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WILL FAY ASSESSMENTS FOR SALE - DigiFind-It · Tlii rtl avenue.' Tho sign ‘was *1x5 feet "and...

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Late News - By t elegraph FOURTEENTH YEAlt^ NO. 133. ASBURY PARE, NEW JERSEY, TUESDAY, JUNE 5, WOO-SIX PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT FOR SALE A splendid property on Asbury Avenue, ' second block from ocean. A decided bargain for some- body. Call and get particulars. D. C. COVERT . * '• ' •) . 208 Bond Street, • t ' . •- * 1 - AsburyiPark, N. J. ux AHBDBY' PARK im<l OCKAXI GEOVB; \ Hotol Bmnwfok, Omen <ltallrond Depot and ; 1214 Banan Avenue. Principal Offloo.... .... 305 MAIN BTOKK’I (iooOa ntorod at reasonable rates, • Tolephone connection. P. O. Box 607, - - Abbury F arr Y OU ^or otherwise I could not help |.your fa IhiK eyesight with Hpec- ADp' tjiclos or eyuKlasseH,- But tlio pa- . tlopt, helpful rose it barbarously j T T r iT /\r ^ r,’a^ lI' tbe French ltaino for 1_*U U x V X eyeglasses, pinec-ne?/(plneh-hos«) wjw well selected. _Let mo show you a now th'ng In TO HAVE ... EYEGLASSES.;. w‘ I It waa contrived for* noso comfort. When you wear a pair TVTf")CT|' of iny oyoglnsaes youi* noso will •IN v O i i b o aa lm)ky as your cyo 3. } CLAUDE J. WISEMAN, Jeweler and. Optician 645 Cookman Ave. GlnAios, watches anil jawolry repaired with promptness"iind skill. ATTENTION ! <■ (. ’ If you-take care of your eyes * _ they will— take - care of—you -— Many lives are macjg, miserable through the neglect of not hav- ing the eyes at rest. If yousuffer • with dizziness, pain' in the head or blurred vision call and have your eyes .examined free of —— ^Charge—WeTepairyour frames promptly and make a specialty - of, accurate optical work. Willard C„ Wiseman ORADUATE OPTICIAN "“ Asbury Park OptlcaTParloiv 903 Cookman Avenufe. Cor. Emory Street. Klcutllcxars^jaua door. ■—T<ilophont>-No,-138— ^I^OOO JffilLbuy a splendid, property ■■ wort', $20,OOtf located dose to the ocean at .. allenhui ^ st ;. W ill Probably. Be the Same as for Other Vehicles ORDINANCE TO BE PREPARED \J»o o f iVIotcrH’ TVIakoa 'NmvV : Ordinance Neeewury In, Water Department—lie* duct Ion of Kate 1‘avorcd If F coh IMc, TiicciiHO Ordiimnco Needs Itevlaion. Committee to Suggest ChangcH. Every mombor of 'the city council was present at llu; mooting■held last nlglit., ami considerable business of minor importance was disposed of. It was near 11 o’clock beforo a final adjournment. wn«^mado. Tho report of Treasurer Ross, was read ami ordered.placet^ on file. The'report of* the water superintendent for tho mont|i of May was also presented. This report showed tho (|Unntit.\^bf w/itei; pumped nml used during the past month. It also culled attention to the fact that tho additional liro protection - ordered l)y tiie council had been placed in position at the pumping station. Tho report was ordered .filed and the president appointed Aridity morning next at 8 o’clock as the time for an inspection of tlie plant hy the iitem hers of the hoard. * ; . A comuiunieatlou from thetoWhsh'ipof- flcials regarding thoI Jay}ng of a sidewalk in'frontof tho jumping station on Sopth Main street was read ami Qieil. The street committee, has lieeii'authqfixod' .’to*liave tho sicloWalkrpnfc "downnml the'w;drk .will be attended tn at once. ; A note for $511*000 was ordered dis6 ou 11 ted In anticipation of taxes. . In regard to tiie applicatlon of the Sea- sldti AutonvohUe company.for tht* privilege vof operating a line of automobiles within tho city limits,- Councilman Kirk bride, of the street committee, to' whom ‘ the iippli- eation was referred,"gave it as his opinion that they should ho licensed the same as oilier vehicles. Founder Bradley thought that this was the proper way .to proceed in the matter, amJMt would not- show any discrimination' .against the hack and stage 1 drivers. Ho was of the opinion, however, that the .men who run them should also be licensed, xin order to insure the services «f competent iiien. The license of tho men, he said, should Ikj merely nominal, the object being to bring them under tlie control of tlio cl t y . 1 fe 1nsisteel tluit tlio. infrotluc- tion of the automobiles ‘should bo encour- aged in order- that the city might keep abreast pf the times. ■ ( . The ordinance committee was finally instructed to. prepare an ordinance regu-, lating the running ot automobiles through ^he .streets of the city: An ordinance regulating the water de- partment, made necessary by tlio int.nV. due tion of meters, was read and agreed to, and tho clerk was instructed to provide WILL FAY ASSESSMENTS For Coolcmnn Avenuo Improvement Pro vldetl City Krocts GrmluatiHl* Curb- ing WJioro trndo Was Chaiigod, A number of the Cook mail avonuo prop- erty owners appeared beforo the city coun- cil last night and presented a proposition whereby tho change of . grade may be ad- justed to the satisfaction "of all persons .concerned,; The Indications arevtliat the matter will bo/given favorable consUl oration.. y/ 1 . .• ' " John A:~ Qithens,1 aeling nsspokesiimn foj’ the property owners,_ said that they hold u meeting and decided that if tho city would place in position a graduated curb- ing, such us that in front of the Keator property,.the original assessments would be paid without furthor-trouble. Tho cost of this change in tlie curbing, he said, would bo*a small matter,' as It only carried with it! till} cOsts of tho extra stone. , lJurlngjhis remarks -Mr. Githehs made a statementthat tlio pity oflieliils should act with hoii(!sJyj and nob' do anythln^yhich WQU ld.li»ad to ro (lee Mon ttpoii' thoin. Two' of the niemhers pf tjhe- board at once asked him if he mount to imply that thoy had lfcoh guil ty of a hy crooked 'work,’ and it seemed fora moment as if the dis- cussion would become more or less per-, sonar. Mr. Bradley came to tlie rescue however, and iiisist&mthat^-Mr. GithensJ remarks had been misconstrued. The speiikor admitted tli/tf this was a faot and.iiisisteii that lie meant to cast no Ilfections. He aiid the property owners on Cookman. avenuo felt that .'they hail been damaged, atul they caiuo before the board In a spirit of harmony to endeavor to right tho wrong as far as possible with- out tlhe necessity of a law suit. After sojne discussion a committee was appointed to confer with a cqmmitteo of I ho property owners and t*hdeavor to comO to an understanding in the matt 6 r. • The commlttce named consists of Messrs.Bind- ley, Mceksi -ami Klrkbrkle. They will meet the property owners this afternoon and report to’ the board at its next mooting. Tho sentiment of the council .seems to be that the CoAkinan avenuo property owners have licen injured bSr the change of grade, and that tjio council ..should meet them half way hi an effort to straighkn the matter out. ADJOURNED ONE WEEK . —— . I Hivilroad Comimuy Wants Timo to Com- ply Witli' Ordinance W hich‘it In Claimed II»s Been A’lolatcd. This niorning, before Ptdjce Justice Bor* den, the case of tiie board of health of the. city of Asbury -Park, against tlie'Xow York and Jjong Bmneh milroad, .'was moved by Samuel A. Patterson, counsel of tlm board of health. ■Tudge C. Kwing vPatterson ^of IjaiijX. tlvc m'tfhiliors'"of ihe I xmiuI with "a co|>y thereof, in dwlor- that tl^e.v might liccoine acqiiainteii with its provisitnis before the 2 lots,'house of 20 rooms, 2 baths, Ijandsomcly furn- ished, large barn, etc. AJSpIendid Bargain WM. H. BEEGLE, 226 MAIN STREET, Asbury Park. V Capital $50,000 $45,000 Asbury Park ani Ocean firovc BAJNT.K. •I " Corner MattUon Ave. and Main St., . ASBURY PARK* N. J . v Corner Plain Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway OCEAN QROVB. HI5WnY. O. W ilson. PresWont, : — GEO. W. KVAN8 , Vlc6-PreaHont. EDMOND K DAYTON, Cashier JESSE MINOT. Assistant Qmhlar. T. FRANK ArPLBDX H. E. DUCftANON 0. C< CLAYTON ©KO. W.KVANS T. fi. FSndUBON . DiiiECTOita: draj . a. w, mrtniOK, JOHN UUnUAHD LKWIH RAINEAn * OSO. \V. TAB AT ‘ - AUOS TIWON QBNnr O. JflNBOR . Account? Reopeotfully Solicited. - Safe Deposit Boxes to Rent, t ' . 1 .j- Wo Issue Forolgn Drafts and.Let *1 ors of-Credit, the. Plaza hotel and Ocean avenue on the Kdujtli side of Cookman avenue, had been awarded to A. A. Taylor. Ills jirlce .was i:» :»* 8 cents per.foot. Tho bid of It. K K. Roth fritz was 15J)^. The streot committeo reported that the work on the two streets tvhieh aro bei ng, improved was being hindered because of thoJnjlure of the gravel company to get the material hero. They arc doing the best, they can, however, ti/ul expected to receive 111 cars today. The now tiro department building lias boon completed as far as the present con- tractor is concerned, •ami a motion was made that tho building be accepted. Mr. .Sexton, the contractor, was congratulated upon giving the city a good job. * Councilman Mt*uks, ehalrnjan. .of the finance committee, and Councilman Tuttle, .chairman of the ordinance commit- tee, wero appointed a commltteo to go over tho license ordinance and endeavor to point out tho ohangon deemed tt) lie noees smy... It Is claimed that iirsomo cases tho onliimnco is inconsistent. This commit- tee will report tt) tho council upon tho com- pletion of their labors.. • _ Aft^r voudlng tho bills tho board ad- journed to.moot again next Monduymight. Laundry .Sign Stolon. A during thief a few'days since stole the sign of Mrs. Josephine Robbins, wl)o oon-. .cluctsa laundry on Kingsley street, neajv Tlii rtl avenue.' Tho sign ‘was *1x5 feet "and boro tho insorlptlon ^Union Steiini_.TiniTi^ dry of-Nowark;,,-“Thtr polico; liavo sti*ong suspicion^ as to who committed t ho crintOj aiid, think is more uu act of persecution alone lighting singlo bonded for u living, and tho otllcialfi' aro det'ormiiiQd that sho shall havo peueo and security. ArrestH may follow. * . • . Froo Leashi ih In Art ISmbroldory; At tho Ocean Palace, this weok, freo los soils will* bo given in art work to thoso * ' ’' ‘ ,1s Th t imrclmslng ombmidory materials 'i^ho demoustruUir is tin expert from tho city Rennet Ino for salo at'Klnmonth' nth^j' y IM14^ M ’yd for the r? i i.lro? ul e <0npun y and Smpiested an atljournment of one week. , lie reprosentcd to ’the, court that the mllroad company w’ouId, in tlio inter- val,,comply with the ordinance;Which it WHS iVll.egWl ma iJPCTf Violated. :riie suit was brought by. the Ijoard of health to cnfprco im ordinance, regulatln; next, n looting. Councilman Treat Stated that it was Im- perative tliat the water plant should bo self sustaining; Next ti) this, hcsiiid, tliu tax payers should' be f iirn ished wi I h water at the lowest possible figure; Ifo urged -Lhc-moiuhors-of—oou noi^ 1 —to-gi ve-thcortli- ilanco their careful consider.ition and to see if in their judgment a further reduc- tion In the meter rates is doomed advisable 411-t-bis-tlin ct—'IM itrnr di nanrrr-nl 1 l_ciTrnFTT{T for final ^onsidi'nitloiiat.the next-meeting. Chief Scott of the liredei»artment recoin- mendo(I~tho installation of an ntftlitlohal tiro hydrant at the <*orner of Cookman avenue and Webb street, and anot her at thi;' corner of Third avenue und Bontl street. The mutter was referred to the Iliv and -water-committoe, with power to act. Tho recoinmend^t ion 'will doubtless Iw complied with. * # ^ Counelhnun Kirkbrido reported that tin*., eont met for laying the sidewalk between 5WfeK«Hllnn Tlmt It Uo Il^lil on Anicriean the construotion of traps amlsowors, at the mllroad station, it being set forth-lu-tho- coniplaiut madoby InsjiecUjrD. C. Bo won that tho railroad company had niain-^ taihod a miiwince at''the north end of tho depot grounds, iiotwlthstatiding due no- ti<m-^havhig—b(!on-giveri-to:the-coi npany-H- superintendent, liufus Blodgett, at Long Branch, to a lit to tho tmisatUH;. It was also alleged in tin* complaint that the prtrttrb<cs-wero ffl-nTmnsanlmryandllaTF serous condition! Tho case weiit over one week, for the purpose nlso of gi.VIng tho board of health in opportunity io passon the railroad emu- puiiv's proposition to abate the nuisiince, anti lo consider that, if the nuisance wns rtTinleiT^Wfiel ln*r . thil penalty of the orili- iianco should be enforced. CARNIVAL AUGUST 16 Day MeoU W ith Approval of- ------- City Common* C im iii CU. .The annual Hold day of tho Jr. O. U. A. M. for the slate of Xew Jersey will be hold in this city on August 10. A request has .been.jnttdo that the annual lake carnival ho arranged to take placo on that dato.as a feature of entertainment. Tho mayor lias recommended that tho request lm granted, und city council at its session last night voted that it be the sense of ilio board that the request, be complied*with: American day, as’ th^v celebration is. known, brings, thfyusiinds of visitors to ou^* city, and it is proper that soino enter- tain mo nt slum id bo provided. Council Appropriated $16 ,000 . Trustees Want $19 ,000. EXPLANATION. OF INCREASE It Is Proposnd to ICaiso' Salaries of Touch era and Janitors—A Readier of X'rouch and Gorman Wanted—Uoimt Had Sur- plus . Idisfc V e a r ~ C o u noli Declines' to Tako AtticTni7 : \ ........ Notwithstanding tho fact ihnt Iho -cVty c.otincil nt its last .mooting declined to take JulvunlagO'Ot tlio how law governing schools, the city board of education have continued to act under' its. provisions. A few days ago It; A. Tustiiig, A.' C. Twin- ing and MnyoivFranlcJj. Ton Broock, vop- roson ting -th o■ board of school estimate provided for uhdof tho new law, liiet at the West Hnd hotel and made an.estlmato- of tho amount of money necessary .to'run' the stihools for tho ensuing year. Under tho law .tho. clty council is siipposed to hiivo two representatives upon this - hom'd, l)Ut from the fact that the city fathers de-’ elded that it Avou id bo unwise io ojiemte under tho new Jaw this yoiir, no appoint- meets wore iniulo. and ’the proceedings wero eonduot^d without being.jijTit?laliy. participated iii % 4iny member of council. Jivery member of tlio' council hud been Served with a nofcico that such a ineoting Would bo hold, but Councilman Wilbur- was tho only niembov i»resont.- Ho' was there in an unofficial capacity and took nojmrt in-the proceedings. A‘s a result of the mooting of the three gentlemen nbove# mentioned council re-, ee l vet! a statomont last lilght .of the am ount of money esthnuled to he neci?s- wiry |to operate tho schools* for. tho ensu- ing year. T he ostim iite agg»*cgated $H),- (KJO and was divided as follows: T e a c h e rs 1- salaries, $15,225, loss the approximate amount of the state appropriation, which has been apportioned by the county super- intendent at- 81*1, leaving a balance of § 8 , 111 ;. ja ni tors’ salaries, $ 1 >; oreoti on and repairs, *$1,S2(); text books and sup- plies, $1,200; school furniture, $175;, fuel aud power, $tK)0 ; interest on bomls, $1,025; incidentals,-nV m ual training, $ 1 ,- total, $.'20,5tHif less an a])proximatc sur- plus of $lj500, ieaving a bulunoo of §19,000. Councilman Kirkbrido s:tid he wanted to treat tho board of education witli all fairness, .hut he would like to.kuoNV that the amount of money recommended was absolutely needed. In order to make a fair comparison lie askedliow much n>onoy wuss])ent for the various departments last year. Last year's appropriation was looked iiiuuiilat-w.as-found-tha't^in—near}y-t*very- AlciKU'tn uuit thewuwas a decided-ihoreaso. Cuuneilman AVilbny, wlvo:.attended t ho meet Ing of tlio"ho!ird<7f estim ate onUoTiv o m l to explain how the estimate was .made ti],-. Ho. said each item was talcen^ip separately 'ami glveTfTuTTconsiderationtlu’iviv/re he did not think;tho.ainoii lit s askOd for -wow u|i- fair. In the incidenial accmmt_Jii>_sai(t such items/as insurance, inttuvst, water, ut ti. r—wore^-inol uded — wllieii-bmughl—th e total tip to. the annmn t speclliod. Mr. Treat sjiid th*> ui)propriation for school purposes had 1h*oii made Up and he thought the amount voted, § 10,000, was enough-to-^tm—thc^-sohbols-for-tlrircnsutng’ year. lie was therefore opposed to any f iiiither action being A a ken in the nut tier. Councilman Kirkbrido said ho wanted lloppor & Co/s Ajviilug Iiurnod. » The awning in front of tho store of llop- por & Co.f .on Mattison avonuo, In the Pukss. building, was partly Jmrned lust night*about 11 o’clock. It is .thought the canvas was ignited by a match or oigar- otte accidently- thrown . from tho living apartments over tho store. A ero\vd soon collected and it was excitedly suggested tbat an alarm he turned in’ , imt a pull of water thrown on tho blaze, by Alphous White, and the tearing away of a portion of*'tlio Wwing, settled tlio. nmtlor. The sign above tho door was’also damaged by the blaze. t - . ♦ Toodlo-Smith; Oil Sunday, Juno Miss Kllu Smllh of Sprlnglioltl, 111;, atul W illiam ‘Totulle of Vj£ginia were .married by ftev. J. 11/ AVluto df West Asbltry Park. J. Tho Shirt W aist CSIrl W ifi he cineoir this Hiinnnet;, as usual fin il Hho w tt 1 l?uvolmstj tho nitiUirialK foFlier silk waists at our stortis,. where the nowest tirwitioiiH of the silk Revivers are*4copt in st‘M^k. ' f JLk KjiTKiJfitAcu Company. o.x. o. Ilomemado bread.' Kijough said. For .a (pilot, rostful hot or cold sea water hath In a large, solid pvrcelaiii tub, go to Rjss’. I- lfiU-37 IIH11ms spochil pricc? oil veal and lamb, to know what tlu! eaust»was for such an increase in the teachers’ sjiliiries, janitors’ salaries, ote., before he could vote intelli- gently on the matter, lie therefore moved that the matter go over for one wool; nnd that the boa rtl, of education bo retjutsled to-attoful the next moi?Ting and make-an explanation of the quest ions at issuOr-vTfie motion was seconded J>.y.l)r. Wilbur. .President Apjdoby opposed .the’ ’motion on tho groiind thak't he upiiroprldtion Jmd already been disposi’il of a fid ho .could see no reason for again opeiiing the discus- sion. He alsf) claimed that 'the,appropria- tion which has been voted was a ^ery lib- eral one and sunicieiit lo moot all tho re- quirements of the Schools for the year. This statement, lie said. wasljirovod by tho fact that. Uto-board Jiad a surplus last yeur of §1,500, untl fhe appropriation was the same as has been votet if his your. Dr. Wilbur sit id the- board of education wanttMl to employ a teacher in rreach and Herman, which aceounlcd for some df tho Increase in the,teachers* salaries. The jan- itors, he claimeU, did niuch extnl work outside of that required of ..them, ami for" this reason it was tlmughtrthat their salar- ies should be increased. Tluvboard has made it a rulo to Ilnjsh one of tho unconi- pleted rooms ejich 3*t*ar. and this is tho use to which the construct inn fund is placed. President Appleby again stated that ho did .not- want to bo classed iwbeing op- posed to tho schools, but he claimed •tlmt. tho tendenejyaoh year is to increase the appropriations.' Under the old schooV law ho said tho people worn'permitted to'yoto upon tho amount to he expended for school purposes. When tho city wa.s incorporated this foat-vro was tloim away with aiul city council was given power to prevent exces- sive appropriations. Under the new.law' thero-is positively no check, and flvo men are permitted to.call for any amount of money which they ni.‘^desire. Mr. IvirUbride’s inotion Jo lay the mat- ter over for another weekend tlmt the bjKtnl.of education b:\_i.nvited_ to. .be. pres*, out and explain matters, was defeated by a votcTof four to. three. . TIufs thiMuntlor still stands in Its origl nnl position with an appropriation of $ 10,- W0_for tlio coming year. What the,out- come of tho ilHTerenec between tho copneil and the board of “education will bo cati- uoti bo fevetold. Arrived for tho Sonsom '-Our expert embroider.? and laco teacher has just arrived. Free hysons, In 'e-ourses until Ootoljor. Thoso desiring good hours apply jit ohce at . J. • STEtxnAcjn’s Mammoth. •. The above despatch .will occasion con- siderable sorrow in tlds city, as Crane was -we-ll-lviiowiUun’OT—hayi ng -spellb-thire^trly' jKirt of his life, in Asbury Park, lie at- timded-tho-lorai^houl^nra^slstetrKiff brother, Jv Town ley Crane, as. reporter for the Xew' York Tribui’ie and Associated Press, his first venture into journalismT lfe- was the .son of Dr. * «T. T. Methodist— 111i 4iister,_-antl_jvms- born at Xew York in 1872: lie entered journalism when 10, and foe years a ct (m! as a . report or nnd writer of liews- Ro’nnot-ine euros' indigestion. X _ !VIA!N MAST^ TAKEN DOWN Ilatl Seen 37 Years’ Scrvlcc on the Bciich. #.JV;.«Ig Celebration Held. Wlicn tlie Polo fW as 12 ro c ted. After 27 years of servlets the main mast of the big flagpole located on tli 6 bench front, between First and Asbury. avenues, hu s 1won. relegated to the rca r. The own or' feared.fhiifc it might topple o\;ei* some day without warning and cause *somOone seri: ous injury,-if not death. All tlio morning, men were busily oii gaged in making prepa- rations to take it down. • Guy ropes wore attached-to the top of it so tlmt it w’ould fii 11 "iii - a Tiel’lain directio.n. Atr" 2 »o’clock this afternooliHirt^ie presenco of a num- ber of spectators, the,work of lowering it was commenced. Slowly it was allowed to lean to tiho southwest. When about half way down it brokoln half and fell to the ground with, a thud;'.An Investiga- tion proved that the p,old wasalii|osbrotted to pieces. * ’ ‘ • •. - . The polo was eonsidei’ed one* of the old landmarks, of the town. It was erected under the direction of the late /Drummond White and a big colebratioii foliow’od Captain Haight’s hand from HVall town* ship was in attend unco. It coiikisted of a snare drum, a bass drum muluj fow horns, and was considered pretty good , beach music at that time. Pounder Bt’adley had provided a barrel of ginger snaps i^nd those, were served for refreshments. —The-main;nasfc-was"aljout;!H)feetlong aiid above this was a topmitsfe-from the top of which Old Gloiy and “Peace on ICurth (Goodwill Toward.Men,” has floated over the vast throng of yisifors ev/cr since thi beginning of the city’s career* of suc- cess and prosperity. Two of .tlio topmasts Iruvc 1;oen shat- tered by the lightning, hut in each case tho’main inast was spared for further.sei“ vice. .Founder,Bradley first noticed last st^mher tlmt the big spar had outlived its •usefulness, and with his usual spirit of caution jie- had the topmast lowered and the .poie was guyed to guard against any possible danger: This spring he made a tlio rough investigation and found that it would,- be unsafe to allow' it to stand longer. Mr. Bradley said that It. secnicd like parting witlrnn old friend, but as it was unfit for further service he. deemed it wise to part with it. A fter it. lw\d fallen and he had examined it lu* w’as very glad that he laid decided upon such a course, for it was bandy strong enough to sta'nd alone. If the founder.ean come across* anotlioi: stick as g«,jod as that »ne has been he may make up his miiid to it* piace it. . STEPHEM^CRANEDEAD W ell Know n W riter Passed Away In Lon- don Today — Spent Ills Boyhood r J)lfyrt~ ITi"~As fmry“pur k / : -IjondoUj-Tni^Hday.— -^tei)henGranorthe wel 1 known.American wrjter.and jouKlialr. ist, died in this city this morning at JJ o’clock. ' •• , . I When City Hears That Roberts Has Reached Pretoria. GRAVER SITUATION IN CHINA paper sketches. He *aeted as a newspaper correspondeu|;'''during-the CJraeco-'J’urkish and .Spanish-American, wars.- His best known book .was “The Rod Badge Of Courage/’ writ ten before he had reached Ills majority.; “George’s Mother” and “Maggie, a Girl of the .Streets,” are* two .other-prod uot ions by him. Mrs. .Murray Hamilton, a slstei^ of do* ceusedy rostdos-in this iMly at preseiit.** She received a eablegrain on May 22 saying Jhal her brothoivhad rallied and gone to Dover. . A NARROW-ESCAPE - Steward Kahn Overtome by OaK In His Itoom—Aflair Is Supposed to lluvn / ISoen Aeeldeulal. Alexander Kuhn of Wilmington^ D«l„ steward at tho West-Knd hotel, had a nar- row escape from death Friday night. *' He occupies a room on the second jlloor of. the hotel, and in his room, unconscious nnd barely alive, lie was found Saturday morn.' ing by Peter Teii Broeok, son of Proprlo. tor .Ten Brooclic Ho-hud been overcome by gas flowing from a partially opon jet in tho room. Dr. .1. -K. Burt was hastily, summoned and worked for some time Ins fore the patient, recovered consciousness. Ho did not fully recover until, the next day. Tt-ls thought the ;iflair was entirely accidental. • . >• QBITUARYJRECORD Helen A. Wyman. • 'Union A. Wyniun, aged 22; a fesldent of Brooklyn, died yo.stvu’day at hoi- summer homo instills cit5, 20JJ .Thirdavenue, of pyanniu, following an operation* for .purl- tonills. T'unoral service’s were conducted late yesterday afternoon by Rector A. J. Miller of Trinity elmreh. The body will be taken tb(Brooklyit loinorrow. I’ranees 'M. WJUiiiioHou. Frances M. Williamson, a w/dow, died nther home, 1505 Grand avenuo, agt>d US years! She ‘was forinerly «»f Oi*a11ge. Tliif interment Will be‘made at Indianapolis,- Indiana. ’. . . CnrniTbell (fill led tlie" state i Jeinocrnt lc coiv volit ion to order at 11,15. John T. Norton of Troy, was made tempoi’jiry chairiiian. Xorton; in liis speech, indulged in a heavy tirade oii liovernor Roosevelt ami—tho Re- nubllcim olliUals of the-state; Ho sa id the slide noisdod ..honest- goveriunent aiici- honest otlieiuls, and what was also needed Ava.sanJione^L-coura^t’OUs niu.ii, for presL- Stolnbaeh'K^ClbUtlntr Srmo.s. ...^.l'lveiy garment in tlitt readymade cloth- ing department hus:bocn reduced iirprieo to hurry the soiling. Every suit perfect as tomaterial atul manufaeture. . t 1 Tiiic Stkinhacii-Company. A Po tv .Choi co -Plats ■Still for rout-in Keator block, Mattison avtuuie', and-in new Cookman avenue block. All modern conveniences., Rent $10 t o ’ Apply to owner or, agents, t <). X. o . lleport Tliat Wmvngor 12mpress W ill f)p- P O flO 'A ll JKuropo Itather Thau Interfere W ith '‘‘Hoxcrs’.’-—MissionarloH Safe—New Vork Democrats In Convention—i>lurr derer.Hummel Hanged. London, Tuesdiiy. — The following Is Roberts’ report of the occupation of Pre- toria. *“Pn^toria, Juno 5, 11.40.—Ani now in' Pretoria/ The official eiltry .will be mado.at'2 o'clock this afternoon.jiobqrt.s. On-receipt of the long hoped- for word London threw ojV the letiiargy*Which has held her for somc’time anti went wild with -enthusiasm. KverywhoreAb.usingss is a t a standstill’ '.and great crowds oii the street corners are yelling.and cheering, hokks <> P P i is i i i>" i t Ci ii k rts 7 ' Ills' Occupation-.of ’Pretoria Was I^ot Ac* cpmjillsiynl Without lies! sit ance. London, Tuesday.—Roberta reports from Six INIile Spr’ui t yesterday, foreshadow!tig the ’occupation^ of P rotoria^in a despatch blade public this morning, that.for a time yesterday the Boers gaye his force sonic trouble and heavy fighting occumtd. By fouce of numljers and fine jidlitary tactics, however, he finally carried the day. 4,000 Il^itlHh Kcleased .... ' London, Tuesday;—Tho war ollice has i 1 . information that one' of the first acts of Robert^ after the oecujiation of Pretoria was to instruct French to i*eltra^e -1,000 or more British prisoners at Watervil. Ofllclal .Announcement. London, Tuesday.—It is oillcially an- nouncod by the war ollice tliat Pretoria has been occupied by the British. Author Mary Kingsley Dead. . London, Tuesday.—Mary Kingsh\vi tlie author o f several , well known books of travel, is dead at Cape Tow ii. M IS S I O X A lt I I i S SA P li. China W ill.Pace A ll Europe, Itatlier Than Interfere W itli “Hojcefs.” . London; Tuesday.—A despatch to .the Central Xew^sXnmi Shanghai says that the missionaries at. J>ao-Ting-X',u are safe. An attack on the “boxers’*was planned for last 11igh ti“* 7ind~cveiytlTuig'is'licitVg^arra ii ged for the safety . Of the foreigners. The Ga ze tt e, consults red tlie li ighes t authority in' tjio empire, says that the d< SW ’agei^eiul^essT 1ms^Ti'd^ed^hilgo^m’l^ juenUo-face-all-Kuropo • rather thiin -In- terfere with tlio “boxers.”* THE ACCIDENT . To the . Central' Railroad train serves as a reminder of the value of- accident insur- . ance. Att accidentpolicy of the Travelers* Insurance .... Company costing but $25 per annum to preferred risks pays $50 a week in- demnity for a total disability or$l 0,000 for death by ac- cident while riding as a pas- senger In any railway pas- senger car. Let us give YOU further particulars. MILAN-ROSS AGENCY ' 208 Main Street. lonmoiitli Trust AND ' Safe Deposit Company Monmoufli Building', Asbury Park, K. J. CAPITAL, ... ... . .$100,000. SURPLUS,, ..... 25,000, Executes alltrusts known to the law. Lorhh money on bond and raorttfHRe. Receives deposits subject to check and fttlows , interest on dally balances, . .. * Acts as Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Aeeut. .'Pays coupons,. .; . . 'Makes• demand and time loans on approved collateral. Safe deposit vaults, | Ai C . T W IN IN G , President. G, B. M. HARVRY, Vice President. A..TOSTING, Secretary. D. C. CORNIttI,, treasurer. DIRECTORS: '#■ O. H. Drown, R. A. Tustlnij, T. H. Buclmnon, - Henry Mitchell, M, D, X a Cornell, John P. O’Brien,- *’ " ..rerryR . Smith,; Col. G. B. M. Harvey, S. A. Patterson, George F. Kroehl A. C. Twining, Bruce 8 . Keator, M. D„ H, II. Vreeland. G. D. AV. Vroom. > J k a ts , Chairman Norton Indulges In .ii Tirade AfiaiiiMt—KiionovcltTahd'-tlioICopul>IlcatiH 7 Xe\v Xork, ..Tuesday.—Sta td‘ Cha irman dHit>. immediately there were cries nil over tlie hall of Bryan. lie also said what Was wanted was a delegation untied iii aim and opinion to go to Kansiis City and’ decide for: the .slate ..who should receive the Democratic nomination.' Again then* were cries of Bryan. 'There arc uo further developments as*yet. « i o k i : i <;.\ pouci5S“opro.si;D. Chinese Troops W ill Not Allow Them lo lo IV I< in — M arines Can no! I.antl. Shanghai, Tuesday.—l(t, is. reportetl here that the Chinese troops are operating to prevent any further foreign forces from going to Pekin. ' It is further staled that the viceroy hits ordered troops to oppose the landing of more marines from foreign warships. Two Belgian engineers have been killedfiuear Tien-Tsin. An attack at that place by the “boxers”' Is reported to be imminent. _____________ * “ ISoxers** Defeat ChlneNe. Troops. Tien-Tsin,1 Tnt*sday.—“IJf>xers'* defeaied Chinesesoldiers guarding (tlie railway to Pekin wiih heavy loss. Al iluaug-Tsun a force o f 1,2(h'l Chint»>i» troops tied at.th»MiP.* proach of the “boxers,*’ whoeliased them into tlm eouturyand it Is n'poried killed ahd wounded i‘>0 of their number. Serious Trolloy Car Accident, f Vienna, Tuesday. — Six persons were killed, flve'fatall.v injured i^nd many badly hurt by t.he'de mil ment of u tr(dh*y ear here List, nigbtf The car rolled down .a steep em ba ii k tnen . ________ ~ --Murderer. Hummel Handed. Williamsport','Pa., Tuesday.—William llummol, the .peddler who munlered his wife und three children, was hanged lu tie jaflyaiM lien; at IU.*»S this morning. raii'Weather Ah cud. Washington, Wednesday.—Fair tonight and Wednesday; variable winds,- mostly fresh eajjl to mtrtheast, ......... . T ' : • » . • y ' ‘Summer lietiuInUes. .-You can procuVe ‘anything and every- l hin^ desired for the homo or ptn-stm qt our two modern st.oivs, wliero Mv stocu is tne fargvst.iuu.l prices the lowest, f. Tilk S tkinhacii C ompany .' O..X. o.. Homemade bread*is lOcontsaloaf, But? The Ross bathing establish ment wiU bo opon'in all departments for tho season, June‘ .I. ' . _;• . Iil 0*«l? • Ydii will find the best beof,* lamb, veal itul pork at B ill’s for tho lowest market IlomcmudosJjrwul. Don't \valt for it. 'J.~prices. l-«ook up our ad. oil page 2 . ' { High Grade Fishing Tackle RepairIng^pu Rods and Reels. CIGARSJAND TOBACCO ^ - rmported Key W estlind Domestic Clears ond all Smwkers’ Articles. Tho boat cigar that 5 cents can buy. A F • , 647 . 1-2 _ Py cooitrrian Avonuo W E -H AVE IT— YOU are looking about for your STATIONER!/SUPPLIES. .. YQU want the best goods made and want to buy them at reasonable prices. .LET us interest you.- : OUR prices are popular. OUR line.is up-to-date. BLANK BOOKS". : LAW. BOOKS RUBBER STAMPS ' made to order. ~ ; H otel registers , &c. , DAILY PAPERS delivered. H 4 RRY S. BORDEN Stationer ^N ew sdealer Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Ave. HEADACHE . : Many thousand people suffer from chronic Hondacho, fimUng: no rollot olther in medlolno, modoratlon ol ' .work or othor romudlen. In raany eases the trouble la caused in dtfectlvo cyoa.whtoU can bo remedied by skilled adjustment of proper lenses. We examine the oyes for every pouslblo defect anil Kuarautoo our Vvork. Ex- amination Iree. STILES & CO. Eye Spaclallsts At 222 Main Street every Friday. Hours: 11 to 1 p,m ..2to6 p. m. First National Bank OF A5BC1RT FARK Mattison—Avenue and Bfind Street g, Between Poetofflce and Dopofc, OKQANIZEb FEBRUARY, 186A OFPICEllSr OEOHOK F. KltOEHL, Proaldont O. II. HHOVVN, Jat Vlgo Progldont IJ. Ii. ISA MMAN, 2 nd Vice I’rosldent M. V. DAGEll, Cashier ' M. H. BCOTT, Assistant'Cashlo Patrona’valuables race’lvod for safe keeping free of qharge. Foreign exchange bought and sold Cpllectlons promptly acknowledged' YOUR BUSINESS FAVORB RE- spectf OK v solicited .
Page 1: WILL FAY ASSESSMENTS FOR SALE - DigiFind-It · Tlii rtl avenue.' Tho sign ‘was *1x5 feet "and boro t ho insorlptlon ^Union Steiini_.TiniTi^ dry of-Nowark;,,-“Thtr polico; liavo

Late News - By t elegraph


F O R S A L EA splendid property on Asbury Avenue,

' second block from ocean. A decided bargain for some-

• body. Call and get particulars.

D. C. COVERT .* • '• ' •)• ■ . 208 Bond Street,• t ' • . •- * • 1 -

AsburyiPark, N. J.

u x

AHBDBY' PARK im<l OCKAXI GEOVB;\ Hotol Bmnwfok,

O m en < ltallrond Depot and ; 1214 Banan Avenue.

Principal Offloo.. . . ....305 MAIN BTOKK’I ■ (iooOa ntorod at reasonable rates,

• Tolephone connection.P. O. Box 607, - - Abbury F arr

Y OU ^or otherwise I could not help |.your fa IhiK eyesight with Hpec-

A D p ' tjiclos or eyuKlasseH,- But tlio pa-. tlopt, helpful rose it barbarously

j T T riT /\r^ r,’a^ lI' tbe French ltaino for 1_*U U xV X eyeglasses, pinec-ne?/(plneh-hos«)

wjw well selected._ Let mo show you a now th'ng InTO

HAVE ... EYEGLASSES.;.w ‘ I It w a a c o n t r iv e d for* n o s o c o m f o r t . W h e n y o u w e a r a p a i r

T V T f " ) C T |' o f i n y o y o g ln s a e s y o u i* n o s o w ill •IN v O i i b o a a lm )k y a s y o u r c y o 3. }

CLAUDE J. WISEMAN,Jeweler and. Optician

645 Cookman Ave.GlnAios, watches anil jawolry repaired

with promptness"iind skill.

ATTENTION !<■ (.’ If you-take care of your eyes

* _ they will—take - care of—you-— Many lives are macjg, miserable

through the neglect of not hav­ing the eyes at rest. If you suffer

• with dizziness, pain' in the heador blurred vision call and have your eyes .examined free of

—— ^Charge—WeTepairyour frames promptly and make a specialty

- of, accurate optical work.


"“ Asbury Park OptlcaTParloiv9 0 3 C ookm an Avenufe.

Cor. Emory Street. K lc u tllcx a rs^ ja u a d o o r. ■— T<ilophont>-No,-138—

^ I ^ O O O

JffilLbuy a splendid, property■■ wort', $20,OOtf located dose

to the ocean at

.. a l l e n h u i s t ;.

Will Probably. Be the Same as for Other Vehicles

ORDINANCE TO BE PREPARED\J»o of iVIotcrH’ TVIakoa 'NmvV: Ordinance

Neeewury In, Water Department—lie* duct Ion of Kate 1‘avorcd If F cohIMc, TiicciiHO Ordiimnco Needs Itevlaion. Committee to Suggest ChangcH.

Every mombor of 'the city council was present a t llu; mooting■held last nlglit., ami considerable business of minor importance was disposed of. It was near 11 o’clock beforo a final adjournment. wn«^mado.

Tho report of Treasurer Ross, was read ami ordered.placet^ on file.

The'report of* the water superintendent for tho mont|i of May was also presented. This report showed tho (|Unntit.\^bf w/itei; pumped nml used during the past month. It also culled attention to the fact that tho additional liro protection - ordered l)y tiie council had been placed in position at the pumping station. Tho report was ordered .filed and the president appointed Aridity morning next at 8 o’clock as the time for an inspection of tlie plant hy the i item hers of the hoard. * ; .

A comuiunieatlou from thetoWhsh'ipof- flcials regarding tho I Jay}ng o f a sidewalk in'frontof tho jum ping station on Sopth Main street was read ami Qieil. The street committee, has lieeii'authqfixod' .’to*liave tho sicloWalkrpnfc "downnml the'w;drk .will be attended tn at once. •; A note for $511*000 was ordered dis6 ou 11 ted In anticipation of taxes. .

In regard to tiie applicatlon of the Sea- sldti AutonvohUe company.for tht* privilege

vof operating a line of automobiles within tho city limits,- Councilman Kirk bride, of the street committee, to' whom ‘ the iippli- eation was referred,"gave it as his opinion that they should ho licensed the same as oilier vehicles.

Founder Bradley thought that this was the proper way .to proceed in the matter, amJMt would not- show any discrimination'

.against the hack and stage1 drivers. Ho was of the opinion, however, that the .men who run them should also be licensed, x in order to insure the services «f competent iiien. The license o f tho men, he said, should Ikj merely nominal, the object being to bring them under tlie control of tlio cl ty . 1 fe 1 nsisteel tluit tlio. infrotluc- tion of the automobiles ‘should bo encour­aged in order- that the city m ight keep abreast pf the times. ■ ( .

The ordinance committee was finally instructed to. prepare an ordinance regu-, lating the running ot automobiles through^he .streets of the city:

An ordinance regulating the water de­partment, made necessary by tlio int.nV. due tion of meters, was read and agreed to, and tho clerk was instructed to provide

WILL FAY ASSESSMENTSFor Coolcmnn Avenuo Improvement Pro

vldetl City Krocts GrmluatiHl* Curb­ing WJioro trndo Was Chaiigod,

A number of the Cook mail avonuo prop­erty owners appeared beforo the city coun­cil last night and presented a proposition whereby tho change of . grade may be ad­justed to the satisfaction "of a ll persons .concerned,; The Indications arevtliat the matter w ill b o /g iven favorable consUl oration.. y/ 1 . .• ' "

John A:~ Qithens,1 aeling nsspokesiimn foj’ the property owners,_ said that they hold u meeting and decided that if tho city would place in position a graduated curb­ing, such us that in front of the Keator property,.the original assessments would be paid without furthor-trouble. Tho cost of this change in tlie curbing, he said, would bo*a sm all matter,' as I t only carried with it! till} cOsts of tho extra stone., lJurlngjhis remarks -Mr. Githehs made a statem entthat tlio pity oflieliils should act with hoii(!sJyj and nob' do anythln^yhich WQU ld.li»ad to ro (lee Mon ttpoii' thoin.

Two' of the niemhers pf tjhe- board at once asked him if he mount to imply that thoy had lfcoh guil ty of a h y crooked 'work,’ and it seemed fora moment as if the dis­cussion would become more or less per-, sonar. Mr. Bradley came to tlie rescue however, and iiisist&mthat^-Mr. GithensJ remarks had been misconstrued.

The speiikor admitted tli/tf this w as a faot and.iiisisteii that lie meant to cast no

Ilfections. He aiid the property owners on Cookman. avenuo felt that .'they hail been damaged, atul they caiuo before the board In a spirit of harmony to endeavor to right tho wrong as far as possible w ith­out tlhe necessity of a law suit.

After sojne discussion a committee was appointed to confer with a cqmmitteo of I ho property owners and t*hdeavor to comO to an understanding in the matt6 r. • The commlttce named consists of Messrs.Bind­ley, Mceksi -ami Klrkbrkle. They w ill m eet the property owners this afternoon and report to’ the board at its next mooting.

Tho sentiment of the council .seems to be that the CoAkinan avenuo property owners have licen injured bSr the change of grade, and that tjio council ..should meet them half way hi an effort to straighkn the matter out.


Hivilroad Comimuy Wants Timo to Com­ply W itli' Ordinance W hich‘it In

Claimed II»s Been A’lolatcd.This niorning, before Ptdjce Justice Bor*

den, the case of tiie board of health o f the. city of Asbury -Park, against tlie 'X ow York and Jjong Bmneh milroad, .'was moved by Samuel A . Patterson, counsel o f tlm board of health.

■Tudge C. Kwing vPatterson of IjaiijX.

tlvc m'tfhiliors'"of ihe IxmiuI with "a co|>y thereof, in dwlor- that tl e.v might liccoine acqiiainteii with its provisitnis before the

2 lots,'house of 20 rooms, 2 baths, Ijandsomcly furn­ished, large barn, etc.

AJSpIendid Bargain


Asbury Park. V

Capital $50,000 $45,000

Asbury Park ani Ocean firovc

B A J N T . K .•I " •

Corner M attUon Ave. and Main S t., . ASBURY PARK* N. J . v

Corner Plain Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway OCEAN QROVB.

HI5WnY. O. W i l s o n . PresW ont,: — GEO. W. KVAN8 , Vlc6-PreaHont.

EDMOND K DAYTON, CashierJESSE MINOT. A ssistant Q m hlar.


DiiiECTOita:draj . a. w , m rtniO K,JOHN UUnUAHD LKWIH RAINEAn



. A c c o u n t? R e o p e o tfu lly S o l ic i t e d .- S a fe D e p o s it B o x e s to R en t,

t ' • . 1 .j-W o I s su e F oro lg n D r a fts a n d .L e t*1

o r s o f-C r e d it ,

the. Plaza hotel and Ocean avenue on the Kdujtli side of Cookman avenue, had been awarded to A. A. Taylor. I lls jirlce .was i:» :»*8 cents per.foot. Tho bid of It. K K. Roth fritz was 15J) .

The streot committeo reported that the work on the two streets tvhieh aro bei ng, improved was being hindered because of thoJnjlure of the gravel company to get the material hero. They arc doing the best, they can, however, ti/ul expected to receive 111 cars today.

The now tiro department building lias boon completed as far as the present con­tractor is concerned, • ami a motion was made that tho building be accepted. Mr. .Sexton, the contractor, was congratulated upon giving the city a good job. *

Councilman Mt*uks, ehalrnjan. .of the finance committee, and Councilman Tuttle, .chairman of the ordinance commit­tee, wero appointed a commltteo to go over tho license ordinance and endeavor to point out tho ohangon deemed tt) lie noees sm y... It Is claimed that iirsomo cases tho onliimnco is inconsistent. This commit­tee will report tt) tho council upon tho com­pletion of their labors.. •_ Aft^r voudlng tho bills tho board ad­

journed to.moot again next Monduymight.

Laundry .Sign Stolon.A during thief a few'days since stole the

sign of Mrs. Josephine Robbins, wl)o oon-. .cluctsa laundry on Kingsley street, neajv Tlii rtl avenue.' Tho sign ‘was *1x5 feet "and boro t ho insorlptlon ^Union Steiini_.TiniTi dry of-Nowark;,,-“Thtr polico; liavo sti*ong suspicion^ as to who committed t ho crintOj aiid, think is more uu act of persecution

alone lighting singlo bonded for u living, and tho otllcialfi' aro det'ormiiiQd that sho shall havo peueo and security. ArrestH may follow. * . • . •

F r o o L e a s h i ih I n A r t I S m b r o ld o r y ;A t tho Ocean Palace, this weok, freo los

soils will* bo given in art work to thoso ’ * ' ’ ' ‘ ,1s Th

timrclmslng ombmidory materials 'i ho demoustruUir is tin expert from tho city

R e n n e t In o fo r sa lo a t 'K ln m o n th 'nth^j'

y IM14 M’yd for the r? i i.l ro? ul e <0 n pun y and Smpiested an atljournment of one week. , l i e reprosentcd to ’the, court that the mllroad company w’ouId, in tlio inter­val,,comply with the ordinance;Which itW H S iV ll.e g W l m a iJP C T f V io la t e d .

:riie suit was brought by. the Ijoard of health to cnfprco im ordinance, regulatln;

next, n looting.Councilman Treat Stated that it was Im­

perative tliat the water plant should bo self sustaining; N ext ti) this, hcsiiid, tliu tax payers should' be f iirn ished wi I h water at the lowest possible figure; Ifo urged -Lhc-moiuhors-of— oou noi 1—to-gi ve-thcortli- ilanco their careful consider.ition and to see if in their judgment a further reduc­tion In the meter rates is doomed advisable 411- t-b is-tlin ct—'IMi trnr di n anrrr-nl 1 l_ciTrnFTT{T for final ^onsidi'nitloiiat.the next-meeting.

Chief Scott of the liredei»artment recoin- mendo(I~tho installation of an ntftlitlohal tiro hydrant at the <*orner of Cookman avenue and Webb street, and anot her at thi;' corner of Third avenue und Bontl street. The mutter w as referred to the Iliv and -water-committoe, with power to act. Tho recoinmend^t ion 'will doubtless Iw complied with. * # ^

Counelhnun Kirkbrido reported that tin*., eont met for laying the sidewalk between 5WfeK«Hllnn Tlmt It Uo Il^lil on Anicriean

the construotion of traps amlsowors, a t the mllroad station, it being set forth-lu-tho- coniplaiut madoby InsjiecUjrD. C. Bo won that tho railroad company had niain- taihod a miiwince at''the north end of tho depot grounds, iiotwlthstatiding due no- ti<m-^havhig—b(!on-giveri-to:the-coi npany-H- superintendent, liu fus Blodgett, a t Long Branch, to a lit to tho tmisatUH;. It was also alleged in tin* complaint that the prtrttrb<cs-wero ffl-nTmnsanlmryandllaTF serous condition!

Tho case weiit over one week, for the purpose nlso of gi.VIng tho board of health in opportunity io passon the railroad emu- puiiv's proposition to abate the nuisiince, anti lo consider that, if the nuisance wns rtTinleiT^Wfiel ln*r . thil penalty of the orili- iianco should be enforced.


D a y M e o U W i t h A p p r o v a l o f - -------

C i t y C o m m o n * C i m i i i C U .

.The annual Hold day of tho Jr. O. U. A. M. for the slate of Xew Jersey will be hold in this city on August 10. A request has .been.jnttdo that the annual lake carnival ho arranged to take placo on that dato.as a feature of entertainment. Tho mayor lias recommended that tho request lm granted, und city council at its session last night voted that it be the sense of ilio board that the request, be complied*with:

American day, as’ th^v celebration is. known, brings, thfyusiinds of visitors to ou * city, and it is proper that soino enter­tain mo nt slum id bo provided.

Council Appropriated $16,000. Trustees Want $19,000.

EXPLANATION. OF INCREASEI t I s P r o p o s n d t o I C a i s o ' S a l a r i e s o f T o u c h

e r a a n d J a n i t o r s — A R e a d i e r o f X ' r o u c h

a n d G o r m a n W a n t e d — U o i m t H a d S u r ­

p l u s . Id is f c V e a r ~ C o u n o l i D e c l i n e s ' t o

T a k o A t t i c T n i 7 : \ ........

N otw ithstanding tho fact ih n t Iho -cVty c.otincil n t i t s las t .mooting declined to take JulvunlagO'Ot tlio how law governing schools, the city board of education have continued to a c t un d er ' its. provisions. A few days ago It; A . Tustiiig , A.' C. Twin­ing and M nyoivFranlcJj. Ton Broock, vop- roson ting - th o ■ board of school estim ate provided for uhdof tho new law, liiet a t the W est Hnd hotel an d m ade an.estlmato- of tho am oun t of money necessary .to'run' the stihools for tho ensuing year. Under tho law .tho. c lty council is siipposed to hiivo two representatives upon this - hom'd, l)Ut from the fact th a t the city fathers de-’ elded th a t i t Avou id bo unwise io ojiemte under tho new Ja w th is yoiir, no appoint- m eets wore iniulo. and ’ the proceedings wero eonduot^d w ithou t being.jijTit?laliy. participated iii % 4in y member of council. J iv e ry m em ber o f tlio' council hud been

Served w ith a nofcico th a t such a ineoting Would bo hold, b u t Councilman W ilbur- w as tho only niembov i»resont.- Ho' was there in a n unofficial capacity and took n o jm rt in-the proceedings. ‘

A‘s a r e s u l t o f t h e m o o t i n g o f t h e t h r e e g e n t l e m e n n b o v e # m e n t i o n e d c o u n c i l re - , e e l v e t! a s t a t o m o n t l a s t l i l g h t . o f t h e a m o u n t o f m o n e y e s t h n u l e d to h e neci?s- w iry |to o p e r a t e t h o sch o o ls* fo r. th o e n s u ­i n g y e a r . T h e o s t i m i i t e a g g » * c g ate d $H),- (KJO a n d w a s d i v id e d a s f o l l o w s : T e a c h e r s 1- s a l a r i e s , $15,225, l o s s t h e a p p r o x i m a t e a m o u n t o f t h e s t a t e a p p r o p r i a t i o n , w h ic h h a s b e e n a p p o r t i o n e d b y t h e c o u n ty s u p e r ­i n t e n d e n t a t - 81*1, l e a v i n g a b a la n c e o f §8, 111;. j a n i t o r s ’ s a l a r i e s , $ 1 >; o r e o t i o n a n d r e p a i r s , *$1,S2(); t e x t b o o k s a n d s u p ­p l ie s , $1 ,2 0 0 ; s c h o o l f u r n i t u r e , $ 1 7 5 ;, f u e l a u d p o w e r , $tK)0; i n t e r e s t o n b o m ls , $1 ,025; i n c i d e n t a l s , - n V m u a l t r a i n i n g , $ 1,-

t o t a l , $.'20,5tHif l e s s a n a ] ) p r o x im a tc s u r ­p l u s o f $ lj5 0 0 , i e a v i n g a b u lu n o o o f §19,000.

Councilman K irkbrido s:tid he w anted to tre a t tho board of education witli all fairness, .hut he w ould like to.kuoNV th a t the am oun t of m oney recommended was absolutely needed. I n order to m ake a fair comparison lie askedliow much n>onoy wuss])ent fo r the various departm ents las t year. L ast year's appropriation w as looked iiiuuiilat-w .as-found-tha't^in—near}y-t*very-AlciKU'tn uuit thewuwas a decided-ihoreaso.

Cuuneilman AVilbny, wlvo:.attended t ho meet I ng of tlio"ho!ird<7f estimate onUoTi vom l to explain how the estimate was .made ti],-. Ho. said each item was talcen^ip separately 'ami glveTfTuTTconsiderationtlu’iviv/re he did not think;tho.ainoii lit s askOd for - wow u|i- fair. In the incidenial accmmt_Jii>_sai(t such item s/ as insurance, inttuvst, water, ut ti. r—wore^-inol uded — wllieii-bmughl—th e total tip to. the annmn t speclliod. •

Mr. Treat sjiid th*> ui)propriation for school purposes had 1h*oii made Up and he thought the amount voted, §10,000, was enough-to-^tm—thc^-sohbols-for-tlrircnsutng’ year. l ie w as therefore opposed to any f iiiither action being A a ken in the nut tier.

Councilman Kirkbrido said ho wanted

l l o p p o r & C o / s A j v i i l u g I i u r n o d . »

The awning in front of tho store of llop- por & Co.f .on Mattison avonuo, In the Pukss. building, was partly Jmrned lust night*about 11 o’clock. It is .thought the canvas was ignited by a match or oigar- otte accidently- thrown . from tho living apartments over tho store. A ero\vd soon collected and it was excitedly suggested tbat an alarm he turned in’, imt a pull of water thrown on tho blaze, by Alphous White, and the tearing away of a portion of*'tlio Wwing, settled tlio. nmtlor. The sign above tho door was’also damaged bythe blaze. t - . ♦

• T o o d lo - S m i th ;Oil Sunday, Juno Miss Kllu Smllh of

Sprlnglioltl, 111;, atul W illiam ‘Totulle of Vj£ginia were .married by ftev. J. 11/ AVluto df W est Asbltry Park. •

J. T h o S h i r t W a i s t CSIrl W i f i h e ci n e o i r t h i s H iin n n e t; , a s u s u a l

fin il Hho w t t1l? u v o lm stj t h o n itiU iria lK f o F l i e r s i l k w a i s t s a t o u r s to r t is , . w h e r e t h e n o w e s t tirw itio iiH o f t h e s i l k R e v iv e rs a re* 4 co p t i n st‘Mk. '

f ■ JLk KjiTKiJfitAcu Com pany.

o . x . o . Ilomemado bread.' Kijough said.

For .a (pilot, rostful hot or cold sea water hath In a large, solid pvrcelaiii tub, go to R jss’. I- lfiU-37

IIH11ms spochil pricc? oil veal and lamb,

to know what tlu! eaust»was for such an increase in the teachers’ sjiliiries, janitors’ salaries, ote., before he could vote intelli­gently on the matter, lie therefore moved that the matter go over for one wool; nnd that the boa rtl, of education bo retjutsled to-attoful the next moi?Ting and make-an explanation of the quest ions a t issuOr-vTfie motion was seconded J>.y .l)r. Wilbur.

.President Apjdoby opposed .the’ ’motion on tho groiind thak't he upiiroprldtion Jmd already been disposi’il of a fid ho .could see no reason for again opeiiing the discus­sion. He alsf) claimed that 'the,appropria­tion which has been voted was a ^ery lib­eral one and sunicieiit lo moot all tho re­quirements of the Schools for the year. This statement, lie said. wasljirovod by tho fact that. Uto-board Jiad a surplus last yeur of §1,500, untl fhe appropriation was the same as has been votet if his your.

Dr. W ilbur sit id the- board of education wanttMl to employ a teacher in rreach and Herman, which aceounlcd for some df tho Increase in the,teachers* salaries. The jan­itors, he claimeU, did niuch extnl work outside of that required of ..them, ami for" this reason it was tlmughtrthat their salar­ies should be increased. Tluvboard has made it a rulo to Ilnjsh one of tho unconi- pleted rooms ejich 3*t*ar. and this is tho use to which the construct inn fund is placed.

President Appleby again stated that ho did .not- w ant to bo classed iwbeing op­posed to tho schools, but h e claimed •tlmt. tho tendenejyaoh year is to increase the appropriations.' Under the old schooV law ho said tho people worn'permitted to'yoto upon tho amount to he expended for school purposes. W hen tho city wa.s incorporated this foat-vro was tloim away with aiul city council was given power to prevent exces­sive appropriations. Under the new.law' thero-is positively no check, and flvo men are permitted to .call for any amount of money which they ni.‘ desire.

Mr. IvirUbride’s inotion Jo lay the mat­ter over for another w eek en d tlmt the bjKtnl.of education b:\_i.nvited_ to. .be. pres*, out and explain matters, was defeated by a votcTof four to. three. .

TIufs thiMuntlor still stands in Its origl nnl position with an appropriation of $10,- W0_for tlio coming year. W hat the,out­come of tho ilHTerenec between tho copneil and the board of “education will bo cati- uoti bo fevetold.

A r r iv e d f o r th o Sonsom'-Our expert embroider.? and laco teacher

has just arrived. Free hysons, In 'e-ourses until Ootoljor. Thoso desiring good hours apply jit ohce a t ■ .

J. • • STEtxnAcjn’s Mammoth. •.

The above despatch .will occasion con­siderable sorrow in tlds city, as Crane was

-we-ll-lviiowiUun’OT—hayi ng -spellb-thire^trly' jKirt of his life , in Asbury Park, l ie at- tim ded-tho-lorai^houl^nra^slstetrK iff brother, Jv Town ley Crane, as. reporter for the Xew' York Tribui’ie and Associated Press, his first venture into journalismT lfe- was the .son of Dr. * «T. T.

Methodist— 111 i4iister,_-antl_jvms- born at Xew York in 1872: lieentered journalism when 10, and foe years a ct (m! as a . report or nnd writer of liews-

Ro’nnot-ine euros' indigestion. X


I l a t l S e e n 3 7 Y e a r s ’ S c r v lc c o n t h e B c i ic h .#.JV ;.« Ig C e l e b r a t i o n H e l d .Wlicn t l i e

• P o lo fW a s 12 r o c t e d .After 27 years of servlets the main mast

of the big flagpole located on tli6 bench front, between First and Asbury. avenues, hu s 1 won. relegated to the rca r. The own or' feared.fhiifc it might topple o\;ei* some day without warning and cause *somOone seri: ous injury,-if not death. A ll tlio morning, men were busily oii gaged in making prepa­rations to take it down. • Guy ropes wore attached-to the top of it so tlmt it w’ould fii 11 "iii - a Tiel’lain directio.n. Atr"2 »o’clock this afternooliHirt^ie presenco of a num­ber of spectators, the,work of lowering it was commenced. Slowly it was allowed to lean to tiho southwest. W hen about half way down it brokoln half and fell to the ground with, a thud;'.An Investiga­tion proved that the p,old wasalii|osbrotted to pieces. ‘ * ’ ‘ • •. -. The polo was eonsidei’ed one* of the old landmarks, of the town. It w as erected under the direction of the late /Drummond W hite and a big colebratioii foliow’od Captain Haight’s hand from HVall town* ship was in attend unco. It coiikisted of a snare drum, a bass drum muluj fow horns, and was considered pretty good , beach music at that time. Pounder Bt’adley had provided a barrel of ginger snaps i^nd those, were served for refreshments.—The-main;nasfc-was"aljout;!H)feetlong aiid above this was a topmitsfe-from the top of which Old Gloiy and “Peace on ICurth (Goodwill Toward.Men,” has floated over the vast throng of yisifors ev/cr since th i beginning of the city’s career* of suc­cess and prosperity.

Two of .tlio topmasts Iruvc 1;oen shat­tered by the lightning, hut in each case tho’main inast was spared for further.sei“ vice. .Founder,Bradley first noticed last st^mher tlmt the big spar had outlived its •usefulness, and with his usual spirit of caution jie- had the topmast lowered and the .poie was guyed to guard against any possible danger: This spring he made a tlio rough investigation and found that it would,- be unsafe to allow' it to stand longer. Mr. Bradley said that It. secnicd like parting witlrnn old friend, but as it was unfit for further service he. deemed it wise to part with it.

A fter it. lw\d fallen and he had examined it lu* w’as very glad that he laid decided upon such a course, for it was bandy strong enough to sta'nd alone. If the founder.ean come across* anotlioi: stick as g«,jod as that »ne has been he may make up his miiid to it* pi ace it. .

S T E P H E M ^ C R A N E D E A D

W e ll K n o w n W r i t e r P a s s e d A w a y In L o n ­d o n T o d a y — S p e n t I l l s B o y h o o dr J)lfyrt~ ITi"~As fmry“pur k / ■ :

-IjondoUj-Tni^Hday.—-^tei)henGranorthe wel 1 known.American wrjter.and jouKlialr. ist, died in this city this morning at JJ o’clock. • ' •• , .

IWhen City Hears That Roberts

Has Reached Pretoria.


paper sketches. He *aeted as a newspaper correspondeu|;'''during-the CJraeco-'J’urkish and .Spanish-American, wars.- H is best known book .w a s “The Rod Badge Of Courage/’ writ ten before he had reached Ills majority.; “George’s Mother” and “Maggie, a Girl of the .Streets,” are* two .other-prod uot ions by him.

Mrs. .Murray Hamilton, a slstei of do* ceusedy rostdos-in this iMly at preseiit.** She received a eablegrain on May 22 saying Jhal her brothoivhad rallied and gone to D o v e r . .

A NARROW-ESCAPE -Steward Kahn Overtome by OaK In His

Itoom—Aflair Is Supposed to lluvn / ISoen Aeeldeulal.

Alexander Kuhn of Wilmington^ D«l„ steward at tho West-Knd hotel, had a nar­row escape from death Friday night. *' He occupies a room on the second jlloor of. the hotel, and in his room, unconscious nnd barely alive, lie was found Saturday morn.' ing by Peter Teii Broeok, son of Proprlo.tor .Ten Brooclic Ho-hud been overcomeby gas flowing from a partially opon jet in tho room. Dr. .1. -K. Burt was hastily, summoned and worked for some time Ins fore the patient, recovered consciousness. Ho did not fully recover until, the next day. Tt-ls thought the ;iflair was entirely accidental. • .


• 'Union A. Wyniun, aged 22; a fesldent of Brooklyn, died yo.stvu’day at hoi- summer homo instills cit5*», 20JJ .Thirdavenue, of pyanniu, following an operation* for .purl- tonills. T'unoral service’s were conducted late yesterday afternoon by Rector A. J. Miller of Trinity elmreh. T h e body will be taken tb(Brooklyit loinorrow.

I’ranees 'M. WJUiiiioHou.Frances M. Williamson, a w/dow, died

nther home, 1505 Grand avenuo, agt>d US years! She ‘was forinerly «»f Oi*a11ge. Tliif interment Will be‘made at Indianapolis,- Indiana. ’ . . . ‘

CnrniTbell (fill led tlie" state i Jeinocrnt lc coiv volit ion to order at 11,15. John T. Norton of Troy, was m ade tempoi’jiry chairiiian. Xorton; in liis speech, indulged in a heavy tirade oii liovernor Roosevelt ami—tho Re- nubllcim olliUals of the-state; Ho sa id the slide noisdod ..honest- goveriunent aiici- honest otlieiuls, and what was also needed Ava.sanJione^L-coura^t’OUs niu.ii, for presL-

S tolnbaeh 'K ^C lbU tln tr S rm o.s.... .l'lveiy garment in tlitt readymade cloth­ing department hus:bocn reduced iirprieo to hurry the soiling. Every suit perfect as to m aterial atul manufaeture. .

t 1 Tiiic Stkinhacii-Company.

• A P o tv .C h o i c o - P la t s ■Still for rout-in Keator block, Mattison

avtuuie', and-in n e w Cookman avenue block. All modern conveniences., Rent $10 t o ’ Apply to owner or, agents, t

<). X. o.

l l e p o r t T l i a t W m v n g o r 1 2 m p r e s s W i l l f ) p -

P O f lO 'A ll J K u r o p o I t a t h e r T h a u I n t e r f e r e

W i t h '‘ ‘ H o x c r s ’.’-— M i s s i o n a r l o H S a f e — N e w

V o r k D e m o c r a t s I n C o n v e n t i o n — i > l u r r

d e r e r . H u m m e l H a n g e d .

London, Tuesdiiy. — The following Is Roberts’ report of the occupation of Pre­toria. * “Pn^toria, Juno 5, 11.40.—Ani now in' Pretoria/ The official eiltry .will be mado.at'2 o'clock this afternoon. jiobqrt.s. On-receipt of the long hoped- for word London threw ojV the letiiargy*Which has held her for somc’time anti went wild with -enthusiasm. KverywhoreAb.usingss is a t a standstill’'.and great crowds oii the street corners are yelling.and cheering,

h o k k s <> P P i i s i i i>" i t Ci i i k r t s 7 '

Ills' Occupation-.of ’Pretoria Was I^ot Ac* cpmjillsiynl Without lies! sit ance.

London, Tuesday.—Roberta reports from Six INIi le Spr’ui t yesterday, foreshadow!tig the ’occupation^ of P rotoria^in a despatchblade public this morning, that.for a time yesterday the Boers gaye his force sonic trouble and heavy fighting occumtd. By fouce of numljers and fine jidlitary tactics, however, he finally carried the day.

4 ,0 0 0 I l^ itlH h K c l e a s e d . . . . 'London, Tuesday;—Tho war ollice hasi 1 .

information that one' of the first acts of Robert^ after the oecujiation of Pretoria was to instruct French to i*eltra e -1,000 or more British prisoners at Watervil.

O fllc la l .A n n o u n c e m e n t .London, Tuesday.—It is oillcially an-

nouncod by the war ollice tliat Pretoria has been occupied by the British.

— A u t h o r M a r y K i n g s l e y D e a d . .

London, Tuesday.—Mary Kingsh\vi tlie author o f several , well known books of travel, is dead at Cape Tow ii.

M I S S I O X A l t I I i S S A P l i .

C h i n a W i l l . P a c e A l l E u r o p e , I t a t l i e r T h a n

I n t e r f e r e W i t l i “ H o jc e f s . ” .

London; Tuesday.—A despatch to .the Central Xew^sXnmi Shanghai says that the missionaries at. J>ao-Ting-X',u are safe. An attack on the “boxers’* was planned for last 11 i gh ti“*7ind~cveiytlTuig'is'licitVg^arra ii ged for the safety . Of the foreigners. The

Ga ze tt e, consults red tlie li i ghes t authority in' tjio empire, says that the d < SW’agei^eiul^essT 1 ms^Ti'd^ed^hilgo^m’l juenU o-face-all-K uropo • rather thiin -In­terfere with tlio “boxers.”*


To the . Central' Railroad train serves as a reminder of the value of- accident insur-

. ance. Att accidentpolicy of the Travelers* Insurance

....■ ■ Company costing but $25 per annum to preferred risks pays $50 a week in­demnity for a total disability or$l0,000 for death by ac­cident while riding as a pas­senger In any railway pas­senger car. Let us give YOU further particulars.

MILAN-ROSS AGENCY '208 Main Street.

lo n m o iit li Trust AND '

Safe Deposit CompanyMonmoufli Building', Asbury Park, K. J.

C A PITA L ,. . . ... . .$100,000. SURPLUS,, . . . . . 25,000,

E x ecu tes a l l t r u s t s k n o w n to th e law .Lorhh money on bond and raorttfHRe.R e c e iv e s d e p o s it s s u b je c t to c h e c k a n d fttlo w s ,

in t e r e s t o n d a l l y b a la n c e s , . .. ■ * • •A cts a s T ru s te e , R e g is tr a r a n d T r a n s f e r A e e u t. .'Pays c o u p o n s ,. .; . .'M a k e s • d e m a n d a n d t im e lo an s o n a p p ro v e d

co lla te ra l.S afe d e p o s it v a u lts , |

Ai C . T W I N I N G , P r e s id e n t .G , B. M. H A R V R Y , V ice P re s id e n t.

A ..T O S T IN G , S ecre ta ry .• D . C. C O R N It tI , , t r e a s u r e r .

D IR E C T O R S : '#■O. H . D row n, R . A . T u s tln ij,T. H . B uclm non , - H e n ry M itch e ll, M , D ,X a C ornell, J o h n P . O ’Brien ,- *’

" . . r e r r y R . Sm ith,;Col. G . B. M. H a rv e y , S . A . P a tte rso n ,George F. Kroehl A. C. Twining,B ruce 8. K e a to r, M. D „ H , I I . V re e la n d .

G. D. AV. Vroom.> J

k a t s ,

C h a i r m a n N o r t o n I n d u l g e s I n . i i T i r a d e

A f ia i i iM t —K i i o n o v c l t T a h d ' - t l i o I C o p u l > I l c a t i H 7Xe\v Xork, ..Tuesday.—Sta td‘ Cha irman

dHit>. immediately there were cries nil over tlie hall of Bryan. l ie also said what Was wanted was a delegation untied iii aim and opinion to go to Kansiis City and’ decide for: the .slate ..who should receive the Democratic nomination.' Again then* were cries of Bryan. 'There arc uo further developments as*yet. «

i o k i : i < ; . \ p o u c i 5 S “ o p r o . s i ; D .

C h i n e s e T r o o p s W i l l N o t A l l o w T h e m l o

l o I V I < i n — M a r i n e s C a n n o ! I . a n t l .

Shanghai, Tuesday.—l(t, is. reportetl here that the Chinese troops are operating to prevent any further foreign forces from going to Pekin. ' It is further staled that the viceroy hits ordered troops to oppose the landing of more marines from foreign warships. Two Belgian engineers have been killedfiuear Tien-Tsin. An attack at that place by the “ boxers”' Is reported to be im m inent._____________ *

“ IS o x e r s * * D e f e a t C h ln e N e . T r o o p s .

Tien-Tsin ,1 Tnt*sday.—“IJf>xers'* defeaied Chinesesoldiers guarding (tlie railway to Pekin wiih heavy loss. Al iluaug-Tsun a force of 1,2(h'l Chint»>i» troops tied at.th»MiP.* proach of the “boxers,*’ whoeliased them into tlm eouturyand it Is n'poried killed ahd wounded i‘>0 of their number.

S e r i o u s T r o l l o y C a r A c c i d e n t , f Vienna, Tuesday. — Six persons were

killed, flve'fatall.v injured i^nd many badly hurt by t.he'd e mil ment of u tr(dh*y ear here List, nigbtf The car rolled down .a steepem ba i i k tn en .________

• ~ - - M u r d e r e r . H u m m e l H a n d e d .

Williamsport','Pa., Tuesday.—William llummol, the .peddler who munlered his wife und three children, was hanged lu tie jaflyaiM lien; at IU.*»S this morning.

raii'W eather Ah cud.W ashington, Wednesday.—Fair tonight

and Wednesday; variable winds,- mostly fresh eajjl to mtrtheast, .........

. T ' : • » . •y ' ‘Summer lietiuInUes.

.-Y ou can procuVe ‘anything and every- l hin^ desired for the homo or ptn-stm qt ourtwo modern st.oivs, wliero Mv stocu is tne fargvst.iuu.l prices the lowest,

f . Tilk S t k i n h a c ii C o m p a n y . '

O..X. o ..Homemade bread*is lOcontsaloaf, But?

The Ross bathing establish ment wiU bo opon'in all departments for tho season, Ju n e‘.I. ' . _ ;• . Iil0*«l? •

Ydii will find the best beof,* lamb, veal itul pork at B ill’s for tho lowest market

IlomcmudosJjrwul. Don't \valt for it. 'J.~prices. l-«ook up our ad. oil page 2 . ' {

High Grade Fishing TackleRepairIng^pu Rods and Reels.

CIGARSJAND TO B A C C O ^ -rm p o rte d K ey W e s tl in d D o m estic C le a rs o n d a ll

Sm w kers’ A rtic les .T h o b o a t c i g a r t h a t 5 c e n t s c a n b u y .

A F • ,6 4 7 .1 - 2 _O » P y c o o i t r r i a n A v o n u o

W E - H A V E I T —

YOU are looking about for your STATIONER!/SUPPLIES. • ..

YQU want the best goods madeand want to buy them at reasonableprices.

.LET us interest you.- :OUR prices are popular.OUR line.is up-to-date.


o rd e r . ~ ;

H o te l r e g is te r s , &c., DAILY PAPERS delivered.

H4 RRY S. BORDENS t a t i o n e r ^ N e w s d e a l e r

Cor. Bond St. and M attison Ave.

H E A D A C H E .: Many thousand people suffer from

chronic Hondacho, fimUng: no rollot olther in medlolno, modoratlon ol

' .work or othor romudlen.In raany eases the trouble la caused in dtfectlvo cyoa.whtoU can bo remedied by skilled adjustment of proper lenses. We examine the oyes for every pouslblo defect anil Kuarautoo our Vvork. Ex­amination Iree.

STILES & CO.Eye S p ac la lls ts

At 2 2 2 Main S tre e t ev ery F riday. H ours: 11 to 1 p ,m . . 2 t o 6 p. m.

First National BankOF A5BC1RT FARK

M attison—Avenue and Bfind Street

g, Between Poetofflce and Dopofc,


— OFPICEllSr OEOHOK F. KltOEHL, Proaldont O. II. HHOVVN, Jat Vlgo ProgldontIJ. Ii. ISA MM AN, 2 nd Vice I’rosldent

M. V . DAGEll, Cashier 'M. H. BCOTT, Assistant'Cashlo

P a tro n a ’va lu ab les ra ce ’lvod for safe keeping f re e of qh a rg e .

Foreign ex ch an g e b o ugh t and sold C pllectlons p rom ptly acknow ledged '

YOUR BUSINESS FAVORB RE-s p e c t f O K v s o l ic it e d .

Page 2: WILL FAY ASSESSMENTS FOR SALE - DigiFind-It · Tlii rtl avenue.' Tho sign ‘was *1x5 feet "and boro t ho insorlptlon ^Union Steiini_.TiniTi^ dry of-Nowark;,,-“Thtr polico; liavo

CANTATA/TONIGHT‘‘ M a y 5 > » ica ii” ' t o l i e G iv e n l u Hub O c e a n

' €TFove“ A n i U t o r i u i t i b y t u r g e Cliorus anil Orchestra,

Last night tho llnnl rohi'avsul' for' tho production of Sir W illi/im Storiirfalo Btm- nctt’s beautiful pastoral; cantata/ “Tlu* May Queen,”- washold in the OewmlGr6 vt\te auditorium, aiul Prof. Morgan wus, tie-'

the oxcellent work of the so­loists, chorus and orchestra.. . .

*'l\T6 nighfc the cantata w ill bc.given. Tho )>e\v choir gallery w ill be used fin* tho first iiiiw afc this, the o p e n in" concert of tluV pn'sent, treason. T ho orchestra—nmnhors about 20 players. Two grand jihilios w ill be used: The .cliorus w ill number prob­ably O v e r 200 p e r s o n ^ . . •

Tljp soloists fare:, ..Mrs. -Harry Under­wood, soprano’; M iss .Grace Darling Kd-

■ wards, mezzo soifratio; II.-Blake M a r till, tenor;. Etvin O. Burt is, bass; Aceotnpa- hltits Miss Bello, Greene; and M issljillid Jjove. Tj. vaiv G illuwe w ill assist? Director Morgaij. . ’

A synopsis of. the “ May Qucen? follow s: Prologue.—For hundreds offyears the tlrsf day of May has been observed as a day of festivities. The young: people’gather oii the green sward aiid-clanco around the Maypole. An old' law declared, that he ,who in anper struok another a ‘.blow on May day should: lose that hand-. /. Synopsis.—A ’ com pany of yoUng people

i .had assembled on tlie.batilcs. of the Thames river to colcftntto May•day; A ll enter joy­fully and enthusiastically into the festal

_ spirit of the occasion. Tho May queenvbe- ing for the thne thc popiilar. i(lol‘}~lui(ilooked with disdain oil the attentioii'^f her lover and received the .homage of rival youths. Tlio iover straps'a\yay froni the

..company, he having no heart to join in •their frolic, and sings out his heart’s woes to the-listening qiik*. Tie inalcos another

.appeal to. his lady-lovoj.who again laughs ' at his depressed, spirits and woeful conn-.. tcnance. Slieacceprs.the attention of one

of the handsomest foresters find, listens to his tale of .love.'. This so angers the lover that ho strikes t-He forester a sharp blow. Instantly there was confusion and lamen-

■ tations, for well tKey~know that according to the law he would have to lose his hand. Ho is advised by the*compa*ny to make his escape at oiice, when a flourish.of trumpets announce, tho arrival of the Queen of 'Eng­land.- Her Majesty deniauds to. know the ‘cau^e of the trouble. Upon being told she orders the lover to his fate, when; the now repentant May queen begs and pleads for her 1 over and takes the blame on herself for tlio trouble, The queen demands to see the forester, and i.n him she jtecognizes one.

. Of her ‘‘lords’;’ in thisdisgui.^*. severe­ly rebukes him, pardons tho lover, and the­lm jipy ’paip are oncf* more vennired.

STATE HOME FOR FIREMENT o b o F o r m a l l y O p e n e d W i t h S p e c i a l

C e r e m o n i e s i n I l o o n t o n ’ S a t u r d a y , .

J u n e 3 3 — P r o p e r t y P a i d F o r .

The state of New; Jeisey on .Tune 1, gave a £hcck for to. the State riivnien’sHome commission to eonipletfits last pay­ment on the new stall* hmne for-.indigenr

e o i i j u v . T h i s w i l l r<’vnipU ;to t n e e x p e n d i t u t roj* fur the property and the honuvwhich the state authorized the state tlre- nirri’s commission to expend for t his pur- p(\>e.

= XlV±J !IP!- _ ei i s f r i’l i f -,s t a u ' 1• penny, hut the state has rojii.ml o'f it. Thr 'money is. raised from the 2 per cent, fee "c«>l]ect*'d from fire insurance coiaixuiies

}-.tI1)j~I(.V_*'??f. T V tatv whu are do-‘ng an insurance-business in the state:

x This money formerly wenr to t he c*xeiiijit./in* assoc ia t-iu n ssca t u * n •( I thronghotir Xew

• '^‘rscy » init j^hhas for thivit years been d«» viTTt t to tlu^liVlm se ami improvement- of the lunne. and w h n t’is to follow w ill l»o used for ihe maintenance of the.home.-

Through the generosity of the ex«*mpt as.'Ociations scat len-il'ihnmgiioui \ ho state the honie .i> lluished. ready for mviipaney.'

It formerly belonged to tin* T.uthrop es­tate and has ample and .elegant grounds* The mansion, has- to • he enlarged so as to secure an ample dining rooin and kit< iTen. At the present time the accommodations are limited to lo men. •Jmt* can be'in-* cpMistHl t»» several lnuulivd when the .(le-

f';niancls are- inadn-. o.n it. --Tlu* -plaii—for sleeping is the lire house dormitory; V'Qie furnishing of the jmrlor cost 5ZiilLatij[l,is tin- gift of tjio Newark ’Kxeinpt: riremen's asxx'intion. # • •

The transfer of tliis hotue*l>y thepnseni. .commission will. tako plan* on 'Satunlay afternoon, .ItuicStt, and is. to Iw -jimrtean

' imposing..;iflair by ihe osempr and' old liremeii. The present conimission wasau* t.hori/eil merely to purchase and prepare the building. The formal oj»ening will b r i n g h n n d r c / l s ^ <»!<! tin .o n o n to H o o m n n from all .over the state; 'l’hey will parti- ejpiite in ji stivot, parade a m l.’havr a reunioiu . , • . - . .

'I’h e p re / ie i i t c o m m is s io n , w i l l p j i s e n t th e J in i sh e ll h o u s e t o k l ie g n v e ijn o r , a iu l a f ti* r h e - r e e e i v e s i t , Ije w i l l a n n o i i t i e e t h e r o u r m is s io n w h o w i l l h a v e c h a r g e * o f ir , a n d

A v ill a t o’neiV o r g a n i z e i ts .a d m in is tr .- i t . io n - I t l s a i t o g e t l u 'r n o V i l d e i h a t t h e p r e s e n t ^ o m i n i s s io n w i l l h e r e a p p o i n te d . U n d e r

i 't h e l a w * t h e *’ s in ’i e . c»»in'ptr»ilh*r, s t a t e t r e a s t i r e r a m i t b e .s ia te i n s u r a n c e .co m m is*

. s i o n e r w i l l h i u n e i n b e t t ' ; . . . ..

' i» iU M K C T i:i> j i : i > i c i a k v ^c; i i a k s .

ISar AHHOcintltiti Will Keeeive. Ite- port Xitxt \V<’**1t. — •

A eom m irtee o f- th eS ta te H jirassoeinthm m et. in N ew ark S a tu rd a y am i pret)jired a d ra f t tof pro|M»seil con.M itutlonal ehanges

. alTectm g.t he ju d ie ia ry , io be submitKMl to tlu* association a t ii< a n n u a l m eetingA tlan^iV C iiy , .Ihne 15.* .

It is ‘ proposed "to lmve the court-of pnr; dons co u sisfo f thi* governor, ch.aneellor

,jind •attorney general,' the Court of errorH t o~n) nslst 7 7 f c h ief j ml ge.|ViTO(Tin” a s>o-’

^MutP.^mtl'TTrbcijiilepnmiunt- of— anj_nrhcr (•ourt, the vice Chancellors ronstitutlonal ‘oJMcersso that they.mny net in il)e;ib.snuo ol the uhUllccllOr. 7 ---- •---- :— ~J—


Mixed O a t s , . . , . . . . ; . . . . .M ixedUllpt*...;................'J. W b ito O a t s . . . . . . . . ,U e g u 'n r C l i p s . . .................X B . C l ip s . . ; ........... .K ar C o rn L . ...........Y e lo w C o r n .C r a c k e d C o r n . C o a r je e .M c a '.. . ( i r o u n 4 l rc e d . .B ia n . '

: ........Tie p e r b ag. . . . . . . “H ep er b ag ........ .77c p e r b o g. . . . . . . .“tic p e r b a g. . . . . . . . Htc p e r basr

KOc p e r 100 ........ ........... .SUc p o r TOO

p e r 1W. . . . . . . . . . S......... ; . ........P;ie p e r * too, ,U t o p e r HKJ

,i»lo p e r UK)

W e .w a n t’ to ^ o o v er t h is t o w n , and w e a r e p rep a ro d to d p _ lt to e v e r y b o d y 's satisfaction.'*

V^p w a n t to fu r n ish G rain an d F e e d fo r y o u and y o u r n e ig h b o r s .

If y o u w ill g iv e u s an o p p o r tu n ity W© w ill g ro v o to yoU th a t n o w h e r e e l s e ca n y o u g e t su p h s a t is fa c to r y g r a in a t sufitjL low p r ic e s .

In o r d e r to b rin g o u r g o o d s c lo s e r to o u r c u s to m e r s w e h a v e o p e n e d a N ew B r a n c h S to r e a t ‘

SIS cooEnan Svioue, m g Partw h e r e w e w ill b e p le a se d to s e e .b u y e r s In th a t v lclrflty , .

O n tK e e il I 7 1 p e r iooC otton Seed J lc a l ......................... , $ « .» p e r 00o i l J l e a U ..................................... S I-'*1 p o r 100Elevd to r.U . fiureenlO B s.. 70o p e r 100O u r l ’oblf.‘-y F 6o d . . ................................ f l 20 p e r 100B arley ilN llba) . .>1 » p e r b»cW h e a t ............ : ............■•.!•• -» l W p e r lmtNo. 1 G ra in M ix tu r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . , i . . . t l -’0 p e r 100Cut. l in y ......... tlTti. p e r 100No. 1 t im o th y H o y . . . . . : . . . . v . t ? l 0 0 p e r 100 S h a v in g s . .................... •'.ai!u p e r bale

; 6 2 9 C O O K M A J V T A V E N U EA lw a y s th e C h e a p e s t a n d B e s t th e M a r k e t A f fo r d s j

Shoulderj of|Veal, boneless Leg of Veal’:

12 l - 2 c lb. Loin of Veal 12 l - 2 c lb . Stewing Veal

12 l - 2 c lb ' 8 c lb

The above'prices are for sp6t cash, at our s to r e s . If delivered add Ac­cording to quantity, as follows: .•A bag« or over,.......Less tliau bacrs,..

. So per bag 10j p e r bsg

T U B P A . U L , T . N O R T O N C O M P A N YE l i z a b e t h E t l z n b c t h p o r t R a h w a y R e J B a n k A s b u r y P a r k P l a i n f i e l d S o m e r v i l l e . .

F. D. W1KOFF, flanager Asbury Park and Red Bank Stores

ST. LOUIS STRIKE.T S c A H n n n ltH o n W o m o u A r o u n e ’ C i t -

• Jii'n.H.' • •. r ■ ;* St. LouK,.Tunc r».—Kvery..power h^iise

ami car shed of the y t . . Louis Transit company is,' lieing. guarded ■ liy »Siiej*ilfl ^ i h l i u a i i i L H posse, com it a t us. I n . a l l alnmtOCX) nion arc on duiv. A force of from

.nO'to UU tiieii has been st.Utieifrii at;i*^cb. power.house, and this number ■jvijl .be* on1 duty.day and flight until the.strike is set­tled. Members of the posse, are armed with .Winchester repeatifig shotguns, and shells lqa/led with buckshot will he used .in ,case-of a liij^ijiijijneo; None,of the deputies will be used to guardVt-he ears, the police being retained for.that service.'.

The. scries of misaults u'po.u. wi.niien.lias provoked', widespread indignation and protest- from all.quarters. Well to do citi­zens, instead of trying, to-avoid the s'*ai- moiis to ’.serve: on the-posse coinitatus, are now coniin^.-for ward as volunteers. Whe’ii the posse gn.thereil at barracks for- drill. Commander i ’avender said:

“You will inect violence \yith violence, and.if tired upon you a re. expected, with due regard, for the safety of innocent hy- s.tanders, to make sure that the Criminals reach tlie jail aiul the morgue if neces* sary.’’ When, mnrched fo their positions, big crowds'lined the streets. Strike sym­pathizers shouted. “Scabs!” hut the ma­jority showed- their approval by , cheer* lug.

The strikers resent nnjf intimntion'thut they- were in any-way crmnecteil. with fhe trouble.' President Mahon lms made.il statement in which lie saysTT

“Tho aWacks*- made on women jby crowds clniming to be sympathizers of tl e strikers nre cowardlyi brutal and un­provoked. The* nion who perpetrate suchn n o u t r a g e d e s e r v e to he. h a n g e d tj.> t lie n e a te s t , t e l e g r a p h p o le . T h e u n io n w il l t a k e c o g n iz a n c e o f t h e s e a t 't a e k s , ’ a n d ifnny union n.ian is found joining iii any one* of them be wijl be severely dealt with by the organizntion.M,

P R O P O S A L S ,F or C o n str u c t in g a M aca d a m ’Road

w ith <5ra'vel W in g s In M on m outh C o u n ty , N . J.,Sealed proposals addressed to John Gulre,

chairman of road commlti Long Branch,HJ)e«receLved.at.thQ. court_hpuao in

I'Yeohold.-N. J„ on Wednesd iy,4.J.ut(ii520,1900- until VZ o’clock noon/ and ihen publicly opened by the road comjn ttPO* for the con­struction 'o£,.l t>4-100 miles of Macadam road with gravel wings on Westwood and Cedar ave tines, in Long Branch, Monmouth county, N, J., iindor the provisions of the State Aid Itoad Law. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bidders bond, wi'h sureties satisfactory, to the-Boftrd, inade payable to the Board of Chosen Freeholders Of said couuty in t lie sum ot one thousand (1,000) dollars, conditioned that if the con­tract shall be awarded to him, he will when required by ibe bonrd, execute an agree­ment in writing to faithfully perform the work according to the plana and specifica­tions. AU proposals must be made on tho blank forms furnished for that purpose.

For speclllcations,' blank forms of pro­posals and other information, apply to John Guire, chairman of road committed, Long Branch, N. J., or W. H. DeNyse, engineer, 90 Brauchport avenue, Long Branch city,.N. j . . •

The right to reject any or all bids Ir re­served. JOHN GUI RE,

Director of Board'of Chosen Freeholders of Monmouth.County, N. J.

Dated June 5 , 19<)0. 133-145.

I 'n U e 3U*il)(>nl S c h o o l I f in h lo i l ,—CliU;ax;o.-.ljmc-Zj.T^tiuveromeiit ollieoH Iiivadi‘d. th e M ytropiditnn M edienl eol-

ii n^a Ui»T:ml-r*,d ipbm ia-'itn Ur-’--nt-• Kiii’t NVost V an Huren s tree t, and : im ’sted tin* ollicers, rres itb -n i ..Tn'nies •A rm strong, Yi«ie Presiili'iit .7. II . Kniidnll. S ec re ta ry T hom as .Vrm stroni; find loriiw-r S.c'trf*-

TTITnL-ifs A i. H over, ' l i fe men a tet:ii:.v-i-h.-irtred with having used tlu* mailM to defrflud. and it .is. saicl their receipts .•.mount to mnny thousands of dollars. They were taken before Unilod States< ‘o n i m is s 11. m n r "1 lit in pi i iv \ :'t lit*'" lr<-i tv-ing of the* r-hiirges against them set fol J ii lie 11. Tho'.bjul of tlie Armstrongs was fixed at each and that of tlieother defendants at $ 1 ,0 0 0 each. Fail­ing-to give' Suitable' bonds, all four went to jail.. The institution with wliieh th«. defeii.dants a iv is also liii.ownas, the -liiTifj.eiitlvlit—Medieal enllege and H-lie—?HH-i* m t-1—UiiAv—sulitu d,—anil—Un^iiAiUd v ite i* s h o w s t h n t i t s f a e i i l t y * . h a d aselling degives for the p rac tiee o f itiedi* cine*nnd la w at prieos rang ing from .SJ1 to $ - 0 H. .tlie coinpeusation being deter* ininod by tb e atnontit- th e would b e }pro­fessional tnen wen* w illing to advuneo.

U ii ro t 'H a t i i e H o f o r e S e n n t r - .W a.>liilTgt?*n.' '.lUUi>' r».—J o h n R . H a z e l ’}?

{lomi n a t io n T o b o u - f e d o r a | j u d g e in t h e w e s t e r n / d i s t r i c t o f .V ow Y o rk . 1ms 'b e e n r e p o r t e d l».-n k to t h e s e n a t e f ro n t t lu v ju * d i e l a r y e n m m i t t e e w i th a f a v o r a b le - re e - o m n ie u d a t io n . :m<l h i s e o n r i rm a tH n i i s a s .•snred.. • S e n a t o r I 'e i m s i»f- A l a b a m a ; w ay t h e only* in o in h i* r o f tin* e o i ih n i t t e e ' win* e x p r e s s e d d o u L l n< J o t b e w is d o m o f t h e a p p o in t m e n t , b jp h e h a s n o i n t e n t io n o f m a k i n g a lig h t a g a in s t c o n f i r m a t io n . T h e n o n a u ia t io u is n o w o n th e . s e n a t e c a l e n ­d a r , t o g e t h e r w i t h a l o n g l i s t o f p r e s id e n ­t i a l .n p p u i t i t n io u t s w h ic h e a n u o t b e rc*acli- e d u n t i l a c t i o n is t a k e n in t h e B y n u m c a s e . . — , ' , .

C h i n e s e P l r n t i 'M I . i i o I a M lo n t i t e r .S h a n g h a i , . l im e .“ .— .V n u m b e r o f d e s ­

p e ra d o e s d i s g u i s e d a s p a s s e n g e r s h a v e p i r a t e d t h e I h i t i - b V a a g N e M e a in e r K « it- w«/. T l i e y r o tn n r i i o - d w h o le s a le r o b b e r ie s , t e r r o r i z in g ' ilU* p a > s i ,n g e r s , w h o w e r e q u i t e u n a b le to o f f e r “r e s i s ta u i -o . 'I ’h e t h ie v e s ese«/peU . *. .

B R I E F N E W S N O T t S /

P.erueen li.* 1*1*» iind - ..“ 0 0 e a r repa ire rs , yardm en J^nd freigbl b a iy lle rs o f the Krie.I /eh i t h * Va I ley. Laekawfiim a nnd W est- ern. Xew Y ork' anil P ennsy lvan ia ‘ra il­roads. who q u it work six w eeks ago, have re tu rned to w ork. ►' -

I’red am i C h a r l e s Johnson , -nghd re- •jpi*i*riv«.ily-S and IO "years, w ere drow iu-d in .S torm lake* at S torm vijle, X. Y. .AVith sevi*.ruI '.o ther, boys ,th ey were p 1 a.vittK near shoj e hi a boat, whieh w as 'cam'iMl out in io tlie lake. Thi* boys becaim* frlghtiMietl and jum ped overboard.

T h e . .s ta tu e e i e e l e d b y s u b s c r i p t i o n s .M pened in I 'l a b e e . a n d in t h e U n i t e d ‘ »S tii l i ' s ' I n"lTT»ir«)t; o f ‘ f»en e r a I ; U o e lm n i h e a u , thi? f r e n c h o l l ie e r , b o rn hete,* w h o in. 1T.H0 W a s ’s e n t w ith * O.tJHO m e n t.o tin* . U n i t e d tfn i tv s * r n - tn k e ~ p j t r t - j n “ t l i e " i i e v o lu r i» ) n n ry n a r . — lm s— b e e n — u n ia i l ii iL _ a i t —Y e n d o m e , - T r a n c e .^Otlieiiil in fo rm ation of. th e d e a th of

C ap tn iu Oeoigo J . (Todfrey was received

' A (iiH>it C o tlj'li M eilielne.It speaks well .for Chamberlain’s Coiich

Uemooy when druggists uso It In thelr own, families tu preference to any otjier. “I have sold phamb6rlain’s Cou"h Itemedy for tho past fiv.o years with comploto satis*

'* faction to m.VHolf and customers,” savs Prugpist J. Goldsihith, Van -^tteti, N, YT “I havo always used It IA my own. family both for ordinary coughs and colds and for

• the cough following la Rrlppb, and find It vory efllcaqlous.” For sale by Thomas M.

^StoWart, corner Cookipan iitonue antLBoud mreet.- ,

in. a cablegram to the war dejvirtincnt rfom fleneral MaeArtbuiv’ .Tbe dispatch says that he Was killed in an engagement neirr ?*ai >figucl_de Mayumo, Luzon, on

jJune JI. C’iiplain findfrey’ was horn,in IS’ew York Feb. i l , 1802., and-appointed from ‘JsV'V Y«irk to, the(1Militury,' academy July 1,1882. • . •i v - . *

Al\: who suffer from piles will be glad to lefirn that .DeWitt’s ‘Witch Haz61 Salve will give instant and permanent relief. It 3yill euro eczema-and all skin diseases. Be- waro of counterfeits? W. R. Ham; ‘ 167 Main street. • ' . —

P R O P O S A L S .S e a le d P r o p o sa ls fo r th e C o n str u c ­

tio n o f a S to n e IV!aca Jain Road in t h e T o w n s h 'p s o f H o lm d el and

M a r lb o r o , in t h 3 C ou n ty o f M on t m o u t h ; »Eunulnar from the village of Holmdel

westerly over the present road by way ot Hillsdalo to Bradevelt and the county road Ihat loads from Freehold to itaiaw an, 3 52- 10 0 ndles, will be received by the commit­tee'of tlie Board ot Chosen Freeholders ot said county at tho Court House In Freehold on Wednesday, June!!0. lOOO.uiitillSo’clock (jioon) or wald day and then publicly opened. Plans and specifications for the construc­

tion. of said road may hu procured at tlia olliee of tlio county collector in Freehold or nc, t’eUir-Formun, engincsrwMaiialag/iti, N J. Proposals must he mado upon tlu. blauls forms wlilcli will bo furnished with the specillcations. Uucii proposal must bo ac­companied /with tlio bidder’s bond, with sureties satisfactory to the Board ofChosen . .tlielForuerTiFth> sunrof one thousand dol­l a r s , a n d c o D d U lo n e d t h a t If t h p c o n t r a c t is a w a r d e d t o him. ha will w h e n rciiuiredby t i ie b o a rd execute Ids ayreenieut in wrir, Iiiu. to faitUtully perform tho work accord iht' t0J tlie plans and 'R p e c if lca tlo E S ; The r i g h t to r e j e c t any a n d a l l bids Is hereby r e s e rv e d .

Dated J u n e I P .-JOHN GUtltU,

lUretitorof Board of Chosen Frqeholders, 133-145. . Long Byinch, N. J.


P R O P O S A L SS e a le d P r o p o sa ls fo r th o C o n str u c ­

tion o f a G ra v e l R oad In th e T o w n ­sh ip o f H o w ell.'

Runnlncr from Yellow Broolt westerly to tho village or Turkey and tlid Freehold townsiiip line a nnd twenty-nvo one hundredths tulles, will ho received by tho Committee of tho Hoard o f ' Chosen Freeholders of tlie County of Monmouth at tho court house In Kreeiiold on Wednesday, June 20,1900. until 12 o'clock noon ot said day, and then pub-' licly opened Tho road to bo constructed is section numbered two named in tliespecltica- tions. which may be procured at the county collector's olliee in Freehold or .of Peter For­man, engineer, Uanalapun, N. 'J. Each proposal must, ho accompanied with the bidder’:) bond with sureties Satisfactory to the Board of Chosen Freeholders, mado payablo to t.heir order in tho sum of ono thousand dollars, conditioned that If tho contract Is awarded to him he w il l when re­quired by the board, execute un acreemont in.writing to faithfully perform the work according to the plans and specillcations. Proposals must bo mado on tho blank forms wiiltuli will bn furnished with the specillcations. Tho right to reject any and all bids l« reserved. . 1

Dated June' 5, 11100.JOHN OU1HE,

Director of Board of Chosen Freeholders, 133-1-15. , I.ong Branch, N. J.

P R O P O S A L SSfcalecl P r o p o s a ls fo r th e C o n str u e

tlo n o f a S to n e M a ca d a m Hoad in th e T o w n sh ip o f R a r ita h In th o C ou n ty o f M on m o u th ,

Known as tho Koansburg road, from tho Iron'hrldgo over Chingorora Creek to the centre nf tho-Tanner’s lauding road, a dis­tance of 3Ki miles, will ho received by the

■committee of thq Board of Chosen Free­holders at the court houqe In Freehold'on Wednesday, June 20, 1000, at 12 o’clock, noon, and then and there publicly opened. Specifications and. iniormatlon regarding the said construction iiiay be had by im­plying at the county collector’s ofllco i Freehold or to Honry S Hproul, Engineer, Koyport, N. J. A ll bids must ho accom­panied by the blddor'n bond in tbo sum of ono thousand dollars,.wlt.h security satis­factory to tho board,conditioned that i,f tho contract Is awarded to him, ho will whon required by the board, executo Ills agree­ment) in writing to perform a l l . tho work according to tho elans and specifications. Tlio rlglit~t6 Toject utiy. and a l l bids Is here­by rnsorved.

Dated Juno 5 ,10D0.JOHN QUIRE,

Prime Roast .Beef. . . Sirloin Steak i . . . .; . . . . . .Porterhouse Steak , . . . . .Cross R i b • • . . . . i . . . . . . ' . .Top Sirlojn . ,v . . . . . . .Chuck S teak . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pot R oast.. . r * *. . . - . . . . . . .-I

. . . I 2 j ^ c . l b 1 5 c lb

. . . 1 6 - 1 8 c lb

. . \ i i c lb I3 C lb

. 3 l b s f o r 2 5 c . . 5 t o 8 c lb

L egs of Lamb. . . . . . . . ; . . .Forequarter of Lamb,*.. . . 1 . . .Shoulder Lamb, C h op s... . . . . ' . . . .Stew Lariib. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .Shoulder o f L a m b . . . . . . J. ..............Frankfort Sausage .Bologna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . , T 2 C

ioc lb• . i‘i . . . . . . . . i o c lb-"V . . , . Sc to 7c lb . . . . . . . . ,8c a lb>. . . . « . i o.c 1 b I . . . . , . . 3 lbs 2 c

You don’t pay others’ , bad debtsWe still handle Fork and Sausage. We are the only strictly cash meat market on •the coast,when you trad? with us, consequently we ,can sell you good goods cheap for cash.

. ’PHOJJE 01 a . - 1 - • . •' ' ______

- E D W A R D E . H I L , ! , .

x o x i c r . . . . .. ; 7 ’K.;:v.7 ;; -..Nfew Shuiffleboard, Billiard and Po.ol Parlor now open '

• COOPER HALL, Cor. Asbury .and Cookman Aves.' 6 Shuffleboards, 17. Pool and Billiard Tables and 2 I Cue Bowling Alleys. Something “new , MR, LA-.

J -VEIGENE will give special attention to teaching ladies ,. . . how to play Billiards and Shuffleboard. Tables reserved

' !. fpr ladies. .Without exception this is the finest amuse- , • ment hall along the coast. Open day,and evenings., . ^ v ’. . . , M. M. LAVEIGENE.

following stone road in the township , of Middletown in said county, viz!: Tlm road known as tho First aveuuo and Valloy Drive road running from the pier at tlie foot of First avenuo in Atlantic Highlands to tho north end of the Naveslnk bridge, belDg 2 S5-100 miles In length and 11 feet in widths .

Each proposal must bo accompanied with a bidder’s bond, with sureties satisfactory- to the board, mado payablo to the Board of Chosen Freeholders ot said county,.in tbo sum of one thousand ( 1,000) dollars, condi­tioned that if the contrast?-Blmll be awarded to him, ho will when required by the board, execute au agreement lu writiug to faithfully perforin the work uccordlng to . the plans and specifications. All.pro posals must be made, in the blank forms furnished for that purposo. Plans can be. seen at tho ofllco of the engineer. Frank Osborn, Middletown, N. J. specifications and blank forms of proposals can be ob­tained from the county collector. Freehold, N; J., or of the euginoer. The right to re­ject any or all bids Is reserved.

' JOHN GUI HE, _ Direetor;Board of ChoBeirFreeholders—

” ' Dong Branch. N J.Dated Juno 5, 1 9 0 0 . ---------- . r.'SMS -

Oiite Ubies

J . L . T H O M P S O N ,

T H E G R O C EN o . 17 S o u th n a i n S tr e e t ,

opp. Ocean Grove Sates, with a choice selection ot

Staple and Fancy Groceries.

F r e s h E g g s

Spedai Bargains ilils salumagJ B U T T E R I N B

Beat Creamery Print. ........... 2 0 0 per lbBest C f e a m e r y . . „ . . 1 8 c per lb

B U T T E R ; ;Butter,- Best Print .......... . . .2 5 c per lbBest Creamery ...................... S S op erlb

Try our 10c coffee. !b box fhredded cocoanut....................... Sc'ancy evaporated ipples Oc lb; 3 lb s.....25c

Fancy California Prunes Oc lb; 3 lbs 25c3 cans of m ilk fo r .. ..........35cJelly................... '.... ,5c per glass^argo bottle ketchup .............. 5c

Sugar 5o per lb to each customer with other goods. Not over 5 Hia.

X iiF a

ELEC T R IC FA N SUse Them and Keep Cool

The Atlantic Coast Electric Light Com­pany announces that not later than July 1 st, and ns much earlier as may be found necr.ssnr.v. it will provide.FOIt THE SUM­MER ON LY, an all day curreut for both In­candescent lights and. fan motors, n o ex­tra wiring will be required, as tho ourroiit will bo tho prpseflt f l ig h t in g , c,urrent used by all ourcuB'tome¥s)'j(n;d afpn'.wofrft’ can-ho.attached to' any socket, ia place .or, thFi -lump. In this way the. Current, used- will be--recorded bs«tjjir regular electric' light moWr. In cas® Where motors are to be lartroly. used, it will pay to wire a special motor circuit for asopumtb meter,as a lower rato will be maao for t his class of business. ' .

Parties having celling fans operated by gas or steam can readily change to asinall uiotor-.and thus socuro a reliable service with no dirt, or smell and with a greatly diminished flro hazard, *’_ Several parties have already contracted for current for charging nutoraobilos. ,

A word as to motors. ProBpectlvo custom­ers may buy whero they please and what they please. Wo shall toll motors, but as it has alwajB been our policy to sell only the -BEST Incandescent lamps, and "at a i rico which Is practically COST, so It is not our purposo to make any eonsidernblc profit from .the aalo of motors. Consult us before buying. .

Director of Board of Chosen Freeholders; 133-1-15 Long Branch, N. J.

Ilid -lt—Ever^Occur-to^^Vou-

P R O P O S A L SFor t h e C o n str u c t io n o f a S to n e

R oad (M acad am ) In M on m outh C ountV .’ N . J .Soaletl propoaals. will bo recolved-by a,

committee of tbo Board of Chosen Free­holders of tlio county at Monmouth, at the courthoupQ In Frooholdi N.J.,on Wednesday, Juno 20,’1000, until 12 o’clock noon and then publicly opened, for the construction of tlio

• - t h a t good niateriaTa n d w orkm anB hlp a r e n e c essa ry to Rood b icycle repairiE 'g .t W e u s e Jb o th , a n d b y h a v in g ^ a sm a ll place a n d lo w ex p en se* a re . abl** to t»irn o u t flrRtcloaa w o rk a t a low-, fig u re . T h e T liO U - BETZKO'Y GA.S M A C H IN E8. a r e a Bplondld su c ­c e s s . , W e h a v e th e m fo r s a le . C om e see .o u rs tn o p e ra tio n H y d ra u lic Seals; n o r u b b e r o r le a th e r ggafeeta u sed ; ' '• :-v

J . E D G A R S O O Y5l2 1-2 Cookman Ave.

O pp. F a r tr id g o £ R ic h a rd so n 's .

pENHSYLVANIARSILROADT h e S ta h d a rd R ailroad o f A ^nprlca


C nnM K TflfterM aySr.tW O . .T RA IN S I.HAVE A B H IU Y PA R K — WKKK DAYS.

F o r F e w Y o rk a n d K ilw iirk. 7 ‘jb , 7 ii), S ‘JO, li 20 a m ,2 25, JiJioand A:C» p .m .- . >*»-•-■

F o r E liz a b e th , 7 45, ti 20 a . in , 2 'lo, 3 Jt5 a n d . 5 35 p ra.

F o r R a ilw a y , 0 20 a m and A i> m.- F o r M ataw an i> *20' a m , 2 #>andT>;t{F o r L o n e lJrHncli. 7 2 0 .7 1.'* 82(1 t il l) ’ IOl5t, 1055,

11 50 a in , 2 20 2 2V :i :S5 r> 5 -to a n d 7 07 p in . F o r K*><1 B a n k , 7 20, 7 15, S 20, ti 20 a in , 2 2T», W t

a u d 5 Xt p ni.F o r P ljU adpiobla. K rond P t . a n d T re n to n , 7 27,

7 55 a tn , 12 -IK, I I)? a n d n 2:J p m . . '-F o r C am d en , v ia T re n to n a n d bordento \V n, '727,

75 5 a m . 12-IS a n d 4 07 p n i.F o r C am den a n d P h L aile lp h la ; v ia Torns R iv er, 2 33 p m .F o r T om a Rtvf*rs I slan d H e ig h ts an d In te rm e d ia te

s ta t io n s . 10 50 a rti!, 2 IU5 an d n 15 p in.F<>r Potnjt PlKHPant a m i ,n t»irn»,d la t«> .Rlatlons-,

pin#- - * • * ..F o r -N e w -Prunswl^c—vift -Monmoutb-Junctlon,

7 55 a in, 12 -IS, 107 and 5 2:j p mT R A IN S LEA VE NKW YORK FOR ASRUUY PA RK.

F rom 'M ’esf. T w e n ty tb l 'rd 8tre « t,S ta tIo n , K 55 a in ,, 12 -10, 2 25, a 25. -I 10 a n d 155 p n i S u n d ay s,

0 25 a m . a n d -155 p m ..t 'f 1' ’. IJ'L>rohsert b iro c ^ htlJttOTTOt-o

12 5t1, 2 3 ‘HI -i 20” a r d 5 1 0 ' p ■ in .S u n d f ty B0 Mo a m an d 5 1 5 p ni.‘

Fr^m .C or* landt. K tre t t S ta tio n , a t 3 30. H,Ofl a m . 12 5 0 ,2 iKfe il -10, i 20 n n d A 10 r> n i. 8U o d ay s li? a m , a n d 5 15 p n t. O n B u u d ay w ill s to p a t In . • te rk ik en jw d JA v cn In p lac o f N o rth A sb u ry F a r k a n d A&liury P a r jr to le to fT p ass« iiK ers .— --- TRAINB LEAVE PmiADBLl’lUA (B ro ad Et) FOR

ASOL’RY PARK.A t 0 50, K 22, 11 41 a in . 3 :io an d 1 OJ p m , w eek-

day a , l i ta rk e tM re e t W Jm rf, v U C am den and T re n to n , 0 10, 7 10., 10 :W a m , 2 :>0 a n d :* 20 p m w e ek -d n y s. T e a v e M a rk e t S tre e t W h a rf , v ia J a m e s o u rg , 7 10 a sn , 4 (K) p .m . w eek-days.


F o r H aitirn^re a n d W a sh in g to n . 3 5 0 7 10 2i). II 2J1.11 Iti a m |12 3liJ^m lted (D ining G ar).1 lit (D in in g C ar). .'113, 1 11, |5 25. C ongressiona l H'fnUea,(Dit)ing 0 5 ,^ 5 ,($ 5 5 (D in ing Car)., 7 31 (D lu ln g C ar) n m . a n d 12 20 r iig h t w«ek*

. d a y s . S uopays, 3 5 0 .7 20 .0 12. 11 2S1, 11JW a u i. 1 13 (D in ing C ar), 3 13, -111 (5 20 Cong essio tH l l im i t e d , D in inK ’O aO ; 0 05 0 55 (D ining Car)," 731 (Vlolnn tJatr) p m. a a d 1220n i» h 5 H m e ta b le s o f a ll o th e r t ra in s o f t h e sy s tem

m a y b e o b ta in e d a t th e t lo k e t ofttees o r a c t i o n s . ' " • ■ ■ • ' J , It. W OOD, G en.L 'uss. A g t,J . B .ilU T O H IN S O N , (n»n. M an ag er. I *

CENTRAL Ri R ^ NEW JERSEYauliiraclte Coal Used Exclusively, Insur­

ing' Cleanliness and Comfort -4-.T im e t a b le in e ffe c t M ay 27f'lOCP,

F o r N ow l 'n r fr v ia P a n d f I lo o k ro u te , I) -10, 7 -10, JI 5 0 a m . 1 3 5 ,5 0 5 p u i. H n n d a y s .fro m I n te r ­la k e n S ta tio n ; 10 OH a m , 5 13 p iu .

.TRAESS LEAVE AByUllV.PAEtt. •F o r N ew Y o rk . N ew n rk an d E liz a b e th v ia flU ro ll . ro u te , 0 17, 7 00 (7 30 Now Y o rk o n lv ) (7 35 ex*

cept.N «\v.Y oTk) 8 00, 10 50 a .-m , 4 (K), 7 02 p m . BundayH fro m In te r la k e n s ta t io n , 7 37 a m , 4 IB

p m .F o rP h lliv lo lp h la nnd T ro n to n v ia E U T abethport, 6 17, 17 00 e x c e p t T re n to n ) 800,10 50 a m , 4 00

p m . S u n d a y * f ro m In te r la k e n s ta t io n , 7 87 a .n j, 418 p in. * -

F o r B a ltim o re a n d W aablnR ton, 7 00,. 8 OO, 10 50 a m , 4 00 p ni, S u n d a y s f ro m In te r la k e n s ta ­t io n . 7 37 a tn , 4 18 p m , * -

F o r E a s to n , B e th leh em , A llen tow n a n d M anch C h u n k , 6 17,8 00,1C 50, a m . (4 00 to £^ iston ), p. n3, a n n d a y s f ro m ln te rla ften -sta f.ion , 41 8 p m .

F o rW llE e sb a rre a n d B cfiin to c ,‘8 0 0 ,10 50 a m .F o r B u t * a n d C h lc ^ o v ia J>.. L». B . B .,' 8 00, /Dr.-KTi xL, 4 o r p m .

. J . B . O bH ATJSK N, Q en’l H upt. H . P JBa lh w w , G en. p£isa A « t ‘ .ji

8 0 C e n t s


Hllaolle Coast EleciilG B. R. Co.V ia P L E A S U R E BAY

- - ' LEAVE^LEASURE BAY.Week cfays. ...7.2b a. ro,; 8.10, -4.10 ,"5.10 p.m.

liETUItNING"LEAVE NEW YORK Hoot Went 18th Bt. 8.00, 9.00, *11.00 a. m.,

ST30 p. ni, - r- ~Battery Park 8:40,0.30, *11.30a. m , S.IQp.m,

• S 0 KDAT8 -Leave Pleasure Bay . . . .........4.15, 4.80p.m.

'* ■ -N. Y., toot W. 13th at. 8.40, V.QU a.m.“ Battery l ’a rk ................ 9.10, 9.80 “

*0.n Satunlaya o d I v 11 .0 0 o’clock boat leaves "Went ltlth 8t. 12 45 and Battery Park 1.15 p. m. Instead of 11.80 a. m. -

'a rk n o t In te rT iaggaco c a rr ie d f re e w ith

- T a k e c a r w h ich leavoB A sbury th a n 0.20 a ; m . f o r *7.20a . m . boat.-. F o r a fte rn o o n b o a t , ta k o c a r n o t la te r th a n 2.S0 p . m . B yndayo th o aam o.

O n D e a l E o k e , A a b u r y P a r k

,:N o -w O p e n . , ,

A strictly-flratclass fam ily resort.; E veryth in g u ew ginciB-Jaat seaaoD.o ' / \ •

^X&l9phoxiG 1 2 0 a

W I L L I A M G r R I F F I N , J r .W E S T W A N A IV 3 A S S A




P o s t o f f i c e ' B o x 9 0 5 ASBURY PARK, N .J

a . ~ w \D IST R IC T ACEN.T FOR

B a li a n t in e ’ s ( E X P O R T a n c H L A C E R B e e rB o tt le d b y S toatri P r o c e s s and G u a r a n te e d to k eo n In a n y C lim a te

WlNES, LIQU0RS \hD F0REI0N ANQ DOMESTICHkLES AND PORTEllS — J L G o o d s d o l ly o r e d o n l y o n o r d e r —f r e e o f c h a r g e , '

T e le p h o n e c a l l 6 7 a . S P R I N G LAKE. N . J .

JfsDiiry P<irH l>otd5 JIsbMry ParK holds

T h e V ic t o r ia .Third and Ocean Avenues

NOW OPEN. Twentieth seasou.11X88 8 . KEMPE, Proprietor

Laurel HouseO p e n J u n e IS .

S e c o n d . A v e n u e a n d Klhitaley Street^

U n d e r s a m o m a n a R p m e n t ,.. . . .F A M I L Y H O T E Lr - - .

G rand an d Sew all A v e n u e so p e n A i l t h e ykak ,

Electric llcntn.—Btoam lient.Ran parlor.

All modem improvement!Bsasonnble prlcea .

I h e S t a ffo r dCorner F ilth Avenue and Heck S tree t Open All The Yea/

Opposite S unse t Lake Special accommodations lo r bicyclesF o r t e n n . e a d d r e s s : M JR 8 . A . . U . - U O Y ;

N o r w o o d H a l l^ Corner Fourth A veiiue and lOngsloy Street

Ruporlor tablo service. Special tm ms for the spring nnd /all months. Honso thor­oughly equipped with Harris patent lire escape und alarms.


H o t e l C la r e n d o nNow Open 302 Fifth. Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J .

Two biocka fioni the ocean. Ono of tjie fiuest views of the Park and ocean to be had. N tar Buuset Lake, boating and bathing gronnda. Firnlclii“a hotel in every respect. — C EO . W . W A TERBURY .

T h e A d r ia n 'C orrier.frirH t a v e n u e a n d K m p ry s tr e e t . All m o d o rn Im provom ents.O p e n a l l t h e y e a r , m o n t h s . .

Bpecliil te rm s fo r th e u p r in g an d f. 11' J . 8. A D llIA N .

H o lly T e rra c e Bixtli avenue, near ocean. Special Bprlnfj terms.

A ll _m o d ern Im p ro v e m e n ts ,-

. , ; IIOl^MAN & CO.r r i f w j f * B u n ae t av en u e, o b e b lo ck from , o cean ; a ll m ortem Im prove-

1 ' r f £ * / w l $ \ { \ 1 hi ent a: b a th s , e le c tr ic l ig h ts , e le c t r i c bells. T a b le lirsteinss,- E v e n in g d in n e rs . ' J ; K. OODWAiN.’ .

T h e W a r w ic k 200 T h ird a v o n u e . N ow 'o p e n L a fg e , c h e e rfu l ro o im v . ■ . TerniH reftKonnhle,


• ■ fci8 ;Munroe avenue.' Open all the yeaK The mont honio-JikeI I I P I hoard!n« house In .town. All modem Iraprovoments. r<.rui8ft U I modorater M.'J. GENtJNO.

T h e R o y a l 51o Grand nvenue.HoraeUke hotel. Open all the year, heat; plimmuit rooms. Excelleut table. Xtates mooerste.

S t e a m

A . K A I t V E V . ’

(F o rm e rly B t. J a m e s ) . * C o rn tr . C o o k m an a r e n u e a iid "Webb s t r e e t , O pen a ll th e y e a r . C om - i ilfto d ln g fu ll v iew o f th e se a . B ro o d p o rc h e s

la rg e , a iry , c o m fo r ta b le ro o m s. S te am b e a to d th ro u g h o u t , B ervlce a p d cuisine- e x c e llen t.* 1 E . VAN A R E N .

C o m m e rc ia l H otel

G ra n d A v e n u e H otel Oi>eti .all tiie y^ jt. provear Electric

JHalargod a n d lat*................. „ ;a n d g a s . B un pnr-irlo r ta b le . I* B ILL. Troprlo^/op.

Ocean Grove Ocean Grove SoteHB a n d 5 P itm a n n v en n e , 4 a n d 0 WcGIIntoofc* s tr e e t . T h is h o te l i-t

r r i i A 1 ^ * 1 , J-*«open a l l i 'j e y e a r. Bun p a r lo rs a n d w ell h e a te d ro o m s f o r th o coolI d I C / \ I f l » -n io n lh . T h e o nly h o te l In O cean G ro v e stip p ilo d w i th .« * i w a te rII 1 ■ ths.— T h e-lo ca tlo n - li^ o t- th e -b esM O a . fee t-T ro n a .b o ard w alk am i

'i imMO t n a u d ito r iu m a n d O'wt «ffle«. K . H .'KTLM ER. P roprl« t/'* ’

♦ » -» ♦ » » ♦ 4 ♦ » ♦ ♦ •

Read The Daily Press

Page 3: WILL FAY ASSESSMENTS FOR SALE - DigiFind-It · Tlii rtl avenue.' Tho sign ‘was *1x5 feet "and boro t ho insorlptlon ^Union Steiini_.TiniTi^ dry of-Nowark;,,-“Thtr polico; liavo


100 C A R P E T S W E E P E R S ,- A G O O D OW E.. T H E . - ■

1 >—- t f i ,• • « ■ • • • • • « • • • • • « • I • • • • • • ♦ . • • • • • • • • • • • « tQ 11 / I U

T H E. . . T U T T L E . . .

STORE. ^ . T U T T L E . . .


. / 'TH E . . . T U T T L E . . .


' T H E. . . T U T T L E . . .


C H E A P E S T K I T C H E N, • M A T T IS O N A V E N U E ' B i? 'T H E P O S T O F F I C E


OIL STOVES, 2 burners \ . ................. .*.....BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, now selling fast GASOLENE STOVES, always the cheapest CLOTHES BASKETS, willow ones:.,..:;.:.......•GARBAGE CANS, Covered,.........WASH BOILERS, large size, long ones,..,....


i, 3 9c ..49c ..49c

•T AGAT-E IRON V/ARE.Our stock of Agate Ware would sink :the stock of the average city, store into, insignificance. We liave it it prices which defy aiiy other dealers’ on the coast. ' ..TUTTLE AGATE IRON WARE

T H E Q R E i l T __________________________■ V T H ^ :| V l A T T 6 S Q M A V E M U E B A R G A I N ! H O U S E

Sanitarium HotelAssociation j

A s b u ry

. m t*


V . ,C. H A Q E M A N , M . Preniaent E ..M .-II ER R IN G , Secretary E . A . G ODDARD, Treasurer

C H A R T K n n b - ilN D E li T H E L A W S O F T H E S T A T E O F N E W JliR S IJV .

|H B olijcct ot this company Is to liullil, furiilsli and cotirtuct-at-Anbury I’lirlt n llrati:liiH». modern all year hotol l.(i lio conil’uctflil oil Htriotly sanitary principles, so as tn atinio i giintR'at all wiamiiiH of llin year. Tlilsi limit tiitlmi will NOT ho la the xnvturcot a “hospital11 as no seriously

ill persons will lie accepts I, but will Iki aliayert <iC rent anil quiet Cur those wlio . LMiiuot staiii! tlm rush nml excIt<»na«iif o'l tlm ordinary Bramlioro liiiardliiK «ntali- inpiir. Jt will lie modeled altor anil coniliictMl on tlie Hiich of tlm Uattlo-Ureek. i Midi., Samtiirluin, Ilian wliieli no moro popular institution is knowirjn tlio

..world. Thu liiveatora Hecurlty 19 based- upon roul estate anil Is suro to iirovo profitable as well ns safe/ Ovnr Ilf ty Mioiisiiwl -dollars’ worth of stock has bmn Riilittcrlbiiil anil It is now tlio iliiflicor tho riinimirehiiuit lo place tlio balance ot tlio stock ainonif as many liolderHas iifn-.nljilu. Tlio nhariis aro sol'l at rial'only ami aro payable in limlalliiKints (luring tlm progress of tins work upon tlifl iuiiirovomenl s.- AVo iiivilea mil Investigation of our plaus anil will Kiiarantoflst.rUiteconomy

[ .aiul practical ability Iu tlio mamnrenioiit o f tills eiiuii'prisu. Hiiml Tor pros- liecliis. ". i ' ' .... ' - -— ' ■




c—o ------C O O P E R ’S 8



Pr«Rssi03ial •y

D R S. fellYAN & BURTPirValClANH AND KUitlll'.O.VK. 2a Aatinrj

ftvoiiiij, A 'sbury r u r k , N .J . Otllco lio n m a to P » , i i l . t e t o S p . * l . . 5 t o 9 l ' . Hi. l 'l io n e 5.

I . E.JHETRICK, M .D .1M IYS1CUK A li l l B U ItU K ijX i K it O oo tnm n

a-v.-mi'., o . i l tn huiirw: s u : m . t o 10 l u 'm , ! . p . m , lt> if m » i . ,V u W 'l o t i ]' in . H um iays, 8.rift Hi li /.lil n . -ill’.'* y rircU r-a lU m tlo u to Hy", «km aiul

'tm rp 'ry . ’IV I. N o. 110. ■ ,__________ j f

R.S.BEHHETT, M .D .P itV H IO IA M A M I) B U R O K O N . S U A s h l l r j »vo-

mm, A fb u ry I ’nrk . Ollloo h oum i 8' t u l o n. m „. . •» :... ~... ... — IM-OTDR. MARGARET 0 . CURRIE

126 M ain a v e n u e , O ctian d ro v e , N . J . Ofllce . Flours? 7 t a 10 n. in .. 2 to 5 p , in ., 7 to It) p . m .

\DR. ELU PRENTISS UPHAM:.805 TMrd aferoie, Anbury Park, N,. J. Ot&cti

noun* uni I110 a. rn., Iii to JJ i». ni., o to 7.30 p. in. I*.lc3plinu o i l 1. " . - - .

H. S . KINMONTH. M . D.>710 fJrau d ftvfjtme. a n ti o t K lu jp o n tU ..* C o .’s

D f u r B tore, TjJ-1 C o o k m an a ro a u e , A ab u ry P a rk K.JBURTON BROTHERS ..

DKNTIB're* C o o k m an avouuo . A a b i i t f l ’a rlt . B au d o u ln e liulldloK , » . W . C or, U ro a d ^ a y and CSth a tro o t, N ew "York. N<>w Y o rk oflflcb closed f ro m TiLvy u a tU .O cto b er. .

dr. h. s, mtORD E N TIST . (G radualoof.U nlvuw Ity t»fPetm f< yl

v ariia), tx m in r O ookinan avtiuu» and E inonrB treot, o v e r I^oMalfitra’H, o ppoalt^ print eK tran c to n E m o ry Htreot, A Rliury P a rk ; OlUce h o u ra from 0 n . i»i. to 5 P. m . Tolflphoue 0 3 1.,

D E O , L . D . T O M P K IN S D . D . S .M^TIST. Itooms 2, 3 aud 4. PoatoJIlce

Aal*itry Park. ToeUi oxtracted rulalejwly witli* oi jt tlm patient uuconacloua. Gas lui-liilulritHiMl. Onioo Iioutr: 0 a. di. to 6 p. m.

R . F . D O R A N , D .D .8 ..P F N T I S T . ' K iiqcessor to (In' llo s to n D fntluU .

716 jH a t t ln o i i i i» e ln l f , W ln c li ln iD n lU l ln g .

. C LA U D E V * G U ER INLA W OFFIOKI3. RenarfU lrwftt>UHl-

nerta. A cknow lodcjm entfl takwu to r a ll Titatefl i to o m s 0-10 A pploby U uHdlntf. )>


W ASTKU IN <!l(AN(;v.UY, 23 A pplaby HuItdlnK, Artliiiry Pftrh.

WM -G COTTRELL-A ltC lQ lT K C T . V,!‘n'1 *** WP®clttcaflon« fur-

nlphrtd a t nhort- n o tk o . ETotnl vrork u i»pocl»lty I jik tn iv e n u o .


BR O U S E & IA R EW D •» A w ld t (* o l« . M l C l i i « t u i i t 8tr<stt, I ah l!n r1 n l|i1 iln

F o rs H t l': l« H V . J l iH d itr# , T r o i it o u , N . J . Al*I*lcby A n b u r y l ’a r k , N . J . -

2 - • DPfT'V. B. HEIGHT,Y12TBRINA.UY R in t O R O N . T jro a ffi a l l a a l

• m a la . O K looriO flH flvvall a v o n u o . T u lo u h m io Wo. fi. A f ib u r y l ’a r k . N . J .

D R . H . C . M IL IA RV K T Itm N A ltlA N , 70S A«lm ry avenii(>. Telo-

I lio u o N o. 8U r . Dojis a Bpuclaliy.

We carry a c"6 mplete line of them. Single o r d' :o u b l e b r ca's ted sack' coats. Ma d e o f Middlesex

• 11 a n.n e 1, ‘ which ivc

gua ran tee io beabso- lutely fast color, wel l

L made and w e 11 trim­med, a n cl c a n be boughthere

” for pniy . •

$ S . O O

rantee eioioi

<>39-» 4J COOKMAN AVE., ........ ASIiOlJV PARK.

Tin) 1‘nltsa costa conM per wuok. . ,r

O O M P A U L■r-—<.>*In reatllng of tho famlno in India falls to seo tbe beauties of civilization as sometimos practiced. You will not fail toseo the iieautios elf our ^-ustoin innito suits If yon wilMlrop In anil fiilto a look at our stock. A pcrroot lit. guaranteed or nlonoy haclt.


Tailor, CMier aim FiiiijisderOF ASBURY PARK

. 622 COOKilAN AVE.ONE PJ1ICE. .J lo n e y Bank




Allfirstclassg'rocef'swiirhave'irfor sale soon.

B a ke ry 4 i ^ B o n d S t,F r a n k H . W a lk e r

P r a c tic a l 'I „P a p e r H a n g e r

Iti2 Munroa Avenue, West Asbury Patfc.AUENl’ FOIt

i» p ;o o u A T o n a ’ w r t i , i i p a p r b c ool'N«w Y ork and I(A V 8 f ) l t & AM i- M .V \ o f JPiiiltulelpliut.

J V a l L P a p a r J r o n i lllo p o c -ilo u b io r o l l a n i l u p - w a r d s . H a n g in g ; ;5 t : p e r i l o i i b io r o l l a n d u p w a r d s . S o m o s to i i iH a d v e r t i s e c i io a p e r , h u t t l f c y m e a n s la i r lo ro lls . D o u ' t t » iteca iv o U . L e t m o is l io w y o u n iy B a tn p ie s a n d t h e n com - p a r o p r i i e s .w i th o t h e r s . ' <•'"

ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRINGE le c tr ic -G a s Llfrhtlnfr.

E le c tr ic B o lls and A n n u n c ia to r s .' B u r g l a r A l a r m s , E t c .

W A L L A C E N . B U R R5 3 2 COOKM AN A V E N U E .: '

tTewKoator Block. .

T i i p C e ir .T a H , , 'Wasliln^ton, June it.—T h e (Tiroctoi* of

till* 1.TIISI1S Kild’S tlnit tin* Of (Mill*niprutuui La progro^siug sutTst‘tU.*tol*il.v, In only two plams hud thoro Ik*i*h any doiillt,’ Imt in hotli instuiiccs tiit» • *c)ilii*' i'uklos .Imd.' lioi'ii surinoHiitt'il. "In Him i'*mndsL*o tlu* onumcratom who havo

of. colloetiiifc statistics iu Ohina- tou*u 'J avu •lHH»]uiimaciihit(Hl i^id i/<*ruiit* tod to pass tlio'.qum^jitiijo fine.s. In St. I.otiis it wfta fouivd tho strike woidd iu- tcMTUfit. th« work, ‘but iin*rtiiKi'iiu»nl.s luivo hi'i'ii iimdo to pr<)c*('\'il wljh tlio plan out- Iim*d. Krery oniu)ref^m, 'tlimu«iv>iit the country has beon iUm'fri], to deport ihiily to tlio eousul; buroaii tvjpC his imn.icUihtc i-nporvisor tho nmnhi»r-.uf panics lio has cr>lioc,tc*(l oath day. tOv*or 2«>,0()D sucli ro- |H»rts')ia\o Leen roci'ivtuL Ju only a few. instances luivi* jmmsous rofijfeod tp“ feiv’t* tin* information willoil for.■ ; . —J-------------------

D a j* S a l l i» rH OH o n n C rn lM O . , '•Philadoliihlfl, .Tuno D.—U'lm old timo

frijrate Lancastor, now a truining ship, Inis, Kitilod for Southaiiipton. Vnun’t hiM'C she will «o to l^oith, Suotlaud. Sho will tlivn cruiso in tti« Baltic, ■visiting Olwis tiniiia, Copeidmjiou und'Stbckliolm, Later lij'r flaj? will be 'scon nt AntvVorp. ami (rrfivos-inul.; Oil Scijt.-T^rIio will outer tin* j/oiTof I Iu vre, nnd two woelw ‘later F.ho will Umito fo r hisbon and ( iil)raltnr. Aft or'a visit to the Madeira islantls tlio Tamoastoi’ will sail for }Ihni]>toii Honds, wlioro she i« due lW r iv hero) are /»00 boys and hipdsiii'on on the L'uncas 'telVj

.Tnn»f» tpi'yeo ar^Tmni^riallat.^ '• I,oiidott» .Timo 5.“ Mr. .ifnites liihoi-nL luomber of purliunuuit for Ahor-

\\x.< mkt-ii u u i priftMlTiH^k^iroslrldfrsIuii*lar to L-.ii'il Itosobery’s. -

K S h i r i T e r I n I t i m t o n ,Hoptoiu .11itto r».--r.o\vls- Buolchcr. col

ori'd. living in ‘.MiNoii. -wns .slubln-ii nni! UilM l.y his wife,'Mtainn, iluriiijs.n faniP ly ifiiarrol Inst tn??ht.. Mry.’ Vdichner l>. nucjor arrest. .*

T . M . B tft’w a r C n ^ t in iK g to ty W ill- r t'C m n l y o u y o u r m o n o y I f y o u ai*o f io t paTlnTied a f t e r uhI i ir O h n n i l io r la in 'r t R to m a e l i L i ^ o r T a b l e t s . T ^ o .v <*uro d l f lo rd b ra o f Mir t fH iia c li , l)Ulou.M!i'rtH‘i,'i* o n R tlp a M o n 'a n d h e a d d i e . * P r ic e , 2 5 c o u ts . fcJampIod f r e ^ .



C rJll(* lm u n f iMusIc C o m iit ll to o C l ia i r in a n .W o u ld b o D iH ta » te f ii l S h o u t 'd I t a a d i

l l n n d I*r<iVOA J.CouiiciliuiuuGcorgo^AVi !hu i*. loiidorod

his rcsimiation as cluiirnum of” tho.iuuslr, committee, nt *tho pitwJtiiiR of the city council hukl lasbnight, buti'fc was. not Sc- eupfcwl.’ . , . •

Coiuieiiiuan Bradloj^ ‘s;ud the muiuliurK of tlio board sTioulil (!?uhvir<»r to eouvincc tho.clo<!tdr that fchoy.hnd iiafoliUng against him^ but that Iio.is: liohl la t-ho. higlibst ostcoin, ITt? said tluifc Dr. W il bur •. had worked as' hard a s any inoihher jC any connnifctpoJie.ever know aiul w as on tith'd to. ii ^roat deal ofcrcdit. “I don’t wonder that he felt a little. chaHfined,M. contiiuied tho' s|x*aker, -“ when tlio band he mionr 11 hmuIi*(1 was not ompldycd, I t wa? iifittiral thut Jut should. I voted, wiih Uiiu. first, but was compolleil - to change my vote for tbe sake of harmony.'. 1 round three mem­bers of 1b|s board a^nlnst.the band, aiul remombered; that the ’newspapers crjf.i clsed it last sunmier.' With this ^nUuvont. (?xlstin^ I knew that 1 iu* position .oC the doctor would - iinvo been iui pleas int. I hope tiiat, lib w ill .see fit toehnngc iiismiud ami witluiraw tho resignation.”.. ■ Uouncilmnn AVilbur stated tiiat tho res*, ignutlun was not tendered with any .fool­ing. l ie wild ho w as KUisfh;;!’(Imt a hand of 111 pieces could not give*tho results, and therefore there was bon nil to lie much crit­icism, wldch would,bo very disfcasteful to tlio chairman o l tlio connmUo»*ynmi He did n'ot care to take it. ;Hdi'exiirossotl his de' sire to beruliovoil as/ the chain nan,■ Imt- sjiid ho would continue as a'nieiu her of the coirmiitt.ee if desired.

Councilman Kirkbiidi* «iitl he was sorry see tho doctor take -this position-and

hoped ho would withdraw his resignation-'11 I'oc.ulhni iiislaneos-Whott iHv'was.ehair- niaii of the*S!in»•. ooiiin iltlec and had .afsii beeiMnivnedniowh^lnjtvlio^ a 1 Wirys unitie the INx t- «if it-. I jlo was posl ti ve that, the band would givo s:iti:?f;totion and that the doctor would not/be .criticised. ■'

^flmtfly-ptTyrriirrl tinrt .thirra?f= ignation lie- laid uinnKthe table and that tliti--d'Jctorr b6 -roHiH*ef fid ly-urj»eil—to-eon- IIlute ns chairaian of i hennisic committee.


€ < i t i n c i l i n c n 1 1 r a d l e y ,1 T a t t l e a m i W i l l i h r

t(» I n t e r v i e w K a i l r o a t l O ft U d u t H K « -

K a r d l u K : S u m l a y T r a i n s .

.President. AppleTiy has named Council- nien Brailley, Tutth* and \VilhiyMis the comiuitteo to confer with tlio-railroad olllcials regarding thesiopi»ing oJJ the tialns at. t.he/Xertb Asburv Park station on Siin-' day. The {H)inmltN*»- was named in ac­cordance with tlio resolution introduced by Mr. Bradley aiul iKissed at thi; last meeting of the hoard. Tbo com m il tee lias not. yet agreed upon a day for ,their inter­view with the railroad otlicials.


There rire 1,10T cvnj.<i^enumei*:ttors now at work in this stale.

The Matiiwan hand will con.nneiico Iheir Weekly open-air cotuvrt* on 'Wodiiesiluv evening, .Tune i:i.

1^. Mary I). I !iis.s*v nf Kast Orange IsmM the head of a i novel uen I recently start«*il t o form a state org:iniznti<in of wonieu jdiysi elans. Tho first meeti ng is to lie held liur lug tho.convention of the American Modi; eal association, which opens a t Atlantjc City today. V —•' Thf* jTHOainlon carpeii ters who have' hofcn on a^st.rlke Ln the. northern section of Hud­son county since April rI returned tv j>vi>rk yesterday morning. ■ Their demand for an eljiit-hour .day at jj&. %«as grant ed, 1 nit a majority of *the master parpcnters refuse'll to sign a contract to coutinub tiie’siimo'for a year. ' . . ; ^

Creighton’s botel; ri t Highlands of^XnVtv sink, was partially ilesti*oyed ‘by Iir** .Sat­urday night;. A gas« ilene stove was Over­turned while-lighted’, and-set ih e to the building... Tho loss Is a bout $2,1X10, covered by | n si uu nee. The building wasjiboirt half consumed. The hotel is owned liy Mrs. S’usiin A . Hehanck, and Is leiised by Bernard,-Creighton. 1 . £

Jlrolcon SliaW Cawseg iri»set. r , A hmkon shaTt causi^l ah exciting: run­

away early .last evening on P rospeefc.itvo- li ue,. near Muiinw. i-lioliard A y remand liis daughter, M rs/Klia Dean, both ofN\r|iilos~ ville, were t h iw i i ciut eC tlm Svagoii aiul Mi*s. Ueiin was so pa infill ly hru ised-TluiTT she was unable -to 'Avaik .for.some •time. The liorse was afterward caught, biit^mitu n t i l i j j i a i l c o l l i d e d Nyjj*1.-!UU.>tllCr^W'aj,r<yi a n d r u i n e d t lu k v e l11e h ' W h ic h Ic d r e w .

t t o r t 'p t l n i i f o r l>iv «I. I I . White.’The ollicers? memhersand frleiidsof tho

A. Al. K. Zion Muireli, Sprlngwoed ave- iiuo, W*»st Park, will t«*udor a^welcoiAo n - eeptioa to Uev. .1 . 1 1 . W hite,’ the |>astoi\ -at the chuteh on 'J’hursday eveuing next. Tlui. welcoine’ Is in'honor of . Ids return fmm the tirneml conference, recently held In *\\Tashlnglon, l>.,0* An iippropri- ite.musical and lite^iry progmm w ill Ih; rondtuvtl. •• - . • • , .

Saiall In slzn and erreatdn rfsiillsaro Do-' ^'itt.’H Littlo Karly Khers* tlio fatuous little i>i1Is that cleans^ tlm’l.lver'aiid bowels. They do not jrriiio. \V. 11. Ham, 107 Main street..

LidTorson find *Titus race again atrtlie •Vn lisburg t nick/ Newarlc, next Saturday.• Warren >?.'Conk li il* of Ocean drove caught aii H-poiind bass at the ^hark river bih't yesterday. ' -“1^: •Jselscy iuis sonje very line. CrisHoId

fihistlder cralis. They live large and ;just t he .thi ng for fish ing- purposes.( Miss ijuviniii I. ^ipek'rldge Iiusa’etur.iKMl to her. home at r»(K» Hewail a.vemic.after S|)ending the' winter in Xew York*. - '

Yest;erdny. t h<} Piu*:s%s stilted the increase hi the lownsbip s’oliool clilldren over last year waso)!.1, It should1 have been iriil. •'

‘“Jinks’V'Xewmaii has forsiiken book winviissi|ig mid is now iti Che butcher bus­iness ueiirt he AV 'st ^arlfjschdolhoiise.:, .’Mr. iiud Mrs. Ui-JI. Martin of -Trenton,

who came, to this id ty fo iv the .benefit of their heal (li, arc-reported to he improving.

p lw a n l i . Urovyn and family of Matji- wan .have removed to this city, vvhere they will occupy a cottage diiring the Sttmnier .months., . . . • . ' . . :• Six persoiis Were admitted to .member.-1

shi p in tiio First Presbyterian cTixirch at. Jichnar l^unduy morning by the pastor. l)r.:.Cha.i*l<*s Evitrett:. ; ‘ .

The progn*ssive-euchre tor the lionbn ti of- the 1 .soltition hospital fund will be held to­morrow afternoon at the residence of Kirs,

f iss io n , silo-Fi^tli avenue. *. '.■ *IVof;t lt<juljen Or_\Vil liams,. kmnyii a s thehumiin canary^.will give an entortaiii- 'ni.entat Park Opei^t I louse next Monday ew.uing, Juno 11. Local talent w ill assist; at tho ontertuinuieni.. . *'

Attention of .purchasers of grain'anil feed .is directed. to the. adver. iu another coliiinn of the Pruil' IV /Xorton coiiipany.- F. J ). WikoJT is manager of their Asbury Park and ■'lied.lla'iij; stores., Mrs?.. Mnry_C,.Tlltoni through Jt he elTorts of '.I. ‘Wesley Cross, pcusioii agent, was granted a widow's pension of $8 pci* inontli yfiStonlay, and jilso Lho pension due to her husband at the. time of his death.


Ju Sahl t«>.jHu1<e ¥Jfo Aline mbit; for jCearby lUishlioitH—SL<!|ih to Abate llie Al-

- I«|{eil NiiiHiinco.'.HiStlce J. Wesley Cross-ajipeaml before'

the city cou lie il last night and complained of a: howling dog owned by a lady residing on the corner of First avenue and Uond street.*, lf e claimed the animal w ri h posi- tive nuisance, and asked if the board could not aIford some relief.;

C o u n c i lm a n K i r k b r i d e c o n c i t n v c l i n t h e r e m a r k s o f t h e . j u s t i c e , a n d s a i d ; h e h a d p u t u p w i t h t h e h o w l i n g c m / / o f a b o u t a y e a r a i i d a I r i i l f r a t T ier t h a n h a v e a n y t r o u b l e w i t h h i s n e ig h b o r s , l i e a ls o ' hi* s i s t e d . t h a t / i t ' Vyas a n u i s a n c e a l m o s t u n ­b e a r a b l e . i '

■ C h ie f S m i t h s iiii l h e h a d n u m e r o u s c o m - p l i d n t s r e g a r d i n g th is d o g , a i u l I ia d .c a l le d ’ u p o n t h e o w n e r S e v e rn I t im e s i d r e l a t i o n t o t l i e m a t t e r . S h e i n s i s t e d t h a t s h e h a d t h e r i g h t . t o k e e j» ' t h e d o g a n d r e f u s 'd t o p a r t w i t h h i m . T i ie d o g i s r e g i s to n 'U a n d t h i s ~ p r o v e n t s ~ th o * o H Ie e rs f r o m " s h o o t i n g h i m , • ’ .

' j \ . f t e r a I o n g d - l s i ju s s io n t h e m a t t e r w a s i n f e r r e d t o t h e p r d ie i r c o in m i l t e e w i t h in-.

N!u«H-k>HiT-tTf Ht ofer - >v i t f i-’ «Hie -iTrrtrd- healthu to.see if. t here is not a law in - that ile|uiutuii^Lt~AVliicli-Avill-itiltu\-l.luini-to-sii[ im­press a nuisance of this kind.


IbiiNird «• ICiAv a t t l i o XoWnHbip Ifmtil- a n d W h s riimlly I .u c k v d

( I fp f o r l i i s ^ (ls«« iiid ii< :t.Jhjcanse Thouius ^aceo, driver of a beer

wagon, would-not sell theni two bottle's of Jieilr, _}5ii iii ltd Van Wick le. and .... Kdward Travis bec:ihu> ahusivt.'jmd insultihg, ami Saeco retaliated by hitting YanWiekle. Thi.‘ sc.*i*jip occurred on Spring wood avenue aud it was not/ long before both were a.r: rested. Justice Dodcl lined both-$H) ami cost s fqr being dlsimlerl.v and held oaeh. under §lod hall for lighting . 1 Saeco \m\\\[ his Hue and secured-bail and was released ..Later this morning Travis hecanio

abusivi» «Mnil disorderly In ■ froiit' Of tiie '^ownship jail, on Wain st-iwt,:iind although cautioned- by. CoiistiibU»' ♦Samuel, W hite ,1

diil not ipend his uianu^rs. W hite arrest­ed h h u /b iita flercc tiissle ensueir.in which both men' fell tS icii aiut* W hite’s .hands were cut anil his head'skinned. AVlth t h assistance of AVilliinu Disb'row, Ttuvis^vjis finally lauded beliind the lmis.r“‘;'

■rJ!h» future seemed Yo have no terrors for Travis, foi^tluring tho morning lie gave a choice medley of vocal selections, l io will sing to another key at the hearing.


Dr. Henry MitclielV.of■'Thte 'C|ly E1<h;1«h1 Vl€!0- I *1*4)4 iile <tl‘,

After-^h'cting ottlcers for l ‘.H)t,nnd lisfen.- iiig to"scvenil papers on hygiene and sani-' t.at.ion, tin* conference of-.the slate and provincial, boards of health o f .'North America adjourned at A.tlanjie Oityv .

'i'he ollicers electee! were:. Pivsulent, hr. C.'O. Probst of Columbus, O.;* vieh-pre.si-

‘ihVnt, l>r. llenry Mitchell, 'W.w .Hh’Si v* sec ret a ry, 3) r. C!. T . rt war I s', -V l'ovide nee, R, I., and treasurer, Dr. J.-' A. Kgan, ^prjiiglleld,. 1 1 1 . /; • •


¥i f

P r ic e s fro m M a y 3 0 to J u n e 7 !¥¥

“Depends a great deal'upon, the' little things you buy £rom a grocery. We give just as much at,tention to the small'' lines' as we do to our butter, teas, coffees and canned goods, Nothing is of “ little iiftportance.” 1

;;V' ''V itV V --- .- ; ;


. MADEO lio -h a lf b n r r o l s a c k s . ,

J e n n iso o ’s Je rsey Lily, sm a ll sack s, 30c sack

I l e s t N . Y . S l a t e C o r n . . ' . . . . . . . . . 8 c c a nK o o t l S a l n i o u .' . . - . . . . . . . . . - . i . . . .'•. . . . i o c c a nL a r g e b o t t l e U 'c s t M a p l e S y r u p . . . . . '. 1. . . 2 0 cC a l . P r u n e s ' . . . . : . '. . / . . . . . . 4 ll>H l o r a s cB est W tiitc B e a n s . , , . . . . . . . . . . . 8 c q tE a r ly J u n e P e a s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 c a n s 2 5 cB e s t 'J,’a l» I c S y r u p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x o c r jt c a nP in e C r e a m e r y B u t t e r . . . . . . . ' ........................ 2 3 c I pB e s t M i x e d C a l c c s . . . . • .' . . . . . . . . . i o c Il»B e a n P o r k . . : - . • . . . . . . . . •. . . 5 x .'a c l b

7 p a c k a g e s o i C o r n S t'a r e 'U . f o r 2 5 c .

We make a specialty of. If you have a particular-TEAS A l COFFEES

ly fastidious taste, we wish you would-try our Teas. Our Cof­fee is always fresh and crisp. Our purchases are arranged to give the customer fresh roasted Coffee always. , ’ .

F i f t l i . A v e n u e i H o c l i a a n d J a v a C o f l c c 3 2 c 11* P r i n c e s s C o l f e e 2 5 c l b

A R e a l l y t i o o d C o f f e e f o r 1 5 0

W o f n m r a n t.00 o v o ry l l ifn i; \7 n s o l l t o j s lv r m a t te f n e t io n o r y o u r m o n o y r e f u n i le i l . " ■ Our specials nro sold for OAHI1 ONLV and will n u t bo charged at ilieso prices,

; J . J . JEt A . I £ I £ B I Z s

: ; ■ T H E • G R O C E R , / • . ~

O th o r R to r e s :

IMannmiiniTi L i t t l o Kuilti

604,-606, 60B Cookman Avenue Cor. Main S treet and Lake a venue.













Says I'lirls Imposition iK a I-'ailure. Mrs. l". Klla Itobd of->uishvllle,-'iVnn.,

has returned, here for the reason and .ls tenipomrily located’ at-., the j lo te l Khhltt. Mrs, Rood bus just.returned froni XidltloiTi m il Paris, iiml her -advice to. A merica ns \vlib contemplate going to the Paris expo­sition is don't. The exjiordtiiSn itself, ‘ihe; says, Is a dl«\ppoin)‘ii\^tit. nnd- the way tlie Parisians.a re robldim tlie ylsliors is.snid to. be.soniet.il h ig'aw in lr'i'li is is Mrs. Hof id's' id xt h eon Sii^nitly i ij iF^VidVm-y I II irk,aiVd siio hns heroine so infn'tnat.iuV. wiHi the

•place that, she-has uudev consideixdion tbe purclmsobf a Imme lmm> *

Oaptiiin liiirton. who has nHiirmil to WiMidbury from Cuba.- brought several whiio monkeys,wldidi he has pi:csi!iited to. his child neighbors. • ■ ;.* .

Starvation novor. ynt. cured dyspnpsln. Persons with indigestion -nro already half ntarved. Thrt.v need pluntjror wholojomo fond. Kotlol Dyspepsia Ciiroillurests Avjiat* you oat so the bnijy can be uourlsliod while the worn out organs am beinJt recoiistruet- cd. -It Ih tho only preparation kiiowai t lint, wltl instiliitly relieve and cmtiipletely cure all stonuieli troubles.. Try if you art) suf­fering .from Indigestion. I t will certainly do.yoii good. VV. H. If am, HiT.Watn .street

A Cut and a Slasli in Good Bicycle Tires

50CX, P a ir s M ONARCHS! COOD^ Y EA R S, T IP T O P S an d o ther;? ..■ N a m e s on; no s e c o n d s . }« '

f l . 5 0 . E A C H .A n o p p o r l i m i t v o f a l i f e t i m e If y o u n e e d p o oil t i r e s , ' . U n tid y uftsU o \a d n a d v a l e v . c o m e t o o u r l i r a i s , tIiaL?ii liovkr \v« i-cun-so il Ro c h e a p .

f l i i r R p n a i r i n o k n o w n iW 'h o : goo iluur Repairing -.-,(><iciic.-ii>. wmiHoouiytin s h o s t m a lK l 'ia l . T liis , c(ni|,li>il w.il ii j'c-ai'U o f e x p iii 'i i‘in:o, In s i tr i is lioni'HI. w o rk jn a n s l i ip . O i i r i ik iU h : W ii i l o n o t i l o a l l l l i n k ih n I 1.1- n j 'u lo ro p a il 'in f f , l> |it m l ' t l io r i! |ia i r in t r w ji 1I11 Is n o o i l. C u ll a iu l g u t ' p r lc r a . L a ilic n ii.“ |m - i i la lly i n v i t e d . ■.

r JO SE PH M d n iT ZGYCO BICYCLE CO. femook. 548 Cookman Aye.

B R A D L E Y . B E A C HB r a n c h S ta t i o n o f l l ie A o b u ry -P a rfe

- : DAILY PRESS • • .....S H O P e-I^E S S ;1- ^ 111:

F o r tho co n v en ien ce off a u r p a tro n s a l>r;oict s ta t io n liaH.lM*en TKtalilifdied a t - t h e H R A U I.i:Y I tl iA p H NO TIO N S T O R E , M ain Htrc4t, lie tiv tvn JlcCiibo and Cook, a v e n u es . .

Papers regularly o n Bale a n d supplied to news­boys at ofllce: rate. •.-Advertisciments received, nnd in order to nv

coivo insertion samo'day inust be.handed 4a al this Mtatiou not lat .r than Ji2..‘in. - ; * .

■ CANDY .E S C l J t E T T S

' /o iIK u ’pibES ■ , ‘ .And all rectal, disorders or moncv refandfld, l ’k’iiSiint, ,Kot apliyBltv-A railteftl cure. Mk; nt Clliw. .1. niubk.T. H, Wthwart. I,. O. fiiVndlo.-or of Ktt’s !>' uj» Co., 1’lilIa. Pa. i'loaie try tt.

La w n M o w e rs .It you want I o liavo a noat lawn It iiH|ulrPH Iruijuout outlliiKr- aiul wo

'- JiaveJust tlio niaoliiiio Hint, will do — I lin-wnrk.lo porfiJutloii. We liave llv«

iliirurunt. kinds tn aoicet frqjii, and' ita * wjijiave liamllnil llmne inaulilriop' for tlie past toil years wo luo nuve tlu-.y will give saUsfiu'tion.. TI10 Jii'li'ti fitarts at $3 50 and runs-up'to #12.50,

Green Wire ClothWhile tlio ]irico wa# low wi> BPCiiri'd a laruo quantity of the cloth and uro

' going to give customers some bar* gains. / Wa have itlu galvanized and copper-ns \velI, ; \Vru have chicken .wire tlmt we aro selling .by tho roll or. less at rock bottom prices.

Fiejd and Garden UtensTis. •' • - I 1 . ' ..*!

Kteol, wood n n d wire rakes, hoes, irnuiH I’llirdi'N, prniiitiii siuiart., liand

■ iiiows, seed .drills, Biilliv.fitorii, pl«wn, wiieelbarrows' and ntliur eoods lou iuiinorons to tncln tion,

- \ y. .

Butchers.’ Articles* - . ■ • . jfV, v~" ...

8 <uites, (wav.'i'fi.^l.eolH, knivop, tijwn.- i^ ;~ A il iirliii® nro- Buaftiiitwtl ti> l|i> a-

. :vpi’oneiilri|,... ■ . . ■ . ■

J . / > . N E W L W

1 7 3 M ain S tre e t. A S B U R Y P A R K

J o h n N. B u rtis : " UNDERTAKER

70 8 jVlattlaon AvenuoCofiliiH an I lluriiii CaHltntB (in lialiil or

furulrthuJ U; onlur. ^ .

Page 4: WILL FAY ASSESSMENTS FOR SALE - DigiFind-It · Tlii rtl avenue.' Tho sign ‘was *1x5 feet "and boro t ho insorlptlon ^Union Steiini_.TiniTi^ dry of-Nowark;,,-“Thtr polico; liavo

■ w- -Y


The Daily Press.J . I , . K I N M O X T II ,


1’U U L I C A T IO X O F F I C E i - .- • 6 0 7 J W e u u e , A s im r y I 'u r l t , N . J .

TKLErnONl£ c a l l s : K -E d it-o ria l-itoo ins * ’0*1

B u sin ess O f f i c e , . >-tn • . . . . . . . . . . . . i . OUO

Tiauis <>r si;useiti i’i;io>r: i, l i v e n i n g T b l l t io p .

•O ne y e a r S t r ic t ly hi a d y a n c e ) . ■ f **a- «a<n-,(Xi.MOll«3 WOOk..

Kb itflo copies :....... .•. J t l o r i i i i ig K i l ii io n ( . r u n e l« S e p t e m b e r ) . . Ten, weeks. ...... 1.. .Tv * . 1 SOne* WL‘«l£*. . . . . ; . . . . . V i - . . . . ........ >}'-S h itfe 'co p le s . t v. . . .. . . *.v-.

. A d v e r i j s l i ig -R a le s m i A p p l i c a t io n .


BEAUTIFUL TABLEAUX .liiilertnbinu'n* fiiveu ait ’i:d ii<'u1 ionnl Hall

.. J,a.sl -Nlglit ()ne of tht* Ment .Kvev . .LiWeiilT-U-rb.v bocal' Managers. . ,

' Tho; only ppoititiup: fe.-tj urc of t.I»i“i ’ntlmiinli.lt> cnnTi-n iinnont. giviui Irist even-• ing•• in.KducaiidtinV hull by tht* young l is t e r s V liieh ha vrv go ni»: before. ■ Notli-ladies.o( Tri nItv* KplseoparVhui-tdi.was„tho

■ fe\\M*neojxs*a.lIowvd. Tin* tiddeaiitf wufcu- *g‘> well eone>tvei.|. so gracefully and aeuiir- •atfly rendered, the costumes s»> entirely In k ey in g with Tlio .su I>’ject ijiutter. tlint a

■jseeo-titl glimpstmvus .indeed ino.-^desirnblo to tho large audK'nco'piVsont. ’

'ilio program const ?jh*d ol’ -JS ..niimht.MS.; the innjtM*ilyof- which w*iy sre.iH*s I’t'om

t h» * Idtvst ’books ;i mlV plhys. 1nol tided' i n the .list were conoH't'i^m “Bayid lidni n.i/‘

• iMjnr1w?--Mofct*iiith.” ‘'Uiehard . Carvel/-’-;. “PHsom yof I! ope/* uThe Parson Is I hi t-

terlly/’-' “tl’lu* U i t le Minister!’' * 'fcistcr Mary," “Pride of ,1'enhiep,” ‘‘O^Uljonic-

’ .stead/’ •'.XlwiXlivat Ruby" aml <»tlHiis.■ WurtUy'of iKit'iioulai* nolo wasiho^vt*^; ding seeiie froio ‘*Tho’Paivo'u's ]}»((erHy/’. Mis. T. i l . CNiilliy^was' as s>v(vt.and ptvUy a hrlilo a s ‘"one’would cun* Vo sej'. and

.. tho other aetois in the see a e. Mr. ,Toh nsoi^ Air. Towner uml Miss* Leel;!ori woro.also athnjrab.lol Tht* ehuriulng olTi'(.‘t was eoii- MdtM\iJ>iy hiM Httin»ii !’iy the sitiyin^ of tho,

. wording auifch by a quai'trUe hehlnil thi? *v >xvnos, .

A) i o tli ev settle X\ mi su a 11 y av<4 1 n?ce iy oil• •. was froiu ‘’The l/itt io ^llrnster." Mb's

Knima ' Li'ulvhir m ado a jao^t wlu.s<*uiov “.UaJjhxe/* and “Nuiiaii’”.-(Miss I*;. Sudth),

: am i “ T ho U tth s Mini.-iH!i-|AIv. M /fr ,V nof).WorvNiUn invproaohalile: . Thel stahhinj'

.... R'umTTroiu “Phrosti* :^vas.llui'rht and eloviM% Mr. Clare act* I lutrleik ( Luiii Whoa l ley.)

• anil Miss Cura Fiaeh (,l111rosc>).holh in oos- t unit* a nd post? well L‘t‘pi-e<ontjii^ tho,,ohai‘-

• - aeUTS,.'; V* - ,• , '' • The diiol iii -t lu ^ l’ride'-of .J'tMinloorr- . was iiiustmted by Mi'.Olurry AVutson aiul-

Mr. Sloan. Jt w asa diJliolilt- post.-' bm life­like anil natural.* ..A nol'lu>V ,4‘avdrlto was tlie “Old Homestead.":

J5i*sidj.s t hi * tab! miii x: tliqre Avvn>- so vi 'l’a11 .seloot-ions*l»y Miss '.i)\irrh:v Lyo'n, piano;

- ~Mrir«s-1-lilt:an< u*--I si\ n««*,-vio! i i) ,~a iui_,.L J3oi;ly.> r i-l-ht*-

’c!e llo / Miss U. ^niith also gave .several vocal selocuVnS' which were iiighiy (ip-

• jihimled. . 'y ? ...... ^ 1 4 ^ L. Ibfliolyn i etla iiv highly j)ii»a>«d

' t heaiH liornv hy ho r w h is tllh ir soKmilid wa-s

vbcalartisfc tltul w as W a n uly- freei.v.ftl, a ri vvas P rof. \\y. Ls‘ U'raTHl-'Ilowland. rn ie

. J 'a rlier-Ht >wl wen* als<) plea sin*'.-1 w udditiijn to t hose mem'u.mVil uhoV

• iiit‘ ’fo llow ing 'perfo i'iiic !^ .’i-niii rihnteil IV? t..lii» st ii*eessI W ill ia ni . 1 u 11\\>!o'n. laVenet1

- Mrs. J lo w n n j T ay lo r. M.js? J e n ­nings, Mr. U ainianL Miss A. J , P ra tt ;

i ss. A < ,.M.; 11‘ >1 tit..’ ss- Mi \ry ! 11 »vv lai id 1 M r. .\iooiv. Mrs: AV.- W . Uavis. MUs U.

Next Session May Put Another Star In the Flag.


IS It S'lio VH it i*t»ii«iInilon of FflUr UiiudW d *ri»o«iKsinil. M’tnere WJll .lit1? No It edsun I’or A»l»» t l’<tn*iv o —*I 'l l e I W t l <>'iiriuLj l«V«. .

AV a Sill x otqn.. June o. j Special.;! —- Th('_ siunT ses^inu-of this muta*ess. hv-; «iiles bein^r,rusli.e<l. w itU m any nic;i -* lires tlmt luive -idveu: talked about and' wluHi political, necessity has pgstpou- ed in 1 this session.,- niay take up aiul' ]ut.<S‘ a m easu re ,\\iiieli luts n o t been eve*a jaeutloned durih^ th e : lon^^ «es- sioii, I reft'i; to the hill U'liuvviii OU- lal’ioma to. form a state -govetiiinent and :at.iiil!ssiyn 1 v» the 1 ’utoii. . llefcoro Jh.is congress,eiuls il. wt>ulU uot he stir- prlsLii.i.to s.ee aiiotlrer/stai* onMlie tla£ aud the “iorty-sixtli; statu .om* -of’ Ihe

ini> (ias-.l;teeu done ahoift t ho .admission; o rtiew states at this Session because It w a s . k h o wiiy -t o I le^li bso 1 ut ely . usel ess. The powrrs tliat he ra ve an early.iinll- eatioil 11lsVt-tciTiiorit‘.s lieeil tuitr nx'ilHy. a a d. be.n»ud • I he i ut ro il lie-t ion o f >, i) ills .' not ii iu^'luis bvt'ii.i/oiie. . l»iit‘there, w i l l . he a dilVereiit uspeet:t0 the easy atjlii*

.short session. The* census will lulye been eotfiplvU'd. ntul UkKihpiun,- if it eon ies 'ui> to tin* el a I ms. of. its Trieud^.. will s'now a piijliilatTuii uE 4i>i),()i)U.pco- 1]\ii*.Jillil tlic]*e w ill ln> lio leyithilliti?' renson for.ileiiyiiii; a' territory o f that size and oue which cannot b< classed as a tntishfouin •seith'ineiit, Lnit a sti'ict- ly ajrriciUturiil and lionio people; the 1'iyh’ts o f equality with other states.-

1 ;rhe PnlltivN -or It.Thou there .-will, be polities in it.

There Iras, bei’U Ui the hiliuissiou ot:;ijll t lie st a tes o f I lie I 'i\ i< ni. sti fa t* ns I hi:v*u been able -to 'see. ln v thc ante* bollttm <j:iys states w erii’aduijtted. in pairs, one i ’ree .nnil tine shire. Jf-tho p.i!rI y com plvxiui) oT con^rcs.^ ivas*' the sam e.us the pro|>:il,»le pariy_leaniu.sr,s of ii territory., it whs.created a state, but il is a too well esliibllshi'd fact to need any argument. * Tarty uuosiion* have served to out Arizona. Xew Mex­ico and UUlaiioiim. soinetinies.Uceatise thV*y, were 1 iUely;lo j;o 3>ouiocratic,.blit am inly because they w ere, alt no si sure to add to tho silver strength iu the sen-, nt e.sidniission luis bocn postponeil. Un l!/'-". CloYelnni U w lie iv a 11 I nmi'ehoy-: oF i li v <> rni) lent' \v cvv~ trtnniTcratti^rir\v:i s \Veli liii()vvn t hilt tlie sllver.. lean- iuy:s uf the territories prevented any lict io n hel n ir t a ken loo k Iii# to t he * a <1* ■tpissiou o f ,ne\v states. The eoiiduy (‘lection i a ay I iavomaV bearing ti{/ou the niaf-t eiv for i f t ho ter r it or ies accept *4h^

-*1 tf H o m - p o l i t -K '^ -o t- l-h o -H e p u b l ic iH i-p iU 1“t y,rn ? n i i i m i r i ut n i~ a tn 117^ ii elui.Ve a ‘ e la iin u p o n thiiL p a r ty w hicli c an n o t w ith .t,ro«)d.re a so n b e d en ied , es- iM'.ciully i f tlii* <‘c n su s s h o w s a ” i^pi'tulit*' t h n r - j n t l i e i r 'f.Tv m . . If snnu* o f -rh t? sil-

JN esldt,. i i 11 it(*s . i i s s . t o n a i: t K pm* iii.M i'".* W . T . I rubl lard. M iss” K ihir. : Sliss: Jit lva i>vun. iMiss Cuoi%\.Ciaivncu Am'k<T, M iss C Ji-a .l-’inirh, i.ifta-'jrt- K h > e ld . - > li> s

• .La ur.'U; Li irdj Kdwa r» lT (",• \Vyelo »iT. Mi>s C’i»ojMM'iM tss .V 1 UaVi.r. aiid. -Mrs- I f..i l. 1 V h 'is o n ^ w h u ;'t«iv»*- A-v/'rht.‘cjsi.vIId\i-

• jiintit 1-^ d c ^ y ‘ , ./•. __ M1 |n* • eon 1111 it fee*, i 11, ehll r^LidV .tJiecY! Mli_ wit's- 'coi tt po set 1 1 u t M i ss. • • Ma'rV 1 low 1; Iti’d. Miss, L uune L o rd ;; Mi: s c’ora F inch : M iss' Ai ii >1 * ne P r a t t , , M iss.vA nn 111 nil a nil Miss^ (*1 M’lie 1 ii i 1\ -if* i«‘li 1 ijd: l\VM is. 'Hntf’na ^ 'o iv a rd an d yti'hari. ?•

KcyJiTTni's "ofilisi/i'iit'iy.t-n, Viii n'ur^.lijllin'un'. ♦lyhnsoii, ‘ifi at. prtVen l i it l‘ei,l iic .heaiih . J.mi' si i I k nili nacres .1 o'. 11 iuve a i i<;u i - s<>nie.'yliat;',

• J lo - is a W t t;he <>ide-t"fhurt-h ‘ineiuiief' re.* sitli.ii-r’li» ilie t i>w/j. Ka viu-ir In.‘t• i) ii nin-iii ber nf .1 In*.itet'oi’Hieduhnrcli siiicc it.- iir^atd/.a?

. 't iu h , a n d h a s f o r a n u n t h e r 'o f -1 y e a r s lieen ; a it. i*kk;r i ! a ri;i*h^.,vM-i ...1 ohn siiU ,’;is

‘ t h e 1 >|tli',st e h M Mi inM il l ivi<;rVii^t tf tosi<ie;)\ft 1 .- a m L iiL y e ’i r s : ' 11~^lot s l.ivoi 1 i t c K e ^ (jt».rt/;l> ir

iiko'h 1 h a y e a ts . ‘ ‘* l ie - ; is . ^vi t i> t irie ex:* *e o | i i i o p ; 1 he* o iHos \r 1 i y ijUu’- . ^ ' t i \ til i t e «if I t \ 1 f ■■ p*rs eo| Jep*. h|i\-i 11 j r ' g ra tli ii ii od V fiMur that . ( -•lie-t':* i ll i v Ji, V. ' ‘ -

v»ir s ta te s , .us U ep u l>1 leans l u n r d a i m , sh<i ii Irt-sVciiVir 1 fi 1 o-' 11 ttt^^Vri*^tfl TC’ rt'o i> tri.v lie a n p a r ty ,- th e re ' w ould .be no rea so n 11 r ! )ei ievc jlit 11 A ri xo ua a m 1 5 :e w M ex-,

•ricor^n* itfcl^-ismri- i 111 tjwisf-zlJ ra 11 -M o RLaua- Ida iii* a u d i ’o io ra d u i t i ib** silNWT nttc;?* .tio n 'u ri? liUolj* n i.h av e Llieir po litie s a f- ft'o ie il by th e w h ite liietiil. T h e t.erri- io r ie s ^ ire s u re m lio iioartl from b e fo re th e M<»£e■ o i’ 1 liis c :jftipafxll. ‘. • . OC)r«l»‘ r «)1‘. ll*t» <-i«r*ui t io i i J ’ :■ 'It'll a s . I »t *ci on e iv in 1 w it a l l . o vcvr th e

1/n i«-i.*il St a ies how . sifciw . P r e s id e n t

THE ICE TRUST.R o « s e v c l t W i l l T n k v X o A e i lo r a n t

, 1 . I ’r v w o i i l . ■ /Albany. Jane TS;—Uov.enior n<i«oeveit

arrived- here from tin* st.ate* camp at Pt{eksUiH nt ti:U) )». m. ami aeeordiu^ tn 11 u sirrauireiiieiit wjth Attorney (icuer.d 1 bivies joiiiHl that oliieinl in consultation al.'tbe mansion at 7:*'»() o’clock, A t the rtoifhisi'Ul vf. the eoniVroitYr, which \i a> l)::!0 4m*I«m'I{. the pivei;ti«jr. (junle file («.*!• lvwiux staienienl: - I , 1 ...

/ ’A* ropuils tlie/ico^trnst 1 lntvi?d*s leiie«I carefully t«» the‘/m*jrunieiits V htilh* s it it's, .\ I'l'. I l*\ 1'3 i n s t ei n f o r t h c OCi *\v VorU*Joitrnul and Mr. .K.Xoble Iltiys foi tJie .r\'e\v Vorli WoHtL 1 liave hml a hm.y eousii Ital ion v wi II h " the • at torney’.jrenenii

* w,lid lias-Kept- ine In close touch With ft lie ea<e and of the.action lie deems* proper iu It. It is a ease of^siich jj;leat*Vaii«l l’ar-

^•eat’hiiifjj iipportance und ipieWtions of . stu irr.ave. a nature lire, involvetl, espeeiaily in K'.wud in' those" holdiuj: ot!it‘ial ,p<»5<i f tinhs-in the'Vity'jrovernniuiit, that jlie yt'- lorsiey {Tfiicrah' tlesires_ to. p> int«» both Ilie. taels, and tlu* .law witrli .exhaustive tlioro'iiLdiness; before dee.idi 11 jr' w hat • ac­tion In.- will talvcv tind I ciinlially a|flyi’ witji, his7 aftitade. It'iti a juTliei:d’.'pri>-

Vr-t'dihg into whieh it iA •needless to say that iio person:),1 or party ‘eau-siiloration will be alhnyed for i;ne moment, to ’ eii- teiv” ; '..;. " -; ’ . . *' ■' • • ' • •.-The *iM.>nsiMisus iff. opinion ‘nnioittc law- yers-liort* is that tlie yovernt»i\ wilj ealj ;i; sp’eeial jrraiul jury to iuve.srffate-the al* leyet 1 offensys ajraiiist tl(e antitrust law.

FiLlPJNQJ-OSSES. ; 1 ....T l i e ' h i I,h O v e r T e n

rl '! i O i i s u iu L \"W as h i lly t o n . J u n e o ;— S c e r e t a r y I to o t

l ia s i i ia i le A n s w e r t o t l i e s e i i a t i i r e s o h i- tit a i i n ip t i r i n ^ a s to, t h e n u m b i't* . o f Fiii'- p ino .s l i i l i e d a n d w o u n d e d a n d t l i e n u m ­b e r o f p r i s o n e r s t a k e n s i n e e t h e in s i ir - r e e t i i i t i - b e g a n . I L a v iiu r 110 d e ta i l e d in- f i i n i i iu l o n on th e s u b je c t , t l i e s t» c re ia ry eii id l 'd tin* i m in i ry t o t x e i i e r a l . M itc A r t b u r ; e o i i in u u id iu j r a t M a n i l a , a n d .re c e iv e d th e ' f o lh iw l f i ^ r e p l y , w h i c h w a s s u b m i t t e d lo e o n jr r i 's s : * ']■* . . ~ - ■

“ iV it l i ,re fe re iu M ! to y o u r t e le p ra n v . o t 2 2 d u l t . f l 'i ! i p i n o s .J i i l l e i l , 10 ,T S ();- w o u n d - e ii , i!f: lt> i; c a p t u r e d a n d s u r io n i io r e d , l i M i . ^ ; n u m lj i i r p r i s o n e r s in o u r p o s s e s ­s io n .a b o u t X o s y s t e m a t i c r e c o r do f F i l i p in o c a s u a l t i e s a t t h e s e hein liiiiav * t e r s . T o red o in g :, e o n ip i ie d ” f r o m la r g e n u m b e r r e p o r t s m a d e im m e d ia te l y a f t e r e n p i i r c m r n ts . . is a s eli»st*, a p t i ro x i in a t io n a s in u v p o s s ib l e .p w in j? t o w id e d i s t r i b u ­t i o n . i»f . t r o o p s . 3 i u r e a e c i i r u t e i ’o p o r t A vould t a k e w e e k s to . p r e p a r e . X u n ib e r r e p o r t e d k i l l e d p r o b a b l y in e x c e s s o f ac- e i i r n te f ig u r e s : n u m b e r r e p o r t e d w oifm lV il p n d i a b l y m iic l i g r e a t e r t l i a i i r e p o r le t l , aft n i i p i n o s m u m m e d t o ■ . r e m o te m o s t , w o iy o le i l f r o m f ie ld , a n d 'e tim p a ra t. iv e ly - . f e w fe l l i n to o u r h a n d s . O t i ie e r s o f h ijr li r a n k a n d d a i i j i e r o u s n n d s u ^ p i e i o u s m e n ' l ia v u b e e n i l e t a i n e d a s p r i s o n e r s ; m u s t o t h e r m e n d i s c h a r g e d <>n JiiM d a s 'S o b i i iu«. d i s a r m e d . L’r o p o s o to r e l e a s e nil* b u t v e r y f e w p r i s i in e w n t e a r ly , d a t e . ? . ...

Mr. Vs. S. W iirTju^iii.fcr'of tlis Fii st. ai i on a l-Biinltof VriiitUrtiift - iu wa: i ir ’t'n:-

• ceut. letter gives .^aic.- ex[VenoiK'C' wit-li a caVp^iiter in his employ, that, will b‘f» tit

-value toothnr inecliauies. Hu gays; “I Inuj ii Carjit-ntcr' vvorkintj .:ur ,me who' was nhfiyed to stop work for several days' tin i|rer>aiit of beimi :t rbii.bled with tilan hoca.

».ii juw Alwiwi- f o,iii.w), )&}} 1. vA.vkwJ „ j "*y M Ih tily troubled .aiul that Olinuu»£rlidnV

; Co lie. Ohoiera and. Uiiirrtloui'V Ktun'ed v lwfl enfed me. Ue.t<oUuht7 a hotne-of irM'o’m tho liru^iat liero- and in form eii me that, one (lose^uri?d,nun, mid he is ayraiu at his

:w o r k | For sale by Thomas Jd:' sUw.ni t, '. corncr &obtTinui ttvenue.aiuFliond"^stJtiet." ,


.Vic KiikiIey j s i n rhe iii;lit er o f, t'efusi njr an .npjdicam M uuethin^ '‘ -that he

, \ya nt.s. a tul, many .■•stories. a re : jrol nir <ifnitiiil-abuiit Ills w ay iif'tnrHiii,!; down ] iei*j il e a ml vy fusi 11^ t he ir retiuesi s a n d 'iiufiiiii.tr theiii fctd w ry comfortable about ‘it, „ Olie ,-of. I ht-v stories nbotit

; VVasljinirtou :is : iliat President :«MciKiii- -l^v-liiis-inui|Uod-Vht?^i)rtlor-(iftla,-(.-:ir-- lia'Lion/' . Tbosi^ who. utiirfto if ‘are -! iie u wl 10 ’h'a ve': iroiio'; u ( tiie., AS’ If ite Lio i| se for souu? \ ui rticu 1:1 v ’) »i ifj uise tt nd iiiv’1»;j |}V«f< 1 i.t 1 tr't’u [i,ii .jr'i i ait. eoiue !i;\\'iiy w Iti 1 ii". jn*I,Lfii t -i'ed riovve r i ipou i ho fa pci 01: {litdr c« »;i tsv Tlii*; pff'side n t v a I ways, t u^kes bis visitors •fei.d. at, liomc, , a mi when lit* cannot irraiitvit request he is said'.t o 1 ruck frtdn his own uoat n; car-.I ii 1 tl 0 ri, >v 111 ii - j t Ire us mi i l.v woi 1 rs, a 1 id phiV’i >s it r i u I hiv but I ou hole o f h is v is­itor's ; ei-:a t- w if lj, some ll 1 e<> express il >fl \yiij«-h lea ves Hie ap p ii 1*1111 f • w it i roil t oti.it.4o_ fiir c p in p la in t . 11. is ;i.uidersioiuiI I ia t: j ii if ii■" who becon 10- nit ‘iui»*rs- of 1 1 u > . )tiler of 11 > 1 * i.’a rna tinn'J are those.

^ w } ^ |^ r^ '^ -n e T “ at tyi lril ! i |> a t \ ho Will If.', J'Loiise ejceepj > i r o o d won is?a nd a pretty" tlV -^or.: 1 n *• the eniit^e o f a i f . ad in inis- trjti'itiu- tiiere. a iu .1 kuti^L-to ,b e “a . tcr»>;iI- iuatjy»-‘nien w jio jn in . ’t lTis .o rders b n t th e y a rc n o t llk<*^c.tu say 1111 tel 1 jiiiout it./ > ' Fiirt,v-f»iir Ak<1.u,-; »\UUnHii; .Pitt.: Iv•lfujsry- t».f 1,011 ishinil; \\*11* i is Lrouij4 t o a t ti-ni. I 'dii s eley e ut j i’ l uii t i 01111 i con ve 11 t.iou as, a delotra lt‘;. receiV- **d a cireular the pther^ay invit Ujy liim •tojM‘ P,i,es«,iit 11 Lsi ci*b*bratii>ii a#t :lllotnn- jiu/ton,, Ills,, of tho aihiivOrsarv- uf.iin* 1 n;st ■lU‘3>nbiicaii.rollveiii-iiiu^ ditld-~in "Il­linois tin May UU, 1WU., .Uoye^noiv L\»d-‘ h w a s t>ne o f t ho dob*^atbs to t.lutt, eo n.venL ion , 0 f wide h ■ t lieiV*' a rVr ini xiy I Hit 1 ij..-survi;yurs,__v.!J± rodoi.jil*r_ohs t i 10: com 1- tr.v' !ii;i inile:t'/': said • («<sve'riifTr Ivelluirti,.;ktd u tt e nd tlia t convent-t011 a n d eiis t ' ’rhe elltin* V o te ‘o f uiy 5:011 l i ly / ’. ,-A n^ai^ t lii!.1 a>-survIvors ai;e| Vlu’. ta h‘it*s; of f jeueral •X< il if 1 Jt lier,-a tuanrwi t b a-re n «i ?:lirrni liftrjiiidT I n nir-pubt i c-1 c; 1 rue n ^ A n o 11 ii*r is doiiit Vj. Nicolay, wju>/Avas very close, i o I 'i vsi da ti t- ‘LiJiml 1 "nl-Viri . j fie- - cjy il- \var a'uiL.. Who•'collaborated with tho prcsent. .seer<;tary pl> stsi ir?..ill a 11 fe n f

• «< T r * n P 1 » ill iU > tw c » .\Vashin.i:tO!u dune 5.—An. ex pert esti­

mate of tiie -sanitary comlititms ainoiij; the troops in tlie Philippines is altonitMl b y a ppl tlished let ter froni* one .o f the {iniiy.nurses in tlii* Manila hospital, from "WfiU’li tiii.s.extract was taken: “The taiosA\diui—suii\iati—illl—Lire—texri.lilej.tipi d t* ji.ll c u t..tVvor-iiHtUo-Kuutli-ihniu’4 r the--.mom<u:»lilc!. siuuuior o f 1 S!LS liml th e wt>rlc I u tc eont- p d ia iiv e lv lijrht. T lie re *ls a litlle ty- phniil fever, th o m ajo rity o f "ineiiieal eases'*at present beinjr m a la r ia am i dys- t;!lit-i y. i Imse w lio/ll.avr lu t'il iu i f salli- rien ily b u u j n have soon a .'iiiiijy sOasnii

-tf l I—tt?*—»*t—llfre— ivwHdHNfrd—i-bin; e.%pe<*t * I ii »t ween tii /• inm iths n f J u ly and l)t*fi*iiiber, w lien th e ho sp ita ls are- ovt-r-

.'.ni.ii.jvii h pal it/nts siiiTeriutf f r om llieu- ni:iii>m a nd pn eu m o n ia / T h e percenttm e of ilhie<s aitinny th e tiW ips. hoW<*ver. is sm all. :is is also ihe tion ill. ra te o f theliiisiiitals.'* ' ‘.. ••. .---:- <kI

. J l i i r t1 I . i im l r » r S r H l e r w . f,Washiii^t«»ti. J u n e *».—A emifererico

aifret.nieiit h:»s.bei*n .read ied «m 11 billwl-irii will open t «* settlem en t abou t

--»4 uu.on'o ,-ieres of public, la ml. _Semi n»r Sii'Mip to' 1 1 hihi)|. 1 lidtfi 111 dly pn»ljpseti a UilT«i)»einiiy h» "se.ttbai.iiMit? the Vdtl P o r t - H all (Ida.I ini lira ry.. ‘re servation , con ia in iu^ -about ■iuo.uoo at-ivs. \ Jielejrafe . Klyim in the-"hiutse*sei.*nred an aniendnienl'•sln.t- Ua rJy <<|M*wij(fir .a t r a c t . <»/ ahoii t ll.ODn.i )i )0

jaeii-s 'ui:\,Thr‘-R im v a 51 nd. Qonianehe lands sm ith west . ' O klahom a, T h e confer-

tfaiee. In is . eoyei'<i<1...4iiau^ w eeks and has htvtai—very_stubbui:n,Lliut_ajd_ii^tUL‘dJtl.!<!n_ y este rd ay th e h inds will bii. opened as sintod! ‘'rin* I jid ia iis . Jiist, reeoivo ilii ^al- 'lotnient nf-JIk lafionni [amis o f ai-res en.e ii', wi th - -/iS0,( HJt V ac res to Ue hohl • in eoiiiiuoiii hy.,'tiiein , th e -b a la n c e ,o f the 2,111 HUMH> iuri;es dudnu opened to hdilie- stead se ttle rs a t '^ l.o ll per ilero. ,

'The knowledge .that I.! can’.,., call, up my'Kouse out ofttown, .!j from rn|Mpnice in the city,' is a great-comfort. *•

The New Vork and-New’



BOXERS UT TIEN -TS IN J P R O P O S A L SWithin Four Miles...of the City, but Residents Feel Confident:

FOWEHS. MTJ3T AOi 3HMEDIATELY.... ..-_j— = i ' „ '■ j .ti'""'

C orrcaiiom lvnt AKKortH ChlueHc <it>v v rn iu eu t W ill \ o IU*l»re»Hlve

WUImmM Coi*ii»u?»1«n—li3u- v o ik u a tiM A r e U l H s l h s .

London/ .Tune 5.— A dispatch trom Tien-tsjn, dated Bionday, >;n.vs:

“Tlie* Boxers, atv - reported' four mile's ’bit, and tur attuck-is ,e.\peeted. Kvvry- tji.iji i>; iVnd’y,' atiil the'residents are 0011- lideut. 'f’hirty-live tJerimiii jnarines-t jir- lived hen 1 this.1 evening. Three Itolfdan engineers linve hrrived. The J^reneli coii-

• Hiij say«* 1 1 nre still missing, but tliere are hopes of saving live.”

‘Tien-tsin, which has a population ot Ood.dOO, is distant 8 H miles fro hi IVkiii^. liy ihe, treaty sigiVtl. in 3y“»8, the .port, was deelareil open. . The city is on the ri^it bank of the Pei-Iio and is mile* froin its nniutli. T |ie foreign settle.mgiit is si t u a ted t wo miles, bi *1 o w- t lie' city 'a nd consists of three etineessions. tlu; Prench, •nearest .the.'city; theu.: the British sind 1: 1 tly the American. ;

Advices i'rotyi. lNrivin of yesterday’s Vluti? ?i|jiy: , • - . '[ *

‘‘Most iibtriniiig reports*.ai'o constanlly nriMvinR fro.in . the eoalitry, especially frorii Paotiii^ Fu. Tlit*,tekwaph wires fHitvr'Velfin^ tivlUTcTi.uijr If ii lire cut, ami

. nil news 140111 es via. Tieii-tsin.— 1~“It is persistently'•rep<a,teil tli:iit ri seri­

ous crisis exists at the palace, ‘ The .ultra conservative party advocates not taking repressive nica sit res/ nrjriti the dowager empress to allow the Hoxers to .lhiish the..worl»!_of ilrivlnii .the* foreijiucrs out. oT the; country, tiie nioiielate party,- led by.Priiiets'Cliiiijr, reproseiftinjc tlie serious diiiij'cr o f proyiililijr a eon il let with .the powers.

“it is impossible to confirm or deny thev*i*eport, • but si^nitiean.t indications o f the feeling o f the government toward for­eigners are eohtniued .ixi the attem pt, to arrest Lin, O’hinese' niahairei* of the .Pe- kiii£ syndieati?; Kla. chief of 4he Shansi commercial hiireau, mid Kun, • a ‘leading banker of Shnnsi,’on the ground that they tire ‘danyenUis eharacti'ts/ but in reality because..they__iirti .ounnected, with.-ne.w British enterprises*. •

“Portnnrvtely ail of them were absent, flial t hey hare, nat yt-l been -’arrested. Tho British minister, ri>ir Claude .Mae* donald, has' ntitlrcssetl -ii note to th e tsubgdi-yamen demanding why Uu;''ar­rests wore ordered/'

B o x e r * B u r n I l a l l v r t t y S t n t t o n , > iXisphtclies f rom . Tien-tsi 11 - of , -yester­

day's <1 ate sii> * .. . .j “Huang-tsuilv“the next station to Fenjc*

tni, wns ‘bnriie.d this morning and ti bridge was dnniaffeil.

‘.‘Tratlie betVet‘ji .Tien-tsin and Peking lias again heen suspeutjj.xL • . - " '

* ‘I t: i s . repo 1 1 ed tliat L'acitinjr l ,-,ii was at­tacked. last night. ; ^Ir. Robinson of tlie North China mission' not ^5r, Steveiisoi) of the .Church of RnglamX mission at Yem--chiujr,r,as :lir>t reported, is miss­ing. ami. live native Christians linve been murdered n t V,i\ n^-cliiiig, ‘Mr. Xormau of the satne inlssiun was capturcd^at

J)yji,-S’hai:y ii !g,__tw o _jni Ies froni Y a n>- <•11 ing- a 11 iL is. 5 iu c iui 1 l , d a mrer.

**It. is report<*d from 1 ’noting Pa that eight Americans ami ihn-e membi*rs t»l the Chi ua Inland mission aro missiui, (iriive fears nre entertaineil for. the mis-

V i n n a r l e s . ‘ ’ “ r : : * :Tho. Daily -Mail Inis the following t.lis

luLi Ji. ibiti. ;1 ^L->uday^fium-SliajLi:liai4- . *fJ-ater re por is froni 'i'ien-t sin sh_i»w that no British, or Auierit*:in liiissmua- rit*s_ were among/ the n-fuAees who' o - t-Hpetf lfom. Pao tiiii;-fu " district. T-lit* safety of. lbe seven fi»reign»*rs still missi. iii ’ is despaired of. . Twenty*three of'lh*.* 1*V»‘Ui-li ami • Iblglah |iarty nrrived Wpumb-d a 1 Tieu-tsin after lerrildc suf­ferings.’*

'rin* Tiines. dealing .editorially thin morning with the Chinese situation; al­ludes Ui the immensij* JU'iJish interests in Chiim -and - ihe. emtfintms .daina^o—Lu.

. Bids will be recelvotl by ‘tho mnyor^faml couucil of Lba borough of Avon-by-tne-Spa for tlie romovul of garbngo atid.ofTal from Juno 15 to Octobor ), 11)00, la ncconJancc with an ordinance pnpstd reJatingto paine. Said proposals to bo In nnrriater than J uno 11. lC.ceerve. tJw'riBlHMo xeject any and all OTsT '7*r J.. Lzt •


Tho Rond 5o ii'oimne is through prlntor’s ink.—y..? tJarmun.

S o c i a l J u tP cy n se fiig H rs 'A dvortiscm tintR conuitn in j? n o t- m d re th a n

tw e n ty -h v e v.-or«l«' h isflru-d w id e r th is heoriliiK f o r tw eaty-Ilw o c c n ts llr s t ’tnHertfon n n d lltteon cen tu M cli 8uhso<iuont m sc r tio u .

FORA tlno 11 v.vr S room !ion«e w ith A ll. m otlon i Ini-

n ro v eiiio a ia fo r th e se iv o ti, t>ilur,te(l o n "V itl F lf l li nvoniio ; u rn ry til in g CirBtciass. F o r rntoi* ODd iu fo ro ia tto n n d d m :s ho x ■fi t , P reaa onie**.

• • ' J:Vl :rr

W A N T K D .\ t**ll m ati t o n c b m ro o tm a n ; niust- n o t Vf t^ss

t t i a n l l i t , A pply a t o u co a t b te in b a c h ’ti lllmn- m o th . . •* ‘ hK ltr

w a n t e d , —Qoc»il secow dhoud row ljon t, c h e ap f o r c a sh . Ad*

d ro ss b u x M . P re s s o fllce. UPl*

/—,—li it. 1.

q -

S i T O A T I O N W A N T E D ,A r e f la e d j la d y w ith tfu i y e n rs ’ ercperlence de-

s ire s p o s itio n in h o te l o r .l'oan llnK house*- a s b e a d liouR ekeeper o r a n y p o s itio n o f t r u s t ; b e s t ref*r- e n e es . ' .A d d ress M rs. Bray* 111) 1 D ln iu 's i re f t . As- l a j r ^ a r t e . ' ' • . PPiai*

P I A N O I K 8 T R I / C T I O N .P rof. J . a H rapol, A s b u ry Pftrk Sfcutlio, Room

2* I 'o ito fH ee B u ttd lu g , T h u rs d a y s , 1) to G o ’clock .

W A N T E D .B y .a n o a t, .in te lliK en t c o lp re d e l r l ,- p la c e a s

c b n n ile rn u d i t o r -«-ail4,ess....._ ..A lex an d ria . A d- d res s P . O. b o x 071 ' lil'lf

W A N T E D ..Uy a y o 'n itf m an (p a r t ia l ly c rip p led ) a s i tu a ­

tion as s te n o g ra p h e r a n d ty p o w r lto r . I s a ls o ii. Kooct te le g ra p h e r W a re a s s p e r w eek , A ild re ss Box W, t r e s i otilee.

I O R R E N T . ~Tw o v e ry d e s b n b le H its o a C o okm an a re m io .

A p p ly t o M ila a l to s s A K fitey.

F O R K E N T ,A (iro n ra c o tta R p w i th y n s , fcleetrlc I lf ii i t ,w a te r

an d b a th hi W est A ab u ry t ’a rk , ■ A d d ress l lo x W P re ss oftlce, » i:t ta »

W A N T E D .H o o rn ' a n d b o a rd f o r y o u n g c o u p 'e a n d

c b tld '1!) m o n th s old; g o a d ta b l e ; u d a r i l t e b c a eh ; t e r m s rea s o n a b le ; p r iv a tu /u n liy e r en ta il hn « rd i h o u se . '* A d d ress ' F . 'AV. f . , rfostoffleiv Hox P.JV’t, New Y o rk C fty . ........

A tbs*-cTa s3 p a in td r , v a n ils tie r o r p a p e r I n n e ^ r v o u td 11 ko a p o s it io n , ' A p tlrdss E . bovver. (17 15a rfgs a v en u e , corat?r B ond s t r e e t . j.Ti-ar*

A p o sftlo n b y a m an t« a lm o s t a n y Hne n f b u sla tiss: b e s t o f re fe ren c e s . A d d re ss IJojc -}S* P r e s io n ic e . P t lJ t l*5

> W W


B y w e a r in g th e “ B e a c o n ” l ig h t w e ig h t S U S P E N D E R

- 8 5 C E N T SM a d e o f th e s a m e m a te r ia l as

■ th e c o o l, c o m fo r ta b le a n d dressy ,* N e g l ig e e S h i r t . • - ' -

C u b a n O n i l lu w ti J v i M e t l . .: S u n t i n g o / C u b a , .In lie 5 . ^ - 1 l u r i d g u a r d s ’ k i l le d . I n a a (‘l o n z a le z , t h o n o t o r i o u s tm t-..

.ja w ,, a iu l f o p r 'C o m p a n io n s ncsir* S a jr t in , t » .ouzali,/.''h sid -bcie n a r r e s t e d s e v e r a l . t im e s , b u t h e 'a l w a y s o s c a p e t l c o n v ic t io i i b c e a u s o iv h u i ‘s*ios fe iirc .d to t e s t i f y a g n in s t h im . T h e o f l ie e r s o f t h e r u r n i s v .* lio .k illed h im c la im t h a t . <Sr»nxulez a n d h i s b u n d ; w e r e - s la in in n fa i r ' l i g h t b u t th e re , an* in H iv e ? •whVi s i iy .U ia i - J l ic o u t l a w s w o r e t a k e ii b y s t r a t e g y ; iu u l t h e n 'd e l i l i e r a t e i y s lu d . C o b o r is " iv e n to t h i s r i 'p o r t h y t h o f a e t t h a t lit it: mu* o f t h e g u a n i s w a s i n ju r e d . T h e t ib in z a h ’z- b in iti w i i s t h e liis t ■ o f -1h e w td l k r iiiw ii b r ig a m l o r g a n i s a t i o n s in • t h i s p r o v in c e . ■' •

V o i i r t l i <.;lint» P o H lm .a a te r i t*: \T u s h u ig t o i i . . I t in e ru — T bi* f o l lo w in g

f lm r th e ly s s p o s t m a s t e r s h a v e b e e n a p ­p o in te d : __

X e w J e r s e y — ^W e st .M il f o r d , A n n i e ^ V . T i i i u n p s n n . ’ *.

'N e w 'Y o r k — M in o tfc , K .,-^ 1 . K U rr in jj to n ^ S i n i t h v l l l e . B . I r / t v i u n i e r , . . ‘ '

P e i in s y lv u n i i i—A r i e l , A . .T. K e y e s ; I 'tq n lii .i iu k ,' -M. W .- j S n u t l iw c l l ; Y i ln s , !\Y« S . l l n s s e l l ; A Y e s tT d n e , M . A . IC Hinge"?.

.T a m e s I l r o w n P o t t e r G c tw I3 S v « » rce .Newport’, 'It,. I., .Tune:5.“ The petition

of .1 mites Brown Potter of Newnort fora divorce, .from his wife,; Corn’ TJrqnhart Potter, was granted in the. nppelhite di- T Moil. ;o f_tha>.\ljiuitl.».0..c<>.u i’t,. ..sitt iug.heL-e.. X’ho .tle’(U t!t‘,..i s idisol n te .a lid - AI r, 1 *ot toV- i s given-the custody.-of liis_daughter, Miss l»’iti Potter.* The divorce is based■ 011 th.v gnnliul: of-Hle.SC‘l‘lIon, imd ^ h e ”evidence was entirely based 011 deiHisitioiis.

tT ie ..ra il w ay - a m i o tb e i f p r o p e r t y that-. In is a l r e a d y r e s f r l l e d f r o i i i . t h e a c t i o n o f tin* I b ix e r s , • l i \ - r i l i c i s e s B r i t i s h d ip lo m a c y , in t l i c . p a s t a m i p o i n t s o u t I h e '. i i o e r s ^ i ly f o r t a k i n g th e ' b*nd 111 s t r o n g m e n s u 'r e s j

‘M Ye s h o u ld r e j o i c e t o d o s o /* s : iy s T h e T i m e s . . “ in .c o in p n u y .w i th o u r A .m o r iv a n , k i i r s fo lk , t h e Vii'ily' w e s t e r n n a t io n ' w l io s iy i f t t e r c s l s ; In t h e ^ . f a i i e a > t a r e , p e r l r n p s < p iite " i< h 'n t5 c a H n -im is t- ;r e s |» e e ts - . w tth .-o u i* •o w n , l,u it t h a t - o f .c o u rs i* is a i n a t . to r eii* t i r e iy - . 'f o r j t - i io m to d c e id e , ■ I n a n y c : is e . W e m u s t 'a s s e r t mil* i je g o m o ily u n p e n a l ty , o f . f o r f e i t i n g * ‘i t / a ib l w e • m u s i - a s s e r t i t, w i t h e m * rg y n jit l d i s p a t c h . J l i i p j d l y t h e l i t tv a l la*iga»le f r d l n o u r i le e t i n C h i n e s e w a t e r s u f f o r d s u s: t h e m e a n s i i e n l c d fo r. t h i s s t e p a t t h e b r i e f e s t p o s s ib le n o t i c e . ” ’

T l i e l i e i i l i i r i i i T r i a l , *'Caim'iidaigua. X. Y,. .lune 5.—Tn the

'Beuham trial the testimony of did Dr. I>, Ti. Ttiscer. wlio last attended Mrs. tleii- lisfm, w as finished. jFEo jold. t»f sniiuinis- terliig. -iiie’dieino. to her in which !h e ag-* gr.egnte was' tiO different drugs, a 11*of

A p ian o o r o rg a n , p u rch a se o r ro n t; en u -lro t.aken lo b o a rd A d d re ss Jriin es DaVer, 115 So.'

I). Swisher.ju th , V h llu d elp h la , Pa.» c .ire M .

T O - L O A N ,firo t hr>inl ■ afftl inortiTCRe 011 im proved

p ro p e r ty . ‘ .$lTiOlO n't 5 i>«r r e n t in su m s ^ronl m ?.*i mu): a lso 551 sail ST 700. u t o o« r

. r - t ' t i t . $ 7 ‘i0 u t ~>y6~ Derf' c»-nt. ‘j-1 5tX) £1 2iK) 'l.fKH) sit'il j>er c u t . , lo ft- on hisml. I-ouns tjulirkly. p laced ; (.Y orgo W. I^lttenfeer, JCoom 11, A p p leb y HuiJding. .

^ " w a n t e d . A_.gob'il'_leooh n n tT II In n d i'tis^; ‘ rcfo ren co r ^q u lrc d . A p p ly ">07 lla n p s a r e a ut*.

* rO R SALE. /Y o u n g borso.lt y tiu rq o ld ,w o rk s sitii»loor'ilonl)le;

c h e a p , ,‘A ppJy K t i th ’s exprcM v.om ee, UM Mntn, s iru e t . . «.«**

- ~ " ^ i m e Tg o f f V•M m e. f lo fT , 'th o . c e le b ra te d ’ i re s tp rn tra n e o

riu-diixm, h u a fatten p a rlo rs a t ' N o, 400 J lo n ro ea v e h u e , m.*iir O io U o ian .Q aii In; c o n su lt o t -o n■the paf-tv p ie se n t a n d f ii tu ro . Clives adtfl>‘evfln a ll b u a in ccs m a t te r s . O ldeff b m irs 0 to !>.


S top a t th e A tla n tic U tilise,■Term s reaso n ab le . .•

C iu s . j . IIir.VT.

W In te r season—.Tlie^Tow ers, Liikew ootJ, N, J,

E M P I O Y M E N T O F F I C E *W'li j f a ln s t r e e t . 'S e l e c t h e lp fu rn ish e d ; Bfra.

S . D ey. • 118-107

wlncir li a d s t 11 pc. e f f e c t t>n- v i ta l p s i r t s a n d 111 .m a n y <>f w ,h te h w e r e in d so n s . o f m o re o r l e s s s t r e n g th . W h e n t h e c o a c h m a n , F r a n k IC le in , w a s c a l l e d , h is t e s t im o n y w a s ' d n n ia j J in g to ^ o n h a m . J u i t M r . . \ V a d e ’ I in d n o t c r o s s e x a m in e d h im l i v e .m i n u t e s b e f «i re 1 i c n c k t u n v lo d g e d - i i i n i s e l f t o I io ' n .d e l ih e r a te l ia r , a n d c o u ld n o t d e n y t h a t lie e v e n w a s r e c o v e r in g - fi/o n C a : t h r e e

'd a y s ’ i l r i i i i f e e i i 'd y b a u c li . H e a c k n o w le 't lg - e<f lie_ Im d s rJ ’y c tl t im e h i t h e B u f f a lo p e n ­i t e n t in ry . a m l p r e t t y X lio ro iig h i y ; i t 11 p e a e l i ­e d h im s e l f . '

F O R S J t X , E O R E X C H A N G E .Nir.e b u lld ln ir lo ts , 50xi00 feo t, a d jo in in g

Ocem i f l r o te Jfe lch U . 1‘rh-e sovouty-flvo d o lia ra e o cb ; a lso p ro p e r ty M ala s t i c t t , iira d te y B each. Apydy to B08 F i f th av o n u o . Asi>nry P o rk . H tf

; i ,/ E O R S A L E :l o n y x s o d a foiintal.n, c o m p le te , new ; 1 doz.

sotlu lioldor-t, 4 do/.. so tla spoons, scales ,c a n d y Lravs, lct» c re a m bo x es, e tc - A P ld y a t H a rry DullliOd’s, F o u r th av en u o n n d H eck s tro o t.


* Z *O A 2£ D K i;K » ’W A K y iC W ,B o a rd e rs c a n se cu re n r s t c lA ^ a cco m m o d atio n

a t Lliu BucklttK hatn, 7501 F o u r th a v en u e; te rm s rvasrm ablti; Ito iu ienoatod , g a s u r.d e lec tric llghtfl b a th a n d a ll th e c o m fo r ts of h o m o . ^M rs. Oeo.M . L ey 38tf

fdiii'oln- w jijdi.is considered one of tbo* jifost aiiila-utie hish>t*'i<»s/otv tbtrgreat president• wiii'leii. /Ouvernor Ivcllofe \vii s 1111 n 1 »le-1 o ltWfireselii a t t in.* Bloom - i ngl on rtui n ion,. nVitcli ' urilis' fegror^; a\'.‘1.s a re ry.. y o u a g : iii a it' 1 h e n 5 • 111».sit I d, “ami ll w iis.stfiling 1 iuiesv /riiosu were tin* days when w e niade ldstory.”

*. ’ "f. :.'f. -Aimiuit W / Du s n . r

I m p o r t s s t i o w / t h a t o v e r f i f t e e n h a n d red .l iv e s h u v o b u o n sav jed t h r o u i r h - t h o i ^ n bf« O rio -J I iu u to C o u e h C u re . M o s t o f t h e s e w e re ciuses o f g r ip p e , c ro u p , n s th m n , w lio o p iu g , e o u g h , .b ro n u U iils a n d ' p n e u m n n ia . I t s e a r l y \izn t> ro v « iits co jisT n n p .tio n . 'VY- B l H a m , 107 M a in s t r e e t .

■ :‘!V S • '■

FntnuucH 111 ■« I‘xjt8 <ITonstiiii, JttiiiV. ol—At Sail Augustine

ft‘pitched battle,'between the VYiill fuc- ;f ion4sn 11ui^niit* side ji nd the- Biv>cks iyi jluV:o f ^ i t o d " v n ; ' 1 1 r't lVnitii*'of. b’eliv J.. Uo,berts.mnl Sidney lb'ihcijts- aiiil .the fatal Wounding>of Noel Uoherts, sheriff of tho •I'oimty nnd brother to; the deiiil melt, Tbp feinl grew-out of poll tics and bus been brewing for some years.^

When you v/an t a plty^ic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and pleasaub in effect use CliRntherIaIn’s ’t5tomach and Liver Tab­let*.. Price, 25cents 8 an-plos free. .Every box gnarantc**d. For sale by T. »5fi Stew- nrb, corner CoOkman uVfenli'tj;‘aiid -bond street. ’ . ''., - : ?

r r e n c i r m * I l i e K I u t e r w Q 11. ',;Clia!ous-sur-J>aone, b'tniine, June ,r’*— Tliis city is now :<piiet; -The funeral'of- the. • vi eti f TTt -i'h»tlilp -took pi a eo-. y es-;t;iM'da-yTiifternoon witlnmt incident. ? Aii- otiiei; of the wounded is dead. The troops were fired. o|i frhni a ’window’before they,

DcK'i«)r !Mut:(U're«1 lit-SIi« OlHcji*.Yinidrnttl.^X,*.' .!,/♦ .Tiun: H.—T>r, Giles

Chambers, a prominent pliysdciun ,of this city, w a s .bru ta liy innrdoreil i 11 his ollii e by-an unknown assassin or- assassins, who 'succfcili’d iii/m iiking their esciipn, His skull wns enisheil in ’ijs • i f he had beeji sfruidt • from behind witli n heavy bludgooni*iinr]' there ■wasMilStj a deep cut 011 tiie liadt of his liead. The body wns found by t he doctor's son a nd Iny. on tlm flour- iir .a .]>otil of .blood. ' . ; <

G L O V E C L E A N E R .T.adfcs, c lco n y o u r ti Id Rtoves w ith I ,a B e lla

Olove C lean er. I t Is n o t a ‘ liqu id L eavos n o odor aod can b e n s p d v b l le th o c lo7t» Is o a th e h an d . - F o r sa le rvnly a t C lm d w id c 's p h a rm a c y , i»H CJooVman ayoniio , • 1-

J I 0 A X X . A i * i * I , E G A T E ,

C o n tra c tin g P a in te r a n d B w io ra to r, E a tlm a te s p ro m p tly ^ iven .

. p . O. B o r lOftl. 50tf

r e p l i e d to th e . l i r e .

. A n o t h e r S t r i k e In ■ B i i f ln lo . ' .Ifiiifiil.i, ■.Time ;a —N cu rly ~ ( l ( t liilmrPM ,

m em bers o f,.|h e l^oundry L aliiiro rs ’ unr ii-m, have.si.ritek'^•f 0 1 ^ 1 ^ 7 5 fo r ah eight, hour diry. Un ndv’ fjuee o f 2 5 ' cen ts, A s i t result nboitt 1/20 0 n ioblers and coiJeinak-' eJ:s em idoyeil hi- the*-.various-alioft^'of the c ity are iilii1. ‘ [ ’ • • '

I v y r poisoning, ‘ poison w ounds 1 and - a ll oUior. accidental in jp r le s m n y be quiukly cured by its5nc:.rDeW ltt/a W ltoii J I u z i l

Sa lve . . I t is a lso a certa in cu rd fo r plies and skiti diseases. T alte ijo o ilier. VT. If . ‘ Ham, 1(17,Main atreot-. *.

T I2.THI CHtOWNiHD M ntn av o n u o . O a?an O rove . O p en a l ttu i

y e a r . T ho m o st bom oU ke bonrd lcR licuao In O ccnn Q rovo. S te am b e a t , b a th s a n d a ll lm- jp ravom enta ..:rTBrEQa-rcaaoimW0, ............252tf .

B u s i n e s sIt must be laid down-as a trad# canon, that a big business becomes so for some good reason —• moderate charges, reliability, “pleasant place to' deal,” etc., etc. There isn’t any accident.about it We have increased our business from four pianos a' year to one hundred per year, and 1900 will show more sales yet. /Such being the case, thero can’t be any other conclusion-than that this, one .store is by long otHs the best place at 'which to buy a piano. That is an absolutely direct deduction, and it is fully borne out by the'-facts-:' You can buy good pianos elsewhere, but-at much more money, or. you can buy “ make-believes” for about the same price as we sell good ones.

' C L A R E N C E D . W I L S O N ,

• Architect’ ..186 B r o a d w a y L O N G B R A N C H

_ C O N C E R N S J U « 1 ’ I A S O S .If y o u w ere a p ian o d e a le r h av ln ir t h e m o n o p o ­

ly o f v U n o ShIl-h h i y o u r to w n , iuulr||rtd b een ruk- iu« In tw o h u n d ro a p e r c e n t j on s u P s .a u d If Ilio m an v 'ho .tt: uc.<l p iano« f o r y o u fo r ho^od 3'e am flnany-dei id^d to su ir trln o u ids ow n u cco u n t.fto d If b« wnocUtnl y o u o u t * f uiHiiy o f y o u r n o t Kalis* am i so ld U ioS A M k p ian o j o t i soltl. f<?r$l.r>0 less, a n i IC “In HPlie o f y o u r a u p u n t dl«Q.i»proval ho »*tIII c o n tin u ed to; e u c p rleo s ia a u c h a ru la o u s fash io n , w o id d a ’t i t JA K y o u 1*

I n tnllthi£:o*i><'tlm p ln o * bu sin ess w ith n b h ; New Yorlc m a n u fa c tu re r tbfj o th e r .d a y h o o f ­fe re d to Ret f o rn io a tJ y p ian o on th e m ark e t FJow wo.ukl y o u lik e t o b u y ANY p ian o fo ru ie rty - s o ld in to t\ 'n .f ( ir j u s t ^ 10 less th a n price* thcr d e a le r c h a tp e s t Uom e a n d soo ino if*you a ro n o t p ro o f «fl»ilnfit in fe r ouvUon. • l 't io P r ia c o to ^ , *' W .-O . DORM ,311) C ookm iu ibvon ito . P ln n o T u n a rl^ y M rtif .'

l i a v o y o u r p ia n o s t u a c d o r ro p a i r e d n o w . T e s t t h e w o r t . I f H . t l s f n c t o r y ^ a y d u r i o g t h o so a s d n . l'huioU)Xoc,ri3at.


There .isn’t any doubt about the quality of any piano you may buy from us.. It is good, or you-' can’t have it. We malce you doubly safe by agreeing to exchange any piano that isn’t satis-

\:L factory. . , : _ . «We handle, the seven best makes that America ’produces— WEBER, - MC PH AIL,1VERS & •POND, EMERSON, SHONINGER, JEWETT and HAINES.^ We haven’t any of the cheap,

libioIuGrynwofthlcss).so-caired_piano rbut.wesell' a good, fair instrument at the price of‘a make believe elsewhere. TEN DOLLARS puts a piano in your house. • ... . •

Taylor & Tusting Building, , ■ Mattison 'Avenue

-— .and Bond StreetR. A. Tusting

Asbury, Park, N. J.

o o o g o o <x k x >o o o c o g o o o » o o o o o g o g o o o <x x >o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o o o o o 3 c

Page 5: WILL FAY ASSESSMENTS FOR SALE - DigiFind-It · Tlii rtl avenue.' Tho sign ‘was *1x5 feet "and boro t ho insorlptlon ^Union Steiini_.TiniTi^ dry of-Nowark;,,-“Thtr polico; liavo

■Sellable F um ttvte.

H o u s e F u r n i s h i n g H i n t sEc.au1.ilul Enamel Iron and Brass Beds, $2,90

S3nT475T5.25 and up-

I/Tattresses in all grades, each one made to order in our own factory, Our prices arc the lowest of any reliable maker, ••• .... ...

"i Mattings, both Chinese and Japanese, firie se­lection of patterns an'd colorings. Matting and Tiber rugs in all sizes1. '••"All varieties of ' fabric rugs.

.Willow'and wicker furniture for porch or house iise tn .greatest •variety. .. . .

Exquisite wall -papers selected from the choicest imported lines,. Beautiful color effects at minimum cost,': . . ^

Choice China for all purposes, Cut Glass, Bric- a-brac, Statuary, &c.

Eyjj&fefiing-done4o order from original designs. Fine worfff taecialtyv ' ■


Crand and Cooliin.lti Avenues, Asbury Park, W. J.

C n m l i t l m i o f H u *

t « l in ^ t i n ; u u id Iu m ' *•( lin<*|>< n w ltill* ciUhlit »i>U nf tin* snhliiTS «»rmr;) IO iis -siiiil: "TIm-iv n ri* “ 1.11011 « V<»

-troops-*»;ii t h*i iM l-mnmm-t hv-islnm l s . - p u w -“cijpiigr-il “ i'n ~t lu • inn 1 if 'i I »(•' ‘ I ti'ilpl m'if r o m . v a n ’l l i t . v l i i i - l i i s r-,1 na 1 *:iu 1i t i M inn* s e e l ii in s . T h . - “ c ii i* r ; i l lu * : i l lh o f t in * t r i ;n p > i s i - w i v i l i n . d y p m d . tl^t* l» T -«*«*»» -............ --/»>!•- -tJ ii? .M itjnl.1i u i -A j t i i l 1 it*itiir lm i i n j»f i ; ‘ m i t T " jlr11 l* A in i*V i-

t-lr<—f!4»»»ilH*—1»rt 1r l* 7 l h : m - t l i r 'T i i r i in V o s .. ' r 's jo V u i l l .v d i i r i .n i r t l io j ; i l 11 v s i- ; isn ii di«1 t l m r In m I i I i i m p r e s s in o . T l i o n t r i j t i n ; tn >1*0 m i n x ' n i v l i m a U ’i l . :in< l "tIF T IT ^* irrr"np i;\r“ r;TMXinu; u»:< v * > ;l rjC.,HX s c : u p <»*it n J i o f t r o u p s n l . iiiu i-M it w i l l I n i r i l l y 1i;> 1 soi «.•<':!r y t o M»inl s o l d i e r s v e r y f r r - i |in * iill> '.* ‘»

t l o i i r i i i ! O t i s ' s s i i i l H in t h i s n v n ' l n ’i i l t h ' \ v r . s i - x r o l l i n i . I li ;i i I l ie n <mm il t r i p l i n dl!i tlio hill I <1 •'nl*li I i»(, [Tii*:il.

< ;.M ir i ; t l O i i s N -it I’m* W a s h i n g t o n h s t n i i r l i l a m i w i l l i t p>>n n> tin'** pn* > i» l» 't\t :\l •MiiiM*.- ♦Ill* 1‘im li l ii«ti ^ l i l t «•' w lu - i i h i s ti*--

[.j j h i i - w »,t i l« l- l M »-ri*m Iy. I n n ! , • w i till: I t i f s ! m n Up- :i w i* l **1.1 l e p o r i t» :!>.■ ; n r t l i o r i t i r s i i i W ;* .> li i i i£ (m i m i l l I n t y r l in iM iw : i i i o x i« 'n ‘ili<V w r l t t i 'n L - o p o i t . .

Friday*, Juno 8 -Mntlnoe whM,l>rtm.'llfc tton nitM»tIt Mo.Wtiul hospital, t>15 Aslhtrj n v i n u o . ____________ • •

Sunday. Juno to— ivii'o.ihiimvtlo «.'■ nnou to tr n u Hi fit i n ir e ln * s N o n t m n> T o w n s h ip

Hi^IiJ Hclion!t - St.-' Paum-vl. Mclmreli. Ocwm Grovo. hy UIs'mmi J. M. Fit;i.*»*r

• {ilJ, p r e s id e n t ia-cjiii Grovu a.^o.Utlon Suutl ay.. J uac-Hl=L!.Lccal au

jCt'adu:ttiii[f i’Vij.’ '^\s!»urv l*,»r!s Hltrh school, First '.M, il. rliitn:lj, by Kor. KU (iill'oni, 7 -15 p. ;:i.

.Monday. Juno f l — T-titli J t i i t i in i r s t t r y .C o r ini him C ist lo. >.' k *17, K ‘TTTT. Nn A ji- pieUy bulMin-/.. . ;

V\'i'*liiePtla'5'." Jini*1 ill—lCntfM’tnlmmuit -hy Viuintr l’o(?plt*'s 1 ntoiM»f Kirst (Joiiu:r<'- tiitional oluisdi. umcSil In UitJclnitcij, p. iu. .

WodnosiUiy,-Jtino I ; ; ^ l i i s * 4-ox<*i- u si'H, Noptun? T.'«nsliip JLl ti sclioul,Asstjmtjly room. -J -it) p. in '_ t -

Thursday, Juno 11— llramniar irhiss c*xor-

(•^ Cookm an and IC iu g sle y

Asbury Park, N. J .

, T h e G a s R a n g e f l a s C o m e t o S l a v j |• ' ■ N o W o n d e r i : ’

C o n sid e rin g th e •vyay it has been w elcom ed- b y p eo p le w ho R e lie v e in eco n o m y , c lean lin ess a n d exc.ellcnce.

N O W is a g o o d tim e td ge.t. o n e . ' : : : -■- •-■ y y e w ill b e g la d to sh o w y o u th e new est m e th o d s if you w ill

ca ll a t o u r office, o r w e can se n d a re p re se n ta tiv e to idiseuss th e m a tte r a t y o u r ow n h o m e . _ , ■

C on solidated G a s Co. o f N e w J e r s e y>. I •• v >

• . 6 1 0 ' ■ ' M a t t i s o n . J k V o n i i e •:■ : '

'±-' ' - A S B U R Y " P A R K , N . . J .

Q U A L IT Y F IR S T\@ ^ E -h a d hoped long-before this I to have told you many W things about our new store but \ye did not properly

estim ate the tim e it v ’ould take to get settled, and we really-are not entirely-fixed, y et but you are just as.welcome. ' W e wish to impress this fkctjupon your jnind: ‘ 'I t is j-our store” for you to feel at .home in; to come to whenever you wish; not always to buy but sometimes just to look around. W c are always glad to'sce you. Y o u r attention today is called- to the following three items :


— I1 resh Asparagus-just riow-is higli and y o u Jctiaiv not extra•fine. I f you will try a can of our fancy extra large at 35c

. you w ill g e t the flavor of new and it will be tender.

BAKIN G p o w d e r

^ W h y pay 45c for Royal when you can buy Gati tz ’s Sca'FOftivrfor 30c, not that, it’s any better than Royal, but we assure

C O F F F Ey o u it ’s .just as good or your money bacl^

Unequalled. Our .private blend at '35c.

G . D . j E L L I F F & G O .C O R . CO O K inAW A N D /V\ATTISO/N A V E S .

OPP. POSTOFFICE. Telephone 9 1 a

P A W L E Y ’S

F o r . S a l e .... ..: •

FINE-' PROPERTY on Asbury avenue, 1 1-2: block

■ from beach. . H ouse con- —tains 14 rooms— 10 bed

rooms.- No price given. Simply w.ant offer. For particulars, address,'.

‘i- * ’ . .! 1 *- r

Monmoutli Realty Co./

KOOM S 13-13


N o r t h w e s t C o r n e r M a tt ls o n A v e n u e a n d B on d S t r e e t

A SB U R Y PA R K , N . J.

T b e E m p i r eHot and Cold

S e a W a t e r B a t h s

Su. Mo.

T I T1 0 1 i i





Wo, Th. Fr.

GENERAL OTIS, ASHORE.Released From Qu alrantine After

Being Vaccinated. 1 .


Si»y« ' l ' l u i t A ^ n l n l ) v n < l i I » .O i j J y *iti Iiic.ii!on I, iim l ie iliiH IlmV ,y«» I’filtou-Iitx I,« tfjy—Gcncrut (Joes .(« Wum hl’iijv Ifiu. > • jS :iu I ’ la iu - is p o , Tim ic 5 .— A ft o r Ci vt

d a y s in* tpmi*nntiii**' n t . \ it jrc*1 *i> In tn l <Ion-. o r a l O t i s > vas ttl li .m v il to Jittn l y c s t'.’ r- d a y . l it rjiii-to i\{' Vi'TiiM'al n i s r s '”n'f■'‘:«niall; *|W».v iiit l io j in l t l i o -11’j i i j^ j jo r t ' ' A Ji'in lo <{«*:! f i a l Oti>: j in tl :111 o n - k u n i 'i l h m l to s u b m il Lo v n o c im itio i i .. f»onpr;il Otin \yas hrou^litv*'’* 'Atiyof ‘i.'liuiil* on n sprtiul stoninor fur

•uif-ilii'il Ii.v (.ii'iii*rill Slinrtor, avImi, wpiiI f/ moot tli/1 rotitruing ^oihtiiI, iiroiiiupiinio.t l>v Siii^(?oii .Major Art Inn* nnd ( ’uj)tJiiii VVilM.ii. Tho pnrl.v was driven to tin ( )<-t i(li*ut;il 1)1 It4-1, \vht*lo <iolioi-;tl. Oii' splint .-tin* sU'liTtiniHi l oroirini;. oUllors iii'itl propjtrint: I'nrliis dop.-irtfiri' r:i'M. * ’ • :

<J 1'iiprii I Ol i<. in ro<pnit"o |i» a rpipto.'-l for tiMnU-an-nt t*l tin* situation in tin

: l \ J \1 3 H-i 1 5 i 10

20 2 1 .2 2 • 23

27 • 28’! 29 J oMOOW'S PHASES,

-tv - F ir s t r 1 :S 8 l / Q n a r L o r " U a. i n . '

f - j . F i i i l 1 0 1 0 :3 8 L i^ M o jn - 1 ^ p . in ,

jc — T l i i rrl 7 : 5 7Q Qitnrtcr IU p.

p . «»>w 0 n 8:27Vii/ilt/on Zl) p.nu


C oiH lc ii6 0 (l I ilf it o f CinniiiK E v o m a for Q uieU H efor«nc«.

Tuosday, Juno S—Cantata, *^ray Queen,”* by Asbury Park »>idOr:eau Griive clioral

union, In Ocean Cro\*e amllCoriuni.S a t u r d a y , J w i g ‘J— F o r m a l o p e u in p ;o f s u m -

.* tn tjr.K caso ti a t-O n e a n (.< ro \o b y b o a r d o i. t iv t(l 0 a u d la d it* s ’ a u x i l i a r y .

X'uepday, W edrn^day und T hum lny , J in ie . 5. j i . and T—S traw b erry festival, T2t»

w o ttliL o n ^u a of fjr.ullyy Peacli M. K. c lim d t. • ■

Wed*:t»3dny, Juno 6 —Opentnc SPSfilon o!• ( ptK'ral Synod of Uororm'ftd Churdi In.

America, t o cotiUnun nna week. -Thursday nnd Friday,.I uno 7 and 3-Fes-

i i'vu l: l)y-men of-' W e ^ c - B r o r o ^ t ^ i : - eli ifrcli, Tm 1 i l.mji! o ': it "lj» road way “o ti - trance, Oeean fJmve.

•GMX1CI5AL OTrS.P h i l i p p i n o s , s a i d t lw if tn io li m - t io n in I ti? j i id ^ t i i iM i l w m d i l lu* - il u *i*u s i s 11 *nl w i t h h i ' i l u t y , i i h j f n n J l i i o r n f ih i> a r m y . a

A s I ;im | w J in t w o u l d lio I h o o tl‘i*ol o ti t in ; w a r i f Un* r r |n » r l o f A iru in sd « l* i* s i l r a t l i w c n - t r i i ' - . < i'r iH * ra l I M is s t i i d t h a l l l i p w a i w a s p i M r t i e n H y . • i n l i i l ^ . t h a t A iru ii in lilt fi tl io w i* rs w o n * d e s e r t i n g f a > t . m o l tln>*« w h o n o w r c i i i i i i n w i t h l i im a r o .^ o n P ra U .v

^li*V t o f h i s i i ll io o r .-

1 s p a i j a i s i e i e l l e"Ot

TTN extraordinary offering of j a high grade,fu-U.glay.cd, Jat- dinieres,—comprising at

least ione hundred different patterns and sizes, scarcely any two pieces alike. All the way from the 5 inch size at 1.5 cents, each to the elegant. 12 inch sue with pedestal at '$6.

Most of \these goods were sarftples from the largest Ohio pottery in thd line They were shipped cast to assist the salesman In taking orders and in respect to pattern, style, coloring and manufacture are tlie very latest things out. We'

.bought the lot'-as a “snap” and-are thus able to offer them at better prices than the same goods would cost after they come from the factory later on.

at them,

W. M. PAWLEY ^- ‘‘C H I N A

Stoves and HouscfurnisUlng Goads

N o . i6 a -r6 4 H a in S tr e e tA S B U R Y P A R K

S ee tlie exhibit o f summer stoves for oil-and gasolene.


K e 3t n n d M o n E c o n o m ic a l ^ w r n a c o a f il& it ) .


100,000 R U L U O P

I E W W HLt P |F E 8T ro m all th o lo n d in y m a n u f a c tu r e rs . *

5 c R O L L upw ardfl

VVEDiNESDiY. JU N E .,IIf 'p . M ; s h a r p , a t

. . . % . |

9 1 2 M u n r o e A v e n u e .

Consisting of Household Furniture, Bed Room Suits, Stoves, Chairs, Tables, Dishes, etc.

M, M. CR O SB IE.^ R c s p o n s jb le ^ A u c tio h c e r


P A P E R H A N G I N G ,.. . ]2 Xc Jicr roll n n i up.

It will cost nothing to lojuk--W A L L M O U L L i N G S ,— To luutcli all papein, 2c a foot Itttd up.

J A C O B U O I*!., J r .'. PRACTICAL

u i i i a u y y i 3D(I OBGSrStOI5 4 , “543 Cobkm aQ A ve.

D R E S S M A K I N GS tj iU h nn»l piirfcetfy. U ttln ^ co s tu m es.

- M r s . M . h . Jo r d a nParlors 60 3 Mattlson Avonue

N ext Door to P ostoffice . 'T n iln r niniln j»mU.<5 su its ; iicco rtllon plbltiDR; iiH orations m a s k i r t s r e b o u n d ,e tc . ..


Tiiere Is a Sssl in Evetyliija?7 Onr aim ia to reach tlio snporla- tj-yci in onr bioyclo rcpiilriiig. Hfl.

l ;x - A n tn lc u r .C liam p io n RiJer B e a t S tc^fcns . . In W o n d e rfu l H u r s t o l S p e e d .

• Frank Kramer, thr) <pratvl»1io amateur Mcyclo champion, piwml proi.ty •cmiicIu* sivoly-on tti o -Vai l^liur« track,- -Newarkv 1*0- ptintly thafe ho Is tlitf irri?aK't»t vprintor In A hiorlca. Ho alrto showed hlmsBlf m gamo a i lilor asovm* 8traddlo[l.a5\iieel. - ’

Ho won tho quartor-mllo d»ipli from Or lit tula Btevaiis hy iacheH-and was tint in all. Uirco lieata of tlio blir team match raw. .

I t c p i r l » l l f i i i » » ‘ O n r r J * « l r r n « » n . .Port In 11 il . Or.. .Iipu* 5 Ion id*r * r<*-

tniiifi from tlu* rl oet ion indicali* tlutl .tin* IJopuhlioans havo carrioil the statoi by ■from r»,niii),n* S.onn plurality. It is,o*ii- niatrd thnt ( T 10. Wolvortmi lIIop.), for jiiHtico of tin* wipri'iiit* court,'\yill have x plurality* 01* NJfHlD, and ,'.f. ■ lhiiloyrilcp'.l, fruv foinl and ilnicy i oiiiinissit»arr, is oliM'lcd hy ti.tlUP. I11 tin*' Socoml ron- j:ivssiinml distriot tho plurality for MihmIv 1 Hop.) i s p-tiinah’d it from o.tHlO to- T tltln. l^riiin the l*’irst rotii:rossioual dis­trict. wliioli Inis always hrcn rloso, 110 re- turns lmve lan-u VocidVoil. c,vropt frotif oiic county, alul .T«ii«i«!1#llU»p.)‘ was rtin-- ninur ahoad nf Iiis tirlicf.. Accordni?; to. tlu’.Ycturns the Fusionis.ts have ^ainoil in tTiVnpcisla t itn>"d»«t ~ rctii rifs' a rc ;l o«>- n 1 1- Kor t,ii ■ piM’iuit" - nf ini ystlutato, at this* hour, th'oiWlf the rtcpnbliciins claim they willVontroI hotli houses. ”

cisos, Atfhuiy r.-r;; Ulyli school, Assem- hly 1ml i, p. pi. .

rimrsuay, Jctic. lt -Cotmmmci.TiiPnt ICejr t-uiiuTownsliip iiijrli tcliool, Assembly room, S p. 111. ' .

'F riday; J uiuj 15—.\sbury P .ir i r i l ig l i School ^Vlumiti liamini't, H otel BrunsivlcU.

Friday*, J.unti 15—ii>:«mencomi3nt Aslairy l 'tirk H i^li i-clioui, Assembly hall, $ p.m.

M onday, J ifn o liv-U t ccpl ioa and tlam.-tt n‘‘ tho g radu ati t « .olitss A stiury I’a rk il i^li

• school, U otcfJl rmi5wide. •• •W ednesday, Jinn: -M *- ltt'cv*nt iun am! <la»i<*f'

of M ontpouth lIuI* a t H otel liruiisw ich. W ednesday, Jimr* 'M'inttfor!*,1* lieai flf

M onm outh Memorial lioaplt-al,’at, I ’arU O pera H oihp .

T lie tiny tn - *'W ashington, . .Iimu*.. 5, — T ho p*i-f;tl

c lerks’ o!iissitic;i;|. 11 hill w ;is piMitii-nll> killod in "flio sctiirf 1*. wh<*rc Sonalm* \VT»U cott has it 1 csiil.:i;i:toil to his cnumiit 1*• wit hour oppnsit inn. Sp im tor AVnlmii ik*-

* t 'am pbell aud nt ln r il. say ing th a t they1 lu* .*dorl;>. •Si'iiatnr

•11 tho l*liilip|»itii's 11 ii - »»«M not support the :ij tlio fall eU-etinlis._ should lie In-M, Spii1 ■d for lmiltpllia-to i*»>u- 11 it it Mist: lull, bn: na vfi*. Sen it tor Al.lriih j*ass iti this - si'smmii.'

Souator -Morgan 'p'v44'1!^ ! a resiiliitinti favorint;. the alirnu.-itUnv of tin* rlaytn:i- Hulwcr I roaty. 'l'f:o jmlicinry \-niunii| ice uf tho senato' i-i'io-i li’d iiI~favor nf nrii- fhniiiii^ the- nominalt-aiwif John II. 11 1for a ilistriiM ju :::o>liip in New Vork. Tin*'senate in om-* "l ive session coasid«*t- od tin**noniinat inn <•!’ D. Ityiium for Srncrul appraisor.". fait. .took m» action. The house njri-cnl t\' the senate amend­ment to thf>• sundry I’ivil bill appropii;jt*: 1 ) 1 ^ HUMItVll •fni* ilu* St.* L.utis iv\ptWj- tion. 'l'liere was & Vlmrp dchalc ia iho house \n\ the siib.ii'ft (if wido>v.i‘

-.pimisf. • ___

K v i r ie lii Jim 'SVouty llnvi ti f it.■WasJimixl'Ui. June 5^ -United St.atrs

,M inisi r r I „• *.r»l ;i I l \ y ri’"-. y••>11*r- iln v ••aldi.-! ff:<* >1 ti* iloparl nnMit tliai. the rati tit/alii tt- n ii l^ a ^ w lii-aty nf i-xuadi- .rMii'..ji4*t.W(‘i*ii 1 1u* "I’nitotl Stall's aad the Ar^ri'tini; U. ;inldi>: were e,\i;li:ui?:etl tin’re .isteiday.


I imi 11 rod 'I’iniothy .1. lobbyists 'fur tiie had 111:1 ilc dupes **.rTeller in a !j •non 11 ret\ thttl he v. Itepulilicilii party Me said tlmJslamNII l o r P o t t i . i a v w !i'h« siiliM -atiou n f t ’io : o h j e c l i im it w iT i t " sn id i t c o a id liul


lVi>iitlii,iri''arcniNt.F a ir nnd w arm er; f^esU iioitlienster^*

win*Is, bccuupui; YunaiCCu- : “ '

* liev<*ii.iie■ 0*111 i***r IO<> Y<*nr« Otit.n e tr o i 't i ; iT u n e o . - ^ r a p t a l n F r a n 'o i s . M ; ir-

l iu o f : t l u ; ' t ’n i n d S t a t e s 111 a r i n r - r e v e n u e s e r v k v c e l e b r a t e *1 V '1 h u m l t e d lh • b i r t h - i!;iy ,y e s li,* n la y a t Iiis h o m e , in t h i s i-ity . T h e t-a p .la iu w iisJ iV d ijy - n n d h a p p y . i n t l i

Captain .Martin ■ wont ti» sen ai 1 ll* by rumen master-at - 1 and entea-yd tlii*.irov- erniiK’nt -servicefin lSJll1I<* wns pl:im*jl. an .tlu* retired list in lS “f» while capt si iu itf (lie old lake ivveiitu* cuttor -Ki^miien.

* - : - ■ ,TIig CiiliHEO ;isi; “ how Is .jn n r liver:-” iji- rixi of ••iitf.w iln .jon cWt*'li r "sf-tti'ii Hre v t Hotivp tl.d hciiltli is rooiI. UoWlir's

. 'Ittle Hiii'lv Ui^-rs nro riih>»n» little pills f«r. tno Hvor »nd lioivi'ls. W; R. Ham, Hr Main Rtrept.

Sufferers From Kidney Trouble Cured This Y ear toy

D r IWii-.l K c i in e i lv 's P a v 'o r i te U cru - edy. S a m p le .B o t t l e f r e e .

TliWiSicinls »'lm li.-ivc wrlt.len for ono of tbe tVrt! tr ia l 1 ir>t.-i'| ;.s »f ,I>r. D .lriJ ICi-ti' iiftily’s Fitvori.ti' iU’irii-tr.v-lia'.'x' IIti-r<illy lisul 'thoir-lives Si-.vit!.Ijy ii pfvunl cntM.. Tiu-.y

11.0 Iriiil VrOtl I,.. 11 u. 1 11 iM'i'Vtiil to I hem tliiit Ur. ji'iii'iii KonliMl J -j- l ’.ivorli.u U um ; i-ilj-war) tlm un!y m l c u n f»r <li.-«.':t»'es-i,f i lie lCiilne-jv, l-.ivcr, Jtl;»t<)wr iinil lUnol. Llbt-miuil lsm,«l.).VKpnriijli Ciirbutu Omsi Ijki-. tlon nf»l tlio f-li-!vlit-s-t’H pcft'-lttar to Wumnh,

liauKlil. a litrftu ^i.'.uil Ivj'flu of [heir ill llUri!i^tH ilil.lt it liHlll1 tl ti":ll i t f.’ilr(;ct tin 111

(Um n'lniv»ii*i nut iui itlle Ihlti-'luylil, lint tl:e II'.'lilt up?®" fill Invcstic'iLtipiii.

Y o u ii m .ili> U i^ k i i i io 'I liin tr . I f VBii t'.c t in lio i it f a s to .w httlM 'i- v o n lii iv o t 1'i‘iih jo w it li y r .i ir 1CI «l n e y s- -U ltu l i!e i\ p u t/ trjujto o t y o u r i i r i i t«4 in it irliibH n i |n l i l y r u n i ie,' it s ta i i i l S4 h o u r s ; j f l f r l i a n a s v d ln iP iit , o r iv i n i l k j , d p i t i i y : ! i i | i r a n t t t e i ', i f It. Is . r o p y n r s t r i n g y , i « lo - u r t lK -o liire i) , y o u s jim il il loSo n o 'L im e ill t n k ln u H r. .D itv lil K i in i in lv ’.-i l ’.is*c»ii'« K w n e i lv ; It i.-an 1 11- l i;u t o t”;i! 1 i;n ii-r - g t s t t a t. f t.U S a b t rU i b o t t l e , u r t i s .liottlo.-i r o f K i td . i t ' i s w it lr'» ,it“- l in e s t lo i i -1 l io .s u w a5l i i i e ( t t i ; i n o '_u f _ ttVK-'.:i[r(i t o p « t - i r s t .« [ i to s u e h . c liin iro ro u s :y i i i ] to iiH k a p a li f l i t . t i i e I ’i iu k , a f ii rtuo tit. i l f s i r t i to u r i iu i t e . 'e s p e t ) - i i l i y n t n l i i l i t , aM -l.lliiK liu f i . iu iS , p a if i in pffts ttlir . w a t e r , i n a l t M t j ; p» tio lil j ir lr t i- u riii

^ jy l_ iJ n ^ -u iip lr ii. :i iit a n d d a u g e r i-i ia t i l a d s p r n U n x ’it i'll , t l \? .s j - s tc m I n - 'H u t m ? o f \v lii< l:t 'V iim l l e c ' i \ ' ' ' ' ' .'

B i 'ii il- j'o tir ' f u l l tiiiin ii ,unil-TriunTo<s'- r<T“ tlic - D r. l l i iv i i l llea.iTeil.v C6r’p iji ii it i> ii ..U o :ic io u t, .3X--Y,, miO In ;.M tn s w u n e n t io i i l l i is p a p tT w li.M jsi I r i i i l lioH le.'V 'I.U i p u i i 'p b l i ’t o f v h ’.h - t lfe o m e iik n l a d v ic e , -A'lti bo m a t te d t o .y o n HbM 'ltltipt}", (b»u. ' T h e p t il i l ls l io r iii’ t i l l s p u p o v k t i ^ r i t n t M s - t i w g«nuliie.iic?>--'of. t b te l i t ie m t nfT er. ■ , " " ■

bolieva ottr efforts tini npprociatofl, us oac bnaiuofis ie heavier and

. hoavi«r euoli year. Siitiedod ctfetd- Diois b’l’ing thoir frionds- anti tlifis wopcrow. -

May jra not servo you ? ■

Z A C H A H I A S & C O .' 7*3 BlaftlSQH Ave. ,

Pierce -A HpftiiUcit Anlilo Curl',I.f "At olio 11 mo J fin n’eruil front ti BovorB

' You can got -one nt -

Sanford’- $47 iVlatt-ison Avenue


iipraln ot Wie m.ikto,” n.iys Georgo E citltorof tlio Guide,Wusttiufftoii.Va.. "Aftoi- iislnij nevBritl well rocommoutleil tneillulnos witliout success, I tried' .Chamberlain's Pain Balm, aiid am moaned tojany tliat rollof ojniia an soo'n iih I hoguu iis uuo mid a I'implotGcut-o speedily foltowail:11 Sultl hj- Tltomiis M. 8 tewnrt, corner Cookmnti nv<,-. iiito ami Bond street.

fact, lor a \vcek or more. A hioni complete litre it would l>e liard'

find.- Small checks and narrow '^ strip es will lie the prevailing styles

ttiis spring.

r C H S R L E S K R A I N Z


I GRAVEL Fm SALE' ,t ■ __ ______

^ ■ . .? Best quality, of A Lien wood and Shark- River {jravsy for T . sale,. • .Delivered in carload iots'Vo all points aiotig' tlie'

coast at lowest rates. 1.

T H E - f f l M / i - S Q U f i M B M V E L C O . '

W i l b u r ,A. H e n s l e y , . president.'■ *' ' S. A. P . ‘ T T £ R S O t i , 7/lUS. 'AMi,SEC. ^

> O f F k c s : M o n n j j } ' . j f l h B u j / i / i n f f , A s b u r y P a r k , ' J . ' • £

._________________________ ,, i ' ' .

& p e r? tb re< - * A’l'tlii sii-rlnir'aa il<*slj;n.s Rrper U.iii"iair iintl J’alntiny a specialty.

. . , Fap'sr hi-uuht t'tom us will lio -trimtutU frviYoC charge........................

_.Hew Jersey Decorating, Co.;16’ cooknan Avenu?U rrfn c h , jfi'M-rtrlc- : _____ •_. . " ;

Do PS Y our F - u r . a i t i u ' a - ' -

If it itm-s "not, fiend nio n pnstnl curil ntnl I a-iil cull psrsonally iirnl tell wliat

. tlie tost w ill bo to mnlte It so. i fa-HrcfflCT .re n ayateili— etmWcn-ircirfc—

I I j l / r t a \.k r 'O °‘ kinds; Cumpleto line'of tspliol- ■J—.O O »v l~«l r\ 6 © VV •••staring gooJs uiwnys in.stocli.

E D W I N A . W E I S ,. ••;-.a.r»civDocor'atintf 6 1 2 C o o k m ^ ji-A v ^ n u e

T h e P R E S S E C C ^ T A t N S A L L T H E N E W S



X a;0 ,T ’E 3L)S -A . - S P E C I A L j T T ,’ .We Exccl All Others In , - '/ *

'Q u a l i t y n n d L Q u a n t i t y

S A T U R D A Y S P E C I A L S :

CKuclc Roast" ' 9c-Pork Loin aad chops ' . 10ic Yeal Rosst • 10 and 1T<?

-Boned-Roast-— ------—.------7-c-



10c 3 lbs2Sc'




J O H N ’ T H O M S O N ’S

WMtc From Meat iarkei

SPRING GARMENTOur styles are .all in; liave been, in


Page 6: WILL FAY ASSESSMENTS FOR SALE - DigiFind-It · Tlii rtl avenue.' Tho sign ‘was *1x5 feet "and boro t ho insorlptlon ^Union Steiini_.TiniTi^ dry of-Nowark;,,-“Thtr polico; liavo

ASBURY PARK DAILY,TRESS, TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1000. ■■ . -« .. ' ' /' .


I s th e s to ry o f o u r s p r in g o ffe r in g s in e v e ry

d e p a r tm e n t . W e 'v e a ll th a t ’s n e w a n d d e ­

s ira b le in


fancies o f the season. The demand for wash fabrics will be enormous. Challies, dimities an4 >mousselines will prevail for mid-summer use. To select herc means buying right.

Is ever. at the front and leading com-

. .petition. It’s perhaoi useless to dwellm i u m c r y on the completeness of our stock or the

ability of our designers and trimmers.

Ready to wear garments for ladies misses and children,

from the coinmort house wrapper to the .most desirable tailor made suits and skirts in all cloths and finish.

U pwe pride ourselves on the stock arid styles

# we have to offer in mens’ and boys’ cloth^ L d i r ^ jug- and hats. They are easier shown than

told of; besides the impression is more lasting.

Thtre’s a comfort in our shoe: room. Comfort in select­

ing, comfort in the price.arid a comfort in the wearing which

can only come from proper fitting, which depends on expert

ence an'dlcare of selection. - -i . .

Ice Chests,- R anges, Gasolene S tou ts a n d lo o f sWILL BE REPAIRED PROM PTLV B Y '

W O O D W O R T H & H A B E R G A H N Tinsmiths. 712 Cookman Avonuo _

G I E B O . R D SOJV_P l a i n a n d O r n a m e n t a l P l a s t e r e r s r

llrlcM aylng, Sotting of Mantels, Unnges and Heaters. Also Boiler Setting and Foundations Eaid. Tile Setting. ' • *_

Estimatm ' I'VuNiaui'.ij roit Auovp, w ith Kefbuknobb.

. jP o s to F fio o ] { o x t i t , B r a d l e y B o n o l i , IV, J .



Our New England Bread

s is acknowledged: to be ..

tlie nearest to the old -

fashioned ■ home "inade

bread y o u 'always

praised so highly .r ZiL 3C X A-

T J . W i M C K L E R7 / 7 MA.TTISP1S A V i5.

J lQ tlU K Y I i re

BASEBALL SCORES.I l f s n l t s o f V ( i n i u W I n tlii*

$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0A T ■ _

, PER CEN T. - .

.....Wo Uiiva tlie. nbovo sum to place In urge or sm all ntnuuntfi (iifllrsfiruirtgiigo

.lo an s on A sbury l’arli,.1.Lo(:h A rbcur, A llenhurat an d Deal business o r d u e l­ing property ,

J . W . H e tr ic k S o n ,6 2 5 Mattison Avonuo.

• V ‘, '• , ‘"Ko&tor Block'. : v

JAMES H. SEXTONF u n e r a l D i r e c t o r

L, S S I

A. fine line ol oaaketH on hand to stv- . loot from. - Flower donlguu a Specialty. Open1 day und night., Telephone,''21 u. .

- Ilealdenpe, 410 B ew ail nvenue.

--T llfisFSppolal Advertisements bring tin' nipdiato results.

’ . . ”• ~ nnrrorc* :i t iNATIONAL l.ICACUi:.

.Al ,NV«- York— ■ . ' it. ’ Tf. K.Nt w ‘u -i I | • r r - i r r 3 ' “ p 7 11, p

.• n ti' o i» u 11 1} '} o~ l : iiIVith-m\« ll:ju;ltv.aiulj Jr;iily; tfvoit, ll;ili;i uml

. IVilz. - ' .; M I'r-i. tVlyn—*. ” . - ' '. ; 'it. u* *•UrnitJiiyll. .. . fi. l) 0 n" 0 1 i— | ■■ 7 . i'• 'b ii-ju iy .n . _i i|- h 1 ii*,‘i-s • z■ il l I N'Vi'T—ITiMIIll y .U Jff ‘-I-'ili-Jl'ji; ( Jl ijitil

,\r. ,r. n. 11, 15, •I'* A ■'-iiv.-.. . « n -1. o ‘2 ’ On 0 "~r. r, i;i

' SV. 1 ;' :V ■ -V U \ ’• .<’t'...' Ji. 1' \ r l?i "ill 1*7111. .15.1:1 i I i 111 cl 101" il j |t| It»,.l».

'.' .Vi I’Yil rS'/lj .. r. r. • jk ft.IV':.H-Trr 11 .\ 0 0 0 n n - .1 7 L-f:f-htn-.• i ) . t j II o n i) . i’ 1 - :> i;ln; "1

15,1 ; I, ntu-1 Mrl^irlit -ni’;- )Viii!-JU “■»'! 51i:i;uiir. ■ ■ 1 ■;

.>iA m u n i : d r T iJ i :‘ c i .L 'i ; s .

; ■ v ^ X- r.cv.lliUn-JrVji;; U :i.Vv:b7. ; ; U'a.wH'.

i;>; i.j .-.V-'K.j:.'.n....v h . Ur Jt' ■ 'v-W -Vtii'lc., l;s iin'

• , it ‘ i»!iihruti.. .iu.-aa/.iis:', . ' . . ' . *• At K-i'ni.i i‘i - K*iijmi» < iiy,.;}; lfi.Al . M i •,-•=- MiUv’iji(!;<;<« l Jt-vvRYrH, *■>. ■ • -

Ijii ;U " iV-ii'i;'.. lirl'r-sil a Ji »,• !t, • •'; _. • ., « \ r M l i . i .lJdroii, 5.

• . k a sti: ii n ; 1 ,k a( ; v i:. • .; ; "At I!-ilrir>r.|- i . I l - l i <;t< 1 T.A: 'I' lin .1! 111. V), »i; Sv'j ;i< 11-.AI •(•?>$ 1 ■ t;— ’\ 11 r- 1 1 <t , <4 i‘r«)v!Mt'in{», fi.

• Ai AlIt-nif-\A!ri. 1 11.T iiJiiii-x, 7, ■ >. .w»itii>“ AllM i\rtW !i..lO;;i|yYi isliiiri*, .'

; — uijs Clut (<> rolnm blfi, .Xnv Vsii'li, .»i;ni> ..'V'.- .At ill nnM>t.in o f

. llli? liVnin!' <>i‘;lTIl.'fn*S iif* f **»t ftllll »i)t' IIifi V«*1“- j y- l i 11. ill i) j ij'ii' y .l 111 i iUi; 11; .y.<‘sti * i;il; i y-

•;il irniMMi! rr»^iil«'iitV. f-o\v. a iSiiimnn'M.i . u: trijc ’ >nf .SHMMKHi from , ini' ’ ”i» !i< »n .ViVhjh>» - fi i';i mIi * * <’!•< •(* t JislViTl'ii is'.liull. i nriln rL(o. 11V-* 1 *iu 11i ps IIhk tiis ' • 11 iiiiso. sit- -11 u»'va r.*1.1 ‘ I ii i i s • f i iir ‘ t li n v c . i v j »liy . M f K i n i . M . & M 'ii it i? ; ; ju m (. w i l l

M 'inlUij: *i‘<in»ilis ju u I a 'h a l l - \v i th .a V*'nlitiv?o l ‘ r.fJt). T h i s h u i l i l i i i i r w i l l | i h i | i -

n !il,v i i(» (Moj't(‘i l iii I .^ r n a i jw a y t h o p tlg ii^ tr i 'i 'i t i i r Im i l i l in s . ■ ^ . 1 ■ , ' " . ’

j.— ■— i h n t r - ' J i n y-V .V H ;rif-- C: l 11\ m lf* 11» vp! « ml; J 111 u * * JVi—'lHvi y u * I i7*iTTc'*

w Iil H i . ■:n t e u i l V d '. 't jiV*' in a s s ) )u ,< 'i u i ^ l io ld ' •ii 1* . ( i r a y ' s ii n n n r y l; t> l r v y n i n ^ la x o 'i l t lit* ,<ii|>;n;i i y n f t h a t 1 » ii il t lm jr l • tA 11 T lirci* <*/ini-

^ n i . ^ s io n t ^ s u j j u l i ' sin*i'f?lu‘*is, a n i l im IiIiv sso .^ i r u i H f . : t h * l i v p a i s d h y ' ^ o V o riil ~ 1<>;«mI11 ► ri*. Uti*iii m i«ti T \v(*n» a < it 111*i i Vl<*111> uni*- iii ' th«J, Hrit^h ^ vvnimiMil nml «l<MH.a*njl- iii’ frt'od'iui .tin; tht> onvoy^;l| !l*«Uiyr rhi< »' i.‘ iltTl u’dor-k

Unless foo<l Is dicest wl fjulckly il, wlll.for mcnt iynl Irribata tlioHtotnaoh. iWtor oach meal tako it teaspnonful of JCodol Dy»popfila Cure. Iujlco«t«wliar. you oat ancf will al­low yon. to oaf. nil you nopd of wlint.ydti ll*;o. ir- uovor fntlH to ouro tliM •worst, capna of dvspepsla. If is plojurnnt to take. ,W. It. Hum,*107 Muiu street. ;* —*



S p e c i a l B a r g a i n s i n-j '* X , " :. ;■ . ■: : *;• V- ‘ ■ . . 7 •• . ;•

Shades, Tinware, Enamel Ware, Tubs, Wringers, OU Cloth, Wash Boards, Baskets and general mbVirig time necessities.

F r e s h G a r d e n S e e d sAT "WHOLESALE PRICES . i.

I :

CC■ W e U n d e r s e l l 11



TRYING TO TRAP BOERSHuge British Movement Is E vi­

dently In Progress;” '


A r t l i c . l F i l e T l i e r e . F r l i l u y —D f. wi r t- o f . O l t l f c c im 1 C o in in i t t o o t o . S u r r e n d e r

.. . . K y h l p n t l y O v i* r rn I iM l U r h i r c H l i i n i ;F i K l i t c r a - W n r C o u n c i l l i v i d .

L o iu lo n , .7lin o 5 .— M o re t h a n Hour.6' - in i .v a .o l u iisiiil. ;>:iiK-o t h e w a r o lik u ^ li o a i’ll

f r o m . L o r d IvolK 'rtfJ.- a m i- ,th o ro is a ls o ;in a lm o s t o om jilo t.o al^i*iK *e j>f u n o t l io ia l l io w s f r o i i i t h o f iu ln ti I t i s s n 'p p o so d .tlu jt . t h o I h i t i s h c i^ m iia iu lo r is s o d i s p o s i n g lii.s tro o p K a s t i» C n y i 'I o p ^ th o T r a n s v a a l csipi* t a l , . to * :o th i‘i* w i t l i ' a n y -Hnov fort*os t h a t m a y In* s o i m i i s c r t ' r t a s t o s t i c ’ - t o t l i o i i p o s i t io n s io t l a ' i io ijr iib n rh o n U .

'ScTY oral-■ 'corrospoti’ilen ts.- h r tv o f i x n l -t ho in i in lio r o f c o l u i i in s c o n V o r s in o n 1’r (•to­r i a , b u t t h w o is! n o t i l i j i j r i o im lio a to '.n o c u * r a t o l y w h a t c o in in a m ls a r e . ro f o r r o d to . ( to n 'o r a l W a v o l i ’s b r l j ra i lo , i t i s k n o w n ,

.h o ld s »Io h a n i !(*>*{ mi r jr . M u s t o£ th o r n n a in * o f L o r d H u lio rts* t r o o p s a r o a ; i p a r o n t -

l .v -o p o if itin .u t o t h o n o r t h w a r d o f t l io c i ty o f tlie* U m id . W h a t p a r t M o t l iu o n . c o miii y Triun K!• ‘p-siI n«• p f<m"1 ur"s iTii Invtis’K Ti nd llnntor nml Uadi'ii-l’owoll, holicvnl to ho moving toward tlio capital from the wost, an* to’ takif in tho prosont pjrand movo- iiM-nt is a myslory. It is an intorosfin:<|ii«>stinn als«i wlii'tho.r J*uilor, from .Va* ta 1, ami C’arriin rton . from th o fa r north*, ju u ^ iin t-a o i^ n ^ in :-con j4mctioa-Avi til- 1 lu coniiliamlor in rh icf.

In t lie*' ahsonro o f ilofmito how s Lon- *lom»i‘s.art*-snonilatim r-liltlp- on-tliK. exaot s ittia tion . hut w ait co rifn len tly .fo r ifporti: of a siiHTSsful issm *.'

CVi*wm P r o m n«i(»r Sonrcro«.Somo tflo.srranis from tlio “ I»oi*r si do

hriii« ovi'iits dow n to F rid ay . T h o y soom to • indicate . th a t whilo th e tow n itso lt w as. as tin* K arl^of-U osslyn sa id it .was. roaity to sn rro iidor.-tho hurghors pour in? luick from tin* fro iit proforrcd to try a pra i i r t h t'rfrrrnim*»« t^Tvar-ui^rspn^-favnra^ hl«» to fli'Tcns^. A. tolojrrani to*Tho iJNiily •Mnil. dated Friday^ says: •

•T h c to * n * i* .* !i!l 'full o f s tram ro burph- ors, hut m ost-^if lUo commaii«lpo,s hjiyo boon laa^orcd otilsido. A groat w a r oouii- on:>ofj f:onorals h a s convlndod a specia l sit- tiujr. • T ho ir (looision'as to tho fn ti in 1 m il- it?t ry c >lirsc . t o ho‘ ail'oiitod iH ' not ye t know n.-. _

A ‘ d is pa t ch t o T h d -’ I) a i 1 y fS |« i I from Iifl.tU’oiu.’o M anjuos, da tod yeste rd ay , says:- _•

J*Thero is stJlT 1 iit U* rolialdo how s fro m th o .T ran sv n al, lint it is. know n lh a t sOipo ii ri 'a t lir it ish in *»v *n n * n t i s ' i i'i- p roir ross.- .’

*,rnn? m ysto iio iis inovfitUMits of Prosi- ..dont, K rii^or’s so rro ta ry nnd dotHdr, in paitii*uli.ir tho ir som -t v isit on hoiij;d tlio I hit oh w arship- IfrhtshVnd, lyinpr in tho liarhor hr-ro. ha vo-’a roused susph.-iojjs th a t yomo im p o rtan t ■ porsotiajjos, a re oxpo'c*t- od.” . ‘ ‘

"An tihdiUod iuossa^o from P ro to i’iii via r^oiHoiicn M ;ir.(|Uos say s: , ^

‘i ’n-loiia’ is now invent fri* by ihfc*AiIJ.rit- i.-hr » lcsista iioc- vvil !• In* offorod!: Flicc ity will In* .stirri*inh*red by tin.* b iir^hors as soim n s ;t form al!iloiiiaiiii is madi*.” ) ’-. T h i s ’ino.-sago pnrpoi is to. coine iii ci- liiicr. | • * .

. P aris ; ;duuo„-;o>“ ';V ImTliiuht yosfforday in . Hie n n»ua a t . l>onil.: a ,-mburb of P u rls , -wliioir \va s "aUoiph d l»y -1 .OIK) P a ris ia n s ; .was prooodod' h y aii o scitiii^ iiicidi'iit. A s tho; Spa n id i lailU ijditvrs woro passing in a .a irrin tfu liio ar a ^roiij) i»f, porsotis pro- lostinw 'a g a in s t t in* sport, a younj; m a n w ho sioml in tlio fro n t ra n k d rew JJ re ­volver and firoil tw o s tin ts; F e lix U oiiort,

T H E H A V A N A F R A U D S .

j RrfcHtoiv D lH co y ers M o re S ta r t l i n g F nctfi. ‘ •„ i.,

TTavana, J u n e Y osjorday mpniifiji llio eX anm vitiim • of' .Mr. R sto s C5. lta th* h.m o,' foriiior diroc.tur o ^ ,p o sts t w as .con­tinued, I t. la sted uitire th an fo u r h o u rs T h e m ost s ta r tlin g fai-t developed \v iu th a t on ■'Xiny 2U o f last y e a r M r . H ath ; hone nrdorod Si>e.cinl A gents L eatliere i. and S u llivan to '^ ex a m in ^ th e J- neoounts. Thoy foiintl a., sliorta^o. b u t i t w its ljot th o u jrh f t lm t any th im r had pone wroller. Tlu*y reported,, how ever, that* th e re ,wns no <’hoek upon th e hhroau of tiuance. and they roconiinom lnl th a t e o rta in ■ bla.Uk form s in* 'm ade w hieh would a n sw e r th e puVpoj'o, such a s all p o s tm aste rs use whon m ak ing th e ir reports to th e d e p a r t­m ent m onthly. . Mi'. M aynard , th e n eliiet iijient, im lorscil th is reconim endaU ou aud fo rw a n le d .i t to M r. Ita thbone . T h o l a t ­te r approved i t ;-and -se.nt i t to ; A ndito i Keove.s, who in itia led an d .fo rw ard ed it .tn X eely. - A f te r he had initia jed i t instead o f p u tiiu f ' th e sohetne in to opera tion he (itiiotiy -piseonliolert: it. anil i t d id niTt'Koe tho-ligh t u n til M ay. lo of th is y e a r , w hen tlie p lan w as p u t in to effect. .

Mr.- Urfstoiv says he is almost,sure tlint tho extent of the steal .w ill iiannuit to soniethi npr between .SU.OOO a nd $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 , hnt that, this will not touch the item of surcharge stamps, which is $411,000. As tiV-hnw-Tmnny-of-lbese—were-lnirinM-aud how inn liy so Iil it is impossible to obtain' doifni^e information. As many have ht*eu traced it is known positively that aol afl wore destroyod. hut if Neely sold. sny.

M )* >- TTrth— Id-notho surprising, Mr* Bristow thinks, to find them seat to red all over-tho world.

The postal inspectors say it is astonish iiifr that a ‘system so' rotten eouldhave hoen coneenlod beyond the first month. Kvery day only, adds to the Surprises; Lieutenant ( ’uhinel1 ]5nrton, Mr. Jones, the special prosecutor, and Mr. Stevens left last nljrlit for • the United States. Lieutoiinnt Colonel Burton expects to re­turn here- iir ahout ten days.

Iljopesiare ex pressed hy some of the"lo* eal papers that as (ioVVitnor Uoosevelt has si^m;<l the extradition order, no .fur­ther time will he,wasted in hrinffin^ Nee-

"ly t<i frial~Thoso journals point out tlitrT “ISeely’s eon<1 net' 1ms dis^nieed Ameji* eans in tile eyes of Cuhans.” and they de­clare that ’’the best way.for the Ameri­cans to redeem themselves is to bring him to a prompt trial.” .

a -toro^dnjv jluekOd his •heUiU iilid a Inil ,le.t . slijxhtly . w ounded^ a Hpsiniard, 1G1 jr im t.. , ' in th e .a rn i.; T h e crim inal,.-w ho Is a Sw ede ‘.named Ivan Atfuoli. w as’ im m e­diate ly arrested ,. as ;wa< also a w oinan in m hTl“ If tin tr_eelelii,J5(*Ml~roi*^lnTi,~e('een~ trie p lo t est.s:; a tin it u t bnHfi^ht ing. T h e niali"; w ho is a s tiiileu i.' toid tin* pollei* hh* de.<i'red to ex iirt^ s h is div^ust t «o’ t sueh a spurt .as Spaiiisl; bullti^In in« should be tolenjited. a -

OVER Axo-cent packnffes of John- soa'a Kidney Pills bave bcen'feold; I t Traa the firstReliable Kidney

weKemedy“X \ tpopular p r i c e , on d is th e ONJVY ON'K th a t l s GtTARA-NTERD to cu re nil d lsenses o f the. K 1DNKYS, B U U3DK R a n d UJON^\KV, O RGA NS. . W h n t B etter te s tim o n ia ls c o u ldv?t g ru ^ 215 Pill* 10 c c n ts . Hy moU fo r five a-c e u t 's ta m p s.

" .Wade at n » J iln if ln U bontoriti, Xm..



r of Bile by B. Hamland all le \ Udk druj?Kiut8

3 I n n n t i d l lo t M C H K i l l e d ,

•Kciv dime. 5.—One man’ and two-horses wertvi killed. last wiKld through what* was'said to in? *the blunder o? 11 «ateman at- tlnv Ashburton a vt‘iim*-.cross­ing of t he New York Central railroad in S'onkers, He had lowered tin* «att»s to allow a scnit.h- Umnd train to*pasA. AVhile the gatKs ’ were down’ several . wagons, were held-up. Among them was a' eon I wagon tiriyei^.by John; A. White.., When the fra ih had passed, the gates •'were raised, and White started to driGe across, When Ills wagon w as upon the north boivnd tradlv il was struck, by an einciue tiiat oame aio'siK at high ^ieed. Iltnses* and ilriter were thrown, 20 feet. When picked up. White was dead. At, the same crossmg;n nia.11.and a pair of horses were UinediiiExactly the Biime manner about; a year ago. . .

l J r o ^ T n e t l n t I U n I t n p i l n n i * .

Memphis,'.Tune &.1-W ithin l(»ss thnn three ininutes after having received the fiaOrannmt o f baptism^nnd the honedictioa .of Ins pastor .lames Phillips was drown­ed- in-the watei:s; in/ wjiiclr he ha«l been baptize^ in tin? preHenco of helpless and horrified b.rethron of his congre/,'ati.on'and otlier spectators. The tragje incident Joc- eurred at tin' f«iot lif-^Benle street. ' Phil­lips. after the iinal benediction, had gonfc alioanl ‘.(life, steamer. ‘Wichita to, put on dry-.Hothiiijij; lit* htidi seareely stepped, aboard'the. steamer when; Ife was over- y*n.ie Wilj, religjoits fervor and fell buck- ■wiird. i»yi*r' i lu.* snie o f the bOa'(. vltTTPinilir tU» si'Svral <inu*.s as.'he was-swrpt by the i*dpi'd eitrrent. with his,hands iildft as if j.M as:sist;iuee. tyiiild be•Ijlyyii tlm T*"ody went do wii the last dime ninr wiis enrried heaaeth-a tow of coal b a r g e s ; ’ v 4

I)«*t-uil«o,iv H eld F or I f r ^ t t l , -

Albany. ;h 1 n e 5.—-J u d go >. (J re^i iry, *r 11 •the count y coiiTt.. h as■ announced -that ,ho ha^.dooitled'. to jiuld. ICihvnrd II. Dei^uy son iff Moa-me cotinty for the wraml jurj for fniud couimi.tted in ‘ connect ion .with Jhe Kot|l:e?*i«*r school bill. I11 himoune* in; ibis'*dei'j£iu:i Judge (tie^ory said that -li —|oid—i* in lakeii *ii,d tIsa t he* had* concluded that I0dv.-aicl 1 1 . Dta'nison must unswer." A warrjiat issued,forJils arrest, which SheriIV Svh 1 fl'erdotda?rJ\vi.U exeeuje.

=¥=•NojzleiUs tho short 8tep so many tnfco

frointu co««h orcohVto coDHumption. ^Jio early iiaaof Ono Minute Crtbgh Cure pre­vents consumption.' It.lBiheonly.harmlfef>8 rotnedj*' that kIvoh immedlato refttilt . -It cures all throat and lunjr troubles. Children all IIIvO it. and mothers pntlorso it, ‘ W. R. Ham,“10T Main atroot.

o <►

♦ <►

Two o f the 23 departments in our modern establishments are devoted exclusively to the displaying and,selling of - ■

T a ilo r M ade S u i t s S e p a r a t e S k i r t s . J a c k e ts a n d W ra p s

for women and misses and - ^

Ready-to-put-on Clothingfor men, youth^. and-boys;— —-------------

W e have been selling clothing for both sexes for th e past iS years W e know, ,therefore,

... ... something about the clothing business. " W e know, too, just what so^t o f clothing our patrons want and just what kind they do not want.1

The sort they want is now ready for’summer ”• . buying and wearing. No other store in Mon­

mouth County provides its patrons with such a large or more varied stock to select front and the famous stores in the large c ities' do not sell the • sam e quality of wardrobe essentials cheaper than

^ we do. *. 1The season for wearing light-weight Gowns

and Clothing is now here. W hy not dress com- ^ 1 fortably and m o d is h ly ? When you are ready to

buy come in and look dur stock o f Clothing oyer.. W e feel sure you will be satisfied with the gnr-

ments and the pricing.

S T E IN B A C H C O .

. . . T W O S T O R E S . . .


From $2 ,0 0 0 to

$5,000 of the' As-;

• bury Park School


T. F R A N K A P P L E B Y .

Cor. flain S tree t and fljattlson Avenue

Dayton Orient Cleveland• Yalei Spalding W hite .

Baines " Eaglo CrawfordTribune Quaker Sterling

Those kre flomo of tlie wheels I am Bolling tlilayear.. . — ................... -- ■.


repair shop.- This Insurer-prompt and re­liable repairing. ' ~ •L e s io n * G iv e n a n d W h e e l* lo r R e n t in g ■

M » L . F E R R I SC c n t f f l H i l l 7 1 4 M a t t i s o n A v e n u e

Tbo circulation of tlio DAILY PREB8 goes forward steadily ana raplflly,

i: 626 COOKMAN AVE.. A cup of our ilullvlcuii colTeu in tlio ; 'moriiliit' wlllkoop you in uootl liu- j. mor nil day.j- Rcduccd Kates tu Hotels and t , .Boarding M ouses.

ji Always rrosli roasttd aud g round ns you want It. '•••. .

jl Elgin Creamery Dnttor at Cost j. ' Clvo uh au order and Ijo convinced



Itan movcd Its main oflleo from 812 Cook: nianavofiuo to 021 Mattison avonuo—ICcator Block.

P a t r o n a g e S o l i o l t e d .

WOBK and PSORIPT SE5YIGET o lep lio n o 8Bb.

J W e W a n t ?£ C o m e A gain ! Custx)me

. T h a t’s . .^ h y w e two o u ly T u r o W hite L e a l .a n d U n so c d Oil an d C olors ab so ­lu te ly ti 09 f ro m ,-a d u lte ra t io n . W o ^Ivo y ^ ti th o b e s t m n te r la ’s am i m o s t uk illftd w ork inan^ li ip b ^caufo w& w o n t T o u r ppr-^ n u fo cn t p m ro n a g o . y ' , \

E. J . STROUD• Painter nnd Decorator.

A P. O. Box S871 d

T O L O A N$8 oo, $i,5oo, $2 ,0 0 0 , $2*500, $ 1 , 2 0 0 ]

At 6 Per Cent.• ■ • -v .. ;

$5,ooo, $3 ,0 0 0 , $ 2 , 0 0 0 . j

At 5 Per Cent.

WILLIAM GIFFARD222 f la in S treet

Real Estate insurance

• A Flags,TE/iTS, burgees Canvas Covers

made of boat material and workmanship a t low esfcprlcea.

C A N V A S K O O F I l f GA S P B O / A L T Y .

Flag Foies Falqted and Raigatils mtacUBa', E l e v a t o r a n d D u m b W a l t e r

' F llg g ln p . S p l ic in g , & o . .

H E M P E N W A Y ’ S

617 C ookm an, 6 18 M attison A vc s ,ASBURV PARK. __
