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Where Peaceful Waters Flow

Date post: 23-Mar-2016
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Where Peaceful Waters Flows devotional is filled with God’s loving words to us. It is written as if you are spending time at the Master’s feet, and He’s ministering to you with refreshing words of comfort to feed your weary and wounded soul. Words which will minister, restore and revive you. Words which will change your mourning into gladness, and your dark night into day.
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1 INTRODUCTION TO BE STILL1King 19:11-12 And He said Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice." BE STILL…. "Be still, and know that I am God." His message hasn't changed and it never will. The Lord wants us to stop and spend quality time with Him. Today we are so busy, so rushed; we all have so much to do that being still is not only considered a waste of time, but impossible for most of us to accomplish. Most of the time we pass right by the Lord and don’t even notice Him sitting there waiting ever so patiently for us to just take a moment to stop... Selahand rest with Him beside the peaceful waters. Oh how far we have fallen away from Him, His ways, and His teachings. If only we took the time to slow down, listen, come close, and be still. We would hear His voice, we would feel His presence, and smell the sweet fragrance of Our Lord and Saviour. Just take some time to come and get away to where peaceful waters flow. Oh My Children, My coming is close at hand, but only those who are "still" enough to hear the trumpets shall see the Lord. So many times we say in dismay that we pray and cry out to God yet it seems God never answers. Ahh but He does answer, but we
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1King 19:11-12 “And He said Go forth, and stand upon the

mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a

great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the

rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and

after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the

earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not

in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice."


"Be still, and know that I am God." His message hasn't changed

and it never will. The Lord wants us to stop and spend quality time

with Him. Today we are so busy, so rushed; we all have so much

to do that being still is not only considered a waste of time, but

impossible for most of us to accomplish. Most of the time we pass

right by the Lord and don’t even notice Him sitting there waiting

ever so patiently for us to just take a moment to stop... Selah…and

rest with Him beside the peaceful waters. Oh how far we have

fallen away from Him, His ways, and His teachings. If only we

took the time to slow down, listen, come close, and be still. We

would hear His voice, we would feel His presence, and smell the

sweet fragrance of Our Lord and Saviour. Just take some time to

come and get away to where peaceful waters flow.

“Oh My Children, My coming is close at hand, but only those who

are "still" enough to hear the trumpets shall see the Lord”.

So many times we say in dismay that we pray and cry out to God

yet it seems God never answers. Ahh but He does answer, but we

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can’t hear Him because won’t take the time be still. How can one

hear if we are too busy? If you don’t take the time to be still and

listen you will never hear Him. We can’t hear our Saviour’s voice

if we are constantly talking, and constantly complain to God and

others. Although we say nothing on the outside, but inside we are

still saying, "Why me Lord? “What have I done to deserve this”?

However, we never take the time to be completely still.

Be still and hear what God is saying so you can find out what is

happening in and around our lives. If only we will be still, He will

reveal to you what is happening to you, and what you can do to

defeat the enemy standing in your way. If only you will be still He

will draw you closer to Him so you will be prepared when the

storm rages against you.

So take time right now to rest, read, and meditate beside the still

waters. God has made time for you; won’t you make time for Him?

Listen as His still voice whispers words of love, compassion, and

peace into your lives. To listen, really listen to the Lord, we must

shut out the world, quiet our spirit, and be still, oh so still. Can you

hear Him?

Come now as He leads you beside the still waters and restores

your soul. Come and BE STILL…

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God's plan is for us to trust completely in Him for all of our

needs. He wants us to continually acknowledge Him and

stay in close fellowship with Him at all times. He wants us

to trust Him for everything. This is stated clearly in

Proverbs 3:5-7:

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto

thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,

and he shall direct thy paths."

Anytime we put our trust in anyone other than our Lord and

Saviour; we will be let down. In Psalms 118:8, it says, "It is

better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."

Others will try to keep their promises to you, but it is God

that will never let you down. God cannot and will not lie.

When God makes a promise, it is done. He watches over

His word to perform it. His word can't return to Him void.

You can depend upon Him to see it through.

In Isaiah 55:11 He says, “So shall my word be that goeth

forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but

it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper

in the thing whereto I sent it”

We must maintain a close fellowship with the Lord. And in

order to do that we must be obedient to His Word and stay

the course He has placed us on. We should trust Him and

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know that He cares about what we are going through and

won’t ever fail. Even when you can’t see how things are

going to work out; you must trust and believe that He is

working things out for your good. Remember our trust

should always be in God. He can do anything but fail.

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Prayer for Peace over Worry

Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious nothing, but in everything by

prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your

requests be made known to God; and the peace of God,

which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts

and minds through Christ Jesus.

Heavenly Father,

I come to you in Your Son Jesus name asking you to please

forgive me for allowing worry and anxiety to take root in

my life. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ against the spirit

of fear, oppression, and depression; and I declare and

decree that I do not have a spirit of fear, but of power, love

and a sound mind. I will not allow the enemy to rob me of

my peace anymore. I will trust in Your word.

I surrender my will to You and you alone. I give You

complete control, and I recognize You are greater than any

fear my mind can conceive. Oh Father, by worrying I am

displaying an obvious lack of faith, and I know without

faith it is impossible to please You. Father, it’s my desire to

please you in all that I do. So right now I give You the

weight of the world that I have taken on my shoulders, and

I place it all in Your hands; I cast all my cares upon You,

because I know You care for me.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I bind and cast out every

anxious and worrisome thought out of my life, and I bind

my heart, my soul and my mind to the Holy Spirit. I ask

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you to please let Your mind be in me as it is in Christ Jesus.

I take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and

I lose the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding

that would guard my heart and mind through Christ Jesus

into my life. Oh Lord, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead

me to the rock that is higher than I.

Father, You promise to keep me in perfect peace, if I keep

my mind on you, and if I trust in You. I make this my

declaration to You; I will fix all my thoughts on You

because I trust in You.

Thank You Father for delivering me from worry and for

binding, every stronghold of the enemy coming against me

and casting them out. Lord, I thank You for allowing me to

rest in this confidence knowing You are for me and with

me. And knowing You are for me and with me, I know

there is nothing I will face today that You can't see me

through. I know there is no power greater than You. I can

rest in Your arms because there is nothing strong enough to

come against me and succeed. I praise You for this victory,

and for Your divine peace that floods my soul.

In Jesus Name, I pray Amen.

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Do You Trust Me?

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and

lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways

acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

My Child,

Please place your trust in Me. I know there are things you

are going through that you don’t understand, but I want you

to know I have everything under control. Don’t you know I

saw this day coming? I have all things in My hand, and

there is nothing for you to fear. I am here, and I am aware

of all that concerns you. I see the thing which troubles your

mind, and I want you to release those things to Me, and

cease struggling. I need your complete surrender, and My

child; I need it now. Oh, I know it’s hard, especially for

you when you are used to trying to do everything yourself.

Now you must trust Me, really trust Me to take care of it

all. Do you trust Me? Can you trust Me? You know that I

trust you. Yes, I trust you. I can say that because I made

you, and I know all about you. So I need you to put your

trust in Me. Trust Me in the midst of the storm. Trust Me

when you can’t see your way, turn it all over to Me. I know

you can’t see what I am doing, but you should trust Me

enough to know that I do. I am moving things behind the

scene getting things ready for you.

Don’t be dismayed just because it doesn’t happen the way

you want it to happen. After all My ways are much

different from your ways. That is why you must trust Me to

work things out for you. Remember the last trial you went

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through when you didn’t think you were going to make it

through, and out of nowhere a door opened up for you?

That was Me. Ah yes, you remember. Now can you trust

Me? It’s going to work out.

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My Prayer Confession,

Father, I make this my declaration. I will lean and depend

upon You. I won’t be dismayed whenever trials and

tribulations try to make me doubt Your word. You have

taught me to leave things in Your hands and know that You

are working things out for me. Because all things work for

the good of those who love the Lord are all according to

Your purpose. I know that You love me and want only the

best for me. I will trust in You.

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Wait on the Lord

Psalm 27:14 "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and

he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord."

So, you're feeling like you are at a standstill, that you can't

move forward, and you sure don’t want to go backwards.

You're feeling like everyone else is moving on. Everyone,

except you. Why are you trying to compete with everyone?

You are where I need you to be, and I don't see you

standing still. You have no idea what is happening in the

spirit realm in order for you to take the next step, but you

must wait on Me. So much is taking place in the spirit

realm while you think you are standing still. If only you

could see the things that I am doing for you.

Each step in this journey is significant for your walk with

Me. Don’t focus on your circumstantial goals, for these are

only temporal. What is most important is for Me to become

your main goal and the prize in which you seek. Always let

your fellowship with Me be your first priority. Must I

remind you to continue to seek the Kingdom of God first?

Of course not, you know this right?

Stop, wait. What are you trying to do? I know your heart is

stirred to act, but you must wait on Me. You are tempted to

hurry the process. Please don’t, I don’t need you to force

anything to happen. I don't want you to interfere with

anything that I am doing. I don't need your help; I don't

need you to cover for Me. Must I remind you again about

what happened with Abraham and Sarah when they tried to

help me out? Wait for Me.

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I know what I am doing. You are to wait until you clearly

hear My voice and then move. I trusted you, now I need

you to trust Me. You are in a perilous time. A time where

any move you make will be most important, and you must

not act foolishly and allow your flesh rise up and dictate

your moves. The enemy is waiting for you to act in the

flesh. Remember that which is of the flesh will surely die

and come to naught. Stay prayerful and wait on Me.

Be patient now, stop and wait on Me, and soon in My time

you will take the next step, but you must be ready to take it.

If you believe you must do something, then work on getting

yourself ready to receive the blessing, and let Me work on

bringing it to pass. That should keep you busy for a while

don’t you think? Wait on Me, I Am always right on time.

My Prayer Confession,

Heavenly Father, I am committed to waiting on You for my

everything. Sometimes it does get hard to wait for the

promises to come to pass, but Lord; I know better than to

do it my way. I’ve learned my lesson. You’ve always been

right on time. You've always been there just when I needed

you the most. I praise You for being an on time God in my

life. Thank you Jesus!

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Trust In Me Psalm 37:3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou

dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

My Child,

There are things going on in your life that has caused your

faith in Me to waver. At times, you even wonder to

yourself if I still love you. Why is this? How can you ever

think that I don’t love you? I am the one who supplies all

your needs. It was for you that I was wounded. It was for

you I died. What has caused your heart to feel this way?

Why won’t you tell Me?

I want you to know I am concerned about you, and

everything that you go through. I am watching all you do,

and nothing has gone unnoticed. Please place your trust in

Me. You are an important part of My body. Don't be

discouraged, and do not be dismayed. Do not stop calling

out to Me. I am with you; I won’t leave you alone.

When the enemy comes against you, rise up and don’t stop

rejoicing and sending praises up in My Name. This shows

Me how much you trust Me even in the midst of what you

are going through. Allow Me to abide in you in the areas

where you are weak. It is My desire to make you strong. I

will make you a fortress that the enemy will never break

through. It is My desire to pour blessings into you that you

won’t be able to contain. Trust in Me and serve Me in the

way I have called you to serve Me.

I want you to hunger and thirst for more of Me because I

have so much more I want to pour into you. The testimony

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I seek is more than your words, it’s your lifestyle. Now step

aside and allow My glory to be poured into you, your life,

in everything you do, and I will plant you on the Rock!

Trust in Me. Yes, My Child, complete trust is what I need

from you My child.

My Prayer Confession,

Father, I confess at times when things get a little stressed I

forget who I belong to; I forget who My Father is. So I ask

Your forgiveness, Lord for not trusting you as I should.

And I stretch out in faith and look to you, the Author and

Finisher of my faith for strength. I bless Your Holy Name,

and I love You and trust in what You are doing in my life. I

lift up Your Holy Name.

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Don’t Doubt My Word… Trust Me

James 1:6-8 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For

he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the

wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall

receive anything of the Lord. A double minded man is

unstable in all his ways.

Once again, doubt and unbelief are stopping you from

living a victorious life. You know they are not your friends,

why do you allow them to interfere in your life? The

enemy sent them to you to convince you I wouldn’t deliver

on My promises. He wants you to pick your burdens back

up and fight the battle yourself. Don’t you dare!! This

battle is MINE; I AM in control!

Leave your burdens with Me and trust that I am able to

supply all your needs. Don’t ever doubt Me; I am greater

than the mountains you face. Trust Me to not only fight the

battle, but to WIN THE BATTLE. Take your thoughts

captive and turn them around to a positive statement of

trust in ME. You must conquer doubt and unbelief. This

trial of your faith you are going through is your training

ground. It is not meant to destroy you, it is to strengthen

you. You must learn lean upon Me, and to TRUST Me


It’s time you put doubt and unbelief under your feet!

Declare and decree that you will trust in Me even when

your back is against the wall. Take authority over the

enemy in the Name of Jesus Christ! Command things to

line up according to the My word. Don't allow the enemy

to have access to any area of your life. Fill yourself up to

overflowing with the Word of God. Like oil and water, you

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can't mix faith and trust; with doubt and unbelief, they don't


When doubt has a place in your life faith cannot operate.

Faith cannot operate with reasoning. Faith operates with

complete trust in God and Who He Is. YOU MUST

BELIEVE! My Word says, “If thou can believe, all things

are possible” and “You can do all things through Christ

Jesus, who strengthens me." It's time that you rise up and

take your rightful place as a child of God and trust in Me

and stop doubting My Word.

You need to declare these statements out loud daily.

Declare them as often as you can. Remember, the enemy

can only operate when you let him. Shut him out. Arise

right now above the things which have held you captive!

Arise now and take authority and be victorious over all the

enemies of your soul! Arise I say Arise!

Now stop doubting My word, and trust in Me.

My Prayer Confession,

Heavenly Father, Lord I thank You for a blessed time such

as this. Yes, it’s time to put doubt and unbelief under my

feet. No longer will I allow him to have access to any area

of my life, so he can do whatever he pleases. But I will rise

up in the authority You have imparted in me and make

changes into my life.

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Have Confidence in Me Psalm 27:13-14 NIV. I am confident in this: I will see the

goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the

Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

The ways of the world have worn you down, and you have

little, if any reserves left for yourself. I am not surprised to

find you weeping in the midnight hours. The evil one is

whispering in your ears telling you your faith is weak, and

that I will not do what I have promised you. He wants you

to believe you were mistaken, and that you didn't hear from

Me. He’s telling you to give up, but you know if you listen

to him, I will have no joy in that.

I know you've been waiting a long time for a promise from

Me, and you haven’t seen anything yet. What you seek has

only been delayed, it hasn’t been denied. I have said to My

children many times to trust in Me, to wait on Me with

patience, confidence, but most of all to be encouraged. I

know the pressure has been strong, and the times have been

so long you feel as though you just can’t do it anymore.

Nevertheless, know this; just as I was there with Moses at

the Red Sea, I am with you right now supporting you. I am

working faithfully bringing you to victory. I will hold you


So look up, raise your eyes to Me, and rejoice, for I AM

GOD, and I will do as I say. I say to you again, trust in Me

and in doing so have confidence in Me, and then rest in Me

for the battle is Mine. I will show up. I haven’t missed an

appointment, and I never will.

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My Prayer Confession,

Heavenly Father, I will be confident in Your Holy Word

and know You will watch over your word to perform it. I

will take a stand and know when I am weak You are strong,

and You will show up and show out on my behalf.

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