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Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers — International ...

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Country: Reporter: Institution: I. Organisation and Population of the Business Registers* 1. Name of the register 2. The name of the organisation responsible for holding the register 3. The place of the register unit in the organisation 4. Main goal of the register 5. Year of establishment of the register 6. Year(s) of the main re-engineering(s) of the register 7. Number of employees in the register unit 8. Number of live (active) units in the register in past year Number of active enterprises, year 2012. 9.Main changes during past year (if any) *or the unit responsible for the Business Survey Frames II. Progress and Developments in the Past Year Please name main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year or the problems you have tackled 1. The short title of work which was done Description of work (max 4-5 sentences) Flutura Rama Institute of Statistics 103038* Census of Non agricultural Economic Enterprises. Census of non-agriculture enterprises during November 2010 Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers — International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames Country progress report 2013 Business Register Institute of Statistics, INSTAT Albania Manage Databases and Metadas Sector Compilation of the statistics needed to provide indicators of both short-term and structural economic developments. 1994 2005 3




I. Organisation and Population of the Business Registers*

1. Name of the register

2. The name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

3. The place of the register unit in the organisation

4. Main goal of the register

5. Year of establishment of the register

6. Year(s) of the main re-engineering(s) of the register

7. Number of employees in the register unit

8. Number of live (active) units in the register in past year

Number of active enterprises, year 2012.

9.Main changes during past year (if any)

*or the unit responsible for the Business Survey Frames

II. Progress and Developments in the Past Year

Please name main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year or the problems you have tackled

1. The short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Flutura Rama

Institute of Statistics


Census of Non agricultural Economic Enterprises.

Census of non-agriculture enterprises during November 2010

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers — International

Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013

Business Register

Institute of Statistics, INSTAT


Manage Databases and Metadas Sector

Compilation of the statistics needed to provide indicators of both short-term and structural economic





2. The short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. The short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans

Please name themes/problems (maximum 3) wich you plan to tackle in next year.

1. The short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

2. The short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. The short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

• Improving the quality of the existing variables and adding new variables (turnover, secondary

economic activity etc) in existing Legal Units and Enterprises Registers;

• Set up of the Register of Local Units which did not exist and among other will be a base to calculate

the regional indicators;

• The double classification of the activity according to the existing nomenclature NVE Rev. 1.1 and the

new one NVE Rev. 2.

To establish quality standards for measuring quality SBR

Multi-location enterprises survey.

Questionnaire were prepared based on Italian questionnaire and INSTAT conduct yearly for all

enterprises with more than one locations and also are included enterprise more than 50 employed.

Demography events on enterprises and local unit will be treated

Quality report

Treatment of Enterprise Group

Back cast of Statistical Business Register

Time seri data were prepared since 2005 Statistical Business Register. Time seri data are

available(year 2005-2012): Status of enterprise, Economic Activities (NACE Rev1.1 and NACE Rev2),

ownership, size of enterprise.

Time series data were prepared since 2005 Statistical Business Register. Time series data are

available (year 2005-2012): Status of enterprise, Economic Activities (NACE Rev1.1 and NACE Rev2),

ownership, size of enterprise.




Jenny Foster


Australian Bureau of Statistics

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

ABS Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Australian Bureau of Statistics

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Economic and Environmental Statistics Group

4. Number of employees in the register unit

57 FTE

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Survey frames and Business demography

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2002, 1998, 1985

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013


II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Completion of ABN-TAU links

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Completion of ABN-TAU links involved populating the links between the ABN (LE) and the TAU statistical

units. (The TAU is the Australian version of the KAU.) This will enable administrative data which is usually

provided at the ABN level to be used more extensively in the compilation of statistical products.

2. Short title of work which was done

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Migration of International Trade in Services (ITIS)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Completion of the migration of the ITIS survey to the business register. This is the first of the International,

Financial and Government collections to migrate and to produce their frames using the ABSBR. A collection

object holding the ITIS specific items was created and the process went reasonably smoothly. The main

difficulty was matching the collection's statistical units to the ABSBR. International Investment and Survey of

Tourist Accommodation are currently in the migration process. Surveys of Financial Information will follow.

3. Short title of work which was done

The Change to Point of Contact Coding

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A significant amount of information on the ABSBR is sourced from the Australian Business Register (ABR).

The ABR has recently introduced point of contact coding. Under this industry coding will move from

auto/manual coding by the ABR to self coding by the registrant. The impacts of this change are being

carefully monitored as part of a new quality assurance strategy.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Common Frame from the Business Register Interrogation Facility (BIF)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The Common Frame will be produced from an interrogation of the ABSBR each quarter. This will provide

flexibility in terms of the items that can be included on frames, particularly for newly migrated collections. It

will also enable the Business Register to quickly adapt to classificatory and other changes.

2. Short title of work planned

Location statistical units

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A location statistical unit was added to the Economic Units Model and it was agreed that it should be

populated on the ABSBR taking advantage of the addition of locations to the ABR. Location statistical units

will be populated from administrative resources with minimal provider involvement. The infrastructure to hold

this information is still to be created.

3. Short title of work planned

Implementation of ABS versions of ANZSIC and SISCA

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The industry coding for most units on the ABSBR is sourced from the ABR. In some cases the industry

coding is incorrect. The ABSBR has the functionality to update incorrect industry and institutional sector

codes where information is obtained from independent sources. Future work will centre around the strategy

for populating the ABS versions of ANZSIC and SISCA (the Australian institutional sector code).

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Changes made to the key administrative sources

Description of the challenge

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A significant amount of information on the ABSBR is sourced from the Australian Business Register (ABR)

and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The ABR was formerly a division of the ATO but the two now are

functionally separate. This has implications on how their data can be provided to the ABS and the means

and content that can be fed back to the source organisations.

2. Main challenge 2

Budgetary situation

Description of the challenge

The ABS is working in a very tight budgetary situation. Additional productivity savings have been imposed

and the overall ABS work program will be cut back. There are likely to be further reductions in the ABSBR

budget in 2014-15.

3. Main challenge 3

Re-engineering of ABS statistical processes

Description of the challenge

The ABS is working towards re-engineering of all statistical processes. The timing of specific re-engineering

and resource implications are still unknown.

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Nadine Bachholz


Statistics Austria

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Business Register for statistical purposes (Unternehmensregister für statistische Zwecke)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics Austria

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

The Austrian business register is placed within the Registers, Classifications and Methods Division of

Statistics Austria, which is reporting directly to the Directors General


4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Providing a comprehensive, good quality framework for surveys; for grossing-up economic data, for

classifying economic units, providing links between various administrative sources

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

419.672 economically active legal units (active units total: 458.269 (including non profit, government and

other statistically relevant units)

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Implementation of new maintenance application

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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The statistical business register was re-engineered in order to fulfill new legal requirements and additional

needs from statistical surveys. The new application, which allows to implement changes regarding the

requirements in a much easier way, went live in December 2013. Furthermore, the new classification on

institutional sectors acc. to ESA 2010 was implemented.

2. Short title of work which was done

Integration of new "source" BR for administrative purposes

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The linking of the admin. sources is not any more situated within the Austrian BR (for statistical purposes) but

takes place within the BR for admin. purposes. The resulting units are the main source for the master data

used for name, legal form and address within both BRs.

3. Short title of work which was done

Implementation of Enterprise Groups into the BR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Currently, a first version of a register on national (and multinational) enterprise groups, acc. to the European

Regulation on business registers, is implemented. It uses data from different national administrative sources

as well as information from commercial data providers. This work is to be seen in tight relation to works on

the EuroGroups Register (EGR) as well as the national implementation of the European Regulation on FATS

(esp. Inward-FATS) and the above-mentioned re-engineering of the Statistical Business Register.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Advancement in the implementation of Enterprise Groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

It is planned to improve the implemented version of a register on enterprise groups. As above mentioned this

work is to be seen in tight relation to the EuroGroups Register (EGR) as well as the national implementation

of the European Regulation on FATS.

2. Short title of work planned

Implementation of the statistical unit Enterprise

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Enterprises and legal units are identical at the moment. The implementation of the statistical unit Enterprise

will need in addition to profiling for the big enterprise groups additional information, such as administrative

and other data sources (like data from private data providers).

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Different requirements

Description of the challenge

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Having to deal with the different requirements of the different administrative sources (each admin. source has

its own understanding of legal units and enterprise, of the relevant address, of the economic activity) and of

the business register for adminstrative purposes (which is a source for the Austrian BR, as the admin.

sources are linked within the BR for admin. purposes).

2. Main challenge 2

New rules to profile enterprises and enterprise groups

Description of the challenge

A new system of how to profile and implement complex enterprises has to be developed.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Republic of Belarus


Nichiporuk Svetlana


National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistical Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Statistical Register Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

To provide the uniform recording of respondents and statistical units to organize and conduct state statistical


6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2001, 2013

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

141 897 legal entities, except house-building cooperatives, housing cooperatives, gardening associations,

garage cooperatives and cooperatives operating car parkings; political parties and their local units, trade

unions (associations of trade unions) and their local units and primary organizations; religious organizations


II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Compilation and maintenance of administrative and statistical parts of the Statistical Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Since 2013 maintenance of two parts of the Statistical Register has been carried out in the Republic of

Belarus: an administrative part which contains information about legal units collected from administrative

sources, and a statistical part which contains statistical units (SU). The statistical part of the Statistical

Register was created in a subsystem of metadata base maintenance of the Integrated Information System of

State Statistics which was implemented into industrial operation in 2013. Updating of the statistical part of the

Statistical Register from the administrative part is now performed using specially designed software. The

possibility to keep history of SU and their characteristics based on the obtained changes has been realized.

2. Short title of work which was done

Introduction of the new version of the Nationwide classification of economic activities based on NACE rev.2 in

the Statistical Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The process of introduction of the new version of the Nationwide classification of economic activities

developed on the basis of NACE rev.2 in the Statistical Register started in 2013. The first survey of medium-

sized and large for-profit organizations was conducted in two versions of the Nationwide classification of

economic activities. Conversion matrices were developed for carrying out probabilistic code conversion of the

principal economic activity of organizations. At present all for-profit organizations have been recoded in the

Statistical Register snapshot as of November 1, 2013 by using various methods of code conversion

(automatic, by surveying, combined, manual, probabilistic). In addition the first stage of code conversion of

non-profit organizations has been carried out.

3. Short title of work which was done

Modernization of software for the administrative part of the Statistical Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In 2013 requirements specification was developed and modification of software tools for the compilation and

maintenance of the administrative part of the Statistical Register at the national level began. The new

software will make possible increasing the level of automation of analytical and methodological solutions,

improve the procedures of updating the administrative part of the Statistical Register with administrative data.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Continuation of introduction of the new version of the Nationwide classification of economic activities based on

NACE rev.2 in the Statistical Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The second survey of medium-sized and large for-profit organizations will be conducted in two versions of the

Nationwide classification of economic activities in 2014. It is planned to carry out code conversion of the main

economic activity of all for-profit organizations in the Statistical Register snapshot as of November 1, 2014.

Also it is planned to complete code conversion of non-profit organizations.

2. Short title of work planned

Modernization of the administrative part of the Statistical Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

It is planned to complete modification of software tools for compilation and maintenance of the administrative

part of the Statistical Register at the national level. And it is planned to develop requirements specification

and to enhance software tools for compilation and maintenance of the administrative part of the Statistical

Register at the territorial (regional) level.

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

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IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Expansion of information base of the Statistical Register

Description of the challenge

There is a plan to include data on individual entrepreneurs in the Statistical Register in 2015-2017. It is

planned to change the regulations that govern issues of interaction of registration authorities with other public

administration authorities on state registration and liquidation (cessation of activity) of legal entities and

individual entrepreneurs using an automated information system (AIS) «Interaction». In addition it is planned

to modify the AIS «Interaction» and the software tools for compilation and maintenance of the administrative

part of the Statistical Register in order to enable a possibility of processing of information cards on individual

entrepreneurs by state statistics bodies.

2. Main challenge 2

Creation of special service for selection of respondents

Description of the challenge

There is a plan to create a service on the basis of the administrative part of the Statistical Register allowing

the employees of state statistics to select a list of respondents for the organization and conduction of a

specified state statistical survey for a specified period of time according to the uniform selection criteria.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Antonio Fiordaliso


SPF Economie, P.M.E, Classes Moyennes et Eneegie, P/c de la Direction générale Statistique

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register


2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Service Base de données entreprises (E8-CDC-DB-ENTR)

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation E8556 : Service Base de données entreprises, E855: Centre de collecte, E85: Statistique, E8: Direction

Générale Statistique du SPF Economie

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Build universes for surveys, input for register-based statistics (business demography, BR questionnaire,..),

provide information (via web services) to applications that manage Web based surveys (e-DatEnq)

6. Year of establishment of the register

DBRIS1: december 1995

7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

DBRIS2: march 2006. Migration towards DBRIS-LUW: first step: june 2015.

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

Taken from annual inquiry 2013: 843284 entr, 858617 legal units, 968126 local units, 4544 Ent. Groups

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Operational management of NACE change proposals

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Development of an operational system to dispatch, follow, analyze the work load concerning NACE change


Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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2. Short title of work which was done

Improve the localization of legal units (Address/Phone/Fax/Website)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Development of an operational system to control and improve the quality of localization data.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Improvement of the delimitation/identification of enterprises Groups and complex enterprises

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Continue and consolidate the analysis of Enterprises Groups (MNE and resident). Improve analysis and

exploitation of consolidated accounts.

2. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

New architecture for DBRIS and Consultation Viewer

Description of the challenge

DBRIS - the Belgian statistical business register - is currently in a migration phase: we migrate from a

mainframe environment with COOLGEN programming tools to a LUW (Linux-Unix-Window) environment

with java tools. The first milestone of this migration is planned for 2015-Q2.

2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dubravka Husic, Head of the Unit for Business Register and Econimic Classifications


Agency for Statistic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistical Business Register (SBR)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Agency for Statistic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

The Unit for Business Register and Economic Classifications is a part of Business Statistics Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit

4 (together with employees for economic classifications )

5. Primary goal and use of the register

The primary goal of the SBR is to be the statiscal frame for statistical surveys produced by Statistics in

Bosnia and Herzegovina

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

62.529 enterprises (without entrepreneurs/crafts)

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

SBR 5-years development plan for 2013 - 2017

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

SBR five years plan was developed by SBR working group of three statistical institutions with the support of

Danish experts through the IPA project 2008. The directors of all three statistical institutions have approved

the 5-years plan. On the basis of this plan, plans for 2013 and 2014 were prepared.

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Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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2. Short title of work which was done

Improving the quality of the SBR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Data on employment based on the new The Single System of Registration, controls and contributions on a

quartely basis was received and loaded in SBR. The data has been tested against the data obtained through

the financial reports and from statistical surveys and no major discrepancies have been found. As these new

data are obtained faster, the timeliness is improved and thus the overall quality of employment data in SBR.

Better communication and exchange of information between SBR and regular business surveys were

developed, especially from SBS, industry and trade statistics.These data has been used to improve data

quality in the SBR.

SBR have performed two special quality surveys during the last two years: the first focusing on the

enterprises to ensure correct names, addresses and activity codes; the second focusing on local unit in order

to validate addresses, activity codes and activity status.

3. Short title of work which was done

The full implementation of the KD BiH 2010 - national version of NACE Rev. 2 in SBR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Until 2013 we have introduced national KD BiH 2010 classification (standard NACE Rev. 2) in the SBR for

the business entities. In the past year (2013) national KD BiH 2010 classsification has been introduced for

the entrepreneurs/crafts.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Further improving the quality of the SBR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We will continue to work on providing VAT data.

More efforts will be made to find the source for improving employment and financial variables for


SBR will continue to conduct special quality survey this year with focusing on the enterprises to ensure

correct names, addresses, activity codes and activity status.

We plan to improve the system of feedback from statistical surveys (survey side) of SBR.

2. Short title of work planned

Introducing institutional sector code and base business demography (BD) variables

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We will continue with collection data for BD, even though we are not satisfied with quality of data from

administrative sources. Providing variables in SBR for linking the SBR with the compilation of SBS business

demography (BD) indicators for enable producing BD indicators according to the EU methodology.

Together with National Account we will begin to prepare methodology and practical guidelines to be used for

determining and allocating institutional sector code to all SBR units, and for regular standard updating.

Some of these activities will be carried out with the support of IPA 2012th Project.

3. Short title of work planned

Preparations for the introduction of enterprise groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We plan to start the first phase to introduce enterprise groups: study methodology and analysis of possible

administrative sources.

The main activities will be carried out with the support of IPA 2012th Project.

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IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

The system of feedback from statistical surveys (survey side)

Description of the challenge

Changes in the survey side will be challenge for us in the future because required informations for updating

SBR data from surveys should be kept centrally. We want to get feedback from surveys on unique way.

2. Main challenge 2

Introduction of enterprises group

Description of the challenge

Because of too many different administrative laws and many different administrative sources with insufficent

data quality level. In line with that introduction of enterprises group will be the challenge for us in the next


3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Anastas Troianski


National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Register of statistical units (RSU)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

"Business registers" department, "Business statistics" directorate

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

The main goal of the register is to create sampling frames for statistical surveys and to produce statistics on

the demography of enterprises and statistics on enterprise groups

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

The last main re-engineering of the RSU was in 2005! In the period 2014-2015 is foreseen another huge

update of the register.

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

The RSU up to end of 2013 contains 411 547 active statistical units (388 598 Enterprises without local units,

6 811 Enterprises with local units and 16 138 Local units). The number of legal units is 1 587 484 (registered

in the Trade register).

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Development of questionnaire for collecting data on statistical units of type "Enterprise group" and it's

implementation in IS "Business statistics"

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

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Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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The questionnaire is part of the annual reports and balance sheets of the enterprises included into the online

system IS "Business statistics".

2. Short title of work which was done

Active participation in the EGR project

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Performing activities on regular annual data exchange in the scope of the EGR on MNEs

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Implementation of statistical unit "Enterprise group" in business register (RSE)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Terms of Reference is developed for re-engineering the RSE with the new futures. Now BNSI is on stage for

looking of external IT firm for developing and implementing the software for delineation and updating EGs in

the RSE. Further studies will be continued to find the most effective way of maintenance of information about

EGs in RSE. The methodology of profiling and the creation of links between foreign companies need further

studies. The data sources for the creation of links for multinational enterprise groups are EGR, information

from National central bank of Bulgaria about foreign investments of resident enterprises, information from

newly designed EG questionnaire, where the variables about the share of capital and the share of voting

rights belonging to foreign controlling company are included.

2. Short title of work planned

Testing new definitions on statistical units

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

BNSI intend to apply for a GRANT 2014 - "Steps towards implementing the revised definition of statistical

units for business statistics: Delineation of Statistical Units and Testing Profiling" from EC to support the

activities linked to testing the new SUs deffinitions. The work on this project can be summarised in the

following activities: Development of algorithm for automatic delineation of TEN`s; Simulation of automatic

delineations of TEN`s from EGR 2012 population; Simulation the computation of SBS variables (turnover,

value added and number of persons employed); Testing and implementation of method for automatically

delineation of DEG and their variables; Testing of criteria of TEN`s which can be treated automatically,

mapping of profiled in 2012/2013 TEN`s and resulting TEN`s from the new profiling; Testing the Eurostat

methodology for delineation of TEN`s and DEG`s for automatically treatment and possible improvements

linked to the obtained results; Comparing the results with current methodology and preparing of analysis for

SBS and EGR data; Mapping of the whole population of SBS enterprises obtained by automatic treatment

from EGR; Analysing of breaks between SBS, STS, FATS, R&D, Prodcom and National Accounts data and

impact on the current business statistics production.

3. Short title of work planned

Testing profiling activities on biggest enterprises in Bulgaria

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

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BNSI intend to apply for a GRANT 2014 - Improvement of national business registers and testing of

European profiling" from EC to support the following activities: Unique identification of foreign legal units

(foreign direct parents and/or foreign subsidiaries) in the national statistical business register or in the related

data tables. The unique identification numbers, the LEID numbers shall be collected from the EGR IS;

Adaptation of the national statistical business register to store the unique identification numbers of foreign

units; Creation of a methodology for the maintenance of the unique identification numbers of foreign units in

the national statistical business register; Applying the methodology of profiling for initial intensive profiling as

the country of the UCI; Applying the methodology of profiling for initial light profiling as the country of the UCI;

Testing initial profiling as main profiler of a non-EU global enterprise group.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Implementation of cross–border links of Multinational Enterprise Groups and performing profiling activities.

Description of the challenge

One of the most complicated and time consuming task is the implementation of cross–border links of

Multinational Enterprise Groups and performing profiling activities. With great interest is expected the output

of the ESSnet on profiling – common Interactive Profiling Tool. It should facilitate in great extend these

activities and to improve the results of EG’s delineation.

2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Gaétan St-Louis


Statistics Canada

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics Canada

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Business Register Division under the Statistical Infrastructure Branch

4. Number of employees in the register unit

75 employees

5. Primary goal and use of the register

The Business Register is used by the economic programs as a frame to determine the in-scope population,

to select a sample, to support collection activities, to monitor response burden and to support business

demographics analysis.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

5.6 million enterprises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Completing the reconciliation of the Farm Register with the BR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The reconciliation of the Farm Register with the Business Register is now completed. The agriculture survey

program is now using the BR as their sampling frame. The next Census of Agriculture will also be using the

BR in order to identify the list of farms to be contacted.

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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2. Short title of work which was done

Implementation of improved allocation factors

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The objective of this project was to review the calculation and the derivation of the allocation factors in order

to simplify their usage by the economic programs. These allocation factors would be used to allocate tax data

and survey data from the legal level (enterprise) to the establishment or location level. Using one set of

central allocation factors allows for more coherence between tax & survey data as well as more coherence

across surveys. One of the advantages with these new allocators, users are now able to use them directly

without having to do additional derivations. They are also more precise and ultimately produce better results.

3. Short title of work which was done

Usage of Self-coded NAICS from tax returns

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Starting in fiscal year 2011, businesses are asked to provide a 6 digit NAICS code when they file their income

tax returns. In the past two years, Statistics Canada assessed the impact of using the self-coded NAICS on

the quality of the BR. The analysis is completed and we have begun using these codes to classify businesses

that have not been coded by other processes.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Usage of Self-coded NAICS from tax returns

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Statistics Canada will continue to assess the quality of NAICS codes self-identified on tax forms and expand

their usage for the BR. The first phase of this project was to use the self-coded NAICS to code units that had

been left uncoded by other processes. We are now proceeding to put in place a strategy to use self-coding

for updating and correction of already-coded units.

2. Short title of work planned

Development of an integrated Quality Assessment Framework

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Statistics Canada will review the existing BR Quality Assessment activities in order to develop a robust

framework for assessing and reporting on the quality of the BR as a statistical frame. We will pursue a new

framework that will provide estimates of overcoverage and undercoverage for critical industry and geographic

domains, including measurement of errors associated with profiling activities.

3. Short title of work planned

Develop a Frame Analysis Tool

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The new BR system was developed to be a key component of the new corporate infrastructure of Statistics

Canada. In order to stay relevant and to avoid users to develop frame tools in their own, it is necessary for

BR to review and develop a better population and survey analytical tool for our users.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Maintaining the business profile

Description of the challenge

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Statistics Canada profiles large and complex enterprises to delineate business operational units, thereby

enabling proper estimation of production by sector of activity and region. Keeping these complex business

profiles up to date is an on-going challenge, as this requires intensive manual effort and often direct contact

with businesses.

2. Main challenge 2

Maintaining the industrial classification (NAICS)

Description of the challenge

Because of the reduction of survey sampling of simple businesses due to the increase usage of

administrative data and the poor quality of the major business activity description at registration time, we

need to find new ways to maintain the NAICS classification on the BR.

3. Main challenge 3

Maintaining the continuity of the sole proprietorship

Description of the challenge

Maintaining the continuity of sole proprietorships on the BR is a challenge, as there is often no Business

Number that can be used to uniquely identify them. It is also a very dynamic population and very hard to

follow over time. For the survey programs, it creates noise in their target population and eventually in their


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Costa Rica


Odilia Bravo


Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Directorio de Empresas y Establecimientos (DEE)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Area de Estadísticas Continuas

4. Number of employees in the register unit

9 (project coordinator, 2 intelligence analysts, 5 interviewers and a system engineer)

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Having an organized database of companies and establishments resident in the country with their

characteristic variables as location, size, economic activity and identification.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

43.837 companies and 10.775 establishments

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Expanding the coverage of Companies and Establishments Directory

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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We conducted a sweep in a small geographic unit ( district ) in order to increase the coverage of small

business directory and to measure the quality as it was possible to know the companies that are in the

directory that are not in the field and those that are in the field that are not in the directory

2. Short title of work which was done

To merge the companies and establishments with the export base directory

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Collaborative work with the Statistics Division of the United Nations to strengthen the process to identify

caracteristics of firms exporting

3. Short title of work which was done

Digitalization of companies and establishments

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Collaborative work with the map unit to develop a proposal to incorporate geostatistics minimum unit (UGM)


III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Search for new administrative sources

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Analyze the resource that provides the local goverments of Country with the permission (patents) that are

provided to exercise economic activities to increase coverage directory

2. Short title of work planned

Addendum to the agreement with the Registry of Companies

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Have Database of Mergers and Takeovers Business and Database Records existing Foreign Associations

registered in the country available to the National Register of legal persons

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Signing of Agreements

Description of the challenge

Is expected to sign the respective agreements with the administrative sources of social security and the

Ministry of Finance

2. Main challenge 2

Updating the variable activity of the Directory according to ISIC Rev.4

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Description of the challenge

Change entire directory of ISIC Rev. 4 from ISIC Rev. 4 nationalized

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Zrinka Pavlović


Croatian Bureau of Statistics

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistical Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Croatian Bureau of Statistics

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Statistical Business Register Unit within Statistical Infrastructure Directorate

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Statistical Business Register is a frame for statistical surveys and a tool for analysis of business population. It

should provide good coverage of businesses and all necessary information that is needed to conduct surveys

and to describe business population.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

199466 enterprises/legal units

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Improvement of data and coverage of enterprise groups and local units

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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A lot of effort has been put into the improvement of the data on local units, and of the coverage of the local

units and enterprise groups. There is no single register where these units are registered, so several

administrative sources were used and a lot of manual work was done in order to delineate and register these


2. Short title of work which was done

Exchanging of data with EGR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

As Croatia has entered into EU on 1st July 2013, we have started with the first exchange of the data on legal

units that are part of EGs.

3. Short title of work which was done

Improvement of data on sector classification of institutional units

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In cooperation with Croatian National Bank and Ministry of Finance, large amount of work was done

regarding revision of sector classification especially for units in public sector, so improvement of the quality in

that field is significant.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Establishing the production of business demography data

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Business demography data was not produced so far due to the improvement of updating procedures, quality

of data and coverage. This year will be first year of BD production according to the EU methodology.

2. Short title of work planned

Further improvement of the coverage of enterprise groups and updating procedures

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Since there is no register or single administrative source that would cover enterprise groups, delineation of

enterprise groups is quite challenging task. It requires combining the information from several sources so

further IT procedures are planned to be established which would process data from available sources and

this will help to reduce to some extent manual updating.

3. Short title of work planned

Compliance with ESA 2010

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Work on upgrading of SBR data base and application in order to comply with ESA 2010 has already started

and is expected to be finished by the end of second quarter. New algorithms are being prepared in order to

use additional data for more precise classification of institutional units.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Work on development and maintenance of SBR with very scarce resources

Description of the challenge

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Requests towards SBR and needs for further developments are increasing but it is not supported with

necessary resources. For that reason, greater use of administrative sources for the purpose of updating of

SBR and development of tools for replacing manual work with automated procedures is seen as only


2. Main challenge 2

Applying definition of statistical units in SBR

Description of the challenge

So far legal unit was equal to enterprise in SBR due to extensive use of administrative sources. Since

resources that we have at disposal are very limited it is going to be very challenging to start applying

definition of statistical units what we plan to do in following years.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register


2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register


3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Methodology, Statistical Dissemination, Prices and ICT surveys

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Sampling Frame for the surveys conducted by CYSTAT.

Production of statistics to be used by external users (Government and Private users).

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2008, 2013

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

361212 Legal Units, 94710 Enterprises, 104986 Local Units, Reference Year 2012

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Updating of the Business Register on a monthly basis

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Data is collected from the administrative sources and processed on a monthly basis.

2. Short title of work which was done

Common Legal Units Register with the Central Bank of Cyprus

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We have started the development of a common Legal Units register with the Central Bank of Cyprus.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Common Legal Units Register with the Central Bank of Cyprus

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Establish a common Legal Units register with the Central Bank of Cyprus.

2. Short title of work planned

More efficient use of administrative sources

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Legal Units relationships - Profiling

Complex Enterprises analysis

Sampling Frame for FATS

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Utilisation of Administrative Sources / Implementation of the new Statistical Units definitions

Description of the challenge

The effort is to fully utilize the administrative sources in order to succesfully implement the new Statistical

Units definitions.

2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Vibeke Skov Møller


Statistics Denmark

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Danish Statistical Business Register (SBR)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics Denmark

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Business Register division, Department of Business Statistics

4. Number of employees in the register unit

App. 19

5. Primary goal and use of the register

The main purpose of the SBR is to make the statistical frame for any business related statistics produced by

Statistics Denmark.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2008, 2011, (2013)

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

655000 enterprises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Extension of Enterprise Group part of the SBR.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Information from EGR is available in SBR and priority-rules are planned. Information from the tax-authorities

about mother and daughter relations are used although no information about the direct ownership from this

source is available.

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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2. Short title of work which was done

Securing quality on number of employees and activitiy codes

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The municipalities have been contacted to inform those who are responsiple for reporting the employees

correct at ech LKAU and a work has been done to show how they could go from an old system to the system

which is required by the tax authorities. At the same time a discussion of the activity codes have been taken.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Handling complex Enterprise Groups nationally.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A project has been set up for analysising and starting national profiling using a Top-Down method, including

establishing a system for dataconfrontation.

2. Short title of work planned

Extend the registration Business Demography

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Statistics Denmark follow LKAU over time and register splits and merges etc. at this level. On this basis the

business Demography is formed. Statistics Denmark wants to extend the registration to a registration on the

National Enterprise level.

3. Short title of work planned

Change the exchange of data with the Administrative Business Register to a WEB solution.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The existing platform for exchange of data is out-dated and as the Administrative Business Register plans to

change to a WEB-platform, Statistics Denmark has to be able to receive data in this way. At the same time

we need a change in the address-exchange as a common agreement covering the whole public

administration has resulted in a new format including x,y coordinates.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

External changes.

Description of the challenge

A lot of initiatives is taken by different partners who deliver data to Statistics Denmark. Many of these will

influrence the SBR. In some cases the changes are carried out without informing Statistics Denmark which

causes quick and unplanned changes, other changes are known (eventually not in details) and make it

possible to plan the changes.

2. Main challenge 2

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Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Arab Republic of Egypt


Iman Ahmad Ahmad El Hitta


Central Agency for Public Mobilization And Statistics (CAPMAS)

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Establishments Census.

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Central Agency for Public Mobilization And Statistics (CAPMAS).

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

IT Sector

4. Number of employees in the register unit

10 employees

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Collecting establishments data to be a basic frame for economic statistics and updating this data continually.

6. Year of establishment of the register

Year 2006

7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

Year 2011

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

About 2.4 million live establishments

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Receiving frame of establishments from the National Authority for Social Insurance.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Using the previous frame to update regular surveys frames.

2. Short title of work which was done

Design sample for economic census in addition to the frame of regular statistics.

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We selected 10% of total numerate areas of establishments census 2006 and updated the establishments of

these numerate areas by fieldwork in year 2013. The sample was taking into account the following rules:

sample area which included all establishments that have 5 employees or more and 10 establishments that

have less than 5 employees from every activity, all establishments which are working in the rare activities, all

large establishments (10 employees or more) which are not include in regular statistics, all establishments

which are working in wholesale and retail trade with legal entity (Joint stock companies, limited liability

partnerships, companies limited by shares, branches of foreign companies), and all eductional

establishments in private sector depending on the frames of education ministry and high education ministry,

20 % of health establishments in private sector depending on health ministry frame, and finally all

establishments of mining and quarrying.

3. Short title of work which was done

Data collecting of economic census 2012/2013 (economic census depending on sample) began at November


Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Data are collected from ten questionnaires in addition to data of regular statistics that are collected each

year. These questionnaires include activities in private sector as follows: Establishments of manufacturing.

Education in schools, institutes, colleges. Other education facilities activities. Establishments of mining and

quarrying. Establishments of agriculture. Establishments of transportation and storage facilities.

Establishments of information and communication activities. Restaurants, cafes, and establishments of

eating and drinking. Establishments of services. Establishments of vehicle maintenance facilities.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Continuing the rest stages of economic census which started at November 2013.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Continuing the fieldwork and data processing of economic census 2012/2013.

2. Short title of work planned

Starting census mapping for year 2016.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Update the maps according to the lowest level of geographical codes to identify the geographical area used

on the fieldwork in census 2016. CAPMAS is planing to build geographic data base according to data of

establishment census 2016.

3. Short title of work planned

A project to link the data of some establishments on GIS (will be finished at 2015).

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Collecting data on schools, hospitals, post offices, and facilities in the government sector and loading them

on the geographic database.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

There isn't unified registration in Egypt

Description of the challenge

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Every administrative agency has own identified number because we haven't unified registration. Any

enterprise/establishment must do registration at Tax Authority, then at chamber of commerce and finally at

commercial register. There is not enough information from one data source and also, there are problems to

receive data about revenue of enterprises from Egyptian Tax Authority according to law.

2. Main challenge 2

There is problem to deal with location of establishment from administrative registers

Description of the challenge

Establishments address that are found in the administrative records are not clear and not detailed

enoughmanner to be suitable for fieldwork.

3. Main challenge 3

There is no real relation between administrative registers

Description of the challenge

For example: the Tax ID is existing in all other registers but in some registers like insurance register isn't a

mandatory field and for that it's not exist for all records of insurance register.

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Svetlana Shutova


Statistics Estonia (SE)

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Business Register for Statistical Purposes

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics Estonia

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Data Processing and Registers Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

The goal of the register is to create the sampling frame for statistical surveys and to produce statistics on the

demography of enterprises and statistics on enterprise groups

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2002, 2011-…

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

142250 Enterprises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Development of the population register of the System of Statistical Registers

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Statistics Estonia (SE) continues with the project of the System of Statistical Registers, which will cover

business register for statistical purposes, register of agricultural households, population register and register

of buildings. The essential part of the basic functionality (with the exception of input and output domains) of

the system was developed within first stage of the project. The statistical population register and a module for

samples of persons were under development during past year and it is scheduled to be ready in 2014.

2. Short title of work which was done

Piloting the profiling of large and complex multinational enterprise groups in Estonia

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

SE participated in the project on Piloting the Profiling of Large and Complex Multinational Enterprise Groups

during 2013. Methodology for intensive and light profiling compiled by the ESSnet Profiling was tested.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Further development of the System of Statistical Registers

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

It is planned to implement the statistical population register and a module for samples of persons into a

statistical data production process in 2015. It is also intended to develop the rest of the system according to

the plan by the year 2018.

2. Short title of work planned

Compiling of the frame methodology for financial population

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We will be working on compilation and implementation of the frame methodology for the financial sector of

the business register population, including determination of the NACE code of the units and economically

active segment of the population.

3. Short title of work planned

Participation in Eurostat projects on the themes of profiling and the new definition of enterprise

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

SE intends to participate in two Eurostat projects — “Improvement of national business registers and testing

of European profiling” and “Delineation of statistical units and testing profiling”. Tasks include: Identification of

the foreign legal units stored in BR, describing the BR using GSBPM and GSIM, testing the follow-up of

profiling and the implications of profiling at the national level, delineating the population of enterprises to be

treated automatically etc.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

New organizational structure in the office since October 2013

Description of the challenge

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We have major structural changes in our organisation since October the 1st, 2013. New structure, which is

based on the GSBPM, has brought us a lot of changes in workflows and in the organisation. Now we are in

the transition period from old organisation to the new and this requires major effort and resources from all


2. Main challenge 2

Development and implementation of the Statistical Registers System

Description of the challenge

According to the plan the System should be ready by 2018. Our main challenge is to implement different

parts of the system into the production process as soon as it is possible. The BR part, including the module

for creation and maintenance of the survey samples should be ready for use in 2016 and agricultural register

— in 2017

3. Main challenge 3

Compiling and implementing the methodology of the calendar year frame

Description of the challenge

A frozen frame which is used for production of statistics is compiled by 1st of November every year. It is

suitable for production of statistics, because the sample selection and informing of enterprises about their

responsibilities takes time and should be done before 1st of January. But this frame does not reflect the data

of the full calendar year. Methodology for compiling and use of the calendar year frame in statistics should be

agreed and implemented on both sides — register as well as statistics production.

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European Central Bank


Peter Neudorfer


Directorate General Statistics

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

RIAD ("Register of Institutions and Affiliates Database')

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

European Central Bank

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Directorate General Statistics (DG-S)

4. Number of employees in the register unit

~1.5 FTE

5. Primary goal and use of the register

- Based on Regulation (EC) No 1071/2013 (ECB/2013/33), Regulation (EU) no 1073/2013 (ECB/2013/38)

and Regulation (EU) no 1075/2013 (ECB/2013/40) maintain and publish lists of financial institutions (i.e. the

reporting population for euro area financial statistics).

- Identifying and maintaining the list of banks and/or banking groups relevant for the 'Single Supervisory

Mechanism' (SSM).

- Supporting monetary policy operations by identifying relevant intra-group relationships (according to the

rule defined in the 'General Documentation' ).

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineering(s) of the register

2013 (May)

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013


II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Develop and deploy a significantly enhanced version of RIAD

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The ECB, jointly with the other ESCB members, completely redesigned the database, and installed a

dedicated data warehouse infrastructure for publication and dissemination of the reference data.

2. Short title of work which was done

Implementation of a completely re-designed data model

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

An important innovation was the introduction of ownership/control relationships to allow (among others) the

identification of group structures between (large) financial corporations.

3. Short title of work which was done

Enhanced data quality management

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The new RIAD system includes the facility for data quality mangers and analysts in all European National

Central Banks to access and maintain data in online mode.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Maintain and publish a list of European Holding Companies (HC) and Head offices (HO)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

RIAD will host a list of European HC and HO fed by NCBs and NSIs, which will in turn allow compilers and

reporting agents to rely on an joint and aligned sector classification of these entities, in particular in the

context of cross-border ownership situations.

This will eventually add another ~50,000 units to the database.

2. Short title of work planned

Closer link with Eurostat's 'EuroGroups Register' (EGR)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

To the extent feasible within the legal framework, RIAD will retrieve (relationships ) data from the EGR and in

turn feed information on financial corporations back to the EGR.

3. Short title of work planned

Inclusion of European insurance corporations

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A forthcoming step of the project is to also include European insurance corporations.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Legal obstacles to exchange information between (supra-national) registers

Description of the challenge

A recurrent bottleneck are legal constraints to retrieve information from other (statistical) registers and use

them for purpose not explicitly characterised as "statistical". (Not to speak about making the data freely

accessible or even publish them.)

2. Main challenge 2

Unique identification of units in a cross-border context

Description of the challenge

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While RIAD allows to build up list(s) of 'alias' codes, i.e. store multiple identifiers of different origin and format

describing the same unit the number of commonly used IDs among users and producers is not standardised

nor legally enforced. The biggest problems are in this context caused in the field of cross-border relations, in

particular to entities outside the EU, tax heavens etc.

3. Main challenge 3

Timely and exact recording of corporate actions and other reference data updates

Description of the challenge

Even in data model like the one of RIAD, which allows the exact recording of specific corporate actions, the

correct update of the status of an unit (e.g. 'under liquidation' or already 'closed') is not always trivial.

In addition even official statistical classifications, such as recoding of an unit under the private or government

sector, require a complex governance procedure among (occasionally multiple) stakeholders.

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European Commission (EC)


Amerigo Liotti


Statistical Office of the European Union EUROSTAT

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

EuroGrops Register (EGR)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Eurostat, Unit G1 (Business Statistics - coordination and registers)

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Unit G1 is part of Directorate G (Global Business Statistics)

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

The EGR is a network of registers consisting of a central register at Eurostat and local registers in the EU

and EFTA Countries. It contains structural economic information about Multinational Enterprise Groups

(MNEs) with an interest in Europe and their constituent units. The primary goal of the EGR is to offer

coordinated frame populations for the production of statistics on globalisation.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013


II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Developmend of EuroGroups Register version 2.0

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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The redesign of the business process of EGR 2.0 has been completed. According to it National Statistical

Offices can become authentic store for EGR data and have priority in the consolidation process. This should

ensure better consistency between data stored in national registers and data in the EGR. The new business

process will increase efficiency in data exchange between national register and EGR and reduce burden on

national statistical offices.

2. Short title of work which was done

EGR Identification Service

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Realisation of an EGR Identification Service to identify all units and attribute them a unique identifier for the

EGR. The application is deployed in Eurostat secure environment.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

EuroGroup Register version 2.0

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

EGR Identification Service

2. Short title of work planned

EGR identification service

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Open the EGR IS to MS for statistical production.

3. Short title of work planned

EGR interactive Module

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Design an interactive module to allow the updating and the validation of EGR data by MS from remote


IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Use of EGR for statistical production

Description of the challenge

Achieve a stable and satisfactory level of quality in order to allow FATS users to use the EGR frames

population for their statistical activity in production.

2. Main challenge 2

EGR interactive Module

Description of the challenge

Develop the interactive module and open it to MS for data quality management. A clear procedure with roles

and responsibilities will have to be formally defined.

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3. Main challenge 3

Interactive Profiling Tool integrated in EGR

Description of the challenge

The results of the Profiling activity have to be integrated in the EGR final frame. This will require to integrate

the procedure and tool of Profiling with the EGR.

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Tommi Kaatrasalo


Statistics Finland

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics Finland

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Data Collection Division

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Survey frame, base register in statistics production: source of units and their basic characteristics, source of

business population and business demography statistics, source for taylor-made services, enterprise

respondent register

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2013, Implementation of the revision project of the Business Register and Business Statistics started in

November 2013 and the implementation will continue through the year 2014.

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

611 000 enterprises (legal units), 668 000 Local kind of activity units, 6600 Enterprise Groups

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

The Revision Project of the Business Register and the Business Statistics 2010-2014: Business Register as

core data and business statistics into an integrated system

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Implementation of the new system for receiving administrative data, implementation of integrated data base

system for Business register and Business Statistics, implementation of new user interfaces, implementation

of new system for direct data collections, data conversion from old system to new system.

2. Short title of work which was done

The work with large enterprises and Enterprise Groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Statistics Finland has continued the work with large enterprises and has established a profiling team, which

works close to Business Register and also as a network among different business statistics domains. The

aim is to ensure the quality and consistency of the data of large enterprises and to promote good cooperation

between Statistics Finland and data providers in large enterprises. Statistics Finland participated to the

ESSnet on Profiling of MNEs.

3. Short title of work which was done

The new organisation of Statistics Finland

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Statistics Finland adapted new process oriented organisation model at the beginning of 2013. Business

Register is located in Data Collection division.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Implementation of enterprise unit

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Statistics Finland has made planning and preparations of the implementation of enterprise unit in its

production. Statistics Finland has technical completeness to implement enterprise unit. Technical

developements included in the revision project descriped above.

2. Short title of work planned

Implementation of kind-of-activity unit

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Statistics Finland has made technical preparations of the implementation of kind-of-activity unit in its

production. Statistics Finland has technical completeness to implement kind-of-activity unit. Technical

developements included in the revision project descriped above.

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Implementation of the new system developed in Revision Project of the Business Register and the Business


Description of the challenge

Implementation will continue troughout the year 2014. Adaptation to the new technical environment and to the

new way of working will be a challenge.

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2. Main challenge 2

Implementation of enterprise unit and kind-of-activity unit

Description of the challenge

Production processes have to be revised. Impacts in statistical outputs have to be assessed. Implementation

migth result in increased manual work.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Pierrette Schuhl, Henri Mariotte



I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register


2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register


3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Direction of business statistics, Department in charge of SBR, Profiling, and Structural Business Statistics;

but also of the SIRENE Administrative BR and of the LEI (this part of the NSI works under specific non-

statistical regulation)

4. Number of employees in the register unit

3 for SIRUS, but also 250 to update the administrative BR SIRENE, with which SIRUS is very largely


5. Primary goal and use of the register

• Register Enterprises (including Profiled Enterprises), Legal units, Corporate groups (which form the basis

for profiling enterprises), local units, and the networks and links among them all (ownership).

• Describe statistical units on the basis of their constituent units

• Define reference populations for statistical surveys ("frames") and for using administrative data (including

the basis for estimating "enterprises" data from Legal units).

• Construct sampling frames or bases (according to the parameters set by the survey designer), whether the

unit of interest be the enterprise, the group or the local unit

• Record the statistical burden (at the micro-level)

6. Year of establishment of the register

2011 for SIRUS (before we used the inter-administrative register named SIRENE - from which SIRUS is a

spin-off - and which was established in 1973)

7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

Creation of SIRUS: 2011; main events for inter-administrative register SIRENE: creation 1973, re-

engineerings: 1990, 2005; and also, beside SIRENE, creation of the French LOU for LEIs: 2013.

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

4 460 000 enterprises (including 100 profiled enterprises), 4 970 000 legal units, 6 430 000 local units

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

page 1 / 3

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Define in SIRUS the concept of statistical inactivity

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In the inter-administrative register SIRENE many units are still administratively active, but they have no longer

effective economic activity. SIRUS register determines a statistical closure for every unit which have no

activity sign for the 3 last years from business survey and administrative sources.

2. Short title of work which was done

Define all business survey frames for French services in charge of business statistical processes

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

With the objective that SIRUS becomes the reference register for all business statistics (in place of SIRENE),

the survey frames for all business survey are defined and built by SIRUS.

3. Short title of work which was done

Pursue recording in SIRUS the surveyed enterprise response burden for almost 200 business surveys

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The French Government made compulsory to include a question on reponse time in all the business

statistical surveys from January 2012, with the aim of reducing the entreprise reponse burden. In 2013, all

business surveys already routinely ask about the response burden and the answers from almost those

surveys are recorded in SIRUS.

4. Short title of work which was done

Calculate the enterprise category for each unit

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In France, a new characteristic of enterprises has been defined by a decree in 2008 to determine size of

these enterprises. SIRUS is in charge of calculate this enterprise category for all enterprises and legal units

and to disseminate it.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Define and introduce in SIRUS the indicators to determine business statistics scope

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In inter-adminitrative register SIRENE, many legal units are registered only for administrative purpose. SIRUS

defines the legal unit which are productive units, from economic activity code, legal form, (mainly). For this

purpose, SIRUS defines two variables and introduces them in the register.

2. Short title of work planned

Connect SIRUS to the European Group Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The intended connections are of 3 types:

- be able to identify the French units (enterprise groups operating in France, concerned enterprises and legal

units) and their links in other countries in accordance with the EGR;

- be the priority source (so-called "authentic store") of French originated data for the EGR;

- monitor in the same way the changes and the continuity of both registers.

3. Short title of work planned

Use the information on response burden for the negative coordination of samples

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

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Business frame for each business sample include response burden in order to make negative coordination

and reduce the global response burden for the enterprises.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

To put on SIRUS as the heart of business statistics

Description of the challenge

SIRUS must become the reference register for all business statistical sources. So SIRUS must take into

account the needs of all these sources and dialog with them.

2. Main challenge 2

To integrate SIRUS in the future ESBR

Description of the challenge

Eurostat launches a next ESSnet project : ESBR (European System of Interoperable Statistical Business

Registers). So Insee must adapt SIRUS to this goal. SIRUS must be consistent with the future European

system .3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Gogita Todradze


National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT)

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Entire State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Georgia

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Business Statistics Division, National Statistics Office of Georgia (GEOSTAT)

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Business Register Subdivision under Business Statistics Division

4. Number of employees in the register unit

7 persons

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Coverage all entities (legal and phisical persons) registered in country and assigning of unique identification

number for each entity

6. Year of establishment of the register

1995 year

7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2006, 2012 years

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

approximately 120 000 entities

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Modern structure and software for business register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Geostat created new database for Business Register, which covers all registered economic entities included

physical persons. Structure is in accordance of international standards and recommendations. Also new

software was developed, which is user friendly. Database is operating in MS SQL Server and interface in

Web application (PHP).

2. Short title of work which was done

Automatized and improved procedures for update of business register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Main source for update of business register is data received from administrative sources (National Agency of

Public Registry and Revenue Service (Tax Office));

From Public Registry Geostat receives information about newly registered and liquidated (closed) companies,

also information on changes. From Revenue Service (Tax Office) Geostat receives information on active

taxpayers. Update procedures are automated.Therefore, received data from administrative sources is

automatically reflected in BR.

3. Short title of work which was done

Improved quality of business register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Working on quality of business register is one of main priority of Geostat. Therefore essential activities was

carried out also in 2013 year regarding these issues: surveys, investigations, working with administrative

data, active cooperation with administrative data providers, trainings etc.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Active cooperation with administrative data providers and improve quality of administrative sources

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Main source for update of business register in Georgia is data received from administrative sources, namely

from Revenue Service and from Public Registry. Main problem is kind of economic activity and actual

address, which are only indicated for a limited number of enterprises. Please note, that sometimes indicated

kind of economic activities are incorrect.

2. Short title of work planned

Improve quality of business register based on surveys and investigations

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

For improve quality of business register (especially for define actual adress and kind of activity) we are going

to condact Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) on regular basis. In the future is planned also

Econoomic Census, as a result of which will be fully update our business register. Also administrative data

sources can be used to improve quality of business register.

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Quality of data

Description of the challenge

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Quality of administrative sources (especially kind of economic activity, actual address etc) is one of main

challenge of Geostat.

2. Main challenge 2

Lack of legislation and non response

Description of the challenge

According to the law on Official Statistics, enterprises are not obliged to submit questionnaires or cooperate

with Geostat. It is voluntary process and that’s why additional efforts need to be undertaken from Geostat.

3. Main challenge 3

Not sufficient financial resources

Description of the challenge

Economic census has never been carried out in Georgia, because of not sufficient financial recourses.

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Roland Sturm


Federal Statistical Office of Germany

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Unternehmensregister-System 95 (URS 95)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Federal Statistical Office of Germany and the 14 statistical offices of the Laender (federal states)

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Federal Statistical Office of Germany - Division E1:

Business Register, Classifications, Earnings, Cross Sector Business Statistics

4. Number of employees in the register unit

app. 200 (altogether in the Federal Statistical Office and in the 14 statistical offices of the Laender)

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Infrastructure for business statistics, data combination and statistical evaluation

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

planned 2014

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

3.751.582 legal units and 3.979.387 local units

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Sector classification

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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The institutional sector classification in the business register according to the European System of Accounts

is updated once a year by the Federal Statistical Office.

The assignment of the units to the institutional sector is mainly carried out by an automatic algorithm, using

already existing and for this purpose created variables of the business register.

The assignment of the units to the nonprofit sector is an important step in this process. Lists with information

on the nonprofit sector, that are available in Official Statistics are processed (e.g. a list of German hospitals).

A remaining quantity that could not be allocated automatically was researched individually. The results of

these researches are processed as well. The amount of these research differs over time.

2. Short title of work which was done

Development and testing of profiling methods

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Germany took part in the Eurostat ESSnet for developing and testing profiling methods and procedures

concerning large and complex enterprise groups. In the course of this work Germany has performed an

"intensive profiling" on 5 enterprise groups and a "light profiling“ on 4 enterprise groups, whose UCI (Ultimate

Controlling Institution) is situated in Germany.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Migration to new data base

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The implementation of the new databank for the German statistical business register (URS-Neu) had to be

postponed to year 2014. After some years of development, the new, central database will replace the URS 95

in July 2014. The URS-Neu will be a database run as centralised server-client architecture. All participating

statistical offices - at federal and at Laender level - will communicate as clients of the up-to-date database at

any time. The workload to update and maintain the register will be shared, the hosting of the database will be

borne by just one office and the financial cost by all.

2. Short title of work planned

Strategy to implement profiling of enterprises and enterprise groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

According to the plans of Eurostat to develop the European system of business statistics in the course of the

FRIBS regulation Germany will have to set up a system for the profiling of enterprises and enterprise groups

in the German statistical business register.

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

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1. Main challenge 1

Set up a profiling procedure

Description of the challenge

Participating in a European multinational profiling procedure will be demanding for Germany since 15

statistical offices in Germany will be involved.

2. Main challenge 2

Participation in EuroGroupsRegister v2.0

Description of the challenge

Participating in the European multinational interactive maintenance of the EuroGroupsregister will be

demanding for Germany since 15 statistical offices in Germany plus the German Central Bank will be


3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Theano Tyfoxylou


Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT)

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistical Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT)

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Organization, Methodology and International Relations Division

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Infrastructure for business statistics (survey frame, source of units, their population and their basic

characteristics), compilation of demographic characteristics, dissemination of statistics and tailor-made data

on Businesses.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

about 1,000,000 enterpises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Technical reorganization of the register data base

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

page 1 / 3

Launching a project to redesign the BR data base using new technologies. The new system is expected to be

finalized by the end of the year and is expected to facilitate our work with the creation of an interface for the

BR staff. It will help us to keep track of all basic variable data in order to have a complete picture of the

enterprise and its local units over time.

2. Short title of work which was done


Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Standardize the format and the information received from external bodies as regards the enterprise groups,

multinational enterprises and their affiliates. Data are now received on a regular basis.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Use of new administrative data

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Integration of additional administrative data from Tax Authorities which are expected to be received under a

Memorandum of Cooperation signed in April 2014. The new sources are expected to provide us with

additional information so to have a better coverage of activity sectors and active units in the SBR.

2. Short title of work planned


Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Development of a system and standardization of data processing, maintaining and validating procedures to

produce the final frames for the EGR.

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Exhaustive use of administrative sources for all business statistics

Description of the challenge

Building up a data base for integration of all variables necessary for structural business statistics into a single

system, together with the business register, and development of application programs and procedures for

data validation.

2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

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3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Mr Miklós Juhász


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Hungarian Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Hungarian Central Statistical Office

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Business Statistic Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

It serves as the basis of data collections, data processing and data dissemination

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

941709 enterprises/legal units

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Piloting the profiling of large and complex multinational enterprise groups in Hungary tender

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

page 1 / 3

In the frame of profiling tender we undertook only one group to be profiled intensively. We also undertook two

groups to be profiled lightly. The selection of the group was coordinated by EUROSTAT. The selected and

profiled groups are very meaningful Hungarian controlled international enterprise groups with at least one

affiliate in the piloting countries. The preliminary data of the profiled groups were shared with the relevant

project members as partnering countries. We also carried out partnering profiling tasks in case of thirty-four

groups which are foreign controlled international groups with at least one affiliate in Hungary. All data sets on

the profiled groups were provided to EUROSTAT and to the UCI country of the group with our national data

on the affiliate(s) present in Hungary.

2. Short title of work which was done

Administrative data utilization project

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

This project is a general HCSO level development including the Business Register field of statistics. The

main goal is the development of IT tools to support the management of centralized reception and transfer of

data files as well as data preparation of data taken over from secondary sources.

3. Short title of work which was done

Enterprise groups maintenance

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The maintenace system of the Enterprise groups stored in the Business Register was redesigned. The

harmonization of the maintenace of Enterprise group (EG) and FATS systems has been started. The EG-

FATS cross-checking tasks resulted in relative low level of deviances which were due the methodological


III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Development of the Address Register System in Business Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Due to implementation of the Address Register System the addresses in Hungarian Business Register will be

checked and corrected automatically by regularly maintained Addressbook of Hungarian Post Office. The aim

of project is to get correct and available addresses to organisations.

2. Short title of work planned

Development & harmonization of the administrative data transmission systems

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The cooperation of individual IT sub-systems of the Hungarian Court Office and Hungarian Statistical Office

is under negotiation. Currently the Hungarian Business Register receives data on non-profit organisations

(which register themselves at the Hungarian Court Office) only from the Hungarian Tax Office. With

implementation of this project the Hungarian Busines Register will be updated with the data on non-profit

organisations directly from Hungarian Court Office online.

3. Short title of work planned

Development of the identification system of foreign legal units

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

This development will improve the statistical business register based on utilization of the LEID codes of EGR

Identification Service system with the storage of unique identification codes of the registered foreign legal

units (direct parents and/or foreign subsidiaries of units in multinational enterprise groups). This action will

also improve the consistency between the Hungarian EGR and Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS) datasets

regarding the data on foreign direct parents and the data on Global Decision Centers (GDC) or Ulitmate

Controlling Institutions (UCI).

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IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

The national Legal Form Code (LFC) system

Description of the challenge

Due to the changes in the national legislation we had to change all IT applications utilizing the LFC

nomenclature. This changes caused a lot of extra workload on the whole BR staff.

2. Main challenge 2

Piloting the profiling of large and complex multinational enterprise groups in Hungary tender

Description of the challenge

The light profiling exercise, the partition of Legal Units (LeUs) and the preparation of Truncated Enterprise

(TEN) level data caused hard to tackle methodological difficulties due to the missing guidances and missing

data availability.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Additional Director General, National Accounts Division (NAD), Central Statistics Office(CSO), M/o

Statistics & Programme Implementation( MoS&PI), Government of India, Sardar Patel Bhawan,

Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110001


MoS&PI, Govt. of India

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

National Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

NAD, CSO, MoS&PI, Govt. of India

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Overal responsibility of NAD, CSO, MoS&PI, Govt. of India in collaboration with States/UTs.

4. Number of employees in the register unit

There are approximately 600 employees/officials spread across States/UTs engaged in preparation of

National Business Register.

5. Primary goal and use of the register

To provide a reliable, adequate and up to date sampling frame for various economic surveys.

6. Year of establishment of the register

An attempt was made to create a BR during the year 2005. But it could not succeed due to shortage of

resources and gaps in data collection during the operations. Now with the special grant of Govt. of India, this

activity has been taken up in India since April,2011.

7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

There are approximately 21,137,470 active units across the 28 States and 7 UTs of India

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Development of methodology for BR and training to field staff

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

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Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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CSO has prepared a manual on BR. This manual contains basic concepts, definitions, methodology and

layout of BR. It has been circulated to all the stakeholders as a reference document for preparation of BR.

Besides, training on "Preparation & Maintenace of BR" is being provided to the entire field staff engaged in

compilation of BR.

2. Short title of work which was done

Listing of Enterprises

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

(a) Ideally the BR should be exhaustive and include all enterprises and establishments in India. Due to the

presence of vast informal sector, in the initial phase enterprises registered under 7 Acts/ Registering

Authorities ( i. Companies Act, 1956, ii. Factories Act, 1948, iii. Shops and Commercial establishments Act,

iv. Societies Registration Ac,t v. Cooperative Societies Act, vi. Khadi and Village industries Board and vii.

Directorate of Industries ( District Industries Centre) have been identified and kept in focus. Moreover, all

the States/ UTs have been given a free hand to include more enterprises registered beyond the seven acts,

if any, in their respective states. In this respect, we are preparing a list of all the State/District level

registering authorities along with the various units registered thereunder with complete official addresses and

designation of the officer responsible for providing information.

3. Short title of work which was done

Computerization of Records

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We are developing a database in electronic form for consolidation of all the available information related to

BR. For this purpose, a software has been prepared and this has been circulated to all the States/UTs so as

to have a uniform database. The layout of BR will contain basic details of enterprises like their location,

National Industrial Classification Code- 2008 activity code, registering enterprises under which they've been

registered etc. All the States/UTs will provide their BRs in this format.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Development of Buisness Registration Centre

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We are exploring the possibility to develop/set-up a Buisness Registration Centre(BRC) in each district. The

BRC will provide Buisness Registration Number(BRN) to the entrepreneur who wish to establish any

enterprise in the district. All the entities already registered, would be requested to file an application and

obtain a BRN. Such BRC's would be set-up by an act of legislation making it mandatory on the part of

registering authorities or establishments to accept any application if the BRN has been provided by the


2. Short title of work planned

Development of web-page for update of buisness register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A web-page is proposed to be developed facilitating all registering authorities having access to the related

database of various State Directorate of Statistics & Economics and vice-versa. Each registering authority will

be given the access to the database through user code and password. They will update information in

respect of the fields meant for them/their area of operation. They would have the facility of generating all type

of reports based upon the information so entered.

3. Short title of work planned

Better National Accounting and effective policy formulation

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

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India is a very large country having more than million establishments. But at present an up-to-date frame of

enterprises at the National level is available only in respect of the units that are covered through the Annual

Survey of Industries under the Factory Act 1948. For the other sectors, no such updated and satisfactory

frame of enterprises exists at present. Apart from this although economic census (EC) captures the

information on all the enterprises engaged in economic activities in the country but that is conducted

quinquennially, regular updates can not be carried out. Taking these problems into consideration India is

preparing a business register which will not be static. This BR will be updated annually for any addition of

new units and deletion of non-operating or closed units, as well as changes in their activity, address and

characterstics etc. This BR will provide an ideal frame for conducting various sample surveys and

undertakling studies of various economic activities for finding their pattern and trend in the country. This will

in turn lead to effective policy forumulation, monitoring and planning.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Preparation of National Buisness Register having more than million enterprises by March, 2015

Description of the challenge

Under the special grant of Govt. of India, CSO has provided the methodology for preparation of BR to all the

State/UTs. At present, all the 28 States and 7 UTs are preparing their BRs. Integrating all these State level

BRs, we will compile national business register by March 31, 2015.

2. Main challenge 2

Regular updates of business register

Description of the challenge

Once established, the BR should be updated on a regular basis. In this respect, a web page will be designed

through which all the registering authorities would update the BR as and when required.

3. Main challenge 3

Setting-up of the Business Registration Center ( BRC)

Description of the challenge

Explore the possibility to develop/set-up a Business Registration Centre (BRC) in each district which will

provide Buisness Registration Number(BRN) to the entrepreneurs. It is proposed that BRC's would be set-up

by an act of legislation making it mandatory on the part of enterpreneurs to obtain BRN before starting any

economic activity.

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Patrick Kelleher


Central Statistics Office (CSO)

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Central Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Central Statistics Office

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Structural Business Statistics and Business Register

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Main goal of the register is to provide an accurate and up to date sampling frame for all business survey


6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

1998, 2002, 2009

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

260,672 enterprises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Improved links between BR and survey areas.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

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The business register was processed mapped and various projects have arisen out of this. The overall goal

of these projects is to increase linkage and reliability between the business register and business areas that

use the BR as a sampling frame. The main aim is to expand the BR to make it the sole register and therefore

to elimate the need for local registers (certain survey areas maintain their own registers which are updated

using various sources such as the BR and survey data. These registers are referred to as "local registers").

The project began in 2012 and is ongoing.

2. Short title of work which was done

New IT project for business register.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A new IT system is currently being developed to cater for inceased BR needs. This project was intailly

developed in 2013 but will not be completed until at least 2015.

3. Short title of work which was done

Expansion of Business Demography release.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The business demography release in 2013 included expanded NACE coverage as well as moving to a new e-

release system. This system allows for increased data coverage and customer friendly interactions.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Inclusion of institutional sector on the BR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Currently plans to include institutional sector on the BR are at the final stages. This project began in 2013 and

is due for completion by May 2014.

2. Short title of work planned

BR projects

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Future projects are planned to increase BR and survey area interactions. All survey areas are being looked at

in terms of BR requirements.

3. Short title of work planned

Profiling and the BR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Plans are underway to examine the role profiling will have for future BR requirements and to see to what

extent we can deal with the requirements laid out.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

To make the BR a fit and reliable tool for all survey areas.

Description of the challenge

The business register needs to be of sufficient quality to enable it to become the main source for all business

surveys. A comprehensive BR means that the need for the existence of local registers to exist should not be


2. Main challenge 2

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Description of the challenge

If profiling is implemented in the near future how will this impact the operation of the BR. Project identified in

future plans is in place to examine this.

3. Main challenge 3

Inceased use and reliabilty of administrative data

Description of the challenge

BR has moved to a largerly admin based register (the use and the amount of administrative data that is used

and is available is ever increasing). The reliability of the data being used needs to be monitored as well as

evaluated to see if we can broaden the information available to our customers.

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Monica Consalvi


The National Institute of Statistics (Istat)

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

The ASIA system (in Italian, Archivio Statistico delle Imprese Attive)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

The National Institute of Statistics (Istat)

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Business Register Section, in Censuses and Statistical Registers Directorate, in Censuses, Administrative

and Statistical Registers Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit

33 (8 researchers, 25 clerical staff)

5. Primary goal and use of the register

A centralized frame for SBS/STS surveys and for grossing up survey results; the official statistical source for

information on the structure and the demography of the business population

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2006, 2012

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

about 4.9 million of active enterprises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Public sector - Increase the compliance to the EU requirements

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

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Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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By using the results of the 2011 census, the classification of institutional sectors has been implemented in

the BR. In particular the public sub-sectors (S.11001, S.12201, S.12301, S.12401, S.12501) have been

detected, moreover using an in-depth study of some borderline cases. The identification of non-profit

institutions serving households (S15) is not yet completed. Next steps are the study of new sources in view of

the introduction of ESA 2010

2. Short title of work which was done

The Business Portal

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The new Business Portal has been tested, a single point of access allowing bi-directional communication

between Istat and the business world. It is planned to further streamline the framework of the statistical

information to be collected, to allow a more complete sharing of data, to reduce statistical burden on

enterprises, to ensure an appropriate use of administrative sources, while minimizing costs for all the

institutions within the National Statistical System (Sistan). The central role of the Business Register has been

reinforced, as a potential tool to harmonize all the business surveys in the Sistan. Indeed, the portal has a big

potentiality in view of its integrated system of back-office that permits – and encourage – the exchange of

information from BR to all business surveys and vice versa.

3. Short title of work which was done

Dissemination of Census data - the I.stat Data Warehouse

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The 2011 “virtual” Census has been organized in a complex combination of completely revised statistical

registers, new administrative sources and some ad-hoc surveys like a new multi-purpose economic survey.

The BR Section was strongly involved in supporting the whole project and succeeded in disseminating data

through a new Data Warehouse, giving new tools to users and in-depth information for different

subpopulations of enterprises and specific domains. Furthermore a structural information framework was

defined, wider and more complex than that deduced from the economic structural surveys and upgradeable,

at least in part, on an annual basis.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Main project for a new BR System

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

It is planned the conclusion of the re-engineering of the whole system of BRs (Ent, Lou, Eg, satellite reg.s)

that has started two years ago, from a logical and a technical point of view. This included a review of the

check procedures, the implementation of a new software for viewing via web and updating the register, the

safety of all procedures for the variables estimation.

2. Short title of work planned

The new Farm Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

It is planned a new project of building-up the Farm Register. For the 2010 Census a prototype-list has been

realised, as a result of the statistical integration of the several administrative sources covering the primary

sector. The outcome of the testing process was the detection of a new ad-hoc methodology for the

identification of eligible units, that is the agricultural holdings, to produce the final national list to be used as a

support for the 2010 Census of Agricultural Holdings (24th October 2010). By using as a starting point the

result of a post enumeration survey (carried out to estimate the coverage rate of the surveyed units), it was

clear that: it is necessary to modify the definition of "Agricultural Holding"; a register of "land" is needed and

not only a register of units; it is necessary to cover the "agricultural area"; a greater involvement of data

suppliers is needed in the set-up and updating, to ensure more consistent and harmonized agricultural

statistics for an integrated system of data sources.

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IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Participation to the new ESSnet “ESBR“

Description of the challenge

Italy will be involved in the forthcoming ESSnet on "European System of Interoperable Statistical Business


In Istat a task-force has been formed on profiling activities, involving BR, SBS and NA experts to follow this

tool (profiling) for the delineation of the new statistical unit and in order to evaluate the impact on the current

business statistics. A first study of the impact has already been done (Sogeti project): it seems that changing

in definitions of statistical units has a great impact over data collection and treatment, and even in definition

of collected variable due to the relationships between the informative systems of big groups, IAS and IV

Directive accounts and SBS variables. A more exhaustive analysis of the experience, including different

approaches at identification and consolidation procedures, will be the future task.

2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Isao Takabe


Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Establishment Frame Database (EFD)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Economic Structure Statistics Division, Statistical Survey Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

To provide sampling frames to other ministries and agencies, local governments as well as incorporated

administrative agencies, etc., and to reduce reporting burdens of survey objects by avoiding excessive

selecting as survey samples.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2008, 2012

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

6,070,000 local units (establishments), 1,730,000 enterprises(companies)

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Starting operation of the new Business Register System

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We started operation of the new system in 2013 and various data (including administrative records) have been stored.

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2. Short title of work which was done

Starting the provision of the Annual Frame Information

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Annual Frame Information based on the new Business Register was produced for the first time in 2013. We will produce it regularly.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Conducting the Economic Census for Business Frame

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We will conduct the Economic Census for Business Frame in 2014. Its results will be used as fundamental information for the Business Register.

2. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Studies on profiling methods

Description of the challenge

We will consider profiling methods to grasp the structure of complex enterprises exactly and efficiently.

2. Main challenge 2

Creation and Provision of the Business Register Statistics

Description of the challenge

We will create and provide Business Register Statistics based on the new business register.

3. Main challenge 3

Using additional administrative records and geographical information

Description of the challenge

We will consider what kind of administrative record and geographical information could be useful for Business Register.

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ALI JAMIL HAMED MISLEH, The Head of administrative records / supervisor Al-Manar project



I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Establishments frame

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register


3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

As a Section of Directorate of Economic Surveys

4. Number of employees in the register unit

4 Employees

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Maintenance and updating the framework installations

6. Year of establishment of the register

5 Years

7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

Census in 1999, 2006, 2011

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Start working in the construction of national records by administrative records section

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Not activated the section frames because of the difficulty of updated frameworks business records; the

multiplicity of sources, methodologies, weak follow-up mechanisms and auditing field, the small number of

staff. So since the beginning of 2013 has been activated administrative records Division to work on using

administrative records in statistical work and focus on the business record.

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2. Short title of work which was done

The preparation of the work plan and operational procedures

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

An action plan to find out the reality of business records in Jordan, Preparing a questionnaire to find out the

sources and characteristics of Records, Preparation Instruction Manual.

3. Short title of work which was done

Review the action plan in the light of the experiences of developed countries

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Review the plan and get to know previous experiences, Benefit from previous experiences, Using the best

practices in this field, Identifying a list of institutions that will be visited in the public sector.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Procedures and approvals required for the action plan

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Holding a number of meetings with top management the Department of Statistics in order to explain the plan

of action, action plan has been approved and support by the administration and the provision of necessary


2. Short title of work planned

The preparatory phase of the work plan

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Currently we're going to start field work (field survey).

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Updating Establishments frame

Description of the challenge

Until the completion of business records, there is no framework updating during the years after the census

establishment, Number of establishments gradually decreases due to exit from the market establishments,

2. Main challenge 2

Business Record

Description of the challenge

Cooperation between the institutions, laws and legislation, difficulties in appropriate business records for

statistical purposes, experience and knowledge in the construction of National registries, the weakness of

financial and human resources

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3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistical Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Statistical Business Register is supported by Registers and publications department of the Agency of the

Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics

4. Number of employees in the register unit

7 persons on central office + about 40 persons in regional divisions

5. Primary goal and use of the register

A tool for conducting statistical surveys;

Source of information for statistical analysis of statistical units and their demographics

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

1997 - establishment of the State statistical register

2004 - creation of a new information system for maintaining a registry and transition to registration of legal

entities by the "single window"

2010 - conversion to Statistical Business Register (in connection with the adoption of the new

Law on State Statistics)

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

Legal unit (active):

legal entities and structural subdivisions of legal entities - 116 826

individual entrepreneurs - 896 810

Statistical units (active) - 1,205,384

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

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Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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1. Short title of work which was done

Integration with the information system of the Tax Authority (obtaining information on individual entrepreneurs

in electronic form on-line)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Reviewed statistical forms for updating statistical business register;

Changes in the methodology of conducting the statistical business register;

Changes in the rules of statistical business register updating and the formation of surveyed units catalogs;

Held recoding of economy sectors codes;

Developed a method to recalculate the dynamic series in accordance with the new classification of economic


2. Short title of work which was done

from 1 January 2013, transition to a single identification number for legal entities-Business Identification

Number, for individuals - Personal Identification Number

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Implementation of the Project for Strengthening the National Statistical System of the Agency of the Republic of

Kazakhstan on Statistics with the World Bank in 2012-2016

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Improvement of SBR

a. Development of profiling methodology

b. Development of methodology forms sample of RRF.

Development and improvement of sampling methods

a. Methodologies on Sampling enterprises

2. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

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Description of the challenge

2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Republic of Korea


Jinsuk Cha (Deputy Director of Economic Statistics Planning Division)



I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Establishments Population DB baesd on Census on Establishments

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Economic Census Division

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation


4. Number of employees in the register unit

about 22 staffs

5. Primary goal and use of the register

To serve sample frames for economic statisitics

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

about 3.60 millions establishments

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Use of Administrative Data

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

KOSTAT started to use administrative data such as tax data from 2012 in Establishments Puplation DB, in

oder to reduce the response burden and the survey cost. That is, some items in statistical survey were

replaced by adminstrative data without a field survey.

2. Short title of work which was done

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Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Change from survey to administrative data

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

KOSTAT has plan to build up the Establishments Population DB by using administrative data to reduce the

respose burden and the survey cost. It means the basis of the Establishments Population DB chages from

survey to administrative data. For the successful chage, it is needed to check the discrepencies between the

survey data and the administrative data.

2. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Discrepancies between the survey data and the administrative data

Description of the challenge

In the Establishments Population based on the administrative data, we are facing a problem, such that there

are discrepancies between the survey data and the administrative data such as the number of establishment

and the number of employees. So, it is needed to find the cause of the discrepancies, and to seek the

solution to the problem.

2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Dalia Mačiuitienė, Deputy head Economic entities register division


Statistics Lithuania

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Economic entities register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics Lithuania

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Economic entities register division

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Preparation of the business register for annual and sampling surveys. Every year frozen list is prepared and

each statistical division use this list for statistical surveys.

6. Year of establishment of the register

The end of1997

7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

90797 legal units

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

The statistical profile business register was developed in continous

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Main work was done, subregister of enterprise groups was extended. If in 2012 the threshold for enterprise

groups was used (125 persons employed in group) in 2013 enterprise groups was counted without any


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Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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2. Short title of work which was done

Data about enterprise groups was placed in the grafic user interface

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Main users of enterprise groups - Divisions of Statistics Lithuania SBS, STS, IFDI and OFDI can see which

enterprise belongs to enterprise group and can see the whole structure of enterprise group. Business register

division took part in work on testing and piloting profiling of large and complex multinational enterprise


3. Short title of work which was done

Regional data on Business demography on voluntary basis

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Regional data on business demography on voluntary basis was prepared and sent to Eurostat.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Quality of enterprise groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

As far as main data about enterprise groups are from administrative source, so there are quit a lot mistakes

in the information provided by this source in relations between enterprises. We are going to have better

quality about enterprise groups, use more profiling procedures for delineation enterprise groups.

2. Short title of work planned

To participate in work of one of the projects (Grants) offered by Eurostat

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Decision it is not made yet, but most probably it will be one of the items: Projects on modernisation of

business statistics. Steps towards implementing the revised definition of statistical units in business statistics:

Delineation of Statistical units and Testing Profiling" items 2 and 3.

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

To implement new statistical units in Business register

Description of the challenge

A lot unclear procedures there are to implement new statistical units. Our enterprise groups are not prepared

to give statistics about the whole enterprise group, they don't use IFRS and don't like to make segments, to

give consolidated balances. That showed profiling project. Big enterprise groups are not going to follow up

new requirements of statistics. Statistics will lose branches of activity in their country. Statistical data on

economic activities will be large-scaled. Production of statistics (SBS, STS data) will be not comparable with

previous years and between member states.

2. Main challenge 2

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Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Mike Hartmann



I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

"Répertoire des entreprises"

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register


3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

BR is part of the Business Statistics Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit

5.5 employees (FTE), head of BR included (March 2014)

5. Primary goal and use of the register

The main goal of the BR is to collect primary information about businesses from different administrative

sources and the survey on economic activities in order to compile business statistics (e. g. business

demography) and enterprise populations for different survey frames or samples (e. g. structural business


6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2003, 2007, 2014

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

54 177 enterprises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Enterprise Groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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The development of a database of enterprise groups already started in 2012 was continued throughout 2013

and will probably be finished in 2014. A lot of time was also investigated in the compilation of data on

enterprise groups from different sources (FDI, LU CB, EGR) in order to be integrated in the database (mostly

analysis and programming work). The analyses and compilation work of data on enterprise groups

downloaded from the BEL-First database from Bureau van Dijk has been finished for reference years 2011

and 2012.

2. Short title of work which was done

EuroGroup Register (EGR 2.0)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A file of LU legal units has been compiled and sent to Eurostat for LEID identification (analyses and

programming work). A file of foreign legal units which are parents of LU legal units has been compiled and

sent to Eurostat, but was not used (analyses and programming work). Finally, a file of LU legal units

supposed to be part of a multinational group has been compiled and sent to Eurostat in order to buy data

from commercial data providers (analyses and programming work).

3. Short title of work which was done

Business demography

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

We were able to compile for the first time data for the new HGIE indicator for reference years 2008-2011

(analyses, manual checking and programming work).

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Enterprise Groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The development of a database on enterprise groups already started in 2012 should be finished by end of

2014. Data on enterprise groups available from BvD for reference years 2011 and 2012 should be matched

with data from other sources already available (FDI, LU CB, EGR). Data on ownerships requested in 2013

from the Trade Register (TR) should be made available for the first time and be analysed and compiled to

match with other available data. The analyses, matching and compilation of ownership data from different

sources (BVD, TR, FDI, LU CB, EGR, SBS) for reference year 2013 will start in 2014.

2. Short title of work planned

EuroGroup Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Additional analyses and programming work will be necessary in order to implement the work steps of the new

EGR 2.0 which have not yet been implemented last year. Analyses and programming work will also be

needed in order to check wether data on enterprise groups from BvD and on ownerships from Trade Register

can be used to feed the EGR. If yes, a lot of manuel investigation work has to be done for the LEID

identification of foreign legal units.

3. Short title of work planned

BR database

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The BR database will be migrated before end of the year to a new database management system. Even if the

structure of the database remains unchanged, the user interface for creating, editing and displaying data has

been partially redisigned. The new SEC 2010 institutional sector codes need to be implemented in BR

database (analyses and programming work). The double coding of units in NACELUX Rev 1.1 and 2. will be

stopped at the end of 2014 (analyses and programming work).

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IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Human resources

Description of the challenge

The main challenge will be to keep the current level of human resources available in the BR. Due to the

saving measures of the LU government, it will be difficult to get additional human resources in the future.

Furthermore, it is no longer guaranteed that employees retiring will be replaced. Currently, one employee (the

most experienced in NACE classification) could already retire and another employee could retire in 2 years.

Even in case of replacement of the persons retiring, the new employees need some time to acquire the

necessary know-how and experience.

2. Main challenge 2

Implementation of FRIBS

Description of the challenge

Due to the challenges mentioned before, the implementation of FRIBS could be very difficult.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Republic of Macedonia


Mirjana Bosnjak and Liljana Vlajik


State Statistical Office

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistical Business Register (SBR)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

State Statistical Office

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Department for Statistical Business Register and Economic Classification is a part of Sector for Business

Statistics, Agricultural Statistics and Statistics on Environment

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Main goal of the SBR is to keep the record on statistical units on the basis of the EU regulation EC 177/2008

and providing good coverage of businesses with all necessary information that is needed to conduct surveys

and to satisfy national statistical needs. SBR is used as a tool for the preparation and coordination of all

business statistical surveys, with two exceptions, SBS survey which is based on administrative sources, and

PPI survey for which the target observational unit is product, not business entity. SBR is also used as a

source of information for the statistical analysis of the population of business entities and its demography and

for the identification and construction of statistical units.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013


II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

page 1 / 3

Setting up of enterprise groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Identification and preliminary analysis and evaluation of the identified sources was performed.

National draft methodology and methodological guidelines for creation and updating of enterprise groups

were prepared.

Establishment of enterprise groups as a new statistical unit and creation of separate database of

multinational and all resident enterprise groups for 2009 and 2010 were done.

For the first time 2013 Business Register annual inquiry questionnaire was completed with enterprise group

data and was delivered to Eurostat.

2. Short title of work which was done

SBR Survey for Local Units

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In order to improve the quality data of local units in the SBR, Survey for local units was undertaken.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Enterprise groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

For improving the level of compliance of our BR with Regulation (EC) No 177/2008 and recommended

methodology, development and implementation of the EGs into SBR will be continued.

Data received from additional administrative source (Central Securities Depository) will be analyzed and will

be adjusted for using them for creation and updating of EG's.

Creation of database of multinational and all resident enterprise groups for 2011 and 2012 will be done.

2. Short title of work planned

SBR Survey for Local Units

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Processing and analysis of data obtained from the local units survey in order to update local units data in


3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Improving the quality of SBR data

Description of the challenge

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Further development and improvement of the quality of the Statistical Business Register by continuous

checking, updating and correcting of SBR data, especially activity codes and address data, with data

collected through regular statistical surveys.

Improvement of enterprise group coverage and data quality using data received from additional

administrative source (Central Securities Depository).

2. Main challenge 2

Producing business demography data

Description of the challenge

Producing some missing data related to Business Demography in accordance with the Annex IX of Structural

Business Statistics (SBS) Regulation No.295/08):

Number of persons employed in the population of active enterprises in t,

Number of persons employed in the population of births in t,

Number of persons employed in the population of deaths in t

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Malaysia Statistical Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Department of Statistics Malaysia

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Methodology and Research Division,

4. Number of employees in the register unit

Eighteen (18) employees

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Its main role is as the backbone of economic statistics. It provides the frame population for conducting

survey/census. It is also used to combine sources (identify units, prevent under coverage and avoid

duplication), improve respondent relation, central storage of companies/establishments information and to

optimize the quality of statistical process in the early stage.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

1,156,202 active establishments

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Strengthening business register through administrative data

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

page 1 / 3

At present, the department has established strong collaboration with the main registrar of companies and

businesses in Malaysia. There are three main agencies which are Company Commission of Malaysia

(CCM), Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Construction Industrial Development Board (CIDB). DOSM

has taken step ahead by signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen the relationship and

smart partnership.

2. Short title of work which was done

Strengthening the frame through Survey Management System

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The department has developed the system which enables the field enumerators at the state offices to

manage the survey and update the most current information during the collection phase. It also enhance the

quality assurance of the information updated as it can be monitored and analysed by the related subject


3. Short title of work which was done

Applying geospatial data as source to update the frame

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The department has engaged with national telecommunication company in using web geospatial portal

known as TM Smart Map. The facility allows the department to access latest information mainly the location

of businesses which really assist in reducing the non-response cases due to incomplete and outdated contact


III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) embedded in the development and maintenance of

statistical registers.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Applying some sub process in the Generic Statistical Business Process Model in the maintenance of the

register activity. Collect and Process phase can be applied to data obtained from surveys feedback,

administrative records and screening process. Analyse and Disseminate will prepare the output to be

validated and made ready for the release. Finally the Evaluation phase will provide the information to improve

the quality of the register

2. Short title of work planned

To enhance the use of administrative data sources in ensuring the completeness, timely and reliable register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The department has extended the colloboration and smart partnership with Royal Malaysian Customs in

getting the information about firms involve with MyGST which is recently launched in 2014.

3. Short title of work planned

To establish Business Demography Statistics

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The department plans to conduct research on the terminology, scope & coverage and data availability. One

of the main efforts is to analyze the Eurostats Manual on Business Demography Statistics.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Delay in updating register

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Description of the challenge

The department is enhancing the effort to increase the awareness about the importance of maintaining

accurate, timely, comprehensive and reliable firm informations which later can be used by the statistical

register. Due to unstandardized data structure the data tapping process with the main registrar of companies

and businesses having lot of difficulties.

2. Main challenge 2

Inadequate quality of the firm information in the register

Description of the challenge

Completeness, consistency, reliability and up to date firms information in the register are important as it is

going to be used as survey frame and compilation of business demography statistics.The register provides

the information needed for stratifying, sampling and contacting businesses. Register inadequacies will lead to

non-sampling errors and misleading interpretation of censuses/surveys results.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register



2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register



3. Position of the register unit in the organisation



4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Providing users with information on the live establishments in the country; identification data (name of the

establishment, name of the owner, denomination or corporate name, code of the type of economic activity

according to NAICS, size according to stratum of employment, location in the national geographical frame

(code and entity name, municipality and location, code of the Basic Geostatistical Area and block), data on

the geographical address (type and name of the rodway, exterior and interior number, building, floor, type

and name of human settlement, ZIP code), contact data (telephone number, e-mail address and web page),

date of register with DENUE and geographic coordinates for location (latitud and longitude).

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

4 410 198

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

page 1 / 3

1. Short title of work which was done

Presentation of the 10/2013 Interactive DENUE

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In October 2013, the 10/2013 Interactive DENUE was presented to society in general, opening the possibility

to business owners to request the publication of additional information on their firms in the Directory's query

system on the web: main products and services, competitive advantages, logo, photographs of their business

and recognitions. Furthermore, an agreement was held with the Ministry of Economy to publish the

information of the firms that are registered in the Mexican Businesses Information System (SIEM) in

DENUE's query system, specifically in the third section of the datasheet for each business, for example: the

cluster and productive chain it belongs to, the market for its products (national or international) and links to

the business chambers in which it is member. The additional information will be validated by INEGI, even

when requested by businesses, the publication is the owner's responsibility. The information on the

establishment's identification and location variables is what DENUE can publish by rule, without violating the

confidentiality principles of statistical information.

2. Short title of work which was done

Results of the 2012 analysis on the demography of the establishments

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The results of the first study on the demography of the establishments conducted by INEGI 2012 were

presented (3 years after the 2009 Economic Census Survey), for which a two-stage and by cluster sample

probabilistic scheme was designed, with sector representativeness, both for national and state level, in order

to observe how many new establishments there are in a certain time, how many disappear and which is the

net growth in the number of establishments, specifically in the segment of establishments from 0 to 100

employees from the nonfinancial trade, manufacturing industries and private service sectors. The data per

size of the establishment is provided at national level; while those related to the activity sector are provided

both at national and federative entity level. The study is avaialble on INEGIS internet site:


3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Updating DENUE at 100%

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Updating DENUE at 100% with data collected by the 2014 Economic Censues and submitting DENUE's

totally updated version in December 2014.

2. Short title of work planned

From a directory to a register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

To go from counting on a business register that is limited to the variables of "directory" type (as DENUE) to a

business register that also includes the economic data of the establishments and firms (such as revenue,

production, etc.), similar to the business registers from the countries of the Group of Experts of the

Wiesbaden Group.

3. Short title of work planned

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Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Providing users with information on the demography of establishments and firms at any geographic detail level,

according to the economic activity and size

Description of the challenge

Providing the population with demographic data on the establishments and firms related to births, deaths and

life span according to their characteristics: geographical area where they are located, the activity they

develop and the size in terms of their employment; allowing to know the impact of these phenomena on

employment. Establishing the necessary mechanisms and procedures to have the possibility of knowing the

status of each establishment and firm that is registered in the DENUE from one census survey to another, for

example: change of location, owner, type of economic activitiy, size, in order to know and provide information

on the status of the businesses in accordance with the international criteria and recommendations.

2. Main challenge 2

Linking the State's Units administrative register's databases with DENUE

Description of the challenge

Updating DENUE through the development of a system that links the State's administrative register's

database with the Directory, seeking for a simultaneous incorporation of both the new economic units as well

as the changes of data on the existing economic units into all the registers.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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National Statistical Office of Mongolia

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistical Unit of Mongolia (Business Register of Mongolia)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

National Statistical Office

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Macro Economic Statistics Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit

4 staff members in NSO, and 30 staff members in local branches

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Primary goal: 1. To improve data quality of BR. 2. To improve methodology on BR. 3. To improve data

changing procedure and methods with General Authority for State Registration;

Use of the register: Sampling frame for statistical activities as business censuses and surveys and

disseminate for outside users.

6. Year of establishment of the register

Since 1998

7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2006, 2013

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

54.9 thousand legal units

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Create a new system for statistical units

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

page 1 / 3

In the light of the National Programme for Development of Official Statistics for 2011-2015, the NSO aims to

write the following three software programs, to bring the work of the business register team to a new level,

and to increase the use of the statistical unit database in the framework of enhancing the quality of the

business register. At present, the following two programs have been written and put into action. They are: 1).

a comprehensive system designed to create statistical unit databases to be stored on the server in

accordance with international standards and to load, revise, update, and use the official statistical data and to

produce outputs; 2). a warehouse database based on the statistical units designed for the staff members in

divisions and departments of the NSO and its headquaters, and users, and a system designed to use the

warehouse database.

2. Short title of work which was done

Conduct of the Establishment Census

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The National Statistical Office has conducted the Establishment Census 5 times. The Establishment Census

covered some economic sectors in 1991 and 1994. Also, there were employment criteria applied for the

above mentioned censuses. The last three censuses conducted in 1998, 2006 and 2011 did cover all kinds

of establishments and their branches. For the 2011 Establishment Census, the International Standard

Industrial Classification of all economic activities, version 4.0, was implemented and a geographic information

system was created based on results from the establishment census. The last census embraced more

property/asset and IT indicators than the previous ones.

3. Short title of work which was done

Improve BR quality

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Within the MONSTAT project, we have conducted a survey on large and foreign investment enterprise in

order to improve business register quality. The survey covered 2351 enterprises, which were registered in

business register in 6 districts and 3 provinces.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Develop guideline for Mongolia BR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Develop guideline for BR based on international manual. It will usefull for new staff of BR and other outside


2. Short title of work planned

Create a system for automatic updating BR from main administrative sources

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Develop application program for updating BR based on administrative data (State registration office, Tax

office etc.)

3. Short title of work planned

BR will include herder households and individual bussiness person

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Develop database for herder households based on livestock census which NSO is conducting every year

while the database will include individual business persons based on data of General Taxation Department.

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IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Unavailable an information system among state organizations

Description of the challenge

There are several government agencies for collecting establishment information, but no access to change

their collected information in a particular period.

2. Main challenge 2

There is no article about collaboration with enterprises in a law

Description of the challenge

Address is uncertain, and hard to make contact with enterprises in domestic trade, non-government

organization, foreign investment organizations sector.

The legal environment is weak when enterprises refused to provide their information.

3. Main challenge 3

Introduce classifications in BR

Description of the challenge

1. There are several classification for NPI such as Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions

Serving Households (COPNI) and International Classification of Non-Profit Organizations (ICNPO). Which

one we have to introduce in BR. 2. There is a issue that how do we classify enterprises by new Institutional

Sector Classification, which is using for SNA.

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The Netherlands


Rico Konen (statistical researcher)


Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

General Business register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics Netherlands (SN)-department of Business Registers (within the Division "Economic and Business

Statistics and National Accounts")

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Centralised within the Division "Economic and Business Statistics and National Accounts" (EBN)

4. Number of employees in the register unit

40 (excluding 5 very large enterprise group's profilers)

5. Primary goal and use of the register

To serve as population and sample frame for all economic statistics surveys and to serve as tool for linkage

with administrative files with data that is to be used in compiling business statistics.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

1992, 2006, 2009, 2014

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

1.4 mln Ent

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Integration of the New Trade register in the BR system

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

page 1 / 3

The functionalities for the use of the New Trade Register (NTR) as the basic and authentic source for the BR

have been developed. The NTR will be integrated in the BR at the beginning of 2014. During the past years

many companies with activities in agriculture or some free professions, have been registered in the NTR,

because of the obligation to register by legislation. However some religious organisations, governmental

bodies and some special partnership constructions are still missing because these legal units are exempted

from the obligation to register.

2. Short title of work which was done

Unit database

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

SN created a separate database to coordinate the main output of the BR. This 'units database' describes a

frozen frame which is derived for the first day of a reference month. A frozen frame consists of a coordinated

population of statistical units (and main characteristics) which are valid for the reference month. Each

statistical unit in a frozen frame is linked to one or more legal units (and main characteristics), which are

associated to the administrative units (and main characteristics) valid at the first day of the reference month.

The 'units database' will be the input that coordinates samples and facilitates the use of administrative

information in statistical processes.

3. Short title of work which was done

Participation ESSnets

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Statistics Netherlands was strongly involved in BR related ESSnets, the ESSnet EGR and the ESSnet

Profiling large and complex Enterprise Groups.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Unit environment

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

There are still needs of statisticians to dispose of statistical units that are not part of the Dutch BR. Some

entries are lacking in the BR because of the exemption to register in the NTR, some entries are missing

because of undercoverage in administrative sources used to maintain the BR, some entries are missing

because of global reasons and some units are relevant to establish a link to other domains (self-

employment). The BR department of SN has planned to extend the BR sytem and design a unit environment,

in which all relevant units used in (business) statistical processes should be available and coordinated. In

addition to this, SN will investigate the possibilities to develop a user friendly interface for the business

clients, which should be a generic tool based on data virtualisation (oid).

2. Short title of work planned

Sampling module

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

SN is developing a separate sampling module, which uses the coordinated populations stored in the 'units-

database' as its main input. The module supports several sampling design techniques and keeps the sample


3. Short title of work planned

Participation ESBRs VIP Project

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

SN will particiapte in the ESBRs VIP project and will be workpackage leader of WP 2 (interoperability

framework). Besides, SN will participate in WP 1 and 3.

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IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Extension of the BR into a unit environment

Description of the challenge

To extend the BR into a unit environment which consists of different sources providing statistical units may

cause double counting of statistical units. It's a challenge to match, link and maintain the units of different

sources in this unit environment.

2. Main challenge 2

Basic registrations

Description of the challenge

The NTR is part of a national system of official administrative registrations. The challenge is to create half-

manufactured statistical products for the business by linking the information of these registration to the

statistical units in the BR to coordinate this information and raise the quality of it.

3. Main challenge 3

Work arounds

Description of the challenge

Around the BR-system of SN some work-arounds have been created in the past to fulfil the information

needs of its users. The challenge is to optimize the processes that led to these work-arounds, in order to

improve the control of running aplications and the manual procedures linked to the BR system.

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New Zealand


Stuart Pitts


Statistics New Zealand

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistics New Zealand Business Frame (new Business Register being launched in May 2014)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics New Zealand

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Industry and Labour Statistics Group (Operations Group after March 2014 as part of an organisation wide


4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Provides a reference population for business surveys run by Statistics NZ and other NZ government

agencies producing Tier 1 statistics (statistics of national importance) and is the source for the production of

annual business demography statistics. Also provides the basis of an integration framework for different

sources of data.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

From 2012 development of a replacement system called the Business Register

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

470,000 enterprises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Business Register redevelopment

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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A project to replace the 1996 Business Frame which is partly built on a legacy software platform. The new BR

is being built on the same generic platform used by our main business surveys, allowing better integration

and efficiency when working across survey and admin data sources. The BR project will also result in

changes to our maintenance strategy, with more acceptance of admin sources for less significant


2. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Implementation of a new institutional sector classification

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A new classification has been developed that has two dimensions, type and control. The BF (Business

Frame) is working with survey areas (in particular National Accounts) on the business rules that will place

economic units in different sectors based on available admin data (primarily tax records).

2. Short title of work planned

Adoption of the New Zealand Business Number

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

All limited liability companies in New Zealand now have a New Zealand Business Number, and it is planned

to extend the NZBN to all business types (eg partnerships and sole propietors) in the next few years.

Statistics NZ will progressively move towards using the NZBN for correspondence with businesses and as

the basis for integrating admin sources from different agencies.

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Implementation of the new Business Register

Description of the challenge

With big changes to both technology and methodology (primarily in relation to maintenance rules from admin

sources) we have to provide a stable environment to support the production of core economic statistical


2. Main challenge 2

Reduced resources available for register maintenance

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Description of the challenge

The ongoing drive for organisational efficiency means that there are less resources available for manual

register maintenance (going from 13 to 10 FTE), and more acceptance of admin sources for less significant


3. Main challenge 3

More demand for regional statistics

Description of the challenge

Increasing demand from central and local government for regional economic statistics (partly driven by the

local body amalgamation of New Zealnd's biggest city and the rebuild following the Canterbury earthquake) is

putting more emphasis on the quality of location information on the register. New geospatial infrastructure will

help support this but we need to understand how this can integrate with our new register platform as well.

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Anders Haglund


Statistics Norway

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

The Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics Norway

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Division for Statistical Populations

4. Number of employees in the register unit

27 (19 working with BR)

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Form a full coverage and documented register with high quality that represents a common population for

enterprises and establishments inside Statistics Norway

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

1995, 1999

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

470 000 Enterprises and 500 000 LKAU

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Implementing quality indicators for the BR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Statistics Norway has worked the list of quality indicators for administrative sources from Blu-Ets. This

resulted in lists with quality checks for three administrative base registers, the Population Register, the

Cadaster and the Business Register. The quality checks are run on regular basis and summarized in quality

reports, one for each register. The quality reports give a good impression on the quality of each register and

how it develops over time.

2. Short title of work which was done

Facilitate co-ordination of samples

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Standard tools for description of target populations and criteria for sample selections has been developed.

Extra variables has been added to the total sample frame showing the frames and samples each unit

belongs to. About one third of the samples are a now part of this co-ordinated process, with a goal of cover

all frames and samples in the near future.

3. Short title of work which was done

Responsibilty of collecting administrative data

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Our responsibility is to set up standardized contracts with the data owners, including a quality report which

secure Statistics Norway the data with a confirmed quality. Out of 25 Governmental data owners we now

have contracts with 19 and ongoing work with the 6 remaining. This include 81 quality reports, with 7


III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Full co-ordination of samples

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Continue and complete the work on co-ordination of samples to a full coverage. Then we can implement the

functionality of fair participation in our sample surveys.

2. Short title of work planned

Testing profiling

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Statistics Norway will apply for the grant action regarding profiling of multinational enterprise groups.

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Meeting the new demands of globalization

Description of the challenge

The globalization of the economy and new demands for statistical units and data capture across national

borders is very challenging. We do not have the resources for abandon administrative sources as our main

source of statistics and profiling we be challenging for us.

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2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Khalid Said Almudhaffar


National Centre for Statistics and Information

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

National Centre for Statistics and Information

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Economic Surveys Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

update and maintain the business frame

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013


II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Reclassifying the economic activities using ISIC4

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

All establishments in the business register have been reclassified using ISIC4 on the basis of the

correspondence table issued by UNSD and in depth investigation in order to complete classifying the units.

2. Short title of work which was done

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Identification of the non-active establishments in the business register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The non-active establishments have been identified and removed from business register

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Establishing a task force for Business Register Development

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A task force has been established to determine and solve all the challenges facing when building a new

business register.

2. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

High rate of birth and death of establishments

Description of the challenge

The business register in Oman is over estimate because of the high rate of new open establishments and

many of the closed establishements do not report.

2. Main challenge 2

Accuracy of establishments classifications

Description of the challenge

The field work shows that many establishments are classified in the wrong activities.

3. Main challenge 3

Delay of updating the data

Description of the challenge

The business register update is on a quarterly basis after two months from the end of the quarter.

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I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register


2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register


3. Position of the register unit in the organisation


4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register


6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

02, 04, 07, 09, 10, 11, 13

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

legal units - 3 056 812; local units 3 576 360

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

The use of administrative data sources in SBR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Improving the matching of units between SBR and administrative systems.

2. Short title of work which was done

Improving the quality of data in SBR

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Adaptation the Business Register to the new version of EuroGroups register.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Methodological work to improve the quality of the data

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Elaborating the rules for determining the units activity on the basis of data collected from different sources

including administrative sources; further elaborating the rules for determining the average number of

employees on basis of data from administrative sources and size classes based on data of number of

employees and turnover.

2. Short title of work planned

Improving the quality of data in SBR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Adaptation the Business Register to the new version of EuroGroups register.

3. Short title of work planned

Developing of SBR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Implementation of juridical changes to SBR.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Improving the quality of data in SBR

Description of the challenge

Elaborating of the processes for updating and developing IT tools.

2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Mrs Isabel Farinha


Statistics Portugal (INE)

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Business Register (Ficheiro de Unidades Estatísticas)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Information Infrastructure Unit

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Methodology and Information Systems Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit

8 people

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Support data collection system and management system of population and samples - population frame

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

1999, 2008 and 2013

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

1,6 million legal units

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

SECOM - Common framework to support SBS and national accounts

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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In 2011 an internal group was created, composed by statisticians from business statistics, national accounts,

business register and statistical methods, with the objective of creating a common framework (SECOM), with

common criteria and, as far as possible, common methodology for market activities. The market activities

sector will comprise companies, sole proprietors and independent workers and the limits will be defined by

the institutional sector. This database as a support to sampling frame, and will be the reference for SBS and

National Accounts.

2. Short title of work which was done

Integration of National Groups with the Business Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In 2013, occurred some changes to the BR enterprise group module application, mainly in previous data

model and application interface, based on collection of different and new variables, new validation rules and

new metadata.

3. Short title of work which was done

Integration of Inward FATS with EGR population

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The main goal of IFATS is to find the national enterprises controlled by foreign capitals. Up to 2011, were

used two main sources, the administrative data collected by the fiscal authorities (IES) and the data from the

previous exercises of IFATS, mostly confirmed by direct contacts with enterprises. In 2013, Statistics

Portugal used the EGR data as a new source to obtain the FATS population for the year 2011.

The introduction of EGR data as a new source represented an important input not only in terms of a better

coverage of FATS population, but also in terms of data validation, through the comparison of the UCI

countries among the different sources.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Georeferencing Legal Units and Local Units

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The georeference of the Legal Units and Local Units is under discussion in order to include this feature into

the Business Register

2. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Implementation of the concept of Enterprise unit, under discussion

Description of the challenge

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The implementation of the new concept of Enterprise seems to involve a lot of changes and implications in

our Information System which are not completely identified.

2. Main challenge 2

More precise identification of the Local Units

Description of the challenge

Until now the unique identification of Local Units is based in the address matching. This method is not

precise and involves a lot of resources. We are seeking for different solutions for this problem.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Liviu Ghilencea


National Statistical Institute of Romania

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Business Register - REGIS

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

National Statistical Institute of Romania

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Directorate of Methodology, Classifications, Business Register

4. Number of employees in the register unit

11 FTE + 1/2 FTE at county level

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Source of information for statistical analysis of enterprise population and demography; Dissemination; Tool

for the preparation and coodination of enterprise surveys (drawing sample and grossing up);

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

approx. 900,000 units (market and non-market units)

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Inclusion of the statistical entity regarding the enterprises groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

For the above mentioned work we did the following steps: - methodology for using administrative source; -

develop a methodology for EGR data transmition to Eurostat

2. Short title of work which was done

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Development of a methodology for the profiling of enterprises

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

2. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Implementation of FRIBS

Description of the challenge

Development of a methodology for delineation of enterprises taking into account the operational rules from


2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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The Russian Federation



Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Rosstat statistical register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Statistical Register Division of the Department for Statistical Surveys and Monitoring of Rosstat

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Development of methodological guidance and manuals for the purposes of maintaining and applying the

Rosstat statistical register in the system of state statistics

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

4 million organizations and 3.5 million individual entrepreneurs

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Improving the methodology of forming business demography indicators in accordance with the international


Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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In order to prepare business demography indicators in accordance with international standards Rosstat

developed basic methodological approaches to business demography in 2013. In particular mathematical

methods were developed to compensate for the missing information on organizations average number of

employees and their turnover; a system of indicators was developed as well as a methodology for their

formation. The calculation of basic business demography indicators was performed - birth, death, survival of

enterprises, the average age of enterprises death; determination of the number of active enterprises -

"elephants", "mice", "gazelles", fading enterprises, growth rate of the number of enterprises-employers, etc.

2. Short title of work which was done

Improvement of the methodology for determining the institutional sectors of the economy, including the state

sector, in accordance with the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA).

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Objects of the Rosstat statistical register, including the ones of the state sector, were identified by the codes of

economy institutional sectors in accordance with the 2008 SNA. The state sector of the economy was

determined based on the administrative data. Cooperation is in progress with the Central Bank of the Russian

Federation for the delimitation of the financial sector. This work is carried out according to the criteria by which

an organization is referred to a certain sector of the economy (2008 SNA).

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Business demography

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Experimental calculations of business demography indicators are to be conducted in 2014 based on the

integrated information funds which were formed with the use of different methods of imputation and editing.

2. Short title of work planned

Improvement of technology for maintaining and applying the Rosstat statistical register, in particular, creating

an integrated centralized informational resource of the register at the federal level.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

It includes the development of software and technological tools to create an integrated centralized database of

the statistical register at the federal level, to maintain it and use it for statistical surveys. For these purposes

modern technology will be applied for minimizing the burden on the Rosstat regional offices in maintaining the

statistical register. At the same time the methodology for collecting statistical reports is to be used, there must

be transparency of the Rosstat regional offices work, supervision by the central office of Rosstat, possibilities to

make changes in the database with minimum cost, etc.

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges

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Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

The main problem in maintainig the statistical register of Rosstat is that administrative data in use are


Description of the challenge

We are still unable to reach an agreement with the Tax Office on obtaining information about the average

number of employees for each organization. It impedes the calculation of business demography indicators as

well as determinating the category of businesses (small, medium, large). Also there is a problem of

undercoverage of separate subdivisions in the statistical register. Rosstat will continue to work with the Tax

Office to obtain data on the average number of employees and organizations' separate subdivisions.

2. Main challenge 2

Incomplete automation of the process of objects identification in the statistical registers.

Description of the challenge

Because of partial automation of the identification process of economic units errors in establishing codes

according to the national classification of technical, economic and social information may appear, i.e. the quality

of entities identification is affected by a "human factor". The work on technology of maintaining the statistical

register on the basis of the integrated centralized information resource provides for the development of the

software for the automated identification of objects.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Predrag Jovanovic


Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

I. Organization, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistical Business Register

2. Name of the organization responsible for holding the register

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

3. Position of the register unit in the organization

Busines Register unit in the Business Register and Statistical Standards Division which is in Business

Statistics Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

The main goal of the register is to be a common framework for all economic statistics, harmonized with

European Statistical System standards.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineering(s) of the register

2009, 2010

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

480320 enterprises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Detection and inclusion of the new administrative sources

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Fiscal Cash-registers database (from Tax Authority), list of foreign affiliates investing in the Serbia and

national companies branches abroad (National Bank of Serbia - NBS), list of companies and their ownership

structure (listed on the Belgrade Stock Exchange) (Central Securities Depository and Clearing House), data

on employees (including self-employment) for the whole country (Central Register of Compulsory Social


Data are analyzed for the most of the new sources some of them are already built in BR.

2. Short title of work which was done

Introducing new statistical unit: Enterprise Group

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Completing harmonization with BR Regulation. Setting-up EGs register. Based on following sources: Serbian

Business Register Agency - SBRA (data on founders of limited companies), also SBRA data (consolidated

annual financial statements), NBS – FATS inward and outward, Central Securities Depository and Clearing


3. Short title of work which was done

Survey on the local units of the enterprises

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In the frame were about 2000 enterprises with significant importance according the Register of the Annual

Financial Statements as well as all public enterprises. The web questionnaire was the mandatory tool for the

data provision from all the enterprises except some large and complex enterprises. Special tool for

monitoring the survey in the process of data entry and data editing was developed aiming to facilitate the

coordination of the activities in quality improvements in these processes. The objective was to reduce the

nonresponse at minimum level.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Design of the Institutional sector code

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

All Enterprise units will be coded with Institutional sector & sub-sector codes (SNA 2008 = ESA 2010). The

activity will be performed in close cooperation with SORS NA department. Financial sector codes are taken

from NBS

2. Short title of work planned

BR as a sole source of survey population for business statistics in the SORS

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

All conditions and opportunities are at BR disposal to become unique source for all statistics which use

register units. Now existent separate address lists just partly based on BR have to be eliminated. For that

purpose all units used in surveys will be mapped to BR units (especially) LoUs. After that batch updating of

BR with surveys data will be possible with no excessive staff work.

3. Short title of work planned

Quality management and reporting

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

For improvement of BR data quality BR unit will use a number of reports on various quality dimensions.

Furthermore, self assessment tool based on TQM model EFQM will be adjusted to the need of real quality

management in the BR unit. This is long-term goal and it will be achieved gradually during next 4 to 5 years.

IV. Main challenges

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Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Reluctant cooperation of the surveys

Description of the challenge

The Office has not officially adopted the EU Regulation on statistical units (696/93) which is implemented as

basic concept in the Statistical Business Register (SBR). The statistical surveys have yet no mandatory task

to harmonize with this Regulation. The challenge is adoption of the data in the updating of the SBR from

those statistical surveys which do not yet comply with the Regulation.

2. Main challenge 2

Acceleration of data takeover from main administrative source

Description of the challenge

Due to the complete software reengineering of the system of registration in the main administrative source for

the SBR, in the SBRA, which has lasted several years, the updating of the SBR has happened only few times

by the year instead every month like before. This year the developing of the SBR faces with real challenge

since the data takeover and use of the data from the SBRA is anticipated to be daily on the base of the web


3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Slovak Republic


Marta Mravcová


Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Register of Organizations

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Section of methodology and registers/Department of Registers and Classifications

4. Number of employees in the register unit

19 employees directly in the central office department + 7 regional employees

5. Primary goal and use of the register

Coordination of statistical surveys, consolidation of administrative data, production of statistics on business

demography and organization structure of economy

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

1996-1999; 2010-2013

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

636 962 enterprises, 860 722 local units, 2 711 enterprise groups

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Re-engineering and improvement of the IT system of administration of the business register and its including

into the new IT environment

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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IT business registers sub-system creates a part of the complex Integrated Statistical Information System

(ISIS) that was developed for 3 previous years and consists of metadata sub-system, sub-system aimed at

coordination of statistical surveys (delineation of responding units files) and sub-system of administrative and

statistical data collection and processing. Development of ISIS was supported by Oracle Database and

Websphere Application System.

2. Short title of work which was done

Integration at physical and logical level of the national enterprise groups register and the business register into

the same data model.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Extension of data structures of the register of legal units, enterprises and the register of non-residential units

with characteristics needed for EGR ver. 2 new functions (ID service and data exchange) with strengthening

of logical relations between these registers.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Development of the national single register.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In collaboration with the ministry of justice and the ministry of interior, the statistical office started to develop

the "single unique register" of legal entities which will be obligatory used in public administration. The "single

register" will also be an unique authentic and unquestioned source for legal units (and enterprises) for the

statistical business register. Development and implementation are planned for 2014 - 2015.

2. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Implementation of new methodology on profiling based on enterprise groups into the practice

Description of the challenge

Obtaining of necessary resources, skills and automatic tools for applying of new methodology and

implementation of new-defined and delineated enterprises and tools into the same register subsystem.

2. Main challenge 2

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Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Aleksandra Lesnjek


Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistical Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Business Statistics - Structural Business Statistics and Business Register Unit

4. Number of employees in the register unit

15 employees in the whole unit, of those 5 working in BR

5. Primary goal and use of the register

To keep the record on statistical units, disseminate the data on statistical units and provide it for some

statistical domains like SBS, Business Demography, EGR.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

Started in 2011

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

162.000 enterprises in 2012

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Preparing partial data basis

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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From various sources (mainly administrative ones) a specific partial data basis were prepared as the inputs

for the new statistical business register S_PRS (e.g. partial data base from administrative business register,

annual accounts, employment etc). Partial data basis include varables that are important for the

maintainance of the statistical units in the S_PRS. Where necessary, controls and imputations were

implemented as well.

2. Short title of work which was done

Using feedbacks from surveys

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A methodology for maintaining the statistical main activity code (it is mainly based on the feedbacks from

surveys) was described as well as the methodology for using the feedbacks from surveys as regards

demographic events.

3. Short title of work which was done

Setting up of the business demography data base

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Units involved in demography events were identified on the basis of administrative sources, surveys and/or

statistical matching. In the demography data base sucessors are identified by the rule of continuity. Data

base will represent the base for continuity of statistical identifier (SIR) in future.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Setting up an integrated S_PRS data base

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

From partial data basis the initial integration S_PRS data base will be set up and a new statistical identifier

(SIR) will be asigned to all statistical units. This data base will be updated on a monthly basis.

2. Short title of work planned

Continuity of statistical units

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

On the basis of business demography data base and special algoritms the continuation of statistical identifier

will be implemented were relevant (for LKAU and enterprises).

3. Short title of work planned

Implementation of yearly S_PRS data base

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A separate iteration will be done for annual S_PRS with the use of monthly data. Annual S_PRS will be in line

with the requairements from the REGULATION (EC) No 177/2008.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Introduction of statistical identifier SIR

Description of the challenge

Statistical identifier will enable to identify statistical units LKAU and enterprises, and to follow its continuity.

2. Main challenge 2

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Technical implementation of S_PRS

Description of the challenge

From technical ponint of view it will be a challenge to set up a new S_PRS with the use of many

administrative and statistical sources. Updating procedures will be based mainly on automatic procedures,

including controls, editing and imputations.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Valentin Llorente Garcia


Instituto Nacional de Estadistica - INE

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Directorio Central de Empresas (DIRCE)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE)

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Methodology Directorate

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Sampling frame for surveys addessed to enterprises.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2000 (enterprise groups were included), 2002 (enlargement of activity coverage), 2003 (adaptation to the

future new European regulation), 2005 (improvement in tecnological environment) and 2009 (adaptation to

NACE Rev. 2)

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

At the end of 2012 DIRCE had 3146570 active units.

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Contribution to create and maintain an European register of multinational groups.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Participation in flows exchage according to version 2.0 of EGR in order to generate the Eurogroups Register

referred to 2012.

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Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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2. Short title of work which was done

Testing and piloting experiences in profiling.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Several tasks implementing profiling techniques both as leader (intensive and light profiling) and partner


3. Short title of work which was done

International projects disseminating outputs coming from Business Register.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Contribution of data for OECD DynEmp Project. Participation in Eurostat Regional Business Demography


III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Identification of the foreign legal units stored in our national Busines Register.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Collection of LEID numbers from the EGR IS. Adaptation of our national Business Register to store the

unique identification number of foreign units. Creation of a methodology for the maintenance of those

identification numbers.

2. Short title of work planned

Description of our national statistical Business Register using GSBPM.

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Building up of the capacity for using GSBPM to document our national statistical Business Register

processes. Description of those processes by using GSBPM.

3. Short title of work planned

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Progressing in the adoption of international standards.

Description of the challenge

Progressive use of international standars both for data exchange and procedures description.

2. Main challenge 2

Adaptation to new definitions of statistical units.

Description of the challenge

Implementation of several tasks to delimit segments and parts of national and multinational enterprise


3. Main challenge 3

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Description of the challenge

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Christian Ekström


Statistics Sweden

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Business Register System (Public and Statistical Business Register)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Statistics Sweden

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Economic Statistics Department

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Survey frame and commission based activities

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

1128950 enterprises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done


Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Approximately one third of register unit staff were transferred to the Data Collection from Enterprises and

Organisations Department. A lot of checking and weekly maintenance is thereby performed at a different

department than the business register, which is situated at the Economic Statistics Department. So far,

cooperation and division of labour between these two organisational units have functioned well.

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Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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2. Short title of work which was done

Development poject regarding a new business register system

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Several sub-projects have worked alongside in order to model a re-engineered business register. For

instance, methods and indata used for determining operational status of statistical legal units and enterprise

units have been reviewed, and some of the core variables have been evaluated. However, the resulting

suggstions and recommendations will not be implemented in version 1.0 due to lack of resources. Other sub-

projects have focused on modelling a technical solution for the new business register system. Parts of this

work will be realised in 2014.

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Implementing version 1.0 of the new Business Register System

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Version 1.0 will consist of a rather small fraction of the original implementation plan. What will be developed

is an application for checking indata from the two main sources to the BR. This will increase efficiency in

maintenance from a technical point of view. For instance, all checking cases within the same enterprise will

now be allocated to one member of staff only, who will get a better overview of current status of the

enterprise in the BR. Also, this reduces the risk of unnecessary multiple follow-ups by contacting one

enterprise more than once for similar matters. The new application will run side by side with the old BR-

application for the time being.

2. Short title of work planned

Review of current methods for checking

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

From using a large number of indata controls - of which many are based on individual chioces in the

mainenance work - this process will be standardised. The aim is to increase efficiency in checking and to

make it possible to control and steer this process. Plans are that user needs will have a larger influence on

this process compared to current procedures.

3. Short title of work planned

Continue to develop and implement the new business register system

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A roadmap that suggests in what order the remaining parts of the development project should be

implemented has been produced. The project steering group recommends that modules be implemented that

support a smooth and fast transition from Visual Basic 6 to .Net, regarding the main applications used for

maintenance. Also, in order to improve and re-engineer the enterprise group information, work has started in

order to integrate the EGR information with enterprise group information at national level, and to determine

how to make best use of the commercial data sources available.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

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Revive and strengthen cooperation with users of the statistical business register

Description of the challenge

In 2014 there is an ambition to formalise ways to enhance cooperation between producers of the statistical

business register and the users. One suggestion is to form a permanent group of stake-holders whose task

would be to help to prioritise and coordinate actions that affects changes in NACE, size, status and so on for

units in the survey frames. The main stake-holders can be found in three different departments (and two

offices) and the challenges in order to arrange improved ways to communicate, make decisions and keep

informed should not be underestimated. The scope of this cooperation has not yet been decided on.

2. Main challenge 2

How to display the level of quality

Description of the challenge

Users have requested a way to determine the level of quality of the register besides the standardised

documents which is already in place. The most favoured suggestion is an inqury to respondents in order to

determine the level of accuracy. Inquires of this kind used to be performed on a regular basis by the register

unit. However, the latest one was carried out in 2008. It is recommended that a similar or a limited version of

this inquiry is performed again soon. Other suggestions from the project include a short overview or statistical

analysis of each survey frame (four times a year) which will describe some of the major features and

changes in the current frame. This will then allow users to determine the uesfullness of the frame for their

own particular needs.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Tomasini Fabio


Swiss Federal Statistical Office

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Business and enterprise register (BER) - Registre des entreprises et des établissements REE

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Swiss Federal Statistical Office

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

The register unit is part of the register division of our office.

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

The register is used for statistical purposes as well as for pubic interest tasks.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

2001- 2014

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013


II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Introduction of new employment data

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The last enterprise census took place in 2008. In 2013, the new employment structural basis statistic, based

on social security data, for the reference year 2011, was prepared. From now on, yearly data on employment

will be provided based on the same procedure.

2. Short title of work which was done

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Profiling light survey

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Large enterprises and groups are followed by the profiling team. Small and medium multi-unit enterprises are

part of the yearly profiling light survey. A web-based survey provides the employment for all small and

medium multi-unit enterprises not covered by profiling.

3. Short title of work which was done

Data in the agricultural sector

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The agricultural sector data are processed in a fully integrated data transmission interface linked to the

cantonal platforms. All structural and statistical information are continuously processed and integrated in the

business register.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Automatic loading procedure

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The load of statistical data should take maximum advantage of automatic procedures. There is a need to

provide timely data for all users.

2. Short title of work planned

Re-engineering of the BR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

An important re-engineering project of our BR will start this year and should last at least 3 years.

3. Short title of work planned

Maintenance of the public sector

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The public sector is a very special domain and the use of administrative data in this sector is not simple. This

year we will improve the definition of employment in order to have a better connection between administrative

data and profiling data.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Re-engineering of the BR

Description of the challenge

A major reengineering of the BR will begin this year. The main goal is to assure an infrastructure update of

the IT solution (live cycle) and to improve the integration of administrative data.

2. Main challenge 2

Definition of employment

Description of the challenge

In administrative data there are information that are not easy to convert into statistical information. For

employment there is a need to have a consistent definition that allows to take into consideration only real

jobs, all other entries, such as external services, should not be taken into account for the statistical

production. This definition should be implemented in the various payroll systems in the enterprises.

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3. Main challenge 3

Quality reporting system

Description of the challenge

A quality control such as the control of the economic activity code should be integrated in a reporting system.

This reporting system should be integrated to the maintenance program that will be developed in the re-

engineering of our BR.

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Hassen AROURI : Business Register Head director

Rim CHABBEH : Business Register Head of service


National Institute of Statistics

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Tunisian National Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Tunisian National Institute of Statistics

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

The Tunisian Business Register is a head of direction in the "BR and economic survey Direction" that

belongs to the "business statistics department (Central Direction)".

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Sampling and statistics database

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

Update each year (1996 to 2012)

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

634290 enterprises (13/12/2012) uncluding independents (one person units)

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Business Register statistics publication (version 2013)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

It is an annual publication :

Number of enterprises

Number of salaries

Job Creation

Demography of enterprises

classified by :

Activity (new classification)



Legal Form

Regime (Onshore / Offshore)

Nationality of the enterprise (Tunisian / Foreign)

2. Short title of work which was done

Private firm dynamics and job creation in Tunisia

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

This is a paper done in the context of cooperation between the INS and the World Bank :

Net Job Creation in Tunisia during the period 1996 to 2010

Which firms create more jobs

The "Stagnate or Down" firm's dynamic in Tunisia

How firm age, size, legal form, region, productivity and profitability are correlated with job creation

3. Short title of work which was done

Establishments Survey

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The survey was made one time to have a benchmark source to validate the method of establishments

Register creation using administrative sources:

The questionnaire contains the number of establishments for each firm and characteristics of each

establishment, if exists (adress, activity, number of employees)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Establishments Register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

List of establishments for each enterprise using the fiscal and social souces

The methodology consists on statistical maching between the local unit adress and the salaries adresses

A statistical source (establishments survey) will be used to validate this methodology

2. Short title of work planned

Statistical analysis of new administrative variables (turnover and wages)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Developing a statistical methodology to detect the outliers

Correction of outliers

Estimation of missing values

3. Short title of work planned

Fiscal accounts declaration

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

It is a project of cooperation between Finance Ministry and INS to exploit the accounts declaration (which are

actually in paper) to improve quality and minimize charges of economic surveys

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Anonymisation of individual data

Description of the challenge

Many requests require individual level databases for studies

The Tunisian economy is characterized by the presence of monopolies in some sectors

The development of an anonymization algorithm of the business register is hard to do

2. Main challenge 2

Harmonization of concepts and classifications at the national level

Description of the challenge

Each administrative partner has its own concepts and classifications

The use of conversion tables for harmonization does not solve some cases

Statistical definitions and concepts do not satisfy the needs of partners in some cases

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge




AKÇAY, Dr. Levent - Head of Register Systems Department


Turkish Statistical Institute

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Statistical Business Registers (BR) of Turkey

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Turkish Statistical Institute

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Register Systems Department - Business Registers Group

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Having statistical units and variables according to international norms for survey frames and analysis.

Keeping track of units' life cycle and enabling international comparisons.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013


II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Improvement of Business Registers

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

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Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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Necessary studies on the deficiencies of BR System packages were performed by local expert. Also, studies

have been initiated for necessary modules of web interfaces of BR System. Studies on compiling and usage

of data from different administrative sources such as Social Security Institution, Chamber of Commerce,

Ministry of Industry have been carried out. The data taken from relevant institutions have been analysed and

used in BR. Furthermore, initial studies have been carried out for keeping agricultural units and institutional

units in national BR.

2. Short title of work which was done

Enterprise Groups(EGs)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Annual survey of EGs for the reference year 2012 was completed and previous year’s EGs information was

updated. The integration of EGs annual survey results to the BR System was actualized.

3. Short title of work which was done

Business Demography(BD)

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

BD studies are now being processed in order to produce accurate BD data. Turkstat BR Group has already

sent the BD birth, death, and survival series to Eurostat for the reference years 2009, 2010 and 2011. Also,

the series for Employer Demography (ED) for the years 2010 and 2011 were transmitted. ED has an

increasing importance due to the creation of employment in businesses, which involves the accuracy of the

employment information. Thus, the social security records are commonly used in terms of employment


III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Improvement of Business Registers

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Negotiations with other institutions will be continued to enhance available data quality and also to increase

diversity of data sources. Studies on the collection and usage of the data from different administrative

sources will be pursued and integration of information derived from these sources into BR System will be

actualized. BR System packages will be updated and developed. Studies on the preparation of the software

for the missing parts of web interfaces of BR System will be continued. In addition, studies will be performed

for keeping agricultural units and classifying the units according to institutional sector classification in BR.

2. Short title of work planned

Enterprise Groups

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Annual EGs data will be updated incrementally and the survey population of EGs will be extended every year

as long as the administrative sources enable.

3. Short title of work planned

Business Demography

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The studies will be processed in order to produce accurate BD data. In terms of ED studies, it is aimed to

increase the quality of employment figure by using other administrative sources. For this purpose, social

security records will continue to be used in terms of employment figures. Negotiations with the other

administrative bodies will be realized.

IV. Main challenges

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Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

New System of Ministry of Finance (MoF)

Description of the challenge

As the main administrative sources, MoF records are used for BR System. IT department of MoF have been

changing their system and new system is planned to be active in 2014. The BR System will be affected from

this process. The new system of MoF must be analysed and BR System packages and related tables must

be updated and developed.

2. Main challenge 2

Usage of other administrative sources

Description of the challenge

Available administrative sources have problems on economic activities. The addresses are usually not

according to National Address Database of Turkey. Furthermore, since there is no standard in data structure

of some sources, difficulties can occur to match and process the data in BR. There is no full and reliable list

of state economic enterprises and municipality economic enterprises for classifying units according to

institutional sector classification.

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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United Kingdom


Andrew Allen


Office for National Statistics (ONS)

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Inter-departmental Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

Office for National Statistics

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Within Business Support Division

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

Survey frame for ONS and other government department surveys

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

2.2m enterprises

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Review of the IDBR sampling system

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A review of the IDBR sampling system to ensure we were not over-burdening respondents was carried out.

This looked at sample selection and rotation processes, to ensure that there was no oversampling. The review

was carried out by using a Lean 6 sigma project, and concluded that the system was efficient, and the only

issue was ensuring survey teams correctly followed procedures

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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2. Short title of work which was done

EU projects: ESSnet Profiling and Consistency

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

ONS played a role in both of these EU projects throughout 2013. For the ESSnet profiling, ONS input

included a cost benefit and organisational paper, as well as conducting profiling test cases. We also

completed our input into the ESSnet consistency project, by leading on the design of the questionnaire and

providing input into the final recommendations, which covered frame methodology.

3. Short title of work which was done

Manage changes to Administrative data from revenue department

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Changes to the revenue computer system, which led to increased coverage of very small businesses and

an increase in employment, were managed. This included closley working with the revenue department to

understand the data and reporting the impact to internal and external user committees.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Recoding of Geography system

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

To comply withy new ONS guidelines on geography coding , the IDBR geo- referencing identifiers are being

recoded to a universal 9 digit coding system without embedded intelligence.

2. Short title of work planned

Replace ACTR with Gcode

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The ACTR coding tool, used to create industry codes from textual descriptions is being upgraded to Gcode

(both Statistics Canada tools). This is required because of a move to Windows 7.

3. Short title of work planned

ESA 10 changes to the IDBR

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

A number of changes are required to enable the UK to comply with this regulation. These include

improvements to the way holding companies are processed, the identification of SPE's and improvements

to the financial and non-profit sectors.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Replace UK Business register publication

Description of the challenge

ONS is ceasing the production of a publication containing over 40 tables, covering business register counts.

We are exploring other options to make a dataset available in a format that would allow users to tabulate

their own tables. The aim is to enable a saving to be made by cutting the publication, but to allow users to

still access data.

2. Main challenge 2

Work with Electronic Data Collection Programme

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Description of the challenge

To keep a close relationship with the project to move business data collection to web based systems. The

business register sampling system needs to fully interact with the new system.

3. Main challenge 3

Loss of Staff expertise

Description of the challenge

Some key staff have moved leaving knowledge gaps that we need to manage and rebuild.

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United States


Richard Clayton

Institution: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

U.S. BLS Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) Business Register

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

The QCEW business register is used as a sampling frame, for research, benchmarking surveys on

employment, and data sharing.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register

1990, 2003

8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

9.2 million establishments

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

Data sharing between the BLS and Census Bureau

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The BLS and Census Bureau have been sharing data on multi-unit establishments for a number of research

and development projects. BLS and Census are working together to develop consistent industry

classifications for each establishment. These efforts will improve the quality and comparability of each

business register, produce efficiencies in data collection, and reduce respondent burden.

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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2. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

3. Short title of work which was done

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Annual Business Employment Dynamics measures by firm age and firm size

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The BLS is researching ways to expand their annual business employment dynamics estimates by firm size

and firm age. For size, BLS willl use the firm's size and apply it to all of the individual establishments within

that firm. For firm age, BLS will assign the age of the oldest establishment to the firm and apply it to all of the

individual establishments.

2. Short title of work planned


Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

BLS is researching the publication of non-profits. The scope includes the private sector for the non-profit

sector known as 501[c]3's, which is the largerst category of non-profits, and reimbursables.

3. Short title of work planned

Adding new vairables to the business register

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

BLS will be adding new variables to the business register such as codes for hurricanes, non profit indicators,

and new contact information.

IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Budget Constraints

Description of the challenge

Recent budget cuts have curtailed a small portion of the program which may delay development of some


2. Main challenge 2

Description of the challenge

3. Main challenge 3

Description of the challenge

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Brandy L. Yarbrough, Assistant Division Chief, Business Register Operations


U.S. Census Bureau

I. Organisation, Population and Usage of the Statistical Business Register

1. Name of the register

Business Register (BR)

2. Name of the organisation responsible for holding the register

U.S. Census Bureau, Economic Planning & Coordination Division

3. Position of the register unit in the organisation

The register is supported and maintained by multiple branches and divisions organized along functional lines,

4. Number of employees in the register unit


5. Primary goal and use of the register

The primary functions of the register are to serve as a sampling frame and source of administrative data for

the Census Bureau's economic statistical programs.

6. Year of establishment of the register


7. Year(s) of the main re-engineeering(s) of the register


8. Number of active units in the register at the end of 2013

~ 8 million employer establishments and ~22.5 million non-employer businesses

II. Progress and Developments in the Past YearPlease list main achievements (maximum 3) in the past year (2013) or the problems you have tackled.

1. Short title of work which was done

2012 Economic Census update

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers - International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames

Country progress report 2013 and future plans

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The mailout for 2012 Economic Census was completed in multiple phases between October and December

of 2012. Capture and processing of the response data was done daily from January through November of

2013. The captured response data were used to update Business Register company organizational

structures, operational status, payroll & employment values, industrial classifications, physical addresses,

and primary identifiers. Updates were made for nearly 1.8 million multi-unit establishments and nearly 2

million single unit establishments.

2. Short title of work which was done

Leveraging data sharing

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In November 2012, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the U.S. Census Bureau began sharing

selected multi-establishment company data between their respective registers. The Census Bureau used the

data it received from BLS to add about 3,000 large clients of Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) to

its business register. These 3,000 cases were canvassed in the Economic Census in an effort to capture

their operating revenue and these data were included in 2012 Economic Census data products. In addition,

the PEO client list was used to improve the universe of non-employer businesses.

3. Short title of work which was done

Improving the Company Organization Survey sample

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

The Company Organization Survey (COS) is the primary instrument used for updating the organizational

structures of large multi-unit companies. Historically, the size of the COS has been capped at ~42,000

companies with there being both "certainty" and "targeted" components of the sample. Over time, the

certainty proportion of the sample has grown significantly in size such that targeting has become quite limited.

For the 2013 COS, adjustments have been made to the long-standing certainty size cutoffs so that more

cases exhibiting evidence of organizational change could be included in the sample. This will improve

statistical unit coverage without jeopardizing the quality of register-based data products.

III. Future plans Please list themes/projects (maximum 3) which you plan to tackle in the current (2014) and following year(s).

1. Short title of work planned

Expanded use of tax data

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

In the early 2014 we will begin receiving several additional items derived from business income tax returns

that will be of great use to the Census Bureau's annual, quarterly, and monthly business survey programs.

Since the Business Register (BR) functions as a central repository of all administrative records these data will

need to be integrated into the database and made available to the authorized BR user community.

2. Short title of work planned

Continue leveraging data sharing

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

Efforts will continue in improving BR statistical unit coverage by exploiting the BLS data source. Tools will be

developed that allow matching of units and analysis of companies within the existing BR interactive

environment. This will permit a wider audience of BR analysts to gain access to these data which will serve

as a useful supplement to the COS as well as providing a valuable data source for smaller multi-units.

3. Short title of work planned

Emphasizing electronic data collection for the Company Organization Survey

Description of work (max 4-5 sentences)

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For the 2014 COS, initial contact with companies will not include paper forms. Instead, all companies will be

mailed a letter containing a user ID, password, and instructions for accessing the electronic reporting

instrument. At present, about 35% of the COS companies are accustomed to receiving paper forms during

initial contact. While paper forms will still be made available to those companies that insist on having it, every

effort will be made to encourage electronic filing. This is being done not only to cut costs and improve data

quality in the COS but also as a first step toward preparing for a planned "paperless" 2017 Economic


IV. Main challenges Please list main challenges (maximum 3) with respect to development, maintenance and use of your statistical

business register.

1. Main challenge 1

Size and complexity

Description of the challenge

The Business Register (BR) serves many roles beyond being a sampling frame and administrative records

repository. It is also the operational control system for the Economic Census (EC), the central repository of

captured EC data, and the source of key data products. While there are certainly advantages to having a

multi-purpose BR this, by definition, makes it complex and often difficult to understand in total. The perpetual

challenge is in finding resources to work on the BR and in providing support to the user community.

2. Main challenge 2

Timely response and "non-standard" filing

Description of the challenge

The overall quality of the BR is largely tied to the COS which, in turn, is dependent on response from large

multi-unit companies. Typically, the processing cycle of the COS is 8-9 months and this is mainly due to the

fact that many of the larger companies do not report until several months after the initial mailout. Further,

many of these companies choose to provide their data is a "non-standard" way-- e.g., spreadsheets in a

proprietary format. Significant amounts of staff time are spent just getting these non-standard files into the

processing pipeline.

3. Main challenge 3

Aging technical platform?

Description of the challenge

Interactive research and updating tools are vital to the successful maintenance of the BR. Virtually all of the

existing tools were originally developed using Oracle Forms. While they have served the BR well through

three Economic Census cycles, there is increasing concern about the viability of Oracle Forms even in the

near term. Given the enormous amount of code that exists and its importance in the daily work of BR

analysts this is something that commands attention. The challenge will be in deciding what platform, if any,

will succeed Oracle Forms and then in developing a transition strategy that does not disrupt ongoing BR

production work.

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