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Why does Europe need modernised university management ¿¿¿

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  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Why does Europe need modernised

    university management ?

    Prof. Dr. Rado Bohinc,

    Professor of Law at Faculty of Social Sciences,

    University of Ljubljana and at Faculty of management,

    University of Primorska

    Former Minister for Science and Technology, (SI)

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    A primary question is:

    Are universities under

    increasing pressure to transform?



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    global (increasing need for internationalisation)

    and local (government, business, civil society)

    environment have changed

    Risk free environment is replaced by marketenvironment.

    Traditional ways of governance prove inadequate.

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management




    SPECIFICSFor the university governance inchangingenvironment thereare certainly some common

    principles regarding the quality, capability andaccountability of governing structures.

    However, there are also specifics, additional

    demands, depending on the specific ways in whichindividual institutions operate.

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Universities are becoming powerful national and

    regional institutions;

    They have to undertake additional new roles,

    especially in the areas oflifelong learning and

    technology transfer

    There are big challenges ahead for university governance.

    Universities will become much more difficult to manage.


    Knowledge economy;


    Globalisation of higher education;

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Knowledge based economy;

    National economic success will depend on

    the ability to increase the added value of

    products and services;

    Hence, investment in intellectual capital has

    to be increased

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    Globalisation of higher education;

    Students are becoming internationally mobile;

    International expansion of universities is

    inevitable in order to be competitive.

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    Universities are increasingly having tocompete nationally and internationally toattract best teachers and students;

    In addition they have to compete for:

    - financial resources

    - for research and researchinfrastructure, - for contracts with business sector, etc

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    The(global educational) race is on(Times, August 20, 2007)

    The winners in the new global educationrace will be those countries with institutions

    that are the most international at everylevel.

    Importing intellectual capital, whilesimultaneously fighting brain drain, will on along term pay off richly.

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    Competition among universities

    Competitive universities have to

    provide high quality and productivity.

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    Universities have to find additional sources

    of funds.

    They have to transform from traditional

    universities enjoying steady state and risk

    free environment to entrepreneurial

    university competing in the changing market


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    Prospective students will look for the best

    educational (and research) environments.

    Ranking of universities, although often

    disputed and criticized, becomes an

    important information source in selecting an

    adequate destination.

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    have to rethink

    their strategies and theircorporate governance

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    In these new circumstances, universitygovernance need to be reflected in a newmanagement style:

    Away from consensus oriented collegial academytowards management by executive authority?

    Do the universities need to be run as a business

    company, as a professionally managed company? Do they need mighty executives or stick to numerous

    committees, as it is today?

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Richard Lambert stated in his lecture on

    university governance in a market


    So the question is about how far you can

    bring management disciplines onto the

    campus, without destroying something


  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Definition of a world-class university

    (Phillip G. Altbach in The world class university and ranking: aiming beyond status

    (UNESCO CEPES, 2007)

    Academic freedom and an atmosphere of intellectual excitement(including favourable working conditions, arrangements for jobsecurity, appropriate salaries and benefits)

    Governance (internal self governance, academic community hascontrol over the central elements of academic life admission ofstudents, curriculum, basic direction of the academic work of theinstitution)

    Adequate facilities for academic work

    Adequate funding

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Annual expenditure on public and

    private educational institutions per student

    (PPS based on full time equivalents)()*

    EU 27 7.966.1

    USA 19.079.6

    SOME DATA * Eurostat 2004

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Shanghai ranking confirms that

    despite the good performance ofsome EU countries:

    The performance gap between European andAmerican universities is large!

    The best European universities lag far behind the

    best American universities!

    European universities have much accumulatedknowledge, but they are complicated to reform.

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    EUs universities reform should take place on both fronts:

    -autonomy and

    -efficiency of spending

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    It is not simply that more money is good

    for research performance

    The research performance of a university ispositively affected by university autonomy

    More money has much more impact when it iscombined with budget autonomy!

    Budget autonomy doubles the effect ofadditional money on university researchperformance!

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    According to the linear model of education systems EUis close to mass system.

    In a global competition EU higher educationmust befirmly wedded to elite values and practices no matter

    even it is a mass system.

    To close the gap with the USA, EU would need to spend

    on averagean additional 10.000 per higher

    education student per year.

    EU Universities: elite, mass, universal?

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Managing competitive universities

    Qualities to be delivered by management are the following:

    Permanent strategic planning and business planning,

    Efficient fund raising,

    Effective delivery of programmes,

    High quality senior management,

    Motivation and effective deployment of staff,

    Communication and information strategies,

    Asset management including intellectual property, staff...

    Creation of strategic partnerships, Accountability and cautious financial management.

    This is a very demanding mix to deliver, especially in institutionsthat have a high degree of individual freedom.

    Merging as a tool to improve

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    Merging as a tool to improve


    Merging of universities - larger universities are generally morecompetitive than smaller ones (example: stronger, larger andfewer universities in Denmark)

    Merging universities and public (government) researchinstitutes makes academic expertise available for educationalpurposes while simultaneously strongly improving researchperformance of the university (example: KIT Karlsruhe Instituteof Technology)

    Cooperation of institutes and universities (example:International Max Planck Research School - MP Institutes anduniversities offer especially gifted PhD students fromGermany and abroad excellent research conditions

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Trend: Exporting higher education to

    developing and transitional economies

    Survey performed by Noir sur Blanc Agency oninternationalisation of universities (1999) shows that:

    16% of universities (mainly from US) were seriouslyconsidering opening a campus abroad

    57% of universities have aims to open to the entire world

    41 % of universities see internationalisation as anabsolute priority

    Caution: The creation of global market in highereducation could seriously affect the status and viability ofuniversities in developing countries

    Innovative management of

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Innovative management of


    Modernisation of universities needs to be

    accompanied by innovative management, likewise

    business companies increasingly employinnovation management techniques

    Management of universities can be described as a:

    management of diversity and complexity

  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management


    Universitiy for the future?







    Well managed


  • 7/27/2019 Why does Europe need modernised university management



    Resources on internationalisation, The University of York, Forum for the

    enhancement of learning and teaching, 2007

    Internationalisation of Universities, Noir sur Blanc, 1999

    Creating entrepreneurial university: Organisational pathways of transformation,

    Pergamon, 1998

    The higher education managers handbook: Effective leadership and

    management in universities and colleges, RoutledgeFalmer, 2004

    Seminar report, Managing universities in critical times, University of Stratchlyde

    Business School, 2001

    European Commission, Press release, Why European higher education systems

    must be modernised?, 2006
