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WHEN YOV GO TO Fklfe A MICHIGAN MAYORS YSnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gf18sck7j/data/0270.pdf · THE BOURBON...

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THE BOURBON XEWS PABIS KYS ABBTL 22 1904 c I r i t t- ItI i i L Th- I L a < + > ± Ski Diseases Bone Pains Itcmngs Aching Back Blood Poison Eczema iO PROVE IT REMEDY SENT FREE i ½ The above plcteres Botanic Blood Bslm will oclearlnj the skin healing all sores end eruptions making the blood pure and rich We have confidence in Botanic Blood Balm BBB a d we send it free all charges prepaid direct to any sufferer wfeowll write us We have cured with BBB to stay cured thousands of men and women who suSeted from all stages of impure blood afterevery Jt owo reasedy doctors and specialist had failed How ell you have blood disease- If yeu traveithe telltale pimples or eruptions on any partef the body rheumatic aches and pains in bones or feints aching back swollen glands or swellings and blood feels hot and watery skin burnseczemascabby soresmucous patches Jnlhe mouthsore throatscrofula coppercolored spots 3i r on eyebrows falling outboils carbuncles rash on aheskinoHcersweak festering sores you imayfce certain you sufferfrom poison in the blood Get the poison out of your system awtaUinefBotanic Blood Balm B B Blltis a purely vegetable extract thoroughly tested rn hospital and over 5000 cures madeof the most Obstinate cases Botanic Blood Balm BBB heals all sores stops all aches and pains reduces all swel llngsmakes blood pure and rich completely chang entire body into a clean healthy condition Cancer Botanic Blood Balm Cures Cancers of all Kinds Suppurating Swellings Eating Sores Tumors ugly Ulcers It kills the Cancer Poison andheals the Sores tor worst Cancer perfectly If yoc have a presistent Pimple Wart Swellings Shooting Stinging Pains take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop into Cancer Many apparently hopeless cases of Cancer cured by taking Botanic Blood Ba1mBBB Sold by all druggists 100 per large bottle with directions for home cure For free sample write Blood Balm Co Atlanta Ga IDescribe your trouble and special free medical advice 10 suit your case also sent in sealed letter Jfalready satisfied that B B B is what you need lake a large bottle as directed en label and when hi quantity is taken a curl ts certain sure anti dieting I not cured your money will be refunded Exhausted the Font Sir Samuel Sims saw sweet Sara Samp- son swimming Suddenly she seemed sink Sir Samuel stood Striding seaward Sir swiftly swam Sarawards Sir Samuel supported swooning Sara successfully Sara Seeming shaky Sir Samuel sampled some spiritsspecial Scotch Sara saw Sir rificing spirit Sir Samuel saw Saras sweetness Sir Samuel poon sought Sara Striding slowly Sara softly Sir seemed speechless Say something Sir said Sara Say Sam said Sir Samuel Sara smiling softly said Sam Sara Sally stammered Sir Samuel Sweet Sara solemnly surrendered Pleace ctop thic We are chort of eccec Printer K Y News Hand Power Hay Press 2800 Greatest simplest best invention of the age A can make regular sized 14xl8x 48 in bales like two boys can SEND THIS NOTICE TODAY Wis with 5e for and get their big catalog fully describing this great Hay so of tools and of varieties of Farm and Vege table Seeds KL Not the Real Thing Graspit go by the golden Hows that w34The rule he uses is only plated Cin Enquirer Small Figures Uacon I see by the that the average in the United States has our seventenths persons Mr toe seven tenths in this family Yonkers Ladies Can Wear Shoes nesize smaller after using Allens Foot jEase cure sweating ot aching feet At all cept no substitute Trial package FREE Address A S Olmsted Roy N Y rhfrTrouble of It You look aged Bill Well time will on a man say Yes especially a High olJ time Philadelphia Great minds must be ready not only to take opportunities but to Col ton Putnam Fadeless Iproduce the brightest and fastest colors Politeness oft makes liars of honest men Chicago Daily News DANGEROUS NEGLECT Itatke neglect of baekache ideache show what to skin kidneys eatl ng Ihuthe Swim- ming Uc u T Sarasweetheart bO T bale three tons per easily the John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse J SingsongDoes 7 j jCl nati r Irs BaconI States- man A this- t 1 Y V x sngs onthe Icbes righ sothewIiat day to notcxactly Dyes 0 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > the hips or loins that finally prostrates the strongest body The kid ney wurningSaire serious t they on ithatithey are J unable to filter the bodys waste and poison from the blood the sewers are and anvpuritiesr- tiice running wild to im rpeegnate nerves ilieart awn and every organ of the body with disease ele- ments JEidney- JPatts are quick tte soothe janfl strengthen sitSt kid and help ibe a free pain in tell clogged Doan i at ¬ < ¬ the system MKII poison Read valuable thqf re even in casesof IAQ- SI C LoTen 4f5 North Hret stM- Spcfcane TYauAi says I haTe had trouble from ty kidneys for the past ten ears It w SCansed by a strain to- wlmjU I ppid liitSe Attention Butts I ncglaetod the trouble it became worse aiijd iwnso until ajr strain or a slight old was to be followed by severe Jjain across my back Then the action of the kidney secretions became de iangcd and I was caused much annoy an e besides loss of sleep Roans Kid u y Pills were brought to my notice iaking them a short time thutr good effect was apparent Ail Hie ain was removed from my back and the kidney secretions became nor- mal Deans Kidney PiUs do all thatis claimed for them OFELBB TRIALS ot this great remedy whfehdure4 Mr Lovsll will be maile- voj application to any part of tlia United Address Co ij8 lo Y For sale by all rii- gjsfg prjce 50 cents per liox tU1din I sure 1 4 I t tfteu j tt l t 1 J j a J f i i how I ttfe g N ¬ > << > < WHEN YOV GO TO THE WORLDS Fklfe Suggestions Should Be Helpful to the Stranger in St Trouble When You Get Your Bear Greatest of Worlds Expositions i That I LouisNo ingsThe c It will be worth all the selfdenial that one may practice for several years to see the Worlds Fair of 1904 at St Louis Money sav d earned or bor rowed be better spent than in getting acquainted with the worlds progress as revealed at this latest and greatest of expositions All of us can not travel around the world to take note of what the nations are doing but the nations from around the world desire us to know and have sent their best works to St Louis to be placed on display Within the two square miles of the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis there is more to be seen than ever was brought together in ten times the space before It is a great collec tion of expositions massed into one It is nearly twice as large as the Colum bian exposition at Chicago nearly ten times larger than the exposition at Buffalo Every exhibit palace offers the equivalent of a splen did exposition each covering many acres of space The largest of these is the Palace of Agriculture with its 23 acres under roof and filled to the doors with the most wonderful agricultural collection ever assembled upon any occasion The important states and nations of the world are all here alongside great numbers of individual exhibitors Five great staples have been chosen for ex traordinary display Corn cotton sugar rice and tobacco are here ar- rayed as they have never been before and undreamed possibilities are re vealed to inquiring minds Such a dairy display was never attempted and such- a collection of farm maehinery and tools was never placed on exhibition The Palace of Transportation is next I PanAmerican cannot ahl ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The United States Government building is on a broad terrace half way up the hill in the extreme eastern part of the grounds Uncle Sam never had such a large exhibit building at an ex position before It nearly 800 feet long and 250 feet wide Another build- ing devoted to fisheries built in the style of an old Roman house stands upon lower ground directly southwest from the larger buliSing The outdoor display of not the least in- teresting of the government exhibits of Art atthe Worlds Fair contains 135 galleries gallery is a large room lighted from above and filled with the choicest works All countries of the world in which art has made noteworthy progress are rep resented The group of buildings which house this magnificent display represents an expenditure of more than 1000000 The group is situated upon high ground south of Festival hall The Festival hall is the center piece of a rich architectural work crowning the hill which rises above the Grand Basin and upon whose slopes are the Cascades and gardens Here another million dollars has been expended to produce a decoration that will distinguish this exposition from all others In a short article such as this one can only refer to such great features as the Philippine exhibit covering 40 acres and containing more than 1000 natives from those faroff Pacific is- lands the United States government Indian exhibit covering many acres and occupying a large building the ex- hibit of the United States bureau ol plant industry consisting of an out- door map of the United States cover- ing four acres the great athletic field where the Olympian games ot 1904 will i i Thq Palace Ea h ordnance ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PALACE OF LiBERAL ARTS AND MIXES WITH THE UNITED STATES GOV- ERNMENT BUILDING IN DISTANCE ¬ In size jOTerms 15 acres One may only hint at the wonders It contains The historical exhibit of locomotives is one of the features It shows the de velopment of 75 years in locomotive construction Strange indeed is the person whe is not yet impressed with these evidences Df mans long struggle with tie problem of rail transportation- the most civilizing of modern Influ- ences next to the newspaper which must always stand first To describe in detail this exhibit would be a long story in itself The exhibit is made com- plete by the installation of the largest locomotive ever built and by some magnificent imported locomotives We cannot leave the Palace of Transporta tion without a reference to the great automobile show the motor boats other water craft and the great car- riage display Now let us cross the fiower gardens- to the Palace of Macliinery just south of Transportation The huge power generators are the first things to arrest the AllisChalmers engine of 5000horse power the Curtis steam tur bine of SOOOhorse power the Parsons steam turbine of 5000 loiowatts the four Westinghouse generators of 3000 horse power each and each as high as- a house And then other generators great and small of all most wonderful display of engines ever as- sembled But these are not all Think of ten of glistening machines of every kind and you have idea of the contents of 13e Palace of TVTachin STY We the Iagon to the eastward and come to tile Beautiful Palace oi Electricity with eight of exhib- its from many countries which show the marvelous development of science To the north again over one of the arched bridges we approach1 the Palace of Varied Industries view- ing its wonderful grace and spltfndoi as we go Here are 14 acres of ex- hibits from all over the world The Palace of Manufactures is the Fame size and stands on the opposite slue of the Plaza of Stj Louis It is equally in the variety and of its contents Here again the nations of the world and the manufacturers frosa all parts of the United States dis- play their best products Opposite the Palace of Manufacture- to the southward is the Palace of Edu cation this being the first time that education has been allotted a great building all its own A variety of schools in daily session are the feature of this eightacre display The two ex- hibit buildings in the eastern part of the main group are Mines and Metal lurgy and Liberal Arts The Depart- ment of Mines and Metallurgy has a iJ acre outdoor display lu1 addiUpnftp tie ine acres underroof eyethe kindsthe acres shine cross crcs elec- trical I f I tnt resting newneSs J i r and < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < be held the Aerial concourse where the airship and balloon contests hav- ing prizes aggregating 200000 will take place the anthropology exhibit the 40 qr more state buildings the outdoor exhibits of the departments of agri- culture and horticulture covering many acres the Palace of Horticulture 400 by 800 feet containing the largest exhibits of horticulture ever brought together the beautiful Temple of Fra ternity the magnificent buildings erected by foreign nations the great Inside inn where 6000 guests may find accommodation at rates from 1 50 to 500 per day the extensive live stock pavilion the great landscape clock made of flowers 112 feet in diameter and giving the correct tinTe of day the intramural railway which gives a sevenmile ride for a single fare and many other things of interest to vis- itors Even to the timitl traveler SL Louis presents no complications It is all as plain as a b c when once you get your bearings The streets all rim east and west or north and south with rarely a confusing diagonal Market street and its western extension Laclede avenue are the dividing line which separates the northern and southern sections of the city All streets north and south from Market begin their numbering at Market so that No 2024 South Broad way for example would be 20 blocks south from Market street All east and west streets begin their numbers at the Mississippi river so that No 3120 would be 31 blocks west of the river Some times in a long bloek 200 numbers are allowed All trains into St Louis arrive at Union station one of the finest rail- road terminals in the world The is on the south side of Market street between Eighteenth and Twenti- eth streets so that when the visitor emerges from the station he finds him- self at the beginning of the city num- bering both north and ponth and 18 blocks from the river Standing on Market with his back to the station the downtown or main business section 6f the to his right about one mile TheWorlds Fair is to his left westward dbout five miles All the street are FO la- beled that he may easily know which cars to take Cars running north on Eighteenth street at his right intersect the several car lines running between the Worlds Fair and the business sec- tion of the city By walking one two or three blocks to the north the vis itor may get a car eat or west or If baggage laden he may take a car on Eighteenth street and get a transfer without extra fare to any of the east linesVexceptv 4he Suburban t I sta- tion street cityis cars an i est alf m I 5 f c f f f whftbis lUIat tt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ << WHERE THE BLAME jEEe Wanted to Get to the Front a Little Too Quick for His Own Good Sternly the judge regarded tile prisoner him a man of unripe years whose face was fair to look as it did every known oi honesty Appearances gave no reason for the crime and yet the hall decided on first ballot that the pris- oner was guilty In fact the plea the defense was very weak says New York Times seems incredible said the judge t lift a man with your connections have stooped so as tc become a com- mon Surely some one else miist have been cause of your downfall A There was some one replied the pris- oner but that sqme as not a yourself honor I ejaculated judge amazedly so Avns a mem- berof the in my college You were one of the speakers at fare well session You your words The world lies ahead of you But must push your way stelily I want each one you to to the front I want to soon see each occupying a promi nent position in the eyes your families and of The prisoner paused and smiled the others Ive gained a place before the public And now next Three years laconically said the judge Next case 19011904 NeKoma HI 18th back in 1901 Mr Albert Jfi Larson of this place was suffering with Kidney disease The pain he was called to endure was great and rendered life almost a burden to him He heard of Dodds Kidney Pills and began to use them at once to get better He had been unable to work but Dodds Kidney Pills soon made him able to go to work He used the remedy till was completely cured He says has grown stronger year by year since he got Dodds Kidney Pills certainly gave me- a complete permanent cure I have felt stronger them in 1901 than ever before I can do itdcr work now in 190i than I could last I cannot praise Dodds Kidney Pills enough- I not be without in house Impossible Sir exclaimed the injured party you stuck your umbrella into my eye no the cheerful offender you are mistaken demanded the irate idiot I know my eye is hurt I guess Doubtless replied the cheerful fel low but you my umbrella I borrowed this one from a friend to- day Stray Stories CUTICDRA PILLS For Cooling and Cleansing the Blood In Torturing Disfiguring Humors GO Chocolate Pills 25c Cuticura Resolvent Pills chocolate coated are the of twentyfive years laboratory experience in preparation for treat- ment of of the skin and blood with loss of hair and are confident- ly believed to be superior to all other purifiers expensive Com- plete external and treatment for humor now be had for 100 consisting of Cuticura to cleanse the Ointment to heal the skin and Cuticura Resolvent Pills to cool and cleanse the blood A single set is often sufficient to cure Something Like a Waiter Stranger to hotel a vacancy among your Well I dont know- I i might make ii place for a man of fine address you ever had any experience in waiting Well I so I waited 13 to marry a girl and last week she married another Stray Stories If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead write things worth read things Frank- lin not believe Pisos Cure for Consump- tion has an equal for coughs and J If Want of something to do often causes people to do they dont want to do of Hope He Ripping floor this 1 love it She why dance on my feet Bunch MARKET REPORT Cincinnati April 20 2 75 3 75 steers 4 75 5 10 5 25 5 50 HOGS Ch packers 5 30 5 35 Mixed packers 5 05 5 25 4 50 liAMBS Spring T 8 FLOUR Spring pat 5 30 5 65 2 red 1 07 No 3 winter 1 04 CORN No 2 mixed 51 1 2 mixed RYE No 2 HAY Ch timothy 14 25 family 8 14 40 6 17 BUTTER Ch dairy 14 16 Choice 25 3 00 3 50 bbl 4 00 4 10 TOBACCO New 5 05 12 50 Old 14 50- A Chicago FLOUR Winter pat 4 70 80 WHEAT No 2 red 93 1 02 No 3 spring 84 95 2 mixed 50 2 mixed 37 37 RYE No 2 6 PORK Me s 11 8712 00 LARD Steam t I2y New York strts4 90 5 15 WHEATNO 2 CORN No ea 53 OATS No 2 mixed 44 RYE Western 79 14 50 7 00 Baltimore WHEAT No 2 red CORN No 2 mixed OATS No 2 mixed f 3 CATTLE Steers 4 90 5 00 HOGS Western 5 40 5 90 Louisville WHEAT No 2 red CORN No 2 mixed 55 2 mixed g 44 PORK I Iess 13 50 6 75 indiapollf WHEAT No 2 red J v Iv02- rGOR rNO mBed fe7 49 OATS NO 2 v a4i LAY 1- t jur nit l one It is timC Was I QU I am eiv his So H man- You hen proprietorHave- you il Do F Boyer Trinity Springs lnd 1900 CATTLECommon Heavy CALVESExtra SHEEPExtra WHEATNo OATSNo 42 76 PORKClear LARDSteam creamery APPLESChoice POTATOESPer 44 4 CORNNo 49 OATSNo 6 25 FLOURWin red 04 2 m PORKFamily LARDSteam 99 50 4 43 102 OATSNo LARDSteam 2 I i j Jii woman wo- man since Feb 1 1 mixed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < < > A MICHIGAN I Know Peruna is a Fine Tonic for a Worn Out System j MAYORS YS I 6 I lion Nelson Rice of St Joseph Mich knows of a large number o1 patients in his have been cured by Peruns lIon Nelson Rice Mayor of St Joseph The Icruna Mediciue Co Columbus Ohio Gentlemen I wish to congratulate you on the success of win the confidence of the public in need of a reliable medicine know Parana is a fine tonic for a worn system and specific Jn cases of- catarrhardifficulties You a large number ot grateful patients In this county who have used and have been cured praise it above all other medicines Peruna hasmy heartiest good Nelson Rice I gratef countywho Michigan writes I YJ wishes c I I have Per na 4i2twho 5 = MARCH APRIL MAY Weak Nerves Poor Digestion Impure Blood Depressed Spirits The sun has just crossed theequator- on its north The real is shifted toward the north nearly eighteen miles every day With the return of the sun comes the bodily ills peculiar to spring With one per person digestion poor with others the blood is out of order and still others have depressed spirits and tired feeling All these things are especially true of those who have been suffering with W L DOUCLAS S4OO S35O S3OO 250 UNION BEST IN MADE THE WORLD son the nerves are weak anothel SHOES WL Douglas shoes are worn by more men than any other make The reason is they hold their longer and have greater intrinsic value than any other shoes A Mother Nurse in Horns Child- ren Ycak C1tj Sold Everywhere Look for mime and price oil bottom Douglas uses Corona CnltKlcin which is everywhere conceded tobetlie Leather yet produced Fast Eyelets used Shoes l y Write JV L DOUGLAS Brockton Mass The FREE Homestead Jl 1 flne Patent Co or Lanc1s of > WESTERN Star Attractions for CANADA lliiins of acres of magnificent Grain- anUiiittzinp Lands to as a free gift or front Hallway Companies Laid Corporation etc The Great Attractions Good Crops dellRhtfnl climate H lcmllcl Kvhoul wyiteni perfect ocil conditIons exceptional and wealth anti aflluence acquired easily The population of WESTERN CANA IKV 128000 by immi ration lining the past year over 30000 being Aiierlcans Write To the nearet authorized Canadian Government for Cana- dian At s and other Information or nddress srVKRINTEXDEXT IMMIGRA- TION OTTAWACAXAIJA railway idvantages > ¬ S B WILLIAMS law Pnlldlnr Toledo Ohio PISOS TABLETS The New Boon for Womans Ills SILENT suffering frcp any form of female no longer necessary Maay would rather die fay inches than consult anyone even byletter aboutthesr private troubles TABLETS attackthe source of the disease and give relief from the start Whatever form of illness interesting treatise Causes of Diseases in Women will explain your trouble and our method of cure A copy will be mailed free with a Generous Sample of the Tablets to any woman addressing THE PISO COMPANY and Liberty Streets WARREN n i SOS afflicts you our 4 a Clark PA- L MOTHER GRAYS SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN- A Certain Core for Feverlslmess t Destroy They B CODll tlQD Headache WomaCk TrOIl e8 ali in 2t hours At II Sample mailed FREE Leey NY 25ctS iddrees p sc s CURE FOR i 7ji1 i 5 catarrh In any form or la grippe A course of Peruna is sure to cqrrectall these conditions It an ideal medicine Peruna does not invigorates It does not temporarily stimulate it strengthens equalizes the of the blood tranquilizes time nervous fend regulates the bodily functions Pernna unlike so many spring medicines is not simply a physic or stimulant or natural tonic and invigorator If notreceive prompt and satis- factory resul ts from th e use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giTing a statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hrtman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in Btructlons and Post- paid to prove the value of PaxtineToilef Antiseptic is irritateit m Itis a full I absolutely Free I ¬ Pextine is In powder form to In water nonpoisonous- end far to liquid antiseptics inflamed surfaces and have no cleansing prop ertles contents- of box makes more Antiseptic Solu- tion goes further has more t uses in the family and antiseptic preparation you can alcohol which er cesmorc than Irritates ¬ The formula ofa noted Boston physician and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash forLeucorrhcea Nasal Catarrh Sore Throaf Sore Eyes Cub and all soreness of mucus membrane In local treatment of female ills Paxtine invaluable Used as a Wash vo the world to produce its for thoroughness Itis a volatiouin cleansing it kills all cause inflammation and discharges All druggists ft box if take asubstituto Write fortheFrqo Box of today R PAXTOWCO BRIDGE WHIST H IBST OSC O 3DTT VjE Z LEARN AND TO REMEMBER THE BEST WAY TO OBTAIN A THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE Or THE GlitZ ron SALE BY ALL NEWS DEALERS PAFRAETS BOOK COTROY NY pnicc 25 CSNTO Best Line from All of tho Great South to the Worlds Fair City Short Line uotwron ST LOUIS and LOUIS ifLBR- BAT1KR8 OF THIS PAPER DESIRING TO BUY ANTTUI O ADVERTISED IS ITS COLtMNl SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVING WHAT THEY ASK FOR HKFCU3O ALL SUBSTITUTES OR 1M1TATJOXS Ohio men 39 years practice and advice riox A W BeCeBHlCE 80X8 818 BU aSOSSATI 4Spage book TWSX t referesc FITZGERALD COBo2 A NK E i j r I r chaUcn e c ual l1 prl send to us for it non there isnothing like P nine 4Pope131dgEostot Mass RULES RHYME EASY TO SOUTHERN RAiLWAY S j j PEIUSIOUS on War or on Hays records ot most loyaL soldiers service and Jtes ot Laws A e PATENTS A I C wJUTJN8 TQ tela cJij AchertbtN- IIt I PaItne 1 g I age t 6ZCIyil disa WaIst WashngwnD 2018 i- sWW2N AVETISEt please 1e I Is this papot >
Page 1: WHEN YOV GO TO Fklfe A MICHIGAN MAYORS YSnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gf18sck7j/data/0270.pdf · THE BOURBON XEWS PABIS KYS ABBTL 22 1904 c I r i t t-ItI i i L Th-I a < L Ski Diseases Bone



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Ski Diseases Bone Pains ItcmngsAching Back Blood Poison Eczema


The above plcteres Botanic BloodBslm will oclearlnj the skin healing all soresend eruptions making the blood pure and richWe have confidence in Botanic Blood Balm BBBa d we send it free all charges prepaid direct to anysufferer wfeowll write us We have cured with BBBto stay cured thousands of men and women whosuSeted from all stages of impure blood aftereveryJt owo reasedy doctors and specialist had failedHow ell you have blood disease-

If yeu traveithe telltale pimples or eruptions on anypartef the body rheumatic aches and pains in bones orfeints aching back swollen glands or swellings and

blood feels hot and watery skinburnseczemascabby soresmucous patches

Jnlhe mouthsore throatscrofula coppercolored spots3i r on eyebrows falling outboils carbuncles rash onaheskinoHcersweak festering soresyou imayfce certain you sufferfrom poison in the blood

Get the poison out of your systemawtaUinefBotanic Blood Balm B B Blltis a purelyvegetable extract thoroughly tested rn hospital and

over 5000 cures madeof the mostObstinate cases Botanic Blood Balm BBB healsall sores stops all aches and pains reduces all swelllngsmakes blood pure and rich completely chang

entire body into a clean healthy conditionCancer

Botanic Blood Balm Cures Cancers of all KindsSuppurating Swellings Eating Sores Tumors uglyUlcers It kills the Cancer Poison andheals the Sorestor worst Cancer perfectly If yoc have a presistentPimple Wart Swellings Shooting Stinging Painstake Blood Balm and they will disappear before theydevelop into Cancer Many apparently hopeless casesof Cancer cured by taking Botanic Blood Ba1mBBB

Sold by all druggists 100 per large bottle withdirections for home cure

For free sample write Blood Balm Co Atlanta GaIDescribe your trouble and special free medical advice10 suit your case also sent in sealed letter

Jfalready satisfied that B B B is what you needlake a large bottle as directed en label and when hi

quantity is taken a curl ts certain sure antidieting I not cured your money will be refunded

Exhausted the FontSir Samuel Sims saw sweet Sara Samp-

son swimming Suddenly she seemed sinkSir Samuel stood Striding

seaward Sirswiftly swam Sarawards Sir Samuel

supported swooning Sarasuccessfully

Sara Seeming shakySir Samuel sampled some spiritsspecialScotch Sara saw Sirrificing spirit Sir Samuel saw Sarassweetness Sir Samuel poon sought SaraStriding slowly Sara softly Sir

seemed speechlessSay something Sir said SaraSay Sam said Sir Samuel

Sara smiling softly said SamSara Sally stammered Sir Samuel

SweetSara solemnly surrenderedPleace ctop thic We are chort of eccec

Printer K Y News

Hand Power Hay Press 2800Greatest simplest best invention of the

age A can make regular sized 14xl8x48 in bales like two boys can


Wis with 5e for and gettheir big catalog fully describing this greatHay so of tools and

of varieties of Farm and Vegetable Seeds K L

Not the Real ThingGraspit go by the golden

Hows thatw34The rule he uses is only plated Cin


Small FiguresUacon I see by the that the

average in the United States hasour seventenths persons

Mr toe seventenths in this family Yonkers

Ladies Can Wear Shoesnesize smaller after using Allens Foot

jEase cure sweatingot aching feet At all

cept no substitute Trial package FREEAddress A S Olmsted Roy N Y

rhfrTrouble of It You look agedBill Well time will on a

man say Yes especially a HigholJ time Philadelphia

Great minds must be ready not only totake opportunities but toCol ton

Putnam Fadeless Iproduce thebrightest and fastest colors

Politeness oft makes liars of honest menChicago Daily News


Itatke neglect of baekache ideache

show what



kidneys eatl ng






bO T

bale three tons per easily

the John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse




jCl natir









x sngs ontheIcbes
















the hips or loinsthat finally prostrates thestrongest body The kidney wurningSaire serious

t they on ithatithey areJ unable to filter the bodys

waste and poison from theblood the sewers are

and anvpuritiesr-

tiice running wild to imrpeegnate nerves ilieartawn and every organ ofthe body with disease ele-ments JEidney-JPatts are quick tte soothejanfl strengthen sitSt kid

and help ibe a free

pain in



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the system MKII poison Readvaluable thqf re even in casesof IAQ-

SI C LoTen 4f5 North Hret stM-

Spcfcane TYauAi says I haTe hadtrouble from ty kidneys for the pastten ears It w SCansed by a strain to-

wlmjU I ppid liitSe Attention Butts Incglaetod the trouble it became worseaiijd iwnso until ajr strain or a slight

old was to be followed by severeJjain across my back Then the actionof the kidney secretions became deiangcd and I was caused much annoyan e besides loss of sleep Roans Kidu y Pills were brought to my notice

iaking them a short timethutr good effect was apparent AilHie ain was removed from my backand the kidney secretions became nor-mal Deans Kidney PiUs do all thatisclaimed for them

OFELBB TRIALS ot this great remedywhfehdure4 Mr Lovsll will be maile-

voj application to any part of tlia UnitedAddress Co

ij8 lo Y For sale by all rii-gjsfg prjce 50 cents per liox






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Suggestions Should Be Helpful to the Strangerin St Trouble When You Get Your Bear

Greatest of Worlds Expositions




It will be worth all the selfdenialthat one may practice for several yearsto see the Worlds Fair of 1904 at StLouis Money sav d earned or borrowed be better spent than ingetting acquainted with the worldsprogress as revealed at this latest andgreatest of expositions All of us cannot travel around the world to takenote of what the nations are doingbut the nations from around theworld desire us to know and have senttheir best works to St Louis to beplaced on display

Within the two square miles of theLouisiana Purchase exposition at StLouis there is more to be seen thanever was brought together in ten timesthe space before It is a great collection of expositions massed into one Itis nearly twice as large as the Columbian exposition at Chicago nearly tentimes larger than theexposition at Buffalo Every exhibitpalace offers the equivalent of a splendid exposition each covering manyacres of space

The largest of these is the Palace ofAgriculture with its 23 acres underroof and filled to the doors with themost wonderful agricultural collectionever assembled upon any occasionThe important states and nations ofthe world are all here alongside greatnumbers of individual exhibitors Fivegreat staples have been chosen for extraordinary display Corn cottonsugar rice and tobacco are here ar-rayed as they have never been beforeand undreamed possibilities are revealed to inquiring minds Such a dairydisplay was never attempted and such-a collection of farm maehinery andtools was never placed on exhibition

The Palace of Transportation is next













The United States Governmentbuilding is on a broad terrace half wayup the hill in the extreme eastern partof the grounds Uncle Sam never hadsuch a large exhibit building at an exposition before It nearly 800 feetlong and 250 feet wide Another build-ing devoted to fisheries built in thestyle of an old Roman house standsupon lower ground directly southwestfrom the larger buliSing The outdoordisplay of not the least in-teresting of the government exhibits

of Art atthe Worlds Faircontains 135 galleries galleryis a large room lighted from aboveand filled with the choicest worksAll countries of the world in which arthas made noteworthy progress are represented The group of buildingswhich house this magnificent displayrepresents an expenditure of more than1000000 The group is situated upon

high ground south of Festival hallThe Festival hall is the center piece ofa rich architectural work crowning thehill which rises above the Grand Basinand upon whose slopes are the Cascadesand gardens Here another milliondollars has been expended to producea decoration that will distinguish thisexposition from all others

In a short article such as this onecan only refer to such great features asthe Philippine exhibit covering 40

acres and containing more than 1000natives from those faroff Pacific is-

lands the United States governmentIndian exhibit covering many acresand occupying a large building the ex-

hibit of the United States bureau olplant industry consisting of an out-door map of the United States cover-ing four acres the great athletic fieldwhere the Olympian games ot 1904 will



Thq PalaceEa h








In size jOTerms 15 acres One mayonly hint at the wonders It containsThe historical exhibit of locomotives isone of the features It shows the development of 75 years in locomotiveconstruction Strange indeed is theperson whe is not yet impressed withthese evidences Df mans long strugglewith tie problem of rail transportation-the most civilizing of modern Influ-ences next to the newspaper whichmust always stand first To describe indetail this exhibit would be a long storyin itself The exhibit is made com-plete by the installation of the largestlocomotive ever built and by somemagnificent imported locomotives Wecannot leave the Palace of Transportation without a reference to the greatautomobile show the motor boatsother water craft and the great car-riage display

Now let us cross the fiower gardens-to the Palace of Macliinery just southof Transportation The huge powergenerators are the first things to arrestthe AllisChalmers engine of5000horse power the Curtis steam turbine of SOOOhorse power the Parsonssteam turbine of 5000 loiowatts thefour Westinghouse generators of 3000horse power each and each as high as-a house And then other generatorsgreat and small of all mostwonderful display of engines ever as-

sembled But these are not all Thinkof ten of glistening machines ofevery kind and you have idea ofthe contents of 13e Palace of TVTachin


We the Iagon to the eastwardand come to tile Beautiful Palace oiElectricity with eight of exhib-its from many countries which showthe marvelous development of

science To the north again overone of the arched bridges we approach1the Palace of Varied Industries view-ing its wonderful grace and spltfndoias we go Here are 14 acres of ex-

hibits from all over the world ThePalace of Manufactures is the Famesize and stands on the opposite slue ofthe Plaza of Stj Louis It is equally

in the variety andof its contents Here again the nationsof the world and the manufacturersfrosa all parts of the United States dis-

play their best productsOpposite the Palace of Manufacture-

to the southward is the Palace of Education this being the first time thateducation has been allotted a greatbuilding all its own A variety ofschools in daily session are the featureof this eightacre display The two ex-

hibit buildings in the eastern part ofthe main group are Mines and Metallurgy and Liberal Arts The Depart-ment of Mines and Metallurgy has aiJ acre outdoor display lu1 addiUpnftptie ine acres underroof











tnt resting newneSs


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> <

be held the Aerial concourse wherethe airship and balloon contests hav-ing prizes aggregating 200000 will takeplace the anthropology exhibit the40 qr more state buildings the outdoorexhibits of the departments of agri-culture and horticulture coveringmany acres the Palace of Horticulture400 by 800 feet containing the largestexhibits of horticulture ever broughttogether the beautiful Temple of Fraternity the magnificent buildingserected by foreign nations the greatInside inn where 6000 guests may findaccommodation at rates from 1 50 to

500 per day the extensive live stockpavilion the great landscape clockmade of flowers 112 feet in diameterand giving the correct tinTe of daythe intramural railway which gives asevenmile ride for a single fare andmany other things of interest to vis-itors

Even to the timitl traveler SL Louispresents no complications It is all asplain as a b c when once you get yourbearings The streets all rim east andwest or north and south with rarely aconfusing diagonal Market street andits western extension Laclede avenueare the dividing line which separatesthe northern and southern sections ofthe city All streets north and southfrom Market begin their numbering atMarket so that No 2024 South Broadway for example would be 20 blockssouth from Market street All east andwest streets begin their numbers at theMississippi river so that No 3120 wouldbe 31 blocks west of the river Sometimes in a long bloek 200 numbers areallowed

All trains into St Louis arrive atUnion station one of the finest rail-road terminals in the world The

is on the south side of Marketstreet between Eighteenth and Twenti-eth streets so that when the visitoremerges from the station he finds him-self at the beginning of the city num-bering both north and ponth and 18blocks from the river

Standing on Market with hisback to the station the downtown ormain business section 6f the tohis right about one mile TheWorldsFair is to his left westward dbout fivemiles All the street are FO la-

beled that he may easily know whichcars to take Cars running north onEighteenth street at his right intersectthe several car lines running betweenthe Worlds Fair and the business sec-

tion of the city By walking one twoor three blocks to the north the visitor may get a car eat or west or Ifbaggage laden he may take a car onEighteenth street and get a transferwithout extra fare to any of the east

linesVexceptv 4he Suburban t






an i est

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jEEe Wanted to Get to the Front aLittle Too Quick for His

Own Good

Sternly the judge regarded tile prisonerhim a man of

unripe years whose face was fair to lookas it did every known

oi honesty Appearances gave no reasonfor the crime and yet thehall decided on first ballot that the pris-oner was guilty In fact the plea thedefense was very weak says New YorkTimes

seems incredible said the judget lift a man with your connections

have stooped so as tc become a com-mon Surely some one else miisthave been cause of your downfall A

There was some one replied the pris-oner but that sqme as not a

yourself honorI ejaculated judge amazedly

so Avns a mem-berof the in my collegeYou were one of the speakers at farewell session You yourwords The world lies ahead of you But

must push your way stelily I wanteach one you to to the front Iwant to soon see each occupying a prominent position in the eyes your familiesand of The prisoner pausedand smiled theothers Ive gained a place before thepublic And now next

Three years laconically said the judgeNext case

19011904NeKoma HI 18th back in

1901 Mr Albert Jfi Larson of this placewas suffering with Kidney disease

The pain he was called toendure was great and renderedlife almost a burden to him He heard ofDodds Kidney Pills and began to usethem at once to getbetter He had been unable to work butDodds Kidney Pills soon made him ableto go to work He used the remedytill was completely cured He sayshas grown stronger year by year since hegot

Dodds Kidney Pills certainly gave me-a complete permanent cure Ihave felt stronger them in1901 than ever before I can do itdcrwork now in 190i than I could last Icannot praise Dodds Kidney Pills enough-I not be without inhouse

ImpossibleSir exclaimed the injured party

you stuck your umbrella into my eyeno the cheerful offender

you are mistakendemanded the irate

idiot I know my eye is hurtI guess

Doubtless replied the cheerful fellow but you my umbrellaI borrowed this one from a friend to-

day Stray Stories


For Cooling and Cleansing the BloodIn Torturing Disfiguring Humors

GO Chocolate Pills 25c

Cuticura Resolvent Pills chocolatecoated are the of twentyfiveyears laboratory experience in

preparation for treat-ment of of the skin andblood with loss of hair and are confident-ly believed to be superior to all other

purifiers expensive Com-plete external and treatment for

humor now be had for 100consisting of Cuticura to cleanse the

Ointment to heal the skinand Cuticura Resolvent Pills to cool andcleanse the blood A single set is oftensufficient to cure

Something Like a WaiterStranger to hotel

a vacancy among yourWell I dont know-

I i might make ii place for a manof fine address you everhad any experience in waiting

Well I so I waited 13to marry a girl and last week she

married another Stray Stories

If you would not be forgotten as soonas you are dead write things worth read

things Frank-lin

not believe Pisos Cure for Consump-tion has an equal for coughs and J


Want of something to do often causespeople to do they dont want to do

of Hope

He Ripping floor this 1 love it Shewhy dance on my feet



Cincinnati April 202 75 3 75

steers 4 75 5 105 25 5 50

HOGS Ch packers 5 30 5 35

Mixed packers 5 05 5 254 50

liAMBS Spring T 8

FLOUR Spring pat 5 30 5 652 red 1 07

No 3 winter 1 04CORN No 2 mixed 51 1

2 mixedRYE No 2HAY Ch timothy 14 25

family 8 14 406 17

BUTTER Ch dairy 14 16Choice 25

3 00 3 50bbl 4 00 4 10

TOBACCO New 5 05 12 50Old 14 50-

A ChicagoFLOUR Winter pat 4 70 80

WHEAT No 2 red 93 1 02No 3 spring 84 95

2 mixed 502 mixed 37 37

RYE No 2 6

PORK Me s 11 8712 00LARD Steam t I2y

New Yorkstrts4 90 5 15


CORN No ea 53OATS No 2 mixed 44RYE Western 79

14 507 00

BaltimoreWHEAT No 2 redCORN No 2 mixedOATS No 2 mixed f 3CATTLE Steers 4 90 5 00HOGS Western 5 40 5 90

LouisvilleWHEAT No 2 redCORN No 2 mixed 55

2 mixed g 44PORK I Iess 13 50

6 75indiapollf

WHEAT No 2 redJ v Iv02-

rGOR rNO mBed fe7 49OATS NO 2 v a4i






oneIt is






eiv his



man-You hen




F Boyer Trinity Springs lnd 1900





OATSNo 4276







6 25

FLOURWinred 04

2 m


9950 443




2 I




























I Know Peruna is a Fine Tonic for aWorn Out System j




lion Nelson Rice of St Joseph Mich knows of a large number o1patients in his have been cured by Peruns

lIon Nelson Rice Mayor of St JosephThe Icruna Mediciue Co Columbus Ohio

Gentlemen I wish to congratulate you on the success ofwin the confidence of the public in need of a reliable medicine knowParana is a fine tonic for a worn system and specific Jn cases of-catarrhardifficulties You a large number ot grateful patients Inthis county who have used and have been curedpraise it above all other medicines Peruna hasmyheartiest good

Nelson Rice

I gratef countywho

Michigan writes






Per na 4i2twho




Weak Nerves Poor DigestionImpure Blood Depressed


The sun has just crossed theequator-on its north The real

is shifted toward the northnearly eighteen miles every day Withthe return of the sun comes the bodilyills peculiar to spring With one per

persondigestion poor with others the blood isout of order and still others havedepressed spirits and tired feeling

All these things are especially true ofthose who have been suffering with



son the nerves are weak anothel

SHOESWL Douglas shoesare worn by moremen than any othermake The reasonis they hold their

longer and havegreater intrinsicvalue than anyother shoes A

MotherNurse in


renYcak C1tj

Sold EverywhereLook for mime and price oil bottom

Douglas uses Corona CnltKlcin which iseverywhere conceded tobetlieLeather yet produced Fast Eyelets used

Shoes l y WriteJV L DOUGLAS Brockton Mass

The FREE Homestead

Jl 1

flne PatentCo or

Lanc1s of



Star Attractionsfor


lliiins of acres of magnificent Grain-anUiiittzinp Lands to as a freegift or front HallwayCompanies Laid Corporation etc

The Great AttractionsGood Crops dellRhtfnl climateH lcmllcl Kvhoul wyiteni perfectocil conditIons exceptional

and wealthanti aflluence acquired easily

The population of WESTERNCANA IKV 128000 by immi

ration lining the past year over 30000being Aiierlcans

Write To the nearet authorizedCanadian Government for Cana-dian At s and other Information ornddress srVKRINTEXDEXT IMMIGRA-TION OTTAWACAXAIJA

railway idvantages>


S B WILLIAMS law Pnlldlnr Toledo Ohio

PISOS TABLETSThe New Boon for Womans Ills

SILENTsuffering frcp any form of female

no longer necessary Maaywould rather die fay inches

than consult anyone even byletter aboutthesrprivate troubles TABLETS attackthesource of the disease and give relief from thestart Whatever form of illnessinteresting treatise Causes of Diseases inWomen will explain your trouble and ourmethod of cure A copy will be mailed freewith a Generous Sample of the Tablets to anywoman addressing





afflicts you our



Clark PA-L



DestroyThey B

CODll tlQD HeadacheWomaCk

TrOIl e8aliin 2t hours At II

Sample mailed FREELeey N Y


p sc s CURE FOR

i 7ji1 i 5

catarrh In any form or la grippe Acourse of Peruna is sure to cqrrectallthese conditions It an idealmedicine Peruna does notinvigorates It does not temporarilystimulate it strengthens equalizesthe of the blood tranquilizestime nervous fend regulates thebodily functions Pernna unlike somany spring medicines is not simply aphysic or stimulant ornatural tonic and invigorator

If notreceive promptand satis-factory resul ts from th e use of Perunawrite at once to Dr Hartman giTing a

statement ofyour case and he willbe pleased to give you his valuable ad-vice gratis

Address Dr Hartman President ofThe Hrtman Sanitarium ColumbusOhio

FREE to WOMENA Large Trial Box and book of in

Btructlons and Post-paid to prove the value ofPaxtineToilef Antiseptic



Itis a



absolutely FreeI


Pextine is In powderform to Inwater nonpoisonous-end far to liquidantiseptics

inflamed surfaces andhave no cleansing propertles contents-of box makesmore Antiseptic Solu-tiongoes further has more

tuses in the family and

antiseptic preparationyou can

alcohol which


cesmorc than


The formula ofa noted Boston physicianand used with great success as a VaginalWash forLeucorrhcea NasalCatarrh Sore Throaf Sore Eyes Cuband all soreness of mucus membrane

In local treatment of female ills Paxtineinvaluable Used as a Wash vo

the world to produce its forthoroughness Itis a volatiouin cleansing

it kills allcause inflammation and discharges

All druggistsftbox iftake asubstituto

Write fortheFrqo Box of todayR PAXTOWCO





Best Line from All of tho GreatSouth to the Worlds Fair City

Short Line uotwronST LOUIS and LOUIS ifLBR-


Ohio men 39 years practice and advice rioxA W BeCeBHlCE 80X8 818 BU aSOSSATI

4Spage book TWSXt referescFITZGERALD COBo2






r chaUcn e c ual


prlsend to us for it non

there isnothing likeP nine

4Pope131dgEostot Mass







PEIUSIOUS on War or onHays

records ot most loyaL soldiers service and Jtes otLaws

A e


wJUTJN8 TQtela cJij AchertbtN-IIt




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