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When they recite ii

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When they recite their hearts tremble!
Page 1: When they recite ii

When they recitetheir hearts tremble!

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Anfaal, 8:2

For believers are those who when Allah is mentioned feel a tremor in their hearts and when they hear His signs rehearsed find their faith strengthened and put (all) their trust in their Lord.

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Give the the Good News to those who humble themselves. To those whose hearts when Allah is mentioned are filled with fear who show patient perseverance over their afflictions keep up regular prayer and spend (in charity) out of what we have bestowed upon them.

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Explaining the Quranic terms

• Wajal is the shivering and breaking of the heart when remembering the One it fears, His authority, punishment or seeing Him.

• Khawf is to fear punishment as long as you breathe. Ibn Taymiyyah said, "The commendable khawf is what restrains you from the prohibitions of Allah.”

• Khashyah is more specific than khawf. Khashyah is a quality that is particular of the people knowledgeable of Allah. Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, says, "It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah." [35:28]

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Defining Rahbah

• "Indeed I have the most piety for Allah and have the greatest khashyah for Him." (Hadith)

• Rahbah is diligence in running away from adversity. The opposite of this is raghbah or longing which involves the travel of the heart toward its desires. There is symmetry between raghbah and rahbah both in their pronunciation and meanings.

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• Haybah is khawf associated with glorification and reverence. It's peak is achieved when love and knowledge are strongly combined

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Quran & Prophet Mohammad (SAW)

• Abdullah Ibn Masood (R) reported that once Prophet (SAW) asked him to recite Quran. He started reciting Surah Nisa. When he recited

• Prophet (SAW) cried and he asked Ibn Masood to stop.

How then if We brought from each people a witness and We brought thee as a witness against these people. 4:41

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Quran & Prophet (SAW)

• Abu Zar (R) that once Prophet (SAW) led us in salaah and spent whole night repeating this ayah.

"If Thou dost punish them they are Thy servants: if Thou dost forgive them Thou art the Exalted the Wise. Al Maida 5:118

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Aisha (R) and Salaah Dhuha

• Qasim Ibn Mohammad Ibn Abu Bakar (R) stated that he visited his aunt Aisha (R) one morning. She was performing Salaah Dhuha. She was reciting & repeating this ayah and crying for long time

"But Allah has been good to us and has delivered us from the Penalty of the Scorching Wind. Toor, 52:27

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Quran and Sahaba

• Ibn Abbas (R) said,”When you recite ayah sujood, then weep (with fear of Allah).”

• Saad Ibn Abi Waqaas reported that the Prophet (SAW) said,”Recite Quran and cry and if you can not cry, then face should express fear.”

• The way to bring fear in one’s heart is to recite the ayahs of Inzaar, chastisement of hereafter and then think about one’s sins.

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Quran & Sahaba

• When Ikramah Ibn Abu Jahal (R) opened Quran to recite, he used to pass out saying, "This is my Lord’s word.”

• Jundub Ibn Abdullah Hujjaj reported that the Prophet(SAW) said, “Recite Quran till your hearts are connected to it. When this state is not there, postpone it.” Bukhari & Muslim.

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Umar(R) and Quran

• Umar (R) reports that before he became Muslim, he followed Prophet (SAW) to Ka’ba.

• Prophet (SAW) started reciting Al-Haaqah. Umar said to himself he is a poet. He recited:

• I thought he found what is in my heart. So he must be a fortune teller. Prophet recited:

• When he finished the Surah, I felt as if Islam is entering my heart.

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Umar (R) and Quran

• It is reported that once someone recited this ayah before Umar Ibn Khattab (R).

Verily the Doom of thy Lord will indeed come to pass There is none can avert it. Toor,52:7,8

• He cried and passed out. He was carried to his house. He remained weak with the fear of Allah (SWT) for a month.

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Abdullah Ibn Hanzalah (R) and Quran

• This ayah was recited before him:

He cried continuously and then was unconscious. People thought he passed away. He woke up and stood. He was asked to sit. He replied the fear of this ayah does not let him sit.

For them there is hell as a couch (below) and folds and folds of covering above: such is Our requital of those who do wrong.Araaf, 7:42

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Why our hearts do not tremble when Quran is recited?

• The Disease Of Al-Ghaflah• It is a disease that many people of Ummah

have fallen into.• It is forgetting the Day we will be questioned

by Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta’aala).• It is a state of neglecting our duty to Allah

(subhaanahu wa ta’aala)

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Disease of Ghaflah

“Draws near for mankind their reckoning, while they turn away inheedlessness. Comes not unto them an admonition from their Lord as a recent revelation but they listen to it whilethey play, With their hearts occupied (with evil things)..”[Al-Anbiyaa' (21,1-3]

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Signs of Ghaflah• They listen to the Qur'an and their eyes will never shed

tears with the fear of Allah.• They will live their whole life listening to the ahadeeth

and the Sunnah of Muhammad(SAW) and their hearts will never move.

• They knowingly commit mistakes: eating ribaa’ , not praying. They know they are disobeying Allah

• They see that they have cars, they have wealth, a career, an education, a job, wife, children and say all of this is ni’mah (a favor) therefore Allah is pleased with the

• Actually it is a test and trial from Allah

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Consequence of Ghaflah

“So, when they forgot (the warning) with which they had been reminded, We opened to them the gates of every (pleasant) thing, until in the midst of their enjoyment in that which they were given, all of a sudden, We took them to punishment, and lo! They were plunged into destruction with deep regrets and sorrows.” [Al-An’aam (6):44]

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Ghaflah can lead to spiritual diseases and death of the heart

• The Prophet of Mercy, Sayyiduna Muhammad al-Mustafa salla’llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said :

‘Surely there is in the body a small piece of flesh; if it is good, the whole body is good, and if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted, and that is surely the heart’. Related by Imam Bukhārī in his sahih

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Spiritual death of the hearts

• Ibraheem bin Adham (RA) was once passing through the market in Basrah, it was said to him, 'O Abu Ishaq, verily Allah has declared, Ask, I will grant your request..

• Why is it that we make Dua and He does not accept them?'

• He replied, 'Surely,it is because your hearts have become dead due to 10 things:

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10 things which cause spiritual death of the hearts

• 1- You have known who Allah is, yet you have not fulfilled His duties.

• 2-You have recited the Noble Qur'an, yet you have not practiced upon it.

• 3-You proclaim the love of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam), yet you have not practiced upon his Sunnah.

• 4- You have pronounced that Satan is your enemy, yet you have stood with him.

• 5-You have pronounced your desire for Jannah, yet you have done nothing to achieve it.

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10 things which cause spiritual death of the hearts

• 6-You have pronounced your fear for Jahannum, yet you have done nothing to escape it.

• 7-You have proclaimed that there is surely no escape from death, yet you have not prepared for it.

8-You have indulged in seeking the faults of others and have left looking your own faults.

• 9-You have enjoyed all the blessings and bounties of Allah, yet you do not give Him due praise for it.

• 10-You buried your dead, but have taken no admonition.

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Rusting of the heart

‘The heart becomes rusted like iron in water.’ When asked how to banish this corrosion, the Prophet (SAW) replied, ‘Remember death frequently & recite the Qur’an.’ An-Nasai

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How to get full benefit from Quran?

• 1. Pure Intension: • Seeking the guidance• To mold our lives in accordance with this

guidance.• To achieve pleasure of Allah (SWT)• Success in the hereafter

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Pure intention

If one embarks upon the study of Our'an to seek 1-Notoriety as great scholar or 2-To present his personal views using verses of Our'an falsely, or 3-To seek material wealth or leadership, then such an individual will remain far from the Quranic guidance.

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2- Respect as divine scripture & comprehensive guidance

• One must study Our'an with great respect which it deserves as divine guidance. This is because;

• i) Our'an is well known over the past 1400 years as a book which has changed the lives of billions of people covering a large part of the globe.

• ii) This is the book unique in its message, and style which challenged the opponents to produce one Ayah close to it and that challenge has never been answered. This further testifies to the divine source of this great scripture.

• iii) It claims that it is protected in its contents by its Creator. Over 400 years have passed since its revelation, and not a word has been changed in its contents.

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Respect of this book demands that we remove these myths about Quran

• i) Some people believe that Qur'an provided the guidance 1400 years ago and now times have changed

• ii) Others consider it a book of laws and regulations only.

• iii) Some 'Sufis' take it as a book of 'manifest knowledge' and seek hidden knowledge through 'Kashf'.

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Myths about Quran

• iv) A few people consider it a collection of good quotations.

• v) Others recite it to seek reward and to minimize the pains of death and dying.

• vi) There are a few who use it to get rid of diseases, disasters, or to succeed in worldly gains.

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. 3-Determination to change according to Quranic guidance:

• When we study Qur'an, it demands a change in beliefs and conduct.

• One may find demands of passions, Satan and surroundings resisting this change.

• The only way to success is strong will-power to mold in accordance with Quranic guidance.

• When this determination is shown in day to day life, Allah (SWT) makes the way to change very easy..

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4-Deliberations on the meaning of Our'an

Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur'an or are their hearts locked up by them?Mohammad,47:24

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5-Turning toward Allah (SWT) for guidance

• During the course of Quranic study, one may come across with difficult passages or verses.

• Instead of getting disheartened and abandoning the study, one must turn to Allah (SWT) and pray for His guidance.

• O 'Allah! You make Our'an satisfaction of my heart; and light for me, and cure for my woes and worries.

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