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Why are the Goddesses Mad?

Date post: 14-Apr-2017
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Why have the Goddesses been misrepresented? Mythology tells us: They were birds. They were half human half serpent. They were Cows. They were mermaids. They were dragon wolves. Hybrid mythical beasts represent signs of the zodiac and prehistoric genetic experiments. Prehistoric goddesses have either been romanticized as sirens or demonized as witches and monsters. Either way they are Mad. Let’s get real they say.

Why have the Goddesses been misrepresented?

• Mythology tells us:

• They were birds.

• They were half human half serpent.

• They were Cows.

• They were mermaids.

• They were dragon wolves.

• Hybrid mythical beasts represent signs of the zodiac and prehistoric genetic experiments.

Prehistoric goddesses have either been romanticized as sirens or demonized as witches and monsters. Either way they are Mad. Let’s get real they say.

Isis and Maat are interchangeable with the Sumerian goddess Tiamat, the ancient mother of the gods. The evil Egyptian god Set or Typhon, supposedly the brother of Osiris, was his sister-wife Isis.


Stone carving of the goddess Shakti with the serpent form of Shiva

Ishtar, Inanna, and Aphrodite, parallel the Egyptian goddess Isis.

The Dacian wolf goddess Bendis corresponds to Artemis, in Greek mythology, or Diana, in Roman mythology. Herodotus wrote that Artemis is adored by Thracian and Dacian women.

Morrighan often appears in the form of a crow or raven. Compare her with the Irish Murigen, Morgan le Fey, the Greek Hera, and the Roman Juno. Hera's mother is Rhea and her father Cronus. Capricorn Mythology in ancient Sumeria was associated with the Cronus or Saturn and the goat fish god Enki. So why was she portrayed as a crow?


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Athena, unlike Medusa, was not metamorphosed into a monster, as she was famous for battling ‘destructive’ serpents.

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Was Medusa as negative as depicted by some Classical authors? Her sister Athena held the Spear of Knowledge over the Serpent of Ignorance writhing under her foot. When the morning rays of the sun made her spear appear to shake She became known as "the Spear Shaker" or Shakespeare revered by Francis Bacon.Medusa and Athena are aspects of the same goddess

Zeus’ wife Hera was also associated with the serpent, in her iconography, for in her sanctuaries have been found votive offerings which include terracotta serpents.

Leto, the mother of Apollo and Artemis, took the form of a wolf or was said to be escorted from the Hyperboreans by wolves. Artemis was known as the "Wolf Goddess" and had a wolf on her shield. Both she and her Roman counterpart Diana were accompanied by a pack of wolves. Who is the real Artemis?


The Dragon-Wolf is a heraldic creature with head and ears of a Dragon but with the whiskers, tail and forelegs of a wolf. Its main body is that of a Dragon.

Zeus’ consort-goddess Hera, like Athena, possessed bird and serpent iconography, and she too was a recipient of Homer’s avian similes: Then Athena and Hera went forth with steps resembling [those] of shy doves.

The goddess holding two serpents in her outstretched arms has a bird on her head.

Astarte, the bird goddess of fertility.

Melusina is a goddess of rivers and sacred springs and rivers. She is usually depicted as a woman who is a serpent or fish from the waist down much like a mermaid). Is this Starbucks’ way of telling us that their coffee is made with fresh water then?.

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Hathor, along with the goddess Nut, was associated with the Milky Way.

Kamadhenu emerged from the churning of the cosmic ocean.

( N o t e : Yo u c a n r e p l a c e t h e b a c k g r o u n d

p h o t o w i t h a p h o t o o f y o u r o w n .)

Lakhsmi is shown with the five headed Shesha and she is generally depicted with Vishnu on Shesha the serpent that floats on the ocean of milk.

Guanyin is a bodhisattvavenerated by Mahayana Buddhists. Guanshiyin means "Perceiving the Sounds (or Cries) of the World

In Chinese cosmogony, P'an Ku, is the creator of the dragon, the phoenix, the unicorn and the tortoise, who in turn symbolize the Chinese four fixed signs of the zodiac. The Prajapati Daksha gave his thirteen daughters to Kashyapa the Vedic Tortoise god who seeded Agni with the goddess Aditi, the Naga serpents with Kadru, the Danavas with Danu , the Garudas with Vinata the Asparas with Muni and with Diti, they seed the Daityas 852,000 divine years ago. No wonder the tortoise is prolific as it is sacred to both Aphrodite and Hermes, deities associated with sexuality, longevity and wisdom. .

Bastet is depicted as a fierce lioness. Originally she was seen as defender of Ra, gaining her the titles Lady of Flame and Eye of Ra. Bast is associated with the goddess Wadjet, and eventually became Wadjet-Bast, who fought the evil serpent, Apep.

Saraswati is a river goddess with the healing, purifying powers of flowing water which suggests a she’s a mermaid. Sarasvati is credited with killing the three-headed Vritra also strongly associated with rivers. The Japanese goddess Benzaiten, the third daughter of the dragon-king of Munetsuchi, is seen with a Veena like Sarasvati and both are associated with serpents and dragons.

The Hippopotamus goddess Taweret or Tarut is an earlier form of later goddesses such as Apt, Wedjat, Nekhbet, Isis, Hathor, Ashteroth and Nuith. She is the original Virgin Mary.

Mut was pictured as a vulture, holding an ankh, wearing the united crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. The Ennead compounded the triad of Mut, Hathor, and Isis to Isis alone. As a result Mut is sometimes depicted as a cobra, a cat, a cow, or as a lioness as well as the vulture.

The Greek moon goddess of the hunt, Artemis (Diana), was also a bear goddess and had attendants called arktoi, or “bear girls. It was Artemis who transformed one of her nymphs, Callisto, into a bear, who then became the constellation, Ursa Major.

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