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Why I coach.

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Internationally recognised business coach Andrew Priestley gives a candid interview about what he is a coach. Enjoy!
SPECIAL INTERVIEW Why do I coach? Ever stopped to think about why you do what you do? Award-winning business coach, Andrew Priestley talks about why he loves business coaching. “Andrew Priestley has taken the best of what he learned by working with highly HͿHFWLYH PDQDJHUV ZRUNLQJ LQ GHPDQGLQJ KLJKHQG FRPSOLDQFH LQGXVWULHV DQG FUHDWHG D SRZHUIXO SURÀOLQJ DQG EXVLQHVV FRDFKLQJ DSSURDFK IRU RZQHU PDQDJHUV 0'V DQG NH\ PDQDJHUV UXQQLQJ FRPSDQLHV ZRUOGZLGHµ “Andrew’s coaching puts the skill and the joy back into running a successful business.” THE COACHING EXPERIENCE
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Why do I coach?Ever stopped to think about why you do what you do? Award-winning business coach, Andrew Priestley talks about why he loves business coaching.


“Andrew’s coaching puts the skill and the joy back into running a successful business.”


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Why do I coach?

Andrew Priestley is an award-winning internationally recognised business coach, mentor, speaker and author.

Through 1-2-1 coaching, workshops and training I work with owner/managers - usually managing directors - running established mid-sized companies across the UK, Australia and the USA.

Typical results are certainly increased revenues and profits and higher performing teams. And the coaching definitely helps you resolve challenges or problems associated with business leadership.

Andrew developed this coaching programme after working with senior managers in high-compliance environments. He discovered highly effective leaders are doing five things really well. He now applies what he learned in those environments to his coaching clients.

In this article, he talks about why he coaches.

“It is such a useful exercise to stop and reflect on why you do what you do. I love what I do but am of the generation that feels awkward blowing your own trumpet.

I have won awards for coaching but I rarely feel that the award was down to my personal merit. I feel I owe my success to an amazingly diverse range of clients worldwide. Without their stories and case histories I wouldn’t have developed something I feel is world class for leaders. So can I start by thanking my clients and assuring you that while I mention some cases studies in this interview I have maintained the confidentiality.

I have worked with some seriously high profiled clients who I am not allowed to mention. When you play at that level you pick up an amazing breadth of learnings and experience, so I am indebted to my clients.

I’m a fan of qualifications

I started my career as a schoolteacher. I gained my Diploma of Teaching and a Bachelor of Education and ended up teaching across all levels from primary through to university level.

I love learning new things and I always loved the challenge of taking complex topics and making them simple to understand and apply.

I left teaching in 1989 and started an entertainment newspaper. I guess I got a degree in how not to run a business! I think I made every mistake possible so I know what not to do.

This was an unrealistic business for a man with a young family. I started a new business which was marketing and advertising which was easier to run and much more successful. I had trained in Reading Psychology as a teacher and I knew how to make ads work based on simple things like line length and the use of subheads, for example.

I was then head hunted as an Account Executive for a much larger marketing agency. In that capacity I exceeded sales targets and helped that company win several awards.

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I remember doing a job for a small natural foods supermarket and the owner saying, “This is text book marketing but what would you do if this was your business?”

I have never forgotten that lesson and in a way it was a Damascus Road moment because now I go a lot deeper than just increasing profitability and selling more stuff.

Apart from helping clients with their marketing I was increasingly chatting more about business-related issues.

Business coaching

At some point a friend of mine said I’d make a good business coach. I left the marketing agency and started training and soon I had a thriving coaching business.

I was referred to a senior manager working for a local authority. Pretty soon I was being referred to similar clients. Eventually, I was asked to pitch for clients in State Government and then State politics.

I remember meeting the HR manager for the Brisbane City Council who asked me what my qualifications were. He said despite my impressive track record and client history he couldn’t employ me without a psychology degree or an MBA.

I really liked doing that work because my clients were in positions to make major beneficial changes.

I rang my friend Professor Anthony Green at Macquarie University and he asked if I liked finance and numbers; or people?

So I went back to university and finished my degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. I majored in Abnormal Psychology and Behavior Modification.

Curiously I learned a lot by studying dog training and weight management! I also loved all the subjects related to treating addictions, abnormal psychology and diagnosing using the DSM-IV.

I still use those principles in executive coaching.

Basically I took what I learned about what works with highly dysfunctional people and applied that to so-called functional people!

You might think otherwise but human behavior is usually very predictable and very easy to understand.

It took me five years to get my psych degree. The exams were not easy and my assessors were not lenient. They did not give my degree away.

I mark gaining my psych degree as one of my best achievements and I think I was actually ready and mature enough to appreciate psychology the second time around.

I sometimes get annoyed at coaches who’ve done a 2-week coaching course who give this profession a bad name because they basically do not know what they are doing. When I started business coaching there were 97 on the planet. I have seen this industry become the fastest growing industry – ever!

I have also seen coaches come and go as quickly because they cannot make their coaching businesses pay.

I think I gained a real appreciation of what its like to start a business that failed and one that started and succeeded. I also gained an appreciation of how your business life impacts on your personal life and who you become in the process – good and bad.

Many of my clients already have a successful business but they are lonely, isolated and often they have become someone they don’t like much. Many are so successful but despite the success they feel unfulfilled and often empty and cynical.

In most cases – yes – we hit the business goals. Revenues increase. Profits are better. Staff are more productive. I save them money or make them money. They even exit with a valuation.

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But they become better people in the process. They become more reflective. More responsible. I remember having to tell my staff my business was closing and the real reason was I failed in my role as business leader. That was painful. I vowed to be responsible and to take my obligations most seriously.

I think that set me up well to work with high compliance clients later.

My psych degree gave me an incredibly practical insight into human behavior – especially under pressure - and gave me an amazing orientation to principles of behavior modification and change that are based on solid research.

This has been invaluable in helping me as a coach.

Diverse experience in high-end compliance

Since 1998, I have worked as a full time business coach. My first few clients were owner/managers – manufacturers, wholesalers, finance etc. Through referrals I started working with senior managers of local authorities and then state authorities.

I worked with departments of environment, water, trade, certification, engineering and finance. That led to work in aviation, infrastructure, town planning, steel fabrication, construction and then medical.

As a result I have had extensive experience working with senior managers working in high-end compliance industries such as mining, medical, engineering, aviation and government authorities.

To date I have racked up over 14000 coaching hours. That’s the equivalent of military helicopter pilot ... or the number of hours the Beatles racked up playing in Hamburg! The typical coach has clocked about 3000 hours tops.

Acute embarrassment and five behaviours

Around this time I hit a major hurdle. I recall being asked to coach a senior manager working in water treatment for a major city.

First off, he was at once totally offended that I knew nothing about water treatment. I was not his equal professionally or intellectually. This was a highly qualified engineer with a doctorate in his specialty. He quizzed me on the science, the internal consistency, reliability and the statistical validation of the approach.

I then attracted the CEO of a major cosmetic company; and the CEO of a national finance company. Both of those clients had access to a host of the best business brains available and had engaged some of the worlds best known coaches. One had even written an award winning in-house coaching programme!

In short they all severely critiqued my methodology. Up to that point the coaching was based on strengthening the supposed qualities and traits of a ‘leader’.

Theory-Based Issues

When I first started coaching I drew heavily on management theories.

In some cases I was working with highly qualified clients - some who had even graduated from Harvard Business School! Essentially, if they rejected my take on the theory they undermined me and the coaching.

Qualities and strengths

There is also an approach that suggests you develop competencies and proficiency by modeling the strengths and qualities of effective leaders.

It has its origins in Benjamin Franklins’ 12 habits. Lee Iacocca wrote a book on his nine Cs of leadership. Colin Powell talks about his 13 points. Every high profiled leader has written a ‘how I did it’ book and they assumption is you can do it too.

Jack Welch’s book often appears on the shelves of my clients. A colleague in London used to work for Jack Welch and he said what they book doesn’t tell you is Jack could throw 50 MBAs at any problem he faced. Only one or two of my clients have anything that remotely comes close to that firepower.

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One flaw in the qualities and strengths literature is this: which strength do I use under pressure?

As an example if you are following Colin Powell’s 13 leadership skills, which one do you use? If you can’t recall what Colin would do, you’ll do what you normally do! That might mean yelling at someone when you should be listening. It might mean setting a clear zero-tolerance boundary when you normally are conciliatory.

We know that under pressure most people revert to their default setting. For example, you yell at people when you know you need to be patient and understanding!

My coaching approach undertakes a quick major overhaul

For a time, I was lost and totally embarrassed and felt fraudulent. You know that moment when you feel inadequate and stupid?

At this point I started to let go off the approach I had been using. Instead I trawled back through my case notes and looked for what really worked.

I discovered that underneath all the traits and strengths highly effective leaders are doing about five things well.

1. Awareness – they are aware of what’s happening. Call it mindfulness or simply managing the obvious, they recognize a problem when they see one. Importantly, they recognize how that problem makes them feel. Essentially they manage their attention.

2. Assert – they can assert themselves. This sounds like communication skills but at it basic level if there’s a problem they open their mouth and speak up. Typically they behave congruently – they say and do what is authentically needed.

3. Agreements – they broker very clear agreements.

Basically, who will do what and by when?

4. Accountability – highly effective leaders hold others accountable. They do this by managing agreements. They might still manage problems but ultimately they manage agreements. Understand agreements are the glue of delegations.

5. Adjust – importantly highly effective leaders recognize if they are part of the problem or if they are the problem! Acuity is sharpening your game but great leaders adjust and tweak rather than make wholesale game changes. Basically they manage themselves by reflecting on what they can do even better.

This took me a long time to distill but that’s what I think is really happening. In my experience these five factors sit right underneath most management theories.

I once heard a retired Lieutenant and Afghanistan veteran talking about leadership. He attributes his style to the qualities of courage, commitment and communication.

He told the story of going into a deserted village, sensing an ambush and narrowly avoiding enemy engagement. He was able to successfully retreat with no casualties despite one or two of his men thinking they should engage in return fire.

The way I see it he read the situation and trusted his gut (Awareness); he told he men to pull back (Assert); most complied (Agreement); he cautioned one or two would-be heroes about doing anything stupid (Accountability); and he spent several days reflecting on how he misread signals of the potential ambush – and made several ‘notes-to-self’ for next time! (Adjust).

Can’t afford to get it wrong

The Awareness material, for example, developed from working with the aviation and environmental protection industry.

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Make a mistake here and the consequences include registering, fines, jail time, injury, death and gross criminal negligence!

This material worked wonderfully for improving safety on mining sites. But here’s the thing. It works for anyone in any business at any level.

A leading hand saved his boss over $60000+ because he picked up a double handling issue.

I could not have gone into his factory and picked that – but he could and he did!

My scientist became aware that he was ignoring the awareness of sloppy systems and procedures that left neglected could easily have resulted in multi-million dollar fines.

My CEOs became acutely aware that they were first-rate bullies.

I have many clients like the ones above since and this material works.

Anything else?

In addition to revamping my coaching approach I wanted to be a lot more accurate in identifying coaching targets.

Most coaches base their programmes on what the client thinks they need; and guesswork. The problem is research tells us most coaches spend 80% of their time working on the wrong problems.

How many times have you met with someone and the thing you need to talk about most was mentioned just as they were walking out the door? That’s how a lot of coaching session go for most coaches. But, time’s up!

Profiling software

I once asked a client what he wanted from coaching and he said he wanted to feel more motivated. He had had three coaches before me who apparently failed to motivate him.

I developed profiling software called the Business Leadership Profile (BLP) that allows me to clearly profile the coaching needs of a client.

The BLP does a fair job of identifying coaching targets before we start coaching.

It’s almost akin to the saying doctors have that says, “Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice.”

In this case my client had motivation in spades. His real problem was a lack of focus. He was a your typical fingers-in-every-pie business owner. He mentally managed or actually took over from staff. Some would say he was a meddler.

And he was so angry and frustrated all the time!

I developed the BLP because I had used to use some well-known academic profiling tools but I found they were too academic. In the end I opted for creating a hybrid assessment that was based more on commercial reality.

I’ve employed people and I’ve written the pay cheques and I know the frustration of paying someone who says they can do a job, but can’t.

The BLP answers the question: can you run a business effectively?

Psychology meets the Bottom-line

The BLP allows me to identify what’s working for you and what isn’t before we start coaching. This means we hit the ground running from the get-go. I want to work on things that will have the highest impact personally and professionally.

Bio data session

As a throw back to my psychology training, I developed a comprehensive bio data feedback session to gather meaningful input from my client and to add further elaboration, context and distinctions to the report.

Together we identify three business frustrations, three business goals and three personal goals to work on. Usually we achieve these bigger and sooner.

I often tell clients I am not turning up for a warm fuzzy intellectual chat and a hug.

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(My coaching mentor used to say this all the time).

Behaviour and Problems in the Business

In addition, the BLP enables me to identify key problems in the actual business. In essence we bring behavior and bottom-line together.

Consider this. As a coach I don’t have a lot of time to get to the issues. Business is simple: make more than you spend. Revenues and Costs.

Over time I have identified four parts to a business where problems typically show up.

(Revenues) Marketing and sales; and (Costs) management and administration; operations; and financial control.

If you have a problem they will show up in one or all of those key areas. For your reference revenues and costs impact growth, profit and liquidity.

Revenues Costs

Marketing Sales

Management, Administration, HR

Operations, Logistics, IT

Financial Control

The BLP shows how you will handle problems in your business. I have always strived to make the BLP as meaningful to my clients as possible.

Problems now make sense

The BLP links your behavior to problem zones. For example, one of the traits we measure is Responsiveness. On a scale of 0-100%, if your scores are below 60% it is an indicator that you have problems in the business that you are not addressing adequately or at all.

It is a given that your business will have problems but the question is how do you handle those problems?

The BLP tells me where the problems will most likely show up; and how you will typically handle those problems on a day-to-day basis.

The 3-Month Coaching Programme

I developed a 3-month coaching programme based on what works really well working with managers in high compliance industries.

I have been greatly influenced by the research of Prochanska and Diclementi’s (1994) stages of change model. I argued that if this works so well in changing addictive behaviors it should work reasonably well with so called normal people.

My clients

The bulk of my clients are owner/managers or key people running established successful mid-sized companies.

Typically they are far too hands-on in the day-to-day operation of the business. They are often working by themselves and isolation. They usually don’t have good teams. And they are often not so good at delegating often because no one can do it as good as them.

Many don’t have a good plan going forward – and certainly nothing strategic.

While they believe in self-reflection and professional development they don’t allocate the time or resources to adjust their game. A lot hold others accountable but no one holds them to account.

Collect Problems

Too many coaches and consultants create big-scope, high-end, big-fix, big-ticket agendas.

By contrast, I start a typical coaching programme by working on day-to-day problems - and how the client typically handles those problems.

Once we see positive outcomes we start working on more strategic issues. In just about every case where I’ve followed this approach the client has generated significant short and long-term results bigger and sooner.

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Most of my clients would say they are very good at solving problems but obviously there is a problem not resolving easily or at all otherwise they wouldn’t engage a coach. Sometimes clients don’t work on the real problem even though it appears they are.

The Bigger Picture

Over the years I have focused on helping business leaders play a bigger game. This includes a deliberate focus on strategic direction, business performance, and building high performance teams; and on enhancing the ability to be more influential through self-knowledge and better communication.

Broader goals are to focus on positive emotions and meaningful accomplishments; positive engagement and better relationships. So …

Why do I do what I do?

I like to help people. I specialize in helping business people especially MDs because they have tremendous influence and they can make great results happen once they get mobilised.

I can help people resolve problems quickly. A lot of people have problems and it’s good just to talk them through. Often the resolution comes from having someone to talk to.

I like a challenge. A lot of my clients are heavy hitters. They are used to getting what they want and when they want and how they want it. I’ve nearly died twice so personally I am not that worried about their position. If what they are saying needs comment or challenging I will push back. I have never met a client at that level who didn’t find that refreshing!

I’ve got a really good framework for helping people. Firstly, for closely looking at themselves – their current skills and behaviours. That’s the immense value of the BLP, for example. In the context of their BLP when they identify a problem they can better decide how they want to respond to those problems.

I worked with the medical administrator for an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and the BLP showed her exactly why she had the staff problems. She was too soft! Her ‘regulars’ knew she was too soft and her softness reinforced the idea that they could take advantage of her good nature.

Three months later her unit was fully accredited under a national ICU compliance scheme. This is unheard of. No one gets full accreditation, first time they apply. My client did the hard yards but she was coming from a crystal clear platform of knowing her strengths and weakness and how they manifested in her team’s behavior.

I enjoy resolving problems. For years I saw how problems are unpacked at the arbitration or inquest level. So my clients get the benefit of that fabulous framework. As a result of that they start to see where can they go next with the problem.

So as an example, my medical administrator had staff arriving late for shifts. We looked at why that was a problem and the implications if it wasn’t resolved and the benefits if it was addressed effectively.

To give you context imagine it’s 2am in the ICU and you are on night duty and staff are absent and two heart attacks go off simultaneously. Which patient does a nurse attend to?

This is not a benign problem in this context. We are talking deregistering, closing down an ICU, personal and criminal negligence etc.

The BLP identified the default behaviors: over tolerance and nice-guying obvious problems.

We looked at how the client was behaving around people coming in late for work. And then we discussed options and a plan for going forward so that willful behavior wasn’t a problem anymore.

My client came up with new policies around zero-tolerance staff behaviours, staff deselection and selection, review and training. They ended up with more resourceful outcomes that have been rolled out to ICUs nationwide.

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I’m good at unpacking their problems so they can see what the real problem is and how they are responding and reacting to that problem. And where their behavior is resourceful or appropriate. And whether it’s going to get the result or not. As a kid I loved jigsaw puzzles and problems are like that. Pieces. Clues. Edges. Pictures.

I have developed a useful strategic framework so a client can see where they can take their business. In some cases they see what else they can be doing as well ... or instead of?

One reason why I do what I do is that I’m good at assessing people. I’m good at profiling them and getting their background story. I’m really good at interpreting this story and seeing highlights and strengths and also the weaknesses. And pulling that together into a positive plan to move forward in day-to-day stuff and then longer term strategic stuff. I’m really good at that.

I am able to train my associate coaches in the same skill. Importantly, my clients pick up this skill too.

I’m really good at being direct if needed. The coaching community is divided on the direct/non-direct approach. If a client is on the wrong track I will say, “I disagree. You are on the wrong track. You need to rethink this.”

This invariably saves them the time and effort and money. And rarely does it go unappreciated.

And I’m good at helping people see that how they typically respond to issues. Specifically, I see again and again, how they are behaving around little issues ... is how they are behaving around big issues.

I had a client who consistently let his debtor days run out to over 120 days. He was owed about USD$84000. In one session we had addressed this issue and he had collected over $56000 in two days after the session. Moving forward he renegotiated all his client accounts and now he has impeccable accounts receivables. Average debtor days now are 42

days. It doesn’t sound much but in his case it really was the difference between liquidity and insolvency.

Note: he had a good accountant but he refused to follow through on his accountant’s advice.

Coaching is incredibly satisfying. It’s challenging. There’s loads of variety in coaching.

I get to work with very successful business people. I am across a wide range of interesting personal and professional issues. I get to link behavior to performance in a really practical way.

I love seeing people succeed. Just about all my clients get dramatic results. They start making more money. Their business becomes more profitable. Their business is run more efficiently. The people become more productive and more effective and more productive in their roles. They become more accountable.

I love seeing my clients get an even better game. They definitely become less hands-on and more strategic. They focus more on business performance. They focus me on holding people more accountable and getting increased productivity and effectiveness out of their staff. They build good team. They build a good team culture. They create a great place to work.

I like how values and principles rise to the top. I often see a client get very clear on what they value and as a result staff leave a business because they do not share the same principles and values.

For example, I have a client who values family and excellence. Those people who don’t value family values highly ... and who like to cut corners ... left.

I like seeing a business deliver the original benefits it was intended to deliver. From an accounting perspective, there are four key reasons why people start businesses but what ends up happening is the business doesn’t live up to expectations.

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But now it’s an up-and-running business, and so the business takes on a life of its own. The tail wags the dog.

As a result of coaching they get more of their results that were originally intended, sooner and bigger. I like that.

That could just be more money. The business grows. It becomes more profitable. It has better cash flow.

It might be more satisfaction. It might be more meaning. We now know that people are motivated by doing something purposeful. Meaningful.

They often decide they need to divest themselves of some of or all of the business.

In one case, a client got rid of the manufacturing side of the business and retained the research and development part that he really loved.

Another client exited the business altogether.

They exit on a high. Many of my clients on average have been in the drivers seat for about 26 years. In coaching they might arrive at the strategic decision to focus on business performance so that they have a positive exit valuation. (The opposite is they exit insolvent).

I like seeing personal issues resolve. I am not a life coach or a counselor and while I am a good listener I’m probably not the most empathetic ear. But sometimes we identify very personal reasons that need attention.

I worked with a client who touched three shifts. He was there for the end of the night shift, the day shift and the start of the afternoon shift. Think about it. He didn’t want to go home.

In this example, the reason he worked so hard was because his personal life wasn’t working that well. His kids hated him. His wife resented his work. They were living awful separate lives. All his needs were being met by work. But he was desperately unhappy even though his business was financially superb.

So sometimes coaching tiptoes into that arena. But as a result of becoming a better boss they also become a better husband or better father. Or a better brother or a better family person.

I think I am good at helping people flush out what is important to them and what their values are. Coaching gives them the opportunity to reflect on those things.

I do what I do because it’s very fast. It’s very dynamic. Even though I have psychology qualifications I do not put someone on the couch or spend too much time having warm, fuzzy intellectual chats. We cut to the chase. On many occasions I have had to go toe-to-toe with a client to get them to inspect behavior everyone but themselves can see. Sometimes that was on Day One of the programme!

I have worked with some tough cases. A couple of clients have been recreational drug users i.e., party drugs, cocaine. Others have had DVOs. I’ve worked with a pornography addict, a sex addict, assertive-aggressive clients. I don’t do too much of that now – I usually refer on.

It can entail a lot of pressure. Some people have to get uncomfortable to stay on the program. We push for a result.

I have an award-winning format. I am not a fan of meeting one hour per week every fortnight or once a month. It takes 20 minutes to warm up and then the session is over. The coach leaves and is instantly forgotten. I learned this through studying the treatment of drug addiction. I guess a common theme I have used is find out what works in the extreme and dial it back for so called normal scenarios.

In essence I took what I learned from working in high compliance and have applied it to medium sized businesses where compliance is less stringent.

But we are meeting every week for 2 hours. It’s very good that way. Importantly, it works for the client. This approach has around 80% recall of the material. It’s useful. It’s resourceful

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Importantly, it’s organic. I am not teaching the client anything new. And it’s not school. There is no exam or certificate. I usually work with what is already working well for a client ... and enhancing it.

I think that’s why I do what I do.

I do it because I’m good at it. I mentioned earlier that I’ve racked up 14000 hours. But they have been good hours. I’ve been very fortunate that my clients have all been very interesting cases. That has honed my skills and as a result I have an 87% referral business. And I get referred good clients. That keeps me sharp. Some people repeat the same year endless times but I don’t think I have ever felt I was at the very top of my game.

I do it because I enjoy it. I find it immensely satisfying. Personally, I find it rewarding and satisfying, meaningful work to me. I can’t do something that isn’t meaningful. I feel I’m making a difference maybe not on the world stage but I’m making a difference to the people that I work with.

I make good friends out of it. Some clients have been friends for years.

I get to change their life for the better. I’ve saved their self-esteem. I’ve helped them avoid major blunders. I’ve helped them avoid major public embarrassment. I helped some clients avoid financial ruin. In some cases I’ve saved their marriage. Or their family. And in some cases, a life. That has meant so much to me.

I can see implications and consequences clearly. In many high compliance issues I’ve actually saved a company millions and millions of dollars in costs, in fines, in people’s safety. Clients have saved lives because they explored issues that lead to change procedures.

The ICU, for example, has an impeccable patient morbidity rate. We reduced the number of inbound patient ‘touches’ from seven down to three. If you are in a critical scenario you want pain management as soon as possible.

Clients have minimized or totally prevented

adverse impact on environments.

One client created an EPA policy that has literally changed the health of a river system. Another changed a policy that positively reversed deforestation.

Companies became better staffed, better equipped, more efficient and safer places to work. We changed what was happening in that critical care unit for the better. Lives were saved as a result of the fact that she was a better operator, a better boss, with better boundaries.

I am very proud to be associated with those sorts of benefits. That’s why I do what I do.”

Contact Andrew Priestley

Web: www.andrewpriestley.com or www.the-coaching-experience.com

Email: [email protected]

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TCE.HQ

Twitter @arpriestley

Skype: priestley1

Phone: +44 (0) 7879 330060
