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Winter 2001 Transforming Lives Newsletter, Gospel Rescue Ministries

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Gogef Rcscue Jbllnlstrfcs WershingfrrnrIJ6 "Appreciation 2000" Dinner Honors G.R.M. Support Family Rev, A,W. Iaclcson nomed Emeritus after I fl fitn over 300 in attendance, GRM held its f f f f annual Appreciation Dinner on December 2 ll ll" the Bible Church.It was special I I evening of good food, fine music, touching testimonies, program reports, video presenta- tions and expressions of appreciation to the many faithful supporters of GRM in attendance. Rachel Panay, guest soloist from Boston, present- ed a special song that she wrote in honor of abused women. One highlight of the evening was the honoring of Rev. A.W. Jackson (and his wife, G.R.M. andWorld Bank Group Celebrate Successful Employment, Training and Mentoring Partnership fl n Ianuary 10,2001, a momentous gath- I lering took place at the prestigious I lheadquarters of the World Bank LJ Group, as Wolfensohn, Presi- dent of the World Bank Group, TonyHall, Congressman from Ohio, and John Jack- son, Executive Director of GRM, and members of their respective staffs met to celebrate the successful partnership between the World Bank Group and GRM that has provided employment, training and mentoring opportunities over the past three years for about 25 graduates of GRM. Two of the ten graduates currentlywork- ing at World BanUIFC were present and gave compelling testimonies of how their lives had been changed while at GRM and further enhanced by the employment opportunities at World Bank/lFC. Congressman Hall, who last fuly on the floor of the House of Representatives had praised the outstanding work of the World Bank Group/IFC officials in providing employment opportunities to graduates of the GRM program, presented an award to Mr. Wolfensohn for his commitment, courage and pioneering efforts in reaching out to the disadvantaged community of Washington, D.C. Mr. Wolfensohn, in turn, praised the graduates of GRM who had taken advantage of the employment pro- gram and demonstrated the courage to overcome many obstacles and find restora- tion in their lives. Mr. Wolfensohn pledged his continued support to this program and to expansion within the localWorld Bank Group facilities and replication of the program in other local and international areas. Special thanks was expressed to Sullivan, Deputy General Counsel of IFC Legal, and Michael Cortese, Records Man- ager of IFC Legal, for their dedicated and tireless efforts in implementing the pro- gram at IFC Legal and interfacing with GRM staff on a regular basis. 15 years of service at GRM Dorothy),long-time pastor in the Northern Vir- ginia area and former member of GRM's Board Trustees over l5 years. His son, John Jack- son, presented Rev. Jackson, age 90 and a pastor for 64 years, with a special plaque naming him Trustee Emeritus of GRM. A touching moment came at the end of the evening when all of the men and women in the program at GRM joined hands on the stage and sang several verses of "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord," It truly was a special evening. Rep.Tony Hall and famesWolfensohn
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Gogef Rcscue


"Appreciation 2000" Dinner Honors G.R.M. Support FamilyRev, A,W. Iaclcson nomed Trustee Emeritus after

I fl fitn over 300 in attendance, GRM held its

f f f fannual Appreciation Dinner on December 2

ll ll" the Mclean Bible Church.It was a special

I I evening of good food, fine music, touching

testimonies, program reports, video presenta-

tions and expressions of appreciation to the

many faithful supporters of GRM in attendance.

Rachel Panay, guest soloist from Boston, present-

ed a special song that she wrote in honor of

abused women. One highlight of the evening was

the honoring of Rev. A.W. Jackson (and his wife,

G.R.M. andWorld Bank Group Celebrate Successful

Employment, Training and Mentoring Partnershipfl n Ianuary 10,2001, a momentous gath-

I lering took place at the prestigious

I lheadquarters of the World Bank

LJ Group, as fames Wolfensohn, Presi-

dent of the World Bank Group, TonyHall,

Congressman from Ohio, and John Jack-son, Executive Director of GRM, and

members of their respective staffs met to

celebrate the successful partnership

between the World Bank Group and GRM

that has provided employment, training

and mentoring opportunities over the past

three years for about 25 graduates of GRM.

Two of the ten graduates currentlywork-ing at World BanUIFC were present and

gave compelling testimonies of how their

lives had been changed while at GRM and

further enhanced by the employment

opportunities at World Bank/lFC.

Congressman Hall, who last fuly on the

floor of the House of Representatives had

praised the outstanding work of the World

Bank Group/IFC officials in providing

employment opportunities to graduates ofthe GRM program, presented an award to

Mr. Wolfensohn for his commitment,

courage and pioneering efforts in reaching

out to the disadvantaged community ofWashington, D.C. Mr. Wolfensohn, in turn,

praised the graduates of GRM who had

taken advantage of the employment pro-

gram and demonstrated the courage to

overcome many obstacles and find restora-

tion in their lives.

Mr. Wolfensohn pledged his continued

support to this program and to expansion

within the localWorld Bank Group facilities

and replication of the program in other

local and international areas.

Special thanks was expressed to Iennifer

Sullivan, Deputy General Counsel of IFC

Legal, and Michael Cortese, Records Man-

ager of IFC Legal, for their dedicated and

tireless efforts in implementing the pro-

gram at IFC Legal and interfacing with

GRM staff on a regular basis.

15 years of service at GRMDorothy),long-time pastor in the Northern Vir-ginia area and former member of GRM's Board

of Trustees for over l5 years. His son, John Jack-

son, presented Rev. Jackson, age 90 and a pastor

for 64 years, with a special plaque naming himTrustee Emeritus of GRM. A touching moment

came at the end of the evening when all of the

men and women in the program at GRM joined

hands on the stage and sang several verses of"Were You There When They Crucified MyLord," It truly was a special evening.

Rep.Tony Hall and famesWolfensohn

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School of Tomorrow Accred itationA First for Rescue Missions in the U.S.

fln December 21,2000, the School of

I lTomorrowof Gospel Rescue Ministries

I lwas officially awarded a five-year

LJ national accreditation status by the

Accrediting Council of Continuing Educa-

tion (ACCET) after a two-year process dur-

ing which licensure from the District ofColumbia was also achieved. The School ofTomorrow is the first organization of its

type awarded accreditation by ACCET and

is considered to be the only school associat-

ed with the Association of Gospel Rescue

Missions with an accreditation status.

Under the Directorship of Marjorie

Edmonds-Lloyd, the School of Tomorrowenrolls over 120 students per six week ses-

sion in GED classes, WORKNET

services, computer training, CDL

training, life skills, economic literacy and

the pilot culinary arts program. Open to the

GRM residents and the community in the

greater Washington metropolitan area, it is

the goal of the school to increase reading,

economic, and computer literacy while pro-

viding affordable educational opportunities

for traditionally under-served residents.

Located in the heart of China Town in

Washington, D.C., the School of Tomor-

row hopes that the national accreditation

will foster an environment of administra-

tive excellence and facilitate a strivingtowards academic achievement among the

student body. Special thanks goes to the

Washington Post Foundation for its gener-

ous support toward this endeavor. Addition-

al gratitude goes to the students that we

serve, for they continued to bear with us

during the implementation of needed

changes to programs and curricula that took

place in the two-year accreditation process.

C.F.C./ UnitedWay Campaign 2000

- *Yoiiuit ieiih ihat is in

accord with sound doctrine"

Titus 2:1

The thief comes only to steal anilkilland destroy; I have come that they

mny hawJi{e, and haye ittoJohn 10:10

A Personal Testimony: Iohn Pendleton

It was 1990 and I had just been appoint-

led to take over a security firm. I first

lstarted doing crack only on the week-

I ends, but then it got worse and I start-

ed every duy... even in my office.

This went on for over 3 years and Ifinally lost the company in 1994. Then Ilost my apartment and my family... then

I started selling crack. One day I was on

the corner and was stabbed in the stom-

ach with a hunting knife because of a

drug debt. After coming out of the hos-

pital and getting well, I immediately

started drinking.After walking and drinking, something

happened to me, and I threw mybeer intothe street and started to cry. I walked to

Gospel Rescue Ministries and entered

the Transforming Lives Ministry. Since

then GOD has blessed me over and over

. . . a new job at the World Bank, a Chris-

tian wife, an apartment and a new car.

I have put away childish things and

I'm a new creature in Christ. As long as

I seek his face,life will be added more


fach year GRM participates in the United Way/CFC campaign.

f,This year we visited over 30 private and government agencies to

I share with potential donors the GRM message of Hope. One ofLthese visits was to the national headquarters of B.A.T.F. (Bureau

of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms). Jackie McCoy (current FultonHouse of Hope resident) presented a stirring testimony of what God

has done in her life. They were so taken that they invited us back for

an encore; this time with Caprice Braxton delivering her testimony.

The C.F.O. of BATF was so touched by their presentations thathe called us to begin discussions to implement a back-to-workprogram for Fulton House grads similar to the World Bank pro-gram for our men!

. . . we oyercomeby theblood of thelamb andby the

word of our testimony Revelation t2:t l.A.TF, Djr.Buckles & Caprice Broxton Fulton House Resident lacbe McCoy

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Beginning with this edition of "Tronsforming Liyes"

we would like to honor the men and women thot ore

the true bockbone of God's work here . . . our yolunteersl

Eoch upcoming newsletter will spotlight three oreos

of volunteer octivities ot Gospel Rescue Ministries;GHURCH PARTNER$ "VOLUNTEER STAFF"


CHURCH PARTNERChe s ap eake Chri stian Fellow ship, E dgew ater, MD

Jhere are many churches that we rely heavily upon to help

I us in many ways. Pastor Pat Packett & C.C.F. have proven

I to be a tremendous blessing in a wide variety of activities.I Each week Doug Shepherd and "Big Blue" (see picture)

show up at our door to take the men to Sunday service. TWo

dozen men also attend the CCF monthly "Men's Fellowship

Breakfast" in Edgewater. Several of the men of CCF haveprovided their time and talents with our never-ending reno-

vation projects at our main facility. Funds were collected topurchase Christmas presents for the men and women of Ful-ton House. The Praise & Worship team sang at GRM and

Dave & Kelly Bailey performed at our Appreciation Ban-

quet. Now that's a Church Partner!

"VOLU NTEER 9TAFF" Regina Somerville

Jhere are many individuals who spend countless hours selflessly providing their time in

I many ways. One of these "Volunteer Staff" members deserves special recognition for


her tireless dedication to God's calling. Regina serves 32 hours each week at the Fulton

I House of Hope ministering to the needs in our women's program. Regina commuteseach day from Silver Spring with nothing as compensation other than the knowledge thatshe is indeed touching someone's life and helping to make an eternal difference in the lives

of a dozen women.

Regina acts as a mother, sister, best friend, and whatever other role is needed. For manyof the women, this is the first time in their lives that they have received this type of loveand compassion. Our "motto" is "Transforming lives of people without hope by sharingthe love of fesus." Regina does...and does...and does some more. And when she gets tired,she loves them some more. Thankyou Regina!


fhe third Tuesday of each month, the men in our overnight Samaritan Ministry all have a small

I red plastic key in their hand during chapel service...on each key is written Matthew 7:I2: So inI everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law andI the Prophets. This means that Tom & Janice Smith are preaching the Word tonight! Tom and

Janice are with V.I.C. (Victory In Christ) and have faithfully provided chapel service monthly forthe past 20 years!

In addition to their monthly service they spend the entire year collecting Christmas presentsfrom various sources around town for their annual Christmas Party for children of the commu-nity around GRM. This year theyput smiles on the faces of over 500 children with over 3,000 toys!

Along with the toys each child hears the true meaning of why we celebrate the Lord's birthday!Tom & Janice are just one of many chapel servants who present the Word nightly at GRM.

They truly make a "key difference" in the lives of the least, the last, and the lost.

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2000 Fannie Mae HELP the HOMELESS Walkathon


To learn more about G.R.M. please visit our web site. You can learn how you, your

church or organization can get involved doing God's work with us!You will fnd a

complete listing of needs and volunteer opPortunities! Computer challenged?...

Iust call!We will gladly arrange a tour of our ministries for you 0r your grouP:

David Georgei 202-842-1731 x223?salmi1@grm,or

Thank you to all of our church partners, groups and indi-viduak that walked for GKM this past year! Wth the Fan-

nie Mae matching donation, $80,000 was raised to help the

men and women that we serve.

St,Iudes . First Baptist , Page Elementary

Chantilly Biblp , Mt, Oak Metho&st

Mt, Vernon , Korean Presbyterian , G,W,U.

HoIy Temple Cathedral, Cornerstone Fellow ship

Che s ap e alce Chr istian Fellow ship

Madison Avenue Baptist, N. Can

Calvary Uniteil Methoilist . Alexanilria Presbyterian

Victo ry P ent e co st al Ap o st olic

Howard Univ, Meil, Stuilents , KHEEMA

Mclean Bible , Cherryilale Baptist , Immanuel Pres.

Anil the many, many indiviiluak who participateil!

'THE Higher Power"Christ-centered l2-step recovery radio program broadcast

each week o" WAYA 105. I FM Sundays at Midnight

tsl ftrlrlrlid LI*IIlridihl [eEEln

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A Message from lohn facksonExecutive Director

Dear Friends of Gospel Rescue Ministries,

fl reetings and may God's richest blessings be with you in

I the new year. Year 2000 was a year of change, challenge

I l."a considerable blessing. We continue to see changed

LJ lives--

trophies of God's grace. This motivates us to

work even harder, to pray more earnestly and to reach out with increased compassion

in 2001 for those in need of God's healing mercy and saving grace.

Year 2000 Reflections: We started our women's ministry with the opening of the

Fulton House of Hope on March 6. Over 20 women have been touched by this min-

istry to date, and we plan to have a full house of 18 women in the near future. Our

men's ministry has undergone change with the addition of two chaplains on our staff

and with the integration of our Samaritans ministry (providing emergency shelter)

into our Transforming Lives Ministry, our one year program. Our School of Tomor-

row distinguished itself by receiving District of Columbia licensing and national

accreditation and continues to provide quality education to our residents and the

community at large. Our staff continued to provide excellent leadership, serving with

compassion and diligence. Our church and other community partnerships grew

stronger. Our volunteer support increased. Many faithful supporters gave generously

and prayer support seemed to multiply.

Year 2001 Vision:We want to draw on God's strength and grace even more in 2001.

We want to serve more men, women and their children. We want them to clearly

understand and accept God's plan of salvation and to experience deliverance from

hopelessness. We want to help them find recovery from drug addiction, emotional dis-

tress, educational deficiencies and other issues that can prevent them from full real-

ization of God's wonderful plan for their lives.

We plan to upgrade the condition of our facilities during 2001, including a badly

needed roof replacement, and we need to hire a Facilities Manager. We will soon need

another van for the exclusive use of the women at the Fulton House of Hope and their

children under our Children-at-Risk program. We could use a Volunteer Coordinator,

even on a part-time basis. With our new national accreditation, we plan to expand our

School of Tomorrow programs and will explore locating a larger facility for our school,

which would allow us to greatly expand our programs for men at the existing facility.

These are all exciting opportunities that require much prayer support and ultimately

additional financial support. We want to step out on faith as God leads us, but we also

want to be good stewards of our resources, recognizing that we are accountable to our

faithful supporters.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank each of you for your part in this ministry

during 2000. Your faithful prayer, volunteer and financial support has been a real

encouragement to us and has enabled us to continue to reach out to men and women

in need of God's healing mercy and saving grace.

In His Service.

Gosprr Rnscun MnusrrrnsofWashington,D.C.

810 5m Srnrm, N.\,V. . We$m,rcToN, D.C. 20001

"ff:illiiJ.rffHl;:ffi$f''Plcase noffi Gospel Resanc Ministries

tf you receive more than one coy ofTransforming Lives or Inve

a change of addras. The money we

sm,ewillfeeil anil carefor the

hungry andhurting.

Volume 2, Number 1

Winter 2001

Fxecutive Director

Iohn |adcson

Board of Trustees

DavidVan Duzer(Chairman)

I(athryn Baxter

Iane Bond

William Harper

Iohn Jackson

Albert Manola

Rudolph Pruden

Charles Robinson

Andrew Tignanelli






