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Wild Pokemon Volt White 2

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  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Wild PokmonRecall that no shaking grass will appear until afterthe frst badge has beenobtained!

    'Special' reers to the rare spots. Doubles reers to tall grass where double battlescan occur.

    Unless otherwise stated, fshing encounters have not been edited.

    Thanks go to Serebii.net or the iages.

    ou won"t be able to get all #$% in the wild alone, but evolution will ake it possible!ou get enough evolution stones during the course o the gae or ever&bod&, sodon"t ret.

    ote that there are several sections with a ()egendar& *ncounter.+ The legendar& isa noral ild -okon, /ust ver& rare. 0bviousl& the total encounter chance can"t be12131245, but the -okeon whose chance is lessened as a result is not listed.Usuall&, it"s /ust the last one in the list, so a 125 ight becoe an 65, a 75 ightbecoe a $5 etcetera. 8lthough it"s soewhat untid&, this is the best ethod thatcan be done or now, due to scripting being ipossible as o 8ugust 4211.

    There are a couple o di9erences between :la;e :lack and ?astrodon wild, as well asRed :asculin onl&. ?astrodon wild, and :lue :asculin onl&. The opposites o each legendar& arecatchable as per usual in their regular places.

    Route 1

    Grass, Normal: Lillipup (20%), Pidgey (20%), Bidoof (10%), Sentret (10%), Rattata(10%), Zigzagoon (10%), Starly (10%), Hoothoot (10%)Grass, Doubles: Herdier (20%), at!hog (20%), Bi"arel (10%), #urret (10%),

    Rati!ate (10%), Linoone (10%), $ightyena (%), Pidgeotto (%), Stara&ia (%),'o!tol (%)Grass, Special *udino (+0%), Happiny (10%), *zurill (10%)Surf, Normal Ba!ulin (-0%), $arill (.0%), #ee"a (10%)Surf, Special Ba!ulin (-0%), *zu/arill (.0%), #ee"a (10%)Fish, Normal oldeen (-0%), $agiarp (.0%), #ee"a (10%)Fish, Special Ba!ulin (-0%), ratini (.0%), yarado (%), $iloti! (%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Route

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Grass, Normal:Purrloin (20%), Patrat (20%), 4ri!etot (10%), 5aterpie (10%),ur/ple (10%), eedle (10%), Poo!hyena (%), $eoth (%), Spearo (%),$aney (%)Grass, Special *udino (-0%), Sitty (10%), 'in!ada (10%), Butterfree (%),Beedrill (%), Beauti6y (%), uto7 (%)

    333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Striaton !it"

    Surf, Normal $arill (100%)Surf, Special *zu/arill (100%)Fish, Normal Pydu! (-0%), Slopoe (.0%), Staryu (10%)Fish, Special Ba!ulin (-0%), Staryu (80%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Dream"ard

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Grass, Normal: $unna (20%), rozee (20%), Spinda (10%), 'atu (10%), 9enonat(10%), Ralt (10%), 5lefairy (%), :igglypu; (%), 'idoran(%), 'idoran(%)Grass, Doubles $unna (20%), Hypno (20%), 5lefairy (10%), :igglypu; (10%), ggly"u; (10%), 5hingling(10%), Lunatone (%), Solro! (%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    :ira!hi, Le&el .0rea/yardra, Spe!ial, 1%@ Dreas and wishes oten coincide, and as a result the ishaker Airachi isattracted to the Drea&ard. ou ight be luck& enough to fnd hi earl& on &our

    /ourne&, but don"t undestiate its power!

    SP$!*%# $N!'(N)$R

    $uharna, Le&el ?0rea/yard Bae/ent333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    Route +

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Grass, Normal $areep (20%), =aillo (20%), Shello (10%), Sunern (10%), Lotad(10%), Seedot (10%), Shin7 (10%), *"ra (%), Phanpy (%)Grass, Doubles Blitzle (20%), Pido&e (20%), rolithe (10%), 9ulpi7 (10%), Hoppip(10%), Bude (10%), $arill (%), Houndour (%), 9ol"eat (8%), >llu/ie (8%),Lo/"re (1%), 'uzleaf (1%)Grass, Special *udino (?0%), @haott (10%), SAuirtle (%), =otodile (%), $udip

    (%), Piplup (%)Surf, Normal Slopoe (-0%), Pydu! (.0%), $arill (10%)Surf, Special oldu! (-0%), *zu/arill (.0%), Slo"ro (%), Sloing (%)Fish, Normal Poliag (-0%), Slopoe (.0%), 5hin!hou (%), Re/oraid (%)Fish, Special 5hin!hou (-0%), ilCh (.0%), Re/oraid (10%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Wellsprin !a-e 1F

    1F!a-e, Normal oo"at (20%), Zu"at (20%), eodude (10%), Roggenrola (10%),*ron (10%), hi/ur (10%), ooper (%), Bronzor (%), *7e (%), =eddiura (%)!a-e, Special ril"ur (80%), iglett (80%), i"le (20%)

    Surf, Normal ooper (-0%), Shello (80%)Surf, Special uagire (-0%), atrodon (80%)Fish, Normal Bar"oa!h (-0%), =enta!ool (.0%), Shellder (10%)Fish, Special Shellder (100%)

    .1F!a-e, Normal oo"at (20%), ol"at (20%), ra&eler (10%), Boldore (10%), Lairon(10%), Steeli7 (10%), Loudred (10%), uagire (10%)!a-e, Special D7!adrill (0%), ugtrio (0%)

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Surf, Normal hi!ah (-0%), atrodon (80%)Surf, Special hi!ah (-0%), atrodon (80%)Fish, Normal hi!ah (100%)Fish, Special 5loyter (100%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    Pin/heel Forest

    'utsideGrass, Normal =y/pole (20%), =i/"urr (20%), $editite (10%), Spinara (10%),Ledy"a (10%), $a!hop (10%), $auhita (10%), 5roagun (%), Slaoth (%)Grass, Doubles =hroh (20%), Sa (20%), unpar!e (10%), oduo (10%),Snu""ull (10%), *ipo/ (10%), 5u"one (E%), Bur/y (E%), Hera!ro (2%)Grass, Special *udino (0%), =epig (10%), =yrogue (10%), Riolu (10%), 5har/ander(%), 5yndaAuil (%), =or!hi! (%), 5hi/!har (%)

    *nsideGrass, Normal 5ottonee (20%), Petilil (20%), Seaddle (10%), 9enipede (10%),@ddih (10%), Bellprout (10%), Shroo/ih (%), D7egg!ute (%), $urro (%),

    $idrea&u (%)Grass, Doubles =angela (20%), Roelia (20%), Sadloon (10%), hirlipede (10%),loo/ (10%), eepin"ell (10%), 5arni&ine (%), S!yther (%), Pinir (%), 9igoroth(%)Grass, Special *udino (80%), Sni&y (10%), Panage (10%), Panpour (10%), Panear(10%), Bul"aaur (%), 5hiorita (%), =ree!o (%), =urtig (%)Surf, Normal Surit (100%)Surf, Special $aAuerain (100%)Fish, Normal Pydu! (-0%), Poliag (80%)Fish, Special Polihirl (E%), Politoed (%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    9irizionF Le&el -Ru/ination #ield333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333#ibert" Garden

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    9i!tini, Le&el 20Li"erty =oer Bae/ent

    =here are no ild Poe/on in here a uual, "ut thi i the only pla!e to !at!h 9i!tiniF>t i !urrently i/poi"le to gi&e the ti!et inGga/e and ha&e it or fullyF

    ou ill need your Fa& CleF >f you are uing a 6ah!ard u!h a an R8 or an *!eard,then it i liely to "e readily a&aila"leI you ill Jut need to utilize your Fa& CleF =hoeof you uing eS/u$D ill ha&e to ue the D7port Ba!up $e/ory found in the #iledropGdon, hi!h ill e7port your Fd& a a Fa&F #inally, noKg"a uer ill ha&e toue the a&ega/e !on&erterto !hange the Fa& in their B*==DR folder into a

    regular Fa&F

    ou then need to load up your Fa& ith the Po/on $ytery ift Dditor, /ade "yro&yleE1F =he etup a in!luded in the donload for the pat!hF >f o/eho youha&e thi do!u/ent "ut '@= the en!loed etup, you !an donload it hereF @n!eintalled, you ill alo need the Fpgf Cle for the Li"erty =i!et e&entF =hi alo !a/eith the donload, "ut if you are /iing it then you !an get it fro/ hereF

    =he ret i i/pleI load up your Fa& ith the Po/on $ytery ift Dditor (you donMte&en need to tae it o; the torage de&i!e if youMre uing a 6ah!ardN) @n!e the ne"it open, !li! on >/port P# (!hange the 5urrent ift if you happen to already ha&eonder !ard on there) and !hooe the Li"erty =i!et pgfF @n!e loaded, i/ply hit theSa&e "utton at the topF =hi ill a&e the onder 5ard to your a&e CleF

    #lah!ard already ha&e their Fa& ready to play, "ut for the otherI eS/u$D uerhould ue the >/port Ba!up $e/ory under the Cle ta" to "ring in the nelyedited Fa&F Be ure to reet the R@$ afterard for the "et reultF 'oKg"a uer!an i/ply lot their Fa& in the B*==DR folder and it hould !on&ert "a! to the noKfor/at auto/ati!ally hen the R@$ i "ootedF

    ith the onder !ard loaded, i/ply go into any Po/on 5enter and tal to the "lueguy on the rightF ou ill get the Li"erty =i!et and all reAuired 6ag ill "e a!ti&ated,alloing you to ail on the hip at the far left port of the !ity to the ilandF >tM all

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    nor/al fro/ thereF 'ote that the trainer le&el are uO!ent for you to !at!h 9i!tinithe /o/ent you Crt rea!h 5atelia 5ityF

    onMt let the length of the ord fool youI itM i/pleN333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    Route 0

    Sand Sandile (20%), Sandhre (20%), aru/aa (10%), S!raggy (10%), 5a!nea(10%), =rapin!h (10%), 9ulla"y (10%), Hippopota (%), Dlgye/ (%)Surf, Normal #rillih (-0%), 5la/perl (.0%), Reli!anth (10%)Surf, Special :elli!ent (-0%), Reli!anth (.0%), Huntail (%), ore"y (%)Fish, Normal 4ra""y (-0%), 5orphih (.0%), 5la/perl (10%)Fish, Special 5la/perl (-0%), #rillih (.0%), Reli!anth (10%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Desert Resort


    Sand Sandile (20%), Sandhre (20%), aru/aa (10%), S!raggy (10%), 5a!nea(10%), e""le (10%), Baltoy (10%), =rapin!h (10%)

    ainSand =rapin!h (20%), aru/aa (20%), 5a!nea (10%), Hippopota (10%), ligar(10%), e""le (10%), $ara!tu (%), Sigilyph (%), Sar/ory (%), $andi"uzz(%)

    SP$!*%# $N!'(N)$R

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    ar/anitan, Le&el .eert Reort =hi i till the only ay to get a Zen $ode ar/anitanN333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Relic !astle

    1FSand Sandile (20%), Sandhre (20%), Rhyhorn (10%), 'u/el (10%), olett (10%),Bronzor (10%), @ni7 (10%), =rapin!h (10%)

    .1FSand a/a (20%), atly (20%), Shuppet (10%), uull (10%), Bronzor (10%),

    Dlgye/ (10%), Liti! (10%), Beldu/ (8%), Lar&itar (8%), Lar&eta (2%)

    .F, .+F, .0F, .2FSand 4rooro (20%), 5ofagrigu (20%), 9i"ra&a (10%), Hippodon (10%),Sandlah (10%), 5laydol (10%), Sigilyph (%), 5rutle (%), ar/anitan (%),5a/erupt (%)

    .3F, a4eSand 4rooro (20%), 5ofagrigu (20%), 9i"ra&a (10%), Hippodon (10%),Sandlah (10%), 5laydol (10%), Sigilyph (%), 5rutle (%), ar/anitan (%),5a/erupt (%)

    Pot Rooms

    Sand Qnon (100%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Regiro!, Le&el 0Reli! 5atle, B#Sand, 1%@ The Relic Bastle is a place with an& ancient secrets sleeping beneath its depths.The arrival o Tea -lasa has ade two particular ebers o a trio wake upC but

    &ou"ll be luck& to bup into the.

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    Regiteel, Le&el 0Reli! 5atle, B#Sand, 1%@ The ancient, sand& area is also en/o&ed b& the tough Registeel, but despite its si;e,it"s still rare to ake contact with it. h& ho knowsE blae it on their legendar&


    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    RegigigaF Le&el ?0Reli! 5atle, 9ol!arona Roo/#loor, 1%@ Ft"s o little surprise that the king would appear in the sae area as the a/orit& o

    his sub/ects. The deepest, ost valuable roo in the castle houses this beast.

    SP$!*%# $N!'(N)$R

    9ol!arona, Le&el ?Reli! 5atle, 9ol!arona Roo/333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    Route 2

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Grass, Normal Soloi (20%), othita (20%), 4oOng (10%), =ru""ih (10%), ulpin(10%), ri/er (10%), itto (%), $i/e :rF (%), Bonly (%), Pa!hiriu (%)Grass, Doubles 'idorina (20%), 'idorino (20%), Ruet (10%), Li!itung (10%),S/eargle (10%), $in!!ino (10%), $iltan (%), =auro (%), Bagon (%), $un!hla7(%)Grass, Special *udino (80%), D/olga (20%), 5in!!ino (10%), 'idoAueen (10%),

    'idoing (10%), Bra&iary (10%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Route 13

    Grass, Normal Dan (20%), Pine!o (20%), Sorupi (10%), Dle!trie (10%), 5o/"ee(10%), Para (10%), Buneary (%), Paniard (%), ri6oon (%), Spoin (%)Grass, Doubles Zangooe (20%), Se&iper (20%), Stuny (10%), la/eo (10%),Slug/a (10%), 9epiAuen (10%), Parae!t (10%), irafarig (%), 5atfor/ (%)Grass, Special *udino (?0%), D/olga (10%), Biharp (10%), Lopunny (10%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333#ostlorn Forest

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Grass, Normal 4arra"lat (20%), Shel/et (20%), an/a (10%), Pi!hu (10%),Pydu! (10%), Surit (10%), #arfet!hd (%), 5hatot (%), $idrea&u (%),$urro (%)Grass, Doubles D!a&alier (20%), *!!elgor (20%), or/ada/ (10%), $othi/(10%), $aAuerain (10%), oldu! (10%), #arfet!hd (%), 5hatot (%), Sadloon(%), hirlipede (%)

    Grass, Special *udino (80%), Pia!hu (10%), 4e!leon (10%), hi/i!ott (10%),Lilligant (10%), Zorua (%), De&ee (%), $i/agiu (%), Hon!hro (%)Surf, Normal $agiarp (100%)Surf, Special yarado (100%)Fish, Normal 5ar&anha (-0%), $agiarp (.0%), oldeen (10%)Fish, Special Sharpedo (-0%), Seaing (.0%), yarado (10%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    $e, Le&el .0Lotlorn #oretou"le ra, 1%F@ Gew loves appearing in orest& areas. The )ostlorn Horest in particular is aous orits &ths, and Gew is drawn to such placesC ostl& to pla&.

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    5ele"i, Le&el .0Lotlorn #oretou"le ra, 1%F@ Belebi also en/o&s a orest, and although the )ostlorn Horest eplo&s no shrine, it"sstill a peaceul setting where Belebi can fnd a hoe.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Drift-eil Dra/bide

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    .ride, Special u!lett (20%), ingull (20%), Sa"lu (20%), Spearo (20%),Hoppip (20%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Drift-eil !it"

    Surf, Normal #rillih (-0%), =enta!ool (.0%), Staryu (10%)Surf, Special Staryu (-0%), =enta!ruel (.0%), Lapra (10%)Fish, Normal Horea (-0%), ail/er (.0%), $antye (10%)Fish, Special ail/er (-0%), Seadra (.0%), $antye (10%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!old Storae

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Grass, Normal 9anillite (20%), Herdier (20%), Snorunt (10%), Sinu" (10%),5u"!hoo (10%), Buizel (10%), $ienfoo (10%), =aillo (10%)Grass, Doubles 9anillih (20%), Herdier (20%), Sello (10%), #loatzel (10%),Sneael (10%), eli"ird (10%), S/oo!hu/ (10%), Piloine (10%)Grass, Special *udino (E0%), $ienhao (10%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    333333333333333Route 3 5 Sprin 6 Summer 6 %utumn

    Grass, Normal 5heru"i (20%), eerling (20%), Stantler (10%), #oongu (10%),Pidgeotto (10%), 'atu (10%), $i/e :rF (%), Bonly (%), Plule (%), $inun (%)Grass, Doubles 5herri/ (20%), Sa"u! (20%), Stantler (10%), #oongu (10%),Pidgeotto (10%),

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    1F!a-e, Normal :olti (20%), 4lin (20%), Dleid (10%), $agne/ite (10%), 9oltor"(10%), #erroeed (10%), 'oepa (10%), Lairon (10%)!a-e, Special ril"ur (0%), iglett (0%)


    !a-e, Normal :olti (20%), 4lin (20%), $aile (10%), Sa"leye (10%), =yna/o(10%), urant (10%), 'oepa (10%), eino (10%)!a-e, Special ril"ur (0%), iglett (0%)

    .F!a-e, Normal al&antula (20%), 4lang (20%), Dle!ta"uzz (10%), $agneton (10%),Dle!trode (10%), #errothorn (10%), urant (%), Deletri (%), Porygon (%), Roto/(8%)!a-e, Special D7!adrill (0%), ugtrio (0%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    Zapdo, Le&el 05hargetone 5a&e, B2#F5a&e, 'or/al, 1%F@ =apdos, like ost *lectric t&pes, is drawn to high potential sources. atch out Idon"t underestiate its power!333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Route 7 5 %ll Seasons

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Grass, Normal Ponyta (20%), *ipo/ (20%), $ag"y (10%), 'in!ada (10%), oduo(10%), 5u"one (10%), Sar/ory (%), Pa!hiriu (%), =oroal (%), ligar (%)Grass, Doubles Rapidah (20%), */"ipo/ (20%), $ag/ar (10%), 'inJa (10%),odrio (10%), $aroa (10%), Heat/or (%), Bou;alant (%), $iltan (%), =auro(%)Grass, Shakin *udino (-0%), D/olga (.0%), li!or (10%)

    333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!elestial )o/er

    F, +F)o/er, Normal Liti! (20%), Dlgye/ (20%), 5hingling (10%), atly (10%), uull(10%), Shuppet (10%), ynaut (10%), Bronzor (10%)

    0F)o/er, Normal La/pent (20%), Beheeye/ (20%), 5hi/e!ho (10%), Haunter (10%),u!lop (10%), Banette (10%), o""u;et (10%), Bronzong (10%)

    2F 8Roof9

    )o/er, Normal $idrea&u (20%), $urro (20%), rif"li/ (20%), 'o!tol (20%),*"ol (10%), Spirito/" (10%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    5reelia, Le&el 05eletial =oer, Roof=oer, 'or/al, 1%@ The istress o the oon is kind, and takes pit& upon the departed souls o-okon. ou can interrupt her ourning and put her in a ball. Fsn"t that dand&333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Route 17

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Surf, Normal ail/er (-0%), 5orola (.0%), $antye (10%)Surf, Special ailord (-0%), 5orola (.0%), $antine (10%)Fish, Normal Lu&di! (100%)Fish, Special *lo/o/ola (-0%), 5orola (80%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    $anaphy, Le&el .0Route 1?Surf, Spe!ial, 1%@ Ganaph& likes the colder seas o the Unova region, so its presence in the vastwaters o Route 1J is not surprising. ?o a little urther and &ou ight encounter itschildren, too.

    Route 1

    Grass, Normal =hroh (20%), Sa (20%), Hera!ro (10%), $un!hla7 (10%),e""le (10%), Li!itung (10%), 4angahan (10%), =ropiu (10%)Grass, Doubles =hroh (20%), Sa (20%), Hera!ro (10%), $un!hla7 (10%),5rutle (10%), Li!itung (10%), 4angahan (10%), =ropiu (10%)Shakin Grass *udino (E0%), Snorla7 (%), Li!ili!y (%)Surf, Normal 5ar&anha (-0%), Lu&di! (.0%), ilCh (10%)Surf, Special *lo/o/ola (-0%), ilCh (.0%), Sharpedo (10%)Fish, Normal =enta!ool (-0%), Horea (80%)Fish, Special ilCh (-0%), Seadra (.0%), =enta!ruel (10%)

    SP$!*%# $N!'(N)$R

    Phione, Le&el .0Route 1?Surf, Spe!ial, 1%

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    1F ; %ll Seasons!a-e, Normal Phanpy (20%), =eddiura (20%), 5u"!hoo (10%), Sneael (10%),eli"ird (10%), Sinu" (10%), ra&eler (%), Boldore (%), 5ryogonal (%), urdurr(%)!a-e, Special D7!adrill (0%), ugtrio (0%)

    Not 1F ; %ll Seasons!a-e, Normal onphan (20%), Qraring (20%), Bearti! (10%), Sneael (10%),eli"ird (10%), Piloine (10%), $aile (%), Sa"leye (%), 5ryogonal (%), urant(%)!a-e, Special D7!adrill (0%), ugtrio (0%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    Regi!e, Le&el 0=it $ountain, >!e Ro! Roo/, inter5a&e, 'or/al, 1%@ Unlike its brothers, Regice preers onl& the ver& coldest o cliates. Tr& &our luck ina harsh inter at the depths o the area, and &ou ight /ust have a chance at fndingit.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333*cirrus !it", Route

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    Puddle, Normal Palpitoad (20%), StunC (20%), 5roagun (10%), ulpin (10%),4oOng (10%), ri/er (10%), atrodonGD (%), uagire (%), =o7i!roa (8%),Salot (8%), eezing (1%), $u (1%)Surf, Normal StunC (-0%), Bar"oa!h (80%)Surf, Special hi!ah (-0%), Sei/itoad (80%)

    Fish, Normal Bar"oa!h (?0%), StunC (.0%)Fish, Special Bar"oa!h (-0%), StunC (.0%), hi!ah (10%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333oor of *cirrus

    Puddle, Normal uagire (20%), StunC (20%), atrodonGD (10%), =o7i!roa(10%), Salot (10%), eezing (10%), $u (10%), Palpitoad (10%)Surf, Normal StunC (-0%), Bar"oa!h (80%)Surf, Special hi!ah (-0%), Sei/itoad (80%)Fish, Normal Bar"oa!h (?0%), StunC (.0%)Fish, Special Bar"oa!h (-0%), StunC (.0%), hi!ah (10%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    4eldeo, Le&el -$oor of >!!iru, *utu/nPuddle, 'or/al, 1%F@ The Goor o Fcirrus is a special place or Leldeo, and in the 8utun &ou a& seethis unicorn galloping past. F &ou can catch it, &ou"ll have a chance at adding hi to

    &our tea.

    333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Draonspiral )o/er

  • 8/11/2019 Wild Pokemon Volt White 2


    'utside 8.oth %reas9 5 Sprin, Summer, %utumnGrass, Normal $ienfoo (20%), eerling (20%), ruddigon (20%), Sa"lu (20%),4ada"ra (20%)Grass, Doubles $ienhao (20%), Sa"u! (20%), ruddigon (20%), *ltaria (20%),4ada"ra (20%)Grass, Shakin *udino (E0%), *laaza/ (10%)

    Surf, Normal Horea (-0%), ratini (80%)Surf, Special Seadra (-0%), ragonair (80%)Fish, Normal Horea (-0%), Ba!ulin (.0%), ratini (10%)Fish, Special Seadra (-0%), ragonair (.0%), 4ingdra (E%), ragonite (1%)

    'utside 8.oth %reas9 5 WinterGrass, Normal $ienfoo (20%), Sno&er (20%), 5u"!hoo (20%), 9anillite (20%),4ada"ra (20%)Grass, Doubles $ienhao (20%), *"o/ano (20%), Bearti! (20%), 9anillih (20%),4ada"ra (20%)Grass, Shakin *udino (E0%), *laaza/ (10%)Surf, Normal Horea (-0%), ratini (80%)Surf, Special Seadra (-0%), ragonair (80%)

    Fish, Normal Horea (-0%), Ba!ulin (.0%), ratini (10%)Fish, Special Seadra (-0%), ragonair (.0%), 4ingdra (E%), ragonite (1%)

    *nside 5 Room 'ne)o/er, Normal ruddigon (80%), Baltoy (.0%), olett (.0%)

    *nside 5 Room )/o)o/er, Normal 5laydol (0%), olur (0%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    *rti!uno, Le&el 0ragonpiral =oer, @utide, interou"le ra, 1%F@ 0nl& in the doubles grass right outside the tower! 8rticuno en/o&s a rest in thesnow& north o the Unova region, but &ou ight be welcoe to disturb it.

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

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    Latia, Le&el -0Route 10, League Pathra, ou"le, 1%@ The )ati twins have alwa&s loved challenging destined )eague chapions, and inUnova this is no eKception. The& even wait on the actual path to the )eague, /ust tobe sure. 0 course, the& also like to test people b& reaining hidden.

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    Latio, Le&el -0Route 10, League Pathra, ou"le, 1%@ 8n&where where )atias goes, )atios does too.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333>ictor" Road

    'utsideRock" Grass Heat/or (20%), =oroal (20%), $andi"uzz (10%), Bra&iary (10%),Sar/ory (10%), li!or (10%), Pupitar (10%), #ra7ure (E%)

    *nside 5 Rooms /ith Water!a-e, Normal onphan (20%), Qraring (20%), Zeilou (10%), oo"at (10%),Hariya/a (10%), $edi!ha/ (10%), Lairon (10%), *zu/arill (10%)!a-e, Special D7!adrill (2%), ugtrio (2%), Steeli7 (2%), Sandlah (2%)Surf, Normal egong (-0%), Lapra (80%)Surf, Special Lapra (-0%), egong (80%)Fish, Normal Ba!ulin (-0%), yarado (.0%), hi!ah (10%)Fish, Special Ba!ulin (-0%), yarado (.0%), hi!ah (10%)

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    *nside 5 Rooms /ithout Water!a-e, Normal Loudred (20%), urant (20%), oo"at (10%), ol"at (10%), 4lang(10%), Rhydon (10%), Boldore (10%), urdurr (10%)!a-e, Special D7!adrill (2%), ugtrio (2%), Steeli7 (2%), Sandlah (2%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    =erraion, Le&el -9i!tory Road, =rial 5ha/"er

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    $oltre, Le&el 09i!tory Road, @utideRo!y ra, 1%F@ ?ood luck using Repel with this bird! Goltres loves a rock& feld, and ater beingshited around b& gae desingers twice, it needed a rest. The peaks o

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    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    URehira/ (Blaze Bla!) V Zero/ (9olt hite)Le&el ?0'M 5atle333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Route 11

    Grass, Normal oldu! (20%), Biharp (20%), $andi"uzz (10%), Bra&iary (10%),ligar (10%),$aroa (10%), Purugly (10%), Suntan (10%)

    Grass, Doubles Loudred (20%), Stara&ia (20%), 9igoroth (10%), Dle!ta"uzz (10%),$ag/ar (10%), #lygon (10%), Rhydon (10%), Boldore (10%)Grass, Special *udino (?0%), D/olga (10%), Dle!ti&ire (%), $ag/ortar (%),li!or (%), Staraptor (%)Surf, Normal Buizel (-0%), #loatzel (80%)Surf, Special ratini (-0%), ragonair (.%), ragonite (%)Fish, Normal oldeen (?0%), Ba!ulin (.0%)Fish, Special oldeen (-0%), Ba!ulin (.0%), Seaing (10%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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    >illae .ride

    Grass, Normal D7egg!ute (20%), Bi"arel (20%), Zangooe (10%), Se&iper (10%),9ol"eat (10%), >llu/ie (10%), #arfet!hd (10%), 5hatot (10%)Grass, Doubles #laa;y (20%), 4ada"ra (20%), Lo/"re (20%), 'uzleaf (20%),Roelia (10%),

    =ogepi (10%)Grass, Special 5haney (?%), D/olga (10%), =ogeti! (%), D7eggutor (%),Roerade (%)Surf, Normal =enta!ruel (-0%), Sharpedo (80%)Surf, Special Sharpedo (-0%), :elli!ent (80%)Fish, Normal 5ar&anha (?0%), Ba!ulin (.0%)Fish, Special 5ar&anha (-0%), Ba!ulin (.0%), Sharpedo (10%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    Shay/in, Le&el 09illage Bridgera, ou"le, 1%@ This little hedgehog loves the peaceul river and vegetation o the

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    333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Route 1

    Grass, Normal 5herri/ (20%), 5o/"ee (20%), Sunern (10%), Pinir (10%),Hera!ro (10%),

    S!yther (10%), Rapidah (10%), Ze"tria (10%)Grass, Doubles =ranAuill (80%), Butterfree (10%), Beedrill (10%), Beauti6y (10%),uto7 (10%), Sadloon (10%), hirlipede (10%)Grass, Special D/olga (E%), Sun6ora (%), 9epiAuen (%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Route 1+

    Grass, Normal *"ol (20%), rif"li/ (20%), Sello (10%), Lunatone (10%),Solro! (10%), or/ada/ (10%), $othi/ (10%), Pelipper (10%)Grass, Doubles ol"at (20%), =angela (20%), 'idorino (10%), 'idorina (10%),

    an/a (10%), loo/ (10%), eepin"ell (10%), Siploo/ (10%)Grass, Special *udino (+0%), =angroth (%), 5ro"at (%), 'idoing (%),

    'idoAueen (%)Surf, Normal Pelipper (-0%), 5orola (80%)Surf, Special =enta!ruel (-0%), Star/ie (.0%), 4ingdra (10%)Fish, Normal Shellder (-%), 4ra""y (.0%), Lu&di! (%)Fish, Special Shellder (-0%), Lu&di! (.0%), 4ingler (%), 5loyter (%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

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    Lugia, Le&el ?0Route 1.Surf, Spe!ial, 1%@ The sea is vast, and allows )ugia to sp& on the huans it so dearl& tries to protect.0 course, it"ll not hesitate to fght i a gited trainer coes along, looking or achallengeC333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Giant !hasm 5 'utside %rea

    Grass, Normal *"ol (20%), rif"li/ (20%), Sello (10%), Lunatone (10%),Solro! (10%), or/ada/ (10%), $othi/ (10%), Pelipper (10%)Grass, Doubles ol"at (20%), =angela (20%), 'idorino (10%), 'idorina (10%),

    an/a (10%), loo/ (10%), eepin"ell (10%), Siploo/ (10%)Grass, Special *udino (+0%), =angroth (%), 5ro"at (%), 'idoing (%),'idoAueen (%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    eo7y, Le&el ?0iant 5ha/, @utide *rea

    ou"le ra, 1%F@ ith stories o the ?iant Bhas ored ro a eteor, it"s not unlikel& to iaginethat DeoK&s has ade a settleent soewhere near. -erhaps &ou ight encounter itwhile it searches or eteorite.

    Giant !hasm 5 *nside !a-e

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    !a-e, Normal oo"at (20%), :yn7 (20%), lalie (10%), Bearti! (10%), Slo"ro(10%), Piloine (10%), ra&eler (10%), Boldore (10%)!a-e, Special D7!adrill (100%)Surf, Normal Seel (-0%), egong (80%)Surf, Special alrein (100%)Fish, Normal Poliag (-%), Ba!ulin (.0%), Polihirl (%)

    Fish, Special Polihirl (-%), Ba!ulin (.0%), Polirath (%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    ialga, Le&el ?0iant 5ha/, >nide 5a&e (not 4yure/ "it)5a&e, 'or/al, 1%@ The ?iant Bhas, ruled b& L&ure, is soeties ruoured to also be related to

    the powers o tie. Dialga"s visits to this place ean &ou ight /ust fnd it, orperhaps its counterpart, -alkia.

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    Palia, Le&el ?0iant 5ha/, >nide 5a&e (not 4yure/ "it)5a&e, 'or/al, 1%

    @ *Nuall&, the distortions in space ean -alkia has taken residence in this unknownarea o the world.

    Giant !hasm 5 *nside Plains

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    4yure/, Le&el ?iant 5ha/, Rear 5a&e333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333(ndella )o/n

    Surf, Normal Lu&di! (-0%), 5orola (80%)Surf, Special *lo/o/ola (100%)Fish, Normal Re/oraid (-%), Shellder (.0%), Lu&di! (%)Fish, Special Shellder (-0%), Lu&di! (.0%), @!tillery (%), 5loyter (%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333(ndella .a"

    %ll SeasonsSurf, Normal $antye (-0%), ail/er (80%)Surf, Special $antine (-0%), ailord (80%)Fish, Normal Re/oraid (-%), Shellder (.0%), Lu&di! (%)Fish, Special Shellder (-0%), Lu&di! (.0%), @!tillery (%), 5loyter (%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    4yogre, Le&el ?0

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    Qndella Bay, Su//erSurf, Spe!ial, 1%@ The vast waters o the Undella :a& are perect or L&ogre, who awakens onl& oncein the our3season period. The hot teperatures o Suer ight lead a luck& I ordooed I trainer to fnd this beast.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    333333333333333Route 10

    Grass, Normal othorita (20%), uoion (20%), 4irlia (10%), Lo/"re (10%),Shu!le (10%), Lu7io (10%), 5arni&ine (10%), Siploo/ (10%)Grass, Doubles *ltaria (20%), $ienhao (20%), Beheeye/ (10%), ru/pig (10%),rif"li/ (10%), Breloo/ (10%), =ropiu (10%), al&antula (10%)Grass, Special 5haney (?%), Bliey (2%)Surf, Normal Seaing (-0%), Lu/ineon (80%)Surf, Special Politoed (-0%), $iloti! (80%)Fish, Normal oldeen (?0%), Ba!ulin (.0%)Fish, Special oldeen (-0%), Ba!ulin (.0%), Seaing (10%)333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    333333333333333%bundant Shrine

    Grass, Normal 5hi/e!ho (20%), 9ulpi7 (20%), rolithe (10%), 5ottonee (10%),Petilil (10%), Bronzor (10%), $urro (10%), $idrea&u (10%)Grass, Doubles De&ee (20%), Bronzong (20%), irafarig (10%), Stantler (10%),Hypno (10%), $ightyena (10%), $rF $i/e (10%), Sudooodo (10%)Grass, Special *udino (?0%), D/olga (10%), *r!anine (%), 'inetale (%),hi/i!ott (%), Lilligant (%)

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    Surf, Normal Slopoe (100%)Surf, Special Sloing (-0%), Slo"ro (80%)Fish, Normal oldeen (?0%), Ba!ulin (.0%)Fish, Special oldeen (-0%), Ba!ulin (.0%), Seaing (10%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    HoGoh, Le&el ?0*"undant Shrinera, Spe!ial, 1%@ Po3oh soeties visits the shrine as a peace o9ering ro Aohto. )egendaries haveculture too, &ou know! F &ou"re luck&, &ou ight catch a glipse o it.

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    Landoru, Le&el ?*"undant Shrine333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333.lack !it" 6 White Forest

    =rainer in Bla! 5ity ha&e edited roterF hite #oret ha no !hange to ild

    Poe/on hatoe&erF333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333Route 12

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    Grass, Normal =hroh (20%), Sa (20%), =yrogue (10%), ra&eler (10%), a"ite(10%), Pupitar (10%), 4angahan (10%), $aroa (10%)Grass, Doubles $a!hoe (20%), urdurr (20%), Pupitar (10%), ligar (10%),4angahan (10%), onphan (10%), Qraring (10%), $aroa (10%)Grass, Special *udino (?0%), D/olga (10%), =yranitar (%), li!or (%), $a!ha/p(%), 5oneldurr (%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    roudon, Le&el ?0Route 1ra, ou"le, 1%@ ith the lack o volcanoes in Unova there isn"t uch or ?roudon to en/o&, but theountainous terrain o Route 17 gives it at least soe solace. -erhaps &ou"ll fnd it

    ater shiting &ou a sea o various Rock, ?round, oral and Highting -okon. F&ou"re luck&.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333ar-elous .ride

    .ride, Special Sanna (20%), Pelipper (20%), *ltaria (20%), #earo (20%),Siploo/ (20%)

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    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    RayAuaza, Le&el ?0$ar&elou BridgeBridge, Spe!ial, 1%@ 8t the altitude o the onder :ridge, it isn"t all that uncoon to see Ra&Nua;aQ&ing b&. ell, it is, but regardless it needs to keep an e&e on L&ogre and ?roudon.-erhaps i a trainer looks straight up at the sk&, the& a& /ust be luck& enough to seeitC333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!hallener?s !a-e 5 %ll Floors


    !a-e, Normal $aile (20%), Sa"leye (20%), Li!itung (10%), ra&eler (10%),oo"at (10%), Boldore (10%), $aroa (10%), Hariya/a (10%)!a-e, Special D7!adrill (0%), ugtrio (0%)

    #$G$ND%R& $N!'(N)$R

    enee!t, Le&el ?5hallengerM 5a&e, 1#

    5a&e, 'or/al, 1%F@ Though previousl& seen in the hands o ?hetsis, the artifcial ?enesect now appearsin the top Qoors o the looing Bhallenger"s Bave. The threats below keep it rodescending, but this insect ight /ust drop on &our head. Ft won"t be prett&.

    .1F!a-e, Normal $aile (20%), Sa"leye (20%), $agneton (10%), ol"at (10%),o""u;et (10%), Parae!t (10%), $aroa (10%), Dle!trode (10%)!a-e, Special D7!adrill (0%), ugtrio (0%)

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