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When I One Of These Pianos In Your HomeWe AreBothS; · 2017. 12. 18. · Write for Catalogue Sent...

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Write for Catalogue Sent Free When I Leave One Of These Pianos In Your Home We Are Both S; Two kinds of Pianos are to be had. One.Pianos in name only. The other.true royalty of the piano world. The purehase of one sort means pleasures mared.to possess the other means lasting pleasure and satisfaction. At the store of Walter D. Moses & Co. you find the world's accepted best. Pianos and other instruments that there is no questioning the value of. The name.the trade-mark.on them is a badge of honor, a standing sign of superiority. Now that the glad holiday season is nearing, and you are going to buy a Piano, do not trifle with your opportunity.get one of the Moses line.one of these. Steinway, Weber, Hardman, Steck, Kimball, WheelocK, Stuyvesant, Brewster, Haines, Standard, Weser, Hinze and the Pianola Piano These were purchased dircct from the factories. Each was pcrsonally selected. The different styles in Grands and Uprights are all here. Easy monthly payments if you wish. Now~before you buy.is the time to learn the truth about the Player Piano Situation You simply cannot afford to make a mistake in thc purehase of a player piano. Its quality.or lack of quality.may make or mar the home circle's pleasure for many a year to come. Yet some people do make a vital mistake in this very thing. The chief cause for trouble is this: The terms "Pianola" and "Pianola Piano" become so commonly known.so widely accepted.so standardized.that many peo¬ ple take "Pianola" to mean any piano player and "Pianola Piano" to mean any piano with a player built into it. Very few of the Pianola's imitators care to correct this common mistake. So for your own interest, learn the truth here and now: Be SURE it is a Pianola Piano. The player piano you buy is not a Pianola Piano unless the name "Pianola" is actually on it. And your favorite piano, containing a lesser player than this, cannot possibly do itself justice. Victors and Vic¬ trolas as Gifts The Victor and Victrola are thc greatest musical instruments the world has ever known. You can judge of their perfection by the fact that President Taft, besides mak- ing records for the Victor, has a Victor himself. So has Preisdent Diaz, of Mex¬ ico, and His Holiness Pope Pius X. And among the crowned heads of Europe and Asia who use the Victor for^ their pleasure may be mentioned the King of England, the Emperor of Germany, the King of Italy, the Queen of Spain, the King of Portugal and the Shah of Persia. With all the money at their command these rulers can secure nothing that gives them so much pleasure as the Victor. fi You can enjoy thc same music and en- tertainment as these sovereigns. You can get a Victor for as little as $10. Others up to $100. Victrolas, $125 to $250. Terms to suit. A Great Christmas Sale of Small Instruments Drums from 50c to $25. Harps, 10c to $75. Battle Bones, 10c to 75c a'pair. Flutes, $5 to $25. Fifes, 10c to $2.50. Whistles, 5c to $1. Flageolets, 25c to $3. Vocophones, 5c to $1. Humanitones, 10c to 25c. Ocarinas, 15c to $1.50. Violins, $1.50 to $75. Guitars, $2.50 to $25. Mandolins, $3.50 to $25. Bugles, $3.50 to $5. Music Boxes, 50c to $100. Tambourines, 50c to $3.50. Banjos, $2 to $25. Cymbals, 50c to $6. Accordeons, $2.50 to $10. Clarinets, $15 to $75. Rcgina Music Boxes, changeable times, $18 up. Strings for all Instruments Violin Strings, 25c to $1.50 set. Guitar, 50c and 75c set. Banjo, 25c and 50c set. Mandolin, 50c and 72c set. And supplies for all of the above instru¬ ments, such as Bridges, Pins, Picks, Thim- bles, Rosin, Pitch Pipes, Tuning Forks, Tail Pieces, Capo D'Astros, Clarinet Reeds, Finger Boards, Patent Pegs, Screws and Chin Rests. Sheet Music All the latest hits in Classic, Popular and Sentimental Music Books, Albums and collections of the popular and ragtime music; also, the collections of Nevin, Gal- loway, McDowell, Kustner and Amy Woodforde Finden; Christmas Anthems, Christmas Garols, New Anthems and Sunday School Books, Hymnals, Gospel Songs.all in latest up-to-date edittona. WALTER D. MOSES & CO. 103 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va. Oldest Music House in Virginia and North Carolina INSURANCE FULLY COVERSFIRELOSS (Destruction of Wagon Works Amounts to More Than $100,000. [Special to Thc Times-D-ispatch.] Lj-nchburs\ Va., DeocmbDr 10..The destruction of tlie- big: plant of the Thornhill Wagon Worlcs. whleh were situated along: and on both sldea of thc main llno of tfto Southern nallway. [gjWhat is it tihat makes my Whiskies better than others? Briefly it is thc exceptional quality.the absolute purity. ts long years in wood.its mellowness.and the honest way n which it was made. In these potnts my Whiskies ex'cel. I have a brand to suit every taste, and if you will send me your order by telephone or mau>or come for it in peraon, I will give it the clogest attentioiv _, \ Frank Miller, Catalogue and price list mailed on request. 1204 East Main Street, Phones: Monroe 882-883. Richmond, Va- tn at thc foot of Walnut Street, last night proved to be more costly than was at flrst expected, for lt is stated to-day that the damage to the company by the blaze would amount to conslderably more than 4100,000. The company car¬ rled blanket Insurance on the plant and contents amounting to $120,000, and lt ls stated to-day that this wlU almost certainly cover fully the loss. In addition to the heavy property loss, it ls feared that James Spencer, colored, aged twenty-tlve years, who was employed in the shlpplng depart¬ ment, lost hls llfe ln tho flre. The colored man was alding ln the flght against the flre before the arrival of the lire department, and, whilo he is known to havo come out of the build¬ ing with Holcomb Thornhlll, the shlplpng clerk, he ls missing. It ls feured that the negro went back ln the building for somethlng, and lost his llfe- The flre started In the blaoksmlth shop, and In forty mlnutes the entlre building was a total loss. Thls morning tho company opened the ofllce safes and the hooks and other records were found to be unhurt. Tem¬ porary offlces wero opened on the fourth floor of tho Lynchburg Natlonal Bank building. A meeting w-111 be held there Monday mornlng at 10 o'clock, at whlcji tlme the company wlll de- clde whether or not the plant wlll be restored. The past year was the best In the hlstory of the company's buslness, for nearly 9,000 of tho well known Thorn- hlll wagons were made and dlstrlbuted from tho plant. The flre caught the storage warehouse full of finlshed wagons and thousands of dollars worth of matorlals on hand. The flre was so hot that lt was necessary for the Southern Rallway to replaco about 100 feet of Its track wlth new ralls. Some of the ralls taken out of the tracks wero twlsted into tho shape of an "S," but the trafllc was not restored untll 7 o'clock thls mornlng. The Postal and Western Union tele- graph companies lost all of their local and trunk clrculta to the South, but all of these were restored wlth tem¬ porary cables at an early hour thls mornlng. WILIi CONTEST ELECTION. I. ¦ ¦ Antl-Saloon League Wlll Flght Result ln Lynchburg. [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Jjynohburg, Va., December 10..Pres¬ ident Henry E. MoWane, of the Lynch¬ burg Anti-Saloon League, this morn¬ lng authorlzed tho statement that lt had been determlned to contest Uie result of the election held yesterday in tho clty, and tho necessary legal steps wlll bo taken looklng to thls end withln a few days. It ls probable that tho papers ln the case wlll not bo flled untll lato noxt wtook, however. When asked as to the probable grounds for the proposed contest Mr. MoWano stated that tho league would not mako Its posltlon known at this tlmo, and lt ls hardly probable tha» thls wlll bo known untll the petltion la tllod. Qeorge li). Casklo wlll be tho counsel for tho leaguo ln tho lltlgatlon, and it Is expected that Judgo A. A. Phlegar, of Chrlsttansburg, who was asaoelated wlth M'r. Caskle ln reslstlng tho con¬ test Of tho. "wets" two years ago, wlU be the assoclate counsel. Under the law. the papers for a con¬ test must be flled Inslde of ton days aftor the election. Odd-Fcllona Eleot Oflluers. [Speolal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Aloxandria, Va. December 10..Poto¬ mac Lodge of'Odd-Pellows lust even¬ ing eloctod offloers and nuido un'iiiiee- montB to confir tho .thlrd dogroe of the oidor on Blx qandidatea txQia Bureptu Lodfja Odxl-FelJowa, Ashland News Notes ISpecial to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.] Ashland, Va., December 10..Mrs. A. :. Fisher and Mlss Ellzabeth Washing- :on Flsher, of Emmerton, who have jeen vislting Miss Marlon Flsher, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Llgon Prloe havo returned from New York and wlll bo thc week-end guests of Mrs. Frank Wright before leavlng for their homo in Chase Clty. Mlsses Isabel Williams and Emlly Rogerson, of Rlchmond, are the guests Df Mlss Ellzabeth Chenery. Captain J. B. Angle and Mlss Rose Gift Buy ing a Pleasure Choosing the holiday things in jewelry,*- watches, diamonds, silverware and cut glass is a positive pleasure here now. With stocks complete, varieties satlsfying, and salesmen at your service, you will buy to great advantage. But do not delay.the rusrr is ahead.terrible and disconcerting. Solid Silver Teaspoons, regular $6.00 value, per set, $5.00. The Handsomest and Heaviest Solid Silver Tea Sets, regular price $175.00, at $150.00. Quadruple Plated Silver Tea Sets at from $15 to $65. See our Three-Piece Sets at $8.50 to $15. Sugar Dishes and Cream Pitchera at from $5 to $10." Cut Glass of every design and at very modest prices, J. T. Allen & Company, Bear the Place in Mind, 14th and Main Sts. CAREFUI* ATTENTION TO OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS* Angla are vlsltlng Mrs. Wllllam 0. Wlnston, of South Wales. Tho Brldge Club was dellghtfully entertalned on Thursday afternoon b> Mrs. A P. Gullbert. Mrs. Bronstem won the guest's prlze and Mrs. Jarnet Chenery the club prize. Among thost playlng were Mesdames A. E. Grey John Addlson, James Chenery, Aninc Carr, Barrett Sydnor, Frank Wright Bronstlen, McDowde, Tate Chenery Mlsses Lou Redd, Annle Doswell ano Anna Vaden. Mrs. L. R. Page, who has been the guest of Mlss Anna Boverly Vaden has returned to her homo ln Rlchmond Tho Glrls* Llterary Club'gave a de¬ llghtful muslcalo ln tho homo of Mlss Epio Blaclnvell on Thursday afternoon. Among those who partlclpated in tht program were Mesdames Hunter, Blackwell and Blaslngamo, Misses Fan- nle Lancaster, Cabell Jones ond Lilllan Daley. The guests of the club were Misses Loulse Miller, Emma Blanton and Imogeno Rlddlck. Injurles ProYe Fatal. Norfolk, Va., Decembor. 10..Edward D. Hodges, captain of the Flro De¬ partment, who was Injured about ton days ago durlng a flre on Water Street. dled thls afternoon. Captain Hodges fell down au elevator shaft in the Pepsl-Cola Building, and sustained In¬ ternal InjurleB. .- .i Poultry Exhlbltlon Cloaes. [Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.J Harrlsonburg, Va.. Dcocmber 10.. Tho Harrlsonburg Poultry Show yes¬ terday closed a threo-Uuy exhlbltlon. Elght silver cups, togsther with nu« mcrous cash and morchandise prize3, were glven. R. L. Slmmons, the Nortli Carollna judge, rejected a pen of Hou- dans that had captured a $100 prlze m Madlson Square Garden, New York Clty. The blrds were dlsquallfled on account of the presenco of certaln tlny feath- crs that had grown on the feet, in vio¬ lation of tho rules of thoroughbred chickendom. Another Case of Typholil. Annapolls, Md., Deoember 10..An¬ other case of suspected typhoid haa developed among thc mldshlpinon at the Naval Academy. and it Is llkeb* that the patlent wlll be sent to thn hospital within tlve next twenty-fom* hours. Tluis Car twonty-elght casea havo developed, not countlng to-day'd suspect.
Page 1: When I One Of These Pianos In Your HomeWe AreBothS; · 2017. 12. 18. · Write for Catalogue Sent Free When I Leave One Of These Pianos In YourHomeWeAreBothS; Twokinds of Pianos are

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When I Leave One Of These Pianos InYour Home We Are Both S;

Two kinds of Pianos are to be had. One.Pianos in name only. The other.true royalty of the piano world. The purehase of one sort means

pleasures mared.to possess the other means lasting pleasure and satisfaction.At the store of Walter D. Moses & Co. you find the world's accepted best. Pianos and other instruments that there is no questioning the value of.The name.the trade-mark.on them is a badge of honor, a standing sign of superiority. Now that the glad holiday season is nearing, and you

are going to buy a Piano, do not trifle with your opportunity.get one of the Moses line.one of these.

Steinway, Weber, Hardman, Steck, Kimball, WheelocK, Stuyvesant,Brewster, Haines, Standard, Weser, Hinze and the Pianola Piano

These were purchased dircct from the factories. Each was pcrsonally selected. The different styles in Grands and Uprights are all here. Easymonthly payments if you wish.

Now~before youbuy.is the time tolearn the truthabout the PlayerPiano SituationYou simply cannot afford to make a

mistake in thc purehase of a player piano.Its quality.or lack of quality.may makeor mar the home circle's pleasure for manya year to come.

Yet some people do make a vital mistakein this very thing.The chief cause for trouble is this: The

terms "Pianola" and "Pianola Piano"become so commonly known.so widelyaccepted.so standardized.that many peo¬ple take "Pianola" to mean any pianoplayer and "Pianola Piano" to mean anypiano with a player built into it.Very few of the Pianola's imitators care

to correct this common mistake. So foryour own interest, learn the truth here andnow: Be SURE it is a Pianola Piano.

The player piano you buy is not aPianola Piano unless the name "Pianola"is actually on it.And your favorite piano, containing a

lesser player than this, cannot possibly doitself justice.

Victors and Vic¬trolas as Gifts

The Victor and Victrola are thcgreatest musical instruments theworld has ever known.You can judge of their perfection by

the fact that President Taft, besides mak-ing records for the Victor, has a Victorhimself. So has Preisdent Diaz, of Mex¬ico, and His Holiness Pope Pius X.And among the crowned heads of Europe

and Asia who use the Victor for^ theirpleasure may be mentioned the King ofEngland, the Emperor of Germany, theKing of Italy, the Queen of Spain, theKing of Portugal and the Shah of Persia.With all the money at their command

these rulers can secure nothing that givesthem so much pleasure as the Victor.

fi You can enjoy thc same music and en-tertainment as these sovereigns.You can get a Victor for as little as $10.

Others up to $100. Victrolas, $125 to$250. Terms to suit.

A Great ChristmasSale of SmallInstrumentsDrums from 50c to $25.Harps, 10c to $75.Battle Bones, 10c to 75c a'pair.Flutes, $5 to $25.Fifes, 10c to $2.50.Whistles, 5c to $1.Flageolets, 25c to $3.Vocophones, 5c to $1.Humanitones, 10c to 25c.Ocarinas, 15c to $1.50.Violins, $1.50 to $75.Guitars, $2.50 to $25.Mandolins, $3.50 to $25.Bugles, $3.50 to $5.Music Boxes, 50c to $100.Tambourines, 50c to $3.50.Banjos, $2 to $25.Cymbals, 50c to $6.

Accordeons, $2.50 to $10.Clarinets, $15 to $75.Rcgina Music Boxes, changeable times,

$18 up.

Strings for allInstruments

Violin Strings, 25c to $1.50 set.Guitar, 50c and 75c set.Banjo, 25c and 50c set.Mandolin, 50c and 72c set.And supplies for all of the above instru¬

ments, such as Bridges, Pins, Picks, Thim-bles, Rosin, Pitch Pipes, Tuning Forks,Tail Pieces, Capo D'Astros, Clarinet Reeds,Finger Boards, Patent Pegs, Screws andChin Rests.

Sheet MusicAll the latest hits in Classic, Popular and

Sentimental Music Books, Albums andcollections of the popular and ragtimemusic; also, the collections of Nevin, Gal-loway, McDowell, Kustner and AmyWoodforde Finden; Christmas Anthems,Christmas Garols, New Anthems andSunday School Books, Hymnals, GospelSongs.all in latest up-to-date edittona.

WALTER D. MOSES & CO.103 East Broad Street, Richmond, Va. Oldest Music House in Virginia and North Carolina


(Destruction of Wagon WorksAmounts to More Than

$100,000.[Special to Thc Times-D-ispatch.]

Lj-nchburs\ Va., DeocmbDr 10..Thedestruction of tlie- big: plant of theThornhill Wagon Worlcs. whleh weresituated along: and on both sldea ofthc main llno of tfto Southern nallway.

[gjWhat is it tihat makes my Whiskies better than others?Briefly it is thc exceptional quality.the absolute purity.

ts long years in wood.its mellowness.and the honest wayn which it was made.

In these potnts my Whiskies ex'cel.I have a brand to suit every taste, and if you will send me

your order by telephone or mau>or come for it in peraon, I willgive it the clogest attentioiv _, \

Frank Miller,Catalogue and price list mailed on request.

1204 East Main Street,Phones: Monroe 882-883. Richmond, Va-


at thc foot of Walnut Street, last nightproved to be more costly than was atflrst expected, for lt is stated to-daythat the damage to the company by theblaze would amount to conslderablymore than 4100,000. The company car¬

rled blanket Insurance on the plantand contents amounting to $120,000,and lt ls stated to-day that this wlUalmost certainly cover fully the loss.

In addition to the heavy propertyloss, it ls feared that James Spencer,colored, aged twenty-tlve years, whowas employed in the shlpplng depart¬ment, lost hls llfe ln tho flre. Thecolored man was alding ln the flghtagainst the flre before the arrival ofthe lire department, and, whilo he isknown to havo come out of the build¬ing with Holcomb Thornhlll, theshlplpng clerk, he ls missing. It lsfeured that the negro went back ln

the building for somethlng, and losthis llfe-The flre started In the blaoksmlth

shop, and In forty mlnutes the entlrebuilding was a total loss.Thls morning tho company opened

the ofllce safes and the hooks and otherrecords were found to be unhurt. Tem¬porary offlces wero opened on thefourth floor of tho Lynchburg NatlonalBank building. A meeting w-111 be heldthere Monday mornlng at 10 o'clock,at whlcji tlme the company wlll de-clde whether or not the plant wlll berestored.The past year was the best In the

hlstory of the company's buslness, fornearly 9,000 of tho well known Thorn-hlll wagons were made and dlstrlbutedfrom tho plant. The flre caught thestorage warehouse full of finlshedwagons and thousands of dollars worthof matorlals on hand.The flre was so hot that lt was

necessary for the Southern Rallway toreplaco about 100 feet of Its trackwlth new ralls. Some of the rallstaken out of the tracks wero twlstedinto tho shape of an "S," but thetrafllc was not restored untll 7 o'clockthls mornlng.The Postal and Western Union tele-

graph companies lost all of their localand trunk clrculta to the South, butall of these were restored wlth tem¬porary cables at an early hour thlsmornlng.


Antl-Saloon League Wlll Flght Resultln Lynchburg.

[Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]Jjynohburg, Va., December 10..Pres¬

ident Henry E. MoWane, of the Lynch¬burg Anti-Saloon League, this morn¬lng authorlzed tho statement that lthad been determlned to contest Uieresult of the election held yesterdayin tho clty, and tho necessary legalsteps wlll bo taken looklng to thls endwithln a few days. It ls probable thattho papers ln the case wlll not bo flleduntll lato noxt wtook, however.When asked as to the probable

grounds for the proposed contest Mr.MoWano stated that tho league wouldnot mako Its posltlon known at thistlmo, and lt ls hardly probable tha»thls wlll bo known untll the petltion latllod.Qeorge li). Casklo wlll be tho counsel

for tho leaguo ln tho lltlgatlon, and itIs expected that Judgo A. A. Phlegar,of Chrlsttansburg, who was asaoelatedwlth M'r. Caskle ln reslstlng tho con¬test Of tho. "wets" two years ago, wlUbe the assoclate counsel.Under the law. the papers for a con¬

test must be flled Inslde of ton daysaftor the election.

Odd-Fcllona Eleot Oflluers.[Speolal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.]

Aloxandria, Va. December 10..Poto¬mac Lodge of'Odd-Pellows lust even¬ing eloctod offloers and nuido un'iiiiee-montB to confir tho .thlrd dogroe ofthe oidor on Blx qandidatea txQiaBureptu Lodfja o£ Odxl-FelJowa,

Ashland News NotesISpecial to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.]

Ashland, Va., December 10..Mrs. A.

:. Fisher and Mlss Ellzabeth Washing-:on Flsher, of Emmerton, who havejeen vislting Miss Marlon Flsher, havereturned home.Mr. and Mrs. F. Llgon Prloe havo

returned from New York and wlll bothc week-end guests of Mrs. FrankWright before leavlng for their homoin Chase Clty.Mlsses Isabel Williams and Emlly

Rogerson, of Rlchmond, are the guestsDf Mlss Ellzabeth Chenery.Captain J. B. Angle and Mlss Rose

Gift Buying a PleasureChoosing the holiday things in jewelry,*- watches, diamonds, silverware and cut

glass is a positive pleasure here now.

With stocks complete, varieties satlsfying, and salesmen at your service, you willbuy to great advantage.

But do not delay.the rusrr is ahead.terrible and disconcerting.Solid Silver Teaspoons, regular $6.00 value, per set, $5.00.The Handsomest and Heaviest Solid Silver Tea Sets, regular price $175.00,

at $150.00.Quadruple Plated Silver Tea Sets at from $15 to $65.See our Three-Piece Sets at $8.50 to $15.Sugar Dishes and Cream Pitchera at from $5 to $10."Cut Glass of every design and at very modest prices,

J. T. Allen & Company,Bear the Place in Mind, 14th andMain Sts.


Angla are vlsltlng Mrs. Wllllam 0.Wlnston, of South Wales.Tho Brldge Club was dellghtfully

entertalned on Thursday afternoon b>Mrs. A P. Gullbert. Mrs. Bronstemwon the guest's prlze and Mrs. JarnetChenery the club prize. Among thostplaylng were Mesdames A. E. GreyJohn Addlson, James Chenery, AnincCarr, Barrett Sydnor, Frank WrightBronstlen, McDowde, Tate CheneryMlsses Lou Redd, Annle Doswell anoAnna Vaden.

Mrs. L. R. Page, who has been theguest of Mlss Anna Boverly Vadenhas returned to her homo ln RlchmondTho Glrls* Llterary Club'gave a de¬

llghtful muslcalo ln tho homo of MlssEpio Blaclnvell on Thursday afternoon.Among those who partlclpated in tht

program were Mesdames Hunter,Blackwell and Blaslngamo, Misses Fan-nle Lancaster, Cabell Jones ond LilllanDaley. The guests of the club were

Misses Loulse Miller, Emma Blantonand Imogeno Rlddlck.

Injurles ProYe Fatal.Norfolk, Va., Decembor. 10..Edward

D. Hodges, captain of the Flro De¬partment, who was Injured about tondays ago durlng a flre on Water Street.dled thls afternoon. Captain Hodgesfell down au elevator shaft in thePepsl-Cola Building, and sustained In¬ternal InjurleB.

.- .i

Poultry Exhlbltlon Cloaes.[Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.J

Harrlsonburg, Va.. Dcocmber 10..Tho Harrlsonburg Poultry Show yes¬terday closed a threo-Uuy exhlbltlon.

Elght silver cups, togsther with nu«mcrous cash and morchandise prize3,were glven. R. L. Slmmons, the NortliCarollna judge, rejected a pen of Hou-dans that had captured a $100 prlze mMadlson Square Garden, New York Clty.The blrds were dlsquallfled on accountof the presenco of certaln tlny feath-crs that had grown on the feet, in vio¬lation of tho rules of thoroughbredchickendom.

Another Case of Typholil.Annapolls, Md., Deoember 10..An¬

other case of suspected typhoid haadeveloped among thc mldshlpinon atthe Naval Academy. and it Is llkeb*that the patlent wlll be sent to thnhospital within tlve next twenty-fom*hours. Tluis Car twonty-elght caseahavo developed, not countlng to-day'dsuspect.
