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Who Are You ??

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Session 1. Who Are You ??. The Importance of Self Knowledge. Video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0pyIVUq_JA&feature=related. What makes you unique?. Values Gifts Talents Strengths Interests Dreams Personality Character Jobs/hobbies Goals Skills. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Who Are You ?? The Importance of Self Knowledge http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=M0pyIVUq_JA&feature=related Video Session 1
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Who Are You ??The Importance of Self Knowledge



Session 1

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What makes you unique?ValuesGiftsTalentsStrengthsInterestsDreams


Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.~Aristotle

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Investigate You.Interest inventories, personality assessments, career assessments, strengths finderRecord academic achievements/work achievementsWhat do you do for fun?HobbiesVolunteer workClubs/organizationsSpeak with a good listener who knows you and can help identify more of who you are

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What type of lifestyle do you want to have?

Median Weekly Income

Unemployment Rate

Less than high school diploma $463 9.0High School graduate, no college

$518 5.7

High School graduate, some college

$699 5.1

Associate’s degree $757 3.7Bachelor’s degree $1,012 2.8Master’s degree $1,233 2.4Professional degree $1,531 1.7Doctoral degree $1,561 2.0

Median Weekly Income by Educational Attainment, 2008

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, 2009a).

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The School CounselorIndividual Student Planning

Goal setting Academic plans Career plans Problem solving Education in understanding of self, including strengths and weaknesses Transition plans

Source: ASCA

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What IF…??

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Session 2: Assessments

To help discover who you areThe value of identity of course is that so often with it comes purpose. ~Richard Grant

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True ColorsFill out True Colors inventoryPrioritize each grouping of words across the row horizontally

Use “4” to indicate MOST like you, “1” to indicate LEAST like youEach row MUST have a “1” through “4”Add columns down for a color total

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What is True Colors?True Colors is an inventory designed to help you better understand yourself and others.True Colors is an activity used to promote the appreciation of individual differences.True Colors is a self-awareness activity enabling individuals to become aware of their personality styles.True Colors is a team-builder helping members to understand the preferred styles of their colleagues.

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Points to RememberEach color is reflective of your personality.You will identify a primary and secondary color. These are your preferred styles.The colors you do not choose will have some characteristics that are representative of you; however, it is not your preferred style.True Colors is valuable for improving your effectiveness in working with others; however, as a short, self-report assessment it is not 100% accurate.

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The Four True ColorsBlue

Relationship OrientedGold

Structure OrientedGreen

Cognitive OrientedOrange

Impulse Oriented

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Class ActivityColors group up!As a group, each color will be planning a vacation to anywhere of your choosing.Work together as a group to figure out what needs to be done/discussed.You have 10 minutes to complete the activity and then we will share with the class.

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I have a strong desire to influence others so they may lead more significant lives.I often work in the arts, communication, education, and helping professions.I am adept at motivating and interacting with others.

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I seek harmonious relationships.I am a true romantic and believe in drama, warmth, and empathy to all relationships.I enjoy the symbols of romance such as flowers, candlelight, and music and cherish the small gestures of affection.

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Blue in ConversationsLove to talkTend to be direct and honestTalk about how they feelAvoid issues that might end up in conflictRamble and get off the subjectPay attention to non-verbalcommunication

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GOLDS...at workI provide stability and can maintain organization.My ability to handle details and to work hard make me the backbone of many organizations.I believe that work comes before play, even if I must work overtime to complete the task.

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GOLDS...in relationshipsI am serious and tend to have traditional, conservative views of both love and marriage.I enjoy others who can work along with me, building secure, predictable relationships together.I demonstrate admiration through the practical things I do for the ones I love.

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Gold in ConversationsUse clear and precise languageCut the small talkWant to keep the conversation in orderTalk about responsibilitiesFocus on how efficient things areWant to follow an agenda or plan

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I am conceptual and an independent thinker. For me, work is play.I am drawn to constant challenge in careers, and like to develop models, explore ideas, or build systems to satisfy my need to deal with innovation.Once I have perfected an idea, I prefer to move on, leaving the project to be maintained and supported by others.

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I prefer to let my head rule my heart.I dislike repetition, so it is difficult for me to continuously express feeling. I believe that once feelings are stated, they are obvious to others.I am uneasy when my emotions control me; I want to establish a relationship, leave it to maintain itself, and turn my energies to my studies, work or other interests.

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Green in ConversationsTend to rely on the factsAsk many questionsSay things only onceAvoid small talkArgue both sides of any issueWorry that they are not being understood

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ORANGES...at workI am bored and restless with jobs that are routine and structured.I am satisfied in careers that allow me independence and freedom, while utilizing my physical coordination and my love of tools.I view any kind of tool as an extension of myself.I am a natural performer.

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I seek a relationship with shared activities and interests.I like to explore new ways to energize the relationship.In a relationship, I need to be bold and thrive on physical contact.I enjoy giving extravagant gifts that bring obvious pleasure to special people in my life.

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Orange in ConversationsSay just the right thingsDominate what is being saidGet right to the pointMake decisions quicklyCreate energy and excitementFocus on results

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Group ProcessingWhat are the needs of your primary color (preferred personality style)?What frustrates you about other colors (personality styles)?What frustrates you about your color (personality style)?

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Something to think aboutBe who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. SeussSelf discovery and understanding is important

Learn who you areYour values and interests What is important to you in life

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ReferencesMahler-Roger, D. True colors [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from http://studentaffairs.odu.edu/osal/forms/llsf09truecolors.pdfCreighton University. True colors [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from http://www.creighton.edu/fileadmin/user/njslc/docs/True_Colors.pdfWhiting, J. 2009. Color yourself happy: Tapping into your true colors to feel good when you’re feeling bad. Retrieved from http://www.true-colors.com/pdfs/Color_Yourself_Happy_in_Tough_Economic_Times.pdf Hedberg, J. & Fischio, S. 2005. True colors. Retrieved from http://www.uen.org/Lessonplan/preview?LPid=12851 Johnson, D. True colors personality assessment. Retrieved from http://www.theslideprojector.com/pdffiles/learnertypes.pdf Central Square-Central School District. 2011. College prep: Self assessment. Retrieved from http://www.cssd.org/instruction.cfm?subpage=25342

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What are MY

Options?Session 3: From Vocational

School to Master’s Degrees: What is Next for YOU!

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Draw THREE things you would like to have when you are older

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LifestylesWhat did you draw?

Ex. Large house, nice carWhat kinds of jobs do you think you need to hold to earn the types of things you drew?How much money do you think you need to make?

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CollegeDoes anyone know any jobs that require a college degree?Does anyone know any subjects that someone can major or minor in while attending college?

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CollegeTypes of institutions

Private, public, liberal artsDegrees attainable at these institutions

Associate’s Degree: Two year degreeExamples: Computer Specialists, Dental Hygienist

Bachelor’s Degree: Four year degreeExamples: Teacher, Nurse

Master’s Degree: Bachelor’s degree + 2-3 years in a specialized fieldExamples: School Counselor, Clinical Psychologist

Doctorate Degree: differs by programExamples: Surgeon, Doctor, College Professor

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Standardized admissions test Combination of high school, extra curricular activities, grades, and SAT considered for college admissionHand out about SAT important information


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CollegeImportant courses to consider

4 years of Language Arts4 years of Mathematics

Statistics, geometry, algebra, calculus3 years of Science

Biology, chemistry, physics3 years of Social Studies

Economics, geography, civics2 years of World Languages

Spanish, Latin, German, FrenchArtExample: If you are interested in majoring in Biology, you would concentrate in the areas of science and math

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College Statistics68.1% of high school graduates in the United States attend college

6/10 high school students attend collegeThe average earning, per year, with a college degree is $52,200 compared to a high school graduate’s average yearly earning which is $30,400

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Vocational School

Does anyone know of any jobs that require training from a technical school?

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Vocational SchoolExamples of jobs that can be attained with training from a technical school

Welding, HVAC, Chef, Hair Stylist, Computer Technician

Associate’s Degree is attained after completing some programs, including:

Computer Technician, Medical Assistant

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Vocational SchoolClasses needed to be taken in high school

Courses required for high school graduationSome high schools offer courses in graphic design, home economics, agriculture, wood shop, and other hands-on courses

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Art SchoolOffers programs for students who are interested in the following areas:

Fashion merchandising and designGraphic designPhotographyAdvertising

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Art SchoolHigh school classes to consider:

Computer classesPainting, drawing, sculpting

Associate’s, Bachelor’s Degree programs are offeredExamples of art schools in the area:

The Art Institute of YorkDegrees in graphic design, fashion merchandising, etc.

Academy of Art University

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Military5 branches

ArmyNavyMarinesCoast GuardAir Force

For information regarding joining the military, visit your local recruiting office.

Each branch has a different, local recruiting station

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Heading into the Workforce

About 25% of students are able to find jobs after graduating high school, without further educationSome jobs one can hold with a high school diploma are:

Construction workers, carpentersOffice assistant, receptionist, clerksCustomer service and salesWaitress/waiter, bartenderManager

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Heading into the Workforce

Job Average Yearly SalaryOffice Clerk $29,410Restaurant Cook $21,774Retail Salesperson $24,223Truck Driver $34,618Carpenter $36,889

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References20 Jobs You Can Get With a High School Diploma . (n.d.). Jobs & Job Search Advice, Employment & Careers | Careerbuilder.com . Retrieved December 4, 2011, from http://www.careerbuilder.com/Article/CB-1252-Job-Info-Trends-20-Jobs-You-Can-Get-With-a-High-School-Diploma Month. (n.d.). College Enrollment and Work Activity of 2010 High School Graduates . U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from http://www.bls.gov/news.release/hsgec.nr0.htm The SAT/ACT Fact Sheet. (n.d.). The SAT/ACT Fact Sheet. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from hsalaredo.org/highschool/SAT-ACT%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf

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Perception vs. Reality

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Social MediaFacebook, Twitter, Google+, etc…Social Media is used for almost everythingKeeping your profile page professional

PictureDescriptions, quotes, likes, etc…

Make use of the privacy settingsIf you have any doubts about it DON’T USE IT!You never know who is watching you

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First ImpressionsYou can make a good first impression by doing a number of things. Here are a few examples:

The way you talkThe way you dressThe way you carry yourselfSmilingBeing responsible – focusing on the important things

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Why is this important to me?

ReputationGet you into a college/universityScholarshipsA Good Job

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“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to

make you somebody else means to fight the hardest battle you will ever fight.

Never stop fighting”

E. E. Cumming’s Quote

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ReferencesThe Pursuit of Happiness. Dir. Gabriele Muccino. Perf. Will Smith, Thandie Newton, Jaden Smith. Columbia Pictures, 2006. DVD.

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So…what now?Exploring how to make your dreams

into realityHosted by: Rachel Albrecht

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Just sit around and wait to see how things play out for you. You might like the results…or you

might not.

“The only real failure in life is the failure to try.”

-Author Unknown

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Goals – What’s the point?“If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.”Setting the course for the direction you want your life to head, rather than letting other people or circumstances make decisions for youDetermining what is important to you and knowing how you are fulfilledChallenging and motivating youHelping you grow to reach your full potential

Option 2: Get off your butt and DO SOMETHING!

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Long-term goals: where you’d like to be 5, 10, or 20 years from now

These are your dreams or overarching goalsThey may be broad or specific

Ex.) “In 10 years, I’d like to be working in the information technology field.”

“In 20 years, I’d like to own a home with a vineyard in Southern France.”

2 Types of Goals

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Short-term goals: these are the steps that help you gradually achieve your long-term goals and generally expect accomplishment over a shorter time period in the near-future.

Ex.) “I will come up with a list of the top 3 schools for Information Technology majors within 100 miles of my home by December 1 of this year.”

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Get into groups of 4

I will hand you an overarching, generic goal

Choose someone in your group to be the secretary and/or artist

Have the secretary/artist write or draw all or most of the steps it would take to accomplish your goal

When you are finished with this activity, discuss the following questions and have someone from your group prepared to summarize your answers

How-To Activity

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How hard or easy did you find this exercise?

What made it hard or easy?

How might this activity be similar to the process of setting long and short-term goals?

For those of you who have already set long-term goals: Do you struggle with figuring out how to accomplish them?

What do you find to be the most difficult or challenging thing about setting short-term goals?

Small Group Discussion Questions

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S = Specific:

What are you going to do?

How are you going to do it?

What exactly will you accomplish?

Learning how to set SMART goals

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How will you know when you’ve reached your goal?

If you goal is not SPECIFIC enough, you will have a hard time MEASURING it to know when you’ve accomplished it.

M = Measurable

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Goals that are too far out of your reach won’t motivate you.


A goal needs to stretch you slightly

Ask yourself if achieving this goal is realistic with effort and commitment

Set your sights too low, and you might end up looking like this guy…

A = Attainable

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Why is this goal significant in your life?

In what specific ways do you hope to grow?

Does this goal relate to other goals that you have set or plan to set in the future?

R = Relevant

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When will this goal be achieved?

Set a deadline for your goal!

No time limit = no urgency to work towards your goal

T = Timely

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Who will hold you accountable to your goal?

Identify someone (preferably an adult with more experience) with whom you can share your goals and who will support and encourage you as you work to achieve them


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Goals may need revisioning and you might fall on your face a couple of times in the process of reaching for your goals, but you only fail when you QUIT.

Every time we fall down we need to learn from our mistakes, get back up, and try again.

Finally, remember to NEVER GIVE UP!

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(2010). Ambition: Set your goals low and you won’t be disappointed. [Photo] Retrieved December 3, 2011 from: http://dailydemotivators.blogspot.com/2010/05/ambition-demotivator.html

(2008). Epic fail: When you have no one else to blame but yourself. [Photo] Retrieved December 3, 2011 from: http://www.motifake.com/17014

CHRISBIDU1977 (Poster) (2011, April 12). Amazing! Runner falls, gets back up, and wins! Ambolivebleeeeeeeeeee. [Video] Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlFBMtEF4Xw&feature=related

Elephants: Larger than the moon. [Photo] Retrieved December 3, 2011 from:


Ireland, J. (2011, Mar. 5). Goal setting activities for teenagers. Retrieved from: http://www.livestrong.com/article/30488-goal-setting-activities-teenagers/

Literacy fail. [Photo] Retrieved December 3, 2011 from: cephalogenic.blogspot.com

Unemployment: Sucks when your job got blow’d up. [Photo] Retrieved December 3, 2011 from:


