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Why you should vote at the next SFUO elections.

Date post: 14-Jul-2015
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Have you noticed this message this week on your facebook newsfeed or around campus?

Have you noticedthis message this week

on your facebook newsfeed or around campus?

No ?

Well, you should take notice of it.

Because it concerns you.

The SFUO concerns you.

of Ottawaof the UniversityFederationStudent


Yes, really.

Ok, we know what you’re thinking.

But don’t leave just yet.

This’ll only take a minute.

We promise.

237,37 x 4 = 989,88

Every year, each full time student gives 247,37$ to the SFUO. That makes 989,48$ for a four year full time bachelors degree.

+ +

That amounts to about two months of rent and one big grocery.

Your money goes to student services like the pride centre, and the bilingualism centre, for example.

It helps finance your student media, like La Rotonde and The Fulcrum.


It finances:



and the

as well.

Oh, and it also pays for the salaries of the executive team. They receive 30, 000$ each.

Yes, 30 000$

14 M$

So basically, your SFUO is managing a budget of about:

Oh yeah, and you also pay extra fees for your health plan.

And your U-Pass.

$$$$$ $$

It’s pretty huge sum.

100% = +/-32 000 11% = +/-3 000

Last year, only 11% of eligible voters elected your executive.

That’s only about 3 000 student out of approximately 32 000 undergraduates.

14 M$

Bascially, that

is being managed by a group of


executive members who were elected by

only a small handful of students.


Think about it


want to give that sort of power to a government... elected with 11% of votes?


Then why give it to the SFUO?

It only takes one vote to start changing things. And to ask all together that our

be heard and respected.



This upcoming 14-15-16 of February.

Then share this powerpoint with 5 of your facebook friends,

inviting them to vote too.

Maybe then will we succeed in electing a responsible, accountable and transparent SFUO.

