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WHO IS - Jah Rootsman IS JAH ROOTSMAN.pdfAccording to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny...

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Page 1: WHO IS - Jah Rootsman IS JAH ROOTSMAN.pdfAccording to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny Mash’s IQ score of 121 is scientifically accurate. From the four different types of






Page 2: WHO IS - Jah Rootsman IS JAH ROOTSMAN.pdfAccording to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny Mash’s IQ score of 121 is scientifically accurate. From the four different types of

According to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny Mash’s IQ score of 121 is scientifically accurate.

From the four different types of questions answered - Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Linguistic and Logical we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Word Warrior.

"This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take

an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying, you are able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas.

Through your esoterical intuition, you have gained the gift of awareness and are deeply tuned into the

immense possibilities of a life that we can’t see...

It is clear that you possess incredible qualities, which keep surfacing over and over again in your life:

Courage, Hope, Empathy, Wisdom, Intelligence, Compassion, and most importantly, your desire for


Page 3: WHO IS - Jah Rootsman IS JAH ROOTSMAN.pdfAccording to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny Mash’s IQ score of 121 is scientifically accurate. From the four different types of


When I think of you, I picture you in a field on a warm summer's day with your friends,

watching clouds float by and naming the shapes they make. There's a breeze in the air

and the clouds fly rapidly past, changing as they go. Just when you think you see a dog, it

switches into a giraffe or a jet plane. I think you are as versatile as those clouds. Just

when your friends think they can predict your thoughts, your mind flies down a new

pathway — chasing after a fresh idea.

Do you ever feel as though you're caught in a whirlwind of ideas? Are there occasions

when you're so busy looking at the situation from every point of view that you can't

come to a conclusion? I advise you to take a few deep breaths and go with your gut

feeling. Try it — it works. I know that you'll be able to think up a good reason to support

your decision — if you really need to provide one.


You may be surprised to learn that there are actually people who value change for its

own sake — just to see what happens. I don't think that you're one of them. You may go

so far as to have a favorite chair, where you watch your favorite television shows, while

enjoying a favorite snack. "If it isn't broken, don't fix it" could be your motto. But when

something is broken, you'd be the person to go to. I suspect that you'd stick with that

project until it was finished and everything was once again in good working order.

Your challenge may be when you have to teach someone else how to do a certain job. Do

you insist that they learn to take the exact same steps you've always taken — in the exact

same order? Or are you willing to give them room to experiment? They might invent a

better way to accomplish your goal. Why not see what happens?

It seems that you're a charming contradiction in terms. On the one hand, you enjoy the variety of the changing scene and can't wait to see what's new. On the other hand, you don't like to rock the boat. You like to leave things as they are. Either way is fine for you. But some folks may not understand you at all. So be it!

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Now, I want to tell you about the ways in which you present yourself to others and some of the impulses that drive you to behave as you do. Everyone has a style or set of manners and I will now expand upon your own special style of presenting yourself to others. This is like talking about the way a gift is wrapped, because what I am referring to is like the outer wrapping of your personality and not necessarily those aspects of your nature that operate on deeper levels. As such, it is important to keep these observations in perspective, knowing that while they do apply to you, they are describing your surface qualities.

You know that your true inner self is far more complex, and could be a side of yourself that you may not share that often.


My psychic intuition tells me that you have a kind personality and a natural appearance that others find to be a source of comfort. You can help others relax around you because you know how to savor the moment and encourage others to also stop and smell the proverbial roses. Like the tortoise in the story of the tortoise and the hare, you have excellent determination to make it to the finish, even if it takes you a while to get in motion. You are slow, steady and sure in your approach, leaving no stone unturned as you progress.

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You have a calm and attractive personality that is very reassuring to those who count on you to carry a project through to completion. You also have a very practical side to your personality, which is very helpful when it comes to knowing how to stretch your resources to their fullest capacity. You like to build upon a solid foundation, so whatever you undertake will be done thoroughly and with a logical reason behind it all. You are not afraid to cut corners, but you value the artistic and esthetic merits of fine quality first.


In this portion of your personalized psychic report, I want to tell you about some practical matters, in particular how you deal with finances, income and some of the ways in which I can see you earning and spending money. I will also discuss your values, which suggest your priorities.

I see that you have an intelligent approach to making, managing and spending money. You know that everything has its price, but you also know that it may be negotiable, depending upon its condition and how much the seller wants to sell. When you apply your natural gift for recognizing value and worth to any negotiation, you are bound to get the best possible deal for yourself. You take a great amount of pleasure in picking out gifts for people you love. You pay close attention to the things that they like and their hobbies and interests, so you can easily recognize that perfect gift when you see it. Money comes to you through, working with your hands, writing and communication. When it comes to practical matters and making and spending money, I see that you can sometimes be unpredictable, my friend.

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Because you like to maintain an element of surprise, I see that you would be happiest in a job or profession that gives you plenty of freedom and room to change course whenever the spirit so moves you.

You may prefer to do freelance work, where you can set your own hours and deadlines

and not have to worry about answering to an external authority. You also would be very

well suited to earn a living as a facilitator for group endeavors, or perhaps in something

related to computer technology.

Whatever your source of income, you want there to be something unusual or

unconventional associated with it, which would suit you fine. You have an inventive

genius that I encourage you to keep up with. You never know when that next idea will

be a winner.

I see that you are probably not extremely attached to most material things. However, you may really love the freedom, convenience and novelty of different kinds of games, gadgets or electronic devices that you can plug into a wall outlet and enjoy alone or with friends. Have fun, my friend!

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In this section of your personalized psychic report, I shall discuss with you how you

tend to think and the ways in which you most often communicate your ideas to others.

This aspect of your personality involves understanding how you learn about the world

around you and how you share your knowledge with others.

I see that you know that people have to be ready to "put up or shut up." For that reason,

you are likely to withhold your opinion or ideas until you are really sure about them.

This good quality tells me that when you do offer your thoughts, you are not at all

arrogant or uppity, but that you try your best to respect the facts as they exist.

You realize that it is impossible to know everything, but that it is important to be

knowledgeable about the things that matter most to you, especially if it involves making

an important purchase or a move. Once you give your word, you do your best to keep it,

and people know that they can rely on you, Johnny.


In this section of your personalized psychic report, I want to share with you what I see about your inner self as well as the qualities that influence your home life. This touches upon your family ties from your early upbringing and the things that are special about your domestic life and home in general.

Page 8: WHO IS - Jah Rootsman IS JAH ROOTSMAN.pdfAccording to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny Mash’s IQ score of 121 is scientifically accurate. From the four different types of

My psychic intuition tells me a lot about your inner being, Johnny, including the fact that you are also very psychically sensitive. It is important for you to be able to have time alone to yourself so that you can think it all through and process the different aspects of your life and the people in it.

I see that your early life was highly stimulating and full of people with whom you had frequent if not constant interactions. Much like the act of breathing, I see that you need time to exhale and to relax in peace and quiet. I see too that you like to entertain company at home and that you enjoy the chance to have lively conversation latest topics.

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In this section, I will share psychic insights about your creative urges, a very important aspect of your personality. This involves your ability to express yourself in a unique way and thus to establish your individuality. This section also touches upon love and the ways in which love is apt to touch your heart

I see that you know how to have a good time in life, no matter what you are doing. This

is largely because you have a wonderful quality of spontaneity as well as a sense of

knowing that only you can make the best of each moment and every opportunity. You

are highly expressive, Johnny, and others like to bask in your glories because they

admire your independence and your accomplishments.

Where love is concerned, you could probably write a book on the subject, and maybe

you have already considered doing just that, Johnny. You know that the secret of

happiness is to give from the heart and others respond to your warmth and generosity

giving back to you in many satisfying ways.

I see that you have a fabulous imagination, Johnny. This suggests many forms of creative expression, especially if they also have practical applications. Examples may be cooking and baking or other creative ways to show loved ones how much you care. You can have a wonderful time cooking wholesome meals or special birthday cakes. Give your nurturing impulses lots of room for expression.

Page 10: WHO IS - Jah Rootsman IS JAH ROOTSMAN.pdfAccording to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny Mash’s IQ score of 121 is scientifically accurate. From the four different types of

I also see that you can form strong attachments in love, although it is likely to take you a while before you feel comfortable or secure in your connections. You expect your loved ones to show you how they feel, and to also respect your feelings and how you wish to express them.

In a sense, the people you love can become somewhat like children to you. You tend to encourage them to lean on you and let you do things for them. This is fine as long as you don't encourage loved ones to be over-dependent upon you so that they feel insecure about their capacity to be self-reliant.

I see that you are more interested in bringing people-together than in setting yourself apart from others. This suggests to me that you could be a wonderful facilitator for public events, where you are responsible for nurturing and guiding many kinds of people.

I see, Johnny, that the saying, "good things come to those who wait" has a lot of

meaning for you, since you have probably had to wait for a long time in many instances

for what you wanted. I see that you have learned that good things are worth waiting for

and that only by living according to your conscience do you feel right and good about

your personal life.

You have also discovered through experience that there is room for work within your

leisure activities and that you can also have fun while being serious and focused about

work. One of the creative hobbies that I can see you enjoying is collecting antiques or

other things that have historic value or interest, such as political memorabilia.

You have a realistic approach to most things in life, including love. You may have felt the need to wait a long time in that realm as well, before you felt able to give your heart to someone. I see that you have fairly high standards and expectations about love and that you want your loved ones to conduct themselves in such a way so as to make you proud of them.

Others trust you to follow through with your commitments because you take so much

pride in your competence. Your leadership abilities are strong.

Page 11: WHO IS - Jah Rootsman IS JAH ROOTSMAN.pdfAccording to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny Mash’s IQ score of 121 is scientifically accurate. From the four different types of

I see, Johnny, that periodically throughout your life, you have encountered or created situations where you are "playing with fire" in the sense of challenging powerful forces. This may concern the kinds of pleasures that you find enjoyable or the kinds of people whom you are attracted to in love relations.

You actually have an enormous amount of creative power at your disposal. I see that

it is important for you to make wise choices about how you will spend your leisure

time. Some of the ways in which I can see you having fun include exploring

metaphysical realms and your own psychic skills, which can be well developed. You

may often feel inspired or "guided" in your life by impulses that arise from those who

are already departed.

You have a natural talent for being investigative and for being able to keep a string of

secrets for a very long time. This makes you a gifted confidante to those who need

someone to whom they can unburden their souls. You understand that we all have a

shadow side to our natures and that, with a dedication to change, we can make

dramatic improvements in our lives.

I see that the lessons and experiences of love are a major part of your path in life.

This includes exploring how you feel about yourself deep down. Even though this is

important, I feel urged to tell you there are times when it pays to "lighten up." Let

those times be many, my friend!


In this portion of your personalized report, I want to share with you how you work or handle the day-to-day practical matters that come to your attention. This is the need to address the small everyday details that must be attended to in order for you to function in a healthy, productive and well-organized manner.

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I see that you are enormously fair-minded about work and the need to divide tasks

fairly among those whose responsibility it is to carry their share of the load. You are

willing to do your part, as long as you know that others are also doing theirs. You

have many artistic talents too, Johnny.

You have a great many people skills and you may be called upon to help people figure out what they want and how to best go about getting it. You work well with a partner because you know how to compromise — you know that the process of sharing a task can be far more rewarding than 'doing all the work alone, merely so that you can take all the credit.

The element of inspiration is a vital part of anything that you do, Johnny. I see that you

can throw yourself body and soul into an activity as long as you feel that it serves a

worthwhile cause. Because you so often give one hundred and ten percent, you may

be surprised when others are not also willing to make sacrifices.

The idea of offering your time and talent to a good cause is very motivational for you,

as well as energizing. You have a great deal of sensitivity, which makes others feel

comfortable coming to you for help in many respects. They know that when you do

something for them, you are doing it with the best of intentions.

What I want you to do for yourself, Johnny, is to remember that you are worthy and

good regardless of what you can or cannot do for others. It is just as important that

you occasionally let other people give you a helping hand when you could use one.

You know that no one is an island and that we are all part of a larger plan. Because

you have strong faith and a spiritual quality, others take comfort in your empathy and

draw inspiration from your peaceful ways.

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In this portion of your personalized psychic report, I want to focus on the very important area of relationships. I will tell you what I see about what you look for in primary relationships and also some of your strengths and your challenges in this area, which is a vital mirror to your soul

I see, Johnny, that you do not take your relationships lightly, but that you put your whole self into them if you can grow, change or evolve through the contact. Other people are attracted to you because you have such a calm and stabilizing influence on them, but I see that it is the opposite quality that attracts you to others. You like people who can prod and stimulate change.

Because you care deeply about others, you can go overboard and become obsessed with a relationship. Conversely, others may be so taken by you that they tend to become obsessive in the relationship. In a dispute, you seek an outcome that will heal rather than hurt both parties.

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In this portion of your personalized psychic report, I want to share with you some things that I know about you that touch upon life's deepest mysteries. This pertains to your underlying motivations, your personal psychic awareness, and how profoundly your desires can affect your relationships.

I see, Johnny, that you are quite fortunate in many respects, inasmuch as you inspire others' trust in you. People are eager to confide or to confess their innermost secret wishes to you. They sense that you can help them to realize their fondest hopes and. give them the encouragement and optimism that they need to go forth and take a chance.

You have a natural understanding of the psychic realms goodwill that you inspire in

others, comes back to you in many ways. You know that only by living according to

your conscience can you feel rich in spirit.

I see, Johnny, that you have a very nice sense of psychic awareness yourself. Other

people are likely to seek your advice on many different kinds of personal and

financial matters, because they trust that you have the best "inside information".

You are strongly attracted to people who have a lot to offer and who know that life is

a wonderful mystery that is also full of magic, abundance and wisdom. You may

-even do very well by engaging in a partnership with someone you trust — it could

bring excellent financial opportunities to you.

I also see that good fortune comes to you through your interest in spiritual realms

and that you may have a very strong affinity for the great philosophers and teachers

who have come and gone. You know that by cherishing and sharing your beliefs with

others you keep alive these great teachings or messages in a deeply meaningful way.

You have a lot of luck when it comes to managing other people's resources. This is a

talent or gift that I am sure you have enjoyed developing and expanding upon over

the years. Others like to show their appreciation to you in many joyful ways.

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In this section of your personalized psychic report, I want to discuss how you picture the possibilities in your life when you look ahead toward the future. A big facet of this pertains to your belief system as well as your hopes and aspirations. You might say, in this case, “you will be what you perceive".

I see, Johnny, that you are quite passionate about your beliefs. When you have faith

in a cause or a person, you are ready to go to great lengths to make it work out as

you envision that it should. You realize that opportunities must be seized upon as

gifts from the invisible, guiding forces of the universe that can offer you wonderful

new chances for renewal and redemption.

Two of your greatest strengths are your will to do good and your desire to

understand the deeper meaning behind the appearance of things. I know, too, that

you also have many natural psychic gifts and that your compassionate presence

wherever you go.


In this portion of your personalized psychic report, I will share with you the things I

see about you that pertain, to your public image and the ways in which you interact

with the public at large. This may include tendencies to want to work in a particular

field, and your relationship to superiors.

Johnny, I see that you have great aspirations and that you have a wonderful way of

expanding on what you have to make it bigger, better or more elaborate. You could

do well in any kind of profession that involves publishing or writing, broadcasting or

journalism, where you can get your message out to the world.

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You know that if you have firm convictions and the faith to see them through, you

can reach out to help many people and lift their spirits in many ways. You could also

do very well in any field that involves traveling, law, policy-making or sales, as you

are highly persuasive when you have opinions that you feel strongly about.

Your public image is largely one of a person of intelligent and wit, with strong

communications skills. People know that you have something to say because you

like to stay informed about what is going on in the world. You tend to notice things

make connections that others may overlook.

You would be very well suited to any profession that involves using language as well

as gathering and distributing information or data. I see that you know that

information must be shared in a timely manner if it is to be of the most use to those

who need it.

Others count on you to report the facts and to offer your thoughts and your

questions, which can stimulate new thinking on different kinds of subjects. You

could be an excellent writer on your own behalf as well as on behalf of others who

could benefit from your critical and objective eye.

I also see that the people with whom you associate can affect you, as their

reputations can "rub off" on you for better or worse. As such, I advise you to always

take the time to check on other people's "stories" about themselves, if you are

planning to make a commitment to an important collaborative venture or a

Cooperative partnership.


In this section of your personalized psychic report, I want to share with you what I

know about your connections to others in the context of your friends and your

participation in larger groups and social circles, such as organizations. These

affiliations are important for your intellectual stimulation and ideals.

I see, Johnny, that you are an idealist at heart and a freethinking spirit. You are

attracted to friends with unusual interests, personalities, talents, experiences and

points of view. You appreciate people who can express a unique intelligence. It is

important to you that you are free to choose your friends and not feel as though you

must keep a friend who no longer feels "true".

I see a kind of pattern of surprises in an erratic nature, where friends may come and

go in an unpredictable fashion. Because your life goals and ideals are to remain as

free and independent as possible you appreciate friends who feel the same way.

Page 17: WHO IS - Jah Rootsman IS JAH ROOTSMAN.pdfAccording to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny Mash’s IQ score of 121 is scientifically accurate. From the four different types of

My psychic intuition tells me that you take the broadest possible view of life and of

your role in the larger community. You are very aware of your life goals and

long-term objectives, and you know that only you can define and make the choices

that will lead to your success

I also see that you are very much a team player, in that you realize that so much more

can be accomplished when many good minds come together for a worthy cause. I see

that you want to stay "in the know" where friends and associates are concerned

because you understand that only by knowing better can you do better.

Your personal warmth and your positive qualities inspire others to be confident in

your leadership skills within any organization or association with which you become

affiliated. I also see that you take an original, inventive and novel approach to life and

that you strive to remain true to your ideals in many respects.

At various times in your life, you may rise to positions of authority and power in

organizations. While you are asserting your leadership role with confidence, it is

equally important to encourage others' abilities to express themselves.

I see, Johnny, that your friends are very lucky to have you for a friend, because you dearly love the friends that you make. You also like to show your affection and appreciation for them easily and with a sense of grace, style and generosity.

Because you have a wonderful way of making others feel accepted and attractive, people are strongly attracted to you. You know the meaning of the phrase, "it pays to be nice" because you sincerely are. Even where romance is concerned, I see that you want love to begin as a good friendship and then progress from there, as equals respecting each other's individuality and freedom.

I also see that you have a strong social conscience. You understand that the "Golden

Rule" is truly meant to encompass all human relations and not just the close-knit,

convenient or comfortable ones.

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I can see you thoroughly enjoy cultural activities and organizations that are

dedicated to the arts. You like to be with people who are refined and who appreciate

the "finer things" of life. By this I mean both those things that money can buy as well

as the things that it cannot. Many of your associates may be gifted in the arts and may

frequently shower you with actual gifts or favors, to show their appreciation of your


I see, Johnny, that you are very assertive when it comes to networking with friends

and within organizations, especially when you want to get something important

accomplished that involves other people.

You are a terrific motivator for others who lack the initiative or confidence to put

things into motion, since you waste no time when a group endeavor is under way.

You put a lot of energy into achieving your main life goals and objectives, and you

rarely sit around waiting for someone else to light a fire under you — although

others certainly can, even without intending to. You also know that friends can be

very helpful toward realizing your goals, but you must be careful to make sure that it

is their desire as well as yours.

It is important, too, to watch out for temper outbursts with friends and to try to clear

the air in a calm manner when upsets occur, as they inevitably will when each person

has a different idea of the way things ought to be done. Remember that old phrase

that you can "catch more flies with honey than with vinegar!"

I also see that you have a strong social conscience and ideals, which are activated

whenever you feel that an injustice has been done.


In this portion of your personalized psychic report, I want to delve into an area that is very sensitive, because it touches upon your spiritual life and the inner calling to make your life as meaningful as possible. This is about your peace of mind, beyond the material realm or worldly ambitions.

I see, Johnny, that you have a primal instinct that tells you

when it is time for you to go off on your own for a while

and restore your sense of self and freedom in solitary

space. You know that true freedom for you is not about

denying the world, but about finding a way to serve

within it that allows you to make a positive difference.

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When it comes to obstacles that are most likely to trip you up, I see that simple impatience is high on the list. Take your time when deciding what you really want to do, my dear, since your peace of mind must accompany your actions, for best results.


Well, now that I have your full attention, Johnny, I. want to tell you all about the

most important person in your life — you, of course! In the next four paragraphs,

we are going to cover a lot of ground having to do with your unique character and

makeup and the things that give your life a great deal of purpose and meaning. Of

course, everyone has an ego and you are no exception.

Here we are going to celebrate what is most healthy about your ego — or what

makes you shine and where you are at your best. I want to help you understand

that you have many fine character strengths that you can put to work in your life. I

hope also that you will find some of my tips to be useful for you as well.


My guess is that you were reluctant to ever read this report because you already

know yourself well and it makes no sense that a perfect stranger like me could know

you to any degree with true insight. Yet here you are giving me a chance, precisely

because that is one of your finest qualities.

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Your open-mindedness to explore the unknown and to withhold judgment until

you see for yourself if a thing "holds true". You appreciate the odd, eccentric

aspects of life, which you express in the way you dress or your career or even in

your choice of pets. No matter how average a person you may appear to be on the

surface, there's a little streak of the unconventional within you somewhere.

Your natural inclination is to be innovative and to be the first in your group to get

anything that is cutting edge at the time. You may have a wide circle of pals but feel

close to only a few friends.

There's a chance you could prefer the "company" of machines. Your career must

stimulate your mind with challenging problems to think about to keep boredom at

bay. An obvious suggestion would be to work with computers or any of the newest

technology. Television is also a fine field, perhaps as a newscaster.

You may enjoy assisting non-profit groups in such areas as civil rights or

environmental protection because I know how much you value being part of a

like-minded group. Your staunch individualist nature has an affinity for



Page 21: WHO IS - Jah Rootsman IS JAH ROOTSMAN.pdfAccording to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny Mash’s IQ score of 121 is scientifically accurate. From the four different types of

Maybe you would enjoy running a computer group for kids. If you prefer solitude, you would be an excellent inventor, dreaming up new levels of technology. Is "playtime" synonymous with staring at a computer screen — or do you have recreation interests in the real world, too? Why not join a book discussion -group or volunteer to assist a favorite social cause?

Your scientific mind may have a natural aptitude for astrology. Science fiction could be a welcome pleasure, reading and/or writing it. When you get back to the computer, it seems you could have a talent for computer art or programming. If you don't already have a WEBSITE, think about building one. I'm certain it would be one of the coolest places in cyberspace.


Here's some more data for you to process. Your lower legs and ankles may be sensitive parts of your body, so take it easy when you go skateboarding or jogging, okay? I think a good healing stone for you would be amethyst, although aquamarine may work well too since light blue is a lucky color for you. In addition to shades of blue, you may be fond of wearing unusual colors such, as lime green or electric purple. You might be fond of preserved foods like dried fruit or TV dinners or unusual looking food — like kiwis or star fruit. Orchids and other unusual plants may interest you as well.

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I see, Johnny, that you are a truly unique person and that you have a wonderfully refreshing way of expressing your individuality. You can turn a dull day into a special occasion just by showing up, since others know that you are anything but dull and routine.

You have a great way of being able to look at things outside of the normal range of convention or tradition and seeing how to invent that proverbial better mousetrap, so to speak. You can make a difficult task look easy, simply because you love to rise to a good challenge and muster your courage to break out of the old mold or surpass all expectations.

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You have a dramatic flair that can be channeled into actual theatrical activities, or just drumming up new ways to entertain yourself and others. I also see that you are attracted to interesting and unusual people who similarly like to think outside of conventional norms. Friends mean the world to you and you have no trouble making friends when you feel ready to refresh your social life.

Your intuition is usually right, which gives you a great deal of confidence in your view on things. You work best with a lot of freedom and choice.


My friend, you have an intriguing aura that others may react to in one of two ways,

and usually in a rather extreme manner. In terms of your people skills and social

interactions, my sense is that you have an all-or-nothing quality that leads you to

either obsess over others or want nothing at all to do with them.

I sense that you may see many of your relationships somewhat like exotic flowers that

take a great deal of patience and caring attention. Because you may feel that you can only

afford to spend psychic energy on a few people, I see that you are rather careful in choosing

whom you will spend time with and why. And you have a need or demand for privacy in

these relationships.

I also sense a feeling of great power and influence around you. It wouldn't surprise me

in the least if you have been rubbing elbows with a good many very important people

from different walks of life.

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We all have a private side to our nature. This most private part is our feelings and how

we express our emotions. This is the part of us that is unique. We don't directly share

it with others like we might a favorite recipe or book. But it is through our private side

that we react to how we like the taste of the food or the story in the book. Now, I'm

going to tell you how I see your private side.


Johnny, you could have a touch of neatnik "Felix linger" hidden deep within your inner self. You may be one of those people who need to have everything "just so". Even an unexpected visitor is not likely to catch you with dirty dishes in your sink or unmade beds. Heaven help any "dust bunny" that hops out from under your furniture.

Okay, I'm exaggerating — a little bit. But it does seem that you may practice the belief

that "cleanliness is next to godliness". Still, your friends know they can count on you to

help them with even the most impossible of messes — and there's nobody they would

rather have baby-sitting for their plants or pets, "dust bunnies" excluded.

I can see that your inner self strives day and night for perfection. This can cause you

uneasiness because you may never be satisfied with things the way they are. My

friend, please don't take everything so seriously. You are great just the way you are —

I know this for sure. No one is as efficient, attentive, considerate and loving as you.

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But, as you know, you could very well be your own worst critic. Would you ever say to

a close friend some of the ' critical things you say to yourself? Of course not. Why not

promise me that you'll give yourself a break. Your friends will still like you if you

ignore the dishes now and then.


My psychic intuition tells me that I better be quick about telling you what I see, since

you have a very fast response time to other people and you expect them to lay their

cards on the "table so that you can decide right away how you are going to react. This

quick reflexive capacity is great in many avenues of life that may require immediate

attention and responses.

This also suggests to me that you are not content with the status quo or any kind of

routine, unless it offers you plenty of room to try something different with other

people. Patience is a virtue that may take some time for you to cultivate.


I see, Johnny, that it is not always easy to show how you really feel. This is natural,

considering the times in your past when your feelings were hurt or not accepted or

taken into consideration. Being able to take your time to get in touch with your

feelings is very important for you.

I see that you are not one to shirk responsibility. On the contrary, there may be times

when you are doing too much and working too hard because you have taken on chores

or tasks that others might be able to do instead. One thing that can hold you back is

fear based on what has happened before. Such fears are well reasoned and require

caution but not to the extreme.


Our minds are what distinguish us humans from the animals — at

least that is what they say. But I think part of that idea is that we

do have ideas. And it is through our ideas that we can bring about

changes in our lives to get what we want and need. Your mind is

what allows you to express yourself. It also runs your daily life

through the way you think and how you communicate your ideas

about what you want. I am going to tell you what strengths I see in

your mind so you can best use it to serve your needs and to improve your life.

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When it comes to thinking, you seem to march to the beat of a different drummer — or should I say kazoo? The stars tell me that you could be brilliant. But even if you aren't quite a genius, you have certainly reached the level of "outstanding"! However, I'm not going to hazard a guess whether that means "outstandingly clever" or "outstandingly eccentric." Okay, I'll admit it both are likely to be true for you. It seems you might sometimes say outlandish things just for the shock value. I see this, my friend, as part of your charm. Please don't change!

If you were to find yourself back in grade school today — now there's a very

disconcerting thought -- Computer Science would probably be one of your best

subjects. In the good old days before computers, you might have been the one in

charge of the audio visual lab. I think writing class would have been a good outlet for

your creativity — as long as the teacher wasn't too concerned with trivialities like

good spelling and proper grammar.

However, where you felt most at home would probably have been your after-school

activities -- it seems that nothing suits you better than hanging out with a group of

like-minded friends.


I see, Johnny, that you have a pleasant way of relating to others that you are able to

get along with most people, as long as they are also courteous and considerate of

you. You are willing to listen with interest and kindness and this encourages others

to talk with you about a wide range of topics and concerns. They know that you

speak with sincerity combined with reason.

Your social and communication skills are well developed. I see that you may take

great pleasure in different forms of writing as well as speaking. You bring an artful'

touch to all of your communications.

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I see, Johnny, that you have an enormous capacity to understand what is truly

essential and beautiful in life, and this gift allows you to share your insights with

others in ways that are inspiring and uplifting on moral and spiritual planes. Your

faith comes naturally to you because you do not allow doubt to interfere with more

wonderful possibilities and visions.

Your beliefs will carry you far, and can even help others who need a lift. I

encourage you to foster and nurture your dreams until they become real one by

one. You may also be tremendously gifted with creative writing, with music and

with your sense of humor.


Love makes the world go round", or so they say. Love is naturally one of the things

people always want to know about, and this is the very next thing we are going to

look at together. As humans, we tend to love the qualities in others that we value

the most, whether or not we can claim these qualities as our own. All too often,

what we most value or appreciate in others is what we feel we lack and wish we

could absorb, almost as if by osmosis, through our relationships, which is fine and


Even if this idea may at first seem silly to some, I have found that it is true in most

cases. Through our closest ties with other people, we gain new appreciation for

those talents and attributes that make life worthwhile and help us achieve a

greater sense of personal balance. In the following paragraphs, I will share with

you what my psychic awareness tells me about your personal love-nature and the

values that I see enhancing your quality of life.


I see, Johnny, that your capacity to love is certainly not confined to one or two

individuals. On the contrary, it comes very naturally to you to love on a far more

universal scale. You have a strong desire to have a positive influence on causes

related to social justice and equality between the sexes, and you expect your

friends and associates to also embrace tolerance and brotherly love as their ideals.

This, however, does not make you a conformist by any means! On the contrary, you

thrive on novelty and variation in social relations and in close love connections.

You want to express our affections in unusual ways that can show your loved ones

that you are not just following the crowd, but that you are perhaps even setting

new trends. Among the values that you cherish most dearly are independence,

freedom of expression and unconventional ways of relating in social settings.

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I also see that you prize the ability to remain detached and objective so that your

emotions do not get in the way of your ability to judge, the situation with

impartiality and fairness. One of your best attributes is your knack for knowing

how to collaborate within a team or group experience. This makes you the perfect

person to coordinate a range of social functions or services with several people.

Johnny, I see that you have a very sweet and compassionate nature, which puts others at ease emotionally in your presence. You have a gentle and soft touch that makes others feel glad to know you and feel that they can count on you to help soften some of life's rougher edges.

I also see that you are naturally gifted in one or more of the arts, such as music, poetry, drama or fine arts. Any or all of these areas can bring great pleasure and joy to you as well as to others who appreciate your gifts. I encourage you to do what you most love and, with faith, everything else will tend to fall into place nicely.

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YOU ENJOY MYSTERY Johnny, I feel almost as if I should be whispering this next part of your personal psychic report to you. I see that you enjoy many kinds of mystery and intrigue and that you probably have quite a few fascinating secrets you could whisper in my ear too, especially where love relations and matters of the heart are concerned. I hope that you feel you have the emotional support that you need in your life, because I feel that you could be prone to becoming bitter or resentful if you feel that you were deprived of things that others have had. I want you to be happy, and you have the power to make that a reality.

HOW YOU ASSERT YOURSELF Just as different kinds of cars may run on different types of fuel, so are people "fueled" by different kinds of drives and motivations. In this section of your personal report, I will share with you what I know about your special drives. In other words, what gets you going and motivates you to keep on going until you are satisfied that you have achieved the results that you are after. I will describe to you the kind of energy pattern that you tend to have on a regular basis and how you go about achieving your goals and objectives.

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I can see that you are highly sensitive, Johnny. I can also see how much you do for others — you really bend over backwards, to make yourself available whenever the need arises. You probably do far more than you get credit for, too, but you and I both know that you give because it is your nature to give, not because you are counting the favors you will get in return. Your sincerity and generosity make others feel as though you are, and have always been, a very wise person. You are so very sensitive that others hardly have to say a word before you sense if they are troubled or upset. And you are ever ready to offer the bandage, cup of tea or sympathy that is needed for the occasion. In fact, you may be better able to do things for others than for yourself, my friend. What I hope you will understand is that I see you being every bit as worthy and precious as the most special person you know. I want you to promise to be good to yourself and do something special just for you once in a while. Okay?

Your own psychic sensitivity is well developed, too. Others probably come to you for guidance when they want sympathy and understanding, as well as a shoulder to lean on. If you are inclined, I also see you being naturally gifted with music, so use music to help you relax and set the perfect mood. You are a romantic at heart and that quality gives you everything you need to keep that magical touch.

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My friend, if I had a job that needed to get done, I would certainly think first of coming to you, because I know that once you make a commitment and undertake a task, you see it through to the end. Not only that, but I see that you are probably very strict with yourself because you want others to respect you — not just your efforts, but your results.

You appreciate fully the saying, "the proof is in the pudding" and you are ready to

prove your worth to others by what you accomplish and the high standard of

performance that you hold for yourself. I hope that you also make time for some

non-structured and stress-free recreational activity.


Life presents you with many opportunities to advance materially, mentally,

emotionally and spiritually. Understanding luck goes far beyond thinking about a

winning ticket, bingo card or gift. In this section of my personal psychic report, I

will discuss some of the ways luck comes into your life, so that you can recognize it

and be open to receiving its abundance.

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Three other attributes are equally important to understand: trust, hope and faith.

Without trust, you wouldn't take a chance when luck comes knocking. Hope allows

you to recognize lucky opportunities that present themselves. Finally and most

importantly, your personal faith is a steady companion to your luck. In this section

of your report, I will share with you what I know and understand about your "lucky

stars". I will encourage you to trust in the goodness of opportunities that life

presents to you, to hold on to hope so that you will know the "good things" when

you see them, and most of all to have faith in -yourself, my friend. You must truly

believe, as I do, that you deserve good fortune just as much as anyone else!


While other people may prefer fantasy and elaborate escapes from reality, you are

the opposite, Johnny. Your clear sense of knowing what is the source of your

greatest luck and good fortune. You are fully in touch with the basic truth of what

is needed in any situation and your respect for your own and others' limitations

allows you to find the resources and tools that you need to stretch those limits a

little further. You have a worldly wise reputation and others trust that they can

count on you to deliver when you make a promise or a commitment. You are

mature and responsible, and you seek first and foremost- to act out of personal

and/or professional integrity

Your conscience is an excellent guide, and this stems from the earliest lessons that you learned from elders, for whom you have much respect and reverence. Carrying on traditions that you were taught means a great deal to you. You know that the torch of wisdom must be passed from generation to generation and you are up to the challenge.

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By honoring and following time-tested traditions, you are often asked by others to represent them in a public setting, as your dignity and sincerity earn trust as well as the rewards of social approval. You are also lucky in business matters, earning trust and confidence there with your reliable track record of success. You know what works and you put that knowledge to good use.


I see, Johnny, that it can become difficult for you to keep a moderate perspective on your obligations when the things that others expect from you seem to be overwhelming. When that happens, I encourage you to take time to set appropriate limits, so that others realize what is and is not realistic.

I also see that you have sometimes struggled to reconcile your personal beliefs and sense of faith in higher powers with the injustices that you see in the world around you. Your spirituality and compassion are good guides when they are tempered by realistic expectations.

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The saying that all good things come to those who wait is certainly partly true and in this section I am going to tell you about your own special virtues of patience and persistence, and how these qualities can lead to your success. You know that it often takes patience and hard work in order to overcome an obstacle in life, and that it requires discipline to stick to your plan once you make a commitment. In this portion of your personal profile, I will now describe and explain how your persistence makes a real difference, both to you as well as to others. Each of us needs to set reasonable limits for ourselves and to expect others to respect those limits. In these next two paragraphs, I will discuss the kinds of limits that are most important for you to set in order to best achieve your purpose. What works best for you will not necessarily work well for others, and that is why my psychic awareness is tuned into your special talents as well as your special needs, as you will see.


Johnny, my psychic powers tell me that you take life fairly seriously most of the time and that you have a deep and earnest desire to be as useful as possible. That is wonderful! You have a natural knack for being highly organized and making sure that no stone is unturned when it comes to keeping track of the small details. This gives you a fine ability to take care of practical matters efficiently and competently. Your analytical skills are so well developed that others know that when you are on the job, it will be done correctly. You take a great deal of pride in whatever task you undertake, as you should, since you go the extra mile to ensure that it is done to the best of your ability. One thing that I see may bother you, however, is when others do not share your work ethic and would like to slide through with the minimum effort.

When you are working on a project in collaboration with others, I see that it is

important for you to establish clearly from the start what each person's

responsibilities are, so that you do not end up doing far more than your share, even

if you are willing to take on responsibilities that others should really perform.

Being able to set realistic limits on how much work you do should help you to

enjoy the work that you must do and still feel energized for leisure activities. I also

see that you are very health conscious and that you probably know more about

taking good care of your health than others, who are likely to seek your advice.

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In this section of your personal guide, I want to talk with you about your ability to

be independent in the way in which you make life choices about what is most

important to you.

This is the aspect of your character and personality that tells me about some of

your major life goals and objectives, and some of the ways in which you are most

likely to be able to reach them. These are the aspects of your life that are powerful

forces for motivation once you make up your mind. In a sense, this is how you

invent and even sometimes reinvent your life to more closely match the vision that

you hold of what is true for you. While no one can control everything that happens,

you can certainly control a fair amount of what you do by making wise choices.

In the following two paragraphs, I will talk about this in more detail as it pertains

to your special qualities and unique personality. In many respects, this section of

your report is all about what makes you truly different from anyone else, and how

you express your individuality


I see you being highly alert to whatever goes on around you. You take an active

interest in staying aware of your surroundings and of the people who are part of

your life. When acquaintances or friends want to know what's new, you are the one

they are likely to ask for the latest news and information. Your quick wit can make

you anticipate what someone else is thinking and may say. This intuitive quality can

be fun and makes others like to be around you. There is rarely a dull moment when

you are in the room. You keep the conversation going and engage others by being

interested in learning about them, which makes people open up to you.

Your natural curiosity is one of your greatest strengths. This tells me that it may

often take you longer than others to make up your mind, because you want to factor

all the available information into your thinking before you make a commitment. I

sense that you have a lot of different kinds of relationships in your life, enough to

keep you quite well occupied with contacts and associations, whether they are

one-on-one or large groups and associations.

You have a terrific knack for bringing people together and may even do a bit of

creative matchmaking, too. Friends know that they can count on you to offer an

objective opinion and to point out the flaws in their reasoning, if their thinking is off

the track.

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Everyone feels a special kind of sensitivity, and in this section of your personalized report I will elaborate upon some of the ways in which you are especially sensitive, Johnny. I also know that a special source of inspiration moves you to be selfless in your desire to give to others and to serve a worthwhile cause. When you feel that inner voice urging you to move in a certain direction, I see that you are inspired to answer the call, even if it may mean making a sacrifice to fulfill your vision. I know that your faith is connected to certain aspects of life, and in this section of your guide I will share with you what I see about your faith and the dreams that most inspire you. Your dreams are a very important part of what we might consider your spiritual quest, since life can only be truly whole when you have the peace of mind that comes from pursuing your dreams. By listening to the voice of your inspiration and by following the vision of your dreams, whether or not they make sense to others, life can have the deepest and greatest meaning.


Johnny, I see that you are so loving that your natural instinct is to always try to see the best in other people. Because you can do this, you may be very surprised when they do not manifest those qualities that you know they are capable of. But you can be forgiving of others, knowing that they do the best they can with their abilities. You are so sensitive to other people that I know that you sometimes psychically intuit what someone else is thinking or feeling, and may anticipate what they will say. You have a great sensitivity for artistic expression, as well, and I hope that you allow yourself to express your artistic impulses in many ways. In fact, you have a wonderful visionary quality that may be highly inventive when it comes to artistic expression. You also have a natural gift for mediation, compromise and diplomacy. This special talent encourages others to come to you when they need understanding and counseling, especially about relationship problems.

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You know that it may take sacrifice to make a relationship work and you are not afraid to make those sacrifices in order to achieve the harmony that you seek with others. You are so sensitive to others' feelings that you are careful not to say things that would be hurtful or upsetting if you can avoid it. In fact, you are so adept at being with people that your relationships can become almost like works of art and blossom into a source of great beauty and inspiration to you as well as to others.


Johnny, you share many qualities in common with your generation, among them a passion for your beliefs and the transformational power of your faith. You know that you are "what you believe", since your faith is a great motivation for you to give it your best and serve a worthwhile cause.

You understand that while your time is limited here on this planet, you can still make your life count for something special by making your best contribution. You know that this planet's resources need to be safeguarded to ensure the welfare of future generations.


In this portion of your personalized psychic report, I will share with you some little-known secrets that relate to how the social and cultural trends of your generation play a role in your personal development. Whether or not you see yourself as someone who represents the special qualities of your generation, I know that many large-scale social trends may have had an impact on how you see your life choices and whether or not you feel able to bring about change in various circumstances. While you may not know ahead of time how long it will take to fulfill your deepest desires, you may take comfort in the idea that all of your deeds, wishes, thoughts and desires are registered in a kind of psychic-spiritual "bank account". It is true

that you can draw upon the good deeds that you accomplish long into the unknown future, as will others who will remember you, Johnny.

Many things that you feel most strongly about may be quite invisible to others who only know you casually. I am talking here about a slow movement toward powerful change that can take a long while to achieve, yet which will last for your lifetime and beyond. And what lasts, will be of help and service to others you care about.

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The era or historical period into which you were born was one that brought many awe-inspiring potentials and frightful forces into the world within political and social spheres. This made the average person far more aware that life-and-death decisions are made at high levels of government where individuals are trusted with enormous amounts of power over many millions of lives. At some point in your life, I see that you would have taken a long look the idea of "power" and how easily it can be misused for destructive purposes, unless one is motivated to do good not only for one's self but also for others. This questioning of power has continued to define your generation and I see that it has often led you to pursue very creative directions. Because you understood the importance of taking full responsibility for your life and for creating your own happiness, you are apt to find many ways to express yourself that satisfy your creative urges. While you may have learned the values of your elders, you also know that you alone can fulfill your unique destiny by mustering the full strength of your will power to make the changes that you know in your heart are right for you. It is easier said than done to listen to the voice of your heart, as it may be sending you conflicting impulses, especially when it comes to love. Love is such a deeply basic need that it can take a lifetime to understand and to fulfill.

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There are three very important numbers that I have calculated for you, Johnny, using your birth information. They are your "Birthstar Number”, which reveals your basic nature and energy, your "Character Number,” which shows the character traits you revert to under pressure, and finally, your "Life Path Number," which discloses your destiny. These three numbers are lucky for you throughout your life. You can incorporate them into any games of chance and lotteries by adding them to other numbers or by using them as they are. I like to meditate on my numbers to gain insights into problems and inspiration for my creative endeavors .


Your Birthstar Number is 6, which shows me that you can be very idealistic and daring. You are willing to go after your 'dreams, even if they seem elusive or unrealistic. In fact, I feel that your faith in miracles is so strong that you are actually able to accomplish the seemingly impossible! I'll bet that your friends often look to you for a boost, because you do not hesitate to give an encouraging word when it's needed. Although you may not realize it, Johnny, you are the source of inspiration for a lot of other people. Challenge is key for you. There's nothing you love more than winning over an audience. Fortunately, your charm and wit enable you to do just that time and time again.


Your Character Number is 5, which reveals to me that you're a real leader! Your personality shows strength, boldness, integrity, and passion. Wherever you want to go in life, you just have to decide and your perseverance will get you there. Decision-making comes easily to you and you love controlling any situation. If you aren't the one in command, it's time for you to take charge, Johnny! One of the nicest things about you is that you have a genuine concern for those around. Other people are likely to come to you when they need help or advice because they trust you and admire you. You flourish best within a stable personal life, surrounded by people who love and support you. You are usually attracted to people who will have a positive influence on you, and who can help you stay on the path that brings you all the wonderful rewards and luck you deserve.

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LIFE PATH NUMBER 4 Johnny, I can see that your Life Path Number 4 makes you a builder, steadily working to achieve success. I see you being very good at what you do because you are conscientious and give attention to details. Also, you like seeing results. Being proud of your efforts is important to your sense of self — and thus fulfills part of your destiny. People know they can rely on you to do a good job, my friend. You can make many friends who share your values, and you have a chance to be a force in your community — another thing to be proud of and another part of your destiny! My friend, your inner strength knows no bounds! If you're clear on your purpose, you can accomplish whatever you want in life and surmount any difficulty. The best thing for you to do is relax, and bring a little more fun into your life. Your good common sense will tell you that "all work and no play" is not good for you. We've covered a lot of ground here, my friend. I am sure you will want to ponder and study what I have revealed to you in this Guide. Take your time, and remember that "Rome was not -built in a day!


Aquarians are original thinkers, often eccentric, who prize individuality and freedom above all else. The tribal mentality goes against their grain. They chafe at the restrictions placed upon them by society and seek to follow their own paths. Aquarius is the sign of true genius because these people generally have the ability to think in unique ways. Once they make up their minds about something, nothing can convince them to change what they believe. This stubbornness is a double-edged sword; it can sustain them or destroy them. When the stubbornness manifests in small rebellions against the structures of society, energy is wasted that could be put to better use. Even though compassion is a hallmark of this sun sign, Aquarians usually don't become emotionally involved with the causes they promote. Their compassion, while genuine, rises from the intellect rather than from the heart. The Uranian influence confers a fascination with a broad spectrum of intellectual interests.

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The typical Aquarian is usually tall and slender with a complexion that is lighter than his or her ethnic group. With Uranus ruling this sign, Aquarians have a sensitive nervous system and can be easily excitable. They should guard against exhausting their energy reserves; their minds are incessantly busy.


Page 42: WHO IS - Jah Rootsman IS JAH ROOTSMAN.pdfAccording to Emode's Ultimate XQ test in 2003, Johnny Mash’s IQ score of 121 is scientifically accurate. From the four different types of


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