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Why CMAT? Study Abroad

Date post: 14-May-2015
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WHY CMAT?: STUDY ABROAD By: Charles Armstrong, Austin Brown, Kenneth Hunt, and Andrea McDowell
  • 1.WHY CMAT?:STUDYABROADBy: Charles Armstrong, Austin Brown,Kenneth Hunt, and Andrea McDowell

2. Are you a Communications major? Are you interested in studying abroad ?STUDYABROAD 3. MoneyCrasher.comSOMEINFORMATION 4. Universidad de Malaga. 11 academic schools. Improve your Spanish. Study in Spain for about the same costof studying at Salisbury.SALISBURYABROAD:SPAINSEMESTER 5. http://i.infoplease.com/images/mspain.gif 6. There are multiple programs Many institutions/organizations offer itHOW DOESONE STUDYABROAD? 7. Starts in Winter 2013.INDIA- BOLLYWOOD AND BEYONDhttp://www.mapsofindia.com/maps/india/india-flag.jpg 8. http://www.nationsonline.org/bilder/map_of_india50.jpg 9. Useful information.ITALY-COMMUNICATIONSINTERNSHIPSEMESTERhttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=623&q=italian+flag&oq=ital&gs_l=img.1.1.0l10.6320.6925.0.8941. 10. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/maps/europe/italy/map_of_italy.jpg 11. The abroad trip varies depending onthe country.COST 12. Enhance your academics Renew youre interest in academicsTHE NUMBEROF BENEFITS 13. Understanding your own culture better Being a CMAT major and having thetools to better communicatePERSONALGROWTH/GROWTH AS ACMAT MAJOR 14. Textbook- pg.169 Enhanced self awarenessINTERCULTURALBENEFITS 15. Increase business effectiveness Understanding cultural valuesBEING A CMATMAJORACROSS THEWORLD 16. Be more competitive in todays jobmarket Gain a better understanding of how theworld worksHOW THISCAN AFFECTYOU IN THELONG TERM 17. Understand yourself Experience new cultures ideas andvalues Better understand todays changingworldCONCLUSION 18. Source-Study Abroad Programs. (ND ). retrieved June 18 2013, from Salisbury University Web Site:http://www.salisbury.edu/intled/StudyAbroad/programs/single.asp?pid=246-Bohrer, I (ND ). 10 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in College Benefits & Challenges Read more:http://www.moneycrashers.com/reasons-why-. retrieved June 20 2013, from Money Crashers Web Site:http://www.moneycrashers.com/reasons-why-study-abroad-benefits/-Twombly, S Salisbury, M, Tumanut, S, & Klute, P (2012). Study Abroad in a New Global Century. New Jersey: WileyPeriodicals, Inc. .-http://www.iesabroad.org/study-abroad/news/benefits-study-abroad-http://www.farecompare.com/news/the-surprising-benefits-of-study-abroad-travel-programs/-http://www.international.umd.edu/studyabroad/6670-http://www.iesabroad.org/study-abroad/news/study-abroad-lifetime-benefits
