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Who is Jesus_ Script 2011

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ALPHA 2011 Talk 1: Who Is Jesus?—Jamie Haith 1/21 Talk Notes : Areas highlighted in blue are Personal Stories or Testimonies that Jamie Haith tells in the classic Alpha talk. These may be replaced with a live speaker’s personal story or the speaker may tell the story about Jamie in the same way Nicky tells stories about others. Areas in green are bible verses. Areas in purple are key quotes. *Key elements of this script are the personal stories, humour, and reference to media/poplular culture to draw the guests in to engage with the talk. Parts of the talk may need to be contextualised for other contexts or cultures but make sure you maintain the key elements of humour and personal testimony. Notice how quotes, and stories are used throughout to add emphasis to the main points of the talk (theology and testimony). These scripts are complimented by media 'Prezi's' that can be downloaded from studentalpha.org The cues for the presentation are marked on the script denoted by the camera symbol. At each cue press the right arrow on your keyboard to advance to the next image. Some of the cues are close up stills, some are overviews (2 or more polaroids), some are close up moving videos or animations. The presentation for 'Who is Jesus?' contains 5 moving videos. One of which has an audio track. These videos start automatically as soon as they are 'moved to'. Top tip: For this talk, timing the 'Textual Criticism' animation to the spoken text is key. Move to the first 'Textual Criticism' animation on the words '1300 year gap' and then practice timing the rest of the words to the video [after the 3rd arrows appears you have 33 seconds to read the next section of text before the arrow of 30 years appears]. Don't worry if it goes wrong but it can look really slick if you practice before! Presentation Tip: On some monitors when you activate ʻfull screenʼ areas of the prezi are cropped. To rectify this simply make the prezi window the size and shape of the screen manually (by stretching the bottom right hand corner) rather than using the full screen button. Be sure to check before you start that the Bible verses & references can all be read. Be sure to run through the presentation with the person giving the talk before hand and check all the media works correctly. To learn more about how the prezi's work visit: www.prezi.com/learn or email the Student Alpha team at [email protected] with any questions that you have. Alpha Course © Alpha International 2011 THE ALPHA COURSE SCRIPT: WHO IS JESUS? TALK: 1 DURATION: 20 MINUTES
  • ALPHA 2011 Talk 1: Who Is Jesus?Jamie Haith 1/21

    Talk Notes:

    Areas highlighted in blue are Personal Stories or Testimonies that Jamie Haith tells in the classic Alpha talk. These may be replaced with a live speakers personal story or the speaker may tell the story about Jamie in the same way Nicky tells stories about others.

    Areas in green are bible verses.

    Areas in purple are key quotes.

    *Key elements of this script are the personal stories, humour, and reference to media/poplular culture to draw the guests in to engage with the talk. Parts of the talk may need to be contextualised for other contexts or cultures but make sure you maintain the key elements of humour and personal testimony. Notice how quotes, and stories are used throughout to add emphasis to the main points of the talk (theology and testimony).

    These scripts are complimented by media 'Prezi's' that can be downloaded from studentalpha.org The cues for the presentation are marked on the script denoted by the camera symbol. At each cue press the right arrow on your keyboard to advance to the next image. Some of the cues are close up stills, some are overviews (2 or more polaroids), some are close up moving videos or animations. The presentation for 'Who is Jesus?' contains 5 moving videos. One of which has an audio track. These videos start automatically as soon as they are 'moved to'. Top tip: For this talk, timing the 'Textual Criticism' animation to the spoken text is key. Move to the first 'Textual Criticism' animation on the words '1300 year gap' and then practice timing the rest of the words to the video [after the 3rd arrows appears you have 33 seconds to read the next section of text before the arrow of 30 years appears]. Don't worry if it goes wrong but it can look really slick if you practice before! Presentation Tip: On some monitors when you activate full screen areas of the prezi are cropped. To rectify this simply make the prezi window the size and shape of the screen manually (by stretching the bottom right hand corner) rather than using the full screen button. Be sure to check before you start that the Bible verses & references can all be read. Be sure to run through the presentation with the person giving the talk before hand and check all the media works correctly. To learn more about how the prezi's work visit: www.prezi.com/learn or email the Student Alpha team at [email protected] with any questions that you have.

    Alpha Course Alpha International 2011


  • ALPHA 2011 Talk 1: Who Is Jesus?Jamie Haith 2/21

    WEEK 1: WHO IS JESUS? (Play Vox Pops Who Is Jesus?) (Introduction) Millions dont believe inJesus....millions do...everyone seems to believe different

    things about him. So whos right?

    When a Christian says the gospel all about Jesus is true....how do they

    know?....how can they be so sure?.... is it just a matter of blind faith?

    What is the evidence for Christianity?

    Is Jesus just a myth? Did he even exist?

    Regardless of their religious belief, no serious historian would deny that Jesus

    existedall would agree that there is simply too much evidence that Jesus

    lived on earth.

    There's evidence first outside the New Testament.

    For example, the Roman historians Tacitus and Suetonius speak about him.

    (Key Quote)

    The Jewish historian Josephus, writing very close to Jesus' time said this:

    `Now, there was about this time Jesus, a wise man if it is lawful to call

    him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men

    as receive the truth with pleasure.He drew over to him both many of the

    Jews and many of the Gentiles.'

    and he goes on to speak about his crucifixion, and his alleged resurrection.

    So there's evidence outside the New Testament from credible historical


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    Then there's the evidence inside the New Testament.

    Some people say "Well, the Bible was written a long time ago. How do we

    know that what they wrote has not been changed over the years?"

    The answer is that we do know. We can know very accurately through a

    science called `textual criticism'. We can be confident about what the New

    Testament writers actually sat down and wrote.

    Professor F.F. Bruce from the University of Manchester [in the UK], wrote a book

    called The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?

    In it he shows just how rich the NT is in sheer weight of manuscripts by

    comparing it to the texts of other historical works.

    Basically, the idea behind textual criticism is this: as you sit and read a book

    that is a copy of an ancient manuscript, of any kind, the way you know what

    you are reading is what the original author/s wrote is by asking two questions:

    1. How quickly after the original was written was the earliest copy made?

    2. How many copies are there?

    Herodotus Histories was written in the 5th century BC. The earliest copy that we

    have is around AD 900 so there's a 1300 year gap. Caesar's Gallic War: 950

    year gap between original and first copy. Livy's Roman History: 900 year gap

    between original and first copy. Now, no classical scholar would doubt the

    authenticity of these works...

    How about The New Testament? The books of the NT were written between 40

    and 100 AD .the earliest copies we have begin in AD 130. And we have full

    manuscripts by AD 350. So, depending on how you view it there is, at most, only

    a 300-year gap and at the very least just a 30 year gap between the original and

    the earliest dated copy that we have.

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    And what about the number of copies of each?

    Herodotus Histories 8 copies

    Caesars Gallic War 10 copies

    Livys Roman History - 20 copies

    The New Testament 24,300 copies; 5,309 Greek manuscripts, 10,000 Latin

    manuscripts and 9,300 other.

    You look at this and you see it: the New Testament stands absolutely and

    unapproachably alone amongst ancient prose writings ........and no secular

    historian would disagree with that conclusion.

    So there's all kinds of evidence that Jesus existed.

    But who was he? Teacher?...Prophet?...what do we know?

    Firstly we know that Jesus was fully human.

    The Hollywood movie director Martin Scorsese made the film THE LAST

    TEMPTATION OF CHRIST out of a desire to show that Jesus was just that: a real

    human being.

    But for most people today that's not the real issue. We may accept that Jesus

    was fully human. He had a human body: he could be tired, hungry, he could

    suffer pain.

    He had human emotions: love, joy, sadness.

    He had human experiences: birth, growing up, education, temptation, work,

    bereavement, suffering, rejection, death.

    But many would say : "Yes Jesus was a human being....but he was only a

    human being.....a great religious teacher, perhaps, but no more than that

    ......just human."

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    (Key Quote)

    The great Scottish comedian Billy Connolly said this:

    "I can't believe in Christianity, but I think Jesus was a wonderful man.

    He was a great religious teacher." like, Buddha or Gandhi maybe.

    But there are other views of this man Jesus.

    (Key Quote)

    An interviewer asked the rockstar Bono:

    Christ has his rank among the worlds great thinkers. But Son of God,

    isnt that far fetched?

    Bono replied,

    No its not far fetched to me. Look, the secular response to the

    Christian story always goes like this: he was a great prophet, obviously

    a very interesting guy But actually Christ doesnt allow you that. He

    doesnt let you off that hook. Christ says I am God incarnate So

    what you are left with is either Christ was who he said he was or a

    complete nutcase. Im not joking here the idea that the entire course of

    civilisation for over half the globe could have its fate changed and

    turned upside down by a nutcase, for me thats far fetched.

    What evidence is there to suggest that Jesus was more than just a great

    religious teacher?

    First of all, who did Jesus think he was?

    Some say "Well, Jesus never actually claimed to be God."

    Its true that Jesus did not go around saying "I am God." But when one looks at

    all that he did claim and teach, there is little doubt that he was conscious of

    being a man who's identity was God.

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    Here there are three pieces of evidence.


    Most good religious teachers point away from themselves and to God. They

    say "Don't look at me! Look at God." Jesus, in pointing to God, pointed to

    himself. ...in other words he was saying that it's through him that we encounter


    In every human heart there is a hunger.

    (Key Quote)

    Three leading psychologists of the 20th century have all recognised this.

    Jung said People are hungry for security.

    Alder: People are hungry for significance.

    Freud: People are hungry for love.

    Jesus said: I am the bread of life. If you want those hungers satisfied,

    come to me.

    Many people are walking around today in depression, disillusionment,

    despair....for many it's like an emotional darkness.

    (Bible verse)

    Jesus said "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk

    in darkness, but have the light of life."

    It's always interesting to talk to people after they've done an Alpha

    course.......one person spoke of their experience like this:

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    "It was as if the light had suddenly been turned on, and I could see things

    for the first time."

    Many today are fearful of death. We try to avoid talking about it.

    (Bible verse)

    Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me

    will live, even though they die.

    (Key Quote)

    Somebody asked Mother Teresa shortly before she died:

    "Are you at all afraid of dying?" And her answer was: "How can I be?

    Dying is going home to God. I've never been afraid......on the contrary; I'm

    looking forward to it!"

    Many are dissatisfied with materialism. And they're searching for some kind of

    spiritual reality.

    (Bible verse)

    Jesus said "I am the way." When you're searching for some kind of value


    Jesus said I am the truth. Many ask "what is the point of life? What's its


    What is its purpose? Jesus said I am the life.

    Others in the past have said "That's the way. That's the truth. That's the life."

    Jesus said I am the way, and the truth, and the life.

    Many are burdened by worries and guilt. Jesus said Come to me, all you who

    are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

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    Many are not sure what they should be doing with their lives. What kind of model

    should we be following? [The traditional models that people have often followed

    are now breaking down.] Who should we follow? Jesus said Follow me.

    (Key Point)

    Jesus said to receive him was to receive God.

    He said to welcome him was to welcome God.

    He said to have seen him was to have seen God.


    Jesus said a number of things which, although not direct claims to be God, show

    that he regarded himself as being in the same position as God.

    (Here, Jamie references Mark 2:5. The guests have a note of this reference in the

    guests notes.)

    i. Jesus claimed to be able to forgive

    Now, to forgive people who've hurt us is something that we can all do as

    human beings. But to forgive those who have hurt others is something only

    God can do. And when Jesus claimed the authority to be able to forgive

    everybody he was accused of blasphemy. The lawyers said to him: Who can

    forgive sins but God alone?

    (Here, Jamie references the parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25, which

    is also referenced in the guests notes.)

    ii. Jesus claimed that he was the One who was going to judge the world.

    He said that one day all the nations would be gathered before him, and he would

    separate them off. And he would make the decision according to how we have

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    responded to him, Jesus in this life.

    Surely these are not the kind of thing simply a `great religious teacher' would

    say?! Imagine you go along to a church...the preacher gets up and says "One

    day I am going to judge the world and the test is going to be how you have

    responded to me.and me alone" . Now, I ask you, would you think: what a

    great religious teacher!..No! You would be too busy looking for the nearest


    (Talk Point 3) HIS DIRECT CLAIMS

    (In this passage of the talk, Jamie is referencing John 20:24-31.)

    After his resurrection Jesus appeared to his followers, the disciples, all of

    them except Thomas. The other disciples told Thomas that they had seen Jesus

    for themselves. Can you imagine how disappointed Thomas must have felt?!

    Hed just gone out to the store to get a pizza for the guys (?!) and Jesus turns up.

    Jesus who was supposed to be dead in a grave.

    Now, Thomas was a classic 21st Century sceptic and he said "Sorry guysI

    cant believe unless I see for myself! I need to see the wounds in Jesus hands

    and side, from the nails and spear, or I won't believe."

    And then Jesus appears to all of the disciples including Thomas, and Jesus

    welcomes Thomas. He shows Thomas the wounds in his hands and side.

    Jesus allows Thomas to ask his questions and explore his doubts, right up


    In a way its just like Alpha: we all have questions about life and faith and God

    and we have the opportunity over the next few weeks to wrestle with these

    questions in our small groups; asking each other, asking God, realising how

    Jesus welcomes each of us to explore our doubts and our thoughts and our


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    We may not get a physical body to touch but we do get testimony. Jesus lays the

    evidence before him, and then says this to Thomas: "now stop doubting and


    And in verse 28 we read that Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and my God!"

    Look! Thomas called Jesus God!....

    And this is very important: Jesus didn't say "No no no! Hang on a second

    you are going too far!" Jesus response to him was this: "Because you've seen

    me, you've believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have

    believed." In other words, he says "At last! You were a bit slow getting the

    point Thomas!....but you're there now!"

    (Bible verse)

    But these claims were not just for the disciples - everyone around was aware

    of them. In John, chapter 10, verse 30 we read this:

    Jesus says "I and the Father are one." Again the Jews picked up stones to

    stone him, but Jesus said to them, "I have shown you many great miracles

    from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?"

    "We're not stoning you for any of these," replied the Jews, "but for blasphemy,

    because you, a mere human being, claim to be God."

    Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be God. But that's not the end of the argument.

    All sorts of people make all kinds of claims. The mere fact that somebody claims

    something doesn't mean they're necessarily right.

    There are many people around the world, some in psychiatric hospitals, who are

    deluded: they think they're Napoleon....or Elvis Presley...... or the Pope....... or

    they think they're God. But they're not.

    How can we test such people's claims? How can we test Jesus' claim?

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    Jesus claimed to be the unique Son of God, God made human.

    (Key Point)

    There seem to be three logical possibilities:

    Number 1:

    It was not true, but Jesus didn't realise it wasn't true. In other words,

    Jesus of Nazareth was deluded, insane.

    Number 2:

    It wasn't true, and Jesus knew, perfectly well, it wasn't true. In which case

    Jesus of Nazareth was an impostor, and an evil one at that.

    Number 3:

    .the third logical possibility................... is that it's true: Jesus of

    Nazareth was and is God

    (Key Quote)

    C.S. Lewis put it like this:

    A man who was merely a man, and said the sort of things Jesus said,

    wouldn't be a great moral teacher. He'd either be insane; or else he'd be the

    devil of hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was and is the

    Son of God, or else insane or something worse. But don't let's come up

    with any patronising nonsense about his being `a great human teacher'. He

    hasn't left that open to us. He didn't intend to.

    So what evidence is there to support what he said? I'd like to look at five pieces

    of evidence:


    The teaching of Jesus is widely acknowledged to be the greatest teaching that

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    has ever fallen from anyone's lips.......for example......The Sermon on the Mount:

    Love your neighbour as yourself. Turn the other cheek. Love your enemies.

    Do to others what you would have them do to you.

    (This is a personal story which demonstrates that what Jesus continues to have great

    authority. You can either tell this story as something that happened to Jamie, or use the

    final paragraph of the story as a quote, or replace this with your own story.)

    I am a Church of England minister and from time to time people ask me to marry

    them.(and so I say: Sorry, but Im already married ..because thats a funny

    thing you get to say when you are a Church of England minister.) What I mean

    is, a couple will ask me to perform the marriage ceremony for them. And a little

    while ago I was asked to take a wedding high in the Swiss Alps. The night before

    the wedding I was invited to a special family meal at the top of a mountain. And

    the only way to get to the restaurant was by chair-lift. On the way back down

    who should I find myself sitting next to the brides uncle, Eric Idle - who was one

    of the comedians behind the famous Monty Python films. Lifes funny sometimes

    isnt it. And we had a great chat together.

    Now, Eric would not call himself a Christian but I will never forget what he said

    about Jesus: We looked for comedy in the gospelswe looked to poke fun at

    Jesus for the things he said.but we couldntwe found that Jesus teaching

    was brilliantit all seemed to make sense

    Jesus' teaching has become the foundation of entire civilizations. Many laws

    that we have today are based on His teachings.

    We're making progress in every field of science and technology. We travel

    faster, we know more; yet in two thousand years no one has ever improved on

    the moral teaching of Jesus Christ. They're the greatest words ever spoken.

    They're the kind of words that you'd expect God to speak.

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    What we have to ask ourselves is could that teaching have come from someone

    who was insane, or evil?

    2. HIS WORKS

    Sometimes people say "Oh, Christianity, it's so boring!" .but thats

    something you could never say about Jesus: Jesus must have been the most

    extraordinary person to be around.

    (In this section, Jamie looks at three miracles; the turning of water into wine at the

    wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11), the feeding of the five thousand (Luke 9:10-17) and

    the raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11).

    Imagine going to a party with Jesus...the first recorded miracle of Jesus was at

    a wedding party, turning simple water into beautiful wine! Thats my kind of


    Imagine going on a picnic with Jesus! Jesus went on a picnic onceeveryone

    was so excited to listen to his teaching that only one person remembered to

    bring some food to eat, so Jesus multiplied it for everyone!....and fed 5000!

    Imagine going to a funeral with Jesus! Jesus went to a funeral once.and, to

    everyones surprise, he said "Take the stone door away from the tomb." His

    disciples, full of faith as ever, said "We can't do that he's been dead for four

    days, it'll stink!"

    Jesus said "Take the stone away." Then he called out "Lazarus, come out."

    And his previously dead friend Lazarus came out of the tomb.

    We might think Christianity, the religion, is boring but Jesus, the man, certainly

    was not! And its not just his miracles, but his love. Jesus continually reached

    out in love touching people that society had rejected: the lepers, the outcasts. He

    transformed people's lives. And he's still doing that today.

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    Jesus character has impressed millions, who wouldn't necessarily call

    themselves Christians.


    The famous US magazine Time called Jesus:

    The most persistent symbol of purity, selflessness, and love in the

    history of Western man.

    Supreme unselfishness, but never self-pity. Humility, but not weakness. Joy,

    but never at somebody else's expense. Kindness, but not indulgence.

    (Key Quote)

    The British journalist Matthew Parris who describes himself as `an avowed

    atheist was writing in the magazine, The Spectator, and he said this:

    Ive got such huge respect for Jesus because his life was so radical, it

    was so inconvenient. . `If Jesus had not existed, the church most

    certainly would not have invented him.

    Jesus wan an extraordinarily radical figure, with extraordinary character.

    And then, of course, a real test is when we're under pressure, when we're in

    pain. And Jesus, in excruciating pain when he was on the cross said about the

    people who were doing it to him, "Father, forgive them. They don't know what

    they're doing." His enemies could find no fault in him, and his friends said

    "This man has no sin."

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    No one in the history of the world has ever had a whole collection of books

    written about them before they were even born!

    For Example in the Old Testament book of Micah Chapter 5 written around

    700 BC we read the prophecy that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem

    and in the Gospels we see the fulfillment of that prophecy.

    And its not just one or two prophecies In total Jesus fulfilled over 350

    prophecies that were written dozens of years hundreds of years before his

    birth. 29 of these prophecies Jesus fulfilled in a single day!

    Now, you could say "Well, maybe he read the Old Testament prophecies and

    he thought these are the things I've got to do'......and then set about fulfilling

    them." The trouble with that is, many of these things he had no control over.

    Many of the things were about how he was going to die, where he would be

    buried, his resurrection.. even the place of his birth was foretold...lets be

    honest, its a bit difficult to make that happen!


    The physical resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of Christianity.

    (Key Quote)

    The writer and Atheist, Richard Dawkins, said this:

    If the resurrection is not true Christianity becomes null and void

    I AGREE !!!

    Sometimes people say, you know, "On Alpha why don't you start with `Is there

    a God?, rather than with Jesus....... I don't even believe there's a God, let alone

    where Jesus fits in!"

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    (Key Quote)

    The New Testament theologian Tom Wright put it like this:

    The Christian claim is this: the resurrection of Jesus strongly

    suggests that the world has a Creator, and that that Creator is to be

    seen in terms of, through the lens of, Jesus.

    So what is the evidence that the resurrection really happened?

    1) Jesus absence from the tomb.

    There have been many theories over the years to explain why Jesus' body was

    absent from the tomb on that first Easter day. None are particularly satisfactory.

    First of all, it's been suggested that, Well, maybe Jesus didn't really die on the

    cross; he fainted from the pain ... then recovered in the cool of the tomb...got out

    of the grave-clothes pushed away the stone and ran away'. This is, quite

    frankly, ridiculous!:

    1. Jesus had undergone a Roman flogging: many people died from that


    2. Then he had been crucified. People did not survive Roman crucifixion.

    3. His body was cocooned in heavy grave-clothes and placed in a tomb cut

    out of the rock.

    4. A stone weighing a ton and a half was rolled in front of the tomb; not easy

    to move at the best of times.

    5. ... Especially when being guarded by a troop of Roman soldiers.

    ...also there's a very interesting piece of evidence in John chapter 19, verse 33.

    (Bible verse)

    But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did

    not break his legs. Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a

    spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

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    Today we know that this indicates the separation of the clot and the serum in

    the blood, which is strong medical evidence that Jesus was dead. They weren't

    aware of that at the time, they simply wrote it because that's what happened.

    Other people have said, "Well, maybe the disciples came along and they stole

    the body, and began a rumour that Jesus was risen." Leaving aside the fact that

    the tomb was guarded, the theory is highly improbable, simply from a

    psychological perspective. These men were depressed, disillusioned. They'd put

    all their hope in Jesus and he had died.

    Something extraordinary then happened to totally transform those people so

    much that they were willing to suffer and die themselves. In later years many of

    them would be tortured, they themselves would be executed for what they

    believed about Jesus.....if they knew that Jesus body was buried in their back

    garden, would they have been willing to die for what they knew to be a lie?

    Others have said "Well, maybe the authorities stole the body." But that is

    absurd: because if the authorities stole the body, all they needed to do when

    people were saying "Jesus is risen from the dead" was to produce it .. but

    they never did.

    Others have said "Well, maybe robbers stole the body." What's interesting

    here is that the tomb contained only one thing that would have held any worth

    to robbers - and that is the grave-clothes, filled with expensive spices. Peter

    and John heard the rumour that Jesus was risen. They ran to the tomb and

    found not an empty tomb at all. The valuable grave-clothes were still there, like

    an empty chrysalis after the butterfly has emerged from the cocoon. And the

    headpiece, the piece around Jesus' head, had been folded up and put in a

    separate place. And we're told that when John took one look at that evidence,

    that was enough: he believed.

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    2) His presence with the disciples.

    After rising from the dead, Jesus appeared many times to the disciples and


    Some people have said "Well, that was just hallucination." Sure, people do

    hallucinate. Normally, people that hallucinate are highly strung, highly

    imaginative, very nervous or sick, or on drugs. But the disciples don't fit into any

    of those categories. We're talking about burly fishermen and tax collectors!

    We're talking about realists and cynics and sceptics. Thomas, who said "I'm not

    going to believe unless I see it for myself".

    And then look at the number of people that saw the risen Jesus after his

    crucifixion. Jesus appeared to over 500 people, on eleven different occasions.

    Are all these people really likely to share the same hallucination?

    3) The nature of the appearances.

    Hallucinations are subjective: they have no objective reality. It's like seeing a


    (Bible verse)

    That is not what is going on here in Luke, chapter 24 verse 36.

    While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them

    and said to them, "Peace be with you." They were startled and

    frightened, thinking that they saw a ghost. He said to them, "Why are

    you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your mind? Look at my hands

    and my feet. Touch me and see: a ghost does not have flesh and

    bones, as you see I have."

    When he said this, he showed them his hands and feet. And while they

    still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them,

    "Do you have anything here to eat?" They gave him a piece of broiled

    fish, and he took it and he ate it in their presence.

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    (This story is about James Odgers, founder of the Besom Charity. You could

    attribute the quote to him, or you could make the same point by just saying ...and

    ghosts dont eat fish! after speaking about Luke 24.)

    One friend of mine actually became a Christian because of that one verse....he

    recognised, quite rightly, that ghosts don't eat fish!, and came to the

    conclusion that Jesus had to have risen in bodily form.

    Jesus ate with the disciples. He cooked breakfast for them on one occasion!

    He had long conversations with them.

    All of this had an immediate effect; it transformed the disciples, and resulted in

    the birth and explosive growth of the Christian church right across the globe.

    The question we have to ask ourselves is what was it that caused that if it

    wasnt the resurrection.

    4) Christian experience down the ages

    Billions of people down the ages have experienced Jesus Christ. People of

    every colour, every race, every tribe, every continent, every nationality, from

    every economic, social, intellectual background unite in a common experience

    of Christ.

    Is anyone here in love? (maybe youre having a quick look at the person next

    to you an thinking Hmmm, I could be persuaded!) You know what, you could

    research inlovenessyou could do a degree, a PhD on what it is to be in

    loveyou could be a leading world expert on lovebut unless you are IN

    love yourself its purely academic. We would all accept that the best person to

    talk about love would be someone who is themself in love..the experience is


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    (While this is a personal story, it relates an experience that you, the speaker, are

    likely to have had yourself. Feel free to use Jamies words, replacing 30 years with

    the length of time that you have been a Christian.)

    From my own experience over the last [30] years, just like the two thousand

    million Christians around the world, I have experienced the love of Jesus his

    power, his kindness, his mercy, his grace, in my own life. I know what it is to

    have that hunger satisfied....the hunger for love, the hunger for peace, the

    hunger for meaning and purpose in life. And that is what convinces

    me.daily. that he's alive. (Key Point)

    So, in conclusion, in the light of what Jesus claimed about himself, there are

    those three logical possibilities: either Jesus was insane, or he was evil, or he

    is God.

    (Key Quote)

    Theres this quote attributed to the great (fictional) detective Sherlock Holmes:

    `When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however

    improbable, must be the truth.'

    As we look at that evidence about what Jesus taught, what he did, his

    character, his fulfilment of prophecy, his resurrection from the dead surely

    we can eliminate as impossible that Jesus was insane..surely we can

    eliminate as impossible that Jesus was evil. Therefore, as Sherlock Holmes

    puts it, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

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    (This is a key quote that sums up the message of the whole talk. It should not be


    C.S. Lewis put it like this:

    `We're faced, then, with a frightening alternative. The man we're talking

    about was, and is, just what he said, or else insane or worse. Now, it

    seems to me obvious that he was neither insane nor a fiend. And

    consequently, however strange, or terrifying, or unlikely, it may seem, I

    have to accept the view that he was, and is, God.' (Return to title slide) Scripture quotations are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.

    Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

    Used by permission of Hodder & Stoughton Publishers, A member of the Hachette Livre UK Group. All rights reserved.

    "NIV" is a registered trademark of International Bible Society. UK trademark number 1448790.

    Alpha International 2010

    Prepared by: Alpha International, Holy Trinity Brompton, Brompton Road, London SW7 1JA.

    Email: [email protected]
