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Why Democrats Will Win 2016

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 Why Democrats Will Win 2016O.G. Rose

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Republicans are idiots.

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See #1.

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 While Democrats can sell ice 

to Eskimos,Republicans can’t give money away.

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Democrats pander to the electorate, whileRepublicans pander to Republicans.

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5.  Democrats know that emotional appeal always

beats factual appeal, because the public perceivesall facts as biased.

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Democrats tell you what they think, whileRepublicans just think.

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7.  Republicans will still call welfare programs

‘entitlement programs’, continually offending alarge portion of the country.

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Republicans will continue to be old and white.

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 After the Affordable Health Care Act is fully

implemented, at least fifty percent of the country will be receiving government assistance of somekind.

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Republicans are unwilling to risk an election inorder to actually  reduce the size of government.

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Democrats have an emotional advantage in

claiming to represent the poor. Republicans, in wanting to lower tax rates in order to increase taxrevenue, are stigmatized as the party of the rich.

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12.  If you tax $1000 at 10%, you will make $100. Ifyou tax $100 at 20%, you will make $20.

 Tax rates only increase total tax revenue if the

amount of money that is being taxed doesn’tshrink as a result of tax rates being raised. Highertax rates do not necessarily lead to higher taxrevenue, as it’s quite possible that higher tax rates will cause people and businesses to take steps toreduce their individual tax burdens, thusdecreasing the total amount of money available tobe taxed.

Republicans will fail to explain the abovephenomenon, as they will fail to explain theirbelief that, in the long run, the government makesmore  tax revenue by having lower  tax rates. Theybelieve businesses produce more overall wealth when tax rates are low, and think this is especiallythe case when the tax code is very simple and


By failing to explain themselves regardingtaxation, Republicans will continue to beperceived by voters as catering to the rich.

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Republicans will be asked how lower tax ratesincrease tax revenue and won’t have a response,because the answer is different for every industry.

Democrats, however, since it seems self-evidentthat higher tax rates result in higher tax revenue, won’t be questioned (regularly) to explain howhigher tax rates don’t reduce economicinvestment, growth, and tax revenue.

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14.  Republicans will fail to insist that it isn’t virtuousto tax the rich if it doesn’t increase tax revenue,

that, in fact, it’s immoral if it ultimately results inless tax revenue with which the government canhelp the poor.

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Republicans will not admit that, by being for

higher tax revenue through lower tax rates, theyare actually for growing government (though theymay have convinced themselves otherwise).

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16.  Republicans will not pay off the national debt, but

rather let the debt rise so they can attempt toblame Democrats for bankrupting the country.

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17.  Republicans will still be using Windows 95 while

Barack Obama dines regularly with MarkZuckerberg.

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Republicans will say something really stupid inOctober 2016.

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Republicans will have fewer extroverts thanDemocrats.

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20.  Republicans will fail to make a distinctionbetween health care and health insurance,continue to support “Big Pharmaceutical”companies, and refrain from making a case forprivatizing the medical industry (perhaps becausethey receive unlimited campaign contributions

from health insurance providers).

If Republicans do make a case for privatization,they will fail to explain that health insurancecompanies form cartels that keep prices high. They will also neglect to explain how competitiondrives down prices and fail to highlight laser eyecare companies as a case study.

Lastly, Republicans will never  admit that the Affordable Health Care Act was a reasonablereform within the context of our current system,and thus they will not be able to argue that ourmixed market system is, in fact, the underlying causeof soaring health care prices. Republicans willcontinue to support insurance cartels within a

mixed market system, all while being chastised asfree market extremists. Republicans will try tosave face by stepping up their vociferouscondemnation of the Affordable Health Care Act,solidifying their image as a party of angry,impotent reactionaries (an impression they’vemastered).

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21.  Republicans will fail to point out that there is nosuch thing as a perfect system, only trade-offs.Rather, Republicans will continue to maintaintheir dogmatic insistence that Capitalism isperfect, appealing to a pseudo-religious “vision of

the Founding Fathers”. They will not note howeasily America can (and has) devolved into aBanktocracy or Corporatism. Republicans willalso fail to calmly and reasonably explain that,though large government has its advantages, itscosts outweigh its benefits. See #1.

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22.  Republicans will claim that lowering tax rates will‘unleash the power of business’, despite the factthat most voters associate business with greed andimmorality. By failing to distinguish betweengenuine Capitalism (exemplified by those

companies which have created value for many like Apple, Amazon, and Ford) and Crony Capitalism(exemplified by Fannie Mae, Enron, and StandardOil), Republicans will only exacerbate publicmistrust of business, rendering their rhetoricineffective and possibly counter-productive.

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Republicans will still be old and white.

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24.  Republicans won’t regularly air interviews ofminority intellectuals, like Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell, who make cases for whygovernment spending actually preserves and even worsens cycles of poverty and racism. If

Republicans do make these arguments, they willdo so through old, rich, white guys. Also,Republicans won’t accuse black intellectuals infavor of social engineering of proliferating cyclesof poverty, nor will they accuse them of puttingtheir liberal agenda ahead of the well-being ofhard working, minority families.

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25.  Republicans will fail to incessantly andsystematically argue that single motherhood is thenumber one indicator of poverty, not race, andthat this is why they stress the importance of the

family. If they do make this claim, rather thanfaulting men, they will come off as blaming women, upon whom society continues to mountsocioeconomic and domestic burdens.Consequently, after some sexist gaffes, as usual,Republicans will lose the women’s vote.

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Republicans will fail to argue that welfareprograms do in fact help the poor in the short-term, but create more poverty in the long run.Rather, Republicans will claim to be against these

programs because they are against governmentintervention and for the free market, which willbe perceived as evidence that Republicans puttheir agenda ahead of the wellbeing of theimpoverished.

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27.  Republicans will fail to argue that the police force – the strong arm behind policies like ‘Stop and

Frisk’ and the Drug War – is the number onesource of racism and discrimination in America, which is a function of the government, not  thefree market.

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28.  Republicans will fail to claim that, although theymay oppose legalizing drugs for health concerns,they would like to legalize drugs in order to free

minority neighborhoods of gang activity and tobreak down the subconscious, mental complex in which people unfairly associate black adolescents wearing hoods with gang members.

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Republicans will not systematically and incessantlyreference and air Waiting for Superman , The Lottery , and The Cartel , and they will fail to argue thatthese documentaries highlight why Republicans want to downsize the Department of Educationand encourage privatization. Republicans will alsofail to use these documentaries as examples for

 why they are against getting the public sectorinvolved in any industry, and why Republicans donot support further legal concessions to unions(especially public sector unions). Republicans willalso fail to point out that they think policiesDemocrats defend ruin minority neighborhoodsand the lives of minority children. Instead,Republicans will say something vague about

education, and no one will care. 

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30.  Republicans will not remind Americans that theyare historically a non-racist party, pointing out

that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican whileDemocrats in the South filibustered against theCivil Rights Act of 1964.

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Republicans will not make a point to publically  

recognize the brilliance of minority men and women like Cornell West, Henry Gates, and RitaDove.

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Republicans will fail to point out that the early, American economy couldn’t have consisted ofslavery if the government recognized the libertiesof minorities and enforced laws against

kidnapping, murder, etc. With the EmancipationProclamation, the government began finallyfulfilling its responsibilities, more so thanmessianically stop an injustice beget by the freemarket.

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33.  Republicans will oppose abortion for vague,poorly formulated, and occasionally sexistreasons, rather than argue that to say someoneisn’t human until they’re born is as discriminatoryand arbitrary as saying someone isn’t humanbecause they’re black. They’ll also fail to arguethat suggesting abortion is a ‘choice’ raises an

uneasy reminder of a similar form ofargumentation in which Southern plantationowners claimed they had a right to choose whether or not they owned beings who theydidn’t consider fully human. If Republicans domake these arguments, a Catholic priest will makethem, rather than a woman who has had anabortion.

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Republicans will oppose homosexual marriage,rather than either supporting it (after apologizingto Christians for failing to also makepornography, fear, and hatred illegal) or opposingboth heterosexual and homosexual marriage infavor of leaving marriage up to free individualsand free institutions to define and incentivize.Republicans could take this latter platform on the

basis that government involvement keepsmarriage from flourishing, as governmentinvolvement keeps the economy from flourishing. Arguably, this move would wreak havoc indomestic law and cause hardship for families, butit would also wreak havoc in the financial sectorand cause hardship to involved families if theeconomy was allowed to be free, self-regulate, and


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35.  Republicans will fail to take the concerns andarguments of Democrats seriously. Rather, they

 will act arrogantly toward the same party thatmost Americans perceive as more reliable,reasonable, and concerned about thedowntrodden.

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36.  Republicans will not incessantly argue that, if thedebt ceiling isn’t raised, the country will onlydefault in the event that the country doesn’tallocate funds to paying off the interest on thenational debt. Furthermore, Republicans will raise

the debt ceiling, rather than prove this point.Consequently, Republicans, in using the debtceiling as a tool for negotiations, will always beperceived as holding America hostage and nevereven prove that they’re serious about shrinkinggovernment.

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Republicans aren’t serious about shrinkinggovernment.

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Republicans and Democrats get the money theyuse against one another from similar sources.

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39.  Republicans will argue for liberty and

responsibility as if those who vote Democrat arelazy, irresponsible Socialists, offending many.

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Republicans infuriate Republicans.

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Republicans will not pursue the growing body ofyouth, such as in Silicon Valley and at Stanford, who straddle the line between business innovators

and progressive thinkers. Rather, Republicans willcontinue to call them spoiled Millennials who areunwilling to get a real job. Democrats, on theother hand, will stress Social Justice andmonopolize the Millennial vote. For years.

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Republicans won’t admit their mistakes.

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43.  Republicans will fail to argue that they are in favorof small government not  because largegovernment is inherently wrong, but because it isespecially susceptible to corruption by moneyed,business interests. Republicans will notacknowledge that large government isn’t a badidea, only a bad practice. They will not point out

how they think businesses inevitably cheat their way around regulations, and they will notarticulate how they think regulations are used byBig Business to reduce competition and increaseprofit. In short, Republicans will fail to argue thatthey think government must be limited notnecessarily because government is evil, butbecause business will infiltrate and manipulate it.

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44.  Republicans will fail to argue that if government were smaller, corporations and lobbyists wouldhave less incentive to infiltrate it. Also,Republicans will fail to argue that if government

 was limited, businesses (such as insuranceproviders, oil companies, etc.) couldn’t avoidmarket forces, rules, and competition. Lastly,Republicans will not claim that they want to helpthe 99% and break up the 1% by unleashing atruly free market against it.

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45.  Republicans will fail to argue that hundreds ofcorrupt businesses are more manageable than one

corrupt government, and that it’s better forbusinesses to destroy one another than fornations to fall.

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Republicans will fail to argue that America isn’t aCapitalist nation, but a Banktocracy plagued byCorporatism. On television, Republicans will failto agree with Democrats that banks and

corporations – both of which cheat the freemarket by way of the government and lobbying –are a major problem. Republicans will fail toarticulate that small government is both the baneof, and solution to, Corporatism.

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47.  Republicans will fail to claim that, while

Democrats only want to regulate them,Republicans want to ‘creatively destroy’corporations and big banks by gettinggovernment out of the way and unleashing freemarket forces against them. Regulations,Republicans think, only treat the symptoms.Republicans will fail to argue that regulationsencourage the formation of oligopolies by

increasing the fixed, legal costs that each firmneeds to expend. Republicans will not argue thatregulations have allowed corporations and banksto become ‘too big to fail’, and Republicans willfail to argue that Democrats empower the banksand corporations that they duplicitously pledge tofight. If Republicans do make these points, they’lldo so in books and articles, rather than on

television, still unaware that if you don’t say it ontelevision, you don’t say it at all.

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48.  Republicans will fail to argue (or even agree) that

the only  way to destroy a Banktocracy andCorporatism is to shrink government.

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Republicans will forget about the NSA and IRS Tea Party Scandals.

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Republicans will not recognize that public outrageregarding NSA spying is a valid and tractableobjection to the legacy of the Obamaadministration, which Republicans could use to

rehabilitate their reputation on privacy and socialissues. Instead of disavowing the Patriot Act anduniting in opposition to NSA surveillance, theRepublican Party will simply take no officialposition.

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Republicans will fail to condemn drone warfare,passing up an opportunity to distinguishRepublicans from Democrats in a valid,emotionally potent way. Instead of featuringinterviews of Pakistani drone strike victims,instead of asking to what extent drone strikes spur

the recruitment of new terrorists, instead ofhighlighting the emotional toll that remote warfare has on drone pilots, instead of expressingoutrage at the extrajudicial killing of non-combatant American citizens, and instead ofpledging to end drone warfare in all of thecountries where it is known to be occurring,Republicans will take no official position.

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Republicans will support a war against (  fill in theblank ).

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Republicans will fail to learn that what you say on

camera is what you say over and over again, and ifit doesn’t conjure up passion, people will get sickof hearing it.

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Republicans will fail to admit to Democrats thatshrinking government will initially hurt theeconomy and be very painful. Republicans won’t

explain that they think the damage done by short-term pain is enormously preferable to the long-term consequences of expanding government andnational debt. Rather, Republicans will saysomething stupid and laugh cockily.

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Republicans will not admit that there will be a

deflationary slowdown if the government doesn’traise the debt ceiling, nor argue that there will bean inflationary crisis if they do.

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56.  Republicans will continue to harass and dismissenvironmentalists instead of employing thecreativity of the free market to overcome

environmental challenges. Consequently,Republicans will fail to support the invention andfurther development of alternative energies thatcould save working families thousands of dollars.

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Republicans will not learn that obnoxious talk

show hosts with an emotional appeal win moremoderate votes than obnoxious talk show hosts without one.

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58.  Republicans will argue for a free market to enable‘economic growth’, rather than to ‘free creativity

to overcome social, economic, and moralproblems’. Republicans will use a dry languagefound in textbooks and classrooms, rather than alanguage of passion.

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Republicans will not emphasize 

how free markets

incubate intellectualism and creativity, and socontinue to lose intellectuals and artists to theDemocrats.

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Democrats will create culture while Republicanslament the loss of it.

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61.  Republicans will continue to argue for what they

think works over what the majority believes works.

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Republicans, in having a political philosophy andeconomic model that America has adhered to forthe majority of its history, believe (at least

subconsciously) that their view sells itself. Theysee no reason to master marketing. Democrats, inhaving a progressive philosophical and economicmodel – an unfamiliar product – recognize theyhave to master marketing. Marketing wins.

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 The Democrats will put Elizabeth Warren and

Hillary Clinton on the ticket, while 

theRepublicans will put an old, rich white guy and anolder, richer white guy on their ticket.

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Republicans will read Why Democrats Will Win2016  and the title will still prove prophetic. Why?

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See #1

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ThanksErik NelsonErik PearsonBen Ford

Caleb Hash John TrossiGreg GarnerKeenan Davis Alexander Mezick
