life is to work for the health of something solid, and all we have is ourselves, our community and Gods good creaon.

Think. Serve. Worship. Belong.

VOLUME 36 NUMBER 6 www.ststephenpresbyterian.com April 9, 2021


How odd it is to think that perhaps the most blessed gift God makes possible in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, everlasting life, could in the wrong hands turn out to be something deadly toxic to life on earth. How odd and how frightening!

Before delving into this conundrum any further, let’s pause and remember that Jesus himself addresses this issue in the Sermon on the Mount. (Matthew 7: 21-23)

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?’ Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.’” Here Jesus sets out a stark contrast between those who do the will of his Father and those who have used his Name in

vain. They are called evildoers and sent away. Jesus is drawing a strong theological distinction, even though one group thinks they are magnifying his Name through what they say and do. The consequences are terrifying.

The actions of the group that Jesus slams all contain a huge dose of showmanship. While everything done may be said to be to the glory of the Name, the doer of the acts—the ecstatic prophet, the fiery exorcist, the radiant miracle worker—comes in for lots of spotlight, too. Their faith, their prowess, their charisma is put out there for all to admire.

Regarding such spiritual showmanship, Jesus has a simple, but devastating reply: “They have received their reward [already]” as in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:8 and also 16)

“And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward received their re-ward.” The Bible gives out serious warnings against spiritual practices that turn deadly. You would think that of all spiritual peo-

ple, evangelicals would know this Bible content. But apparently when it comes to the spiritual practice of caring for your neigh-bor’s health and your own, white evangelicals appeal to a toxic version of “eternal life” as justification for not getting a COVID-19 vaccination.

As reported in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on April 5, 2021, “40% of white evangelical Protestants said they likely won’t get vaccinated, compared with 25% of all Americans, 28% of white mainline Protestants, and 27% of nonwhite Protestants.” The reported comment by one white evangelical illustrates a prevailing view among many: “We are going to go through times of trials and all kinds of awful things, but we still know where we are going at the end. And heaven is so much better than here on earth. Why would we fight leaving here?”

This theological statement values personal salvation in eternal life over community protection. It values the next world over living in the most abundant and caring of ways on this earth that God pronounces good. This is taking the most precious of God’s gifts wrought through the costly sacrifice of Jesus and turning it into a poison that aids the spread of the coronavirus, caus-ing suffering, economic damage and death. There will be an accounting.

When Jesus was raised from the dead, he went to extraordinary means to demonstrate that while he was an entirely new creature, he was nevertheless something solid, not a ghost. (Luke 24:36-48) He stands as the proof that the spiritual practice that comes from belief in eternal life is to work for the health of something solid, and all we have is ourselves, our community and God’s good creation.

Hailed as “the organist for the connoisseur” (Journal für die Orgel, Germany) Stephen Tharp is recognized as one of the great concert organists of our age. Having played more than 1500 concerts across 60 tours worldwide, Tharp has built one of the most well-respected international careers in the world, earning him the reputation as the most traveled concert organ-ist of his generation. The program will include works by J. S. Bach, Mendelssohn, George Baker, Dupré and Demessieux. With this program, St. Stephen celebrates 50 years since the installation of the sanctuary organ. The 4,500-pipe instrument awaits significant upgrades and additions planned for the very near future which will help better serve our congregation and community. While this concert is free to attend, we do hope that those attending will be moved to give toward this noteworthy project that not only impacts St. Stephen, but also those who have events at St. Stephen and utilize this space for engaging our community. RESERVATIONS are required. In-person seating is limited. To make a reservation, simply call or email Anne Barrett, Office Administrator of St. Stephen: Phone: 817.927.8411 Email: [email protected] Reservations will be accepted until Friday, April 23 at 3:00 pm. If you are unable to attend the concert after you have made a reservation, please call and cancel so your seat may be used. SEATING for those attending in-person will be available on a first come, first served basis. LIVESTREAM: The concert will also be available via livestream. Details and links for this will be provided closer to the concert date. Masks and temperature checks will be required. Absolutely no exceptions. RECEPTION: While we would love to offer a beautiful reception for our guests, the current pandemic situation will prevent us from that. However, do be sure take a prepared "goodie bag" with you as you leave.

April 9, 2021 Page 2

4TH FRIDAY BOOK GROUP We would love for you to join us!

FRIDAY, April 23, 2021

Reviewer: Cynthia Walker and Mary Howington Book: Lilac Girls Author: Martha Hall Kelly Inspired by the life of a real World War II heroine, this debut novel reveals a story of love, redemption, and secrets that were hidden for decades. New York socialite Caroline Ferriday has her hands full with her post at the French consulate and a new love on the horizon. But Caroline’s world is forever changed when Hitler’s army invades Poland in September 1939—and then sets its sights on France.

Questions, or to be added to the email list: Sharon LeMond, 817-253-0990 or [email protected]

These Days Prayers for Daily Meditation

The spring issue of These Days is now available. Pick up a copy on Sunday from the book rack located in the nar-thex or call the church office (817) 927-8411.



Tuesday, April 13 at 10:00 am via Zoom


Monday, April 19 at 6:30 pm via Zoom

The 2021 Flower Calendar Is Open

Honor the memory of a loved one, celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or any special occasion, by ordering flowers to be placed in the chancel on your special Sunday. Your name and occasion will be printed in the bulletin. After worship, take the flowers home or donate them to be made into smaller arrangements for delivery to our members who are sick or just in need of some cheer.

Contact Tammy Hille (682)-365-3295 for open dates.

April Birthdays

April 9, 2021 Page 3

Pat Denton 1

Jeff Klingle 3

Michael Buffington 3

Troy Kennedy 4

Scott Gaffney 5

David Higbee 6

Brian Wheeler 6

Elizabeth Walters 7

Anne Quevreaux 7

Nikole Berg 7

Fritz Ritsch 7

Bennie Ritsch 7

DeBera Wilson 13

Lee Ann Dauphinot 14

Tami McGown 15

Sheila Randolph 16

Christopher Flores 18

Jared Sapp 19

Gatlin Adams 19

Angela Springfield 20

Paige Midgley 20

Loretta Jimenez 20

Barbara Rinker 21

Angela Halbach 21

Maria Andrade 22

Evie Higbee 23

Hudson Sapp 24

Kate Kretchmar Smith 25

Nicholas Flores 26

Lisa Van Amburgh 26

Bee Ingalls 27

Roger Rice 29

Brandi Phillips 29

Thomas Nyul 29

John Hawkins 29

Emily & Kate Gollahon 30

Laura McGown 30

Prayer Requests

Current Needs


Kennedi Fultz Granddaughter of Beth Fultz Ken Tarlton Father of Morgan Polly Marian Morse Mother of Wendy Larmour Phillip Paglialonga Friend of SSPC Grace Wright Friend of SSPC Jody Wasson Member D. J. Phillips Member

Members with Long-Term Needs

Luis Andrade Craig Bender Beezie Cooper Pat Culp Henry & Margaret Hash Dale Henderson Bee Ingalls Jim Mallory Natalie Hubbard Barbara Rinker Ethel Sanderson

Family & Friends with Long-Term Needs

Lynette Larmour Mother of Bill Larmour Sally Navarro Friend of Kurt & Sue Anderson Carolyn Cleveland Sister-in-law of Barbara Finch Sandra Wheeler Sister of Darlene Myatt Madison King Grandson of Booty Jones

PNS Lunch Update

for April

SSPC completed our weekly sack lunch deliveries to the Presbyterian Night Shelter at the beginning of March. Over the past year, SSPC provided over 30,000 meals to PNS. The program provided meals every week for a year (including the week of the winter storm). This was a ma-jor undertaking by church members and friends of SSPC. We express our gratitude to all of our donors, sandwich makers, sackers, shoppers, and delivery people. This mis-sion truly helped many of our friends who are homeless and the staff at PNS in what has been a most challenging and unusual year.

Starting in March, SSPC has committed to delivering 350 meals on the third Tuesday of each month. The Presby-terian Women will be coordinating this project. While April is nearly full. there are lots of opportunities for vol-unteers in future months. Please check the Sign Up Geni-us page at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0b44a9ae28a57-pnsmonthly for more details. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Matt Loynachan, Mike Tyson or Cynthia Walker. Thank you for your continued support of this important mission.


Kick-off Sunday, April 25

April 9, 2021 Christian Education Children & Youth 817.927.8411 office

Beth Fultz, Director of Christian Education 817.875.9704 cell [email protected]

Youth Fellowship Meetings

Weekly, Sunday Evenings 5—7:30 p.m. There is a lot of activities being planned for our Youth Fellowship in the coming weeks. Must be masked for all events! April 11— Make Blankets for Ugandan Moms, like last year, with the help of Misty Harris. * Pick Up Trash at Foster Park Creek Area. Save those birds and turtles. * Help Janet Vance at her Ranch cleaning barn and polishing saddles. (She’s our donkey provider!) * Clean out the Green Room in Youth Basement in preparation for Vacation Bible School and prepare Fish Tank! Photography Phlash at the Zoo with Angela Springfield and Beth, after Church soon. * Youth Mission Trip is not far away! July 25-31 in Rio Vista. Stay at Dr. Kate Colquitt’s Ranch all week while working with Methodist Justice Ministries with construction projects for abused kids. Need YOU!!!

Children’s Sabbath

Sunday, April 18

11 a.m. Worship Twice a year, we at St. Stephen are privy to hearing the voices of chil-dren provide our liturgy and prayers

during the service, punctuated by some of their musical talents. This coming Children’s Sabbath will feature these wonderful children that are a part of St. Stephen in Children’s Choir, or Sunday School, or in worship each week! I hope you will sup-port their sharing of their talents and be present for them.

Featuring: Zoe Jones Rexy Fryman Maris Miller Burkley Massey Joy Harris Joseph Kim Joshua Kim Charlie Miles Jackson Miles Ayla & Kim Torgul on Violins Margaret Germany David Germany Kennedi Fultz DJ Fultz Payten Fultz Hudson Sapp Easton Sapp Everett Sapp Children’s Choir There are a few more spots open to willing volunteers! If you child’s name isn’t here, contact Beth Fultz immediately and will create a speaking opportunity for her or him!

Youth Sunday Sunday, May 9, Mother’s Day


Senior Sermons by Elizabeth Walters & Joseph Lincoln;

Seniors Recognized and Receiving Commemorative Blankets;

Confirmands Received;

Youth Musical Talents and Speaking Talents Displayed for God’s Glory

Please support the youth of St. Stephen and be present for them as they worship and glorify God. (Why Mother’s Day? April and May are Prom and Senior Graduation Ceremonies and Parties; we feel like No School would support those activities near Mother’s Day weekend!)

Vacation Bible School June 28—July 2, 2021 Morning 9—12 noon $25 All Day All Week 9– 5 $125 Includes Tee Shirt and Extra Safety Features

Serving Ages 3 years old—Upcoming 5th Graders All VBS campers morning and all day will be wearing masks except when snacking, eating lunch, napping, or in recreation. We will be working in pod groups and keep groups together all week. Music Assembly will be outdoors and spaced apart. There will be new protocols to drop off including temperature checks and probably new fencing on the lawn to help fa-cilitate social distancing. Thank you for adapting to our new norm! Form Attached digitally to newsletter!

April 9, 2021 Christian Education Sunday School & More 817.927.8411 office

Beth Fultz, Director of Christian Education 817.875.9704 cell [email protected]

Sunday School Classes for Kids & Youth Will Remain on Zoom Platforms for Now!

Confirmation Class for Youth, Sixth Grade—12th Each Sunday on Zoom! 9:50—10:35 am.

Culminating on Mother’s Day With Breakfast

Honoring Participants & Confirmation Ceremonies!

Children’s Sunday School On Zoom Each Sunday, 9—9:45 am

Through Pentecost, May 23!

Summer Break from Sunday School for Kids!

Trinity Adult Sunday School Class Zooms to the Book of Joshua!

Come join the Journey to the Promised Land! “There has never been a prophet like Moses,” so stated the writers of Deuteronomy. Moses still has his sight and is vir-ile, but God claims his life. Though Moses’ voice is quieted the prophetic tradition continues. But who is to carry on? They have seen the Promised Land, it lies before them. Why didn’t God allow Moses to enter the Land? Perhaps be-cause Moses was a me-diator and what is needed is a warrior, a fighter, Joshua. This coming week, we start with the Book of Joshua and read some of his exploits! The Trinity Adult Sunday School meet online Sundays at 9:45 am. Email Angela Springfield to be added to the ZOOM class - [email protected].

Searchers Adult Sunday School Class Schedule!

Charlotte Ray has booked most of Spring with inter-esting Speakers for the Searchers Sunday School Class. The class meets each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Contact: Charlotte Ray, [email protected] to get more information on the digital classroom!

April 11 Dr. Eric Cox, our own Political Scientist! April 18 Dr. Russell Dalton, Brite Divinity, “Lessons on Ministry for the Church Today”. April 25 Dr. Lance Brown on “The Greatest Commandment” May 2 Dr. Lance Brown continues. May 9 & 16 Dr. Warner Bailey, Our Own! May 23 Dr. Timothy Sandoval, Brite Divinity. May 30 Brandy Joliff Scott, TCU Professor, “The Exotic Animal Trade!”

Come join these most

interesting conversations. A Few GOOD ADULT VOLUNTEERS Needed! The Christian Education Committee is seeking vaccinated and willing adults to lead morning or afternoon activities at our modified Vacation Bible School, June 28—July2, Monday—Friday. Morning hours are 9—12 noon. After-noon is 12—5 p.m. In some instances, we can provide covid screens for extra safety precautions.

Types of Volunteer Jobs: Recreation—outdoors front and back; afternoon Includes water hoses and sprinklers. * Science—Mornings only. * Bible Story—Mornings only. Inside. * Crafts—Mornings and/or Afternoons. We need both. * Kindness and Healing Acts—Mornings Only. * Snacks—Mornings Only and ONLY prepackaged snacks. * Afternoon Supervision— * Morning Check In’s & Temperature Checks—

It’s a New Day with New Ways! See Mara Miller, CE Moderator,

or Beth Fultz to volunteer!

April 11 - 24, 2021


11 9:00-9:45 am Children’s Sunday School via Zoom 9:15 am Sunday School Searchers via GoToMeeting 9:45 am Trinity Class via Zoom 9:50 am Confirmation via Zoom 10:15 am Sanctuary Choir 11:00 am Worship Live stream on YouTube 2:00-9:00 pm Dallas Opera Co. Recording session 5:00 pm Youth Fellowship

12 9:30 am Day School

13 10:00 am Morning Glories Circle via Zoom 1:00 pm Knitting Guild via GoToMeeting 6:00 pm Small Group Worship 7:30 pm Boy Scouts Scout Lodge

14 9:30 am Day School Noon Bible Study via Zoom 5:00 pm Children’s Percussion Choir 6:00 pm Small Group Worship 6:30pm Sanctuary Choir

15 7:00 am Morning Prayers 8:00 am After Prayers Breakfast Gang via Zoom 6:00 pm Small Group Worship 6:30 pm Handbells

16 5:00 pm Samaritan House Meal drop off


18 CHILDREN’S SABBATH 9:00-9:45 am Children’s Sunday School via Zoom 9:15 am Sunday School Searchers via GoToMeeting 9:45 am Trinity Class via Zoom 9:50 am Confirmation via Zoom 10:15 am Sanctuary Choir 11:00 am Worship Dr. Warner Bailey Livestreamed on website or YouTube Noon Amish Friends Labyrinth 5:00 pm Youth Fellowship

19 9:30 Day School 6:30 pm LOTE via Zoom .

20 8:00 - 9:30 am PNS Monthly Sack Lunches Packed & delivered Noon Finance Cmte Eastminster 1:00 pm Knitting Guild via GoToMeeting 6:00 pm Small Group Worship 7:30 pm Boy Scouts Scout Lodge

21 9:30 am Day School Noon Bible Study via Zoom 5:00 pm Children’s Percussion Choir 6:00 pm Small Group Worship 6:30pm Sanctuary Choir

22 7:00 am Morning Prayers 8:00 am After Prayers Breakfast Gang via Zoom 6:00 pm Small Group Worship 6:30 pm Handbells

23 Noon 4th Friday Book Group via Zoom

24 7:30 pm Stephen Tharp Organ Concert Reservations required

2700 McPherson Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76109-1404

St. Stephen Presbyterian Church Staff


The Rev. Dr. Frederick Field Ritsch, III, Pastor [email protected]

The Rev. Dr. Warner M. Bailey, Parish Associate [email protected] Beth Fultz, Director of Christian Education [email protected]

Jordan R. Smith, Organist & Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Lisa Trammell, Business Manager [email protected]

Anne Barrett, Office Administrator [email protected] Lauren Daniels, Communications Coordinator [email protected] Lauren Ferguson, Day School Director [email protected] Dexter Wilborn, Sexton / Facility Superintendent [email protected] Due to Covid Reservation Required to Attend Worship Worship Services: Live Streamed on YouTube, Facebook and our website Sundays & Holy Days Office hours: Mon-Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Telephone: (817) 927- 8411
