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Who? Gave Panama Canal back? Term: symbolic division between east/west Europe

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Who? Gave Panama Canal back? Term: symbolic division between east/west Europe UN mandate: homeland for Jews after WWII? “Reagonomics” is aka ___________ economics Court case: flag burning is ok! First woman Supreme Court justice? Who? Whip Inflation NOW! (WIN) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
1. Who? Gave Panama Canal back? 2. Term: symbolic division between east/west Europe 3. UN mandate: homeland for Jews after WWII? 4. “Reagonomics” is aka ___________ economics 5. Court case: flag burning is ok! 6. First woman Supreme Court justice? 7. Who? Whip Inflation NOW! (WIN) 8. Event: nuclear accident in NY
Page 1: Who? Gave Panama Canal back?  Term: symbolic division between east/west Europe

1. Who? Gave Panama Canal back? 2. Term: symbolic division between east/west

Europe3. UN mandate: homeland for Jews after

WWII? 4. “Reagonomics” is aka ___________

economics5. Court case: flag burning is ok! 6. First woman Supreme Court justice?7. Who? Whip Inflation NOW! (WIN)8. Event: nuclear accident in NY

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9. Court case: mandatory school busing10.Carter’s downfall, 444-day hostage crisis in Iran 11.This 1948 UN mandate has caused many

problems in the Mideast.12.Event: arms for hostages 13.Andrew Carnegie is to steel as Gates is

_____________14.Term: attempt to compensate for institutional

racism.15.Term: free trade between U.S., Canada, Mexico16.Term: tax cuts/deregulation = more money!

Page 3: Who? Gave Panama Canal back?  Term: symbolic division between east/west Europe

17.Why was there a crisis in the 1st place?18.Which crisis created high inflation in

the1970’s?19.Court case: a women’s right to choose20.What was the symbolic end of the Cold

War?21.Reagan’s bluff: fall of U.S.S.R?22.Hotly contested presidential election

between Bush and Gore23.Led to a budget surplus during Clinton’s

presidency24.Split the republican vote in 1992

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25.Aging of the baby boomers26.Mandated equal opportunity for female

sports programs in schools27.Unemployment + inflation =28.President that created the Department of

Energy29.Leader who invaded Kuwait in the 1990s30.OPEC oil embargo caused this 31.Reagan’s plan to “beat” the Soviets32.Called the Soviet Union the “Evil Empire”33. Iraq, Iran & North Korea were called ____

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34.States will be accountable for meeting certain standards in education

35.Al Qaeda attacked twin towers & pentagon36.Chief Justice during Reagan’s presidency37.Cannot discriminate based on physical or

emotional handicap38.Providing public education in more than the

dominate language39.Group of conservative Christians who

called for the repeal of Roe v. Wade40.Criticized federal spending for social


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41. Kennedy’s program to curb communism in Latin America

42. Johnson’s program to deal with poverty43. Nixon’s withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam44. Kennedy sent _______ to Vietnam45. Gave Johnson a “blank check” to fight

communism in Southeast Asia46. Which Amendment made poll taxes

unconstitutional?47. Expanded role of federal government in 1960’s48. AKA Reaganomics

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49.Volunteers in service to America50.Kennedy’s failed invasion of Cuba51.Provided safe and affordable

housing for USA52.Nixon’s plan to decrease the size of

the federal government and allow state governments to meet the needs of Americans

53.Program to provide early education 54.Accused of Kennedy’s assassination55.First man to walk on the moon56.When governments spend more

money than they bring in via taxes

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57.All things Vietnam . . . a. Reasons for involvement? b. Pro-communist Vietnamese?c. Leader of communists in Vietnamd. Hawks/Doves? e. Who escalated the war? f. Gave away power to President? Took

away that power?g. Turning point?

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58.What is Détente?59.Who used detente?60.Who said, “Peace with honor”?61.Who~ Medicare, HUD, Head Start,

and Great Society?62.Who~ Peace Corps, Alliance for

Progress, and New Frontier?63.Agency: Glenn, Armstrong, Apollo,

lunar landing?64.Term: conflict b/w U.S./U.S.S.R.65.Who~ Cuba’s communist dictator

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66.Which event triggered the space race?67.Who were the 1st political candidates on T.V.?68.Who developed the Interstate Highway System?69.Keep communism out of Greece and Turkey! 70.President that escalated the Vietnam War? 71.Using physical power to do a job is _____________

collar. 72.Using “thinking” to do a job is ______ ___________

collar. 73.What laws did the Feds pass to protect water

and air?74.Churchill’s description of the separation b/w

W/E Europe?

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75.When did England officially recognize the U.S.?

76.When was the U.S. Constitution ratified?77.What type of government document before

U.S. Constitution?78.Term: loose association of states79.Which 2 men helped form the U.S. two-party

system?80.Term: group or advisors to the president81.Who created a national bank, assumed state

debt, and paid-off national debt to make the U.S. seem strong?

82.1st president? 1st Secretary of State? 1st

Secretary of the Treasury?

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83.This political party believed in states rights

84.Which political party believed the nation rules over the states?

85.Term: foreign person living in U.S.?86.Term: speaking negatively about a

government or politician?87.Which law set up federal court system,

like the circuit court? 88.Washington, __________, Jefferson,

_________89.When did Jefferson buy the Louisiana

Territory? Its significance?90.Could Hamilton ever be the U.S.

president? Why/why not?

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91.What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 set-up?92.Term: staying out of foreign affairs93.Who warned Americans against

“entangling alliances” in his “Farewell Address?”

94.2nd President? Party?95.Term: to cancel a law96.President Adams was not re-elected due

to his support of which laws?97.3rd President? Party? 98.Group of judges Adams appointed on the

last day of his term

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99.Which nation went to war with the U.S. in 1812? Why?

100.Which treaty gave the “right of deposit” to the U.S.?101.Supreme law of land IS federal law’ court case?102.Judicial Review’ court case?103.In the Adams-Onis Treaty, ______ gave parts of

______ to the U.S. in 1819. 104.Who were the French diplomats trying to extort

money from the U.S.? 105.Treaty: Britain agrees to remove posts in Great

Lakes, but doesn’t. 106.Treaty: American Indians give up land in Ohio River

Valley. Leader of Indians?
