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WINTER: The Online Novel

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  • 7/31/2019 WINTER: The Online Novel



    Written by Reece Ran

    The Fall


    It was a cold day this day. As I finally make it back to the airport, I continue to think of her. I continue to

    think of my wife Daphne. I continue to think of my two sons Zach and Micky, and finally my beautiful

    and lovely little girl. Lane. My plane is ready to land. I and my companion Richard are ready to get off

    the plane. Well it seems we made it back home with all of our limbs in tact aye Zimmery. That what

    Richard says to me as we get our bags. I look around the terminal as people walk around to and fro. Not

    knowing the horror we went through to keep them safe and sound. They could never understand the

    sleepless nights we went through in that burning dry country. The country located in Africa and in its

    most violent area we fought for years. The area known as Somalia, there we fought for freedom. The

    freedom of these people I stand next to in this airport.

    As we walk outside people are everywhere, calling taxis, hugging and kissing their loved ones. However

    for a very brief moment all of that stops. My mind stops and everyone takes a look at the sky. Its fall

    whats the problem, says Richard. The business men trying to seal the deal for their multi-million dollar

    accounts stop talking on the phone, they too look up at the sky. The cocky jocks of the college football

    star team stops screaming like maniacs, they too look up at the sky. The skinny models, the hip hop

    artist, the airplane pilots who are cheating on their wives with the stewardess all look up at the sky. And

    so do I, all in horror and in worry. But why are we looking like this as if this is the first time this has

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    happen. It happens every year, every season. A snow flake falls from the sky. Oh man here we go again,

    a man remarks around the corner. A snow flake falls to the ground. It happens every year, every season,

    and every winter, this happens. The fall is close to coming to an end, and the winter is coming. Okay its

    snow big deal, Richard remarks. See Richard comes from a small town I like to call Australia. He doesnt

    know snow. He doesnt know what winter is in the year 2049. Its much different, much different. And

    when we see a snow flake we get ready. I must get ready; I have to get back to my family before

    December 20th


    I arrive back in Scranton, Pennsylvania. I place full of hills and mountains, very peaceful. The cold days of

    fall are perfect for this place. As we ride through the roads, I see familiar places and familiar faces. I see

    the woods were me and my father use to hunt deer. I see the Scranton Zoo that I plan on taking my little

    Lane to this summer. Yes its all coming back to me. Nice place you got here mate, says Richard. I try to

    be as nice as I can be with old Dick here. Hes a good man; we got really close during the war in Africa. I

    told him he can come back with me for a visit. But neither I nor he believed we were coming back home

    this soon.

    We arrive at my old house in Scranton. It was built by my old man back in the 20s and its still good up

    to this day. He had money, so he had the housebuilt with multiple compartments for nuclear resistance.

    I see my little girl waiting at the door for me as we pull up to the house. I see her precious smile, my

    little girl Lane.

    Dick and I got out of the car with our luggage and bags. Hmm wow something smells good, I say to

    myself. And old Dick here says the same thing. It smells like breakfast on a cold day ready to go. Even

    though its twelve o clock, but my wife Daphne knows that I like breakfast always before lunch and

    dinner. No matter what time it is. Lane comes running up to me laughing screaming daddy, daddy,

    youre home. I embrace her tightly and she embraces me tightly with her little six year old arms. But

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    strong for a childs grip, I then see my two boys come running to meet me at the door. Dad, youre

    home, my youngest boy Micky said. I couldnt hold myself together, as all my children come running to

    me with big juicy smiles on their faces. I never realized how much I missed them. Richard continues to

    look up at the sky as small snow flakes come floating down and melting instantly. For it is not winter yet.

    I introduce my kids to Richard here. Greeting mates, says Dick. Lane laughs at Dicks weird accent; Dick

    looks surprisingly at Lane and me. His eyes twisted up like a pretzel, he kept staring back and forth at

    Lane and me. As though he was trying to distinguish the resemblance, as I talked to my kids I had

    wondered where my wife Daphne was. I suspect she was cooking that heavenly breakfast in the back. I

    went inside my 50,000 square foot house looking for her. Honey, Honey your sweet muscle cake is here.

    I let the smell of the eggs with cheddar cheese, and roasted bacon along with buttermilk cheesecake

    pancakes led me to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen hoping to see that gorgeous thirty eight

    year old woman that disguised herself as a twenty three year old beauty queen, she wasnt there. I saw

    the breakfast laid out on the table. But I didnt see the one who made it, the one being my wife Daphne.

    Kids where is your mom? I shouted to my kids as they ran down the hall to me. She was never here Dad,

    said Zach. She was never here, I said. Then who made this beautiful breakfast? My kids Zach, Micky, and

    Lane all begin to get these little smirks on their cute faces. Then it hit me, I couldnt believe it. You all did

    this for me? I said with shock. Then Lane shouted You all can come out now! in a mighty six year old

    voice. Then a mob of people came from every corner of my house. It was as though I was being

    ambushed from all sides by strangers. But these people, as they got closer, I recognized them. I

    recognized their faces, their smiles, my whole family and friends, my cousins, my nieces, and in-laws,

    were all there to welcome me back home. Welcome Home Zimthats what they all said to me. I

    started to feel water come down my eyes. I begin to see the tears drop to the ground, drop to my shiny

    wooden floors. I felt like I was home again. I cried like my little girl would when she would get a scrape

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    on her knee because of her playing on the rough dirt outside. But laughed like the silly teens my boys

    can be when they would tell a stupid joke. I embraced them all. With so much joy ready to live my life

    again ready to face the elements, and ready to eat. But I kept looking around, where is my wife Daphne?

    As the family all prepared to go into the kitchen to eat, I began to search for my wife. My cousin Jimbo

    stopped me, congratulating me on a job well done. At first I didnt know what he was talking about, he

    then mention the conflict with the biological weapon siege in Africa. He wanted to talk to me about it

    along with a few other people. I told him sure lets talk later, for I was still searching for Daphne. I

    started to use common sense and just ask the family where she was. Her sister, Nancy along with her

    boyfriend I didnt care for Bob told me she left to get groceries. Beyond the laughter and chit chat of

    the family I heard a car pull up to the driveway. I rushed out, hoping it was my wife. And it was, with my

    friend Richard helping her with the groceries out of the car. I watched as Daphne and Dick began to talk

    to each other as though theyve always known each other. Hey, I just thought that would save time for

    me to introduce them to one another.

    I walked up to them as they talked. I tried to be playful and sneak up on my wife from behind. Dick acted

    like he didnt see me. I grabbed her from behind and picked her up. I was overjoyed to see her, as I was

    trying to rekindle the loving relationship we had together before I had left for Africa. But something was

    different. She had a harsh look on her face. It was that look that screamed put me down. So I did, I put

    her down. Hey honey Im back, I said. I know, I see you Zim, she replied. Here take these bags in the

    house for me would ya. Okay, what was this whole womans attitude thing happening with her right

    now? I pondered why she wasnt as happy to see me as the others were. Richard then continued to look

    at her and me with that same twisted pretzel eyed look. That same look he gave me and Lane. I asked,

    what is your problem? He told me, your wife and your daughter look nothing alike. He wanted to say

    more about it, but he didnt want to be rude or impolite.

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    But I knew what he wanted to say, you see my little girls complexion is darker then mine and my wifes.

    Lanes eyes are wider and more spread out then ours. Her lips are slightly bubblier, and she has a thicker

    accent then I do. I think he was figuring out, if he had not figured it out already. That Lane was Mexican

    and I and the rest of my family was white. As we went into the house, I had wondered why my wife was

    acting so strange towards me. This was a happy occasion and her attitude was troubling me now. Weve

    had our bouts before, but never like this. Before I left for Somalia we had a great time together. I

    wanted to ask her what the problem was. But the family was in town so it had to wait. But as I continued

    to look up at the sky with the light snow flakes floating down as though they were eager for winter to

    began, I figured. We would have plenty of time to talk about this when December 20th


    Now as we walked into the kitchen, my family and I were all talking and having fun. It was a big

    breakfast. Many of the family members werent too keen on eating eggs and bacon in the middle of the

    evening. But since my kids made it and the occasion was for my return home, they all were inclined to

    try something new. Now as everybody was talking and having fun. My wife continued not to say too

    much to me or anybody at the table. Then all of a sudden my brother in law, Eric decides to get up and

    make a profound speech about my return and what I was fighting for. He had a proud demeanor as if

    what I had done in the country they called the motherland was righteous. He said My brother in law

    Zim here has fought gallantly for this country and its people, to insure our safety and security from

    terrorists and communism. Now heres where the top boils off the pot, my sister in laws boyfriend

    Bob, who is an anti-war activist, decides to add his two-cents in. You know thats all good in all, if that

    was what the conflict in Africa was really about, he remarks. What do you mean mate, Dick asked. And I

    wish Dick didnt ask that question. Bob begins to rant about how the conflict in Somalia was really about

    the bio weapons that the Israelis were making in connection with the rebel pirates in Africa. Dick

    responded, yes it was about that. If you were there you would see how dangerous such devices could

    have been against such countries like the US.

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    Bob then started to rant about how it wasnt about saving lives, but about taking a weapon that was so

    out of Americas comprehension that we had to go overseas to steal it from them. How we had to go to

    a place where a country is still recovering from a massive AIDS epidemic. Like the earthquake in Haiti

    back 2009. That was a tragic event that happened decades ago. A weapon that we will study and learn

    how to make one day and not only that but make worse, not just for our enemies but for ourselves, says

    Bob. Mankind has always known how to kill itself more then heal itself. Thats why we have the winters

    that we do. After Bob said that everybody started to chime in. My cousins, Jimbo and Stacy who were

    confused religious fanatics said that the winters we have now are acts of God to punish man for ruining

    the earth. They quoted some scripture that I cant remember, but Ive had encounters with a particular

    religion that showed me thats not what the Bible was talking about. Then my brother in law, Eric says it

    was the scientists fault and global warming that cause it. The family went back and forth, my two sons

    started to make faces at each other as they played on their smart phones. And my sweetheart Lane

    continued to look at me with excitement. I love her so much.

    Then there is my wife who looks at me with that glaring look of disguise and distain. I still cant figure it

    out. When the family leaves the house then I will have to talk to her. Then all of a sudden a loud sound

    outside appears. Everybody stops and listens; the sound is familiar to me. Its like another part of my life

    was returning along with me, the part of my life that I dread. Oh Lord here we go, says Nancy. What is

    that daddy, my little girl Lane asks? Its the siren that kills you sis were all gonna die, my two sons

    remarks to Lane as they laugh immaturely. You boys stop that youre too old for that, my wife Daphne


    My little girl is looking at me with a sweet look of concern. Its the siren to get us ready sweetie, I tell

    her. Ready for what daddy, Lane replies. My son Zach smart phone automatically opens up the

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    emergency app for the news broadcast. The reporter, the famous reporter Allegra Sherils pops up

    reporting on the siren cast.

    The siren we heard outside is a sound that the whole country of the United States of America hears

    around this time, says Allegra. It is a warning we hear every year, every part of this season. Letting us

    know we are ready to reach the end of another year. The season of winter, yes winter is on its way again

    ladies and gentlemen. Its November 30th

    and we have twenty one days left before winter. We all listen

    to Ms. Sherils report as though we were listening to a prophet. Allegra then turns to the meteorologist,

    Randy Walton. Randy reports that a huge snowstorm is coming. He says that a huge snowstorm is

    coming that will cover the entire North American continent, and that this storm will hit the entire Mid-

    Atlantic along with the all the East Coast States in US the hardest. He encourages all to stock up on food,

    water and clothing. And that to make sure you have filled out the HAR insurance forms and have sent

    them on to the local city officials. The report ends and the countdown to winter begins. We all stop and

    look outside as we all see small snow flakes float down to the ground. Melting for it is not winter yet,

    not for another twenty one days, fifteen hours, thirty seven minutes and forty two seconds. Thats how

    we in the Marine Task Force counted when we were going home after the war in Somalia. What the

    heck is all this fuzz about winter, says Dick. The whole family turns their heads hard towards Dick. What

    are you talking about this happens every year, says Bob. Well not for me it doesnt not in Australia, says

    Dick. Jimbo then comes to me and whispers in my ear. You mean he doesnt know and you brought him

    up here around this time anyway?

    How was I supposed to know that the military was going to send us back this earlier, I told Jim. Then my

    daughter Lane comes to me and asked. Dad whats so bad about winter? I picked her up and kissed her

    on her little cheek. Nothing my sweetheart, I dont know what all the fuzz is about either, I said to her.

    But isnt the snow fun daddy, she asked? Yes its fun to look at sweetie. When it comes down can you

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    and me play in it, Lane asks? My wife Daphne and her sister Nancy look at little Lane with the saddest of

    looks. I looked at them and Daphne looked at me with that angry stare. In fact the stare had gotten

    worse since a few minutes ago. I looked at Lane with those pretty innocent eyes and told her No we

    cant play in the snow my darling She looked at me with a very disappointed look. ButBut she began

    to sob and tear up, like a bottle ready to leak. But why, she asked as the family began to put up the

    dishes and grab their coats.

    Hey Zim its nice to see you again, replied Jimbo. I told him thanks and we all began to hug and kiss each

    other. Like it was the last time we were going to see each other. But the simple truth was we werent

    going to see each other. Not until the spring that is. Bob left out with his coat in a hurry rushing Nancy to

    hurry too. Nancy hugged Daphne and kissed me on the cheek as if saying goodbye. Then all of a sudden

    Bob grabbed Nancy with an aggressive pull. Hey take it easy mate, replied Dick. They all exited the

    house, and my sons began to clean up. So what about you, Dick what are you gonna do? Well I guess I

    should get to an airport as fast as I can, or stay and see what this whole winter thing is about, Dick said.

    Dick was one of those guys that loved adventures. It hardly rains or snows in his land down under. Then

    my little girl nudges at my pants asking me again. Daddy, why cant we play in the snow? She gets more

    disappointed. You see I never really told my Lane no for anything. But this time I had too, I picked her up

    and told her. Sweetie Lane, we cant play because I took a deep breath for I didnt want to see her cry.

    We cant play in the snow because the snow wont like it. My Lane had a profound look of confusion on

    her face, and so did Dick accompanied with a sarcastic chuckle. Believe me I wish it was as silly as it

    sounds, but I had to tell my little girl No. But its not something I would say with little regards. So the

    nighttime comes and the snow continues to poor down. My daughter begins to walk away sad, and my

    wife still has that same mad attitude that I still do not know what for yet. And Im staring at it all, as the

    house begins to get just a cold as the winter weather ready to come down. Well guess thats so much for

    a late Thanksgiving Dinner or Breakfast.

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    The Fall


    A few weeks passed, December 20th

    was around the blasted corner, and it became clear to me that this

    was going be a cold winter. We all began to pack up our fall gear and unpack the winter gear. The snow

    was going back and forth fighting with the fall season. If you ever experience the winters like the ones

    we have, you would start to think of the falls as your friend. You view the fall trying to hold back the old

    man in the blue frosty coat, from peeling his way into your lives for three to four months. My son, Zach

    and Micky starts to get the fire wood ready and Daphne got the forms for the HAR insurance ready to

    sign and take to the agency. My little girl Lane still excited as ever as we all scramble for the coming

    storm. Richard continues to do research on the winters in America and why we act so crazy about it. But

    I also begin to catch the eye peeking he keeps on giving my wife Daphne. As though he was trying to

    check her out, but at the same time being sneaky with it. He would glance at her for five seconds and

    then back at his android phone for another ten seconds. Of course this wouldnt be the first time

    somebody looked at my wife like that. But they were never this close to her. But the strange part is my

    wifes reaction.

    You see when youre in war you tend to catch certain things, and also when youve been married to the

    same woman for the last twenty years. Like I notice how my wife doesnt move around that much. You

    see, my wife cant stand to sit in one spot for a long period of time. I mean the dinners we had with

    people was a disaster, because she would never stay still. Even though, thats what I like about her in

    some weird way. And especially during the winter months, she would always be a busy bee. She was

    always moving around trying to get things done and prepped. But not this time, this time she was still,

    sitting down and crossing her legs in a way that somebody could notice her. She did that a lot when we

    were younger, whenever she would try to get my attention. And it would work every time. But this time

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    it was different. You see I was standing on the opposite side of her legs. Her head was turned looking

    away from me. As if she was in deep thought filling out the HAR insurance forms. But she was really

    trying to get someones attention. Not mind, but his. Old Dick here, hell be staying with us until next

    week. Next week is when his flight leaves to go back to the outback.

    It was disturbing me a little but I figured he would be gone. Daphne began to talk on the phone to the

    insurance agency about getting the free heat and hot water from the governments super generators.

    Its a prevision the government gives to us when the winter comes. But you have to have gotten a pretty

    good tax return to get it. I tell you, even in times like these, they still try to get money from you. Even

    when they say its suppose to be free. Anyway, Daphne tells me to go to the agency and take the forms

    to the HAR providers. I for one refuse for the simple fact that we can just email the forms online. But

    Daphne insists that I go to the agency and also pick up a few things while Im down there. I tell her okay

    but we need to talk in private later. She brushes me off and goes upstairs to the bedroom. I look at Dick,

    and he is still on his phone. I ask myself, is it so hard to find out info about the weather thats about to

    hit us? But as I got a closer look at his hands, I realize he was typing something. Or better yet he was

    texting. Is he texting his family back at home, or someone else he knows? Or is he writing an email? Hey

    Richard, come with me to the agency. I gotta take these forms to them, I say to him. Richard gets up still

    texting. I tell my boys to come with us. Since were going to have to get some salt and auxiliary heaters.

    My little girl Lane comes running down the stairs asking if she can come too.

    At first I was hesitant if I should bring her, but I figured why not. We were all going to be stuck in the

    cold for three months. I told her to get her coat and come on. She ran back upstairs like a NASCAR driver

    ready to burn some rubber. You have a nice family, says Dick. Yes I do, I replied back to him. Dicks

    phone starts to go off like a ringing bomb. It was as if a thousand text messages were coming his way.

    Looks like youre pretty popular, I said. Yeah I guess I am mate, he said. My boys grab their coats and

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    hats. They come rushing into the garage with the keys to the truck. Ow now wait a minute where do you

    think you both are going, I asked them.

    Mom wants us to get some things from the store across the bridge, says Zach. They really wanted to go

    driving, using my old truck I promised them when they got their licenses. Come on Dad, its not winter

    yet, well be back before you know it. I didnt trust my boys with the truck in this weather. But they were

    both in their late teens ready to become men. So I guess they would have to grow up eventually. Oh

    come on mate, this weather will teach them character, says Dick. Dicks phone still continues to blow up

    with text messages. I said okay but get what you have to get and come straight home, I told them. They

    jumped for joy and ran into the truck. Keep those seat belts on at all time boys no funny stuff, I said. My

    sons backed out of the driveway and went to the store across the bridge. Me, Dick and Lane all got

    inside my SUV and drove to the agency. But before I got too far I saw my wife look out of our bedroom

    window, staring at me with that same glare from a few weeks back.

    I continued to wonder about that glare for the whole duration of the ride. As we drove to the office, I

    started to ask Dick how the conversation with my wife was when they first met. I began to look at Dicks

    face closely to see any signs of falsehood in it. He told me it was a good conversation, and how he was

    proud to have a friend like me in the Marines and how close we stuck together and what not. See Dick

    here was imported to the U. S because he worked with the government on the Somalia conflict before.

    Thats how me and him met. He said he wanted to come to America and just spend some time here for

    vacation. I had invited him to come along when we made it back home. Now I dont judge men on their

    appearance, but I have to tell you Dick was a guy that you can see a woman fall for. I mean when we

    were in Somalia the African women there loved the way he looked. Hes around my age in his early to

    mid forties. But I guess he had some pretty good genes. Plus he was single, never married with any kids.

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    I asked him about his texting stalker on his phone. He just started to laugh, but he never replied back to

    me. I got a little annoyed. See I have a problem with people not answering me when I ask them

    something. Especially, when the question I ask them to a degree involves my wife. I asked him again, he

    said that it was a business partner he was talking to and that he was sending him a lot of info about the

    project coming up in the summer. What project, I asked him? He tried to brush it off as if the project

    wasnt really about anything. Or that it was top secret, but I really didnt care. My daughter Lane was

    constantly looking at his phone, as if she was amazed at its complexity. I proceed to turn on the GPS

    tracker on my old truck to see how the boys were doing. It showed that they were indeed at the store. I

    felt a little more at ease.

    We arrived at the agency, standing in line with a bunch of other people. Some were mad that they

    couldnt qualify for the free heat and hot water. Some were dancing with joy. I for one was still thinking

    about Daphne. After I sat down with the agent, I got distracted by Dick still texting on his phone. I had

    wondered if he was texting my Daphne. But then again how could he have possibly gotten the number?

    And even if he did, why would Daphne continue to talk to him? I mean both my wife and Dick just met

    like a few weeks ago. They couldnt have had that much to talk about back and forth. The agent tried to

    get my attention on the forms. I looked back at the forms and signed on the dotted line. Usually Daphne

    handles these kinds of affairs, so I trusted that she did what the forms said and I signed for her. My mom

    always told me to check everything, even if its the person you love. But I didnt think about double

    checking the forms. I was however concern about my marriage, afraid that it was going to be as cold and

    dead as this winter coming up.

    After we left from the insurance agency, Dick wanted me to do something for him. Something that was

    very odd and just out of nowhere in my personal opinion.

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    He asked me to drop him off at the Starwood Hotel. I thought you were going to stay with us for a while

    longer until your flight comes next week? Thats what I said to him. But he said that he didnt want to be

    a burden anymore. And he figured that it would be better for me also, since I wanted to spend some

    personal time with my family. Well I thought that was considerable. But also I wondered if Dick was

    trying to double coin me. You know, act like it was better for me when it was really better for him.

    Better, as in him cheating with my wife. But I dont refuse a grown mans request. But maybe Dick was

    trying to do the right thing. Maybe he knows how I feel about this. With him staying in my house and a

    wife that wont speak to me. Maybe he knows that. And how can he and my wife just up and have an

    affair together if they never met before?

    I said okay and drove him to the hotel. Dick had put most of his clothes in the SUV. He was going to stay

    with us for a few more nights then head back to the airport. He didnt leave anything at the house. He

    still had his duffle bag with all his stuff in it. But I guess this was his plan from the jump. Maybe, I dont

    know. We walked in the Starwood Hotel. And I and my daughter Lane accompanied him to the check in

    desk. Dicks phone went off again. But this time the phone fell out of his pocket. He didnt feel it. I saw

    Lane pick it up and proceed to give it back to him. But she was also looking at the screen at the same

    time she was giving it back. Hey Mr. Dick I think this person who you were talking too was wondering if

    you were here at the hotel yet. Dick turned around looking startled. What person, he asked Lane.

    The persons name is Wondergirl 45. Its on the facebook page of your phone. Dicks eyes got wide and

    his eyes pierced at my eyes. But only for a split second, did he look at me. As if to see if I knew the

    username my daughter Lane had mentioned. Uh thanks Lane, well its been a pleasure Zim, he said. Dick

    hurried to grab his keycard and he began to head to the elevator. I stopped him in his tracks. He looked

    at me with striking fear in his eyes. But I couldnt tell if it was what I thought it was the whole time. But

    with those eyes, I didnt need an explanation. But I and he were like brothers after that war. Dick stuck

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    with me through every bullet hole I took. Every fire fight we had in the jungles of Somalia. I couldnt

    prove it. I couldnt prove if it was true, that Dick, and my wife Daphne was having an affair, or ready to

    have an affair. So I declared him innocent, until proving guilty. I hugged him tightly letting him know

    how much I cared for him. Goodbye Mate, I said to him. He laughed a little and gave me the goodbye we

    both deserved. He gave my little girl Lane a rub on the head and he took off. But even as he left I still


    I took Lane into my arms and began to head back to the car. Now on the return journey back to my

    house, I begin to track my sons again. They were still at the store. I wondered what was taking them so

    long. We had been gone for like three hours. And the store was not that far from the house. I started to

    call them. But I figured that the boys didnt know a thing about grocery shopping. And lets face it, either

    do I. So I figured it might be a while before they got home. Lane started to ask me some questions. Like

    whats the snow like in the winter. Why cant we play in it and stuff? I told you sweetie, the snow wont

    like it. But why, she asked. Is the snow mad at you or something daddy? I chuckled a little. No honey its

    not mad at me. Then I looked at the road as the snow flakes came down and said. Its just mad at


    As we got closer to the house I asked Lane how it was, living in Mexico with her mom. I had Lane with

    another woman from a previous relationship. Its fine, she said with no expression in her face. I then

    asked her, is mommy treating you right over their? She said yeah. I can tell Lane didnt like living over

    there because she didnt talk about it too much. In the part of Mexico Lane lives in, its hot and

    dangerous. Its Dangerous with all the drugs and stuff being shipped back and forth. She then asked me

    about the story between the man with the fancy car trying to escape the police and the drug dealers. I

    asked her what story you know about drug dealers. Especially at her age, but then again she lives in

    Mexico with one. She said its called Boighni or boogatyee. She was misspelling the name of the story.

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    But I never read it so I dont know either. I loved talking to her, and she loved talking to me. I guess the

    only good thing about this winter coming up. Is that we get to spend it together. I get to spent it with my

    precious sweetheart Lane.

    As we arrived at the house, I picked up my Lane from the ground. I brought her into the house. She

    looked as though she was tired. So I took her to her Barbie based bedroom and put her to bed. Lane

    didnt like naps so I would trick her into telling her that she didnt have to go to sleep. Just lie down and

    rest your eyes, I said to her softly. She listened and rested those little eyes lying down comfortably.

    Eventually she would fall to sleep, and it would work every time. I exited Lanes room looking for my

    wife Daphne. She was in our bedroom texting away. Those thoughts of insecurity started to rear its ugly

    head again. I tried to relieve all the anxieties I felt by throwing some playful banner towards her. I

    jumped on the bed that she was laying on and started to kiss her and touch her. I tried to make her feel

    that Ive been wanting too be with her for a very long time. But she was not responding to my advances.

    Instead she threw me off of her like a rag doll. I took it as she didnt want to be bothered. So I tried to

    take things a little slower with her. I started to give her a massage, hoping to relive some of the stress

    she felt. But she was still as tense as a stubborn bull. In fact she got tenser and tighter around the

    shoulders and neck.

    I didnt like the vibe I was getting from her. So I just stopped asked WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM in a nice

    way obviously. She screamed at me. YOU We both started to get into a shouting match to see who can

    scream the loudest. But then I thought about Lane. How she would be disturbed by all the screaming

    and shouting. Or worse, she would actually be listening to me and her stepmom screaming at each

    other. She would probably think that being here with us is no different then being at home in Mexico.

    This experience would remind her of the relationship I and her biological mother had. So I tried to calm

    Daphne down. But Daphne just kept getting louder and louder. She kept screaming of how bad of a

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    husband I was. How I was never here and there for her, always working, and how I was always putting

    duty over her and her needs. She started to scream about how she felt neglected with no phone calls

    from me during the war in Africa. How she had to raise the boys and my daughter from another mother

    by herself.

    How she would have to avoid advances from other men. Because whenever she went out somewhere,

    she was alone. She would tell them that she was married. But the guys would never see me. They would

    never see her husband with her. All she had to prove it was an empty wedding ring. I realized what she

    was saying was true, and how important this whole situation was to her. But I encouraged her to lower

    her voice as to not to disturb Lane. But she just kept getting louder and louder. Daphne never acted this

    way towards me before and it was starting to bug me a lot. I started to wonder if I truly did something

    wrong. But I couldnt just let her keep on screaming so loud. I told her one last time to stop. But she

    continued to raise her voice. Telling me how the child of a drug dealing whore was more important to

    me then the children me and her had together.

    All of a sudden I saw Daphne fall to the ground hitting her head against the lampstand. I asked her if she

    was alright as I rushed to her aid. DONT TOUCH ME YOU MONSTER she screamed. I told her that she

    needs to calm down. I thought that her over shouting attitude was what caused her to fall in the first

    place. But it wasnt. She ran down the stairs to get her coat. She began to cry trying to hold her tears in. I

    saw that she had a bruise on her left cheek. Who hurt you, I asked. She looked at me with such a

    confused and dreaded look. She proceeded to get into her car and drive off. But I couldnt just let her

    leave without her answering my question. I asked her again, who hurt you! She told me that I was a

    psycho and that I needed to go back to that crazy place in Africa where I belonged. She sped off almost

    ripping my fingers apart, for I didnt get a chance to let go of the door. I still wondered why she fell and

    why that bruise was on her face. I went back inside. I then started to feel a sting on my right hand, like I

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    had hit something hard. I looked at my hand. And then it all came to me that the bruise and her falling

    down came from me hitting her. I didnt remember doing it. I started to think about the war in Somalia.

    How I would get so mad at something or somebody, that I would do something irrational. Like shoot an

    entire platoon of Somali freedom fighters. Or punch a senior officer in the face because of some smart

    remark he said. I never remembered doing those things until a few minutes after I did it. The doctor said

    it was a delayed rage blackout. And that I needed to keep my anger in check.

    War makes you do crazy things, but also having an abusive father can make you do crazy things too. I

    went back up stairs to check up on my Lane. I heard a thump in her room. Almost like somebody was

    trying to run away from something. I opened the door and saw her in bed lying down. I thought to

    myself that she didnt hear what was said. I looked at her sleeping soundly. As I was ready to leave her

    room, I look at the mirror on the side of her bed. It was a big mirror. You can practically see everything

    in it. And I saw her in it too, and the way it was positioned I was able to see her face. I noticed that she

    was not sound asleep. She was very much awake. She had a look of fear in her eyes. I then knew she

    heard everything that had happened. I think she even heard me hit her stepmom. I started to go

    towards her to comfort her. But every step I took towards her bed, she squeezed tighter and tighter to

    her big red teddy bear. As if she was afraid of me. I felt distraught at my heart that I allowed this to

    happen. I proceeded to close the door and her grip on the bear lessens with every inch of the door


    I stopped for a minute to reflect on what had happened. My wife Daphne is gone and my Lane is scared

    of me. I went to the couch to lay my head down and just rest. Now before I could, I ended up checking

    my voicemail to see if there were any calls. I had like 10 voicemails. I checked each one. Nine of them

    were of my family members. Jimbo, Nancy, Jamie, Eric and Stacy, they had all called me asking if they

    and their families could stay at my house. I didnt understand why. I continued to listen to the messages.

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    I heard that each and every last one of them didnt qualify for the HAR insurance heat and hot water

    services that the government gives to us every winter. I couldnt believe it! This had never happened

    before. But the economy had never fully recovered anyway. Not to mention this winter might be the

    worst we had in years. So the HAR providers may be a lot stricter then before. I texted each of the family

    heads and told them yes, but to bring heaters and everything that they would need for the next three to

    four months.

    We have a large house with plenty of space. So people can lie down in different rooms. Jimbo was by

    himself. His children lived with their mom in Texas. Stacy was Jims half sister and she had a son name

    Pete and a dog named Ranger. Pete was around Lanes age. Jamie was a black woman that married my

    dead brother Carl Mac. She had two sisters named Latoya and Lateia. Lateia had three kids name, Stan,

    Ron and Aliesa. Eric my brother in law had a twenty three year old girlfriend name Debra. And then

    there was my sister in law Nancy with her boyfriend Bob. Lord I hope Bob doesnt come over, I thought

    to myself. They all wanted to say with us for the winter. When winter comes, its pretty much every man

    for themselves but in this case Ill make an exception. We had the space, so we could afford to do it.

    The next voicemail came from Lanes mom backin Mexico. I didnt want to listen to that message.

    Reason being was because of who she is and what she wanted. She knew I had money. She knew it and

    her drug dealing boyfriend Mario knew it too. I didnt want to think about those two cokeheads today. I

    already had too much on my plate. I then rested my head on the sofa. I dazed out of reality and into my

    sleep right away. I started to feel good that I could get some good sleep. But the stress from my wife and

    Lane was still heavy on my mind. In fact it was so heavy that I had a dream about them. I dreamed I was

    back in Somalia fighting the terrorists there. I dreamed my Lane was held hostage. I dreamed that my

    friend Dick wasnt there to have my back, because he was with my wife having an affair. I dreamed the

    snow coming down on us in the middle of nowhere. I dreamed of the soldiers trying to take cover. I

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    dreamed of the sergeant screaming over and over again. STAY AWAY FROM THE SNOW, STAY AWAY

    FROM THE SNOWI dreamed that my daughter was killed and devoured by a large man with white hair. I

    woke up from the dream, frightened, sweating and with a really bad chest pain.

    It felt like seconds passed but really a few hours passed. I got up to use the bathroom. As I took my time

    on the toilet I looked out the window across the hall. I flushed the toilet washed my hands and began to

    walk towards the window. I saw the snow, and it was coming down hard and fast. My heart raced like a

    man running from the cops. Oh no, I thought. Its was too early, too early for the snow. I turned on the

    news and saw right away that the snow was coming early. Yes winter was coming early. I noticed that

    neither my wife nor my boys were back. I called all three of their cell phones as fast as I could. I told

    them to head back home right away! I called, I text, I did everything I could to communicate to them!

    Next I heard a ringing of my bell! I rushed to the door hoping that it was my boys and Daphne! But it

    wasnt. It was everybody else. Jim, Stacy, Eric, Jamie, Lateia, Stan, Ron, Aliesa, Pete, The Dog called

    Ranger, Debra, Nancy and yes even Bob! They had all come, rushing in the house with their coats and


    I told them to get all of the snow off of them. Relax Zimmery, Bob said. The snows only is a threat when

    theres a lot of it in one place. I noticed that Bob had a slight bruise on his leg. If that was so true then

    way do you have that frost bitten mark on our leg I asked him? I shut the door as fast as I could. The

    whole family came in talking and asking questions. Man the snow is coming down hard and fast, said

    Jim. And its early too, Pete replied. I looked at Nancy, my wifes sister. She had a mark on her head, as if

    something had hit her. I whispered in her ear, Are you alright? She said yeah, why you ask? She started

    to cover the mark on her head with her hair. I looked at Bob, and he looked at me. We both knew what

    was going on.

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    Next, my sweetie Lane came down the stairs. She was rubbing her eyes trying to get the sleep out. Stacy

    introduced her to Pete and the big dog Ranger. Pete was a little bald headed black boy with big eyes and

    a huge smile. Stacy had adopted him when he was a baby. He loved him some Spiderman, because he

    always had Spiderman gear on. His dog Ranger was a big husky. It had these blue eyes of passion and

    zeal in it. Where ever Pete went, the dog went with him. Ron, Stan and Aliesa were around my boys

    Zach and Mickys age. They were standoffish, to themselves. They would only talk to each other. As

    everybody got situated I called my immediate family again. Jim, Eric and Nancy asked if Daphne and the

    boys were here. I got very worried. Im trying to call them but no one is picking up. Bob then asked if

    Dick was here. I could tell he wanted to settle the argument they had earlier.

    After a while, I got a call from my boys. Hey dad, they both said over the phone. My sons, where are

    you? Jim told everyone to be quiet so I could hear them. Their signal was breaking up do to the intense

    storm coming. They said that they were in the store but wasnt allowed to leave. They said the

    customers would have to shack up there for the mean time. The government hopes that the snow

    would die down long enough for some people to go home. But from the look of outside I dont think

    that was going to happen. Just as I was talking to my boys the phone service cut off. What? Hello HELLO!

    I shouted. The government had cut off all digital services. See when the winter comes all electronic

    devices and services shut down for the winter. But it wasnt winter yet not for another week. Hey Zim,

    they will be alright, Jim said. No its not alright how could they just shut everything down before the

    deadline, Nancy replied. The snow is coming down hard they have too, Eric replies.

    The whole family started to talk about the government and how they screw with everything. The kids

    continue to play with each other. And the white husky dog known as Ranger looks at everybody like

    theyre stupid. I realized that I too was looking at everybody stupid like the dog was. But at the same

    time, I thought about my boys Zach and Micky and most of all, my beautiful wife Daphne. Was she out

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    there in the dangerous wet snow that was ready to put us all in caves for another winter? Or did she

    make it inside a shelter somewhere. And if she did, which shelter. Did she make it to the shelter for the

    homeless and bystanders, or the shelter for the hotel guest? The hotel guest who goes to have an affair

    with a man who you thought you could depend on?

    I wondered about that for the whole time. But it didnt matter. Lane walked up to me as the family was

    still at it getting louder and louder. I started to regret that they came here. Lane then tugs at my pants


    She looks at me with those big beautiful cute eyes. She asked Daddy can me, Pete and Ranger play in the

    snow? I told her no before. But I guess with her new friends here, she thought that would make a

    difference. I said no sweetie you all cant. She said, is it because the snow is mad at everybody? Yes Lane

    because the snow is mad at everybody. Then she said, is step mama mad at everybody like the snow is

    daddy. I looked outside for a minute and saw the snowstorm come in. I saw the news broadcast and the

    prime time stations go off. I saw the gas stations, the stores, the phones all go out. I saw the street lights

    outside go out. The family grew quiet. It became dark fast outside. And you heard nothing but the wind.

    You saw nothing but the blackness of the night sky and the whiteness of the snow piling up sealing us in.

    I looked at Lane, I looked at everybody. They all looked at me. And I said to her, no sweetie step mama is

    not mad at everybody like the snow is. Shes just mad at me. Right then and there it was apparent.

    There was nothing we could do anymore. The United States of America had shut down for the season.

    December 20th

    was just another date for the season. For winter had made up its mind. Winter had come

    early. Winter had come now.

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    The Winter


    December 20th

    2049, this is the year I felt I would never forget. This was the first time in a long time that

    I had all of my relatives with me, and most of none of my immediate family. I never believed this day

    would get any worse. Days have passed and my wife Daphne was out there somewhere. My two boys

    stuck in a store with a bunch of strangers. I wondered if Dick had made it out in time. But I knew he was

    still here. The snow hit us before any of us knew it did. I found myself hoping for the worse when it

    came to Dick and Daphne situation. I wanted them both to be safe, but I didnt want either of them

    meeting each other. As I waited and wondered about my family, my other family continued to be

    themselves. Having drinks and talking alot, the kids playing with board games and running around. The

    winter did do something that no doctor or television show couldve done.

    It brought us all together. See with no electronic communication between each other nobody could play

    on the phones, the video games or watch TV. It was a huge disadvantage in our day and age. Its the

    year 2049; you would think we would have flying cars and cybernetic implants in our heads. Or by now

    we should have tall buildings that reach into space. But no its almost the same as 2013 from now. In

    fact when 2027 hit thats when this whole continent shutdown came into play with the fierce winters.

    That procedure was put into place decades ago, which hindered a lot of technological advancements.

    We are no closer to solving mankinds problem then we were to finding a cure for the common cold.

    And around this time of the year catching the flu is a whole lot easier then it was decades ago.

    The air is thinner, and the snow is heavier. Its like something else entirely is taking our air and way of

    survival away from us. And we as humans were possibly responsible for this hindrance in the first place.

    Maybe its a good thing I thought that we as a society cant move forward. Sometimes I wonder if this is

    Gods way of saying enough is enough. I know thats not the case but the thought still crosses my mind.

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    I mean if we could continue to move forward. No trees would be here, no wildlife. We put almost every

    exotic animal in the grinder of extinction. All that is left are birds, simply because they could fly.

    Squirrels are left simply because we dont care about them and their useless anyway. Then there are the

    cats and the dogs. Because rich people give their whole inheritance to them, they waste millions of

    dollars on keeping a dog and a cat warm in their own penthouse. While the average guy freezes his rear

    off. There is no middle class anymore. There are only the poor, the rich and the super rich. I just happen

    to be in the rich class because of my father. You should see how the super rich live. Winter means

    nothing to them. And the poor, well the poor are just food for the season, a Christmas gift to the white

    wonderland that surrounds us from December to March.

    Meanwhile, as I pondered my next move, whatever that move was, my family started to talk about how

    man has put us all in a jammer ever since World War Two. How we as a people made nuclear bombs and

    how we contaminated the air and environment. Thats why we have this kind of weather. I was so sick

    and tired of them talking about the winter. My family, mostly on my wifes side has a bad tendency to

    complain. I saw my daughter Lane playing with Pete and Ranger. They seem to have hit it off pretty good

    with each other. And the dog Ranger was standing at the window looking outside just as I was when I

    was thinking about my family. I wondered about that dog more so then anybody else in the room.

    It was like it had something on its mind too. Something that involved the snow and what was out there.

    Maybe his lady dog friend is out there freezing her butt off with some other adulteress hound. I laughed

    a little inside. As the days progressed I started to get even more worried about by boys and Daphne. My

    boys are out there in the snow in a store with God knows who. All of a sudden Eric and Jimbo started to

    talk about some of the most insane killers in the countrys history. For some reason the two of them got

    a kick out that stuff. Eric and Jimbo are both psychiatric therapist and they like to debate on whose

    theory of the human brain is more accurate. They talked about, Charles Manson, Dr. Death, Ted Bundy,

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    the Zodiac, the Phoenix, the Grudge,and the Snowman. Now Lateias kids, Ron, Stan and Aliesa liked

    that kind of stuff with gruesome murders and movies. Theyre all pretty weird but I didnt say anything.

    Eric and Jimbo had the bright idea of talking about the Snowman Killer during the middle of the evening.

    And in the winter it gets darker much faster. So the mood was set perfectly for them. They started it off

    with how the Snowman would only come during the winter time. He would dress up like a Snowman

    and travel to different homes preying on children. Thats how he got his nickname. My daughter Lane

    and Pete was in the back sort of listening in. They talked about how the Snowman would chop off the

    hands and feet ofhis victims so that they couldnt resist him. And all they would have to defend

    themselves or show their resistance is to scream as loud as they can. The Snowman would have his way

    with them in the middle of the snow so that nobody would ever find out. After he was finished with the

    children he would bury their bodies in the snow. And after the winter was over then thats when the

    bodies would pop up in peoples yards.

    Eric and Jimbo went on how The Snowman would disappear in the warm seasons, but then return in the

    winter. He would leave a sign of his presence by putting an ice sculpted carving of a snowman next to his

    victims dead corpses. And since it was much harder for the police to operate in the winter they would

    never find him. The three kids of Lateia were trembling in their boots. But at the same time they loved

    the story Eric and Jim were telling. And its those types of stories that will get you killed one day. I

    looked over at Lane and Pete. They were both listening in on the conversation. But either one of them

    really seemed to care too much about what was being said. In fact Lane had seen a lot of stuff in her

    short life time living in Mexico. She was use to scary stories, well actually in a lack of a better term she

    lived in a scary story.

    Pete I believed had no clue, but I guess he was alright. He must have thought the dog would protect him.

    Then out of nowhere Bob comes down the stairs with a bottle of Sour Whiskey. He starts to rant again

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    about how mass murders are a product of mans desire to go to war. Everybody just turned their heads

    and began to ignore him. Except for Jamie, Lateias sister. She started to go head to head with Bob on

    how he likes to talk about nonviolence when he constantly acts violent all the time. Bob asked her

    what she meant in a drunken angry kind of voice. Jamie then tells him how he likes to beat women and

    act like theres nothing going on. Bob gets really mad and throws the bottle at Jamie. Now before I can

    get up and do something about this myself, Jamie gets up and pulls a 45 mm pistol out on Bob. I WILL

    BUST A CAP IN YOU FOOL! Jamie screamed. Now I know Jamie, she is very professional. But she does

    have another side of her. She would tell me it was her side back from living in the projects. She would

    have to defend herself and her sisters from violent men from their past. That included her dad,

    something I can relate all too well too. I told her to put the gun down. And she did comply.

    Bob went back upstairs with this angry look on his face. He directed that look straight at Jamie. I was

    afraid he was going to do something stupid, like take out his frustrations and anger on Nancy. She was

    upstairs too. Lane walked up to me and asked if the gun Jamie had is bigger then the ones I have in the

    attic. The family looked at me with shock. I was kind of embarrassed that Lane would bust me out like

    that, but I had to answer her. No, honey minds are much bigger, I said. Pete grabbed Lane and asked her

    if they could play in the basement. Lane looked at me to see what I was going to say. I told them sure.

    Pete, Lane and the dog Ranger went downstairs in the basement. Jimbo then came to sit by me with a

    coke in his hand. He took small sips from it. I knew what he was trying to do. I looked at him, and he

    looked at me from his peripheral vision. I told him to come on and follow me. He got up with this excited

    look on his face.

    We went to the attic were all my gear from the Marines were. Jimbo and I picked up some of the gear. I

    grabbed a M16 rifle from my gun locker. Jimbo then grabbed a 56 caliber rifle. See back in the day Jimbo

    was a navy seal fighting in the Bermuda triangle. In fact he served with my deceased brother Carl Mac in

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    the Navy who was also a Seal. We even compared it to the events way back in WORLD WARX, but that

    was something else entirely, something no mission of ours now could ever compare too. It was at the

    end of that war that we actually saw with our own eyes how dangerous the snow really was. We actually

    learned and witnessed what the snow was capable of and what it could do in the worse situations. Jim

    and I talked about the old days, fighting the seceding countries located in that area of the world. Most of

    which were located in the Middle East that bled into the Asian territories. I then opened the attic

    window so that we could shoot some rounds in the snow. It felt good, hearing those shots being fired. I

    felt like I was alive again, like I belonged somewhere. I started to get even more excited and unload a

    few more rounds. Then all of a sudden I started to feel angry. I started to feel like I was shooting

    somebody that I wanted to be gone forever.

    Then Jimbo put his hand on my shoulder very softly. As if he was comforting me or calming me down

    before the rage over took me. I stopped and looked at him. Right then and there I knew what he had

    done. I didnt like it, so I was ready to walk out and leave him in the attic. Zim stop, he said to me with

    authority. Jimbo was a psychiatrist. I know you dont like what I did there but I had to see what was

    wrong with you, said Jimbo. How you know if anything is wrong with me, I asked him. Its because of the

    way you look, how you talk whenever someone mentions Daphne. I asked him if he and Daphne talked

    when I was away in Somalia. He told me no, but he knew what the deal was with us. I never liked mind

    games because thats what they did to me in the Somalia POW camp. I would have to go back to base

    for a physiatric evaluation. I told him that I was afraid that shes out there in the cold dead trying to have

    an affair. He then asked if I was afraid if it was with Richard. Jimbo always impressed me on how he

    could just figure stuff out. Thats why I liked him. It saved me the embarrassment of having to tell him

    out of my own mouth. Maybe thats why his patients keep coming back to him.

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    Jimbo received patients with family issues, mostly people with young teen and children who were

    runaways or killed in whatever circumstances. Jim has always been a good friend. He may have been a

    little crazy on the religious side but still a good friend. But then again, Jim was a Navy Seal so the things

    he saw would make any man go crazy. Jim then noticed the gas freezer I had. I didnt know you had one

    of these, said Jim. The gas freezer keeps whatever is in it cold below zero. But the beauty of it is that it

    doesnt ice up. Therefore, when we take out food or anything that is frozen in the gas freezer, it thaws

    out right away. See its impossible for us to have ice or any kind of frost accumulating on anything.

    Having ice in the house is far too dangerous. When we need a cold glass of water or something to drink

    we just dip it in the gas freezer for a few seconds.

    Jimbo reaches in the gas freezer and pulls out a dead rabbit. I used it for target practice. He told me to

    shoot it before it hits the snow. He throws it out of the window and I proceed to fire. I shot the rabbit

    into pieces and it landed on the snow. For some strange reason I felt a whole lot better. I guess this was

    some kind of free of charge therapy right Jim, I said. He laughed a little and said no its a family discount.

    He walked out and went back down to the main floor. I too was ready to exit the attic. But then I

    spotted another dead rabbit in my gas freezer. I took it out. I then grabbed an old injection needle and

    pumped it with hot water. I didnt know why really, but I figure that the therapy Jim gave me was

    working. It had calmed me down. But I figured that it would make more sense to have a simulation of a

    being with heat in its body. Just as if it was alive.

    I took the rabbit and threw it outside and tried to shoot it. But I missed the shot that time. The rabbit fell

    into the snow. And with no hesitation, the snow sprung up and grabbed the rabbit devouring it. Just like

    that, the rabbit was gone. I looked at the snow, for a minute. I started to play with it, mock it a little. Tell

    it how it couldnt get me since I was at the top and the snow was at the button. I could only imagine how

    stupid I looked and acted talking to the snow. See this is the reason why we dont go and walk around in

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    the snow. During the winter months the snow has a mind of its own. It has a heart, it is alive. And it

    wants to feed. Feed on our flesh and blood. Feed on our living heat and tissue. It wants to eat us. Thats

    the winters we have. Its been a long time since I actually did this but I just thought this would blow off

    some more steam for me. I then took another rabbit and injected it with rabies and blood. I had stolen

    some old samples of what the Somalis were trying to use against us while I was in the POW camp. I

    threw it out again, and this time the snow reached up like a giant arm and grabbed the rabbit, eating it. I

    jumped back a little and closed the window.

    I wondered why the snow made an arm for itself to grab the rabbit when it didnt even hit the ground.

    Then as I glanced at the ground, I saw blood oozing from the ground. It was quite a bit of blood and the

    snow was just sucking it in. I notice that it was coming from the water pipe that is connected to the

    washer and that pipe leads into the downstairs basement. Then it hit me like bullet in the head. LANE! I

    screamed. I ran downstairs as fast as I could. I then heard a loud scream come from the room Nancy and

    Bob was sleeping in. I saw Eric, Stacy, and Jim rush up the stairs to see what was happening while I was

    rushing down the stairs to see if anything happened to Lane. As I passed down the stairs and into the

    basement I saw Pete and the dog Ranger in the living room playing. I asked Pete where Lane was. He

    told me that she was downstairs with Jamie looking at some old pictures and going through some


    I kept on running down the stairs to see what the cause of the blood was. I had hope different, but I

    know blood when I see it. I ran downstairs calling for Lane. Then I called for Jamie. I saw the pictures and

    the clothes Pete said they were looking through but I didnt see them. I heard the washer machine

    going. I wondered who was washing clothes. The washing machine sounded like it had something big

    and bulky in it. As I approached the washer slowly I could hear a lot of commotion upstairs. I recognized

    Bobs voice, then Nancys then Jimbos and Stacy all shouting and screaming. I wondered what the crap

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    was going on up there. I knew it had something to do with Bob and Nancy, but I couldnt focus on that

    right now. I was still looking for Lane. As I entered the room where the washer was, I saw that it was

    leaking red water. But it wasnt red water it was blood mixed with soap oozing out of the washer.

    I went to the washer as the sound inside of it got louder and louder. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP. Thats

    what it sounded like. As I approached the washer with so much fear in my heart racing against my chest,

    the shouts from up the stairs grew louder and louder. I heard thumping upstairs just as loud as the

    thumping in my washer. THUMP, THUMP THUMP! The washer and whatever was in it was banging so

    hard my lips quivered with pain and fear! I feared what was in that washer as much as I feared what was

    happening upstairs! The shouting of the all the commotion upstairs grew louder and louder, and the

    thumping in my washer also grew louder and louder! THUMP, THUMP, THUMP!

    My shoes began to get soaking wet from all of the blood leaking out the washer. It was going into my

    socks. But I was so nervous of what I was ready to find in the washer as it continued leaking all of this

    muddy blood. I turned the washer off and took a deep breath. I cleared my throat and all I did from

    there on out was pray to God! Oh Lord please dont let my baby be in here, I prayed. I was ready to open

    the door to the washer. All of the horrible memories of Africa racing in my head and the conflict in

    Somalia started to hit me like a ton of iron balls! The screams and the thumping of the mysterious

    conflict taking place above me grew more fierce and loud. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP! I opened the door

    to the washer. It was filled with blood and soap. I saw a piece of dark hair in it. I pulled it out, and then

    the hair became a head. Then the head became a neck and the neck became a body. It was female. I saw

    the face of who it was. I couldnt believe my eyes. I was ready to scream in horror. But before I could I

    heard a loud noise shoot off upstairs. NOOOOOO!!! I heard. BAM!!!! It sounded like a gunshot going off.

    Then I heard it again, BAM!!! And BAM again!!! Each time I heard it I lost my grip on the body stuffed

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    in my washer! I fell to the ground in horror at what I saw and heard. The person killed in my washer was

    very precious to me and very close to the family. Close to us all, for it was

    It was Jamie? I thought to myself. What in the world happened to her? It was like somebody had

    smashed her head in and squeezed her in the washer like a damp blanket. I couldnt comprehend why

    she was in here. How did this happen all of a sudden? What lead to this? Is this some kind of sick joke I

    thought to myself. I felt myself getting sick and woozy. My head started to spin like a quarter ready to

    fall off the table. I cant believe that someone in my family died in my house. And the only people in this

    house are my family. Well except for a few. As I was trying to get it all figured out in my head, I ran

    upstairs to find out what that noise was. I didnt want to spill the beans just yet. After all I myself was

    still trying to soak in what had happened. I closed the door behind me. Pete, Debra, Lateia and her kids

    were all in the living room and in the kitchen with these weird looks of fear and shock on their faces. I

    wanted to ask them what had happened. But the thought of Jamies dead body in my washer was still

    twirling in my head. I ran up the stairs and saw a blood spatter on my hallway wall.

    Oh Lord not again, I thought to myself. I ran inside Nancys room. Bob, Stacy, Jimbo and Eric were all

    there looking in shock and horror at something. I glanced over to see what they were looking at. It was

    Nancy, she was shot in the chest three times, and the gun was on the floor next to her. WHAT

    HAPPENED! I shouted. None of them answered. WHAT HAPPENED! I shouted again! None of them

    answered. I started to get very upset and confused. I dont like it when people dont answer my

    questions, and this was a very big question I wanted answered. They all had a look of fear in their faces. I

    looked at Bob, and he too had the same look. I rushed over to him and knocked him on the floor. He

    didnt even try to defend himself at first. I started to punch him in the face! I believed that he was the

    one that did this to Nancy! That he was the one that killed her!

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    Eric, Stacy and Jimbo all tried to pull me off of him! They all kept telling me that he didnt shoot her! HE

    DIDNT DO IT ZIM, HE DIDNT DO IT! They all shouted. WELL WHO DID, I screamed! They all just stared at

    me. Not saying a word. I asked them again, but none of them responded. They all had that look of fear,

    all four of them looking at each other, as though they were hiding something. Then I heard a scream

    downstairs. AHHHHH NOOOO!!!!! I heard. We all rushed downstairs to see what was going on. I saw

    that the door to the basement was opened. Aliesa and Lateia were downstairs. They saw Jamies body.

    Aliesa was crying and holding Lateia. But Lateia herself couldnt hold her own self up. Eric shielded both

    Aliesa, and Lateia. Pete tried to come downstairs but Stacy wouldnt let him. WHAT HAPPENED! Lateia

    screamed. I told her I didnt know I found her like this. Lateia looked straight at Bob. YOU! YOU DID IT!

    She replied to Bob. Lateia headed straight for him, but I stepped in her way. I, Jim and Eric all lead the

    ladies upstairs. Jim and Eric were in shock just as much as I was at what we saw. I cant believe it, Eric

    replies. Who could have done this? How can this be? As Eric and Jim continue to pounder what had

    happened. I quickly ran around the house trying to find my little girl Lane. She was nowhere to be found

    in the house. I went to Pete to ask him what happened when him and Lane was downstairs. I asked him,

    when did Jamie come down? But Pete was scared out of his mind. He couldnt answer me. Stacy was

    trembling and Bob was in a corner talking to himself. WHAT YOU SAY! Lateia shouted at Bob. Bob told

    her to leave him alone! I asked everybody if anybody saw Lane! But no one responded, instead they all

    bickered amongst themselves. Trying to figure out who or what killed Jamie. Maybe the snow did it,

    Aliesa said. Bob told her no the snow doesnt stuff people in a washer! Then Lateia lashed back at Bob

    saying OH SURE YOU WOULD KNOW BECAUSE YOU DID IT! Bob and Latiea were going at it while her

    kids cried in confusion! Stacy tried to calm Lateia down as to not to scare the kids or Pete anymore.

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    There were so many things going wrong in this house I didnt know what to make of it. Nancy was shot

    dead in a room full of people that wont say anything! Then we find Jamie stuffed in a washier with no

    knowledge of who did it! Then lastly and worst of all, my daughter Lane is missing in the middle of all of

    this! So I shouted again, QUIET! The whole house got silent. I asked the whole family again. Where is

    Lane? Then it hit everybody that Lane was gone. Oh God no, said Jim. Pete where did she go, Eric asked.

    Pete was still in shock, but he tried to answer. I...I saw her downstairs with Jamie, he said. Basically it

    was the same thing he told me. Erics girlfriend Debra came out of the other room on the far end of the

    house. She started to ask what was going on. Where were you this whole time, I asked her? She said she

    was taking a nap. Debra took a very long nap in my opinion. Eric asked her if she saw Lane. Debra said

    yeah. When she said that, I gave her my full attention. I asked where she went. As I got closer to Debra

    she started to look like she was strung out on something. I asked her again. Where did she go Debra?

    She said that she wanted to go outside and play in the snow. So I unlocked the door for her and she

    went out. I didnt believe her because once the doors are locked for the winter theres no way out.

    In fact every building in every city in the country with 4 to 6 inches of snow is put into automatic

    pressure lock. No one can get in, and no one can get out. I asked her again to tell me the truth. That is

    the truth she said with blood shot baggy eyes.

    Debra is you okay, Eric asked. She said she was fine. She started to go back into her room and close the

    door. I didnt trust her in fact I barely knew her. So I rushed into her room to see if I could find anything

    weird. I looked on her bed and I saw pulls and white powder. She was doing drugs. Then I noticed that

    she had Lanes keychain on her bed. I gave Lane those keys for when she would come over for the

    summer. I thought I had taken them back when she went back down to Mexico to live with her mom.

    The keys on her chain couldnt have opened any of the doors. So the only way she could have gotten out

    was through the attic. I rushed back up the stairs and into the attic. I saw that I did leave the window

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    open when I saw the blood. But to me it didnt make any sense. Lane was still downstairs when I and Jim

    were shooting outside. So how could she have gotten pass everybody in the house and me without

    anybody noticing? Something was up in this house. Eric, Stacy, Jim and Bob were upstairs when Nancy

    was shot and nobody said anything.

    Jamie mysteriously appeared in the washer dead with only Pete and Lane down there with her. And now

    Lane is gone. Bob had an argument with Jamie but he couldnt have gone upstairs shot Nancy and

    headed back down in time to kill Jamie. It didnt make any sense to me. Nothing added up. Eric, Stacy

    and Jim all said Bob didnt kill Nancy. Debra said she unlocked the door to let Lane play outside. But Pete

    said Lane was downstairs with Jamie who is now dead. I was so confused. I didnt know what to do. So I

    went into Marine mode. I grabbed a piece of Lanes clothes and took a gamble. What are you doing,

    asked Eric? I went to the dog and held the piece of Lanes clothes to its nose. I hoped that the dog would

    smell where Lane was. The dog known as Ranger gave me these eyes like he knew what I wanted him to

    do. He sniffed the clothes and started to sniff some more around the house. He went to the door that

    leads into the garage. And he started to bark. There was nothing in the garage except for what lies


    So it was true I thought to myself. Lane is out there in the snow, in the cold! I went to my closet and got

    my winter gear. What are you doing Zim? Jim asked. Im going to get my daughter back, I told him. Eric

    tried to convince me that there was a good chance that Lane was dead without actually saying Lane was

    dead. But I didnt listen, I rubbed the dogs head and I was ready to go outside. Wait Zim you cant just

    go alone Jim, replied. I told him that if he wanted to go then he would have to tell me what happened to

    Nancy. He looked at me as if he didnt want to make that deal. I told him, fine have it your way! Eric then

    jumped and said that I couldnt go out there in the snow. That I wouldnt survive out there, the snow will

    get me before I even make the first step outside. Eric obliviously doesnt know me very well to say that.

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    I went into the attic to get some weaponry to go out in the cold to defend myself just in case I had to

    fight the natural white elements. Jimbo once again pleaded with me not to go outside by myself. I told

    him yet again that if he wants to come then hes going to have to tell me what happen to Nancy. Jim

    once again didnt say anything. So I kept going on about my business to get ready to go out. Then Jim

    just took it upon himself to grab some of my gear and strap it on to him. I asked him what he was doing.

    He said that he was going with me whether I liked or not. I beg to differ, I said.

    I pulled out my pistol and pointed at him. Jim then backed up and said So is this whats it come too?

    Yeah its pretty crazy this evening, I said to him. Eric looked at Jim and Bob. Bob looked at them and

    slightly shook his head. Jim sighed and said okay. Ill tell you after we leave the house to go look for

    Lane. I didnt trust this deal. My senses from the war started to kick in. I knew Jim and Eric would never

    turn on me. But in this day and age you never know. Besides I had the upper hand anyway with my toys.

    I told them okay. I said but Bob is coming with us. Bob didnt want to at first saying how he is asthmatic.

    Bull, I said to him. I dont care if you have only one lung to breathe from you is coming with us. I pointed

    the gun at him very carefully. After all its better to have one full lung, then one with a bunchof holes in

    it. Bob got the point and agreed to come with us. I went downstairs and told the oldest of Lateia boys

    Ron to come with us. Stan and Little Pete were going to stay with the women and that no one was

    allowed in Nancys room.

    Why, Lateia asked. Because its better for your health if you dont go in there, I said. I ended up giving

    some of my gear to Bob, Eric, Ron and Jim. How you know if Lane is even alive, Eric asked. Because the

    dog sniffed so, I said to him. What if Ranger is just sniffing a body or another piece of clothing, Jim

    asked. I went to Lanes room to see what coat she put on. To my everlasting joy she did put on the coat I

    gave her years ago. She put on the Nitro coat, I said. The Nitro coat is very much like the gas freezer in

    my attic. It keeps all of the essential parts of the body warm, arms, legs, chest, neck and nose. But there

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    is an outer layer of the coat that is kept below freezing level. See the snow comes alive when it senses

    heat from our bodies. The coats outer layer keeps the snow from sensing that heat.

    Lane also put on the strider boots as well, to keep her from sinking into the snow. I had 4 more of the

    coats. They were for my boys and Daphne and a guest coat, a coat that I was going to give to Richard. I

    let Eric, Jim and Ron have one. I give Bob the guest coat. It didnt have all of the cool features like a

    watch or inferred goggles and an ice pick. I kept my eyes on Bob and he did the same to me. I had to

    keep my cool, for high emotions raise the temperature in our bodies. These coats are only full proof up

    to 4 inches of snow. And judging by what it looks like out there it would have to be at least 7 to 8 inches

    of snow outside. I hoped that the others going with me knew this and was calm. But I knew that wasnt

    going to happen. Two people, no, two loved ones are dead in my house. I can still hear Lateia and her

    kids crying. Ron was trying to be a man and hold it in. But I knew he loved his auntie very much. Stacy

    was shaking next to Pete knowing full well what happened to Nancy, but not saying anything.

    Tensions are high with Eric, Jim and Bob. And Me, Im probably the most tense. My family is out there

    somewhere. My wife hates my guts. I have a potential killer maybe two in my house but have no idea

    who it could be. My money is either on Bob or Debra. Both drink and do drugs. But I cant prove it and

    the ones that saw it wont help me. And my poor Lane, my precious Lane, she is out there somewhere.

    All happy and excited to play in the snow, the way a little kid should feel like. But this aint Its A

    Wonderful Life, this aint no Christmas Story or no Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. This is Winter, and

    it is dangerous. Its not just slick roads and car accidents and traffic and cold months of shoveling snow

    and black ice. No its more then that now!

    You cant even shovel snow anymore without it shoveling you! Winter fights, it goes into the ring with

    you! And so far its been the winner! The snow comes after you like a predator!

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    It waits for the kill in the calmness of the white wind. It doesnt play with us. Its not happy with us. It

    wants us dead and gone. Extreme fear, anger, happiness and stress, yes these are among many

    emotions that boil us up. And makes us ripe for the taking, we are like fruit ready to be plucked from a

    tree. And the snow, the winter will eat us. And Lane has been waiting to play in the snow for some time

    now. So Im sure she is happy out there. And thats what Im afraid of. We all got our gear together. I

    emphasize to the girls not to panic, and also to not touch anything. I know it cant be easy to have two

    dead people in the house. The government gave us procedures to follow in case of such a thing. I

    grabbed an embalmed body bag. Me and Jim took Nancys body and put it into the bag for preservation

    for a later autopsy. We also did it to keep the smell out.

    We then went downstairs and did the same for Jamie. I told Stacy to watch out for Debra. I didnt like

    the idea of a junkie in my house along with my family. But I trusted Stacy and definitely Lateia never

    would allow something bad to happen when it came to this Debra lady. I went back to the attic and

    grabbed some needle shots of rabies. I was going to save them for a snowy day like today. Eric, Bob, Jim,

    Ranger and I all went to the garage door ready to taste the winter. The girls were worried that we

    werent going to make it back. Eric tried to comfort them into believing that Lane could just be right

    outside the garage door. I wish that was the case.

    It could be the case, just hope its a case that involves my daughter being alive. We closed the door

    behind us. My heart started to race. But I couldnt let my body heat rise to much. Jim asked everybody

    how long it has been since any of us ever walked in the snow. Nobody said anything. Jim figured that

    meant we never walked in the snow, not at least for 10 years. And the ones who did, you can find their

    feet and bones in the spring time.

    Eric asked me if I was going to put the code in to open the door. I told him not to rush me. I stood at an

    angle towards Bob as I reached for the pad to open the door. If it was true that Lane was right outside

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    my garage dead. I promise you I was going to knock him right into the snow for him to be eaten by it. I

    put the code in. The door opened, and Ranger started to bark. We saw a flash of white hit us, a warning

    sign that we were ready to enter the winter. As the door open, we heard the cold wind raging like a mad

    mob. The wind in winter doesnt sound pleasant or peaceful. Its hard, like a thunderous train. Enraged

    at all who enter its presence. The harsh snow flakes starts to hit our eyes and coats. We all had goggles

    on to protect our eyes. I could feel even the snow flakes biting and gnawing at my coat. I start to see

    little hoes form on my sleeves. The snow was starting to eat its way through it, trying to get to my skin.

    The snow flakes from the wind were even eating at the others coats. DONT BE AFRIAD, DONT BE TOO

    EXCITED! I screamed. The snow already senses our frustration, our anxiety! I cant do it, Ron said, I dont

    want to go out there!

    Zim let Ron go back inside, Jim said. No I cant keep opening and closing the door we have to go now, I

    shouted! Rons a 17 year old weirdo who loves scary stories, but cant handle this story. Well today hes

    going to have to handle it, I thought! Hes going to be a man and help me find my little girl!

    The low temperature from the cold was already freezing the panels and wheels that operate the garage.

    WE HAVE TO GO NOW! I said. I saw Ranger sniffing again, trying to pick up Lane scent. Ranger barked

    and ran outside full speed! Because of him I knew Lane had to be alive or at least close and shallow

    enough for Ranger to smell her. In the winter you cant smell anything, you cant taste anything. Because

    the snow that lands on your mouth gnaws at your tongue. It is easy, too easy to get frost bitten. LETS

    GO! I said, and we all went outside. I closed the door. It was like walking into the lions pit. We were

    outside, in the snow, in the winter.

    The wind was fighting against us. We could barely see anything, hear anything. I for once didnt think the

    coats were going to last. The bulletproof polycarbonate safety goggles were getting small cracks in it. I

    started to see small white strains of snow crawling their way into my goggles, trying to penetrate the

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    heat coming from my eyes. I would purposely tear up my eyes as to melt the snow worms (thats what I

    call them) so they wouldnt eat at my pupils. Water dilutes the snow, so in a liquid state it cant do

    anything. Eric and Ron didnt know that. The snow worms started eating away at their pupils.

    AHHHHWAHW!! I heard from Ron. I told Ron not to make any large movements! Stand still while I get

    you, I shouted to him! ITS BURNS, he screams. No its stinging, because of the coldest of the snow

    worms bites. The colder the temperature the worst the bite is. I walked over there to him. But I

    mistakenly stepped a little too hard on the side of my left foot.

    A large white snowy tentacle looking arm sprung up from the snow. It tried to grab my leg. I quickly

    slowed down and calmed myself. I didnt want the snow ripping my leg off. If that happens then Im

    really history! The arm sensed that I had calm down, even in the middle of all this hard wind. It

    proceeded to retract back into the snow. I then slowly walked over to Ron as he was holding his eyes. He

    couldnt rub them or get too anxious! If he did the snow would grab him from his feet and suck him in!

    The snow, it wants to get us. In anyway it can. I had to make sure it didnt get Ron. Lateia already lost

    her sister. And we all lost a member of the family. We were not going to lose another. If anything we

    were going to get a member back, my daughter. I walked over to him and told him to cry. Ron didnt

    believe in crying, so much even when his eyes were being sucked from his sockets by icy cold snow

    worms. I then punched him three times, b
