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Winter 1999 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust

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  • 8/3/2019 Winter 1999 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    The Enwironrnental Ne'wsletter ofSan Luis Obispo Count5z's North CoastVol. I, No. 10 . Winter 1999

    PUBLISHEDBYffiThe CambriaLandTfustCommunilyConservation ince 1988

    Warren Seek etrospectivefunding for annualscholarshipwalls of the School House Gallery were filled withand lowerson theeveningof Tuesday,Feb.2 or theofthe Linda WarrenSeekRehospective,sponsored yndAlliedArts.Proceedsrom sales fthe ateMrs.made throughout the retrospectiveare beingo theGreenspacelLindaWanen SeekScholarshipeception,Brad Seek,Linda's husband nearly24gave a wann and touching look at life with his wife,her assomeonewho strove obe constantly eaching,and oving.Hewas ollowedbyRickHawley,Executiveof Greenspace,who formally announced he newThis will be presentedo a CoastUnion Highstudentpursuinga careern environmentalstudies,artor

    ofthis scholarshipwill bedecidedby Greenspacewith the high school n April/May, culminatingseeSEEK RETROSPECTIVE ont'don page

    Environmental damage o NorthCoastts ragileecosystemncreasesAn at_qr,nlngncreasen illegal treecutting,grading,dumpiand wildlife pgaching around Cambria can be reversedgreatercitizeninvolvement in reporting infractions."The Cambriaarea s especiallyvulnerablebecausewe'reremote and enforcement generally relies upon citizcomplaints," said Rick Hawley, Executive DirectorGreenspace.Environmental crimes hurt our communiff. awe negd t9 report these infractions to those charged wienforcing the law."Greenspaceill continue otakecallsonsuspectediolatioand report them to the appropriate agencies.However, wencourageou to call:. SanLuisObispoCountyResource rotectionDivision,785705). the HighwayPatrol,549-326I. if the environmentalcrime harmsanimals or their habitcall the Califomia Departmentof Fish and Game's WildliProtectionBranch,772-8908or 238-4236._ I_floususpecttreesrebeingcut illegally askto seeapermIf th9personcannotproduceapermit ask hemto stop lien cthe CountyResourceProtectionOfficer. If you havea camedocument he activity.

    I-etyournecyclablesirecttybenefitourCambriaandSanSimeon ommunitieDeposityour CRVbeverage ontainersn Greenspace inand raise $$Sor our kids and openspaceWhen you put your cansand bottles in our white recyclin

    Greenspacennounces rochure,workshop on Pitch Cankertoprovide uplo-date guidelinesfor what to do withpines killed by Pitch Canker diseaseWith funds fromcommunitysupportersand a CaliforniaReLea f /Na t i ona lUrban Forestrygrant,Greenspace haslaunched the latest

    educational programin its five-year fightagainst the deadlydiseasehat may kill80-90%of Cambria'spines in the comingdecade."Experts conducteda researchisit here nJanuary and haveidentifiedanalarmingspreadofPitchCankerin the Cambria forestduring the past yaff,"according to Green-spaceExecutive

    seePITCH CANKXRcont'dpage

    of Pilch CankerAccelerates Cambria'spinesan increasingly apid rate. Theas ocure nd s ikely o kill 80%-90%ofourover the next 5-10years.Photoshows reeslongMainStreet,oingntoEastVillage.

    Recycling$$$ for Youth Center Rick Hawley,left, present hecks or $520to Art Van Rhyn,president f the CambriaYouthCenter, he firstpaymentfor25%offunds raisedromGreenspaceCommunityBenefitRecycling ins.

    bins, you' re giv indollars which directbenefit local youprograms anpreservation of opspace."By depositing beerage containers inGreenspace ecyclinbins, we can raithousands of dollarssaid Cyndi ButterfieGreenspacedirectorchargeof this innovativprogram.Limitations on wh

    Greenspaceinsreimple:oly r,r-{i}',:ffi#tnTJlseeRECYCLING cont'd on pag

  • 8/3/2019 Winter 1999 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    at SeagoGallery benefitsopen spacegalleryowner Sally Seagohasdonatedoneof herappealing, riginal oilpaintingsto benefitourpurchase fforestedproperty in Strawberry Canyon.S e a g o ' sb e a u t i f u l l yframed 14" x28", "SpringonMoonstone, "wi l l be onexhibit at theSeago GalleryuntilLaborDay,when thewinning ticketwill be drawn.Raffle ticketsare $25 each.Only 50 ticketsbe sold. All proceedsrom the saleof raffle ticketsgo toGallery s ocated t6 00 MoonstoneBeachhone umber s927-9444.

    RETROSPECTM cont'd from page Ithe assignment at the June graduation. For furtheror to make direct contributions to this scholarshipcontact acque elly, VP of Greenspace,t927-5381.attended the Retrospectiveopening viewed aof Mrs. Seek'sartwork and lithographicThe Linda Warren SeekRetrospectivewill continueSunday,March7, SchoolHouseGallery,880Main St.,Villag e, 12 o 3 30p.m.dai y. Forfu ther nformationcall

    Att o.l,*a+tQ""/er,at4/,o vtrseLf sustaLwLnrTowtwwtwLtgQa, dewha st:v'tspaces

    for SprLwg subscr'"ptLow.lqe orqawLcgardew Lsv"nAed g Qr eewsVae'sPcah owtusP ykLlcated. tthe coywey f V,,trt.ow>rLve wd,adyaewt o nLqtw ag o nzsLdeof LwtersectLow).

  • 8/3/2019 Winter 1999 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    Animals Club will "Walk forthe Animals" to savehabitatntemationally recognizedSave he Animals Cluba "Walk for the Animals" to saveanimal habitat inpineforest.will walk from Cambria o San Simeon o raiseto help Greenspace urchaseand for animals to liveclubpresident andaHay.Membersof theclubwill askbusinesses nd residents o support eachmile walked withto club advisor and Greenspaceeld.for the Animals" will takeplace his Spring, with theyetto be determined.Openyour heartsand wallets to helpof "good soles"walkingto protectanimalsn someofplaces emaining n our community.pleasecontactJandaHay at 927-3590Butterfield at927-2866

    open spaceat Cambria Fine Arts4,CheetahDomain,by Al Agnew,a signedbeautifully framed ithograph will be raffled atFineArtsGallery,755 Main Streetn WestVillage.Allwill benefit our purchaseof a I2.2 acreparcel nCanyon. which s appraised, nframed, t$1,000,be on sale or $25 per icket, with a 40-ticket imit.donated o Greenspace y Patti Wyse,or raising irnds o acquireCambria' astwild places.Karnes,owner of Cambria Fine Arts Gallery said she sto donatea spot in her gallery for this worthy publicproject.cont'd from page I

    Rick Hawley. Look aroundandyoucansee inesofbare hroughoutCambria." s rom UC Davisd UC Berkeley, Greenspacewill develop an updatedbrochureon Montereypinesandpitchcanker.AllnCambriawill receiveacopyofthis informativeThe brochure'sdesignwill provide he readerwithread and practical methods in handling, using andof infectedpinematerial.with the world's experts npitchcankerwill beSpring.Gearedorpropertyowners, t will detail heofpitch canker,aswell aswhatpineownersmightforest o look like in five years.Greenspace ill be working with localgroups nhese educationalprograms.Watch for moreCambrian nd n comins ssues fWatershed.

    to our volunteers. .Arla Stevens StrawberryCanyon),Joneen(Wilton StreetPark).Cambria NewcomersGardenat Pocahontas ark.Doreen Depler Millercoordinating he Linda WarrenSeekRehospective.without thesevolurrteers nd countlesswho unselfishlygive their time to help ouruni y's environment.

    Greenspace nd local schooldistrict partnein environmental worldstudy programThis summer Greenspacewill partner with Coast UnifSchoolDistict to offer a youth work/studyprogramdeawith environmentalprojects.The new six-week progftrm will focus mainly on fomzrnagement nd creek bed enhancementn the Cambria aThisprogramwill be administered nder hedistrict's Schto-Work Program. t will give 20 students, ges 16 to 1chance o eam schoolcreditsas well as somemoney.Participantswill be trained to develop skills and to incresensitivity o, andknowledge bout, ocalenvironmentalssCash grants to the students will be provided by the PrivIndustryCouncil of SanLuis ObispoCounty.

    G.;p"*--;"."1'il;,"*-*;;;.8r"-.vr-"--u"r;;"-lnewsletters and other information on our corservation activities. Circlecategories and indicate payment method below:O Family $25 tr Contributing $50O Patron$250 fl Sustaining$500 0 Sponsoring$100O Benefactor51000

    3 New Member D Membership RenewalEnclosed is my $-donation (100% tax deductible)NameAddressCity/State/ZipPhone

    GIFT MEMBERSHIPSO I'd like to sive a $ Gift Membership to:NameAddressCity/State/ZipO Please send acknowledgment to the recipientO I want my gift rnembership to be anonymousO Bill me next year to renew this gift rnembership

    PAYMENTE Check Enclosed D VISA O MCCard #Signature Exp. Date

    I'D LIKE MORE NFORMATIONON:3 Deferred Giving -- "Gifts that keep on giving"D Conservation Estate PlanningO TaxAdvantages, ConservationOptions for Landowners

    Send o: GREEENSPACE.The CambriaLand TruPostOfficeBox 1505 Cambria,CA93428805-9274964 FAX 805-9275 02I Greenspace s a non-proJit, public beneJit corporationfounded in 198L - - _ _ _ J

  • 8/3/2019 Winter 1999 Watershed Newsletter, Cambria Land Trust


    Where to Find GreenspacepocketParks & Forestpr6serves . Wilton Streetpark** (LodgeHill): Fourwoodedo nearnorthwest ntersectionoigurtoil Oi;L *O Wif,..' i*iTj,::,jfiffi#JV"",f::Ffu: by Greenspace.wo memoriat enctrei.-' -Pocahontas ark/Community Garden LodgeH. 9l- 1.": ols.corner^orun'o,L riu"'il"J"ili I. adJacento Highwav One.Donatedby theAlien pefamily. One mlmoiial oencn.Emerson Road preserve** (Lodge Hill): 3 woor lots,on Emersont Ludlow.o"ll"i.J iiv fh"oo Marshall.Dorking_Streetpark*i (Lodge Hill): On Dorkingr. berweenmersonnd a;do;n. onuiJoir.i"urs - Diane Green.ThreememoriatUenih;;. - '' ""'Strawberry Ca nyorrForestp-rese_rve**(LodgeHi4 acres n BurtonDrive.at.Kay St . Acquire-d-b-o donors and Greenspace. ristiie ior.rt-ii".'i.iir.nt' condit ion.TI,e Sterl ing Forest (Lodge Hill): Half acrepocparK.-and lorest preserve,on pineridge, betw.Bradford and Ellis. Donaied Uy rcuri.-ui,j-Walt. btenlng.

    .t *,* You can name one of theseparks after a loved oth ou-q theG eensp b ,l aoi n_ r i:i' io"s; *i nstatta MemoriaiBench, n oii i- -ii i"ii naBenchprogram.pteasecatieu"o'rioiiio, finnuinformation at 805-927_4964- -r----rv' r4

    c4lf VAOtt aa


    atr cEA?tNtS


    @*,tJ Copyright 1999Greenspace,The Cambria Land TrusPRINTED oN RECYCLED PAPER

    U.S. ulkRatePAIDPermitNo.3TCambria,CA93428Non-ProfitOrganization

    oni riaiionsince 9ggPostOffice Box 1505Cambria, CA9g42gTelephone 805-9274964FAX 805-927_5702
