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Winchcombe Weekly · 2020. 6. 11. · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure –...

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Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 3 rd April 2020 …..KEEP LEARNING! Photos by KB
Page 1: Winchcombe Weekly · 2020. 6. 11. · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 3rd April 2020 …..KEEP LEARNING! Photos by KB . Message from the school We

Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 3rd April 2020


Photos by KB

Page 2: Winchcombe Weekly · 2020. 6. 11. · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 3rd April 2020 …..KEEP LEARNING! Photos by KB . Message from the school We

Message from the school We hope that you have had a good week?

We know it is taking a lot of getting used to – we are working hard to try and make sure

that learning can carry on the best it can.

It is a worrying time and sometimes learning seems like the last thing that is important –

and sometimes that is true! But learning is something that can bring structure at a time

where things seem so unpredictable. Learning can help remind us of the wonderful world

out there waiting to be understood and explored.

At this time learning at home is not and cannot ever be the same as being at school.

Don’t try and replicate school, instead build in other activites that helps keep your mind

and body alert. Take regular breaks especially if you are using computers, be active, be

helpful and be inquisitive – try and learn something new everyday.

If you are finding things tough there are many people to talk to. Many of us are finding

things difficult at the moment but we will get through this together.

To help, we are putting in a more structured approach to setting and submitting work, by

using Go4Schools. The details are on the next couple of pages. Teachers are working hard,

over the coming weeks, to make sure that there are tasks for students to complete in all

of their subjects. These tasks will help students to revise what they have already learnt

and to support them in learning new things.

Teachers will try their best to give you feedback on the work you submit but many of

them are also looking after their own families so cannot always be available every day.

If you cannot complete the work in the time set – let your teachers know: they will

understand and help you.

We know not being able to see your friends is difficult but it is vital that you stay at

home to avoid catching or spreading the virus. When this is ends - and it will end - you

will have plenty of time to spend with friends.

Stay Safe, Stay Home, Support the NHS……and keep washing your hands!

Mr Templeton

Page 3: Winchcombe Weekly · 2020. 6. 11. · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 3rd April 2020 …..KEEP LEARNING! Photos by KB . Message from the school We

Distance Learning - Plans for next term Until it is decided that schools can re-open, we will be providing learning tasks remotely for students. This is a

difficult situation which we could never have planned for.

We are looking to find a balance that allows students some structure to their lives, gives them learning

opportunities and keeps them engaged with learning.

We know there will never be a perfect solution that works for all students so your feedback, both positive and

developmental, is welcome to help us refine our offer. Over the next couple of pages are the plans we have put

into place for the next term, beginning Monday 20th April. Until then students should continue to work on the

tasks previously set.

1. Keeping everyone safe is our top priority. Although our students are not currently in

school, staff will be in regular contact with them via school approved platforms. The

school’s E-Safety policy is still in operation. Staff, students and parents must

conduct themselves as professionally as they would were the school to be open as

normal. Students and/or Parents should also appreciate the staff well-being and only make contact during

normal school hours Monday-Friday. Any concerns should be reported to: [email protected]

as soon as possible.

2. Work will be set for each class using Go4Schools. This is so parents are aware of the

expected work students need to complete and how and when work should be

submitted. If students are emailing their teachers, they should only do so via their

school email address. Teachers will feedback to students via email or through

personalised online platforms e.g. MyMaths, Doddle, Seneca etc.

3. Work will be set fortnightly. Enough work will be set to cover the amount of sessions that a student

would normally have in that subject (see table below). It is up to families to decide how to structure the

learning of a student – a suggested timetable was included in the last newsletter. A ‘Session’ might not be

the same as a 1 hour lesson – they are different pieces of work which teachers are setting over two weeks.

Table to show how many ‘Sessions’ of work to be set, fortnightly, per Subject per Year Group:

Subject / Year Grp Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10

English 8 (incl, Reading) 8 (incl, Reading) 8 (incl, Reading) 8 (Lang & Lit)

Maths 7 7 7 8

Science 7 7 7 10

Computer Science 2 2 2

MFL (Fr and/or Sp) 4 4 4

Geography 4 4 4

History 4 4 4

RS/Ethics 2 2 2 1

Art 2 2 2

DT 2 2 2

Hospitality/Food 2 2 2

Drama 2 2 2

Music 2 2 2

Y10 GCSE Option A 5

Y10 GCSE Option B 5

Y10 GCSE Option C 5

Y10 GCSE Option D 5

Page 4: Winchcombe Weekly · 2020. 6. 11. · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 3rd April 2020 …..KEEP LEARNING! Photos by KB . Message from the school We

Y10 Blocks: Option A Option B Option C Option D

2019-2020 Art

Design Tech

Media Studies



Cambridge Nat



Computer Science

Design Tech




Religious Studies




Media Studies

Triple Science (set 1)

Additional Science (set 4)


Design Tech






4. Go4Schools will contain details of: what the work is; where the resources can be

found (this will often be SharePoint) and how the work should be submitted.

Teachers will be monitoring submission of work and may give some feedback to

improve work. This may not always be possible as many teachers are also at home

with their own children – please be patient with requests for help and follow the

communication guidance in last week’s newsletter.

5. Work will not be ‘marked’ in the traditional sense. We will not be having formal

summative assessments and progress this year will not be graded. This is because we

have no mechanisms to ensure that all students can have the equality of time and

support with their work as they would at school. Where we are concerned that a

student isn’t submitting any work we will, in the first instance, email parents to see

what support is needed. If problems occur, please let us know.

6. Much of the work set will be consolidation tasks to ensure students do not forget

the knowledge they have already learnt. It may also be research tasks to prepare

students for new learning. Where structures allow it e.g. through online platforms,

new learning/topics may be introduced. The reason we need to restrict the amount

of new learning is to make sure that we can support students with misconceptions –

doing this remotely is problematic.

7. Years 7 to 10 will be expected to work in all the subjects they are currently timetabled in. For Year 9 this

will be reviewed at the end of the next half term with their chosen option subjects taken priority alongside

the core subjects. Year 11 students should continue to follow the advice published previously on the

school website.

8. Much of the work set will require the use of an electronic device. We are aware that in some households

these may be shared or that connectivity might be difficult. Please let us know if you need help and we

will do our best to find a solution. It is also important that students take frequent breaks when using


9. At present we will not be conducting any streamed or recorded lessons. As a small

school we have not yet go the required technology configured to support this for all

students. We are also aware that this puts a huge strain on both the students and staff

involved. If the current situation remains in place, for an extended period, we will revisit this option.

10. We are all trying to do our best in a difficult and changing situation. We all need to be patient with each

other and remind ourselves that this situation is happening across the country. Sometimes learning will

have to take a backseat when other difficulties occur.

Page 5: Winchcombe Weekly · 2020. 6. 11. · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 3rd April 2020 …..KEEP LEARNING! Photos by KB . Message from the school We

Mr Clarkson

Winchcombe Workspaces Getting organised is such a good way of keeping on top of your learning.

Jemima’s (Y7) super organised workspace – including snack drawer!!

Alfie (Y7) & Maisie (Y9) working hard – Bacon sandwiches for

extra brain fuel!!

Igor (Y7) shows us you don’t always learn at a desk! – but he does have a neat one too!

Send us a picture of where you are working – school may be closed but learning carries on!

Send us a picture of your workspace!

Page 6: Winchcombe Weekly · 2020. 6. 11. · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 3rd April 2020 …..KEEP LEARNING! Photos by KB . Message from the school We

Supporting our NHS

Responding to a request for PPE for staff at Winchcombe Medical Centre, we

donated all the PPE we had in our Science department this included goggles

and aprons. Thanks to Mrs Bridges for organising the donation.

Mr Murray has also been busy – utilising our 3D printer he has been printing

visors to support NHS staff. He hopes to produce up to 100 masks.

Home Learning inspiration It is so important that you keep yourself physically and mentally active over the Easter holidays. Try to set yourself some challenges:

Can you take up a new hobby? Drawing, yoga, skipping, growing vegetables etc.

Can you re-visit a hobby you used to be involved in, e.g. playing an instrument, cookery, drawing etc.?

Try to do something kind for someone every day: help around the house/garden, make someone a cup of tea or help prepare a meal (but be careful not to burn yourself), wash up and remember to keep saying kind things and smiling to people you see and speak with.

Below are some curriculum ideas based on the Joe Wicks exercise show, which is broadcast Monday to Fridays at 9am YouTube. The destinations of the ‘shout-outs’ change daily, so you might want to choose one topic/country a day. If you do not watch this - try it (it can be downloaded at any time, not just 9am) or go for another keep-fit/exercise class. So many celebrities are putting new ones together every day: dancers, footballers, cricketers, to boxers.


Find on a map of the world and the UK (on-line or in an Atlas) all the places that Joe Wicks mentions during his 'shout outs' on his show (these change daily).

What are the main landmarks in these countries?

What are the main rivers? Modern Foreign Languages

What are the main languages spoken in these countries? Can you speak any of these languages? This could be a challenge over Easter!

How have these languages changed over time or have they remained the same?

Page 7: Winchcombe Weekly · 2020. 6. 11. · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 3rd April 2020 …..KEEP LEARNING! Photos by KB . Message from the school We

Have any other countries used or adapted these languages in light of key historical events and invasions? History

Find 5 historical facts about 3 of these countries.

Are there any positive or key events these countries are known for?

Who are the current monarchs or leaders and when did they come to power? Religion and Philosophy

What are the main religions in these countries and what are their central beliefs?

What are the main cultural festivals/celebrations liked to each of these religions?

Are there any special foods that are eaten at any of these religion’s special events? Catering

What are the main dishes/foods associated with each of these countries?

Have you ever eaten any of the traditional meals/foods?

Can you cook/prepare any of these meals over the Easter break to share with your family? Science

Who are the most famous inventors/scientists from these countries and when did they live?

What are their achievements and what impact have these had on society?

Have they ever won the Nobel Peace Prize? Maths

What is the current currency of these countries?

If any of them are part of the Euro, what was the national currency before this change?

Who are the famous mathematicians from these countries and what developments are they well known for? Dance

Identify a dance linked to these countries.

What is the form of dress associated with this dance?

Can you learn some moves from the dance? Writers and Drama

Who are the famous writers from the selected countries and what are the texts/books/poems they are most famous for?

What form of writing are they most famous for: allegory, satire, historical novellas?

Have you read any of these writers’ work? Try downloading one on-line. Try: https://stories.audible.com/discovery

Students can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, which will help them continue dreaming and learning. All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. Explore the collection, select a title and start listening.

Design and Technology

What is the traditional design of homes in these countries? Why is the design like this (space, linked to climate etc.)?

What are the technological advances these countries are famous for?

Have any of these developments had an impact on your life? How? Art

Find a famous artist or painter from these countries. Explore their inspiration.

What kind of art-work are they known for: sculpture, painter (landscape, portrait, abstract etc.)?

Can you look out of a window and draw or paint a picture copying their style? Music

Who are the most famous musicians in these countries? Explore their inspirations.

What pieces are they most well-known for?

Have they influenced any modern bands? P.E.

What are the sports most traditionally linked to these countries?

Who has won Olympic medals for these countries and in what events?

Have you participated in any of these sports? Can you take one up over Easter?

Be kind to each other and look after yourselves and your families. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Ms Teague

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Library Links This link is to Winchcombe's Library Bookshelf. It contains news of book readings, book related TV, quizzing, competitions etc.


Ms Barnes

Tennis Award We had a lovely email from the LTA due to some recent success from last terms success with tennis.

“On behalf of the LTA, we would like to congratulate you, Winchcombe School, on being named a 2019/20 Gloucestershire County LTA Tennis Award winner in the Education category. This is a very special achievement and you should be immensely proud of the wonderful and positive impact you’ve had on tennis in your community and county. The LTA Tennis Awards are designed to reward and recognise exceptional contributions made at the grassroots level of our sport. Without you and the work that you do, people in Great Britain simply wouldn’t be able to play tennis and experience all the joy that tennis brings to people’s lives and communities so thank you. As a county winner, your nomination will automatically be put forward for consideration at the regional stage of the awards. The outcome of the regional judging panels will be known in early April 2020 so you may well hear from us again should you be selected as a regional winner. In the meantime, enjoy celebrating your success, take care of yourselves and keep up all the incredible work you do. Yours sincerely, The LTA Tennis Awards team” Fingers crossed we have success in the next round. A big well done to all the tennis squad players who

commit to school’s tennis throughout the year.

PE dept.

Free School Meals – Changes in circumstances During these unprecedented times we have seen reported in the news that nearly a million people have applied

for Universal Credit in the last two weeks. If you have been affected by the current situation and your

circumstances have changed, you may be eligible for free school meals. Although your child may not be attending

school at the current time, we are providing food vouchers for supermarkets in the absence of being able to

provide school meals for families that are entitled to this provision.

If you think you may be eligible to apply for free school meals and would like further information or to apply,

please see our website or follow the link below.



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Ms Franklin


We are posting regular information and links to work on our dedicated web

page on the school website.


We know that many of you will be anxious to have information – once we

receive and process it, we will put it on the page and let you know there has

been an update.

The site is open for a very small number of people to minimise

contact. If you need help or have a query please email

[email protected] this email address is monitored by

the SLT and admin teams. Please send photos of workspaces,

activities, great work or articles for us to share!
