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Whitepaper v0.58 May 2019 A network designed to support and expand the global wellness industry. A worldwide conscious community underpinned by the HV Token. Welcome to the ecosystem that rewards you for evolving into your best self. Authored with deep intention by the HighVibe.Network Team

Whitepaper v0.58May 2019

A network designed to support and expand the global wellness industry.

A worldwide conscious community underpinned by the HV Token.

Welcome to the ecosystem that rewards you for evolving into your best self.

Authored with deep intention by the HighVibe.Network Team


Welcome to HighVibe.NetworkHighVibe Network is a blockchain-based ecosystem designed to elevate humanconsciousness. An immersive digital and real-world network that taps into the sweetspot of not just one, but several interconnected and vibrant markets -- Yoga, Meditation,Mindfulness, Virtual Reality (VR), Online Learning, Personal Development, Wellness, Nutrition and more. HighVibe Network solves key challenges faced by current market alternatives and enables partners to build within our token economy, seamlessly leveraging our technology stack, and reducing difficulty and time to market for contentcreators and influencers.

Think of HighVibe as an operating system for your life.

Our blockchain-based ecosystem is composed of platforms, apps, communities, eventsand travel opportunities designed to deliver high-quality experiences that enhance ourmembers’ lives in ways that uplift, empower, and transform their relationships withthemselves and others.

Blockchains are deeply converging with digital experience and virtual reality platforms.The intersection of art, design, and technology will make way for immense opportunitiesas we extend the value distribution to mainstream users with experiences that are bothentertaining and functional.

Building on the functionality and benefits of blockchain technology, e.g., security,transparency and traceability, we will instantly reward users for participation on theplatform (e.g. submitting quality content, voting, commenting, rating, watching, listening,and participating) with our HighVibe token. Incentivising and reinforcing behavior thatfocuses on enhancing one’s life and building a true sense of community.

We are actually going to reward you for your personal growth and development!

We all have an innate drive to learn and grow, yet personal development can be a challenging journey. Most of us fall short because there is no incentive to stay consistent and we lack the support that social accountability and habit-forming mechanisms provide. Our token reward algorithms and governance tools address these challenges head on, and move us away from a scarcity-based ‘extraction economy’ toward an ‘abundance-economy,’ where participation and collaboration are rewarded and the growth of the community benefits all members. Ultimately, the HighVibe Token (HV) ensures alignment between creators and consumers, which are either directly or indirectly tied to positive social impact initiatives all over the planet.

Uplifting and elevating our collective consciousness will lead to a better world.


Table of Contents

Welcome to HighVibe.NetworkThe OpportunityOur MissionOur ValuesHow We Will Serve YouOur Common Interest Business ModelThe HighVibe.Network ArchitectureThe HighVibe.Network TokenEvolution of the HighVibe.Network ProtocolA Protocol Built For AgilityThe User ExperienceGamification ElementsSwag (Unique Digital Collectables)HighVibe RewardsEcosystem and Content ChannelsAlpha ExperienceStory, Operations & TeamThe Dream TeamAdvisorsAdvocatesHighVibe RoadmapCrowdsale Token LaunchLegalAppendix






The Opportunity

We are defining an entirely new industry category known as Functional Entertainment —content that uplifts your mood, helps you grow, and also entertains you.

This is a great opportunity if any of the following is true:

• You believe in the valuable wide-spread future of Meditation and Mindfulness, Yoga, Personal Development, Online Learning and Virtual Reality.

• You believe projects that focus on wellness, and propose valuable solutions that are user friendly, will be successful and become part of a vastly growing intersection of industries (that can also benefit tremendously from blockchain and tokenization).

• You believe projects that combine and creatively mix these industries and propose new interactive solutions will be successful and become part of an emerging blockchain based movement.

• You want to raise the world’s consciousness and believe that inclusive projects are the future.

• You want to help build the largest conscious community in the world and be part of this evolution in lifestyle design.

• You want to invest in yourself, and grow into the best version of you.

We are excited for you to join us on this journey. By joining this movement, you will beone of the ‘Founding Members’ of our community. We will make sure you are recognized and looked after well along the journey. Let this be a long, mutually beneficial, value driven relationship where we continue to serve you.

HighVibe.Network is one of the most innovative token offerings available with a high probability of lasting success due to unique architecture that puts a value on human attention instead of traditional crypto architecture which focus on computational power to derive the value from the network.

Our goal is to build the largest wellness community in the world…


We Are Devoted to Our Mission

Our Mission is to:

• Bring participants a highly accessible ecosystem that leverages converging technologies, that enhance human connectedness.

• Drive value for our members through state-of-the-art incentive structures.• Work with the most talented artists and creators around the world. • Support each other to contribute and create at our highest levels.• Create a community that feels like a global family.

We are bridging old and new economies. We speak the language of the old economy by offering easily accessible experiences on every device, and we align with the principles of the new economy through decentralized token ownership supported by common interest governance.

Imagine a world where companies such as Spotify, Netflix and Facebook are platforms making a positive impact that serves users with a common interest model that distributes the gains back into the network. That era is here, now.

HighVibe.Network is pairing the business model fundamentals of the fiat world with the borderless impact of blockchain-based ecosystems.

Newcomers can easily access our ecosystem with traditional fiat gateways and billing facilities, and token holders will benefit from lower price points and a strong benefits structure. More importantly, all users will have the ability to earn tokens within the ecosystem.

Before blockchain technology it was technically impossible to build a social enterprise and give back to the community in the way we have architected. Our model creates its own uplifting economy united by the HighVibe token and supported by values-driven, autonomous user growth.


Our values are S.A.C.R.E.D







Our values













Our values









We are all born to serve. The more resources we have, the more responsibility we have to serve. Our growth and the success of this project are already exceeding expectations, and the responsibility it brings is clear. Our goal is to serve humanity and SERIOUSLY raise the world’s vibration.


We live on the most abundant planet in the most abundant time in history. There is no reason to tap into scarcity mindsets. The greatest path is that of abundance, and it’s clear that the blockchain will facilitate more freedom and abundance for all.


We want people to understand that we are all connected and that we need each other as teachers, mentors and collaborators to become our best selves. Being connected with people who are also growing extends our capacity to reach new heights, further supporting the greater community around us.


We feel it is our human responsibility to leave the world better than we found it. The best way to do that is to become our best selves. Taking responsibility in becoming our best selves in conjunction with some of our world’s greatest authors is what we are incorporating into the blockchain. To truly expand one’s consciousness, one must have a healthy vessel. This is done through healthy practices, wellness in mind, body, and physical activity.


Empowerment is the driving force behind all the activity, growth, and energy of the team. The more empowered we feel, the more engaged we become. We all have more capacity and untapped potential than we know.


We understand that the most successful individuals in the world continuously develop themselves. We are devoted to our network, our community, our team, our environment, and ourselves. Therefore we make access to self-development an inherent right of being a member of our network.

S.A.C.R.E.D. Values


World class platforms, incentives and an easily accessible global tribe.

High Quality Experiences

HighVibe.Network brings some of the world’s best thought leaders, authors, entertainers, and teachers into our community. We are an operating system for your life, supporting you with every breath you take, rewarding you for enhancing your life, and reinforcing the importance of integrated health, collective community growth and mindfulness.

Details of our product strategy and roadmap are available in the Ecosystem & Platform Projects section of this document.

Autonomous Growth

Our incentive structure increases interest and grows our user base. For example we will offer special ‘Ribbon Discounts’ on alliance platforms, and access to Concierge Services for top tier holders of the HighVibe token (HV). This grows the value of the ecosystem, increases the rewards pool and allows for more rewards to the community, driving a cycle of autonomous growth by virtue of the user-focused, decentralized ‘common interest’ model.

Simple and Secure Tools

Our HighVibe token (HV) unlocks access to tiered benefits for holding a stake and provides liquidity across the platform. Our easy to open and manage wallet is fully secure and allows for seamless transferability to other currencies, both fiat and crypto.

How We Will Serve You

(and the rest of the world)


Global Conscious Community

Crypto communities have been good at gaining traction in technical markets, but have yet to build large conscious communities that strive for levels of connection beyond the development of protocols. Our network will use gamification and peer-to-peer elements, such as a leaderboard of activity, and accomplishments (recorded in the blockchain) to build a thriving community.

Blockchain Agility

We are launching the HighVibe (HV) token on Ethereum as an ERC20 Token with a view of upgrading to a blockchain that supports a DPoE (Delegated Proof of Engagement) model and moves us toward ZERO TRANSACTION FEES. Blockchain evolution will be continuous as we focus on supporting our community at the highest levels, regardless of the underlying technology partnerships.


Market overview

HighVibe.Network taps into the sweet spot of several interconnected and vastly growing industries. The markets for personal development, wellness, and digital subscriptions are targeting are over $230 bn, and are considered ‘booming’ markets.










Please see appendix for detailed market information

By 2025, the e-learning market will reach $331 billion

More than 1 in 4 collegestudents enroll in online courses

About 90% of those enrolled in in online courses drop out with-

in 2 weeks

Meditation apps have beendownloaded more than

21 million times



Our Common Interest Business Model

HighVibe.Network brings together premium content and experiences from leadingauthors, creators and affiliates, and links it with cutting edge incentive programs.Platform revenues are generated through subscriptions, product purchases, advertisingand events, and we reward users monetarily with the HighVibe (HV) Token forparticipation on the platform (such as completing courses, listening to immersive audiotracks, writing good content, voting, commenting, rating products, bringing new users tothe site, etc.). The HV Token in turn allows users to purchase products, programs, events,and subscriptions within the ecosystem.

The HighVibe.Network Token and its supporting blockchain work hand-in-hand toensure an unprecedented user experience. Each use case deriving benefit, efficiency,and transparency through the HighVibe.Network token architecture.

Partners provide rewards and benefits to

be accessed by usersthrough a tiered

benefits structure

Advertisers promoteofferings within


Affiliates promoteplatform and contribute

to marketplace

Affiliates promoteplatform and contribute

to marketplaceUser curatescontent

User createscontent

User watches ads

User makesmarkeplace purchases

User consumescontent

User storesHV into wallet

Cryptocurrencyis exchanged

in marketplace


Leveraging Blockchain To Solve Key Challenges

More often than not, humans who desire to develop themselves end up falling short and are not consistent enough to get lasting results. Content providers increasingly have difficulty monetising and affiliate providers are often paid slowly and/or below market rate. Online and offline resources are often inaccessible due to high price points, geographical limitations, or a lack of support and awareness. We will transform this paradigm.

Challenge #1Users are currently not incentivised to be consistent with programs

The e-Learning industry has severely high dropout rates (online courses have a 96% dropout rate) and companies are structured to focus on profits, often at the expense of their community of students.

Solution: We are creating an “attention economy” and reward people for participating in wellness activities that improve their lives (e.g., listening to guided meditations).

We deal with sensitive datarelated to wellbeing, personal

growth and spirituality


SMART CONTRACTS&TRUSTED ORACLESAuthors & creatorscan monetize their

online content

Ensure authors andaffiliates are paid

correctly, fairlyand timely

The lack of a singlecentre prevents

information fromgetting hacked

Add transparencyto sales of authors


Goal tracking, users can setintentions and personal goals

into the blockchain


ATTENTION ECONOMYPeople get rewarded in

HV tokens for theirconsumption, participation

and the value they add

Token-basedexperiential andtransformative


Gamified experiencewhere users can earnpoints and advance tohigher levels and share

results with friends

Users mine tokeswith their attention

and contribution

Users mine tokenswith their attention

and contribution

HV tokens are rewards for contentconsumption, participation

The ecosystem istoken-based

experiential andtransformative

Users earnpoints and advance tohigher levels and share

results with friends (gamification)

Users set goals and intentions that can be

publicly shared


Challenge #2Authors and Creators struggle to monetize

Authors and creators either earn less than 10% from publishers, or self-publish and struggle to get visibility. It’s increasingly difficult for talented authors and creators to acquire a critical mass of paying customers. Digital venues are consolidating and ads becoming more expensive, driving up cost per acquisition.

Solution: Authors & Creators gain visibility with ‘upvote’ and ‘like-based’ algorithms, and are paid quickly, fairly, transparently via smart contracts - often above market rates.

Letting the user own their sensitive data related to wellbeing, personal growth and spirituality



innovatively monetizetheir online content

Ensures authors andaffiliates are paid

correctly, fairlyand timely

A core technologystack based on bestof breed distributednetworks & off-chain

compute layers

Adds transparencyto sales of authors


Goal tracking, users can setintentions and personal goals

into the blockchain


ATTENTION ECONOMYPeople get rewarded in

HV tokens for theirconsumption, participation

and the value they add

Token-basedexperiential andtransformative


Gamified experiencewhere users can earnpoints and advance tohigher levels and share

results with friends

Users mine tokeswith their attention

and contribution


Challenge #3Affiliates are generally paid with delays and inaccuracies

It can take 30-90 days for affiliates to get paid, and there is a lack of transparency as affiliates generally don’t have access to sales data. Blockchain, with its shared ledger, ensures everyone in the ecosystem knows when a transaction has occurred.

Solution: Affiliates can be paid immediately (or post refund period within return parameters) based on multi-tiered commission structures, and have the ability to earn commissions on others they bring into the community.

Customers click onencoded affiliate link

and subscribe

Affliate receivescommission

Affiliate promotesthrough digital


Conversions aretracked andmeasured


Aligning Incentives

Users earn HV Tokens for taking desired actions, and are given free access to paid platforms when holding high denominations as part of our rewards system. HighVibe.Network is a community built for longevity. There two critical elements of our community that affect all users, Reputation Score and Experience Curation.

Reputation Score

All members (users, authors, creators, clients, affiliates) develop a Reputation Score based on actions and engagements in the HighVibe Network. An algorithm, that includes factors such as age of account, frequency of content consumption or creation, average rating of content and the like, drives the overall Reputation Score. Every score is tracked over time and is graphed in full transparency for any user to view. As Reputation Scores increase, members earn more influence as well as more rewards in the HighVibe ecosystem.

Experience Curation

High quality content, based on reputation score, will drive how content gets surfaced to users. Unlike challenges found on many social networks today, the goal is not to reinforce any one perspective, but rather to surface the most well-respected content across categories and ideas. In this way, the highest value content rises to the top for a broad group of users to see. Each verified user account also grants governance actions and enables voting to make decisions in the network. To prevent trolling and FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt), the algorithm accounts for both individual feedback and community feedback when developing reputation scores. Formulas and factors used to assess reputation score and ratings will be regularly reviewed by our Governance council and evolve and improve over time, always with the goal of ensuring an inclusive community.


Given free access to paid platforms when holding

high denominations

Given multi-tiered commission.Transparent and instantly paid

Get visibilityin the platform

30% fixed profit return on

premium offerings

Make fixed fee(on membership


Incentivised by getting paidHVT Tokens to take

desired actions




monetize their online content


Ensure authorsand affiliates

are paidcorrectly, fairly

and timely

Add transparency

to sales ofauthors content



The HighVibe.Network Architecture

Our blockchain infrastructure allows information to be completely public and transparent, while maintaining relationships with our members’ identities — whether anonymous, pseudo-anonymous, or public, depending on their preference.

HV tokensearning

Paid transparentlyin HV Tokens


The HighVibe.Network TokenHighVibe (HV) is our foundational ERC20 token that we are releasing as part of our Token sale. HV is our core ERC20, Ethereum based token that we are releasing as part of our Token sale.

This offers our community instant liquidity, as it can be exchanged for Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies via several prominent exchanges. Starting with an ERC20 token both opens our project up to the largest token investment community and puts us in a great position to evolve as technology develops. Storing HV tokens is also very easy as it will work with ERC20 supported wallets (our team can provide instructions for this). Furthermore, the ‘Proof-of-Engagement’ minting mechanisms will be a future feature release in 2019 that works by leveraging proven methods of other blockchains (e.g. Steem, EOS, etc) with the core objective of zero transaction fees. This protocol upgrade is also critical for scaling to the number of transactions we anticipate in the future. The main objective is zero transaction fees, which will make us one of the few projects that can offer this to its users. This protocol upgrade is also necessary for scaling to the number of transactions we anticipate in the future.


We also create additional value for our users beyond the actual “spot value” of the token with feature releases, product updates, and implementation of the custom “Proof of Engagement” reward mechanisms.

We will leverage blockchain 2.0 technologies to provide extremely valuable features such as:

Zero transaction fees. (Also faster than Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain networks)

Allow authors, and creators to monetize online content with state-of-the-art incentives to encourage desired user behaviour.

A unique ‘Proof of Engagement’ attention-based token distribution reward system, designed specifically for content driven ecosystems in propelling autonomous growth.

Key Token Features


We reward users with HV Tokens for participation on the platform such as completing courses, listening to immersive audio tracks, writing good content, voting, commenting often, participating in campaigns, rating products, bringing new users to the site and so much more.

The HighVibe.Network Token and its supporting blockchain work hand-in-hand ensuring an unprecedented user experience. Each use case deriving benefit, efficiency, and transparency through HighVibe.Networks token architecture (as outlined in the diagram below).

Partners provide rewards and benefits to

be accessed by usersthrough a tiered

benefits structure

Advertisers promoteofferings within


Affiliates promoteplatform and contribute

to marketplace

Affiliates promoteplatform and contribute

to marketplaceUser curatescontent

User createscontent

User watches ads

User makesmarkeplace purchases

User consumescontent

User storesHV into wallet

Cryptocurrencyis exchanged

in marketplace

Ecoystem Flow


Evolution of HighVibe.Network Protocol

HighVibe.Network is in an excellent position to leverage powerful intersectingtechnologies to create an economy that uplifts its users and is built for autonomousgrowth. HighVibe.Network will launch an ERC20 token and evolve to leverage thebest blockchain technology has to offer. We will gradually develop a hybrid DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization), where token holders cast votes on issuessuch as feature additions, economic models, priorities of projects, etc. Ultimately, we will create and support a ‘Proof of Engagement’ consensus model that allows for maximum speed and endeavor to also achieve zero-transaction fees.

Users with HV Tokens can access exclusive experiences only available on the Network.We see a distinctive ecosystem using a set of governance protocols and application logicthat fosters both user generated and premium author content. In the future, we willintegrate with other blockchains and protocols to create sophisticated and interoperablesocial DApps, with a major focus on the interests of the community.

Migration of ERC20 HV Token To HV Mainnet HV Protocol

ERC20 Token HighVibe Protocol can link and cooperate between different



A Protocol Built for Agility We are launching HighVibe as an ERC20 token on Ethereum, the most commonly employed token contract standard within the Ethereum ecosystem. For our network to truly thrive, we envision developing and expanding out as a blockchain cluster supporting the DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus model. We see a distinctive ecosystem using a set of governance protocols and application logic that fosters both our own and third-party content. In the future, we will evolve sophisticated and interoperable social DApps, with a major focus on the user community through integration with other blockchains and protocols. HighVibe will initially run on the Ethereum blockchain, but will gradually flesh out its own rules as a Hybrid DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), where token holders will be entitled to cast votes on issues such as feature additions, economic models, priorities of projects, etc. A Hybrid DAO is a community treasury system which ensures long term sustainability, and coordinates decisions regarding resource allocation through a common interest governance model.



Registry Staking HV Token




Fraud Detection Service














HighVibeWeb Browser

HighVibe.SpaceMobile App


Verification and Security

Security is a critical component of any connected system and community, particularly as it relates to personal data and personally identifiable information on an open network. Our platform relies on the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain, which is highly resilient to a whole range of attack vectors, malicious behavior of bad actors, unauthorized access, and data leakage. Furthermore, HighVibe.Network is partnering with organizations specializing in state-of-the-art verification mechanisms to provide a highly secure environment for end-users to reliably store value and conduct transactions. Users, however, are responsible for taking basic precautions and following simple security guidelines (e.g., not sharing private keys and passwords, choosing an alphanumeric password that is not easy to guess, etc.).

To mitigate bots falsely consuming content and earning tokens, we send a (proof of human) challenge to the user that a bot cannot solve. If the challenge is resolved on the user side correctly, the server signs a confirmation message and sends it to the user. The user signs this message securely, and it is recorded on the blockchain affirming the reward. These proof of human challenges are designed to minimize interference with the overall user experience.


Unlocking Rewards by Holding HV Tokens

Accumulating HV tokens is a powerful way for users to demonstrate loyalty to the network and gain more utility by unlocking rewards. Here are some examples of how HV tokens can unlock rewards:

Smart Contracts

HighVibe.Network will leverage smart contracts that automate key functions. Distributed consensus networks (like Bitcoin and Ethereum, the largest global consensus networks in the world today) maintain a canonical history of their state transitions, providing an extremely powerful technology that is resilient to single points of failure (system outage, data corruption, etc.) and can structure any kind of organization.

Since blockchain is an open system facilitating a public service, HighVibe smart contracts ensure authors, curators, affiliates and user are paid correctly, fairly, and transparently in accordance with the majority consensus and agreed upon rules of interaction. Our smart contract library will enable mainstream usage for non-technical users to use for a myriad of use cases.

Users unlock benefits through the tiered membership framework (similar to how a certain mileage levels unlocks airline rewards in different tiers). Our Concierge Benefits Program is built for longevity where users can remain lifetime members.

Partners unlock a greater proportional share of the rewards pool for their users. This creates serious token utility on a large scale for partners who join the ecosystem.

Communities hold tokens to increase the reward levels available to users in their group. This enables communities to attract members and add more value to the ecosystem.


HighVibe.Space - Our Main Portal

Our main portal called “Space” is where people open the core features of the HighVibe.Network ecosystem. It is a portal built for the future of human connection.

“In between every single particle, person, or planet... Space is what connects us all”

Creating content on Space, is similar to creating a post on a site like Medium. It is a place for User Generated Content such as short blogs, vlogs, worksheets from platforms, recordkeeping checklists, or private/public notes. Space is also a place for private and public messages, images, journals, memories, and notes. It is also an integrated engagement system where content can be shared to groups, by an author or celebrity coach.

Another key element of Space is that, unlike existing social media platforms that push ads in front of users but keep all the revenue for themselves, with Space, if people choose to see advertising they will capture a share of the revenue.

The User ExperienceHighVibe.Network is designed for mainstream use, people do not need to own orunderstand blockchain technology or token economics to participate in our community. We are laser focused on creating a very easy onboarding experience that will not be intimidating to people who have no experience with digital wallets, public and private keys, security measures etc. In this way, we believe HighVibe.Network will grow its user base quickly and be a “way in the door” for many people who have heard about blockchain and tokens but are currently uninterested or intimidated by the technology.



Communities will be formed around collections of content from Spaces and will have their own Admins and Members. These are communities where people can connect, contribute, and share under a common theme.

Members need only a single token to join and can begin to build their tribe of friends and connections. Communities can post HV Token rewards pools, and bounty programs, to drive desired actions that users can earn by participation directly through a smart contract.


Members can follow influencers, thought leaders, and also add friends to their Tribe. Organic reach and distribution of content will be allocated based on a democratic upvote and like-based algorithmic system. Users with higher reputations (more Karma) will have more voting power.

Members can also leverage our Merchant Toolkit to create offers, and our Marketplace to sell them to other members. Marketplace offers can be real-world physical items, event tickets, digital downloads, music, film access and more. Merchant tools will track and facilitate transactions, create offers in our marketplace, set up event ticketing, and use our affiliate portal for deep link tracking. Members will also have access to exclusive retreats and mastermind groups designed by Authors & Creators.



Channels enable members to subscribe to various free and paid content streams enabling them to curate an experience unique to them. We anticipate some of these Channels to eventually grow into their own apps, with increased volumes of content.

HighVibe.Network offers unique experience that help individuals grow on many levels. The ecosystem is supported by a flourishing content library that is tuned to uplift, expand, and enhance peoples’ lives.

Messaging System

HighVibe.Network will have a P2P messaging platform based on Signal Protocol, one of the most secure encryption protocols designed for messaging. The Signal Protocol also supports end-to-end encrypted group chats.

Livestreams & Broadcast Rooms

HighVibe will provide virtual broadcast rooms for Creators and Members to broadcast live to the public, a select group, a community, or within their own private HighVibe Space. These can be designed as simple rooms, stages, or even VR Stadiums in the future. (VR experiences will be tightly integrated into Spaces as they are released.)


HighVibe Space will be a highly gamified environment which includes levels, status badges, leaderboards, rewards, and author/influencer engagement opportunities, crossing the intersections of education, entertainment, and gaming.


Anyone Can Earn/Spend HV Tokens

Earning HV Tokens is simple and available for all platform users, and are distributed through our daily Rewards Pool. There will be opportunities to create, curate, and consume impactful content and experiences as well as earn HV Tokens in the process. Spending HV Tokens is also simple and available within the platform, with an expanding network of alliance partners who will also accept HV.

Support (Tipping + Gifts)

When users send a ‘tip’ (gift in HV Tokens) to another member’s accounts, those funds go to digital wallet attached to their receiver’s member profile.

Incentives for Loyal Token Holders

Users are incentivised by earning HV Tokens to take desired actions, and are given free access to paid platforms when holding high denominations as part of our rewards system. We achieve this by running a balance check to the public key of the associated users wallet address to ensure they have a balance that unlocks various tiered incentives.


Seamless Wallet Setup

As part of our onboarding process, we will automatically create an HV wallet for every user which can be synced among devices, along with 24-word passphrase backup (for retrieval in case it is lost). This will enable rapid adoption and a gateway for a wider demographic to adopt digital currencies seamlessly.

In many cases, HighVibe.Network will be the first digital wallet the mainstream public will own. In the future, as users earn more and become familiar with cryptocurrency, they will have the option to take control of their wallet, off-device, for increased security using a third party wallet provider.



Events & Live Experiences

HighVibe.Events will bring our community together for live events, exhibitions, and activations. We will also have a presence at festivals that already have tens of thousands in attendance where attendees can earn and spend tokens in a physical setting. Certain exclusive events will also have options to stream the event using HV Tokens for users who cannot attend live.

Reduced Premium Subscription Costs

HV Tokens can be used immediately to reduce or eliminate the cost of premium subscriptions to various apps and services in the ecosystem. This can be done by spending them, or by holding higher denominations which unlock premium levels of access.

Viral Sharing & Referral Program

By rewarding users with HV Tokens, we grow our community organically with increasing velocity as we increase our viral coefficient. Built into our ecosystem is a referral program that encourages member participation. Whenever a user invites someone new to the platform, both the user and the invitee earns HV tokens.

Wearables & Bio-Feedback

Real time biofeedback and insights can really improve our abilities, our understanding of ourselves, and our habits. There is a whole movement (known as the quantified self movement) of people who are highly interested in gaining access to meaningful data about themselves. AI-driven biofeedback also has the ability to personalise our journey, and raise our self awareness. Members will be able to link their personal wearables to their account, and when used in conjunction with linked online or offline content, the member will obtain insights and recommendations on content and experiences to enhance their mental and physical states.


Gamification ElementsIn-app currencies reward mainstream users for their contributions to the token economy without necessitating users owning tokens directly, representing the users owners’ contribution of value to the network. The more valuable engagement a user generates, the more points they will receive. Here is an overview:


Impact is our ‘upvote’ or ‘like button’, showcasing content, experiences and people who are making an impact and contributing to the HighVibe.Network. Where people are conscious about their intentions, and rewards are given in light of the positive impact on others.


Karma is earned impact. The more positive impact a user makes in HighVibe.Network, the more Karma they earn. It is also the non-crypto currency for purchasing digital goods and gifting, and can be earned through active participation on the platform.

Experience Points

Experience Points (XP) are earned through content consumption, personal growth, and engagement. As users develop their skills, talents, and experience, points are generated as XP (and members will generally also be earning HV tokens as well).


Swag (Unique Digital Collectables)User earn ‘Swag’ as they gain experience and reputation in the ecosystem. Swag are our collectable digital assets (badges) that can be earned, traded, or purchased and they represent tokenized virtual goods.

In HighVibe.Network, users can exchange HV Tokens in order purchase unique Swag (digital collectables), engage in virtual gifting of Swag, or upgrade an existing Swag item. These will be owned by the users as ‘non-fungible’ tokens (NFTs), which can then also be traded and sold on secondary markets.

Virtual goods account for the vast majority of the revenue generated in mobile app stores, mainly through gaming. In 2016, games generated 75% of iOS App Store revenue and 90% of Google Play Store revenue.


HighVibe RewardsHighVibe Rewards allows HV Token holders to experience the ‘larger universe’ availableto them, through their loyalty and participation within the network. By rewardingusers with HV Tokens, we grow our community organically, creating healthy habits andconnections.

While HV tokens can be purchased directly on an exchange, earning HV is simple andavailable for all HighVibe.Network members via consumption , creation , and/or curationof impactful content and experiences. HV will be ‘earned’ using a human attention(DPoE) consensus model, where users earn tokens using their attention. This is a breakthrough from computational power based mining, as it offers equal opportunity to everyone all over the world, rather than only the few who have access to high end mining equipment-- a scaling problem for many existing blockchains that can be solved via this model. Users can purchase, contribute, and curate experiences in a transparent way that truly serves the expanding global community and aligns with positive social impact initiatives all over the planet. Built into our ecosystem is also a referral program that encourages member participation; whenever a user invites someone new to theplatform, both people will receive a reward.

Token Mechanics

We instantly reward users with tokens for participation on the platform, e.g., submittingquality content, voting, commenting, participating in campaigns, rating products,activating new users, and more. This will be managed by an algorithm that will adaptover time to ensure that attaining tokens remains an even playing field among users(i.e., it will become more difficult over time as the user base grows). HV tokens aredistributed to the network’s contributors from the Daily Rewards Pool (R) which has twocore components, revenue and inflation:


Each day HighVibe.Network will calculate how many tokens are available for rewards bytaking 40% of the revenue generated (net of direct costs) and purchasing HV tokens onthe open market. These tokens will then be distributed as part of the daily rewards poolto all active members.


Rewards Pool Algorithm

Daily Rewards (R) are calculated based on the sum of the available Karma rewards (Rk)and the available Experience Points rewards (Rxp), thus R is the total of Rk and Rxp (R =Rk + Rxp)

K (Karma) - Given or earned from simple actions, e.g. hitting the impact buttonXP (Experience Points) - Earned by users when they consume content and develop their skills and talents, e.g., listening to meditations, participating in experiences, completing classes, purchasing product, attending events, etc.m (multiplier factor) – A weighting factor based on reputation, time on platform,consumption style, holdings, etc.

NOTE: Ecosystem currencies, Karma (K) and Experience Points (XP), reward users for their contributions to the token economy without necessitating users buying tokens directly. The examples below who how they are derived from Impact Actions.


For our ecosystem to thrive, a constant supply of HV must be available for the entireduration of the HighVibe.Network’s existence. To ensure plentiful rewards are available,HV has adopted a permanent growing supply model similar to the Ethereum platform.There will be a 10% annual inflation rate (compounded daily) and 50% of the inflationtokens generated taily will go into the daily rewards pool.


Daily Rewards (R) are available to all members of the ecosystem. How rewards aredistributed will vary depending on how many of each member type is active in a givenday, but will generally follow the following allocations:

40% to Users40% to Authors & Content Creators20% to Affiliates & Curators


Impact Actions

Impact Actions are our equivalent of an ‘upvote’ or ‘like button’ that many usersare accustomed to today. Impact Actions showcase who is making an impact andcontributing meaningfully to the ecosystem. When someone clicks the Impact buttonthey are automatically rewarded and make a compounding positive impact by increasingthe reputation and earnings capabilities of the creators across the ecosystem.

Karma (K)

Karma is earned by all members of the ecosystem (users, creators, and affiliates) andmore Impact votes equate to more Karma earned. Users can gain karma for actionssuch as sharing and curating content or gifting swag (see below for more on swag),while Creators earn Karma when users “upvote” or share their content. Karma can alsofunction as a non-token currency for purchasing digital goods and gifting.

Ways to earn K:Earned Impact: Authors and curators earn K from users upvoting/liking their content.Engagement aka Completing Experiences: Authors earn K when users completeexperiencesCurating/Recommending/Sharing: Curators earn K based on traffic, subscriptions, andengagement.Gifting: Users earn K gifting swag, products, and experiences.

Karma Leaderboard Rankings are based on accrued karma holdings (members can beanonymous on the leaderboard if they choose).


How Karma is converted into HV is based on a member’s individual karma (IndK) thatday, the total karma available to the network that day (NetK), and the value of the Karmadaily rewards pool (Rk).

“Individual” Karma (IndK): Karma earned by one user/author/creator in a given dayIndK = {K(upvotes) + K(comments) + K(shares) + K(content) + K(Gifts)}

“Network” Karma (NetK) = Sum of all Karma earned on network in a given dayNetK = ΣIndK

Thus, the HV a member can earn in a given day from Karma is:

HV = (IndK/NetK) / RkRk = Daily Rewards Pool Allocation for K

Experience Points (XP)

Experience Points (XP) are earned when users consume “experiences” that developtheir skills and talents. For example, completing classes, listening to music, participatingin webinars, attending events, and the like. In general, Experience Points will carrymore contribution value than Karma as they are the result of developing skills, beyondsimply liking or sharing content. XP Leaderboard Rankings are based on the accruedXP holdings per user (members can, of course, choose to be anonymous on any of theleaderboards).

Ways to earn XP:Direct Actions - Collaborating, Group Activities, Taking Courses, Listening to AudioMeditations, VR, Travel, etc,Indirect Actions - Watching Ads, Sponsored Incentives

How XP are converted into HV is based on a member’s individual experience points(IndXP) that day, the total experience points earned within the network that day (NetXP),and the available experience points daily rewards pool (Rxp).

Individual XP (IndXP) = Experience Points earned by one user in a given dayIndXP = {XP(activities) + XP(Meditations) + XP(Course Completions) + XP(CollaborativeComponents) + XP(Purchases) + XP (Virtual Reality) + XP(Sponsored) + XP(Travel)}

“Network” XP (NetXP) = Sum of all experience points earned on network in a given dayNetXP = ΣIndXP

HV = (IndXP/NetXP) / RxpRxp = Daily Rewards Pool Allocation for XP


Multiplier Factors

Multiplier factors (m) are used to weight activities based the “value” of an activity and thereputation of the member.

As the example case studies below indicate, multiplier factors (m) can be driven byconsumption, creation or curation-based activities. Each action is given a particularweight, e.g. an upvote has a multiplier of 1 where is listening to a morning meditationhas a multiplier of 3. Relative weights are determined by our governance rules and canbe changed over time.

Note below is all Individual XP and K earnedXP earned = m(XP action) x number of times XP is completedK earned = m(K action) x number of times K is completed

Consumption example: Jane’s 12K and 23XP earned in a 24-hour periodListened to morning mediation: XP = 3 (points per listen) x 1 (number of listens)Wrote in gratitude journal: XP = 3 (points per writing) x 1 (number of entries)Upvoted 7 posts: XP = 1 x 7Created 1 post: K = 1 x 1Listened to 5 songs in a playlist: XP = 1 x 5Received 11 Upvotes on posts: K = 1 x 11

Creation example: Lyla’s 118K and 13XP earned in a 24-hour periodCreated 3 posts: K = 1 (karma per post) x 3 (number of posts)Recorded 2 audios: K = 3 (recording) x 2 (number of audios)Recorded 1 video: K = 5 x 2Submitted 1 audio meditation to premium platform: XP = 3 x 1Audio meditation accepted into Meditations Everyday: XP = 10 x 1Received 11 Upvotes on posts: K = 1 x 11Received 11 Upvotes on audios: K = 3 x 11Received 11 Upvotes on videos: K = 5 x 11

Curation example: Leo’s 34XP earned in a 24-hour periodShared a post via whatsapp with some friends and received 3 clicks: XP x 3 (points pershare) x 3 (number of times shared)Invited 5 friends to meetup who RSVP’d Yes: XP = 3 (RSVPs) x 1 (invitation)Upvoted 7 posts: XP = 1 x 7Attended live Event/Meetup: XP = 10 x 1Took part in live community activity via mobile: XP = 5 x 1


Partner Rewards Program

Our HV Partner Rewards Program is designed to drive the network effects for HV Tokens, and to incentivise users to hold HV in order to gain premium access to applications across the ecosystem.

Partners Must Hold Tokens Each new Partner application will need to hold tokens in order to apply, enabling themto allow their communities and customers to earn HV Tokens, through the Proof-ofEngagement incentive model. They can also set aside a percentage of the HV PartnerRewards they derive from the Network toward social impact initiatives.Holding HV Tokens is a mechanism designed to ensure partners are correctly aligningwithin the interests and guidelines of the network. This holding mechanism will, byits nature, prevent partners from attempting to manipulate the system as it’s in theirbest interest to strengthen the alignment of incentives between Partners and other HVHolders.

Partners earn HV Partner Rewards from HighVibe.Network in proportion to the utilitythey contribute to the network. The rewards mechanism will use a verified token holdingmodel to measure network contribution. HighVibe.Network will determine PartnerStatus and rewards program based on validating their monthly wallet balance.

In effect, HV Partner Rewards compensate partner applications or platforms forattracting users by building engaging user experiences, powered by HV. Partner appscan choose various methods of distribution of rewards to their users in the partnerportal that allow transparency and precision.

Each HV Partner can also earn HV Tokens through its own business model (e.g., in-apppurchases, subscription, advertising, crypto collectables etc).


Click-to-Follow Widget

There will be a short code for influencers, groups, and members to add a follower widget to their website so that people can follow them seamlessly and stay connected in the platform.

Merchant Toolkit

Our Merchant Toolkit will allow our users to seamlessly derive value from the network without the need for coding, or complicated setup. This will be done in a simple form where users can set the parameters and establish their own rules. Here are some examples of Smart Contract logic we plan to have in our library...

Custom Rewards PoolStay till the end of the Masterclass/Webinar and you earn 1/n x rewards pool allocated.

Marketing IncentivesTake x action to earn y until allocation is exhausted.

Corporate SweepstakesA large organisation can set a pool for users to take part in designated wellness practices.

Revenue ShareA group of authors/creators can create a smart contract that pays them their share of royalties.

PhilanthropyUsers can set a percentage of profits to go directly to support a beneficial cause or charity.


Developer Merchant Tools

Built-in trust, identity management, payment processing, predefined contract terms, and no central point of failure make the HighVibe.Network Protocol an attractive place for many app developers and merchants to integrate. Example SDKs and APIs for Developers to connect to the HighVibe.Network are depicted in the diagram below:

Stream our content (Embeddable iFrame)

Updates and management of modular codebase

Wellness Bounties/Pools for Large Organisations

to use

Decentralized VoD, AoD, and VR streaming

HighVibe RewardsProgram (Spend x or take x action to earn)

Distributed data storage platform using



Advertising Platform

In HighVibe.Network people can accept relationships with advertisers and be rewarded. Users engage with brands with complete knowledge of how their data and preferences help inform advertising. Users also have full control over the personal data they wish to expose to advertisers, and what information they make available for use in demographi-cally targeted advertising campaigns.

Adverts are an integral part of HighVibe Network’s ecosystem. HighVibe.Network’s Advertising Platform will tap directly into Online Advertising (an estimated market of $291Bn by 2020) with imminent blockchain-driven disruption.

Unlike most other Advertising models, HighVibe Network’s model enables users to earn tokens by viewing, and engaging with adverts. Users can set their profile to either Stealth, Open, or Power Mode, depending upon the extent of advertising that they de-sire to consume which can be re-configured anytime.

If cultures/communities decide to welcome adverts, advertisers will compete to display their messages through either a Cost Per Click (CPC) or Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) bidding process, much like the auction systems of Facebook and Google.

Demographic data is still used to show the most relevant adverts but this exchange is open and visible to all. Advertisers find demographics and communities to target by searching community keyword tags. They also have the ability to see the full set of de-mographic information that is volunteered from any given community before deciding to bid.

Incentivisation Model for Communities

Advertisers within the HighVibe Ads platform will use HV Tokens to run ads and set bidding limits for acquiring advertising space, which will be distributed to viewers on fulfilment of the contract rules. The revenue from advertisers will be shared with the communities/cultures/channels if ads are served in their forum.

1 https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/04/global-advertising-spend-2020-online-and-offline-ad-spend-to-be-equal.html



Values-Based Governance

To facilitate the growth of the HighVibe Network Ecosystem, our HighVibe.Network Governance Board will be formed to oversee its adoption. The Governance Board will represent the interests of all participants, including users, developers and content cre-ators. Given the Board’s fundamental role in the ecosystem, establishing independent governance is necessary. This will be accomplished by introducing two additional groups of stakeholders over the course of two years, so that the Governance Board’s represen-tation is no longer a majority.

HighVibe.Network Governance Trust Council will contain three distinct bodies:

1. HighVibe Network Appointed Governance Board2. Stake Based DPoS (Club Collective)3. Random Pool (Hosted Collective)

Similar to a company structure, the Governance Board will receive, review and approve all major network decisions, such as hiring/compensation, changes/approvals to the platforms/ecosystem, company jurisdictions, M&A, company administration, exits, ac-counting, founding authors/talent and advisors, and major fiduciary decisions. The Club Collective and Hosted Collective will vote on and implement decisions that affect maintenance and growth of the network. Having the same functions, the major difference in the two collectives will be how the members are selected. Club Collective members will be chosen by the community, while Hosted Collective members will be chosen at random. In all cases, a minimum token threshold must be met to serve on the Collective and each member must be active in the network with a positive community rating.

This will be an innovative three-tiered Trust Council that includes a Governance Board, a Club Collective, and a Hosted Collective. This approach ensures ethical decision making and transparency, while avoiding the pitfalls of purely “stake-based” ecosystems that can more easily become manipulated by ‘whales’.

HighVibe.Network will also formalize a constitution that defines a code of conduct (sim-ilar to Terms and Conditions) in line with the mission, goals and values of the organiza-tion, and its members, that forms the governing baseline for the ecosystem.


Platform Longevity

HighVibe.Network is a community built for longevity, a fundamental factor in enabling us to consistently expand and grow. These are some of the critical elements of our community that creates a lasting relationship with our users.

Reputation Scoring

All members (users, authors, creators, clients, and affiliates) develop a Reputation Score based on an algorithm that accounts for actions and engagements. The algorithm brings together a user’s karma, swag, and experience points and includes factors such as age of account, frequency of content consumption/creation, and average rating of content. As Reputation Scores increase, members earn more influence as well as more rewards in the HighVibe.Network ecosystem. Every score is tracked over time and is graphed in full transparency for the user to view.

Distribution & Visibility (Organic Reach)

Visibility in the HighVibe ecosystem is based on upvote and like-based algorithms where users vote as decentralised curators. Members with higher reputation have more voting power. High quality content, based on reputation score, will drive how content gets served to users. Unlike challenges found on many social networks today, the goal is not to reinforce any one perspective, but rather to serve the most well-respected content across categories and ideas. In this way, the highest value content rises to the top for a broad group of users to see.

Decentralised Experience Curation

Our curators will be increasingly decentralised over time as the network grows and users grow their reputation scores. Each verified can also participate in polls to help make decisions in the network, and to decide which authors are published.

Formulas and factors used to assess Reputation Score and ratings will be regularly reviewed by our Governance council and evolve and improve over time, always with the goal of ensuring an inclusive community. To prevent trolling, negativity, and FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt), the algorithm will account for both individual feedback and community feedback when developing reputation scores.


Zero Transaction Fee Payments

A distinct advantage to most other blockchains like Ethereum and Bitcoin is that HighVibe Network is planning to upgrade its technology stack to have zero transaction fees. The HighVibe Token can also be used for multiple purposes like making payments, transfering money globally within seconds, and funding impact projects around the world.

Zero transaction fees come at a risk of rogue users flooding the network. The risk of spamming is mitigated and controlled by the bandwidth available to each account on the network. If an account holder disobeys the bandwidth limit “block producers” may reject their transactions, easily preventing DDoS spam attacks.

Incentives & Micropayments

HighVibe.Network allocates rewards to content creators allowing consumers to tip them for their work and upvote posts. The HighVibe app will serve as an integrated wallet and peer-to-peer exchange operating with minimal friction, providing a smooth, intuitive user experience with a low technical barrier to entry.

Personal Data

Users have control of their personal data within HighVibe Network. Users can toggle access levels of their data, thereby determining which third-parties are granted access to their data and which are prevented from receiving it. We will establish a shared data layer that allows users to port their identity, relationships, and wallet between applications.


HighVibe Exchange

HighVibe.Network will build its own Exchange in partnership with Blockshine and Global BTC to provide liquidity between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. To make a trade, customers will first be required to transfer cryptocurrencies or fiat into their exchange accounts.


• Sign-up with KYC• Hot wallet management and

security• Reporting• Six-months historical data back-up

and data retreival• Email support• Simple ticket system• Multiple platform langauges• SMS messaging service• Infrastucture hosting• RESTClient and Webstock APIs

Launch Timeline


Supported Fiat & Tokens

Development Partners

Build Live

Ready for Testing

CTS + 3 Months CTS + 5 MonthsCTS + 1 Months


Ecosystem and Content Channels

HighVibe.Network channels are sustainable streams that offer experiences to token holders, keeping them engaged and offering increasing levels of utility within our ecosystem. For a token to carry true utility for its holders, and for people to wish to retain these tokens long-term beyond speculative gains, it must carry value beyond a single use case. These channels within our ecosystem are more comprehensive than traditional apps, as they function better together, and have been selected to best serve HighVibe.Network and its community. Our rollout strategy has been crafted in stages to ensure the team can execute with excellence and to allow focused adoption. Our soft cap will enable us to complete stage one and all additional resources will push our vision farther. HighVibe.Network is an operating system for your life, uniting our members and serving our global community.


Stage 1 - Stage of ServiceTools to Start Your High Vibe Journey











STAGE 1HighVibe Network

Platforms & Services

(VRinflow.com)VR Wellness district

(Decentraland & District0x)

Video on-demand platform, The Netflix of Personal


Daily guided meditationssupporting your growth

Desktop & app interfaces

i MyselfDevelop

Conscious events thatteach, inspire, transform

and connect


iDevelopMyselfVideo-on-Demand platform Coined “The Netflix of Personal Development”

The iDevelopMyself platform is an ‘all you can eat’ membership that offers disproportionate value to users, far greater than the cost of the membership (which will be less than $10/month). We provide you with ‘at your fingertips’ access to inspiring short courses, films, and documentaries from some of the greatest authors, coaches, and minds of our time. With a seamless interface designed to stimulate every possible learning experience, you will be immersed in deep experiential learning. Our unique model rewards you in HV Tokens for learning and growing and works from any device.

MeditationsEverydayDaily guided meditations supporting your growth

Meditations Everyday provides a platform to uplift your mental state and train your subconscious mind. Life can be ‘busy’, fast, occupying, distracting, and sometimes challenging. If we ignore this stress and tension, it builds up. With advanced sound technologies to both heighten cognitive states or to relax your mind, there are tailored tracks. Binaural beats, oscillating beats, high frequency sound are some of the elements we use to give you a world- class experience. By tuning in to some of the best voices and artists, you will have the ability to consciously choose your mental states and form habits that support a fulfilling life.


VRinFLOWThe VR Wellness District (Building with Decentraland anddistrict0x)

VRinFLOW is a revolutionary platform for completely changing the way we learn, understand, connect, and move through the world. Creating wellness districts in the VR world (aka the metaverse), it offers a sanctuary of immersive experiences, featuring the world’s greatest experiences captured in 3D. Welcome to the future of learning.

With state of the art virtual and augmented reality technology, we enable innovation with experiential learning in such a way that enhances and evolves the uptake of information you are being exposed to. This helping you to upgrade your conscious and subconscious mind.

HighVibe.EventsConscious events that activate, inspire, transform and connect

We locate the most high-vibrational locations and create inspirational events hosted by some of the greatest minds on this planet, to facilitate a journey of transformation, rev-elation and connection. HighVibe.Events is a platform that curates conscious events to activate, teach, inspire, transform, and connect our community. Where can you expand your consciousness, while being in touch with a high-vibrational community and creating unforgettable moments? At Highvibe events, we have your back.


Stage 2 - Stage of AbundanceProducts & Services to Advance Your Journey






HighVibe.Health Zen



STAGE 2HighVibe Network

Platforms & Services

A health, wellness, fitness and nutrition platform

An artisan marketplace to trade/sellgoods, services, and experiences

Uplifting and connectingmusic for various settingsfrom morning until night

Zen travel experiences around the world


AbundanceSoundsThe functional music platform

Being exposed to the right sounds at the right time can not only improve our moods but can also fundamentally shift our physiology. At Abundance Sounds we carefully curate and engineer our music to consciously enrich your physiological, emotional and psycho-logical needs. You will be empowered to listen to music designed to life your energy and raise your vibration.

ZenTravelCoTapping into the affinity based group travel industry withexperiences around the world.

ZenTravelCo is more than just travel company. We locate, source, and curate the most high-vibrational experiences on the planet. High-vibrational beings in high-vibrational places, engaged in high-vibrational experiences. Each location and experience is curated to be an experience of a lifetime.


HighVibe.MarketA conscious marketplace to trade/sell goods, services, and experiences

We have created a space for our members to sell approved offers. HighVibe.Market is a platform for serving conscious offers to our community. A marketplace for collaboration, idea creation and enginuity to thrive, and for like-minded businesses to connect and create now, and in the future.

HighVibe.HealthA wellness, fitness, and nutrition platform

At HighVibe.Health, we are all about providing you with the latest, most effective and practical tools for physical wellbeing, transformation, and evolution. We have curated the most advanced methodologies — leveraging current innovation and research with proven traditional practices for upgrading your health. You will have access to the greatest minds in this field to deliver optimal results and proven strategies for a lifetime of transformation.

HappyWaterProjectAlkaline happiness infused HighVibe water for everyone.

More than just clean water, the Happy Water Project is consciously transforming the way we relate to our health. An advocate for the mind-body connection — The Happy Water Project sources the cleanest and purest water, reinforces it with our unique high-vibra-tional process, and makes it accessible. The effect of high-quality ‘structured’ water on the human body is profoundly underestimated. We are on a mission to distribute the best, energy-infused, structured water on the planet.






HighVibe.News H






STAGE 3HighVibe Network

Platforms & Services

A news channel aboutwhat is going well and

working well in the world

A platform to expand the consciousness of

our future generations

High vibrational conversationswith enlightened minds

VR Meditation immersionVR Yoga retreats

(VR headset)

Stage 3 - Stage of ConnectednessHigher Level News, Education & Immersion Opportunities


HighVibe.SchoolA platform to expand the consciousness of our future generations

Emotional intelligence and artistic expression are missing from our current schooling system, and we aim to fill the ‘gap’ by teaching students how to connect, collaborate, and pursue their passions. At Highvibe.School we believe in reshaping and revolutionising the way in which we learn, educate, inform, and impart wisdom to our younger generations. We are a platform to expand the consciousness of our future generations.

HighVibe.NewsA positive news channel speaking only to what is going well and working well in the world

As a society, we are tired of focusing on what is ‘wrong’ in the world. Fear-based news is addictive and draining. At Highvibe.News, we focus on positive news, innovations, events, and people that are contributing positively to the world. We believe that if we are connected and focused on what is going well in this world, we will feel more gratitude, feel better about ourselves, and contribute meaningfully from a place of inspiration, appreciation, and connection.


Expansion of VRinFlowGoing deeper into VR Meditation Immersions (VR Headset) and VR yoga retreats in paradise locations

HighVibe.Show Enlightened conversations with enlightened minds

The most high-vibrational conversations with enlightened minds that deliver the highest quality content available. At Highvibe.Show, it’s all in the intention and the art of query. We have curated a system to extract maximum value from each guest to deliver the highest quality value to you — anytime, anywhere and at any moment.


Alpha Experience

The HighVibe Alpha showcases what we are building, getting users excited and demonstrating the caliber of talent with whom we work. In parallel, we are building core functionality such as a digital wallet, onboarding tutorials, a space for communication and other features that will help the network become a true community. Users get an exclusive preview of the top-tier authors and programs in our network, within a unique learning environment designed towards immersive learning and diverse growth across multiple platforms — online and offline.

As a founding member of the HighVibe.Network community, users will receive:

• Complimentary access to the first collection of world-class meditations, programs and courses on HighVibe.Network.

• Be at the height of innovating a new learning platform by sharing your experience, as we continue to revolutionize personal development.

• Connect with a global community of founding members as we begin to learn, collaborate and grow collectively, for the betterment of our self and humanity.


Author and Creators We Are Already Working with....

Authors have a mission to serve, connect, and enhance people’s lives. In a world where adverts are taking the space of value-driven content, we enable authors to reach more of the right people. With a high level of curation and production quality, we are excited to push creative boundaries to make each person’s individual experience shine.

We are working with deeply respected authors; some of the biggest names in the industry, such as:

Marisa PeerNamed Britain’s #1 Therapist by Tatler magazine and one of the top grossing personal development authors of our time

Benjamin HardyThe #1 writer on Medium.com

Joseph CloughWorld Class Hypnosis and Meditation Artist

Jessica LivelyLaw of Attraction Teacher and Host of the Top 100 podcast, The Lively Show

Yanick SilverFounder of Maverick1000 Mastermind & Global Entrepreneur

Christine HasslerMaster Coach, Best Selling Author, keynot Speaker & Podcast/TV Host


100+ more authors in the pipeline!

Lori HarderSelf-Love Specialist, Cover Model & Author

Sarah PendrickFounder of Girltalk - One Of The Original Women’s Movements

Jen EsquerPhD & Founder Of The Optimal Body Program

Anahata AnandaSoul Guide for Empowerment and Healing, Founder ofShamangelic Healing

Ayah Norris Holistic Healer and Yoga, Meditation and Reiki Teacher

Stef SifandosAuthor and Celebrity Coach to Olympic Athletes

Jordana Reim Life Coach, Spiritual Guide, Writer and Public Speaker

HighVibe.Network is currently reserving handles for all A-list influencers, so if you fit that category and would like your handle reserved, please drop an email to [email protected].

We recommend you do this promptly to ensure it’s available for you when you join the platform.


Lori HarderSelf-Love Specialist, Cover Model & Author


HighVibe.Network is a common interest platform building meaningful, innovative, and strategic partnerships. We choose to align with cutting edge innovators within their respective niches who can deliver and support perpetual growth of this exponential technology, and stay accountable to us and our mission.



Our journey began in Q2 2017 when we first started to understand what authors, conscious communities, and social platforms needed the most. We experienced many of the same challenges and could see clearly how we could develop solutions. In Q3/Q4 2017 we formed our core team, sought vigorous feedback from industry leaders and began to craft a vision. In 2018 we laid the foundation and put together our technology roadmap and spreading the HighVibe.Network vision, activating our community around the world. We launched our Alpha Experience (www.highvibealpha.com). In 2019, we are now well into our journey to expand the consciousness of our community and to develop the value of the network for everyone to thrive. HighVibe.Network seeks to bring an influx of fresh users into the distributed economy. Investment will fund exciting new platform projects, immersive experiences, inspiring documentaries, and live events... all of which will boost the value of the network and support the enhancements of the HighVibe blockchain protocol.

Story, Operations & Team


HighVibe.HQ Concept

HighVibe.Network is officially headquartered in the legislation compliant and regulated environment of Estonia.

Our approach will prioritize creativity, expansion, and connection throughout the world. As such, two or three times per year we will move our “HighVibe Creative Hub” to paradise locations that encompass innovative approaches to architecture and sustainability.

Considering and integrating principles of biomimicry, Highvibe Network HQ will be a work of art. The richer our external environment, the more profound our opportunity for stepping in to a peak experiential state. Our vision for connecting our team to the natural world stems from a desire to get the most from our human experience, in alignment with nature.

Promoting social cohesion, innovative and sustainable designs, and constructions from the latest green building technologies. Creating an environment to give birth to high vibrational experiences all over the world, for all who are a part of our expansive community.


The Dream Team

Faiz is a mission-driven entrepreneur working closely with blockchain-based projects that are positively impacting the world. Passionate about merging related industries by bringing entrepreneurs, influencers and thought leaders together for projects that support the common interest of humanity at large — he believes deeply that our connectedness as teachers, mentors, and collaborators enables us to become our best selves.

• Partner (and cofounder) of Agency Golden, a digital marketing agency working with many of the world’s top-rated authors.

• Garnered extensive experience managing large teams and complex tech build-outs (Citrix, VMware, Nutanix, AWS, Azure technologies, etc.) through leading C-level project relationships for enterprise level clients.

• Experienced in building global partnerships with companies including Forbes, Active Campaign, Civic, One Tree Planted, Clickfunnels, Mindvalley, Gini.tv, Infusionsoft, Citrix, VMware, Nutanix and more.

• Investor in companies that incorporate Blockchain Tech, Online Marketing, Personal Growth, Wellness and Online Education.

Faiz Nazarali Chief of MiraclesCo-Founder, Platform Architecture, Strategic Partnerships and Growth

John is a serial entrepreneur, investor, speaker and London native that is deeply involved in the personal growth industry and is connected with prominent authors all over the world. He built the highly lauded Jongleurs comedy brand, which sold in 2000 at a valuation of $51m.

• Formed the Digital Market Leader, RapidTransformationalTherapy.com (RTT), along with his wife Marisa Peer, herself a best-selling author and leading hypnotherapist.

• As a restaurateur ushered 35 culinary brick and mortar hubs to life.• Chairman of the London-based, award-winning Alan Camp Architects, buying and

selling more than 40 commercial properties.

John Davy Heavy HitterCo-Founder, Author Relations and Growth


Liz has spent 20 years building online global marketplaces with a career that spans the early days of AOL and Etsy, to the explosion of crowdfunding with Indiegogo, to using innovative technologies and approaches to disrupt existing supply chains. Her areas of expertise include global operations, entrepreneurship, financial planning, market assessment, business development, and team building. Her passion lies in helping companies grow from early stage start-ups to thriving global businesses.

A social entrepreneur at heart, Liz is a firm believer that business can be a force for positive change. She built and ran an import company working with women throughout East and West Africa, and is a board member of the Business Council for Peace whose mission is to help companies create/expand jobs in conflict-affected areas around the globe.

• Built the initial global strategy, team and offices for Etsy and Indiegogo.• Advises and invests in start-ups in technology, social enterprise and craft beer

sectors.• Avid traveler and global adventurer who never misses an opportunity to meet new

people around the world.

Liz Wald Ecosystem DevelopmentCOO

Rui Maximo Infrastructure MaverickLead Blockchain and Full Stack Developer

Rui Maximo has nearly 25 years of experience in software development, design and consultancy with fortune 500 companies and startups. He brings a wealth of experience in security, unified communications (Skype for Business, bot framework), and blockchain technology.

• He’s worked at many companies including Microsoft, Intellectual Ventures, RSA, Liberty Mutual and consulted for Principal Insurance, F5, GE Money and more.

• He’s written the smart contracts for StormX’s ICO, decentralized identity (DID) for LifeID, and is a technical advisor to several startups including HighVibe.network.

• He’s published 6 technical books on Skype for Business Server and prior versions, authored over 30 articles, co-presented training videos and co-authored 3 patents.


Stef is a published author, viral content producer and keynote speaker. He has been deeply immersed in the personal growth industry for 15 years and has extensive experience in the areas of Psychology and Philosophy, Ayurvedic medicine, specialised mind/body modalities, mindset coaching and holistic health.

• Led elite Australian special forces soldiers through rigorous mindset and physical resilience conditioning.

• Involved in multiple start-up companies and responsible for the curating of innovative and advanced CSR frameworks and high-level stakeholder management.

• Prepared and worked closely with repeating world-champion athletes, fighters and Olympic gold medalists to enhance cognition, focus and physical preparedness, including:

Stef Sifandos Master Curator and CreatorHead of Platforms

- Kate Starre - member of the Australian Women’s Hockey Team, winner of gold medals in 1996 and 2000

- Daniel Dawson - Australian super welterweight kickboxer and boxer, eight-time World Champion Fighter

- Belinda Brooks - member of the Australia women’s national water polo team that scored 4th place in 2004 Athens Summer Olympic Games

Peg Samuel is a communications expert across all platforms with an innovative global reach & vast network of industry connection to enhance an expand our meaningful narrative.

Peg Samuel Uplifting the Global NarrativePR & Storyltelling


Chris established Asia’s first Technology Practice Group as part of Ward Howell International in 1992 as a United States Native living in Asia.

• Selected as one of the top Global 200 Executive Recruiters. • Published author, musician, adventure traveller, and Yoga instructor. • 25 years as a leader in global executive search.• Co-founder of The Strategic Executive Search Group, a leading, Asia-based, boutique

alternative to the global search firms focused on the intersection of talent and sustainability.

• Global Summit Pioneer at Forbes, Ted, Summit Series, Afest, WEF @ Davos and other events attended by change-makers all around the world.

Chris Traub Talent MagicianA-list Relationships and Global Event Headliner

Nikhil is an extremely talented designer and creative strategist inspired by the awakening of consciousness unfolding across our planet.

• Founder of Akasha Creative, a conscious digital marketing and creative agency.• Has extensive experience working with conscious startups and established

businesses to develop their brand identity, build their online presence and bring their product to market.

• Co-founder and developer of the Plexus app, bringing together over 100 premium lifestyle businesses to deliver their offerings to a niche market.

• Currently developing an AI-based life coaching and community-building app designed to uplift its user base and catalyze positive global change.

Nikhil Kale Eye of the TigerCreative Director


Nicolas is a Responsive and Resourceful Project Manager with 7+ years of experience pushing the limits on creating value for organisations with audacious missions. He’s worked across the spectrum from early stage blockchain startups, all the way up to managing 50+ software engineers (Web developers, C#, C++, NodeJS) with large scale deliverables and budgets exceeding fifteen million euros.

He’s worked with Defense & Space projects for worldwide governments, and Blockchain projects (Embedded Software, SaaS, DApps, Mobile DApps, and API Development) in conjunction with Asian governments, all with the likes of Thales Alenia Space, Airbus Defense, and Amadeus.

Nicolas Nups Orchestration NinjaTechnical Project Manager

Jim is an Executive-In-Residence at the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator, a Co-Founder of The Early X Foundation, and participates on several Boards of Directors and management teams. A hands-on operational and financial executive with many years of start-up, management, investing and consulting experience — focused much of his career in the areas of health and fitness, as well as cleantech sustainability — to both help individuals live better lives and solve the global issues that impact all our lives together.

• Participated in approximately $2 Billion in financings• Advised early-stage companies in all facets of corporate and business development• Managed dozens of M&A and post-acquisition integrations• Co-founded The Early X Foundation, a non-profit stimulating economic growth.• Mentors Portfolio Companies as an Executive-In-Residence at the Los Angeles

Cleantech Incubator• MBA from the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern

University in 1992 and his B.S. in Accountancy from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1987.

Jim Winett Master of NumbersHead of Finance



Akira is a world class filmmaker who believes in the human-spirit and power of storytelling to deliver powerful experiences.

• Founded Rare Media with his partner Renee Airya, and built a team of creatives and a network of clients that include multiple best-selling authors like Deepak Chopra and fast growing companies like Bulletproof 360 and Mindvalley.

• Traveled the world producing “The Bloom Series” a docu-series on transformational festivals and also worked with Elevate films on dozens of productions, including the documentary “Neurons to Nirvana.”

• Produced 3 feature-length documentaries as well as hundreds of videos in the fields of health and wellness, technology, education, personal growth and entrepreneurship.

Akira Chan Master of VisualsHead of Film

Jeremy Khoo is an international business operator, founder and blockchain entrepreneur who has successfully exited 3 venture-funded companies.

• Currently Group CEO of iFashion, a leading regional retail enabler and conglomerate. iFashion was acquired by MC Payment for $23 million, and Jeremy will be co-leading the combined push for a public listing on the SGX in 2018.

• Co-founder of retail blockchain MegaX which conducted a token sale and deployed the cryptocurrency for use in the retail ecosystem.

• Co-founder of Crypto-E-Commerce store Megaxstore which is spearheading cryptocurrency mass adoption.

• Partner and Principal Consultant at Novum Capital and Enblockr, which has helped many high profile companies sell more than USD$100M in tokens so far.

Jeremy Khoo Global Market ExpansionPartner Novum Capital


Virginia Salas Kastilio is the founder of “Gini.TV,” a disruptive media firm that helps businesses build influence and online awareness and CMO of Socratescoin. A “third culture kid” who went to over a dozen different schools and decided to start from scratch and build an online following.

• Managed over a billion dollars at Apple and Oracle.• She has been named the #1 female snapchat influencer in the world• Hired gun behind organizations like the BBC, NASDAQ, Universal Studios and others.

Virginia Salas Kastilio Hype with a CauseInfluencer Relationships

Dr Koning has been advising and investing in startup companies for more than 20 years, thanks to his many years of experience as a corporate executive. Starting in telecoms, he has worked with new companies in a variety of sectors throughout Asia, the US, Australia, and Europe. He has a long track record of helping young companies grow.

• A veteran of more than 50 ICOs. Previous Board Member of IOTA.• A long track record of success both as an investor and as a coach, C-level manager,

and board member.• Educated to doctorate level in Information Studies and Policy Studies, and then with

a Post-doctorate in Corporate Governance from Nyenrode Business University• Worked at AT&T Laboratories.• Built innovative management consultancies like Biting, Lynx and O&I. After a stint as

non-executive Director for Intelligent Options Trading Analysis, he became the CEO of the “venture catalyst” Tige Tiger.

• Currently works as an independent consultant for startups and an ICO advisor.

Hans Koning CEO Tige TigerICO Veteran


Yanik re-defines how business is played in the 21st century at the intersection of more profits, more fun, and more impact. His lifetime goal is to connect visionary leaders and game changers to catalyze business models and new ideas for solving 100 of the world’s most impactful issues by the year 2100.

• Founder of Maverick1000, a private, invitation-only global network of top entrepreneurs and industry leaders.

• Assembles breakthrough retreats, rejuvenating experiences, and impact opportunities (to-date raising over $3M+) with participating icons.

• Author of several best-selling books including “Evolved Enterprise”.

Yanik Silver Best-Selling Author- Evolved EnterpriseAuthor & Investor Relations

Amateo is a thought-leader, crypto enthusiast and marketing expert. Having coached and consulted with over 100+ world-changing brands and game-changing entrepreneurs, he is now consulting and advising cryptocurrency companies. He is currently the Lead Marketing Director of Ethos - and brings his 10+ years of experience to scale the impact and awareness of the organizations he supports.

• Lead Marketing Director of Ethos.• Ran a mastermind with 15+ visionary leading entrepreneurs.• Produced 20+ live events, transformational retreats & 3-Day seminars. • Over 5-Million readers of his conscious content.

Amateo Ra Marketing Director of Ethos Universal WalletMarketing & Growth


Christine is a best-selling author. She left her successful job as a Hollywood agent to pursue a life she could be passionate about. For over a decade she has been a keynote speaker, retreat facilitator, spiritual psychologist and life coach, teaching and inspiring people around the world. She believes that once we get out of our own way, we can show up to make the meaningful impact we are here to make.

• Author of “Expectation Hangover: Free Yourself From Your Past, Change your Present, and Get What you Really Want”.

• Host of the top-rated podcast “Over it and On With It”.

Christine Hassler Best Selling AuthorAuthor Relationships

Ihor is the co-founder and CEO at Applicature. Besides managing the company, he coaches blockchain companies and helps strategize tokenization across various industries.

• An experienced technology manager and advisor in blockchain. • Has been involved in many blockchain projects and ICOs, as well as complex

technical development projects.

Ihor Pidruchny Technical Guidance

CEO at Applicature


Patryk is a deep UI/UX strategist, with a hunger for excellence. Focused on ethical design principles. He’s had an incredible journey as a digital creative for over 10 years leading data driven experience design and contemporary visual execution across industries for major companies such as AT&T, Citibank and IKEA.

• Comprehensive wire-framing and sketching capabilities. • Focus on lean iterative testing and development cycles to innovate quickly to achieve

maximum levels of usability and enhanced user experiences. • CoFounder of The Rabbit Hole, an art initiative which became a leading art event

management and promotion platform for local and international artists in Australia.

Patryk Pawlowski UI/UX & Ethical DesignUX Professional

PHD in A.I. from MIT - Dr. Michael Sung is an innovator and entrepreneur, leading tech transfer platform and investment specialist connecting internationally-sourced innovation to China, particularly in the areas of blockchain, artificial intelligence, electric/autonomous vehicles, Industry 4.0 and semiconductor technologies.

• One of his projects on large-scale graphene manufacturing was recently selected for Google’s Solve for X Prize, the first project ever selected from China/HK.

• Author of 10 patents and 80 conference/journal papers.• Chair of the steering committee for MIT Tech Review’s Emtech HK Conference.• Founder of the One World Blockchain Alliance (industry consortia connecting the

world’s leading blockchain companies to China’s Belt and Road initiatives).• Founding board member for the Technology Innovation Council of Asia, a think tank

focused on providing enlightened policy recommendations for regulating disruptive technologies to Asian governments including autonomous vehicle, data privacy, ethical AI and cryptocurrency/ICO legislation.

• Teaches at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Michael Sung Tech Innovation, A.I. and Asia Market ExpansionAI, Blockchain, and Exponential Technology Master


Blake is seasoned in scaling large businesses and building teams. He’s an accomplished strategy, execution, and operations expert with a broad understanding of multiple industries who has worked in ventures of all sizes — creating growth in market valuation, deal structuring, Private Equity and Venture Capital.

• Sits on the advisory board to the Dean of Social Sciences at the University of California, Irvine.

• 15 years experience implementing socio-economic theory to expand and develop ecosystems in multi-national endeavors advising ultra-high net-worth individuals

• Extensive experience in rapidly scaling companies of global reach, specializing in company rehabilitation and turnaround.

• Highly experienced in working with both small and large teams. Understands how to work with both high/low structure tools in order to keep the creative elements high while maintaining operational efficiency of rapidly expanding teams.

Blake Baxter Flow MasterOperations

Sunil is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who is transforming the way world-class companies think about and acquire talent. His customers include global brands such as Google, MasterCard, SpaceX and Walmart.

• Launched Crowdstaffing, a talent cloud provider. His new model for recruitment is implemented by some of the worlds largest companies.

• Investor and advisor in several Silicon Valley startups, including Neurohacker, Loudr.FM, Creative Gig and Good.co.

• Pioneer in sustainable crowdsourcing strategies for talent and resources.

Sunil Bagai Platform ScalabilityPartnerships and Decentralised Business Modeling



Nicolas is a highly motivated and dynamic fin-tech professional with a passion for applying scientific methods to solve complex business problems. He has spent the last decade working across a range of sectors including finance, mining and hi-tech, and has built a reputation for utilizing new and innovative technologies with a focus on data science, blockchain, and change management for large enterprises.

• His experience in the equity and derivative markets at Commonwealth Bank, and Business Innovation Manager at Evolution Mining, underpins his success at Marketcoin (Marketcoin.com).

• As well as being passionate about delivering high end results for his clients, he also believes in life balance. He is a keen surfer and polo player.

Nicolas Levy Finance & Data Science Live Events and Artist Relations

Jörn is driven by his curiosity to explore and grow and his proactive nomadic lifestyle is designed to nurture his creativity and experience life on his own terms. He is dedicated to create a positive impact with his passion for psycho-emotional development and connectedness in human behaviour and relationships.

• Worked extensively with multinationals and start-Ups in the sector of Technology, Music, Personal & Professional Development, Nutrition, Business Development, Sports, and Healthcare Industries which provided him with precious perspectives, great understanding and marvelous insights, which he aligns to realize a true contribution (Ikigai).

• He is dedicated to enabling people to reach a greater fulfillment and therewith increase their quality of life.

Jörn Hortsmann Multilingual HostCommunity Management


Jian is a tech guru working on cloud and mobile computing. Jian established a tech company called “Warp Dreams” to provide Cloud and Mobile solutions to varieties of clients, it also hosts a range of unique IPs including a mobile game, an algorithmic online betting system, and components built in AWS. Jian has 10+ years frontline coding experience and is a tech team leader.

• Wrote an iOS mobile game which reached 8k daily downloads.• Worked on several public-servicing mobile apps with the Australian Government,

including a defibrillator locating app and a police assistance app.• Wrote an automated algorithmic online betting system hosted in AWS that profited

(and banned by bookmakers).

Jian Yin ShenLead Full Stack Engineer

Sunny operates wherever executives, thinkers, artists, creators, innovators, entrepreneurs, educators and philanthropists connect and collide around the globe. Her genius is developing networks of extraordinary people and connecting their ideas in surprising ways toward concrete outcomes.

• An author, serial entrepreneur, mentor and advisor. • Worked closely with GE, TED, Credit Suisse, MTV, the National Academy of Sciences,

Techstars.• Founding board member of Kickstarter.

Sunny Bates Investor & PartnershipRelationsManaging Partner BlockTrade Investments


Former Creative Director at Gopro. Justin has an extensive production background in TV and film and is constantly working with new technology including VR and AR. A truly inspired filmmaker creating innovative, story-driven content around the world.

• As the Creative Director for GoPro, Justin created unique character stories that explored athletes pushing their limits. Worked with internationally renowned brands including Red Bull, Adidas, the X-Games and more.

• Helped create some of the most successful viral videos in the action sports world including Danny Macaskills Cascadia that has nearly 30 million views.

• Has filmed in extremes locations from the top of the Alps to on floating icebergs in Greenland.

Justin Whiting Video NinjaVideo Production

Zachary has been immersed in the world of cryptocurrency at all stages. He started his career as a miner and mining farm director, then helped with enterprise blockchain implementations for various mid-sized companies, advising on some of the first public token offering projects. His unique perspective allows him to address the issues of the traditional fiat-based systems from the angle of a business, investor, user, and miner to ultimately find the most parsimonious solution for the respective platform.

• Founder and CEO of Fitzner Blockchain Consulting.• He and his company have helped dozens of projects build their utility in the space,

including everything from distributed real estate networks to green energy solutions for mining.

Zachary Fitzner Token Utility MavenBlockchain Consultant


Justin is an entrepreneur, lawyer, and experienced design creative dedicated to conscious living and using personal development to transform society and enterprise from within.

• Co-founder of DecentraNet, a full-service blockchain advisory and impact investment fund.

• Co-founder and producer of Evolving Caravan, an experiential learning tour and creative collective exploring how consciousness informs technology, spirituality, art, wellness, culture, and community.

Justin Snyder Expanding the MissionCo-founder of DecentraNet & Evolving Caravan

Originally from Argentina, always nomadic, Nanu is currently building art installations that explore the intersections between consciousness expansion and transcendental technologies.

• Currently an active writer for social, technology, AI, and communication platforms.• Noted for her 5 senses social experiments, Color Mind and Body Maps, and Crypto

Culture Creation.• As an artist her focus is around sharing information about the blockchain evolution

through experiential art.

Nanu Berks Global Ambassador ProgramWorld Renown Artist


Zachary is the Managing Partner of BlockTrade Investments, the only SEC and FINRA Compliant Fund in the Industry, and also serves as the CEO of Carolina Investments. His background is from both the tech industry, as well as the finance world, starting as a lead developer for a Fortune 500 Company. After his project was acquired by another institution he turned his sights to finance, becoming a Licensed Full Trader (Series 7 & 63 Licenses) in the process. After the SEC and FINRA took a defensive posture, he left Traditional Trading on the NYSE and committed full time to what he had traded for a decade.

• 1st Universal Donation Widget – Crypto and Fiat.• Diversification in Africa – Mining gold, oil, and precious gemstones.• Establishing the 1st Full Service Investment Institution – consisting of individual

brokerage accounts, managed products & precious metal storage.• Board Member of the first Commercial Hybrid Banking Institution – Both Fiat &

crypto friendly.

Zachary Reese Investor RelationsManaging Partner BlockTrade Investments

Her award-winning talk, Flip Your Flaws, has been featured on television and the international movie Embrace. Renee Airya is Co-Founder/CEO of RARE Media and Creator of Mother’s Milk Media, their women-centric media division. She has been deeply immersed in the healing arts for the last 21 years, specializing in women’s empowerment, expression and entrepreneurship. One of her great passions is serving people by inspiring them to make peace with themselves as they currently are.

• She’s a facilitator for sistership circles and mastermind groups.• In 2013, Renee took her 10 Carat Goddess Group to mastermind with Virgin Unite

with Richard Branson on Necker Island supporting Virgin Unite.• A new mom at 43, she’s currently producing and creative directing our documentary

on parenting with her soulmate and business partner Akira Chan.

Renee Airya The People IlluminatorWoman’s Platform & Author Relationships


Erwin Benedict Valencia, aka E, is a true Polymath and is part high performance clinician, part coach, and part change agent. He currently serves as the medical and performance leader for the New York Knicks as its Director of Training and Conditioning. He’s also a speaker, social entrepreneur, mentor, educator, author, mindfulness coach, and dance ninja. He is the first Filipino, raised and educated in the Philippines, to be hired full time on the medical staff of any major sports team, and in fact succeeded to do it in both MLB and the NBA.

• Founder of KINETIQ sports medicine workshops. • Launched the first ever co-working space curated specifically for sports medicine and

sports performance specialists in Gangnam District, Seoul, South Korea. • Started the social initiative, #BeyondMedyo which brings awareness to the under-

served youth of the Philippines.• His non-profit mentorship program, Grasshopper Project, brings true mentorship

possibilities to many in the health and wellness fields.• Serves as an ambassador for Headspace, Lululemon, doTerra Oils, along with the

Daybreaker and AFest communities. • Sits on the Board of Directors for the Women One World and Womensphere


Erwin Valencia Global AmbassadorProgramCelebrity Physician & Mindfulness Advocate

Zak Garcia is a sought-after Marketing Executive and Leadership Strategist, and is the former Chief Marketing Officer at Bulletproof, Inc. (makers of Bulletproof® Coffee).

• Expert in branding, digital marketing, content marketing, web development, advertising, events and experiential marketing, customer service, public relations, strategic marketing partnerships, recruiting/hiring, and team culture.

• Zak believes that it takes leadership that creates a culture for growth for companies to scale exponentially.

• Zak has been an entrepreneur from a very young age and has sold over $100 million in products.

Marketing Strategy

Zak Garcia Activating the Masses


Relationships Stretching Far & Wide. Our Team has worked with & been featured in...


Q3 2017Idea and concept



Founding team unites

Q4 2017

Telegram, Twitter,Facebook, Instagram,

YouTube, Medium,Reddit

Established socialmedia presence



First release version ofwhitepaper ready

May 2018

- Github- Smart Contract Development- Alpha Platform Development 

- Secured Bancor ExchangePartnership

Q2 2018Tech roadmap +

Preliminary buildingMarketing Plan, Project Design,

Team Buildout 20+

Q1 2018

Marketing launch -Social and community


Team/Advisors Hit 40+

 - Partnership Developments- ICO Ratings

Q3 2018


CTS + 24 MonthsDecentralized curation

Merchant toolkitMessaging platform

Affiliate portal

CTS + 18 MonthsTarget 1mm usersChannel v2 launch

DPoS Protocol testing/integrationStage 2 Projects v1 build out

Integrated walletSwag (Digital unique collectibles)

Developer toolsSocial impact integration

Advertising platform

CTS + 30 MonthsStage 1 Projects- individual apps

Stage 2 Projects v2Stage 3 Projects v1

Target 10mm

Stage 3 Projects v2 release

Private Pre-saleLaunch

Detailed market analysisof all covered markets

and industries

Market analysis

Smart ContractDevelopment

+ Testing

- iDevelopMyself- MeditationsEveryday

- HighVibe.Events

Q4 2018Alpha channel launch

HighVibe.Space- Reputation score

- Reputation algorithmsProtocol development

Alpha ExperienceLaunch

CTS = Closed Token Sale

- HighVibe Exchange- Fiat gateway

- Rewards network- HighVibe Foundation launch

Launch ofHighVibe Exchange

CTS + 6 Months

CTS + 36 Months


Crowdsale Token Launch

With this Token sale we are not only looking to acquire capital for development. More importantly, we will gain loyal users for our platforms who believe in the overall project and are ready to become our founding members — users who can truly help make us the very best platform in existence through requests and honest feedback.

After the Token sale event, the value of the HighVibe Token (HV) will be established using open market mechanisms. As the size of the network and transaction volumes within it grows, this will create demand for the tokens.

About the Token Sale

Token Sale Details

Pre-Sale and Token Sale Conditions. HighVibe Network Token.

Token information

HighVibe Network

Private Sale Allocation

35% of tokens 2,800,000,000

Token symbol HV Public Sale Allocation

10% of tokens 800,000,000

Token standard Utility token.Ethereum ERC20

Airdrop & Bounty allocation

5% of tokens @ 400,000,000

Decimals 18 Total public token supply


Token price at Token sale

$0.01 USD Soft cap $2,500,000 USD

Total Token supply at Token sale

8,000,000,000 Tokens *

Hard cap $28,068,301 USD

Accepted currencies (Fiat TBA)

* 8,000,000,000 HighVibe tokens (HV) will be minted in the genesis contract. Thereafter HV will have a 10% yearly rewards pool allocation (aka inflation rate), creating a sustainable model that is guaranteed to grow the ecosystem consistently as the rewards are constant. Unsold tokens will be added into the rewards pool to expand our user base. Any unsold tokens from the Private Sale will be allocated to the Public Sale.



HighVibe Token Allocation

Team + Advisors

Contributors + Authors

Company Reserve


Token allocation

Stakeholder Team & Advisors

Contributors & Authors

Company Reserve


Percentage %

20% 10% 20% 50%

Token amount

1,600,000,000 800,000,000 1,600,000,000 4,000,000,000




As a measure to display commitment to our mission in good faith - Our Core Team all have a 2-Year Token Lockup, with 10% of their tokens unlocking at 6-Months. 5% of Public tokens are allocated to Airdrop & Community Activations around the world.

Exchange listing confirmed with:


Public Token Sale

Token Sale Launch w/ 4 tiers 15%, 10%, 5%, 0% token bonus15% of tokens - 800,000,000



173,913,043 181,818,182 190,476,190 200,000,000

Price $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 $0.01













200,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000

Token Sale Timeline

Public Token Sale

Closing Mainsale

Token Distribution

Exchange Trading

Private Presale for early supporters of our ecosystem

Up to 30% of tokens - 2,800,000,000

Private Invitation Presale



Allocation of Funds

User activation




Legal support

Operating costs

Distrubtion of funds,Collected on the Private


Distribution of funds,Collected on the Public

Token Sale






FinancialsWe invite you to be part of the Attention Economy 2.0, where users benefit directly and take advantage of the technologies that maximise our attention and energy in a powerful way. At HighVibe, we capture the need for human connection, advanced experiential learning, and long-term contribution to the planet.

Our fundraising efforts will ensure we have a three year runway for launching, building, and growing the ecosystem. A full financial model is available for interested investors and below are some key assumptions:

• Total ICO raise $28,068,301 • Subscription revenue (beginning 9 months after launch) drives majority of revenue -

freemium model; active users can pay fees from tokens earned• Additional revenue from advertising, events, product sales, etc. builds to 10%-12% of




How Will Our Token Sale Fit Into Existing Laws?Company HQ: ESTONIA

Our company and our funds are all based in

Estonia, where the jurisdiction is one of the most

“ICO friendly” on the planet. Estonia is listed as

#1 in “Top 10 Most Crypto-Friendly Countries” by


Estonia’s government is leading the way in utilizing

Blockchain technology, enabling their place as

pioneers of e-government. They are pushing the

boundaries further than anyone using Blockchain

as a catalyst, in order to establish itself as a digital

nation. The number of ICOs per capita is higher

there than anywhere else (*at the time of the

release of this whitepaper).

It is with purpose that we moved our teams HQ

to Estonia to fit our complete ecosystem within

a cryptocurrency friendly environment, to be

regulation friendly in protecting our team and

investors, and to ensure the longevity of our

ecosystem and its development.

HighVibe.Network’s legal team has open access,

communication, and interaction with the financial

regulators of Estonia (Financial Supervision

Authority, Financial Intelligence Unit), and are

committed to support genuine projects to thrive in

this new economy.

Token Sale Restrictions












Registration, Purchaser Eligibility and Security

To ensure eligibility and security, all parties

participating in the Token Sale must complete

a registration process with HighVibe Network.

Registration can be found on the HighVibe

Network website at the following link:


All purchasers wanting to participate in HighVibe

Token Sale must adhere to and be approved by

HighVibe’s KYC procedures, which are built upon

industry standard secure identity best practises.


Tax Policy

Estonia has one of the most competitive tax policies in

the world in place. Currently, Bitcoins and altcoins are

not subject to VAT. ICO projects are not taxed, either.

Additional Licenses

HighVibe.Network, upon standard approval

process, will obtain a cryptocurrency exchange

license in Estonia with the capacity to enable

exchanging fiat to crypto, crypto to fiat, and crypto

to crypto. We will also obtain a Virtual Currency

Wallet License which enable us to legally generates

keys for Clients or keeps Clients’ encrypted keys,

which can be used for the purpose of keeping,

storing and transferring virtual currencies.

This will make our project much more accessible

and suitable for large scale adoption.


Purchase, ownership, receipt, and/or possession

of HV tokens carries no rights, expressed or

implied, other than the right to use such tokens as

a means to participate, interact or transact in the

HighVibe.Network if successfully implemented.

More specifically, HV tokens do not represent

or confer any ownership right or stake, share,

security, or equivalent rights, or any right to

receive future revenue shares, intellectual

property rights or any other form of participation

in or relating to HighVibe and its corporate

affiliates, other than any rights relating to the

provision and receipt of services from HighVibe.



The following countries are not eligible to

participate in the HighVibe.Network Token Sale


Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, China, Ecuador,

Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan,

Kyrgyzstan, Macau, Morocco, Nepal, North Korea,

Serbia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia,

USA, Vanuatu, Yemen.

Please note: All attempts to circumvent these

restrictions may result in a loss of funds.


The information in this document is subject to

change or update without notice and should

not be construed as a commitment by HighVibe.

Network or its associated partners. This document

is for informational purposes only and does not

constitute an offer or solicitation to sell shares

or securities HighVibe.Network or any related or

associate company.


The purchase of HighVibe Tokens is subject to

the Token Sale Terms and Conditions and the use

of HighVibe is subject to the HighVibe.Network

Platform Terms and Conditions.

All contributors will require an account verification,

also known as Know Your Customer (KYC). The

process of verifying accounts will start shortly after

the Token Sale ICO concludes.


Oblicity is an Estonian based legal-tech company specialized in ICOs, blockchain and cryptocurrencies. One

important difference between us and other law firms is the fact that our core team have run their own

successful ICO and due to that gathered experiences that cannot be collected in any other way. We have

advised several successful ICOs and blockchain related projects including establishing a crypto investment

fund. Oblicity has the use of 30+ blockchain developers in our office who provide technical backup and help

our lawyers understand different blockchain projects better. This set of combined experiences allows us to

provide more aware and comprehensive legal services.

On the one hand, we operate in the EU legal system and therefore can offer trustworthy and stable legal

environment that is especially important in a field evolving so rapidly as ICOs and cryptocurrencies are. On

the other hand, we can use Estonian flexibility and government-backed high-level IT solutions to make our

legal ideas work efficiently in the real world.



Across the HighVibe.Network ecosystem, we’re tapping into the sweet spot of not just one, but several booming interconnected and vibrant markets — Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness, Virtual Reality (VR), Online Learning, Digital Music, Personal Development, and more…












Market Analysis and Data


HighVibe Market Research

Yoga has become a huge industry in the last five years. According to The Guardian, the global market size is estimated at $80bn as of 2017, and expected to reach $84,5bn in 2018, while showing a steady growth of 3-5% per year. The adoption of industry services has risen steadily, with yoga becoming widely accepted as a means of physical exercise. The ever growing health awareness of the market also helps to drive the market forward.

Below is a graph from Google Trends showing the popularity of the word search “Yoga” (Latin languages) worldwide during the last five years. 100 equals highest possible interest, while 50 shows a medium interest rate.

Above: Google Trends Data for latin language searches (March 2014 - March 2017). Steady high Interest in “Yoga” (searches) that’s even improved over time (the graphs are an indicator of the relative popularity of the search term “Yoga”).

Market Insight Yoga


“The yoga industry is booming”

The Guardian, September 17th, 2017

Key Markets: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore.

Rising Markets: Japan, China, Korea, Hong Kong, SEA countries

Let’s have a closer look at some of these markets.

Number of US citizens doing yoga (Yoga Journal; Harvard Health Publishing, 2016-2017)

Year Minimum number of people Growth

2012 20.4 million

2016 36.7 million

2017 37.2 million Up 82% over five years

2 Harvard Health Study


United States of America

Market size hit $16bn (20% of the global market pie) in 2016

• 9 out of 10 Americans have heard of yoga• 1 in 3 Americans has tried yoga at least once• More than 15% of Americans have done yoga in the last six months


United Kingdom

Yoga market size equals $1,2bn (£834m) in 2017 (data by IbisWorld UK, November 2017)

“Yoga” became Google’s top most searched words in the UK in 2016 and 2017

Number of UK citizens doing yoga (Compiled analytics data: Yoga Journal; UK Health data, 2017)

Year Minimum number of people Growth

2012 2.6 million

2017 6.5 million Up 150% over five years

Market OpportunityWhile the Yoga industry has continued to grow, it has transitioned from the growth stage to the mature stage of its life cycle over the past five-year period.

Many studios and coaches struggle to retain their customers, thus finding it harder to advertise their services due to increasing advertising expenses.

The booming, but saturated traditional industry gives us a perfect opportunity to bring in long-waited digital changes and help both coaches and trainees to lower expenses, connect with each other easily, and work together organically.

This would all be achieved in a perfectly balanced blockchain-based ecosystem, easily monetized by Smart Media Contracts (battle-tested and proven blockchain technology by Steem™) and digitally enriched by VR services.

3 IbisWorld UK research, November 2017



With roots in Buddhist and Hindu traditions, meditation training has hit the mainstream as a method to deal with stress and improve focus, productivity, healing, and reach overall relaxation.

According to Pew Research Center, the global market size is estimated at $6.2bn as of 2017 and expected to reach $7,13bn in 2018 (12-15% annual growth)

Why do people meditate? It’s a complex question, but let’s take a look at the survey data on the stress levels of the people who work daily (below). Pretty self-explanatory, don’t you think?

“Meditation Has Become A Billion-Dollar Business”

(Fortune, 2017)

Market Insight Meditation and Mindfulness Industry

Only 6% of meditators report low stress levels

Low stress levels

Constant butmanageablestress levelss

High levels of stress, and extreme fatigue/feeling out of control


Key Markets: USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand

Rising Markets: Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, SEA countries

Let’s take a look at the USA as the most active market in meditation and mindfulness:

Take note: 4 in 10 adults in the United States say they meditate at least weekly!

Meditation and Mindfulness industry in US(IBIS World, 2015-2017)

Year Market volume, USD Growth

2015 $1 bn

2016 $1.1 bn

2017 $1.25 bn Steady 25% growth over 2 years

Above: Percentage of US citizens who meditated(National Health Interview Survey)


Market OpportunityMindfulness is still maturing as a marketplace. With more than 2000+ different fragmented mindfulness apps, programs and software, there’s plenty of room to innovate and create more diverse , interactive and — more importantly — inclusive experiences that go beyond the 90’s based “listen to an MP3”.

So far —according to Pew Research Center — in western countries, mindfulness has been adopted primarily by a white, middle- to upper-class demographic because “the teachers within the western mindfulness community come from that background”. In order to make it more accessible, “we have to start with diversifying the mindfulness teacher base”.

This industry needs an upgrade to break the boundaries it has set upon itself.

“Increasing the diversity of mindfulness teachers is crucial in making meditation more accessible to other communities”

(Pew Research Center, Washington, 2018)

That’s why the founders of HighVibe Network has come up with the idea of a blockchain-based platform that embraces cultural and racial diversity, to give equal opportunities for skilled professionals from different countries to drive forward in this industry.

Smart media incentives will help creators directly monetize their work while the community can reward everyone with our HighVibe Tokens, based on merits and value given to the whole ecosystem by an individual.


The Virtual Reality (VR) market is currently booming at a swift pace due to the growth of interest from both consumers and investors. Technological breakthroughs have ensured constant developments and upgrades are available. Consequently, that enhances the appeal of the sector.

VR headsets, special headsets and omnidirectional treadmills have increased the market penetration potential of the market. The application of VR in certain segments — such as wellness, architecture, sports, entertainment and medicine — is creating unparalleled demand for the products of this market. VR allows educators to bridge the gap for distance learning. You really get the sense of being in the same room as another person.

“2017 was a turnaround year for VR, and it looks like 2018 will be a continuation of that


(Forbes, 2018)

Market Insight Virtual Reality (VR)

Forecasted market size of virtual reality hardware and software from 2016 to 2020, by platform

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020








Console PCMobile

4 Adobe on VR in education. 2018


5 Forbes on VR and AR in 2018



Although various big market players have launched their own VR hardware, not many people use it on a regular basis, and it is still far from becoming mainstream. One of the top reasons is the lack of compelling content. Inadequate content was named by 38% of the respondents of the survey by Perkins Coie, with upload being the main challenge facing the VR industry.

Above: VR content will overtake VR hardware in revenue generation in 2018

“VR in education will revolutionize not only how people learn but how they interact with re-

al-world applications of what they have been taught”

(Forbes, December 2017 )

2017 2019 20202018










3.9 5.0





Forecasted global virtual reality revenue by segment from 2017 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Accessories VR ContentHead-Mounted Displays

6 Lack of Compelling Content Is Top Challenge. https://www.bulldogreporter.com/study-examinesobstacles-fac-ing-augmented-virtual-reality-lack-of-compelling-content-is-top-challenge/, 2016.

7 Augmented and Virtual Reality Survey Report. https://dpntax5jbd3l.cloudfront.net/images/content/1/5/v2/158662/2016-VR-AR-Survey.pdf, 2016



8 https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/12/13/virtual-reality-the-next-generation-of-educa-tion-learning-and-training/2/#364f8740578b


HighVibe.Network wants to use the potential of the VR industry to broaden and innovate the experiences of those who will be tapping into Yoga, Meditations, Personal Growth, Health, and Online Learning Experiences on our ecosystem.

And best of all - we’ll be embarking upon our VR adventure in collaboration with Decentraland and district0x!

district0x is a network of decentralized markets and communities (“districts”) that exist as decentralized autonomous organizations.

In collaboration with district0x, we plan to build a VR World of Experiences in personal growth. We will also unlock virtual retreats that align with top tier authors and physical experiences occurring around the world.

Decentraland is a virtual reality platform powered by the Ethereum blockchain where users can create, experience, and monetize content and applications.

In collaboration with Decentraland, we plan to open up a world where users can create, experience, and monetize content and applications using the HV Token.

By using VR technology in more established and mature industries, such as Yoga and Meditation and Mindfulness, we stay aligned with our mission in powering the Transformation and Attention Economy.
