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Wine And Health Benefits

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Wine in history was only drunk by the rich.

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In the Middle Ages, in the north and east of Europe, where little or no grapes were grown, beer and ale were the common drink of both commoners and nobility. Wine was imported to the northern regions, but was expensive, and thus only the rich could afford.

It was a symbol of importance.

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But over the years times have definitely changed with wine being accessible to everyone!!

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Red wine has been an important part of many rituals. It has even been called the ‘The Blood of Christ’, and as studies are continually showing the health benefits of drinking red wine, drinking ‘blood’ has never been so good.

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Red wine is said to have many advantages, besides the amazing flavour and aromas that come with it, but also health benefits and this is explained by the French paradox which is the idea that red wine is beneficial to human health.

In this presentation the health benefits of red wine will be fully explained.

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Throughout the years studies have been conducted over the health benefits of red wine, and data from the French population proved to be a key finding.

This lead to the French paradox. The Findings showed that even though the French have a diet that is higher in saturated fat than most other countries, for example America, they still obtain a very low incidence of heart disease.

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An Irish physician Samuel Black first observed this trend in 1819 (Renaud, 2000).

In 1999, rates of death due to a sickness of the heart called coronary heart disease was found to occur at a rate of 115 per 100,000 people in America and only 83 per 100,000 people in France with males aged between 35 to 74 (Age-standardised rate of finished consultant episodes for operations for CHD by sex and local authority, all ages and under 75 years, 2001/06, England (Table), 2008, para 1).

This shows a significant lower rate of coronary heart disease for the French leading some scientists to believe that red wine beholds the secret of its healthy success.

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Some scientists think that red wine has no health benefits, but many studies over the world are finding more and more evidence to oppose this opinion.

Studies involving antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, and non-flavonoids, which are all molecules found in red wine have been proven to be beneficial for human health.

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It has been suggested from the French paradox that having two glasses of red wine a day can be beneficial for human health and the reason for this is because red wine has certain molecules that benefit human health.

Other alcoholic beverages such as beer, spirits or even white wine do not share the same chemical makeup as red wine and therefore don't have the same benefits.

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In History it is known that wine was used as a disinfectant for cuts and sores.

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But what about now?

Are there any other benefits of wine other than the alcohol that is in it?

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A study that compared red wine to the spirit, Gin, showed that red wine has a greater anti-inflammatory action than other alcoholic drinks.

In the study, the researcher gave 40 healthy men with a mean age of 37.6 years two glasses a day of either red wine or gin for 28 days. This was followed by a period of 15 days without any alcohol. In the second part of the test, the groups crossed over to receive the other drink.

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The results found that both groups had reduced levels of the molecule fibrinogen, which causes clotting, but having red wine proved to have greater results in lowering the levels of inflammatory molecules, such as specific proteins in monocytes and lymphocytes, than gin.

This is of great importance as it has been reported that inflammatory substances are major risk factors in the development of heart disease and strokes, and therefore the results from this test prove that having red wine will lower these inflammatory molecules and decrease the risk of heart disease.

This test offers evidence to prove that the French paradox to be true, but it is far too brief to analyze and a test on a much larger scale needs to be carried out to look at the long term epidemiological effects of red wine(Red wine has greater anti-inflammatory action than other alcohols, 2004, para 3).

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Antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, non-flavonoids and even alcohol are all molecules that are in red wine and provide it with beneficial characteristics for human health.

It has been proven by many studies that having alcohol in moderate amounts can benefit human health as it can be good for the heart.

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It has been observed that alcohol can raise the levels of high density lipoproteins which is helpful as it can remove cholesterol from arteries and transport it back to the liver for excretion or for re-utilization (LDL and HDL Cholesterol: What's Bad and What's Good?, 2008, para 2) .

Alcohol can also lower the levels of low density lipoproteins which is also helpful as these molecules transport cholesterol and triglyceride molecules from the liver to peripheral tissues which is not good for human health as it can cause cardiovascular diseases, and it has also been proven that it reduces the formation of blood clotting (Rodger Harms, 2009, para 5).

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With people who exercise regularly, during the process of metabolizing their food and oxygen, free radicals are released which can cause a lot of damage to existing cells in the body.

The more exercise a person does, the more free radicals are produced.

It has been found that antioxidants such as those found in red wine have proven to lower the rate of upper body respiratory infections which are associated with high physical workouts.

This is done by the antioxidants combining with the free radicals and preventing the oxidative process and as a result reducing cell damage (Friel, 2004).

Antioxidants such as those of flavonoids are found in many foods but are in very high content in red wine. However, the antioxidant that is having popular interest is that of the molecule resveratrol which is a non-flavonoid.

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A compound called resveratrol , found in red wine,has been studied widely by scientists around the world. Discoveries have led to the revelation that resveratrol is responsible for the health benefits of having two glasses of wine a day.

Tests have shown that the chemical resveratrol, which is found in the stems, leaves, and skins of grapes, is why red wine has the health benefits as discussed previously.

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Resveratrol has also been found in some grape juices, and peanuts, but because red wine goes through the fermenting process, resveratrol is in higher concentrations than the other food sources.

It is said that 500 milligrams is the daily requirement to be protected from cancer and a glass of red wine has 640 micrograms, a handful of peanuts has only 75 micrograms, and red wine has three times the amount then some grape juices (Resveratrol, 2008, para 4).

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A lot of research has gone into resveratrol but many have only been conducted with rats, not humans. Results have shown that it can fight obesity and diabetes by increasing the number of mitochondria in cells which would boost energy levels that could make a person, who never plays sport, become an athlete just by taking high concentrations of resveratrol, in theory.

However this theory has only been proven in rats, by those who have been subjected to the compound being able to run significantly longer than the other rats who haven’t.

However, to get the same high doses that the rats received, a human would have to drink 100 to 1,000 glasses of red wine a day. Even though this test may not be relevant for the benefits of having two glasses of red wine a day, it does show the high potential for red wine to have on human health (Rodger Harms, 2009, para 5).

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Red wine is said to have many health benefits for human health, but this is in moderation!!Remember two glasses of red wine a day support these scientific tests.

Do not think you will run faster, be stronger and ultimately healthier if you consume vast amounts of red wine.

Unless you want....

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to look like this

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So as the health benefits of having two glasses of red wine a day build up, what happens when the suggested amount is overlooked and excessive red wine is drunk?

Drinking too much red wine can have a very serious effect to human health. Problems such as “high blood pressure, high triglycerides, liver damage, obesity, certain types of cancer, accidents and other problems” (Rodger Harms, 2009, para 5)occur which are obviously very problematic for human health when excessive amounts of alcohol such as red wine is drunk.

In addition alcohol has a diuretic effect, the more alcohol that is consumed the more fluids the individual loses. This is not ideal for recovery and if an exercise regime is needed to be completed (Nancy Clark, 2008, para 11).

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Even if a safe amount of alcohol is consumed, if the individual is over the driving limit this can lower the persons co ordination and decrease reaction times increasing the risk of an accident occurring. Already this year, in the past five months, 171 people have died on New Zealand roads and it is thought that alcohol was a factor in at least a third of the deaths (Kerry Williamson, 2009, para 2).

Also it has been recorded that in the year of 2008 36,000 drink driving offences were made making these statistics a record high. These results are of great concern and do not put a good name to alcohol. If further drinking occurs and regular high volumes are consumed these can cause more serious harm to the individual, and may even result in alcoholism.

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SUMMARY The advantages for drinking two glasses of red wine a day at most are having an astounding

amount of benefits for human health.

The French paradox has been recognised worldwide and has influenced many research studies by scientists. It was found that even with the French population consuming higher amounts of saturated fats per person the population still had lower rates of death by heart disease and this has sparked particular interest in red wine.

The differences between red wine and other alcoholic beverages have been noted finding that red wine actually lowers more levels of inflammatory molecules, then other alcoholic beverages, which can cause development of heart disease and stroke.

Red wine also contains high levels of anti-oxidants that can combine to free radicals which reduce cell damage by preventing the oxidative process. An example of these anti-oxidants is resveratrol an important molecule found in higher amounts in red wine than any other common food source. Even though the full benefits of resveratrol are still not fully known, there are some studies that do show a huge advantage to health but very high quantities are needed which two glasses of red wine a day cannot provide.

The importance of drinking the recommended amount of red wine is crucial as drinking too much alcohol can be detrimental to an individual’s health. Risks include increased heart disease and reducing levels of co-ordination which can lead to major accidents if driving, therefore it is very important for red wine not to be consumed in high amounts on a regular basis.

With some of the health benefits provided by red wine already known and with the continued research into the advantages of red wine the possibilities of what this drink can do for an individual’s health is endless.

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Reference List


Red wine has greater anti-inflammatory action than other alcohols, (2004). Red wine has greater anti-inflammatory action than other alcohols. Retrieved May 20, 2009 from http://www.nutraingredients.com/Research/Red-wine-has-greater-anti-inflammatory-action-than-other-alcohols

Age-standardised rate of finished consultant episodes for operations for CHD by sex and local authority, all ages and under 75 years, 2001/06, England (Table), (2008). Tab 3.5 RSD web08: Age-standardised rate of finished consultant episodes for operations for CHD by sex and local authority, all ages and under 75 years, 2001/06, England (Table). Retrieved May 21, 2009 from http://www.heartstats.org/datapage.asp?id=744ytfytfy

LDL and HDL Cholesterol: What's Bad and What's Good?, 2008. LDL and HDL Cholesterol: What's Bad and What's Good?. Retrieved May 20, 2009 from http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=180

Harms, R.W. (2009). Red wine and resveratrol: Good for your heart?. Retrieved May 22, 2009 from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/red-wine/HB00089

Resveratrol, (2008). Resveratrol. Retrieved May 21, 2009 from http://www.vitaminstuff.com/resveratrol.html

Clark, N., (2008). Alcohol, Athletes, and Pressure to Drink. Retrieved May 20, 2009 from http://www.tritraining.ca/nutart5.html

Williamson, K., Hamilton, P., (2009). Drink-driving at all-time high. Retrieved May 24, 2009 from http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/national/2434661/Drink-driving-at-all-time-high


Renaud, S. (2000). From French paradox to Cretan miracle. The Lancet, 355 , 48 - 48 B


Friel, J. (2004). The Triathlete’s Training Bible (2nd ed.). Colorado: VeloPress
