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WiMTEst HARDWARE! WMTEi Jtnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jb36m/data/0203.pdfJOUETT k APPERSON, (SUCCESSORS...

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Speaking Out. In the long run the habit of keeping hack much of what he thinks acts destructively on the tr.an himself. The practice dims his conscience and alter his creed. lie iuppresscs so much tat in the end he blots out part of himself, auJ hardly knows what he believes as a man, and what as a partisan. While the process of decline is going on, the man's utterance lacks the warmth, the clear ring, the edge which wefind in the ideas that enme straight from the heart and brain. That is why partisan speeches sound so hollow That isVliy the writings of able men in the lead- ing columns even of thejehief journal so of- ten lack edge and distinctness, and seem the work of on intellecuul machine, rather than a living intellect. It is for the same reason that most men are so much smaller tlian ntture meant them to be. Nature meant them to be big and well formed; but they are stunted and Ait proportioned be- cause some of their faculties have not been exercised at all. They will not speak out, they will not say whatth-- y think; so they become Ifke ifnto the thing they worship the God of corporate action, whose gos- pel is that of suppression, whose hymns are made i:p of abstract phrases, punctu- ated with wiukff, and unto whoso throne goes up, day and 'night, tho incense ofhypocracy. Mr. Mill believes tin's lack of individuality to be the most dangerous sign in modern civilization. At least if men would dare to lead the lives marked out for them by nature, fhey would speedily be very different from a race of mental and moral dwarfs. Keals spoke the truth un- der tho veil of poetic exaggeration when ha said thtt ff each would express hrmself, each would be grunt, an 1 humanity would becomo "a grand democracy of forest trees." Fraser's Magazine. A Singular Sermon. Four gentlemen and an oil minister were assailed on tho highway by three robbers, who demanded and took posses- sion of all their funds. The old minister plead very hard to be allowed a little mon- ey, as he was on his way to pay a bill in a distant city. The highwaymen, "being generous fellows, gave him all his money back again on condition of his preaching them a sermon." Accordingly they re- tired a little distance from the highway, and the minister addressed them as follows: "Gentlemen You are most like the old apostles of any men in the world, for they were wanderers upon the earth and so are you; they had tieilndr lands nor tenements that they could call their own; neither, I presume, have you. They were despised of all but thoso of their own profession; and so, I believe, are yon; they were un- alterably fixed in the principles they pro- fessed, and I dare swear so are you; they were often hurried into jails and prisons; fill of which sufferings, I presume, have been undergone by you; their profession brought them, all to untimely deaths, and if you continue in your course such will be your end. But in this point you differ mightily; for the Jipostlcs ascended from a tree into heaven where, I am afraid, you will never come; but as their deaths were compensated with eternal glory, yours will be rewarded with eternal shame and misery unless you mend your ways." Two friends met the other day in the street. "What a shocking bad hat you wear!" exclaimed one of them. "My friend, I wear it only because 1 love my owh liberty." "Cut what on earth has your liberty to do with the hat?" "Oh, a great deal. My wife has sworn she never would walk out with ma so long as I should wear such a hat!" A wife wanted her husband to sympa- thize with her in n feivtinine quarrel, but he refused, saying, "I've lived long caough td lertrrj that one woman is just as good as anether, if not better." "And I," re- torted the exasperated wife, "have lived long enough to learn that oe man is just as bad as another, if not worse." A servant, newly engaged, presented to his master, one morning a pair of boots, the leg of one of which was much longer than tho other. 'I tow comes it, you rascal, that these boots are not of the samo length?' 'I really don't know, sir; but what both- ers me the most is, that the pair down staic are in the same fix.' A Cincinnati dentist was introduced to a fashionable beauty the other evening, and gracefully opened the conversation by saying, '.'Miss , I hope I may consider that we' are not entirely unacquainted. 1 had the pleasure of pulling a tooth for your father only a shcrt time ago." g One of Josh Billings' maxims: "Hise early; work hard an' late; live on what you kan't sell; give nothing away, and if you don't die rich and go to the de- vil, you may sue me for damages." On a recent rainy day, a wag was heard to exclaim: "Well, my umbrella is a reg- ular Catholic." "How so?" Because it always keeps lent." IiOve is better than a pair of spectacles to make everything seem greater which is seen througu it. Why is the Grecan bend like a cigar? Because it is manufactured Why is the hottest country the be6t?-Becau- it bears the palm. ALL him WiMTEst O- F- NEW GOODS, AT SA1UELS I JORDAN'S WITH the opening ol the season, we re prepared to ofi'er to our fiiends and customers a Very Superior Slock of Goods! Frora the best markets, and whicb will be sold at the Very lowest pkhi:! Onr Stock of Ladies' Ircss Goods Is unusually fine and attractive. The assort- ment generally is very complete. Every line of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, Gloves, Hosiery, Notions Embroideries, Laces, Handkerchiefs The CBpecial attention of the Ladies is called to our extensive stock of PURS. Which is the largest and finest ever brought to this market, and in which we are prepared to offer snpeTior inducements to purchasers. PLAIN and FANCY SILKS Of Superb Quality. LADIES1 CUSTOM MADE SHOES, Of the very best Style and Qual ty. Our Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES kc, for gentlemen's wear, is very large and complete, and embraces all the New and Fashionable Styles, We would also say to our gentlemen friends that our stock of HATS, BOOTS & SHOES, Is very large, and we invito their especial at- tention to this branch of our trade. S?S?ECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS. SAMUELS & JOED AN, Main Street, Mt. Sterling. October 6. FALL & WINTER Millinery Goods! MRS. 1IOIITOX OULD respectfully announce to her cus- tomers and the Ladies cenerallv that she is now in receip. of her Fall and Winter Stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Which have been selected with great care, and with a view to suiting the tastes of the ladies of this section. Her stock consists of Boiniets, Ilntst, &c , which are of the Latest & Most Fashionable Styles! She has also on hand a Large Stork of STRAW GOODS, TRIMMED GOOnS, And I'attcrn Bound, Ti'rms,STUICTLY OVHII feDLauies are invited to give her a call, and are assured that her priees will be as cheap as those of any similar house in this section. tStort on Main Sire:, oppesite the Xew Chris! ia n Church. disposed ofmy stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods to Mrs. J. C. Horton. I recom- mend her to my former customers. Oct. 15 MRS. GARRETT. SADDLE AND HARNESS TFriE undersigned take3 pleasure in saying B to his old friends, customers and the pub- lic generally, that he is still located at the old stand, two doors south of the National Hotel with a full supply of Single and Double Buggy Harness, WAGON HARNESS. BREAK HARNESS, Breeching S" Cart Harness Iiaclies and Misses Sido Saddles, Gents' Plain, Killgore, Morgan, Pad and Jockey Saddles, Boys Saddles, of all kinds, Blind Bridles, Riding Bridles, Harness Bri- dles, Martingales, Girths, Buggy and Riding Whips, Cow Hides, Bridle Bits,B"ck Bands, Horse and Mule Col- lars, and, ia short, .' FULL SUPPLY OF GOODS Usually kept in his line. Special attention called to kind and quality of work, rivaling the strongest competition in quality. Anything in his line Manufactured to Special Order On Short Notice. Call and examine my goods, and satisfaction guaranteed, FtelinjJ thankful to the aublic for past patronege, and soliciting a continuance of the same. No trouble te price and show goods. Respectfully, Harch E II. C. THOMPSON. LIME FOR SALE. T RAVE for sale about TEN THOUSAND " HARDWARE ESIFOlfflE MAIN STREET, MOUNT STERLING, KY. JOUETT k APPERSON, (SUCCESSORS TO JOUETT k BEAN) entered into copartnership in the HAVING bnsines, would respectfully in- vite the attention of I1 e people of Montgomery and surrounding count. es to their large and su- perior stock now on hand and dMIy receiving. Our line of Hardware is coinrlete, comprising in part of the fallowing: ON, STEEL, NAILS, HINGES, LOCKS, SPA3S, SHOVELS, HOES, CSOSS-CUTSAW- AXES, iC, tO. Which w6 warrant the I. est. Our stock of Stoves Comprises every variety and quality. EEE-KOO- STOVES COOKING STOVES, PAF.LC a STOVES, OFFICE STOVES, PTTBLIC 0011 STOVES, Of the most durahle material. For the table we have KNIVE3, Foairs, TA3LE SP0OIIS, TEA SPOONS, roup spoons, SAUCE SF00N3, CAEVING KNIVES Tn the way of cutlery stock is large and handsome, embracing FINE PEN KNIVES, FINEPuCXET KNIVES, SHEARS, SCliSPK?, EAZOES, ciTC., FTC, ET'C. In fact, everything that l anncrs, Carpenters Cabinet .Makers requires, swh as LANES, SCREWS. CHISELS, HATCHETS, SQUARES. LEVELS, ETC., ETC Spacial attention is d".rect"d to oaf large and niagriif. s!ock of rl? X KT S7T 2TL 333 , Of all kinds incluiiiiig funny Tin ShU. We keep always on li;inl h hirc and v;ied as- sortment of W OO S E2 XV A R E , Selected witl'j great care for this market. Give us a call ami'iexemine our stock. as we feel sat- isfied that we can plense von. Oct 15. JOUETT A AVi'EilSON .CUD Is the praise in the mouths of everybody in fla- vor of Hoback's Stomach I'ittnrs, Illood Piils and il'.ood Purifier. Kreen k Voting, Agents. JNG. OURLEY, LADIES ASO CUXl'S FASHIONABLE Weal Side of the Public Square, near the Post Office, MT. STERLING, KY, HAVING just a larce and s.' well selected stock of n. FRENCH CALF : SKINS. eXillSSS? of the vary best brands '-', : - .j.J f'"- - .c i : t the Vai'ket, also v b:iic-U'- French and American KIP AND UPPEn, I am prepared to Manufacture to Order In tfle Latest Style and Superior IVorkmaas hi Ladies Silk, Satin and Lusting Gaiters ami Slippers, Made to order, in the very best manner and on short notice. JJjyAll my work warranted to give satisfac- tion. Very Ite'pe'-'.fullv- , Jan. 9. JOHN CURLEY. GRATIFYING To know that a reliable remedy is within the reach of everybody for the radical cure of or Indigestion. Such a remedy is Stomach Bitters. Sold by all Drnggists. Breen k Young, Agents. DYSPEPSIA, There is, probably, no one difeas; with which mankind are afllicted which is the source of so many ailment3 as Jh'sprpsia: and there is no more certain cure than Koback's Stomach bit- ers. Breen k Young, Agents. FURNITURE. .J. ? Patterson, Manufacturer Importer of FUMITUllE, LEXINGTON, KY. to inform his friends and the WISHES that he has on hand A Large Stock of Furniture, The most of which is of his ow n manufacture, which he will sell on as reasonable terms as any house in the city. Jan. GOOD HEALTH Is paramount tj wealth. If the system is in bad order purge out the vile humors and dis- tempers with Koback's lilood Pills, and get the internal organs performing their regular func- tions, and once in order, keep them so by the daily use of Roboi'k's Stomach Bitters. Breen k Young, Agents. SETTLE UP! HAVING sole out and quit the grocery those knowing themselves indebt- ed to me are notified to call and SETTLE UP, as the business must oe CI OS - T CXCF. MANUFACTORY! flUE undersigned returns his JL thanks ta ilie public for Jt their liberal patronage hereto frZ tore extend'-- to him, and ivnithi L- - respecit'ilv itiVite uttentioo to the large stork of KADDUOllY & HARNESS, now on hand, which he is offering very low. A first cl.i;s ai tide of Plain B'tgoy and Oarri ige Harness. Wagon II ir'iess. Cart Harness. Bet Kip Collar, Mule and Horse Collars, Backhand and BellyOands, Blind Bridles, (assorted) hiding Bridles. Martingales Riding Whips, Spurs, Stirrups. Buggy Whip-- , Fly Nets, Fancy Saddle Blankets. Graduated Felt Saddle Blankets, Horse Covers (assorted) Warranted Wrought Bits, He also manufactures on an improved plan the well known SPUING PAD SADDLE, Best Hog Skin Shafter Saddles, Killgore and Spanish Saddles, Kcsit MOUGAltt All kinds of Boys Saddles, Leaping Head Side S addles. Back Spring Side 8aJ.il s Mioses Side Saddles, and in thurtan assortment uf al kiud.-o-f To suit customers who may favor him w ilti call. He is sole agent for the 33 -- A.Sr,r C5 TNT PATENT SAFETY BRIDLE BIT, Patented August 6, S J7 Tliis is t lie brst Bit ever invented- It com- bines tlie principle! of all Patent Cheek Keintf and cither S frtv Bits in a eT'y ..;mple lut, witli-ou- '. any complicated arrangements By the us' of tliis hit a bny can drive any horse at an speed, and pull him up whenever he desires having a pulley purchase and more ,ulvaui;tt than he need employ. Horse men "re invited to call ;ind exniins it. REPAIRING done with neatness and Dispatch. Honing yon will caU and e.vamii e my stock, I remain, Verv Respfcifnllr, TIK)M AS l.'LAKKE, Mny 14 Maiu-Rt- .. !t. Kv Gr OO D T 0 B, VAN BEN & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce h Commiss. Merchants Comer ILirlrl o r,l Third Streets, MAYSVII,LE, KV. Staple & Fancy Groceries, pnu; Copper and Domrstlc Liquors, Always on hand, which we will sell low I'm Cash, or in exchange for nil kinds of Country FrodiiGC ?. li. VANDEN & CO. Jan. 23-t- f- THE LADY'S FHIEND. Splendid luducemen's to Bidistrihers! 7'hc Lady's Fiiend announces the following Norelets for 18B9: "Between Two." by Eliza-hei- h Preseoit author of a Woman Had Way." kc; J'rize of Two Men's Lives," l.y Aman.ta M. Douglas, author of "IJrbarn 4c; A Xew Korelet by Louise Chandler Moulton. ant hor of " Kleeitij; fmm Fo te, kc: and a Xew Xovel by Mrs Ibiiry Vioi'd, the English Kovclist, ant hor of 'Erin Lynne" kc. with numerous Shorter Sr'? by a bri'!iaTt r:laxy of holy writers. The Lady's Friend will give a St?el Enyravivy, a handsome duublc-pay- e, finely-colore- d Fashion-Plat- e encrarcd on Steel and a large assortment of Wood Cuts, illustrating the Fashions; Fancy Work, kc. in every number. It will give a popular pie ce of Music worth the cost of the Magazine in itself in every number. A copy of the Larye and Beautiful Premium Steel L'nyrnrim; "The Song nf Home al Sea' engraved express; for our readers, at a cost for the enyraviny alone of ne.xely SOoo! will be sent (nost-paid- ) to every ful' (S2,5o) subscrib- er, and to every person sending on a club. This Engraving it a gem of Art! EiiT'To Xew Subscribers. Mark this. Xew subscribers who send in their names for 18C9 hefor- - the first ot November, shall receive the November and December numbers of tli is year in addition, making fourteen months in all! And all nef'Subscribers for 1RG9 shall receive the magnificent December Hol:day number, making thirteen months in all! TERMS. 1 copy, and thelarge Premium Engraving, $2.5o 4 copies e.oo 5 " (and one gratis) 8 oo 8 " (and one gratis) 12.00 One copy each of Lady's Friend and Vost, and Vremium Fnqraviny 4 00 The getter-u- p of a club will always receive a copy of the Vremium Enyrviny. Members of a club wishing the Premium Engraving, must remit One Dnllar Extra. C?a:?"Sp'cimen copies sent yratis. Address, DEACON & PETERSON, 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia! WHY NOT BUY YOUR Lumber,, Shingles ESzimJa., Doors, CHASE, DHI3IITT & COLLINS, OF MAYSVILLE, KY., And save FREIGHT, DMYAGE AND COMMISSIONS, And BUY CHEAPER than at Ripley, Cinciti-nat- i, or any other point on the Ohio River. Oct. 22-- NATIONAL HOTEL Mount SU'rling, W3I. S. THOMAS, - Proprietor, WOULD call the attention of the public to I this house, which I have at. considerable ex- panse, fitted up in elegant style, and is now open for the reception of guesu. The rooms comfortable, furnished with new and elegant furniture, with poKte and attsntiviS attendants, I will guarantee satisfaction to all who msy fa- vor me with their patronage. 1 feel fully sus- tained in the assertion, that it is one of the beat appointed hotels in Eastern Kentucky. Very respectfully, iiOTMAN & OU.'S COLUMN HARDWARE! At fre Sin of tlc vA o o TIeiiw St., ,7It. Sterling: HOFFMAN & CO., RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE WOULD citizens of Montgomery and the surrounding counties that they have noiv in store, and are constantly receiving at their old stand, sign of the "Big Lock," fnsli invoi. esol goods in their line. Their stock consists ex- clusively of First Class Goods! Made of fist-clafc- a tnateral, and of the latest Standard Patterns. Persons huyine of .them may confidently rely upon Reititig the BEST, and at prices that will With thite of anj- - similar establishment in the Statf. They have "on hand the follow ing class of Goods: ST0ElSSATESJiOa All S'ji'ea of Cooking, Heating, and Box Stoves, STOVES FOR THE PARLOR, STOVES FOR PUBLIC ROOMS, STOVES FOR FAMILY ROOMS, STOVES FOR BED ROOMS, all of the most Stvlish Put erns, most Durable Mtterial, Fid fn'i't beautiful aiid artistic finish. FIRE-PLAC- E FURNITURE! Including Shove?, Tories. Pok'TS, Ooul-fl- ;t ws, itc. Fire-Biit- 'k always on hand. Onrsiocko' CARPF.NTKll'S TOOLS cnrimnes eveiv'hinu iiimIv kept in a Ilmi- - wfire S e: II;itel:ds Tlani's. Braces, RiiJes, TAPE LlNZS, THUMB GUAGES. Brace Eitts, Spirit, Levels Files, DRAW KNIVES, SCREW D3IVESS, PLANE BiTTS, AL.'GERS, AUGRE HANDLES. Tenrvt Saws, x Cnt Saws Key Hole Saws, s, &c. Our stork of Hi O O ES. & v Is 'he most cuntplolc ever offererl in this mar- ket, consisting of all the best brands of Slor-Eo- or l,oclts. Froiil-lo- or Locks, Slim Iuol I,eli, Stock Lovk, Dead Lucks, Piitidaril Lock, Wnr.lrobe Locks, Till Locks, Door Bolls, kc t ttir stock of I3 DLOCKS N Inrp-- and fin1, mm prions; several different 'rands all of which we ofT;r flt vei v low price.-- . TABLE APPLIANCES. Knives ami 1 oiks, Tabic and Teaspoons, Soup & SsSncc Spoons. Waiters. Carving Knives & Forks From the best English. German and Amejican Fuetnrie?. Our Stork of PLTED SPOONS ,',0 FORKS, Is large and ron Mete, and cannot be surpassed for qwalitv, hue finish and ch"a pne-?- . OUR CUTLERY DEPARTMENT! Is especially complete, being upplicd will everything in d.tily request amon hulies an gentlemen, comprising in part of POCKET CUTLERY, Of every description and the best brands: Wade & Butcher's, Wostenbolm's and Joseph Rogers' RAZOPS, of all sorts, sizes and prices, which we warrant. Also Kazor Cases. Hones, Strofs, Brushes, kc. TO SPOflTMKTC! We offer various patterns of SHOTGUNS, GAME BAGS, SHOT POUCHES, POWDER FLASKS Ponder Shot and Caps. CARTRIDGES o a 1 kinds, frutn the largest o the sntallst. To Dip clxsniithzs We would say we keep coti.-tantl-v on hand a large supply of IRON of all the dilleteu" sizes. Horse Shoes, wJInle Shoes, 110RSU SHOE NAILS, &c, Which we proposeto sell as cbeapas the cheape- st-. Our stock of Nails, Screws, Chains, Castings, Is very full, and embraces all sizes and makes. In fact we keep everything usually kept in a Hardware Store, and can supply anything from Mower and Ret. per to a Gi.ulet. In connec- tion with our Hardware Store we keep a CHINA STORE! In order to supply the trade, and this trade we respectfully solicit, as we keep on hand a lar- ger stock than any house in this section. Our stock comprises aK the latest styles of French, English, and Ironstone Ware, and cannot be surpassed. Tea Setts, Dinner Setts, Toilet Setts, Wine Bottles. &c. To sup- ply a want long felt in this community, they have laid in a lull line of WALL PAPER. Of the most fashionable and beautiful designs, which they will dispose of at a very small ad- vance on the New York cost. In conclusion they respectfully invite the public to call andexamine their stock, and tbey feel the utmost coniidence in their ability to give perfect satisfaction to all. HOFFMAN & CO. A REMARKABLE FACT That not a single instance bus come to the knowledge of the proprietors, of ihe fuihi"e of tiobar.k's Medicine to gT.ve "entire satisfaction in the hiindivds of thou.-nnJ-a of cfiges in bich they have been used; ibis ia worthy of remark and umloniMhle evHenee of their intrinsic mer- its, lire-e- & Young, Agents. Yt'IIOI.ESAMi AND HKTAIL CS-iEXs- Q CESR AND LIQUOR DEALER, Corner Court liouse Square and Maysvillo Street, ?Xt. fstoi-liug- : ity'; H IS stock consists'of tho best choice Staple and buncj GROCERIES! Pure Copper and Domestic Liquors, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskey, Ale, "l?o, Oof f 00 , Choice Granulated, Pulverized, Refined, White and Yellow S TJ CJ A R S ? Pure Syrups, Choice New Orleans Molasses, Soda, Stnr And Summer Candles, B:ir Soap Fancy Sonp; Starch Cinn.imon, Pepper, Epice, ('loves, Nutmegs. Copperas, Alum, Indigo, Camphor, OYSTERS & SARDINES! Peaches in Cans and Bottles. Pickles, Sau- ces, Nii'ls, Washhonrds, Tuhs. Buck- ets, Bltickinc, Blacking Brushes, Brooms, lied CordJ, Rope, Kanawha and Tabla Salt, J'ackcrcl. White Fish, Cider Vinepur, Tobicro a 55 si Cigars, Uifie aii'l Bl:i?tiner Powder, Safety Fuse, Gun Cap5, (ibis.s. Stone and Qieenswfire, it V.i.H.. . V.J ,i Fancy and Common Pipes, Fancy Candies. Cit-o- and various other r.rticit s' jin his line, which poods having heen selected with care and purchased for Cash, he YvHl sell as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! Witt) rnnny tlvmks lo ;iie pubbc of Montom ery and the surrounding conntie? for their lib ernl patronacrp in rast years, he hopes by fair and lionoiiilde dealing nnd protppinesa in etc cniot) of all orders, tmrrii a coniininince ol heir favo . 0. O'CONNELL. t. Strlinj. Kv 9 1H;S. Ayer's Sarsaparilla The reputation this i;iediv.u0 cnjovsf dom ed frora its cures, Many of v.hich r.rc trulv in:irvclbni,,w Inveterate cascj tf Scrofulous v. lierc the fyt.triu 6ce::)el s:Uur;,iod whit ccrniMtion, bnve been lUi'i:ic cured by it. Scrol'id'nf rf.'e:-tion- ar.d order?, which were n by the scrol'n-lou- s cor.t.Tinination until thoy vrcre pninfully nfi'dcting-- have been radically cured in such pve:!t miuihco in rhno't every fec-tio-n of the country, th:;t the iiblic tcraccly need to be informed of it vi.tucs or u c?. Scrofulous poiion is ( nc of t!:c most dert)-ictiv- enemies of our race. Oiten, this vir eon hnd unfelt ten int of the ovnnism undermines' the constitution and invites tlie attack of enfeebling or fatal disease?, without excitinpr a rtippi ion ol'jtR prcpeneo. Again, it sccius tn breed infe tion throughout tho bodv, and then, on soioe favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or otb.er of iN hideous forms, either on tl surface or amonjr the vitnN. Jn Hie latter,- t.uhcr-tie-s may be suddenly deporiled in the luncg or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it tnowa its presence by eruptions on the tkin, or foul ulcer- ation on Fomc pni t of the body. Hence the occa f ional u;c of a bottle of this tir.rttaparilla is ad- visable, even when no active pymptoms oi" tlicaso apiar. Persons rtllicted wiili t!ic com- plaints prcnerallv find immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the tire Of this HAHSAPAIHT Xs i: St. A uth Jrirc, Jiose or Urysipeta., Tittt r, Salt j:,'u uin, Srultt Jai, Itingworvt, Sore J.tfs, .SVjjv JZars, end other eruptions or visible tonus of Scrofulous disease. Also in tho in ore concealed forms, as Dyspepsia , Dropsy, Jlcfirt, Itisffzse, 1 its, Iipilcpstf, Xruralfriai mid the various Vfrcrous aicctions of the muscu- lar and nervous systems. Syphilis-Q- Venereal and Tercttrial Dixettsei are cured by it, though a loop time is required for rubduin? the.e maladies by any medicine; Tat long (continued ucc of this nu-di- inc will euro the complaint. l-- ucorriaa or W hites, Vterine I'h'crntiotift, and Zciitate Diseases, are com- monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its unifying and invigorat injr effect. 'Minute Dircc I ions'for caU cae are found in our Almanac sup- plied gratis. f7Iteitntatism and Gout, whetl cau-e- by accnmnlations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quhklv to it, as alro Liver Complaint, Torpid it if, i'onaestion or Infant :(7f mof the Liver, and Jam ff ice, w hen arising; ps they oltcn do, from the rankling poisona in tho blood. This SAJtSA PATtlLLA is a great re- storer for the strength and vigor of the syetcin. Tho-- c who are Lanrnitl and Listless, Despon-ilrn- t, Sfccftlcss, and troubled with rroj Ap- prehensions or Tears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its rcstoratiytt power upon trial. PREPARED B Y Dr. J. C. AlfEIt 4c CO., Lowell, IVfat., Practical and Analytical Chemists, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERT WHERE; ALLEN" & Co , Cinuii.iuit W uoie.-ul- e Agents?. IS IT RIGHT That you should bid toall naturnl Inw8 and the sejenco of medical me:i. and suffer with Dyspepsia or Indigestion when Hoback's Stom ach Bitters can be procured at any drug store liiten & Young, Agents. At the well known house of A. M. January of 50 yeais standing, WHOLESALE GROCERS Liquor Dealers, Forwarding & Com'sion Merchants AND DEALERS IN Wool, Feathers, Bacon AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. Nos. 2, 4, G, 8 & 10, Second Srpe (Corner Siuton) VAVSVILLE, KY. especirtlly call tlie attention of WOULD to our facilities lor attending to Hie Commission and Forwarding Business. Our Warehouses are Large, Commodious & Fife-Proo- f. Charges R.'asomible, and a saving of from 20 to 30 per cent in t'avor of our city. Our stock of Groceries and Liquors Of every description is complete, and can al ways Duplicate Cincinnati Bills T?rtr nA.W or iliirtv drtvs to nunctual custom ers. Agents for the Kanawha Salt company J CaVO UJUUCJf VtJ .o.v (U t'lnj.MJl.. jan. zj-i- i. WMTEi 1 , v H16 Kentucky Sentinel JOB PRINTING We wouia most rwpectfully inform ft, M.r. chants ana Business Men generally ,f Mt. Sterling and the surronndinf country, tliat we are now prepared to tx- - ecuto all kinds f PLiffi& OENAMENTAL 0 tb't Most Ricr-ih- l Tcras. Oul- - racllil'es are ample fer cmiDg And VISITING CARDS, cittciij.tlis, BILL HEADS, SOiSEl, BAIL, cn- - r T l T1 & A.. M A MM' A. J rr an r 1 1 in BANK CfttiGKS, A.VD CERTIFICATES j DEEDS, LEASES, LAW BLANKS Letter Heads, HAND Bllis, Ad esry variety of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. Mt Stiblimo, Kt., Jan. 9, 18J. 1
Page 1: WiMTEst HARDWARE! WMTEi Jtnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jb36m/data/0203.pdfJOUETT k APPERSON, (SUCCESSORS TO JOUETT k BEAN) HAVING entered into copartnership in the bnsines, would respectfully

Speaking Out.In the long run the habit of keeping hack

much of what he thinks acts destructively

on the tr.an himself. The practice dims

his conscience and alter his creed. lieiuppresscs so much tat in the end he blots

out part of himself, auJ hardly knows

what he believes as a man, and what as a

partisan. While the process of decline is

going on, the man's utterance lacks the

warmth, the clear ring, the edge

which wefind in the ideas that enme straight

from the heart and brain. That is why

partisan speeches sound so hollow That

isVliy the writings of able men in the lead-

ing columns even of thejehief journal so of-

ten lack edge and distinctness, and seem

the work of on intellecuul machine, rather

than a living intellect. It is for the same

reason that most men are so much smallertlian ntture meant them to be. Nature

meant them to be big and well formed; but

they are stunted and Ait proportioned be-

cause some of their faculties have not been

exercised at all. They will not speak out,

they will not say whatth-- y think; so they

become Ifke ifnto the thing they worshipthe God of corporate action, whose gos-

pel is that of suppression, whose hymnsare made i:p of abstract phrases, punctu-

ated with wiukff, and unto whoso throne

goes up, day and 'night, tho incense

ofhypocracy. Mr. Mill believes tin's lack

of individuality to be the most dangerous

sign in modern civilization. At least ifmen would dare to lead the lives markedout for them by nature, fhey would speedily

be very different from a race of mental and

moral dwarfs. Keals spoke the truth un-

der tho veil of poetic exaggeration when

ha said thtt ff each would express hrmself,

each would be grunt, an 1 humanity would

becomo "a grand democracy of forest

trees." Fraser's Magazine.

A Singular Sermon.Four gentlemen and an oil minister

were assailed on tho highway by three

robbers, who demanded and took posses-

sion of all their funds. The old ministerplead very hard to be allowed a little mon-

ey, as he was on his way to pay a bill in

a distant city. The highwaymen, "beinggenerous fellows, gave him all his money

back again on condition of his preachingthem a sermon." Accordingly they re-

tired a little distance from the highway,and the minister addressed them as follows:

"Gentlemen You are most like the old

apostles of any men in the world, for they

were wanderers upon the earth and so are

you; they had tieilndr lands nor tenements

that they could call their own; neither, Ipresume, have you. They were despised

of all but thoso of their own profession;and so, I believe, are yon; they were un-

alterably fixed in the principles they pro-

fessed, and I dare swear so are you; theywere often hurried into jails and prisons;fill of which sufferings, I presume, havebeen undergone by you; their professionbrought them, all to untimely deaths, andif you continue in your course such willbe your end. But in this point you differmightily; for the Jipostlcs ascended from a

tree into heaven where, I am afraid, youwill never come; but as their deaths werecompensated with eternal glory, yours willbe rewarded with eternal shame and miseryunless you mend your ways."

Two friends met the other day in thestreet. "What a shocking bad hat youwear!" exclaimed one of them. "Myfriend, I wear it only because 1 love myowh liberty." "Cut what on earth has

your liberty to do with the hat?" "Oh, a

great deal. My wife has sworn she neverwould walk out with ma so long as I should

wear such a hat!"

A wife wanted her husband to sympa-thize with her in n feivtinine quarrel, buthe refused, saying, "I've lived long caoughtd lertrrj that one woman is just as goodas anether, if not better." "And I," re-

torted the exasperated wife, "have lived

long enough to learn that oe man is justas bad as another, if not worse."

A servant, newly engaged, presented tohis master, one morning a pair of boots,the leg of one of which was much longerthan tho other. 'I tow comes it, you rascal,

that these boots are not of the samo length?''I really don't know, sir; but what both-

ers me the most is, that the pair downstaic are in the same fix.'

A Cincinnati dentist was introduced toa fashionable beauty the other evening,and gracefully opened the conversation bysaying, '.'Miss , I hope I may consider

that we' are not entirely unacquainted. 1

had the pleasure of pulling a tooth for

your father only a shcrt time ago."

g One of Josh Billings' maxims:"Hise early; work hard an' late; live on

what you kan't sell; give nothing away,and if you don't die rich and go to the de-

vil, you may sue me for damages."

On a recent rainy day, a wag was heard

to exclaim: "Well, my umbrella is a reg-

ular Catholic." "How so?" Because it

always keeps lent."

IiOve is better than a pair of spectacles

to make everything seem greater which is

seen througu it.

Why is the Grecan bend like a cigar?Because it is manufactured

Why is the hottest country the be6t?-Becau-

it bears the palm.

ALL him WiMTEst

O- F-



WITH the opening ol the season, we reprepared to ofi'er to our fiiends

and customers a

Very Superior Slock of Goods!

Frora the best markets, and whicb will be soldat the

Very lowest pkhi:!Onr Stock of

Ladies' Ircss GoodsIs unusually fine and attractive. The assort-ment generally is very complete. Every lineof Staple and Fancy

DRY GOODS,Gloves, Hosiery, Notions

Embroideries, Laces, Handkerchiefs

The CBpecial attention of the Ladies is calledto our extensive stock of

PURS.Which is the largest and finest ever brought tothis market, and in which we are prepared tooffer snpeTior inducements to purchasers.


Of Superb Quality.


Of the very best Style and Qual ty.

Our Stock of

CLOTHS, CASSIMERESkc, for gentlemen's wear, is very large and

complete, and embraces all the

New and Fashionable Styles,We would also say to our gentlemen friendsthat our stock of

HATS, BOOTS & SHOES,Is very large, and we invito their especial at-

tention to this branch of our trade.


SAMUELS & JOED AN,Main Street, Mt. Sterling.

October 6.

FALL & WINTERMillinery Goods!

MRS. 1IOIITOXOULD respectfully announce to her cus-tomers and the Ladies cenerallv that

she is now in receip. of her Fall and WinterStock of

MILLINERY GOODS,Which have been selected with great care, andwith a view to suiting the tastes of the ladiesof this section. Her stock consists of

Boiniets, Ilntst,

&c , which are of the

Latest & Most Fashionable Styles!She has also on hand a Large Stork of


And I'attcrn Bound,Ti'rms,STUICTLY OVHII

feDLauies are invited to give her a call, andare assured that her priees will be as cheap asthose of any similar house in this section.

tStort on Main Sire:, oppesite the XewChris! ia n Church.

disposed ofmy stock of Millineryand Fancy Goods to Mrs. J. C. Horton. I recom-mend her to my former customers.



TFriE undersigned take3 pleasure in sayingB to his old friends, customers and the pub-

lic generally, that he is still located at the oldstand, two doors south of the National Hotelwith a full supply of

Single and Double Buggy Harness,WAGON HARNESS. BREAK HARNESS,

Breeching S" Cart HarnessIiaclies and Misses Sido Saddles,

Gents' Plain, Killgore, Morgan, Pad and JockeySaddles, Boys Saddles, of all kinds, Blind

Bridles, Riding Bridles, Harness Bri-dles, Martingales, Girths, Buggy

and Riding Whips, Cow Hides,Bridle Bits,B"ck Bands,

Horse and Mule Col-lars, and, ia

short, .'

FULL SUPPLY OF GOODSUsually kept in his line. Special attentioncalled to kind and quality of work, rivaling thestrongest competition in quality. Anything inhis line

Manufactured to Special OrderOn Short Notice. Call and examine my goods,and satisfaction guaranteed, FtelinjJ thankfulto the aublic for past patronege, and solicitinga continuance of the same. No trouble teprice and show goods.

Respectfully,Harch E II. C. THOMPSON.






entered into copartnership in theHAVING bnsines, would respectfully in-

vite the attention of I1 e people of Montgomeryand surrounding count. es to their large and su-

perior stock now on hand and dMIy receiving.Our line of Hardware is coinrlete, comprisingin part of the fallowing:




AXES, iC, tO.Which w6 warrant the I. est. Our stock of

Stoves Comprises every variety and quality.EEE-KOO- STOVES




Of the most durahle material. For the tablewe have



TEA SPOONS,roup spoons,


Tn the way of cutlery stock is large andhandsome, embracing



In fact, everything that l anncrs, CarpentersCabinet .Makers requires, swh as



Spacial attention is d".rect"d to oaf large andniagriif. s!ock of

rl? X KT S7T 2TL 333 ,Of all kinds incluiiiiig funny Tin ShU. Wekeep always on li;inl h hirc and v;ied as-

sortment of

W O O S E2 XV A R E ,Selected witl'j great care for this market. Giveus a call ami'iexemine our stock. as we feel sat-isfied that we can plense von.


.CUDIs the praise in the mouths of everybody in fla-

vor of Hoback's Stomach I'ittnrs, Illood Piilsand il'.ood Purifier. Kreen k Voting, Agents.



Weal Side of the Public Square, near the Post Office,


a larce and s.'well selected stock of n.

FRENCH CALF: SKINS. eXillSSS?of the vary best brands '-', : - .j.J

f'"- - .c i : tthe Vai'ket, also v b:iic-U'-French and AmericanKIP AND UPPEn, Iam prepared to

Manufacture to OrderIn tfle Latest Style and Superior IVorkmaas hiLadies Silk, Satin and Lusting

Gaiters ami Slippers,Made to order, in the very best manner and onshort notice.

JJjyAll my work warranted to give satisfac-tion. Very Ite'pe'-'.fullv-



GRATIFYINGTo know that a reliable remedy is within thereach of everybody for the radical cure of

or Indigestion. Such a remedy isStomach Bitters. Sold by all Drnggists.

Breen k Young, Agents.

DYSPEPSIA,There is, probably, no one difeas; with which

mankind are afllicted which is the source of somany ailment3 as Jh'sprpsia: and there is nomore certain cure than Koback's Stomach bit-

ers. Breen k Young, Agents.

FURNITURE..J. ? Patterson,

Manufacturer Importer of


to inform his friends and theWISHES that he has on hand

A Large Stock of Furniture,The most of which is of his ow n manufacture,which he will sell on as reasonable terms asany house in the city. Jan.

GOOD HEALTHIs paramount tj wealth. If the system is inbad order purge out the vile humors and dis-tempers with Koback's lilood Pills, and get theinternal organs performing their regular func-tions, and once in order, keep them so by thedaily use of Roboi'k's Stomach Bitters. Breenk Young, Agents.


sole out and quit the grocerythose knowing themselves indebt-

ed to me are notified to call and SETTLE UP,as the business must oe


MANUFACTORY!flUE undersigned returns hisJL thanks ta ilie public for Jttheir liberal patronage hereto frZ

tore extend'-- to him, and ivnithi L- -

respecit'ilv itiVite uttentioo tothe large stork of KADDUOllY & HARNESS,now on hand, which he is offering very low.

A first cl.i;s ai tide of

Plain B'tgoy and Oarri ige Harness.Wagon II ir'iess. Cart Harness.

Bet Kip Collar,Mule and Horse Collars,

Backhand and BellyOands,Blind Bridles, (assorted)

hiding Bridles. Martingales

Riding Whips, Spurs, Stirrups.Buggy Whip-- , Fly Nets,

Fancy Saddle Blankets.Graduated Felt Saddle Blankets,

Horse Covers (assorted)Warranted Wrought Bits,

He also manufactures on an improved plan thewell known

SPUING PAD SADDLE,Best Hog Skin Shafter Saddles, Killgore and

Spanish Saddles,

Kcsit MOUGAlttAll kinds of Boys Saddles, Leaping Head SideS addles. Back Spring Side 8aJ.il s Mioses SideSaddles, and in thurtan assortment uf al kiud.-o-f

To suit customers who may favor him w ilticall.

He is sole agent for the

33 --A.Sr,r C5 TNT


Tliis is t lie brst Bit ever invented- It com-

bines tlie principle! of all Patent Cheek Keintf

and cither S frtv Bits in a eT'y ..;mple lut, witli-ou- '.

any complicated arrangements By the us'of tliis hit a bny can drive any horse at anspeed, and pull him up whenever he desireshaving a pulley purchase and more ,ulvaui;ttthan he need employ. Horse men "re invitedto call ;ind exniins it.

REPAIRING done with neatness andDispatch. Honing yon will caU and e.vamii emy stock, I remain, Verv Respfcifnllr,

TIK)M AS l.'LAKKE,Mny 14 Maiu-Rt- .. !t. Kv

Gr O O DT 0



Produce h Commiss. MerchantsComer ILirlrl o r,l Third Streets,


Staple & Fancy Groceries,pnu;

Copper and Domrstlc Liquors,Always on hand, which we will sell low I'm

Cash, or in exchange for nil kinds of

Country FrodiiGC?. li. VANDEN & CO.

Jan. 23-t- f-

THE LADY'S FHIEND.Splendid luducemen's to Bidistrihers!7'hc Lady's Fiiend announces the following

Norelets for 18B9: "Between Two." by Eliza-hei- h

Preseoit author of a Woman HadWay." kc; J'rize of Two Men's Lives," l.yAman.ta M. Douglas, author of "IJrbarn

4c; A Xew Korelet by Louise ChandlerMoulton. ant hor of " Kleeitij; fmm Fo te, kc:and a Xew Xovel by Mrs Ibiiry Vioi'd, the

English Kovclist, ant hor of 'ErinLynne" kc. with numerous Shorter Sr'? bya bri'!iaTt r:laxy of holy writers.

The Lady's Friend will give aSt?el Enyravivy, a handsome duublc-pay- e, finely-colore- d

Fashion-Plat- e encrarcd on Steel and a

large assortment of Wood Cuts, illustrating theFashions; Fancy Work, kc. in every number.

It will give a popular pie ce of Music worththe cost of the Magazine in itself in everynumber.

A copy of the Larye and Beautiful PremiumSteel L'nyrnrim; "The Song nf Home al Sea'engraved express; for our readers, at a costfor the enyraviny alone of ne.xely SOoo! will besent (nost-paid- ) to every ful' (S2,5o) subscrib-er, and to every person sending on a club.This Engraving it a gem of Art!

EiiT'To Xew Subscribers. Mark this. Xewsubscribers who send in their names for 18C9hefor- - the first ot November, shall receive theNovember and December numbers of tli is yearin addition, making fourteen months in all!And all nef'Subscribers for 1RG9 shall receivethe magnificent December Hol:day number,making thirteen months in all!

TERMS.1 copy, and thelarge Premium Engraving, $2.5o4 copies e.oo5 " (and one gratis) 8 oo8 " (and one gratis) 12.00One copy each of Lady's Friend and Vost, and

Vremium Fnqraviny 4 00The getter-u- p of a club will always receive

a copy of the Vremium Enyrviny. Members ofa club wishing the Premium Engraving, mustremit One Dnllar Extra.

C?a:?"Sp'cimen copies sent yratis.Address, DEACON & PETERSON,

319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia!


Lumber,, ShinglesESzimJa., Doors,



And BUY CHEAPER than at Ripley, Cinciti-nat- i,

or any other point on the Ohio River.Oct. 22--


W3I. S. THOMAS, - Proprietor,WOULD call the attention of the public toI this house, which I have at. considerable ex-

panse, fitted up in elegant style, and is nowopen for the reception of guesu. The roomscomfortable, furnished with new and elegantfurniture, with poKte and attsntiviS attendants,I will guarantee satisfaction to all who msy fa-

vor me with their patronage. 1 feel fully sus-

tained in the assertion, that it is one of the beatappointed hotels in Eastern Kentucky.

Very respectfully,


HARDWARE!At fre Sin of tlc

vA o o

TIeiiw St., ,7It. Sterling:


WOULD citizens of Montgomery and thesurrounding counties that they have noiv in

store, and are constantly receiving at their oldstand, sign of the "Big Lock," fnsli invoi. esolgoods in their line. Their stock consists ex-

clusively of

First Class Goods!Made of fist-clafc- a tnateral, and of the latestStandard Patterns. Persons huyine of .themmay confidently rely upon Reititig the BEST,and at prices that will

With thite of anj- - similar establishment in theStatf. They have "on hand the follow ing classof Goods:

ST0ElSSATESJiOaAll S'ji'ea of Cooking, Heating, and Box Stoves,





all of the most Stvlish Put erns, most DurableMtterial, Fid fn'i't beautiful aiid artistic finish.

FIRE-PLAC- E FURNITURE!Including Shove?, Tories. Pok'TS, Ooul-fl- ;t ws,itc. Fire-Biit- 'k always on hand. Onrsiocko'

CARPF.NTKll'S TOOLScnrimnes eveiv'hinu iiimIv kept in a Ilmi- -

wfire S e:

II;itel:ds Tlani's. Braces, RiiJes,


Brace Eitts, Spirit, Levels Files,DRAW KNIVES, SCREW D3IVESS,


Tenrvt Saws, x Cnt SawsKey Hole Saws, s, &c.

Our stork of

Hi O O ES. & v

Is 'he most cuntplolc ever offererl in this mar-

ket, consisting of all the best brands of

Slor-Eo- or l,oclts. Froiil-lo- or

Locks, Slim Iuol I,eli,Stock Lovk, Dead Lucks, Piitidaril Lock,Wnr.lrobe Locks, Till Locks, Door Bolls, kct ttir stock of

I3 DLOCKSN Inrp-- and fin1, mm prions; several different'rands all of which we ofT;r flt vei v low price.-- .

TABLE APPLIANCES.Knives ami 1 oiks, Tabic and

Teaspoons, Soup & SsSnccSpoons. Waiters.

Carving Knives & ForksFrom the best English. German and Amejican

Fuetnrie?. Our Stork of

PLTED SPOONS ,',0 FORKS,Is large and ron Mete, and cannot be surpassed

for qwalitv, hue finish and ch"a pne-?- .

OUR CUTLERY DEPARTMENT!Is especially complete, being upplicd willeverything in d.tily request amon hulies an

gentlemen, comprising in part of

POCKET CUTLERY,Of every description and the best brands:Wade & Butcher's, Wostenbolm's and JosephRogers' RAZOPS, of all sorts, sizes and prices,which we warrant. Also Kazor Cases. Hones,Strofs, Brushes, kc.

TO SPOflTMKTC!We offer various patterns of



Ponder Shot and Caps.CARTRIDGES o a 1 kinds, frutn the largesto the sntallst.

To Dip clxsniithzsWe would say we keep coti.-tantl-v on hand alarge supply of IRON of all the dilleteu" sizes.

Horse Shoes, wJInle Shoes,110RSU SHOE NAILS, &c,

Which we proposeto sell as cbeapas the cheape-st-. Our stock of

Nails, Screws, Chains, Castings,Is very full, and embraces all sizes and makes.In fact we keep everything usually kept in aHardware Store, and can supply anything fromMower and Ret. per to a Gi.ulet. In connec-

tion with our Hardware Store we keep a

CHINA STORE!In order to supply the trade, and this trade werespectfully solicit, as we keep on hand a lar-ger stock than any house in this section. Our

stock comprises aK the latest styles ofFrench, English, and Ironstone Ware,and cannot be surpassed. Tea Setts, DinnerSetts, Toilet Setts, Wine Bottles. &c. To sup-ply a want long felt in this community, theyhave laid in a lull line of

WALL PAPER.Of the most fashionable and beautiful designs,which they will dispose of at a very small ad-

vance on the New York cost.In conclusion they respectfully invite the

public to call andexamine their stock, and tbeyfeel the utmost coniidence in their ability togive perfect satisfaction to all.


A REMARKABLE FACTThat not a single instance bus come to theknowledge of the proprietors, of ihe fuihi"e oftiobar.k's Medicine to gT.ve "entire satisfaction inthe hiindivds of thou.-nnJ-a of cfiges in bichthey have been used; ibis ia worthy of remarkand umloniMhle evHenee of their intrinsic mer-its, lire-e- & Young, Agents.



Corner Court liouse Square and MaysvilloStreet,

?Xt. fstoi-liug- : ity';

H IS stock consists'of tho best choice Stapleand buncj

GROCERIES!Pure Copper and Domestic Liquors, Wines,

Brandies, Gins, Whiskey, Ale,

"l?o, Ooff00 ,Choice Granulated, Pulverized, Refined, White

and Yellow

S TJ CJ A R S ?Pure Syrups, Choice

New Orleans Molasses,Soda, Stnr And Summer Candles, B:ir Soap

Fancy Sonp; Starch Cinn.imon, Pepper,Epice, ('loves, Nutmegs. Copperas,

Alum, Indigo, Camphor,

OYSTERS & SARDINES!Peaches in Cans and Bottles. Pickles, Sau-

ces, Nii'ls, Washhonrds, Tuhs. Buck-ets, Bltickinc, Blacking Brushes,

Brooms, lied CordJ, Rope,

Kanawha and Tabla Salt,J'ackcrcl. White Fish, Cider Vinepur,

Tobicro a 55 si Cigars,Uifie aii'l Bl:i?tiner Powder, Safety Fuse,

Gun Cap5, (ibis.s. Stone andQieenswfire,

it V.i.H.. . V.J ,iFancy and Common Pipes, Fancy Candies. Cit-o-

and various other r.rticit s' jin his line,which poods having heen selected with careand purchased for Cash, he YvHl sell as

CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST!Witt) rnnny tlvmks lo ;iie pubbc of Montom

ery and the surrounding conntie? for their libernl patronacrp in rast years, he hopes by fairand lionoiiilde dealing nnd protppinesa in etccniot) of all orders, tmrrii a coniininince olheir favo . 0. O'CONNELL.

t. Strlinj. Kv 9 1H;S.

Ayer's SarsaparillaThe reputation this

i;iediv.u0 cnjovsfdom ed frora its cures,

Many of v.hich r.rc trulvin:irvclbni,,w Inveteratecascj tf Scrofulous

v. lierc the fyt.triu6ce::)el s:Uur;,iod whitccrniMtion, bnve beenlUi'i:ic cured by it.Scrol'id'nf rf.'e:-tion- ar.d

order?, which were n

by the scrol'n-lou- s

cor.t.Tinination untilthoy vrcre pninfully nfi'dcting-- have been radicallycured in such pve:!t miuihco in rhno't every fec-tio-n

of the country, th:;t the iiblic tcraccly need tobe informed of it vi.tucs or u c?.

Scrofulous poiion is ( nc of t!:c most dert)-ictiv-

enemies of our race. Oiten, this vir eon hnd unfeltten int of the ovnnism undermines' the constitutionand invites tlie attack of enfeebling or fatal disease?,without excitinpr a rtippi ion ol'jtR prcpeneo. Again,it sccius tn breed infe tion throughout tho bodv, andthen, on soioe favorable occasion, rapidly developinto one or otb.er of iN hideous forms, either on tlsurface or amonjr the vitnN. Jn Hie latter,- t.uhcr-tie-s

may be suddenly deporiled in the luncg orheart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it tnowaits presence by eruptions on the tkin, or foul ulcer-ation on Fomc pni t of the body. Hence the occaf ional u;c of a bottle of this tir.rttaparilla is ad-visable, even when no active pymptoms oi" tlicasoapiar. Persons rtllicted wiili t!ic com-plaints prcnerallv find immediate relief, and, atlength, cure, by the tire Of this HAHSAPAIHTXs i: St. A uth Jrirc, Jiose or Urysipeta.,Tittt r, Salt j:,'u uin, Srultt Jai, Itingworvt,Sore J.tfs, .SVjjv JZars, end other eruptions orvisible tonus of Scrofulous disease. Also in thoin ore concealed forms, as Dyspepsia , Dropsy,Jlcfirt, Itisffzse, 1 its, Iipilcpstf, Xruralfriaimid the various Vfrcrous aicctions of the muscu-lar and nervous systems.

Syphilis-Q- Venereal and Tercttrial Dixettseiare cured by it, though a loop time is required forrubduin? the.e maladies by any medicine;Tat long (continued ucc of this nu-di- inc will eurothe complaint. l-- ucorriaa or W hites, VterineI'h'crntiotift, and Zciitate Diseases, are com-monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by itsunifying and invigorat injr effect. 'Minute DirccI ions'for caU cae are found in our Almanac sup-

plied gratis. f7Iteitntatism and Gout, whetlcau-e- by accnmnlations of extraneous mattersin the blood, yield quhklv to it, as alro LiverComplaint, Torpid it if, i'onaestion or Infant:(7f mof the Liver, and Jam ffice, w hen arising;

ps they oltcn do, from the rankling poisona in thoblood. This SAJtSA PATtlLLA is a great re-storer for the strength and vigor of the syetcin.Tho-- c who are Lanrnitl and Listless, Despon-ilrn- t,

Sfccftlcss, and troubled with rroj Ap-prehensions or Tears, or any of the affectionssymptomatic of Weakness, will find immediaterelief and convincing evidence of its rcstoratiyttpower upon trial.


Dr. J. C. AlfEIt 4c CO., Lowell, IVfat.,Practical and Analytical Chemists,

SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERT WHERE;ALLEN" & Co , Cinuii.iuit W uoie.-ul- e Agents?.

IS IT RIGHTThat you should bid toall naturnl Inw8and the sejenco of medical me:i. and suffer withDyspepsia or Indigestion when Hoback's Stomach Bitters can be procured at any drug storeliiten & Young, Agents.

At the well known house of A. M. January of50 yeais standing,


Liquor Dealers,Forwarding & Com'sion Merchants



Nos. 2, 4, G, 8 & 10, Second Srpe(Corner Siuton) VAVSVILLE, KY.

especirtlly call tlie attention ofWOULD to our facilities lor attendingto Hie Commission and Forwarding Business.Our Warehouses are

Large, Commodious & Fife-Proo- f.

Charges R.'asomible, and a saving of from 20to 30 per cent in t'avor of our city. Our stock of

Groceries and LiquorsOf every description is complete, and can al


Duplicate Cincinnati BillsT?rtr nA.W or iliirtv drtvs to nunctual customers. Agents for the Kanawha Salt company JCaVO UJUUCJf VtJ .o.v (U t'lnj.MJl..

jan. zj-i- i.


, v

H16 Kentucky Sentinel


We wouia most rwpectfully inform ft, M.r.chants ana Business Men generally ,f Mt.

Sterling and the surronndinf country,tliat we are now prepared to tx- -

ecuto all kinds f


0 tb't Most Ricr-ih- l Tcras.

Oul-- racllil'es are ample fer cmiDg






cn- - r T lT1 & A.. M A MM' A. Jrr an r 1 1 in





LAW BLANKSLetter Heads,

HAND Bllis,Ad esry variety of


Mt Stiblimo, Kt., Jan. 9, 18J.

