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WIOA Youth - Into the Weeds - Region 1

Date post: 14-Jul-2015
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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Serving Youth Under the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act: Into the Weeds Because ‘Into the Woods’ was taken and we’d probably be sued. NYATEP Youth Academy – February 2015 Prepared for Discussion and Technical Assistance Only Not Official Guidance

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Serving Youth Under the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act:

Into the Weeds

Because ‘Into the Woods’ was taken and we’d probably be sued.

NYATEP Youth Academy – February 2015

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What is the Workforce Innovation and opportunity act (WIOA)?

WIOA replaces the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) and retains and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

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Accountable & Data Driven

Core programs are required to report on common performance indicators

Negotiated levels of performance for the common indicators will be adjusted based on a statistical model that takes into account economic conditions and participant characteristics.

Performance reports for states, local areas, and eligible training providers will be publicly available.

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January 18, 2015

USDOL, Education and Health and Human Services must publish Notice of Proposed Rule Making

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Delayed until Spring 2015

Key Implementation Dates

Key Implementation Dates

• Provisions begin to take effect

• WIA State and local plan provisions continue to apply for the 1st full PY.

• Current performance accountability system remains in effect for 1st full PY.

July 1, 2015

• Eligible Training Providers provisions are implemented by Governors and boards

• Template for performance reports by state, local, and Eligible Training Providers must be developed by Secretary of Labor and Secretary of Education

July 22, 2015

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• DOL, ED and HHS must publish final rule (regulations)

January 22, 2016

• Deadline for state Unified Plan submission (120 days before 2nd full PY)

• Levels for new performance indicators are negotiated as part of approval of State Unified Plans.

March 3, 2016

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Probably later…

Key Implementation Dates

• DOL and Education must develop performance indicator relating to effectiveness in serving employers (prior to 2nd full PY)

June 30, 2016

• One-Stop Infrastructure cost requirements take effect

• Use of common One-Stop delivery identifier must be implemented (not later than start of 2nd full PY)

July 1, 2016

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Key Implementation Dates

Sections 126, 127, 128, 129

• Section 126 – General Authorization

• Section 127 – State Allotments– Reallotment provision requires 80% obligation

• Section 128 – Within State Allocations– Up to 15% for statewide activities

– Allows for an alternative allocation based on excess youth poverty and excess unemployment

– Allows for within state reallocation

• Section 129 – Use of Funds / Eligibility

• TEGL 19-14 – WIOA Vision and Implementation

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Key Youth References

• 75% of funds must be spent on out-of-school youth (OSY)

• 20% of funds must be spent on work experience

• No income test for most OSY

• Raises OSY age limit to 24

• Added Program elements

• Youth Council not mandatory

• Objective barriers

• Simplified eligibility process

• Sole Source exception

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WIOA Youth Overview

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TEGL 19-14

• April 2015 funding will be available for WIOA Youth.– PY2015 technically starts July 1

• Locals must be working towards ensuring providers are focused on OSY and work-experience requirements

• Update policies to reflect new program requirements

• Update board structures/membership

• Additional TEGL on Youth coming soon

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act


It starts with leadership… and vision.

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• Youth Councils are no longer required

– ETA strongly encourages a standing committee focused on youth

– Duties and responsibilities of a standing committee are established by the local board

– May include all of the previous duties of a Youth Council

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Youth Governance

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Youth Eligibility Under WIOA

Now with free/reduced priced lunch!

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(1) OSY – not attending any school.

(2) 16 – 24 years of age;

(3) And one or more of the following:

• A school Dropout;

• w/in age of compulsory school attendance, but has not attended school for at least the most recent complete school CY qtr.

• Juvenile or Adult justice system individual;

• Homeless, runaway, in foster care or has aged out of foster care system, SS act eligible recipient, or out of home placement.

• Pregnant/parenting individual;

• Youth w/a disability;

• HS or GED recipient who is low income and is

– Basic Skills Deficient

– English language Learner.

• Low income individual who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or secure/hold employment.Prepared for Discussion and Technical Assistance Only Not

Official Guidance

OSY Eligibility

(1) ISY – attending school as defined by State Law.

(2) 14 – 21 years of age;

(3) Low income;– free/reduced lunch can also be used for low income determination;

(4) And one or more of the following:

– Basic Skills Deficient;

– English language learner;

– Homeless, runaway, in foster care or has aged out of foster care system, SS act eligible recipient, or out of home placement.

– Pregnant/parenting individual;

– Youth w/a disability;

– Low income individual who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or secure/hold employment.

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In School Youth Eligibility

• Section 129(a)(2)

– ``low-income'', used with respect to an individual, also includes a youth living in a high-poverty area.

• Low Income Exceptions (5% limit)

– Applies to total youth participant count

– Must meet other criteria

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Special Rule and 5% Limits

• State or locally defined

• Policies must be in the state/local plan as appropriate

• Must not simply be “youth who needs additional assistance…”

– Must be measurable or defined

– ie: gang involved, child of parent with substance abuse issues, victim of violence, etc.

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Additional Assistance

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

OSY Priority

The writing was on the wall and, yes, your cheese was moved. We’ll help

you find it.

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• Not less than 75% of youth funds shall be used to provide services to out-of-school youth– Applies to state and local funds

• States can raise this % if they so choose

– State and locals should start tracking non-admin costs by ISY-OSY breakout

• Why? From 2013 OECD Data– 27% of youth between 15 – 24 were neither in school

nor employed (about 6 million)• 18.77% of youth between 20 – 24• 8.42% of youth between 15 – 19


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OSY Priority for Funds

New York Locals at 75% or more…

• Chemung-Schuyler-Steuben (CSS)

• Fulton, Montgomery, Schoharie (FMS)

• Broome-Tioga

• St. Lawrence County

• Ulster County

• Orange County

• Suffolk County

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OSY Real-World Successes

The Job Council

Service Area: Jackson and Josephine counties in Southern Oregon including rural and urban areas

Expenditure Rate: 75 percent.


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OSY Real-World Successes

Brevard Florida NextGen Program

Service Area: Brevard County, Florida

Expenditure Rate: 80 percent http://careersourcebrevard.com/job-seekers/youth-services/next-gen

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OSY Real-World Successes

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Focus on Work-Experience

Jobs, jobs, jobs…

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• Section 129(c)(4) – 20% of local youth funds must be spent on work experience– Summer employment

• and other year-round employment

– Pre-apprenticeship

– Internship/Job Shadowing

– On-the-Job Training

• 20% includes wages and related program costs– Locals should start tracking these costs

• WIOA does not mandate a summer youth employment program

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Work-Experience Focus

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Local Youth Services

Where we ask nothing more of you than to save the future for us all.

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• Provide an objective assessment.• Develop Service Strategy- directly linked to 1 or more performance

indicator and shall identify career pathways, appropriate achievement objectives (new service strategy not required if provider. determines it is appropriate to use a recent service strategy developed under another edu/training program.

• Provide:– Activities leading to attainment of HD or GED (recognized equivalent)

or College cert.;– Prep for college or training opportunities;– Strong linkages between academic instruction and occupational ed

that lead to attainment of recognized postsecondary credentials;– Preparation for unsubsidized employment;– Effective connections to employers, in in-demand industry

sectors/occupations of local/regional labor markets;

• At the discretion of the local area, implement a pay-for-performance contract strategy for program elements; local area may reserve up to 10% of total funds allocated;

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Local Youth Services

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Youth Program Elements

Like Earth, Wind and Fire, but with less of a beat.

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• Tutoring, study skills training, instruction and evidence based dropout prevention and recovery strategies;

• Alternative Secondary Schools services, or dropout recovery services, as appropriate;

• Paid/Unpaid Work Experience, including summer employment, pre-apprenticeship, internship and job shadowing and OJTs;

• Occupational skills training-shall lead to recognized postsecondary credentials, aligned with demand industry sectors/occupations;

• Education offered concurrently w-and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation/occupational cluster;

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WIOA Youth Program Elements

• Leadership Development;• Supportive Services;• Adult Mentoring (period of no less than 12 months);• Follow up Services (period of no less than 12 months, after

program completion);• Comprehensive guidance and counseling (may include

drug/alcohol abuse counseling and referral);• Financial Literacy Education;• Entrepreneurial Skills Training;• Labor market and employment information about in-

demand industry sectors/occupations (such as career awareness, career counseling and career exploration); and

• Services that help youth prepare for and transition to postsecondary education and training.

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WIOA Youth Program Elements

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Selecting Youth Providers

Competition is the mother of accountability.

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• Youth providers must be selected on a competitive basis through a full and open competition– Sole source is only allowed where the local board

determines that there is an insufficient number of providers of youth services• We believe this will be limited mostly to rural areas

• Does not include design framework services– Intake, assessment, etc.

• Local may leverage partner programs – Must be through a formal agreement– Must be connected and coordinated with WIOA Youth


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Selecting Youth Providers

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Statewide Youth Activities

Putting it all together.

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• Conducting evaluations;

• Disseminating the ETPL for youth activities;

• Providing assistance to local areas;

• Operating a Fiscal and Management accountability information system;

• Monitoring and oversight activities (may include comparisons between male and female youth;

• TA to local areas of high concentrations of youth.

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Statewide Youth Activities

• Conducting research and demonstration projects relating to meeting the education and employment needs of eligible youth;

• Development of alternative, evidence based programs/other activities that enhance postsecondary education, advance training, career pathways opportunities, and enter into unsubsidized employment;

• Provision of career services through One-Stops• Financial Literacy • Provision of TA to system – development and training

of staff, development of exemplary program activities, those local areas failing performance measures and provision of technology to facilitate remote access.

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Statewide Youth Activities

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Performance Measures

Accountability and evidence-based decision making = Government 2.0.

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• Participant – Similar to WIA for youth

– Staff assisted, not just eligibility, likely the assessment or IEP

• Exit – Similar to WIA (90 days no service)

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Performance Measures

• Percentage of program participants who are in education or training activities, or in unsubsidized employment, during the second quarter after exit from the program;

• Percentage of program participants in education or training activities, or in unsubsidized employment, during the fourth quarter after exit from the program;

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Performance Measures

• Median earnings of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program;

• The percentage of program participants who obtained a recognized postsecondary credential or a secondary school diploma, or its recognized equivalent, during participation or up to one year after exit; – Secondary diploma only counted if participant is also

employed or enrolled in education or training program leading to a post secondary credential within one year of exit

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Performance Measures

• The percentage of program participants who during a program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who have made documented progression towards such a credential or employment.

– Measurement will be against academic progress or occupational skill gains

• Effectiveness in serving employers

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Performance Measures

• Employed or in education 2nd quarter after exit?

• Employed or in education 4th quarter after exit?

• Did they get a credential?

• Did they make academic progress or gain occupational skills?

• What are their earnings?

• How well did we serve employers?

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Performance Measures – Plain English

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act


Comments and snide remarks should be submitted in writing to allow for

proper rebuttal.

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• www.doleta.gov/WIOA

• www.workforce3one.org

• Email [email protected]

• Department of Education: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers/rsa/wioa-reauthorization.html


• @timtheberge and @USDOL on Twitter!

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More WIOA Information

Timothy Theberge

U.S. Department of Labor

Employment and Training Administration

Boston Regional Office

[email protected]




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Contact Information
