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  • 7/30/2019 WHS-PUB Ohsmag 0501


    M A G A Z I N E

    O C C U P A T I O N A L

    V O L U M E 2 4 N U M B E R 2 M A Y 2 0 0 1

    Ground Your Knowledgeof Electricity to


    AliveWorkplace Health & Safety Web sitwww.whs.gov.ab.ca

  • 7/30/2019 WHS-PUB Ohsmag 0501

    2/24O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 12

    P e r s p e c t i v e

    by Dee Kramer

    While winter is always an active season for northernAlbertas industries, the regions recent unprecedentedeconomic growth has led to exceptional demand for skilledworkers. Unfortunately, they arent available. Never before

    have so many young,unskilled and untrainedworkers been found onwork sites. At the sametime, all workers on anysite feel tremendouspressure to get their jobsdone and done fast.

    Many workers areyoung, and this is oftentheir first job. They areaway from home, andexpected to work partic-ularly long hours. Sometravel over frozenmuskeg and rivers into

    the isolated bush, layingdown oil and gas pipes to connect refineries to f ieldlocations. Others work in the pipes, towers, stacks, steelscaffolding, storage tanks and chimneys that make up an oilrefinerys Meccano-set of steel.

    What are some of the safety issues they face? First,

    theres little time. Its easy to get careless. Its easy to takeshortcuts. Its easy for injuries to occur. Supervisors getcareless about confined spaces, lock-out procedures andWHMIS training. There doesnt seem to be enough time forsafety meetings. There isnt the time to make sure all theworkers are wearing their harnesses and personalprotective equipment.

    When we look at preventing injury under these circum-stances, we have to look beyond the implementation ofsafety procedures. While the physical demands of workclearly play a large role in the potential for injury, thepsychosocial work environment how a person interactswith their work environment is also an important factor.If a worker is young, new on site and feeling insecure,

    how likely is that person to pay strict attention tosafety procedures?

    Psychosocial factors that influence safetyScientists at the Institute for Work & Health in Toronto haveinvestigated the causes of injuries and illness in the manu-facturing, service and health-care sectors. After conductingstudies of chronic back pain, pain in the arm and hand,heart health and mental health problems, they concludedthat you need to look at both physical and psychosocialfactors to reduce injuries and create a healthy workenvironment. If you focus on physical issues, withoutlooking at organizational factors, you miss half the story.Psychosocial factors also lead to injuries and illnesses.

    The Institutes research shows that high pressure workenvironments, such as those found in Albertas oil, gas andconstruction sectors, can lead to injuries and mental healthproblems. In these environments workers may feelpowerless. When employees have no influence overworkplace conditions, they lack the necessary control toavoid potential physical or psychosocial threats. This is aparticular problem for young, inexperienced workers whoare afraid to ask for help.

    Injuries and chronic illnesses can result if workersdont have the skills to perform the jobs theyre asked to door if tasks are new and unfamiliar. Injuries also occur whenworkers are prevented from making decisions about how todo their work and when they have little or no say aboutwhat happens in their job. If workers face conflictingdemands and job insecurity, and work is hectic, theresadditional risk.

    The social environment at the workplace also affectsthe potential for injury. When workers lack support fromtheir co-workers or supervisor, or work in a hostileenvironment, their injury rate is higher. A non-supportiveenvironment is dangerous to workers health and safety.

    Injuries and chronic illnesses (for example, heartdisease and mental health problems such as anxiety anddepression) occur when workers think their efforts go unac-knowledged or unrewarded. Distress is inevitable when

    employees, who hold stressful jobs that entail significantresponsibility, also believe they are being treated unfairly,have poor job promotion prospects and are not receivingthe respect or salary they deserve.

    But changing a firms safety focus to include psychoso-cial factors is not that easy. There is an enormouschallenge in changing the workplace psychosocialenvironment. Its easier to only focus on physical safetyissues, says Donald Cole, senior scientist at the Institute.The psychosocial work environment relates to the organi-zational culture of a workplace, and that takes more effortto change. But some changes have been made and therehave been some successes.

    Cole says the greatest potential may be for integrated

    programs that target overall risk factors. The company willhave a higher chance of success if health and safety isadopted as part of the companys overall strategic goal andis tied into productivity and quality. What is mostimportant is for intervention efforts to use a combinedapproach that considers both physical and psychosocialfactors when setting objectives, goals and strategies.

    Dee Kramer is a research transfer associate at the Institute forWork & Health in Toronto, Ontario. To find out more about the

    Institutes work and publications, see www.iwh.on.ca.

    and working in good healthWorking hard, working safely,

  • 7/30/2019 WHS-PUB Ohsmag 0501


    2 Working Hard, Working Safely,and Working in Good Healthby Dee Kramer

    16 Old Concept, New Form:Mentoring for Young Workersby Nordahl Flakstad

    6 Are You Driving Your Way to ChronicPain? MSIs in the Transportation Sectorby Allan Sheppard

    8 Ground Your Knowledge ofElectricity to Stay Aliveby Norma Ramage

    12 Managing Impaired Workersby Bill Corbett

    20 Training for Manlift Operatorsby Anita Jenkins

    4 News & Notes

    11 Real World Solutions

    14 The Last Resort

    15 Ergotips

    18 Partnerships

    19 OHS Regulatory Review Update

    22 Web Watcher

    22 Workplace Fatalities

    M A G A Z I N E

    O C C U P A T I O N A L

    O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 1

    Managing Editor

    Wally Baer


    Juliet Kershaw

    S t o r i e s

    P r o f i l e

    P e r s p e c t i v e

    M u c h m o r e

    A Workplace Health and Safety

    Alberta Human Resources and Employment publication

    Occupational Health & Safety Magazine is published three times a year, in January, May

    and September. Magazine policy is guided by the Occupational Health & Safety Magazine

    Advisory Board consisting of industry, labour and government representatives.

    Occupational Health & Safety Magazine Advisory Board members:

    Wally Baer Alberta Human Resources and Employment Workplace

    Health and Safety

    Bob Cunningham Canadian Petroleum Safety Council

    Robin Kotyk Alberta Construction Safety Association

    Lloyd Harman Alberta Forest Products Association

    Juliet Kershaw Paprika Communications

    Alain Langlais Alberta Human Resources and Employment Workplace

    Health and Safety

    Rose Ann McGinty Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association

    Bob Nebo Workers Compensation Board Alberta

    Ron Townsend Plumbers and Pipefitters Union

    Corinne Pohlmann Canadian Federation of Independent Business

    On occasion, this publication refers to the Occupational Health and Safety Actand its

    regulations. In the event of a discrepancy between statements in this publication and

    theActor regulations, theActor regulations take precedence. Opinions expressed in this

    publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of

    Alberta Human Resources and Employment or the Government of Alberta.

    Subscriptions to Occupational Health & Safety Magazine are available without charge by

    calling (780) 415-6449. When notifying us of a change of address, send an address

    label or subscription number with the new address.

    Letters to the editorWe welcome response to articles or information published in this

    magazine, as well as suggestions for future articles. We will print letters to the editor as

    space permits. The editor reserves the right to edit letters.

    Copyright is held by the Government of Alberta.

    How to contact us

    Occupational Health & Safety Magazine

    U Workplace Health and SafetyAlberta Human Resources and Employment Communications

    9th Floor, 10808 99 Avenue

    Edmonton, Alberta T5K 0G5

    S Phone (780) 427-5585T Fax (780) 427-5988

    (For toll-free connection within Alberta dial 310-0000 before the number)

    [email protected]

    v Look up the Workplace Health and Safety Web site at www.whs.gov.ab.caContact the Workplace Health and Safety Call Centre at


    Design and layout by McRobbie Design Group Inc.

    Publication Mail Agreement No. 1528572

    ISSN 0705-6052 2001

    How to get moreoccupational health and safety information

  • 7/30/2019 WHS-PUB Ohsmag 0501



    O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 14

    The Petroleum Safety Council (PSC)alerted Occupational Health & SafetyMagazine to what has been referred to as

    New Equipment Syndrome (If its new, its

    gotta be good) after a frightening near

    miss at an oil lease site.

    A derrickman wearing a new safety

    harness had tied off and was leaning out

    from the platform of the rig when the sling

    of the harness broke. Luckily, he caught

    himself on the pipe and didnt fall. When

    the harness was inspected, it was clear that

    the D-ring end of the sling had not been

    fully assembled: the webbing material had

    been folded around the D-ring and glued

    together, but not stitched. The companythen inspected other newly purchased

    Until recently, no standard set ofhand signals existed for directingthe movement of vehicles to loadingdocks or around industrial work sites

    Now the petroleum industry has

    introduced a recommended practice,

    Hand Signals for Directing Vehicles,

    to improve safety at industrial sites.

    The petroleum industry worked with

    its service sectors and the trucking

    industry to develop the signals and

    the practice, which have been

    accepted across western Canada.

    Posters illustrating the signals are

    available from the Petroleum Safety

    Council at 1-877-827-2331.

    Chemco Electrical Contractors Ltd. andDavco Machine Ltd. have received the2001 WorkSafe Award, sponsored by the

    Workers Compensation Board Alberta.

    Included among the Alberta Chambers

    of Commerce Business Awards ofDistinction, this award recognizes the

    continued support and dedication by

    employers to the health and safety of their

    employees and contractors. This year, for

    the first time, the award was presented in

    two categories: large employers (100 or more

    full-time employees) and small employers

    (fewer than 100 full-time employees).

    Davco Machine Ltd. won the honours

    in the small employer category. The

    companys safety program, developed with

    input from employees, extends beyond the

    workplace by encouraging employees to

    adopt healthy lifestyles and take an active

    role in identifying opportunities to improve

    New access to oh&s information:Check out Canadas mostextensive gateway to occupational

    health and safety services and

    information. The site features easy

    access to public, governmental and

    Canadian Centre for Occupational

    Health and Safety (CCOHS) resources

    Two organizations representing theinterests of the trucking industry inAlberta have amalgamated. The Alberta

    Trucking Association (ATA) and the Alberta

    Trucking Industry Safety Association

    (ATISA) have joined forces under the name

    Alberta Motor Transport Association.

    Standardized handsignals adopted bypetroleum industry

    Stop Signals

    Turn Signals

    If somethings newwatch out!

    New Equipment


    www.canoshweb.orgAlberta trucking associations


    safe practices. Davcos safety record and

    exceptional yearly audit scores provide the

    company with a strong competitive

    advantage when it bids on new projects.

    The winner in the large employer

    category, Chemco Electrical ContractorsLtd., introduced a corporate-wide health

    and safety program after consultation with

    management and all employees. The

    program includes an extensive employee

    and subcontractor training program, a new

    employee orientation and mentoring

    program, incident reporting, a modified

    work program and an innovative on-the-job

    exercise program, the first of its kind in

    that particular industry. The exercise

    program, which is now part of the com-

    pany culture, has reduced the number and

    severity of workplace strains.

    equipment and found that four out of fivetie-off adapters were defective.

    After the near miss, everyone felt a

    sense of responsibility for not having

    caught the defective equipment. The

    problem was that the employees had

    assumed the equipment was fine because

    it was new.

    PSC advises anyone about to hand

    over equipment for use to check it over

    thoroughly first. Read the operating

    instructions and inspect the equipment

    closely to make sure there are no obvious

    defects. The extra minute or two you spend

    looking at the equipment may protect you,

    or a co-worker, from serious injury.

    UpdatedCanOSH launched

    The programs and services pre-

    viously offered through each organization

    development and delivery of safety

    programs (ATISA), and regulatory and

    operational issues (ATA) will continue

    to be offered by the new association.

    Point one arm toindicate directionto turn.

    Bend motioning armrepeatedly towardshead to indicatecontinued turning.

    Cross both armsabove head

    in safety

    N e w s & N o t e s

  • 7/30/2019 WHS-PUB Ohsmag 0501

    5/24O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 1

    Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) helps employers and workersensure safe, healthy and productive workplaces in Alberta by: providing workplace health and safety information and assistance

    to all Albertans investigating serious incidents and complaints about potential

    work site hazards partnering with industry leaders and safety associations to

    develop health and safety programs enforcing the Occupational Health and Safety Act

    Occupational health and safety information and assistance are at yourfingertips. The Call Centre 1-866-415-8690 and the WHS Web site

    www.whs.gov.ab.ca provide: information about the law and you a list of approved training agencies and courses access to WHS publications, videos and statistics guidance for new workers the opportunity to send your questions to an occupational health

    and safety expert the opportunity to lodge a complaint information about the Partnerships in Health and Safety Program

    WHS is a division of Alberta Human Resources and Employment andfalls under the jurisdiction of Minister Clint Dunford.

    How to reach the Alberta Human Resources and Employment LibraryThe Alberta Human Resources and Employment Library houses alarge selection of occupational health and safety informationmaterials. It is linked electronically to 25 university, college, healthand government libraries across Alberta. You can search the librarycatalogue over the Web through gate.library.ualberta.ca.The AlbertaHuman Resources and Employment Library location code is AB HR &Employment.

    To borrow materials, please contact your local library and make yourrequests through the inter-library loan process. Or you can visit thelibrary in person at:

    U 3rd Floor, 10808 99 Avenue

    Edmonton, Alberta T5K 0G5S (780) 427-8533 or toll-free, 310-0000T (780) 422-0084v www.gov.ab.ca/lab/facts/av

    How to order Workplace Health and Safety publications

    Workplace Health and Safety produces publications on a variety ofoccupational health and safety subjects. Publications come asmanuals, brochures, booklets, bulletins and posters, and areregularly reviewed and updated.

    Over 200 publications are available from Workplace Health andSafety. Find them on the WHS Web site,www.whs.gov.ab.ca ororder them through the WHS Call Centre, 1-866-415-8690.

    ANational Institute for OccupationalSafety and Health (NIOSH) study hasfound no evidence that back belts reduceback injury or back pain for retail workers

    who lift or move merchandise. Findings are

    based on the results published in the

    December 6, 2000, issue of theJournal of the

    American Medical Association (JAMA).

    NIOSH reported: The results of the new

    study are consistent with NIOSHs previous

    finding, reported in 1994, that there is insuf-

    ficient scientific evidence that wearing back

    belts protects workers from the risk of job-

    related back injury.

    For more on the study, seewww.cdc.gov/niosh/beltinj.html

    For more on back belts, see theWorkplace Health and Safety


    Lets Back Up a Bit Some

    Truths About Back Belts


    NIOSH Study Finds

    IneffectiveBack Belts

    Recent changes to the Occupational Health &Safety Acthave reinforced the need forproactive preventive strategies to reduce the

    frequency of workplace incidents.

    Under theFirst Aid Regulation,work sites

    employing more than 200 workers must

    provide the services of a registered nurse

    with advanced first aid, or an emergency

    medical technician-paramedic, in addition to

    certified emergency first aiders.

    Occupational health nurses are in high

    demand as employers move to implement

    preventive health strategies.

    Grant MacEwan College offers a post-

    diploma certificate in Occupational HealthNursing that prepares registered nurses for

    the demands of workplace health and safety.

    Offered entirely through distance delivery,

    this innovative program was the first of its

    kind in North America and continues to

    evolve to meet the changing needs of

    industry. Print and Internet courses offer a

    realistic overview of the challenges that face

    todays workplace health professionals. To

    find out more about the Occupational Health

    Nursing Certificate program, call

    (780) 497-5188, toll-free 1-888-497-9390, or


    offersGMCCOccupational Health Nursing Certificate

    do for

    you?Workplace Health and Safety

    What does

    W o r k p l a c e H e a l t h& S a f e t y ( W H S )

  • 7/30/2019 WHS-PUB Ohsmag 0501

    6/24O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 16

    Would you believe that youcan get a serious workinjury doing nothing more

    physical than sittingquietly and watching theworld pass smoothlybeneath the wheels of yourvehicle? You had better

    believe you can, especially if you are aprofessional driver of delivery or long-haul trucks, transit or inter-city buses,taxis, or even forklift trucks.

    Sitting for long periods is a kind ofrepetitive or prolonged stresssometimes called static work. It can leadto lower back pain and other stress-related back and spine problems.

    Lifting, pulling, pushing and carryingcargo or luggage (materials handling)also put drivers at risk for back, muscleand joint injuries. Even something asseemingly harmless as looking overones shoulder while driving in reverseor tipping the head backwards to viewhigh shelving can cause problems forthe forklift operator who repeats thataction many times in a typical shift. Inaddition, road and vehicle vibrationcan cause spinal degeneration andcompression injuries.

    Drivers at increased risk for MSIsMusculoskeletal injuries (injuries ofthe bones, joints, ligaments, tendons,

    muscles and other soft tissues, collec-tively known as MSIs) are occupationalhazards for drivers. In herDrivers BackManual, physical therapist KathyHilborn says the risk of back painincreases two to four times foranyone who drives more than 30kilometres a day. Workplace Healthand Safety records show that truckdrivers rank first among the top 10 inoverexertion injuries (1996 - 2000) andninth in repetitive motion injuries.General trucking service workers aretenth in repetitive motion injuries.

    The risk of disk herniation(rupture) Hilborn adds, increases byfour times for truck drivers and twotimes for car and tractor drivers.Hilborn points to a direct linkbetween vibration from a vehicle andlower back pain, while complaints oftension, fatigue and pain increase asvibration increases.

    Drivers also get MSIs due to poorlydesigned cabs and driver compart-ments. Frequently used controls maybe hard to reach and require awkward

    postures or great force to operate.Seats may not support the lower backand spine. Seat suspensions may not

    dampen vibrations effectively. Driversof transit buses, which seldom havepower steering, suffer overexertionMSIs of the shoulders and arms.

    Effective injury-reducingequipment and ergonomic features arenow available in new vehicles. But thatstill leaves untouched the problemsalready built into existing vehicles.

    Banff-based Brewster TransportCo. Ltd. faced this challenge a fewyears ago when, as regional managerBill Hope recalls, some driversmentioned having problems with

    certain coaches in the fleet. Agreeingthat it just seemed to make goodsense to look at retrofitting oldercoaches, Hope soon discovered thatBrewster needed expert help.

    Hope turned to Diane Stinson,president of HealthWorks, a Calgary-based ergonomics consultant.HealthWorks surveyed Brewsters fleetand drivers to develop recommenda-tions for equipment modifications andmaterials. Videos were developed foruse in training seminars for drivers.

    by Allan Sheppard

    Are You Driving Your Way to


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    Physical fitness essentialto avoid problemsBesides teaching drivers how to adjustseats and controls to achieve themaximum effect and how to uselumbar supports and other portableaids, Stinson also offers a number ofsimple stretches and shifts in postureto avoid static work stress whiledriving. Hilborn includes a similar set

    of exercises in her book.Stinson and Hilborn also offer sets

    of exercises to help minimize injuriesfrom the materials handling work thatmost drivers also do. Long-distancetruckers and inter-city bus driversoften move quickly from long periodsof sitting to short bursts of strenuousactivity when they unload cargo orreach into bus bellies to shift andremove luggage. Making suchtransitions without proper warm-up

    amounts to an open invitation to MSIs.By doing some simple warm-upexercises that help loosen muscles andjoints and allow ligaments in the backto firm up again, Stinson notes thatdrivers can prepare themselves forstrenuous tasks.

    Stinson insists that driving, partic-ularly for those who unload luggageand make deliveries, is physicallydemanding, often intensely so. Drivershave the best chance of avoiding short-and long-term MSIs when they arephysically fit. This means thatadditional attention to fitness overand above the time spent at work isrequired. That, Stinson adds, can be achallenge in a work culture where thepreferred way to take a break is to sitdown for a cup of coffee.

    R e s o u r c e s




    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration

    (OSHA) ruling on transportation injuries.


    A NIOSH study on MSIs and work.



    Low back pain research.

    www.backpain.org/fs-driver.htmBack care for drivers.



    MSIs and materials handling.



    Drivers Back Manual, An Ergonomic

    Guide to Injury Prevention

    by Kathy Hilborn

    Edmonton, Alberta: Injury Reduction Systems,

    A Division of Alberta Back School Inc.

    Edmonton, 1997

    (RD 768 H54 1997)

    Stinson has also worked as aconsultant for Bridge Brand FoodServices Ltd. and Coca-Cola BottlingLtd, both of which operate largedelivery fleets as well as long-hauloperations. Because delivery driversnormally dont make long trips,theyre less at risk for static workinjuries. Instead, they risk overexer-tion, lifting, pulling and carrying

    injuries while loading and unloadingcargo, and carrying or wheelingpackages up and down stairs and inand out of cramped quarters. Deliverydrivers need to be, and often are, moreaware of, and willing to practice, goodmaterials handling techniques.Establishing good lifting techniques isessential to avoid injury. Additionally,its very important for delivery drivers,says Stinson, to stretch and warm upproperly and to keep fit.

    MSIs are seldom fatal, says RayCislo, a safety engineering specialist at

    Workplace Health and Safety, butthey can lead to serious pain, and aworker in pain cannot concentratefully on the task at hand. That canlead to further injury. It can also bringpersonal inconvenience or economichardship, and it can threaten thesafety of passengers and other vehicles.

    MSIs are complex and subtle. It isoften hard to convince sufferers thatspecific changes in behaviour will leadto improvement, especially when theeffects of those changes may be de-layed. In many cases, if not most, its

    difficult to identify the exact cause ofan MSI or the tissues affected.

    MSIs present many symptoms sharp pains, dull aches, tingling ornumbness, burning sensations,swelling, redness, tenderness anddevelop in three stages. The first stage,which is reversible with rest andtherapy, involves short-term discom-fort, some aching and weakness thatimprove on days away from work, andminimal interference with work tasks.In the second stage, when recovery is

    still possible, symptoms and discom-fort develop faster and may persist formonths. The sufferer may have diffi-culty sleeping and performing normaltasks. At the final stage, when likeli-hood of recovery is poor, symptomsmay be present even at rest. Sleep anddaily living are disturbed, and theworker cant perform light duties.

    MSIs are serious. But they can be

    prevented with knowledge andtraining, well-designed equipmentand physical preparation. And theycan be treated if not left toolong unattended.

    Pain is not the first warning signof problems, says Kathy Hilborn, itsthe last sign. Pay attention, she adds,to these important early warningsigns: fatigue, tightness, soreness,stiffness, burning, tingling in the neckand shoulders, back and limbs. Dontwait for pain before you change.

    Allan Sheppard is a freelance writer andresearcher. He lives in Edmonton.

    Pain is not the first warningsign of problems, says

    Kathy Hilborn, its the

    last sign.

    MSIs in the Transportation SectorPain?

  • 7/30/2019 WHS-PUB Ohsmag 0501

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    Gord Decker, safety coordinatorfor UtiliCorp NetworksCanada, uses hazard boards

    table-top simulations of elec-trical hazards when heteaches adults about thedangers of electricity. Theboard provides 16,000 volts of

    electricity, and Decker concludes hispresentations by causing a shortcircuit, which cooks a smokie. Hepoints out that the sausage iscomposed of meat, fat and water,much like the human body, and thatwhat electricity did to the smokie, itcan also do to his listeners.

    I tell them the smell of that

    burned meat is a lot like the smell ofburned human flesh, says Decker,who is also chairman of the AlbertaElectrical Utility Safety Association(AEUSA). That gets their attention.

    And getting peoples attention iswhat its all about when it comes toeducating them about the dangers ofelectricity in the workplace. Theproblem, says Decker, is that peopleare too comfortable with electricitybecause it is everywhere in their dailylives. This attitude prevails despite

    statistics from Alberta MunicipalAffairs indicating that 17 fatalities and104 non-fatal injuries were caused by

    contact with overhead or undergroundelectrical power lines between 1991and mid-2000.

    People have to be educatedto think of electricity as a potentialhazard.

    Bert Noble, occupational healthand safety officer with WorkplaceHealth and Safety (WHS) in Lethbridge,says electricity is a serious concernbecause there are no minor injuriesfrom high-voltage electrical sources.A major jolt of electricity can raisethe blood temperature to such a

    degree, says Noble, it can destroyblood vessels, body tissue and organs.

    No industry is immune toelectrical hazards. Truckers, oil fieldworkers, heavy equipment operators,farmers, crane operators and electricalworkers like linemen are among thosemost at risk, says Noble. But sinceelectricity is everywhere, no oneis immune.

    Overhead power lines pose thegreatest workplace risk because theyoften carry higher voltage and are

    difficult to see because of environ-mental conditions and humanphysiology people have a horizontal

    vision plane and normally dont lookoverhead. Underground lines,although better insulated, are alsodangerous, and have accounted foreight reported injuries in thelast decade.

    Noble says the key to reducing

    electricity-related injuries and death iseducation. Currently in Alberta, thereis no single industry-wide safety-training program for electricalhazards. However, WHS is workingwith the AEUSA and input fromindustry stakeholders to investigatethe feasibility of such a program.Until then, industry and safetyassociations, companies and individ-uals must continue the process ofeducating workers about electricityand its hazards.

    by Norma Ramage

    Never assume a downed

    line is safe unless a utility

    worker tells you so.

    Knowledge of ElectricityGroundGround

  • 7/30/2019 WHS-PUB Ohsmag 0501


    Be prepared Educate yourself and

    your workers Develop safe work procedures

    Consult the utility company tofind out the voltage of lines on

    site or in your path of travel Know and pay attention to safe

    clearance distances listed inthe General Safety Regulation

    Remind workers repeatedly tostay away from lines; use signal

    people, signage Develop tag and flag systems to

    mark safe distances frompower lines on site

    If your vehicle contactsa power line Stay in the vehicle and call

    for help If you must leave, jump with

    both feet together away fromyour vehicle

    Stay clear of the vehicle untila utility representative tells

    you its safe to return

    O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 1

    Avoiding the hazards1 Understand how electricity

    worksFirst, says Tom Bestwick, supervisorof safety with Calgary-based

    electrical utility Enmax, peoplehave to understand how electricity

    works. You have to know thatelectricity takes any path to the

    ground, and that path could bethrough your body.

    2 Understand electricalpotentialSecond, they need to understand

    electrical step potential. Bestwick

    explains that electricity radiatesoutward from a source such as a

    downed power line the way ripplesemanate from a rock dropped in a

    pool. Each of those ripples or ringshas a different electrical potential,

    with the voltage getting lower thefurther you go from the source.

    Since electricity can only flowwhen it moves from one electrical

    potential to another, the dangercomes when a person forms a

    bridge between two levels of

    potential. Thats why when avehicle such as a crane or a

    backhoe touches a live electrical

    wire, drivers should call for helpand stay inside the vehicle. If theyhave to leave, says Bestwick, they

    should jump clear of the vehicleand then jump with both feet

    together to safety. As long as thedriver stays inside, he and the

    vehicle are at the same electricalpotential and hes safe. If he has to

    leave, jumping minimizes thechance of him stepping on two

    areas of different potential at thesame time and allowing the

    electricity to flow.

    Once in a safe area, stay there,says Bestwick, recalling the case of

    a truck driver who jumped andshuffled to safety only to return to

    his truck a few minutes laterthinking it was then safe. He was

    standing on the ground, thentouched the door handle. This

    bridged two levels of potential andkilled him. Never, says Bestwick,

    assume a downed line is safe unlessa utility worker tells you so.

    to Stay ALIVEourour

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    3 Understand you can beeletrocuted withouttouching an overhead lineIts also important to understand

    that you can be electrocutedwithout even touching an over-

    head line, adds Decker. Electricity

    can arc or jump a space between awire and a conducting object if

    you get close enough. What isclose enough? That depends on

    the voltage and how well groundedyou are. The higher the voltage,

    the more likely the electricity willarc, and the further the it can

    jump. The better grounded youare, the more attractive you are as

    a target for the electricity.

    4 Always check line voltage

    with the utility companyThats why the AEUSA has a codeof practice outlining safe

    distances, which range from threemetres for 40,000-volt lines to five

    metres for lines carrying morethan 230,000 volts. If you dont

    know the voltage, stay backseven metres.

    Bestwick encourages peopleworking near power lines to call

    the utility to find out the linesvoltage. I know that after theyve

    called us from several work sitesand weve said 25,000 volts eachtime, theyll figure: Why bother

    calling again? But only the utilityknows the voltage on a line, and

    its dangerous to assume all thelines in one area have the same

    voltage. Bestwick also cautionsagainst assuming that metal

    towers carry high voltage lines,and that wooden poles have low

    voltage lines, because the reversecan be true.

    When electricity kills5 Understand why electricity

    sometimes kills,sometimes injuresPeople should also understand whyelectricity sometimes kills and atother times only injures, addsDecker. The extent of the injurydepends primarily on voltage and

    current. Higher voltage is moredangerous, but the combination oflow voltage/high current can befatal. Another factor is howelectricity travels through thebody. If it passes through the heartor other vital organs, it can kill,says Decker. If it passes through anarm or leg, destroying the nerves,it can result in amputation. Otherfactors include individualphysiology and how well youare grounded.

    6 Dont count on protectionfrom equipment or clothingAnd, adds Decker, dont count onprotection from equipment orclothing, because you need to betrained to know when and how to

    use them.The best protections, says Noble,are education, job-site planningand safe work procedures. Herecommends pre-job hazardassessments as well as such precau-tionary measures at job sites assignage, using signal people, andconfirming line voltage andheights with the utility company.Company representatives routinelywork with employers educating,doing site checks and suggestingways to ensure safe clearances. But

    its up to the employer to keepreinforcing concerns andreminding people of the hazards,says Noble.

    In the end, however, it all comesdown to a persons awareness of therisk, says Bestwick. People focus ontheir jobs to the extent that theyforget the hazards. As soon as theydo that, theyre opening themselvesup to danger.

    Individuals can also take safetytraining programs offered by most

    utilities, adds Bestwick. Just callyour local utility and ask for theirsafety person. No company is too bigor too small that we cant help.

    Norma Ramage is a freelance writerand communications consultant living inCalgary.

    Source: The Code of Practice Guide forWorking Near Electrical Equipment, courtesyof UtiliCorp Canada Networks.

    What to doif you make


    RightBut still dangerous!

    WrongNever leave your machine

    unless absolutely necessary

    I f your equipment contacts anelectrical conductor, leave themachine only as a last resort. In anemergency situation, when youmust leave, make sure you jumpclear of the machine.

    DO NOT, under any circum-

    stances, step down and allow anypart of your body to contact theground while any other part of yourbody is touching the machine.

    Once on the ground, jumpaway from the machine with yourfeet together. Keeping your balance,jump as far from the machine aspossible (approximately 10 metres).

    Because of hazardous voltagedifferential in the ground, DO NOTTAKE STEPS. If one foot lands in ahigh voltage area and the other in alower voltage area, the differencebetween the two could kill you.

    High Voltage Contactwill result inelectrical current flowing down the

    boom and through the crane to the

    ground. The ground will then be

    energized with a high voltage

    near the crane and lower voltage

    further away.

    If you have to leaveyour equipment...

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    R e a l W o r l dS o l u t i o n s

    In the real world, identifying and resolving ergonomic issuesrequires awareness, knowledge and a willingness to try newthings. Real World Solutions is a regular column that suggests

    simple, inexpensive ways to improve employee health throughadjustments to the workplace.

    If youve found a solution that you would like to share with our readers,

    please send it to [email protected]. We will publish those that apply toa broad range of situations.

    The ProblemAisles, corridors andspaces between equip-

    ment may be too

    narrow for the safe andefficient movement of

    people and materials.

    The SolutionDesign or rearrange aisles

    and corridors to maintainthe distances shown in

    the drawings. Try to makethe space wide enough

    for two-way traffic. Minor

    aisles where transport isinfrequent should be at

    least 75 centimetres wide.Try to keep exceptions to

    a minimum.

    Enough Space to Move


    Gord Decker, UtiliCorp Networks Canada

    (403) 652-5416

    Tom Bestwick, Enmax

    (403) 720-7428

    The Alberta Electrical Utility Safety Association

    (AEUSA) makes its Code of Practice Guide for

    Working Near Electrical Equipmentavailable on

    request. Call Jim Ash at (403) 320-3939.


    Industry groups provide electrical hazard training

    as a component of some of their courses. Contact

    your industry safety association to find out which

    courses include this training.

    The Alberta Motor Transport Association

    (formerly Alberta Trucking Industry Safety

    Association) is developing a gravel-truck training

    course that addresses the hazards of overhead

    power lines. For information, call: 1-888-878-9835

    Lethbridge Community College will be offering

    hands-on training in overhead and underground

    utilities sometime after June 2001. For

    information, call: (403) 320-3319



    Warning devices to prevent electrocution.


    Power line accident.



    Power line accidents.


    Power line safety kit for employers.



    Power line safety tips for the construction industry.



    Manual for Measuring Occupational

    Electric and Magnetic Field Exposures

    Cincinnati, Ohio, 1998

    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

    (US HEW NIOSH 98-154)

    OSHAs Electrical Safety and

    Lockout/Tagout Standards

    by Mark Moran

    Rockville, Maryland: Government

    Institutes Inc., 1996

    (TK 152 M64 1996)

    Proven written programs for compliance.

    Occupational Health and Safety Act,

    General Safety Regulation

    Section 26 includes a chart listing safe

    approach distances to electrical lines.


    The Bright Arc: A Video Guide to

    Powerline Safety

    Workers Compensation Board of B.C., 20 min.

    (VC 0202)

    High Impact Lockout/Tagout Safety

    Canadian Learning Company, 20 min.

    (VC 0324)

    R e s o u r c e s

    125 cm (minimum)

    150-200 cm (minimum)

    Benefits Streamlines the movement of people and

    materials, thereby reducing the likelihoodof wasted time.

    Reduces the possibility of collisions that resultin worker injury or product damage.

    Improves efficiency.

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    mpairment, and its effects on job

    safety, used to be somethingworkers and their supervisors

    didnt like to talk about. A tightlid of silence was maintained on

    not just the health and safetyimpact of alcohol and drugs but

    also of medical conditions andeven fatigue.

    But in recent years, the tough-guy attitude has increasingly given

    way to the realization that impair-ment of any kind can have a serious

    impact on workplace safety. In 1995,for example, drugs and alcohol

    accounted for nearly 10 per cent of theoccupational fatalities in Alberta.

    Impairment is definitely an issuein our industry, says Ray MacDonald,

    manager of safety with Cardinal RiverCoals. We have people driving 260-

    tonne trucks on our mine site, which islike driving a two-storey house down

    the road. We want to make sure those

    people are mentally and physically fitand alert.

    Fifteen years ago, people had a

    difficult time talking about having animpairment problem. But things have

    changed. Better education, health refer-rals and employee assistance programs

    have taken a lot of the stigma awayfrom having a problem.

    Backed by clear company policies,training programs and treatment

    services, supervisors and managers arealso much better able to detect and

    deal with impairment issues. And they

    can do so in ways that ensure a saferworkplace, while respecting the rights

    of workers and helping them resolvetheir problems.

    What is impairment?Impairment can be anything thataffects a workers ability to perform a

    job safely. It includes obvious thingslike being under the influence of

    alcohol or drugs. But it could also be aheart condition or bad back that, if

    not properly diagnosed and managed,could pose a considerable risk to

    worker health and job-site safety. Or itmight be the medication taken for

    diseases, illnesses or other healthconditions. Even an over-the-counter

    cold medication can have the same

    by Bill CorbettManagingimpaired workers

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    Perhaps the quickest way to minimizeimpairment issues is to assess workerswhen offering them jobs. A pre-placemenmedical assessment and related tests canoften unearth potential problems such asa worker with a heart condition, a badback or a substance abuse problem.

    In terms of prevention, assessmentscan be pretty cost effective, says AllanKelly, an Edmonton doctor who doesmedical assessments for severalcompanies. A screening test can revealthings like risk factors of heart attacks orback strains. By treating them early orhaving people take preventive measures,you can cut down on the chances ofincidents.

    A pre-placement medical assessmentis also important because it determinesthe prospective employees ability toperform safely the specific tasks of the joAs occupational doctors, we must alwaysaddress the functional ability. If you pusha pencil but cant lift 20 pounds, thats na limit to doing your job safely, saysCalgary physician Rick Zabrodski. But ifyoure lifting bags onto airplanes, theability to lift, push or pull up to 100

    pounds becomes more relevant.A functional test has to be clearly

    related to the demands and tasks of thejob. A medical problem is not reasonenough alone to deny someone a job. Itmust pose an immediate or direct risk tothemselves, their co-workers or the publicThus if you have diabetes but candemonstrate you have it under reasonablcontrol, you may still be able to do youroffice job. But the best-controlled insulindependent diabetic will not be flying soloas a commercial pilot.

    In safety-sensitive jobs and industrie

    like transportation and oil and gasexploration, drug tests have becomeincreasingly common as a condition ofemployment. Where employers can runafoul of human rights legislation is ininsisting that longer-term workers submito random drug tests.

    Just the presence of such pre-placement tests can weed out those withimpairments, says Margie Beeston, officemanager with Daltec Occupational HealthServices in Calgary. If a person knowstheyre not going to pass a drug screen ora health assessment, they often wont eveshow up for the test.

    O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 1

    effect as alcohol, in terms ofdrowsiness, says MacDonald.

    So, too, can an insidious form ofimpairment known as fatigue. Sleep

    deprivation and its effects on perform-

    ance can be more severe than alcoholimpairment, says Dan Clarke,manager of legislation, policy and

    technical support services withAlbertas Workplace Health and Safety.

    A sleep-deprived driver travelling athighway speed could cover the length

    of a football field or two during amicro sleep. A drunk driver at least

    has a small chance to respond to acorner or to something on the road.

    While you would never put an intoxi-cated person behind the wheel, people

    often think nothing of having

    someone drive whos only slept threeof the last 36 hours.

    Fatigue tends to be downplayedand ignored. Theres an attitude of

    get tough roll down the window orhave a coffee, says Clarke, who notes

    that, contrary to popular belief, thereis solid evidence that the true culprits

    of the Exxon Valdez oil spill andChallenger explosion were sleep

    deprivation of those in charge of thetanker and space launch, respectively.

    The supervisors roleAwareness of various impairmentsand their potentially serious conse-

    quences is an important first step forboth supervisors and workers. Next,

    supervisors must be able to identifywhen a worker is impaired and

    therefore incapable of doing his orher job safely. Thats not always easy

    to do, especially if a worker remains

    tight-lipped about, say, a drug orpsychological problem. When a truck

    driver with a 20-year unblemished

    safety record had three minoraccidents in two weeks, for instance,it took some probing to discover he

    was distraught and distracted over hissons arrest on drug charges.

    Still, a supervisor is usually theperson best equipped to notice an

    impairment, since he or she knowsthe worker and the demands of a

    specific job. With proper training, thesupervisor can spot telltale signs that

    indicate a worker is having troublewith a normally routine task or is

    making uncharacteristic mistakes. Atthis stage, its more important that

    the supervisor be able to detect an

    impairment than pinpoint its cause.

    Its more important that

    the supervisor be able to

    detect an impairment than

    pinpoint its cause.

    Pre-employment medicalsbenefit workers and employers

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    such as doctors, nurses or psycholo-gists for health assessments or

    counselling. Referrals can be made tooccupational or physical therapists to

    determine if the worker can handle

    the specific physical demands of thejob. If necessary, the employee can be

    offered modified work.

    The health professionaldetermines if health is a factor andwhether the worker is fit to perform

    the work, says Doyle. Its not theirjob to determine performance.

    It is the job of the employer tomake sure both workers and

    supervisors understand what is ex-pected of them and what resources

    they can access. Says MacDonald: Thekey for us is education making

    people aware of the consequences ofbeing under the influence of alcohol,

    lacking sleep or having a physical


    Bill Corbett is a Calgary writer.

    R e s o u r c e s




    Fatigue, Extended Work Hours, and

    Safety in the Workplace.



    Fatigue and Safety at the Workplace.(Ergonomics Quick Facts)



    The Impaired Worker.


    The U.S. Department of Labors model

    plan for a drug-free workplace.



    The Small Business Drug and Alcohol

    Workplace Kit produced by the U.S.

    Department of Labors Working Partners

    for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace.


    The U.S. National Clearinghouse forAlcohol and Drug Information.



    Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse

    Commission; see Resources.

    There are some fairly objectivesigns a supervisor can look for that

    relate to job performance, saysBernice Doyle, an occupational health

    nurse consultant with WorkplaceHealth and Safety. Is the worker alert,

    responding appropriately, exhibitinggood judgment and showing steady

    movements and good balance? Therehave to be performance criteria in

    place to determine whether the job isbeing done properly.

    The importance of guidelinesCompanies must also have well-established guidelines relating to

    impairment. You need clearly definedpolicies and procedures so that people

    in the workplace know whats

    acceptable and whats not, saysSharon Chadwick, an Edmonton occu-

    pational health professional. With

    human rights legislation, you cantjust address these issues on an ad hocbasis. There has to be a clearly defined

    process to determine what happens if,for example, a worker violates a zero-

    tolerance drug policy. It cant be aguessing game for the supervisor.

    If the supervisor has a programin place, it can be applied consistently

    to everyone, adds Doyle. That way,you can follow the same procedure,

    whether its for drug use or fatigue.At Cardinal River Coals, manage-

    ment works closely with the union todevelop and update policies on every-

    thing from drug and alcohol use todrowsy operators. The options avail-

    able to supervisors under the latterpolicy range from requiring drowsy

    equipment operators to get exerciseor fresh air to sending them home

    to rest.The best way to deal with fatigue

    is to ensure your workers get enoughrest in regular, consistent time

    periods, says Kim Sax, an Edmonton-based consultant to the trucking

    industry. The legislated hours fordriving a truck are not always a fairreflection of how fatigued you can be.

    If a driver regularly sleeps from10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and I suddenly tell

    him to drive tonight, Im messing uphis sleep cycle.

    When a supervisor is unable toresolve an impairment issue

    personally, he or she can direct theworker to occupational professionals

    T h e L a s t R e s o r t

    convictionsreporting on recent

    under the OccupationalHealth and Safety Act

    EmployerBaker Hughes of Canada Company

    IncidentOn September 9, 1999, a perforating gun (a tused to perforate well-casing) dischargedprematurely on a rig catwalk.

    Due to an obstruction in the well, theperforating device could not be lowered to thshot-point location. A decision was made to

    bring the perforating gun back to the surfacwith the intent to lower another tool down well to clear the blockage. When the tool waremoved from the well and placed on thecatwalk, the blaster disarmed it electrically, failed to disarm the device ballistically byremoving the detonator from the detonatorcord. Before sending the tool down the well second time, the blaster decided to check thcircuitry to the gun. When he did so, the gundischarged. A 40-year-old consultant standinnext to the tool was killed, and a Baker Hughemployee seriously injured.

    ViolationBaker Hughes failed to ensure that the blastused, handled and tested the perforating devin accordance with the manufacturers speccations, or the specifications of a professionengineer. The company pleaded guilty undersection 34(1)(d) of the Occupational Health and

    Safety Act, General Safety Regulation.Fine$7,500

    EmployerMystical Fireworks Ltd.

    IncidentOn June 30, 1999, a 34-year-old worker was osite, disposing of explosive waste materials tincluded fuels, oxidizers, paper product andplastics. He was emptying the materials out a five-gallon plastic pail onto the ground whthe materials caught fire and exploded,seriously injuring the worker. He was founddead at the scene. Investigators determined

    that the most probable source of ignitionwas remnants of hot ashes from a previousburn pile.

    ViolationMystical Fireworks was found guilty of failinto ensure the worker was authorized to hanprepare or fire explosives as an explosivespermit requires under section 11(a) of the

    Explosive Safety Regulation.


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    by Ray Cislo

    O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 1

    M any workers are exposed to vibra-tion daily when they use vibratingequipment or machinery. Workers

    operating hand-held equipment, suchas a chain saw or jackhammer, are

    exposed to hand-arm vibration.Workers sitting or standing on a

    vibrating floor or seat are exposed towhole-body vibration because the

    vibration affects almost the entirebody. The risk of injury from exposure

    to either type of vibration depends on

    the intensity and frequency of thevibration, the duration of exposure(usually measured in years) and the

    part(s) of the body affected.

    Hand-arm vibrationHand-arm vibration damages blood

    vessels in the hands and fingers,

    reducing the flow of blood andharming the skin, nerves and muscles.

    This is called hand-arm vibrationsyndrome (HAVS), also known as

    vibration-induced white finger(VWF), dead finger or Raynauds

    Syndrome. (Raynauds Syndrome hasmany causes, vibration being just one

    of them). Affected fingers turn whiteor blanch, especially when exposed to

    cold. Symptoms of HAVS includetingling fingers, numbness, loss of

    grip-strength, clumsiness with thehands, fingertips that turn white or

    blue, coldness and pain in the hands.The chances of getting HAVS increase

    with exposure to vibration, particu-larly in combination with risk factors

    such as cold exposure and smoking.

    Both of these reduce the flow of bloodto the hands.

    Major sources of vibration among

    hand tools are grinders, sanders, drills,impact wrenches, jackhammers,

    riveting and chipping hammers, andchain saws. Hand tools with accelera-

    tions greater than 2.5 m/s2 (metres per

    second squared) are associated withincreased rates of injury.

    Unfortunately, there isnt anyprotective equipment that workers can

    wear to prevent exposure to vibration.Gloves are available with vibration-

    All Shook Up:

    R e s o u r c e s




    Canadian Centre for Occupational

    Health and Safety (CCOHS). Provides

    general information about vibration

    and its health effects.


    From the National Institute for Working Life

    (NIWL), Sweden, a database of power tool

    acceleration data.




    Musculoskeletal Injuries Part 5,

    Assessing Ergonomic Hazards.

    Helps assess whether hand tools present

    a hand-arm vibration hazard.

    damping material built into the palms

    and fingers, but have not been proveneffective. If the gloves fit well, however,

    and dont cause the worker to tightenhis or her grip, it may not hurt to try

    them. Regular work gloves and warmclothing are important in cold weather

    to keep hands warm and dry, sinceoperating a vibrating tool with cold

    hands increases the risk of injury.

    Reducing exposure to hand-arm

    vibrationThe best way to avoid injury is to workwith non-vibrating tools wheneverpossible. If a vibrating tool must be

    used, use one that has effective anti-vibration features built in. Some new

    designs can reduce tool vibration bymore than 50 per cent.

    Whole-body vibrationThe effects of whole-body vibration are

    poorly understood. Whole-body

    vibration can cause fatigue, insomnia,headaches and shakiness during or

    shortly after exposure. The symptomsare similar to those that many people

    experience after a long car or boattrip. After daily exposure over a

    number of years, whole-body vibrationcan affect the entire body and result in

    a number of health disorders.

    While there is substantialevidence that whole-body vibration isassociated with lower back and neck

    injuries, its difficult to identify prac-tical ways for employers to determine

    whether vehicles or other equipmentproduce hazardous exposures. Oper-

    ators of off-road vehicles are likely tohave the most hazardous exposures,

    although this depends on how longthey work and the quality of the vehi-

    cles suspension systems, shockabsorbers, seats and tires.

    Ray Cislo, P.Eng., B.Sc. (H.K.) is a safety

    engineering specialist at Workplace Health

    and Safety.

    To reduce exposure to hand-

    arm vibration: Limit the amount of time

    (hours per day and days per

    week) vibrating tools are


    Take a 10-minute break for

    every hour spent working

    with a vibrating tool.

    Alternate work with

    vibrating and non-vibrating


    Let the tool do the work. Use

    as light a grip as possible to

    keep the tool under control.

    A tight grip restricts blood

    flow in the hands and

    fingers and allows more

    vibration to pass from the

    tool to the body.

    Maintain tools properly.

    Tools that are worn, blunt

    or misaligned vibrate more.


    E r g o t i p s

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    by Nordahl Flakstad


    Theres no mistaking the massiveconstruction taking place at ShellCanadas Scotford refinery complex nearFort Saskatchewan as work proceeds on anew $2.5-billion heavy-oil upgrader.However, its also the site of a less visiblebuilding project the creation of thefirst structured mentoring programwithin Canadas construction industry.The program, which teams up jour-neymen and apprentices one-on-one,offers young tradespeople career and

    safety skills to last a lifetime.Yes, experienced construction

    workers have shown younger hands theropes for years. But traditionally such on-site relationships were left to chance dependent on journeymen who chose tovolunteer advice and apprentices whochose to accept it. The Scotford programsets aside ad hoc approaches in favour ofstructure. It builds on the natural dispo-sition of experienced individuals toshare their knowledge with a youngergeneration.

    The owners, builders and the craftunions that comprise the constructionconsortium responsible for the upgraderproject have all bought into the struc-tured mentoring program. This unani-mity doesnt surprise Tom Eggleston, theconsortiums construction director. He

    notes that with the aging of Albertasjourneyman workforce (on average intheir forties or older, depending on thetrade), the industrys well-being depends

    on attracting younger workers. There isalso the painful fact that workers under25 are most susceptible to injury. Injuredworkers suffer the immediate conse-quences, but the wider community paysthrough compensation expenses and timelost. Also, theres concern that ifconstruction is seen as unsafe, youngAlbertans will avoid building trades. Theresult will be skill shortages.

    As the workforce at the upgraderproject peaks near 4,500 this year, up to

    one in five workers may be an apprentice.With this in mind, says Eggleston, wewant young people to come and have arewarding and safe working experience.We feel we have a responsibility to helpdevelop the next generation. Its aninvestment we have determined iscertainly worthwhile. If were not takingthe time as contractors, owners andbuilding trades to regenerate theworkforce, we have a short-lived vision forthis kind of work in Alberta.

    When the structured mentoringprogram was approved, the consortiums

    construction involvement plan managerDavid Mercier was asked to scout theuncharted territory. A pipefitter by trade,Mercier sought union apprenticeshiptrainers advice and set out to find aprogram coordinator ideally someonewith a heavy industrial background andwith good knowledge of the trades.We wanted someone who was verymotivated and could communicate wellwith apprentices.

    The search led to Chris McEwen, aveteran tradesman who had taughtboilermaking and steel fabricating atEdmontons Northern Alberta Institute

    of Technology for 10 years. Now hewas charged with developing thementoring programs.

    First- and second-year apprentices areintroduced to the program during ageneral site orientation for all new hiresand workers new to heavy construction.They are signed up for mentoring at theorientation. Soon after, at a five-hourmentoring presentation, apprenticeslearn practical safety-oriented skills,ranging from tying knots to handlingcompressed gas cylinders. They are taughtthe specialized words and acronyms used

    on site and informed about safety and

    Theres concern that if

    construction is seen as

    unsafe, young Albertans

    will avoid building trades.

    Old concept, new form: mentoring for

    young workers

    left: Second-year boilermaker

    apprentice, Nick Blanko, attaches

    rigging to a plate bolted to

    reformer tubes, while journeyman

    boilermaker, Emil Yakimetz, looks

    on. Note the sticker on Blanko's

    hard hat, which identifies him as a

    participant in the mentorship


    P r o f i l e

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    safety-related agencies and otherlearning resources. The session alsocovers the mentoring projects historyand orientation.

    The objective is to bring them onboard and make them feel theyre part ofthe project, says McEwen. While heemphasizes the positive, he doesntsidestep sobering safety statistics aboutyounger workers. He quotes an AlbertaHuman Resources and Employmentstatement on injury rates that points outthat the situation is particularly morealarming for young male workers, whoare 85 per cent more likely to be injured

    than other workers.

    Training emphasizes relevanceApprentices are encouraged to talk abouttheir personal experiences in the discus-sions. And examples used to drive homesafety lessons are drawn from youngpeoples experiences. The apprenticesunderstand Workers CompensationBoard premiums more easily when theyare compared to the sky-high auto insur-ance premiums young drivers pay. Whenprompted to consider the young driverwho lacks that all-important sixthsense developed through experience,

    they understand that as novices to theconstruction site they too lack thatessential sensory tool kit. In contrast,says McEwen, older guys are naturallystanding in the right place, positioningtheir body in the right way and handlinga tool in a certain way without eventhinking about it. Apprentices, on theother hand, are green. They havent yetdeveloped their sixth sense. Thats one ofthe reasons they get injured.

    A separate four-hour orientation formentors covers topics such as coaching,giving direction, providing feedback and

    active listening.

    In the coming year, the program

    expects to reach 300 to 400 first- andsecond-year apprentices. Mentors andparticipating apprentices are identifiedby a distinctive logo on their hard hats.

    The consortiums health, safety,environment and security manager PatRobinson emphasizes that the success ofthe program will be measured statisti-cally and with participant perceptionsurveys. The results will also becompared to the programs objectives.

    Initial participant feedback has beenpositive. One mentor explained: It gives

    us, as journeymen, direct input withapprentices to help train them in properprocedures and safe work practices thatmight otherwise be missed. I believe itis really beneficial to the apprenticewho might not have extensive fieldexperience.

    An apprentice commented that the

    program allows the journeymen to workwith and teach the apprentice properly.It also builds confidence in theapprentices and journeymen to workproperly and safely. This program willbring about awareness of whats goingon and the potential dangers. It teachespeople to think before they act, whichwill ultimately save lives.

    Program a model for otherindustriesThe Alberta Construction SafetyAssociation (ACSA), with close to 30,000

    member firms province wide, is moni-

    toring the mentoring program andgiving consideration to extending theconcept beyond apprentices to includeworkers new to an industry or new toCanada, or those returning to a tradeafter an extended absence.

    This summer, assistant professorAminah Robinson, of the University ofAlbertas department of civil and envi-ronmental engineering, will conduct apilot study on Scotfords mentoringprogram. Hell be assessing researchmethods for use in a wider study

    sponsored by the Construction OwnersAssociation of Alberta on the effectiveuse of apprentices.

    Don Lezetc, apprenticeship andtraining coordinator with theInternational Brotherhood of Boiler-makers and Welders, Local 146, foreseesothers copying the Scotford model. Yet,he cautions that success depends onjourneymen participating voluntarily.Elmer Pruss, training coordinator withthe Alberta Carpenters Training Centre,believes formal mentoring can offsetcontractors reluctance to hire first- andsecond-year apprentices, traditionally

    perceived as high safety risks.Industry associations have noted

    that there are many good reasons forstructured mentoring to shift into highgear now, before many of todaysexperienced journeymen punch out andhead for retirement.

    Nordahl Flakstad is an Edmonton-based

    writer and communications consultant.

    Photography by Chris McEwen

    We feel we have a respon-

    sibility to help develop

    the next generation.

    The Athabasca Construction Joint

    Venture (ACJV), a contractor

    consortium, is building the up-

    grader for Shell Canada, Chevron

    Canada and Western Oil Sands.The upgrader is part of the

    $5-billion-plus Athabasca Oil

    Sands Project, which also

    includes the Muskeg River Mine

    near Fort McMurray and the

    Corridor Pipeline, to bring feed-

    stock south.

    Using a reamer to enlarge a hole in a beam, first-year ironworker apprentice

    works under the guidance of journeyman ironworker Doug Sharpe.

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    by Debbie Culbertson

    O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 18

    The company you manage has justdeveloped a great workplace healthand safety program. Now allyou haveto do is let your employees carry it out,right? Wrong. We as executives needto work hard at understanding thecore needs of our front-line peoplewhen it comes to safety, says MelSvendsen, president and CEO ofStandens Limited, a Calgary-basedmanufacturing company.

    Standens manufactures parts forsuspensions, including springs forfarm machinery, axles, stabilizer barsand parts for off-highway vehicles.Safety is paramount in a setting whereemployees work with steel a productthat can be hot, sharp and heavy.

    Fortunately, managers atStandens have put policies and proce-dures into place that have helpedmake the company both safe andsuccessful. The manufacturer is one ofroughly 3,500 Alberta companies thathave been awarded a certificate ofrecognition (COR) by Alberta Human

    tive gear and set an examplefor others.

    Standens Limited also providesfinancial incentives to supervisors whofollow Svendsens lead. The size ofeach managers annual companybonus is dependent on how well he or

    she promotes safety. The companyitself has also been rewarded for itssafety efforts. Weve received rebatesfrom the Workers CompensationBoard because of our record, saysSvendsen. In other words, we getpaid for being safe.

    The rewards for creating a safeworkplace can be substantial.Employers who have achieved acertificate of recognition can receive afive to 20 per cent discount on theirWCB premiums, says Iain Campbell,occupational health and safety officerwith Workplace Health and Safety. For

    one large manufacturer in Alberta, thesavings were roughly equivalent to thesale of 25 units. But WCB discounts areonly one part of the story. Whenmanagers put safety first, they canalso improve their bottom line.Studies show that a safer company isalso a more profitable company, saysCampbell. They have better cost con-trol, higher productivity, and betteremployee morale. Everyone winswhen managers walk the talk.

    Debbie Culbertson is a writer and editorliving in Devon, Alberta.

    When managers are partners in safety, everybody wins

    Resources and Employment. Thesecertificates are given to employersthat successfully participate in theWork-place Health and SafetyPartnerships program.

    As part of its safety regimen,Standens Limited has a work-site

    safety committee. Made up of workersand management, the group identifieshazards and ways to address them.The committee also develops trainingprograms to maximize safety. Theseinclude safe crane operation, pressset-up, fire safety, first aid andforklift safety.

    When it comes to safety, Svendsenbelieves that managers have to walkthe talk or their employees will nottake them seriously. Our manage-ment team is evaluated according tohow well theyre following our safetyprogram, says Svendsen. We make

    sure that they conduct regular inspec-tions and take corrective action whereneeded. Supervisors are also expectedto meet informally with workers on aregular basis to find out if they haveany safety concerns.

    The buck doesnt just stop withthe foreman on the shop floor,according to Svendsen. Even executiveswho are no longer on the tools haveto actively demonstrate their ownsafety commitment. I try to visit withmy front-line people as often as I can,says Svendsen. When Im out there, Ifollow the safety rules. I wear protec-

    The ManagementSystemPart 1, Managementcommitment andhazard assessment

    Walking the TalkWalking the Talk

  • 7/30/2019 WHS-PUB Ohsmag 0501


    The occupational health and safety regulation review

    is scheduled to be completed in October 2001. At theconclusion of the regulatory review process, the followinghealth and safety regulations will be consolidated into

    a single regulation called the Occupational Health andSafety Regulation:

    Chemical Hazards Regulation

    Explosives Safety Regulation Farming and Ranching Exemption Regulation

    First Aid Regulation General Safety Regulation

    Joint Work Site Health and Safety Committee (JWSHSC)Regulation

    Mines Safety Regulation

    Noise Regulation Ventilation Regulation

    The review processRepresentatives from industry, government and labour

    organizations have completed or are about to completetheir review of the regulations listed below.

    For the review process, a task force was set up for each

    regulation. The task force identified issues and drafted

    proposals for a revised regulation. Drafts have been madeavailable for stakeholder and public scrutiny and comment.

    The latest discussion papers and proposals for theregulations mentioned below are posted for review andcomment on the Workplace Health and Safety Web site

    (www.whs.gov.ab.ca) under the heading The Law and You.

    For more information, call (780) 427-2687, or for a toll-freeconnection, dial 310-0000.

    Radiation Health Administration Regulation(under the Government Organization Act)The review process has been completed. The regulation

    came into effect on January 1, 2001.

    * Alberta Joint Work Site Health and Safety Committee

    (JWSHSC) RegulationThe review of stakeholder comments has been completedand results presented to the Council on Workplace Safety

    for a recommendation.

    General Safety Regulation Chemical Hazards Regulation Mines Safety Regulation Explosives Safety Regulation Ventilation Regulation Noise Regulation

    Public consultations have been completed and the review

    of stakeholder comments is in progress.


    Regulatory Review


    O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 1

    What is Partnerships?Partnerships in Health and Safety is

    a province-wide injury preventionprogram sponsored cooperatively by

    government, labour and industry. Itis based on the concept that when

    employers and workers buildeffective health and safety

    management systems, the human

    and financial costs of workplaceinjuries and illnesses can be

    reduced. Partnerships is foremployers of any size.

    How do you benefit:The Partnerships program offers


    Tools to implement a health and

    safety management system. Guidance in applying for a

    certificate of recognition.

    The potential for premiumrefunds from the WorkersCompensation Board.

    For more information about certificates

    of recognition or the Partnerships

    program, call the Partnerships hotline

    at: (780) 427-8842 or toll-free 310-0000.

    R e s o u r c e s



    Partnerships program information on the WorkplaceHealth and Safety site.



    The state of Maines transportation safety

    management system.


    The U.S. Department of Energy integrated safety

    management resource centre.



    Australias project on safety management systems.

    (See the publications link.)



    Safety and Health Management Planning

    by James Kohn

    Rockville, Maryland: Government

    Institutes Inc., 1999

    (T55 S22 1999)

    Safety Through Design

    ed. by W. Christensen

    National Safety Council, 1999

    (T55 S23 1999)


    High Impact Safety Awareness

    Canadian Learning Company, 18 min.

    (VC 0326)

  • 7/30/2019 WHS-PUB Ohsmag 0501


    Manlifts have been a

    standard fixture onAlbertas large industrial

    work sites for years. Now

    they are making anappearance on numeroussmaller construction and

    maintenance projects aswell. More than 6,000 of these devices

    both boom lifts and scissor lifts are currently in use in Alberta.

    A manlift (also called an aerialwork platform) is an extremely useful

    piece of equipment. A boom operated

    from a small tractor-like base quickly

    and easily moves workers in a metalbucket or on a larger platform to a

    height of 18 metres or more above the

    ground. When the manlift is in place,the workers in the basket use a controlconsole to operate the boom, raising

    and manoeuvring it into position. Theplatforms have a handrail around

    them at approximately waist level, andthe control console is usually attached

    near the top of the handrail on theside facing the machine so that the

    operator can drive the machine baseto position it for use. In larger cities

    such as Toronto, manlifts are beingused to reach as high as 80 metres.

    Manlifts are more efficient andcost-effective than the ladders,

    scaffolds and crane-raised platformsthat painters, welders, electricians,

    mechanics, pipefitters and otherworkers have traditionally used.

    However, as with any other piece ofequipment, the improper or careless

    use of a manlift creates a hazardoussituation. In 1999, the Workers

    Compensation Board Alberta

    received 29 injury claims relatedto manlifts.

    The most obvious danger in using

    a manlift is the fact that the operator whos also the worker is workinghigh above the ground. Workers rarely

    fall out of the basket because they arerequired to wear a safety harness. More

    typically, workers are injured whenthey get thrown around and battered

    when the machine shifts, even veryslightly, at ground level.

    Keep in mind that you are atthe end of a big lever that extends

    60 or more feet into the air, saysBrad Parker, regional safety coor-

    dinator for Skyreach Equipment

    by Anita Jenkins

    Training for

    Inc. Its a law of physics. A fall oftwo inches at the base caused by

    deflation of the tires or slidinginto a pothole can make the

    bucket suddenly move 10 or 15feet.

    Overhead barriers andobstructions such as electrical

    wires are a major hazard as well.In an incident at Drayton Valley

    in November 2000, a welder diedafter being crushed between the

    lift and a beam.

    Training helps attitudeThe name of these machines quite

    clearly indicates their purpose andproper use, Dee Simmons, chief

    instructor at Touchback Safety Inc.emphasizes. One of the purposes of

    training manlift operators is to ensurethey use the equipment appropriately

    to lift people without exceeding thecapacity of the basket and/or

    platform. Between 500 and 2000pounds, depending on the model,

    says Simmons.The temptation to use the

    manlift as a crane is apparently

    almost irresistible at times. Simmonsshakes her head when she recalls

    some of her experiences during hernine years in the manlift rental and

    training business. She tells the storyof the crew that decided to use the lift

    to move a couch to the upper floor ofa building because it wouldnt fit

    through the door. They loaded thecouch on top of the basket to hoist it

    up. Another crew used a manlift toconvey heavy beams up to a work site.

    Rental companies offer training(their contracts normally state that a

    competent person must operate theequipment), and Touchback Safety

    O C C U P A T I O N A L H E A L T H & S A F E T Y M A G A Z I N E M A Y 2 0 0 10

    Manlift Operators

    Basic Manlift Safety TipsThe trainers who were interviewedfor this article provided the

    following basic tips for using a

    manlift safely.

    Read the manual, and keep it

    handy. Know your machine.

    Plan your work. Checkfor potential hazards,

    including:a) the stability and strength

    of the surface under thework platform

    b) overhead barriers such asbeams and electrical wires

    c) adverse weather conditions

    such as wind, rain, iceand snow

    d) the risk of onlookers andpassersby entering the

    work areae) the equipments state of

    repair and maintenance

    Wear a safety harness and allother required personal

    protective equipment.

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    R e s o u r c e s




    Canadian government regulations

    for manlifts.

    TRAININGTouchback Safety Inc.

    S(780) 490-1265Several Alberta companies that rent and/or sell

    manlifts also offer training in their use. These

    companies include:

    Cansource Lifts

    Finning (Canada)

    Hertz Equipment Rental

    Rental Service Corporation Canada Ltd. (RSC)

    Skyreach Equipment Ltd.

    Other sales and rental companies, such as

    Manhandlers Equipment Inc., put the client in

    touch with a training agency.

    Inc., an Edmonton company formed in

    May 2000, provides manlift safetytraining to a variety of employers,

    unions and other agencies. Thetrainers generally agree that their

    biggest challenges lie not so much in

    conveying information as in helpingpeople to change their attitudes.

    Simmons remembers the youngman who arrived at a class and

    announced that he didnt need anytraining. I already know how to

    operate a manlift, he informed her,and we just have to accept that

    sometimes accidents happen.Simmons shot back, What if I had to

    go and tell your wife and kids that youwont be coming home any more?

    Would you want me to tell them thataccidents just happen? This

    apparently humbled the young man,who still contacts Simmons occasion-

    Engage your third eye!When manoeuvring amanlift basket or plat-form, says occupationalhealth and safety officerMike Mills of WorkplaceHealth and Safety, opera-tors must continuouslycheck that the platformdoes not come into contact

    with surrounding objects(beams, columns, wall orroof fixtures, etc.). Insome circumstances, opera-tors may have their backsto the direction of traveldue to the position of thecontrol console on theplatform.

    ally to report on his new and sustained

    level of safety consciousness.Dave Hagen, safety manager at

    Chemco Electrical Contractors Ltd.,says that some older workers also find

    it difficult to change their ways.

    When we train people withexperience, Hagen says, we have to

    make sure that the information theybring with them doesnt stop them

    from learning new things.Trainers take such challenges in

    stride. I cant train people abouteverything that could possibly

    happen, Parker states, but I can altertheir mindset a bit. I tell students that

    they have to know their limitations.

    Anita Jenkins is a freelance writer and

    editor who lives in Edmonton.

    It's becoming more common for workers to use manlifts, such as thisone with an 18-metre reach articulating-boom, in place of ladders,

    scaffolding and crane-raised platforms for work at heights.

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    W o r k p l a c eF a t a l i t i e s

    Imagine paying a visit to a library whether it houses a specializedhealth and safety collection or the wide range of materials found at a

    local public library and although all the books and other materialsare there, they arent organized and theres no card catalogue. It would

    be just about impossible to find the information you are seeking. TheInternet is very much like that collection, except its larger, and you

    have access to over 1,000,000,000 pages of information.So how to find your way? If you have an address, simply typing it

    in can open the door to an amazing source of data. Without an addressyou could be in for a time-consuming search. If, however, you know the

    name of the neighbourhood where youre headed, help is at hand inthe form of a search engine.

    Search engines are some of the most important sites on the

    Internet. Without a search engine you have NO HOPE of f inding whatyou need. Every search engine has a slightly different inventory of

    sites. Of the 50 or so engines available, some are specialized and focuson information their creators believe is important in a subject area,

    country, province, state or even city. The more exciting and broadlyfocused are the big, advertising-supported, commercial sites. Some

    engines are quite staid, with names like MSN Search; others have off-the-wall names like Yahoo and Google. Find and use several different

    search engines. Then decide which seem to fit your needs and stylebest. Every experienced Web surfer has a favourite.

    All search engines work by using an old concept called BooleanLogic. A basic understanding of this concept will help you be more

    successful in your searches. When you provide a search engine withthe word safety, for example, the search engine will find over 10

    million addresses for you where that word appears. Even using a morespecific term like ergonomics produces 269,000 site addresses.

    However, you can use Boolean Logic to target your search. From a baseof 1,346,966,000 Web pages on Google (www.google.com), you can

    narrow your search to 365 of those when you enter RSI femaleassembly line in the search box. The engine searches the group of

    words, called a Boolean string, like this: First it finds all references toRSI (298,000), then it finds all references to female (3,100). From

    this much smaller list it finds all mentions of assembly (415) andthen, finally, all references to line (365). You wont be interested in all

    365 pages, but the list is now manageable.Reduce frustration and speed up your Internet search results.

    Search engines, properly employed, can make the Internet apowerful tool.

    Bob Christie is a partner at Christie Communications Ltd., a multimedia

    development company in Edmonton. Bob also supplies the majority of the Web

    link resources for the articles in this magazine.

    W e b W a t c h e r

    Search Engines are theKey to the Internet

    by Bob Christie

    Occupational Health & Safety Magazine

    publishes Workplace Fatalities toremind readers of the importance ofworkplace health and safety. The infor-mation is not a final investigationreport. In many cases investigations arecontinuing. Final investigation reportsare filed at the Alberta HumanResources and Employment Library andcan be reviewed there or on theWorkplace Health and Safety Website at www.whs.gov.ab.ca underFatality Reports.

    An occupational fatality refers tothe death of a worker caused by a
