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White Paper for the Remote Activating Pen

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  • 8/9/2019 White Paper for the Remote Activating Pen


    Chris Fernandes

    Mr. Smith, Dr. Immel, Mr. Berry

    Senior Engineering


    RAP: Remote Activating Pen

    Weve all been there, taking a test that will make or break our lives.

    Your heart pounds as each pen stroke hits the paper. The test proctor yells,

    Five Minutes!" Your heart is like a beating drum. Your pen strokes fall in

    rhythm with your heart. One question gets into your mind as you play your

    concerto, Will I really put my pen down when the proctor calls the time?"

    The proctor yells vigorously, Times up, pens down!" Its your future and

    you believe that one more sentence will finish off your almost perfect paper.

    The proctor doesnt notice and you finish off your paper fabulously with that

    last sentence. You outwitted the proctor and the test. In todays day and

    age when someone says, "Pens down", how sure are we that all pens are

    down. The Sunny Daze Company will build the RAP, the Remote Activating

    Pen, which will solve the problem of pens down. The RAP is a new type of

    pen that is controlled when the pen is down and when the pen is up. To

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    understand how the RAP works it is necessary that one understands the

    fields of thought that are incorporated with the RAP which are the pen, nano-

    technology, RC cars, radio signals, and the educational system.

    Pens today have a special incorporation in our lives. A pen has many

    values. If you ask around for a pen, you will definitely obtain one. The pen is

    a sign of strength and permanency. Whenever you fill out a job application,

    the employer wont take you seriously unless your application is done with a

    pen. There are five types of pens today: they are ballpoint, fountain, soft tip,

    rolling ball, and specialty type pens. The first type of pen, the ballpoint pen

    is one of the most common pens today. The ballpoint pen works in a very

    special way

    .Just as the name suggests

    ,the tip of the pen is a ball

    .To be

    exact, it is a ball and socket design. Basically the ballpoint pen uses a small

    rotating ball made of brass to disperse ink as you write. The goal of the

    ballpoint pen is to distribute fast drying thick ink without drying out the ink in

    the pen. The ink is forced down the pen due to the effect of gravity.

    (http://science.howstuffworks.com/question683.htm) The next type of pen

    is called a fountain pen. The fountain pen is very different from the ballpoint

    pen by that instead of a ball and socket the fountain pen uses a nib, which

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    resembles a crown. Also the ink for a fountain pen is highly fluid. The

    fountain pen uses a capillary action to force the ink out of the pen. Capillary

    action is mainly a function that uses gravity to get the ink out. It basically is

    molecules of ink coming out of the notch on the nib and chains the ink

    molecules together to make an ink trail. So it is ink molecules chaining

    together to make it work whereas a ballpoint pen uses a ball to get the ink

    out when it is pushed down.( http://www.ehow.com/how-

    does_4673190_fountain-pen-work.html) The third type of pen is called a soft

    tip pen, (many refer to it as a felt pen). Used to write on fabrics and

    pictures, the soft tip pen is used greatly in the fashion industry. The soft tip

    pen works like a sponge that is full of water. As the sponge drags across the

    paper, it leaves a water streak; the soft-tip pen does exactly the same

    process. The next type of pen is the rolling ball pen. This pen brings the best

    parts of the ballpoint, fountain, and soft tip pens together. The roller ball

    pen uses the ball and socket feature of the ballpoint, but uses the highly

    fluid ink of the fountain and soft tip pens. A wick carries the ink to the ball.

    Gel pens are another name for the rolling ball pen. The last types of pens are

    called specialty pens. These types of pens are used for special purpose. For

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    example, one specialty pen is a pen used to create the beautiful and smooth

    calligraphy. Most of these pens are easily accessible to everyone. Pens will

    be an important implement for life-time.


    Pens have been an important tool for mankind to progress and thrive

    in the world. The pen is one of the great resources that civilizations used to

    record their achievements and goals. For example, the pen was used to

    write many of the beautiful symphonies of Beethoven and Mozart. The pen

    also was used to create the unusual, but scientific designs of Leonardo Da

    Vinci. The origin of the pen can be dated back to when people started to

    draw on the walls of caves. What the human kind was aiming for was to

    make their stand permanent by using an instrument that would be

    permanent. So 3,500 years later, people started to use feathers from birds,

    such as geese, as the new pens. Some people hardened the tip of feather to

    make it easier to write. Most people had to keep on repeatedly dip their

    feather pens or quills in the ink. By the 1800s some people finally made the

    nib for the fountain pen. The fountain pen was made by L.E. Waterman in

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    1883. Waterman was an insurance salesman and when his pen leaked

    ruining a sale, he took it upon himself to create a pen that wouldnt leak. He

    noticed that none of the pens of his generation had way to control the flow of

    ink. His idea was the capillary action. He was granted a patent from the

    patent office and got to work. His design of the fountain pen started the

    mold for the rest of the fountain pens made after. Not too long after the

    fountain pen was created, the ballpoint pen was birthed. It was created by

    separate people in two places in the world: John Loud in 1887and Van

    Reisburg in 1916. The ballpoint pen became very popular after world war

    two. Milton Reynolds made the ballpoint pen very popular during the 1940s,

    when he took his Reynolds pen and passed them out all over the world.

    Today the biggest pen companies are Bic, Papermate, and Pilot. They

    produce enough pens to wrap around the world seven times!


    The pen interacts with many environments such as education. The

    educational system is a big part of daily life. The typical school starts with

    pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school,

    and then college. Throughout all forms of school there is bound to be a test

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    that has to be taken. May it be either for chemistry or for a mathematics

    exam; the result is always the same. The exam needs a utensil to be done

    with and one of those utensils is a pen. Another place that the pen should be

    used is in standardized tests such as the SATs, ACTs, and even the MCAT.

    In these tests, it is done by pencil because the test givers believe that if a

    student makes a mistake it can be changed. Also most of these exams

    nowadays have an essay portion to be done. This part of the test can be the

    hardest for many students. These essays last for 25 to 30 minutes and can

    be a grueling endeavor. Since the essay is usually at the beginning of the

    test, how you do on the essay can affect your performance for the rest of the

    test. Therefore having a strong essay will help you keep you in the right

    mindset. It is our belief that these tests should be done in pen from now on

    because pen is a smoother way to write than pencil which is a smeary and

    breakable utensil. Also on the tests it is said that when students second-

    guess themselves they should have stayed with the first answer. The RAP

    will eliminate the second-guess method by keeping the mark they make

    permanent. Another aspect to the test is that the proctors have to call the

    time and when the pens should touch the paper or when they should not.

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    This is a problem that has bugged many test proctors across the nation. Now

    the RAP will solve this problem once and for all.

    Another field that is incorporated into the RAP is nano-technology.

    Nano-technology is a very recent subject, yet the advancements of nano-

    technology are astounding. Nano means one billionth which is a very small.

    The very basic understanding of nano-technology is that it is a field that

    tries to make big things small. Nano-technology in the real world deals with

    molecules and atoms. Nano-technology started in the early twentieth

    century with the discovery of nano-particles by Richard Adolf Zsigmondy. He

    also used the first nanometer to see things that were smaller than a light

    wave. Later in 1959, Richard Feynman and other scientists met at Caltech to

    talk about how to manipulate atoms and molecules with a device. Feynman

    thought that the best way to achieve progress was to give up a one thousand

    dollar prize to the first one who built a nanometer. This prize was claimed in

    the next year to Feynmans astonishment. Feynman offered another prize of

    one thousand dollars to the person who could put the whole Britannica

    encyclopedia on the tip of a pin. Tom Newman achieved this in 1985. In

    1974 a real definition of what nano-technology was stated, " Nano-

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    technology mainly consists of the processing of, separation, consolidation,

    and deformation of materials by one atom or one molecule." (Norio) Some of

    the things that nano-technology has created are the washable bed mattress

    and nanosliver wound dressing for burn

    victims. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_nanotechnology#cite_note-

    Taniguchi-6) One of the best companies to demonstrate nano-tech is Apple.

    Apple is famous for their iPod. In its span of ten years the iPod has changed

    dramatically. The original iPod was big and bulky and some of the features

    brought it down. The iPod of today is a sleek and way smaller than its

    original. Essentially these changes did not happen overnight, it took years of

    changes and modifications. In the end the iPod is getting smaller that is why

    the current iPod has the name iPod nano.

    An area of information that is essential to understanding the RAP is RC

    cars. RC cars began in the 1960s. The engines for the cars were available

    since the 1940s, but the radio control system was only came out in the

    60s. These cars were 1/8 scale pan cars using .19 cubic inch 2-stroke model

    airplane engines. By the 1970s RC cars were gas and electric. The gas cars

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    used a fuel made up of nitrogen, methanol, and lubricant. After electric cars

    emerged in 1974, off-road RC cars came out. Originally designed for on-road

    smooth surface use such as parking lots, some RC cars were modified for

    Off-road use. By the 1980s there was an explosion of popularity in the RC

    car industry, which is why, the first world championships were held in 1980.

    Soon later the first Off-road Championship began in 1985. In the 1990s the

    RC car industry got intense when the speed of the RC cars went up a level.

    The usual speed for RC cars was around 35 miles per hour, in the 90s the

    speeds were over 75 miles per hour. (http://www.rccartips.com/rc-


    A basic knowledge of radio signals is important in understanding how

    the RAP operates. A radio signal is an electromagnetic wave. These

    electromagnetic waves can vary from microwaves, infrared rays, radio

    waves, visible light waves, to x-rays, gamma rays, and ultraviolet rays. To

    create a radio wave there has to be electricity flowing through an object.

    When electricity is run through a nail for example, it creates a electrical and

    magnetic field. If you coil a wire around the nail then run electricity through

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    the nail and wire coil the field will get stronger. When electricity is flowing it

    creates a wave and also when the electricity is not flowing. Therefore if the

    electricity was continuously turned on and off we could create a series of

    waves to make a frequency that could be sent to a transmitter.



    This realization of the importance of how these fields are incorporated

    into the pen is important. Yet, all these fields lack something very adequate

    to what is needed for todays purposes. Nano-tech today is lacking a new

    cutting edge instrument that demonstrates how going big can prove to be

    better than going small. Therefore, the state of mind is going big to start out

    then going small later on. The hope is that the RAP will start a new trend like

    the iPod, where it will improve over time. Another thing that can be

    improved by nano-tech is that nano-tech does not always look cool. The RAP

    will be an instrument that will be pleasing to the eyes. Pens today lack a

    control action, where the user of the pen has to take unnecessary and time-

    wasting effort to click the pen. Pens also have a certain history of ink

    explosions and pen jams, which means that pens today lack simple function

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    and use of the pen itself. The educational system is also another place that

    lacks control. For example, when students take a test, test proctors lack the

    control of whether pens are down. These proctors need a new device that

    will help them control the test takers and them the edge to control the test.

    The Sunny Daze Company envisioned a perfect model for the RAP

    (Remote Activating Pen). It began with a simple idea of how to enhance the

    perfect test. Once the problem was fully realized, the RAP was thought up to

    meet the demands. The RAP was to be built using a thin, but pliable casing

    made of plastic or a thin metal to make a strong pen. The RAP would be

    parallel to regular pens by using similar ink and similar design, specifically

    the ballpoint pen model compared to the fountain and soft-tip pen models.

    After a great deal of time of Sunny Daze spent understanding the pen

    anatomy, we decided that fountain pens and soft-tip pens would not suffice

    because soft-tip pens bleed through the paper and fountain pens are hard to

    work and understand for first time users on the day of the test. The RAPwould use a simple radio transmitter to start the pen to write and another

    signal to put the pen back up for the pens down phase. The inside of the RAP

    would be a small energy source wired up to the receiver (for the transmitter)

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    and the motor which would be hooked up to the electrical actuator. The

    actuator is a small piece of metal, which would move the pen cartridge up

    and down. The RAP was originally designed to be sold in sets for the radio

    signal to activate as many pens as possible.

    Here at Sunny Daze, we understand that every product has its

    limitations. The RAP is no different than any other product. We understood

    that certain things would be possible for the RAP. For example, we know that

    miniaturizing certain materials to fit inside the RAP would be doable, but

    very difficult. A problem with miniaturizing is that since the materials are

    very small and brittle it is very easy to break and lose them. Another

    problem with miniaturizing the materials to fit compactly within the pen is

    that here at Sunny Daze we are under a strict budget. Therefore it is very

    difficult for us to spend copious amounts of money to create a pen that could

    work half the time. Also we do not have the necessary funds to reach the

    goal of making a set of pens for use; instead one was built to design the

    components and examples of the RAP. The materials to create this product

    are out in society, but they are out of reach of us at Sunny Daze, such as

    thin metal and environmental and recyclable materials. Just as it was a great

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    idea to use thin metal for the casing, the plan to use the ballpoint pen model

    for the RAP was a great idea at first, but further thought into as how this

    model would affect the quality of the test shows that it was not a good idea.

    We at Sunny Daze decided to use the roller ball model for its fluidity and

    slick writing style. The most important thing that was realized was that we

    would save a great deal of time and effort by not making a small pen,

    instead we would

    create a model

    that would be a

    lot larger than a


    Some days

    after completing

    copious amounts of research, we at Sunny Daze decided to start by

    gathering materials for the giant pen model. We gathered a variety of

    materials such as: a three foot black PVC pipe which is supposed to serve as

    the pen casing, two yellow oil funnel cones to serve as the pen tip, and a RC

    car and controller to serve as the receiver and transmitter for the controls of

    the pen. When Sunny Daze first started to tackle this project, we thought

    that an actuator would be what would move the pen up and down. An

    actuator is a device that uses electrical energy to move up and down. When

    energy is put into the actuator it goes out and when energy is put in again

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    (Copley, RC

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    the actuator moves back in. After doing extensive research on the actuator

    and contacting many other companies we came to the conclusion that an

    actuator would not suffice to move the pen up and down. We decided that a

    relay would be the final piece that would power the actuator problem. A

    relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to

    operate a switching mechanism; in this case it was to turn on whatever

    would move the pen cartridge up and down. Finally, after struggling to find a

    device that could move the pen cartridge up and down, we found a device

    called a solenoid, which could move the pen cartridge up and down. A

    solenoid is very similar to a relay.

    Where the relay is like a switch, the

    solenoid is a coil of wire that becomes

    a magnetic when current is flowing

    through it that acts as a switch. We

    soon came to realize that under that

    sleek hood of the RC car lay more

    than just a receiver and transmitter.

    The RC car housed the steering

    system, which was perfect for moving the pen cartridge up and down. To the

    side is a picture of what the steering system and motor of the RC car look

    like. Its motor was the perfect size to fit inside the PVC pipe.

    Now that all the materials had been gathered we started to build. We

    dismantled the RC car so that only the battery pack, motor, circuit board,

    and frame remained. The picture to the side shows what the RC car looks

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    like down to its bare form. We cut the black PVC pipe in half long-ways to

    show a cross section of the pen to demonstrate what is going on inside the

    pen. We also cut the oil funnel cone in half to fit with the PVC pipe. We hot-glued half of the yellow funnel to half of the black PVC pipe to express what

    the cross-section of a pen represents. The next step was to cut the RC car in

    thirds to obtain the motor and battery pack. Since the PVC pipe is not very

    wide, we cut it into thirds and did not use the last third since it has no

    function for the RAP. We took out the wheels of the car because they have

    no use. Since the RC car had a switch in place to turn on the power we

    removed it and started to tinker with the circuitry of the RC car. This turned

    out to be a very bad decision on the behalf of Sunny Daze. The circuit was

    beyond repair so we decided to go to the solenoid design. The solenoid that

    we acquired uses electromagnetic system to hold a small metal rod in place.

    The solenoid was a pull solenoid instead of a push one. We decided to

    experiment with the solenoid for a good deal of time. It was clear after ten

    minutes that direct current into the solenoid made it very hot and the pull

    was so strong that the metal rod could not be pulled out. After several

    attempts to cool down the solenoid we attached a ten ohm resistor to the

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    solenoid. With the resistor in place it cooled down the solenoid and the force

    holding the metal rod in was considerably less.The metal rod has a cut in

    the front for extensions. Sunny Daze used that space to attach a small bar

    that bent towards the other end of the solenoid. This way, when the solenoid

    pulls, the bar will push in the same direction. When the power is off, a

    spring will default the piston out of the solenoid.

    We had found the perfect part for the pen. We still needed a

    transmitter and receiver. Since the first RC car was what we needed, we

    bought another car and took that transmitter and receiver. We attached the

    solenoid to the receiver and it start to work. While working with pens up to

    that date we realized that we would need a way to keep the pen in place. We

    decided to use a catch. A catch holds the pen in place then releases it. With

    all of the necessary components made, we hot-glued the solenoid and

    receiver in the pen which made the pen complete.

    The concept of the RAP was to bring the pen cartridge back into the

    pen to insinuate pens down. This was done by turning on the remote

    controls for the RAP. Next step, a button is pushed on the remote controls

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    and a signal is sent within a specific range to all active pens. Once the signal

    reaches the receiver it turns on the power and activates the solenoid. The

    solenoid puts power into the RC car motor and pushes the pen cartridge

    down. This is the start phase of the RAP for the beginning of tests. The end

    phase is very similar to the start phase. A button is pushed and a signal is

    sent to the RAP. This signal makes the solenoid move back and pushes the

    pen cartridge back up therefore ending the test.

    Plans for the future have been made for the RAP, such as a controlled

    mechanical pencil and eraser. The RAP is the first step to new products in

    nano-technology and pens. The natural use of this product in schools and the

    work environment will create a better productivity. Now the public has a

    chance to reach out to common nano-technology. We at Sunny Daze are

    sure of two things: This product is the first step into many other projects and

    it is clear that this product will have a great impact on society.

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    Works Cited

    "HowStuffWorks "How Does a Ball Point Pen Work?"" Howstuffworks "Science"

    Web. 16 Feb. 2010. 11 Jan 2001


    Pen History." Home. Web. 16 Feb. 2010.


    "How Does a Fountain Pen Work? | EHow.com." EHow | How To Do Just About

    Everything! | How To Videos & Articles. Web. 17 Feb. 2010.


    "How Do You Make a Radio Wave?" Welcome to QRG. Web. 3 Mar. 2010.

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    "RC Car History." RC Car Tips - Remote Control Cars, Radio Controlled Trucks, and

    R/C Hobby Shops. Web. 8 Mar. 2010. .

    Norio Taniguchi, "On the Basic Concept ofNano-Technology," Proc. Intl. Conf.

    Prod. Eng. Tokyo, Part II, Japan Society of Precision Engineering, 1974.

    "History of Nanotechnology - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia." Main Page -

    Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 6 Mar. 2010.


    Copley, Sonja.Actuator. 2010. Photograph. Rohnert Park.

    Copley, Sonja.RC Car. 2010. Photograph. Rohnert Park.

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