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Where Angels Fear to Tread: Interlude 3

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It’s been a long time since anyone could see past the devastation and woe of the Apocalypse. Now that the Angel family has restored most, if not all essential

services and conveniences there is only a few more left before the world is back to normal again.

The eyes of the world now turn to the final heir, Peter Angel as he and his five

siblings attend college once more, just as their mother and aunts did before them. Everything seems to be going well, there have been no sightings of demons or

vampires anywhere around Angel’s Haven.

But one could also argue that just because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean they aren’t there working against you in the shadows; unseen and uninterrupted…

Caryl did not share the Angel last name but she had grown up with Peter and his siblings. Her mother is third generation spare Margaret Angel who married Steven Cwik after she

brought back Law and Order to Angel’s Haven. Caryl was adopted by Margaret and Steven after her older sister Hope moved out and married Cyd Roseland. She was allowed to attend college with Peter. While staying in the dorm until their new lot was built, Caryl was looking

forward to meeting new people, one such person was Charlie Rune. He was a dark, mysterious guy that gave her a slight chill. Although she figured it was just her nerves from

being in a new and strange place.

Charlie: Say, you’re pretty hot. I thought Hannah Angel only had one smokin’ daughter.

Caryl: I’m not Hannah’s daughter, and you’re awfully rude.

Charlie: You’re not a prude are you?

Caryl: What?

Charlie: Uptight, stuck in the past, stingy…you know a prude.

Caryl: Don’t tell me this is what all college guys are like…

Charlie: Ooh, a virgin…this could be interesting.

Caryl: You’re a pig.

Charlie: So do you think you can introduce me to that hottie Agnes? I mean the name is like old school but she’s still hot.

Caryl: That is my family you’re talking about!! I would never inflict a parasite like you on her! In fact why don’t you leave before I get her father to blow your ass off

the planet from orbit!

Charlie: If I cared, that would hurt. But no worries, I’ll introduce myself.

Caryl: I will call campus security on you if you don’t leave right now.

After the incident with Caryl and Charlie, Luke was furious at the guy for what he did to her. So he was surprised with the RA told him he had a visitor outside. The guy was no one he

knew since he had only just arrived in college.

Luke: So who are you?

“Ah, sorry let me introduce myself. My name is Anthony Black. I heard you had an altercation with my brother Charlie Rune. I came to offer my sincerest apologies for his

wretched behaviour.”

Luke: How can you be his brother if you don’t look anything alike nor have the same last name? How do I know you’re actually telling the truth?

Anthony: Black is my father’s last name, after he died my mother went back to her maiden

name of Rune. Charlie was born after my father died so he has her maiden name. And as for genetics, you don’t look anything like your youngest siblings either.

Luke: How do you know I have younger siblings?

Anthony: You’re an Angel, the whole world has been watching your family since Castiel came, do you really think that we wouldn’t know you had siblings? Your

generation is the last one to save us from the Apocalypse.

Luke: Okay, fair enough. But I don’t want to see your brother near my family again. If you know my family then you know I still have relatives in high places,

like Caryl’s uncle Joseph who is still the Mayor and her father who is Captain Hero.

Luke may have warned him away from his family here, but he didn’t say anything about his family OTHER than who’s already here. So when Esther Angel fell out of

the sky in his backyard it was like an odd sort of irony.

Esther: Whoa, head trippy. We never had these things when I was young. Nor did we have college either.

Anthony: Alright, a Rock Goddess. Thank you Well gnomes!

Esther: Nice to know I’m still hot and desirable.

Anthony: MMPH!!

Esther: So you got the famed stamina of all college guys I’ve heard about or what?

Anthony: Umm what?

Esther: I’ll take that as a yes then.

Anthony: You got fire for a Rock Goddess, but let me tell you I got more babe.

Esther: Oh really? Well then see if you can keep up with me kid, I may still have a trick or two you haven’t seen yet.

Anthony: Ah, a challenge. I like it. I accept.

Esther: Bring it on kid, bring it on.

Charlie: If Anthony thinks he can outshine me with a Rock Goddess, I’ve got a nasty surprise for him. Alright, listen up you bottom-dwelling freaks give me an

Angel girl or you’ll be sorry. No one outshines Charlie Rune…not even my brother.

Charlie: Great, a Townie bus…can I legally blow something up on campus property? Ah well, screw it I’m going to do it anyway.

The college finally told Peter that their new housing was ready and they could leave the dorm any time they wanted to. The seven of them packed up that day and were

at the new place by night fall. Living in their own place allowed them to concentrate better on their majors and soon all of them were sporting 4.0 GPA’s. It made their great-aunt Leah proud that they were doing so well in the college she had worked

hard to provide for them.

Peter: Yes! I win again.

Agnes: You must be cheating, no one has that good of luck.

Peter: Maybe you’re just off your game today dear twin.

Agnes: Shows what you know, I’ll win eventually…you won’t be laughing then.

Agnes: HA! Told ya, draw three out of three!

Peter: Well this is going nowhere fast…

Agnes: Aww, what’s wrong Petey-wety? Not so high and mighty now are you?

Peter: Don’t call me that, it’s so juvenile.

Agnes: Sore loser is sore.

While Agnes did enjoy a good-natured ribbing of her twin, she did not forget why she came to college in the first place. Her father wanted to see all six of them married off and it was just easier to find new and interesting people in college rather than going

with the archaic notion of arranged marriages like their ancestors did. Grandma Theresa was the last one to have to go through an arranged marriage and she told

them that she didn’t want her grandchildren to have to do the same. That’s not to say she didn’t learn to love Grandpa Shea, she just wanted them to have something better

that she did at their age.

Even though using the Well was a dice throw, you could get someone great or someone horrible and mismatched to you in every way. It all depended on how those

mysterious Well gnomes were feeling that day.

Agnes: Please make him hot, I don’t want to spend my life with someone who looks like they got hit with an ugly stick.

Agnes: Holy…thank you!!

Dalen: Uggh, again with this damn thing. You’d think being foreign would exempt you from that bloody Well Drop program…she’s off limits! Even I know that.

Agnes: Oh my God, you are gorgeous!!

Dalen: Well yes, thank you I am a god-send. Good of you to notice.

Dalen: One kiss won’t hurt, I do have a thing for blonds…

Agnes: *squee*

Dalen: And my effect on mortals not withstanding…

Agnes: *let this never end I’m in Heaven*

Dalen: I can’t let this go too far. The Archangels will never allow it. And I like having my powers back here.

Dalen: That was nice. Thanks.

Agnes: Oh, you’re leaving already? But you just got here…

Dalen: I’m very much in demand at work, I can’t stay.

Agnes: But…

Dalen: It’s kind of late, and I’m sorry but I have to go.

Agnes: One more for the road?

Dalen: Fine, but that’s all.

Agnes: *maybe if I make this unforgettable he’ll want to stay…*

Dalen: She doesn’t know who or what I am or that I can hear her every thought, this is not a good place to be…

Luke didn’t know if he really trusted this thing, how could it possibly know who would be good enough for you? He believed in True Love and he was also Family oriented. He was not looking for fun flings like Artemis, nor did he care about

being popular like John. Even money was not a great concern to him like it seemed to be to Peter, Agnes and Apollo liked to learn things. Despite his misgivings, he

would give it a try at least. Who knows, it may just get things right.

When Kaylynn fell out of the sky for him, he was forced to admit that True Love was possible from a Well drop. She was everything he wanted, beautiful, sexy, charming and had hair as red as flame. She also had the same desire as his father to Marry off Six Kids and Luke was not put off by it. He loved his younger siblings and knew he would love his children even more. Luke grew up with many siblings and he wanted

the same thing for his own kids. In fact his entire family has always had many siblings, going back as far as their patriarch Castiel. His great-great-great uncle

Cain was a valued source of family history since he’s been around for all of it.

Kaylynn: I can’t believe that a lowly AL Townie like me finally has the chance to meet, let alone be with one of the famed Angel family!

Luke: You’re not lowly Kay, and we’re not royalty we’re just trying to do right for this world

and all who are in it, as well as those yet to come into it.

Kaylynn: That’s so…so noble, you may not be royalty but you sure can spin words like them.

Luke: Kay, please you’re embarrassing me…*blushes*

Even Apollo had found that the Well can give you what you want the most. And for him, it was Christa Midlock, a native of Takemizu Village who finally got the chance

to attend college thanks largely to the efforts of Joseph Angel and his Political genius in opening up relations with the Far East once again. Apollo didn’t have a

restriction to lift so he was pretty much free to do whatever he wanted in college and after wards.

Peter: Who knew working on an old Junker like this would be so much fun? How much do you think it’ll sell for once it’s done?

Luke: Well it was the only way to get a ride before Grandpa Shea brought Business and commerce back.

And I think it’s great to fix up something that was just thrown away with your own two hands. But seriously, little brother you’re the heir and so far you’ve shown no interest in finding a spouse. Dad is

counting on us all to find them remember?

Peter: It’s only Junior year, I have lots of time left. No worries. You do that too much Luke. I’ll find a wife when I’m good and ready.

Luke: Not as much time as you think, Junior year only gets more course intensive as you prepare to enter

Senior year.

Luke: Even Caryl found a spouse, I hear he still runs Mimete’s Army. His name is Kisuke and he’ll be good for her.

Peter: Caryl is free to do whatever she wants like Apollo and Artemis so using her as an

example of my lack of spouse doesn’t really count.

Luke: I just think that Junior year should be used as a time to prepare for the world outside college, and facing it without a supportive partner is well, sad.

Peter: Well if Kisuke is so supportive, then why were he and Caryl getting into a slapping match last week huh? I don’t call that being supportive. If he’s going to fall for Artemis too,

how is that a good example?

Luke: We don’t know what happened, Caryl is still mad at Art and won’t tell us what went on. It could have just been a big misunderstanding for all we know.

Peter: Uh huh, your logic fails and then you try to play neutral mediator. Unlikely that will

motivate me more to find a spouse.

Caryl: What the hell do you want creeper? And why are you ringing our door bell when Luke TOLD you to stay away from us?

Charlie: I heard about the fight with your man, I came to see if you were alright.

Caryl: I don’t like you, I never liked you so why in the seven hells would I talk to

you about ANYTHING!??

Charlie: Don’t you believe in second chances? Can’t a man be given a fair chance to make up for a bad first impression?

Caryl: Not for you. Your own brother even had to apologize for your behaviour, if you were

such a “man” why did you let him make excuses for you?

Charlie: I had no idea he did that, and once I found out let me assure you he got an earful for it.

Caryl: And why should I believe that?

Charlie: Look, I understand you’re obviously still upset about the thing with the guy so is there someone more level-headed I can talk to?

Caryl: Oh that’s rich, you come over here and try to act sincere and you don’t even know the name of the

guy you were coming over for to “console” me about? I see through you like glass, you’re a slime bucket and a snake. I will not subject anyone to your two-faced nature. Now get lost.

Artemis: What’s going on out here?

Caryl: I’m out of here.

Artemis: Huh, she seems a little out of sorts. I mean I apologized and everything for what happened at the Well and she’s still mad. So it’s hardly surprising she’d take it out on you. Hi,

sorry I’m Artemis and let me just say she doesn’t speak for all of us here.

Charlie: Finally, someone who sees my point. I’m Charlie Rune. I was at the dorm with you before you got this sweet place.

Artemis: Oh so you’re the dark haired hottie that I heard about, nice.

Artemis: So you really wanted to console her? Why?

Charlie: I’m a guy who doesn’t like to see a woman in distress, sue me.

Artemis: Oh all noble are we? Well, she doesn’t know what she’s missing. Her loss.

Charlie: You seem pretty cool about everything, wasn’t she supposed to hate you or something?

Artemis: Yeah but honestly she’s not even my family, not even distantly family. My father’s family comes from a place called Hidden City, far from here and he’s a spouse of an heiress so technically, Caryl is not my family, she never was. The very idea that she thinks she can

speak for me is ridiculous.

Charlie: Really huh? So where is this Hidden City?

Artemis: I don’t know, never been there. That would probably be why it’s called “Hidden” City. I’m bored, let’s do something fun.

Charlie: I can definitely get with that idea. Nice room you have here.

Artemis: Meh, too sunny for me. I just took it because Big Brother said so.

Charlie: You mean Luke? Is he the heir or something?

Artemis: No, Pete is. He’s the youngest, which is weird for him to be heir but whatever.

Charlie: Cool.

Peter: You can’t stop me, this is gonna fly right past you…

John: Yeah, right. You kick like a girl.

Peter: Hope you brought your cup…

John: I don’t need one, you’ll never get one past me twip.

Peter: Hell Ya!! Floated right past you!!

John: Damnit, you just got lucky, it won’t happen again.

Peter: We’ll see…lightning’s gonna strike twice!

John: Big talk from a peewee who got lucky.

Peter: Yeah baby!! So lightning fast, you can’t see it!!

John: You just get over here and see, I hope you didn’t want kids.

Peter: Sure, you’re as slow as an iceberg.

John: Arrogant little piss ant, he’ll regret taunting me.

Peter: You gonna shoot or brood?

John: Shut it, I’m planning my shot.

Peter: No amount of planning is gonna get that ball past me, I’m just awesome.

John: The hell? That was going in!!

Peter: Denied. You can try to lose again if you want.

John: God damnit…that’s it!!

Peter: Bring it old man, I’ll shut you out every time.

John: Who’s old now? That was so fast you couldn’t see it, wut wut!

Peter: One out of three, that’s pitiful for someone in their prime like you.

John: So? I can still beat you down if I really wanted to. Like I’m going to lift my restriction before you even set foot in the place.

Peter: We’ll see, won’t we?

Peter wasn’t as far behind in the spouse hunt as Luke thought he was, truth was he had been looking just not seriously so. One girl he considered was Jane Stacks, but they were just good friends and that’s all Peter really wanted. She lived in a house

across campus with her two roommates Allegra and Martin. Martin’s older brother was in the Oresha Cham fraternity and Martin really wanted to join it. Jane was

nearing her Senior year like he was and she had no interest in being part of the mad scramble to join the fraternity or the Tri-Var sorority on campus, her roommates

however were obsessed with getting in.

Jane: And it’s all they talk about, it’s getting kind of annoying actually.

Peter: I can relate, as soon as we got here we had both the Oresha Cham house and the Tri-Var house trying to get us to join. I really don’t care, they’re just out to associate their houses with my family name so they can elevate their standing or some crap like that. My mom and

her siblings had the same thing happen to them when they went here.

Jane: Well who wouldn’t want to say they have ties to the famous Angel family?

Luke was more than ready to propose to Kaylynn, it was all he talked about this semester. Peter had planned the traditional Senior year vacation for everyone once exams were over, it just seemed like the looming final year of college was going to

make everyone stressed out and a vacation is just what they would need. He planned to take everyone to Twikki Island now that their father had earned the

destination during his Adventures. No one had been there so it was a whole new experience for them.

Trouble was that they only sold tickets in a group package of eight, so that left one vacant spot. Luke of course wanted to take Kaylynn, but everyone else didn’t seem

to think they could stomach the two of them being all lovey-dovey in a tropical location like Twikki Island, they actually wanted to enjoy the warm weather and

not be grossed out by their older brother and his new fiancée.

Apollo, on the other hand did not want to wait around for Christa to graduate, she was three years behind him and he was eager to fulfill their father’s wish. He tried

the Well again and this time was given Leah Angel as his perfect match. Their great aunt Leah was the one who allowed them all to come to college again as

Education Minister, although Apollo was not related to her, in fact he had never met her before now. But he liked her, a lot more than Christa and didn’t hesitate to

propose to her.

Agnes seemed to have “forgotten” about Dalen for some odd reason and she tried her luck at the Well again. She was presented with Trevor Zarubin, one of the

Tricou orphans. She didn’t know why the Tricou orphans were so well known, it was never on her mind to investigate why. That made three proposals down and three to

go, with no clear choice as to who that eighth ticket would go to.

Artemis found out that she was drawn to Charlie, she didn’t know why however all she had wanted was a one stand with the hottie. Clearly, that was no longer the

case and she wanted him more. As soon as Caryl found out about Charlie she made a huge fuss about not wanting to spend seven hours on a plane with a guy she

loathed. So that eighth ticket was still waiting to be claimed.

Even though Luke was on Peter about not finding a spouse, the real problem was John. For four years he had never shown any interest in anyone, he just went to

class and came home, rarely even coming out of his room or away from the easel to socialize with anyone outside the family. Hannah finally stepped in and insisted

he try out the matchmaker, she was worried that all her kids would not find anyone in time so her plea to John was the one that got through to him. So he

called up the matchmaker and paid full price…

John: You sure this thing works? I don’t want to have wasted my money on crap.

Matchmaker: I assure you young man, my service is not crap. Many generations before me were setting up young people long before there was ever that wretched Well Drop program.

It cost my fellow gypsies a lot of business!! It’s evil I tell you! Evil!

John: Right, not interested in your sob story old woman, just give me someone worth my money and my time.

Lauren: What the hell? I was in the middle of crucial merger negotiation!!

John: She’s the one?

Lauren: Alright, who do I sue for this loss of millions? You?

John: I like her, she’s feisty. I’m John Angel, surely you’ve heard of my family?

Lauren: Of course I have, your great grandfather Isaiah was our inspiration to get some semblance of Law back in this lawless world. He was awesome, a real shark.

Lauren: So let me guess, you’re the next heir? What do you get to do? Is it going to be as ground-breaking as getting Law back?

John: No, I am not the heir. I should be but I’ve been passed over for my useless little

brother. And I am going to become the best Media Magnate this world has ever seen; then I will let everyone know how I should have been the heir.

Lauren: Ah, wonderful. We could use someone in the media on our side, this interruption

may have been worth it after all.

John: Sounds good to me. So what do you say? Join me and we’ll become the fiercest, most feared power couple to ever hit this world head on.

Lauren: Alright, I could use the influence to climb to the top and become the next Law. I’m

just a Corporate Lawyer now but watch out, Lauren Lajoie is on her way up!

John: Nice last name, ironic. No one would ever expect a corporate shark to have the last name Lajoie. It will not be joyful for anyone who stands in our way, that’s for sure.

John: I’m the best, they will rue the day they passed me over for heir…I’ll show them what huge mistake they’ve made.

Lauren: He’s the best, I can’t wait to use the substantial influence of the Angel

family to finally show those fat cats who’s really the Law in this town.

Ultimately, the decision of whom to give that eighth ticket to came down to Peter. He was the heir and the final choice was up to him. He couldn’t think of anyone

better to go with than his best friend Jane. When she came over he told her what he was planning to do and that he wanted her to be part of it. She gratefully accepted his offer to go to Twikki Island with him. Maybe while she was there she could get

to know his siblings a bit better, maybe even get to know Peter a bit better too…

She did like him as more than a friend, he was gorgeous and such a difference from the usual pool of prospects she had. She was a quiet, introverted nerdy girl and she wasn’t exactly the

first choice for the good looking guys like Castor Nova or even Ashley Pitts. The frat boys were nearly as famous as the Angel boys themselves but none of them would ever give her the time of day, let alone see her as anything but a nerd. Peter was different, she was surprised when he

approached her after class for some help with a subject, her first thought was that she was being set up for an embarrassing fall as a cruel joke or something. He seemed sincere enough

so she gave him a shot.

Peter asked if she wanted to go somewhere off campus and he picked the Londoste restaurant Downtown. The choice of venue nearly knocked the air out of her lungs, either he was completely oblivious that the Londoste was one of the most romantic

restaurants ever, or he knew and this was a sign that he saw her as more than a friend. Jane prayed that it was the latter and not the former.

She was so nervous that the glass of water in her hand was shaking and making sloshing noises. How embarrassing…but Peter didn’t seem to notice.

Jane: So…umm, this is nice…I-I’ve never been here.

Peter: Yeah, me neither. My ancestor Eve brought back the food supplies to

Angel’s Haven but I never really thought to use that gift and come to a place like this.

Jane: Mmm, lime seared prawns. I didn’t think I’d ever have a chance to try seafood again. Even I know Rachel Himura had a hand in that.

Peter: Yeah, I don’t know much about my great aunt Rachel. All I know is she

looked a lot like Mimete did. I never knew why her last name was different either. Grandma doesn’t talk much about her.

Peter: Cheers to Great Aunt Rachel, for bringing back seafood and summer.

Jane: To Rachel Himura.

Peter: Hey, is that good? I’ve never had it mind if I sneak a taste?

Jane: Sure…*squeak* I mean sure, help yourself.

Peter: Wanna try some of this filet mingnon? It’s good.

Jane: Sure…

Peter: I think I’ll learn how to make this, it’s awesome.

Jane: So you’re the heir right? Don’t you have to find a wife for the next generation or something?

Peter: Yeah, but that’s not really necessary. Once me and my siblings lift the last four restrictions, it’s all over. There isn’t going to be another generation after me.

Jane: Oh. So you don’t need a wife then. That’s…nice I think.

Peter: Well my father wants all six of us to get married, so I have to.

That gave her new hope, she tried to contain her excitement.

Jane: So…any thoughts on who she might be? You’re an heir so I suspect you have loads of potentials just beating down your door.

Peter: Actually no, I don’t have any idea and no one is beating down my door to get to me


Jane: I find that hard to believe, I mean you’re gorgeous…

Peter: What?

Jane struggled to stop the blush from colouring her cheeks, that was definitely more than she had wanted to say.

Jane: I guess the cat’s out of the bag now huh? Too late to take it back?

Peter: Yeah a little. But now that it’s out in the open…

Peter: I’ll be honest since you were, however unintentional it was. I know this place, I know it’s one of the most romantic and desirable restaurants in town. I wanted our first date to be in a place like this and not at my house with all my siblings barging in and out all the time. I like you, a lot. You’re my best friend, my heart and soul and I can’t think of anyone else I would

rather be here with than you.

Jane: Peter…I—I don’t know what to say. You’re already whisking me off to a tropical island paradise and you oh-so-smoothly just pulled a fast one on me. I never thought I’d be the one

you’d pick, I’m just so…plain Jane you know?

Peter: You’re much, much more than that. Don’t be so down on yourself.

Jane: How did you become so charming?

Peter: Genetics; my grandfather Fricorith gave me a lot of my charm and charisma. His love for my grandmother Eirene is a big inspiration to me.

Jane: I’m glad, I’ll have to thank him one of these days if I ever meet him.

Peter: I’m sure he’d be glad to meet you too. He’d love you I know he would.


And that is that for this Interlude, the Senior year trip to Twikki Island will have to wait. But just so you know, the rest of this story will be seen in Episode 25: Heart

and Soul so head over there if you just can’t wait for more.

(Once I get it written of course.)
