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Wireless Network Security. 11/28/2001Wireless Security2 Overview Introduction Data Encryption...

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Wireless Network Security

Wireless Network Security

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 2

Overview Introduction Data Encryption

Private Key Cryptography Public Key Cryptography

Digital Signatures Cryptographic Hash Functions Wireless Security Issues WEP Security Issues

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 3

Network Security – Issues. Confidentiality– Can you keep a secret? Integrity – Did you get the message I sent? Availability – Are you there when needed? Identification – Who are you? Authentication – Can you prove who you

are? Access Control – What are you allowed to

do? Non-repudiability – Yes you did! Audit Trails – What have you been up to? Privacy – Can you treat my like a human?

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 4

Network Security - Why is it difficult? Complexity. Resource sharing. Unknown Perimeter. Many points of attack. Anonymity. Unknown Paths.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 5

Type of Attacks in Computer Systems

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Model for Network Security

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Network Access Security Model

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Security Mechanisms Three basic building blocks are used:

Encryption is used to provide confidentiality, can provide authentication and integrity protection

Digital signatures are used to provide authentication, integrity protection, and non-repudiation

Checksums/hash algorithms are used to provide integrity protection, can provide authentication

One or more security mechanisms are combined to provide a security service

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 9

Services, Mechanisms, Algorithms A typical security protocol provides one

or more services Services are built from mechanisms Mechanisms are implemented using


11/28/2001 Wireless Security 10

Data Encryption Encryption is the process of encoding a message

such that its meaning is not obvious. Decryption is the reverse process, ie,

transforming an encrypted message to its original form.

We denote plaintext by P and ciphertext by C. C = E(P), P = D(C) and P = D(E(P)), where E() is

the encryption function (algorithm) and D() the decryption function.

Encryption DecryptionPlaintext PlaintextCiphertext

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Kerckhoff’s Principle How do you prevent and eavesdropper from

computing P, given C? Keep the encryption algorithm E() secret.

BAD IDEA!! Choose E() (and corresponding D()) from a large

collection, based on secret key. GOOD IDEA!! Kerckhoff’s principle.

C = E(K, P) and P = D(K, C)

Encryption DecryptionPlaintext PlaintextCiphertext

Secret Key

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 12

Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptosystems Just by changing key we have different

encryptions of one plaintext. If the encryption key and the decryption key are

the same then we have a symmetric encryption scheme (also private key, one-key).

If the encryption key and the decryption key are different then we have an asymmetric encryption scheme (also public key, two-key).

A cryptosystem is then a five-tuple consisting of 1) The set of all plaintexts 2) The set of all ciphertexts 3) The set of all keys 4) A family of encryption functions 5) A family of decryption functions.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 13

Example – Caesar Cipher Let messages be all lower case from a through

z (no spaces or punctuation).itsnotthathardtoread

Represent letters by numbers from 0 to 25. Encryption function

Ci = E(Pi ) = Pi + K.

where K is secret key and addition done modulo 26.

Decryption isPi = D(Ci ) = Ci - K.

UNIX ROT13 uses K as 13.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 14

Cryptanalysis A cryptosystem had to be secure

against the following kinds of attacks: Ciphertext only attack. Known plaintext attack. Chosen plaintext attack. Adaptive chosen plaintext attack. Chosen ciphertext attack. Chosen key attack.

Of course there is one attack against which no cryptosystem can offer protection – rubber hose attack.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 15

Brute Force Attacks. If key space is finite, given a ciphertext a

cryptanalyst can try and check all possible keys. For above to be not feasible, key space should

be large!! How large? How about 256?

Large enough to make it impractical for an adversary. But what is impractical today, may not be so tomorrow.

In practice, for a “good” cryptosystem, the only possible attack should be the brute force attack, which should be impractical into the foreseeable future, as long as message may have value.

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DES – Data Encryption Standard Private key. Encrypts by series of

substitution and transpositions. Worldwide standard for more than 20

years. Has a history of controversy. Designed by IBM (Lucipher) with later

help (interference?) from NSA. No longer considered secure for highly

sensitive applications. Replacement standard (AES - Rijndael)

has been selected.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 17

DES - Overview

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DES – Each iteration.

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DES – Computation of F(Ri-1,Ki)

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 20

Computation of F: Expansion function E:

maps bit string of length 32 to bit string of length 48.

Permutes bits in a fixed way and duplicates certain bits

Key schedule: each round uses a 48 bit key obtained by performing permutations, shifts, and discarding bits from the original 56 bit key. Fixed algorithm for each round

resulting 48 bit string broken into 8 6-bit strings

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 21

S-boxes: S1

14 4 13 1 2 15 11 8 3 10 6 12 5 9 0 70 15 7 4 14 2 13 1 10 6 12 11 9 5 3 84 1 14 8 13 6 2 11 15 12 9 7 3 10 5 015 12 8 2 4 9 1 7 5 11 3 14 10 0 6 13


1 2 3 4 5 6( ) :S b b b b b b






bbrowIs the table entry from

(011001) [1,9] 6 0110dS table

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 22

Double DES

Double DES is almost as easy to break as single DES (Needs more memory though)!

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 23

Triple DES

Triple DES (2 keys) requires 2112 search. Is reasonably secure.

3 keys requires 2168 .

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Other Private Key Cryptosystems IDEA Twofish Blowfish RC4, RC5, RC6 Rijndael (AES Winner) Serpent MARS Feal

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 25

Private key cryptography revisited.

Key distribution and management is a serious problem! N users – O(N2) keys!

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Public key cryptography

Key management problem not really that simple as we will see later!!! (trust).

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 27

A Simple Example

Anyone can map from plaintext to ciphertext. Decryption easy only with inverted phone book.































e B









Public Key

Ciphertext Plaintext

Private Key

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 28

One-way functions and trapdoors. A function f() is said to be one-way if given

x it is “easy” to compute y = f (x), but given y it is “hard” to compute x = f -1(y).

A trap-door one-way function fK() is such that to compute y = fK(x) is easy if K and x are known. x = f -1

K(y) is easy if K and y are known. x = f -1

K(y) is hard if y is known but K is unknown.

Given a trap-door one-way function one can design a public key cryptosystem.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 29

Encryption and 1-way trap doors Two keys:

public encryption key e private decryption key d

encryption easy when e is known decryption hard when d is not known d provides “trap door”: decryption easy

when d is known We’ll study the RSA public key

encryption scheme.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 30

RSA overview - setup Alice wants people to be able to send her

encrypted messages. She chooses two (large) prime numbers, p and

q and computes n=pq and . [“large” = 100 digits +]

She chooses a number e such that e is relatively prime to and computes d, the inverse of e in

She publicizes the pair (e,n) as her public key. She keeps d secret and destroys p, q, and

Plaintext and ciphertext messages are elements of Zn and e is the encryption key.


( ) ( 1) ( 1)n p q )(nZ


11/28/2001 Wireless Security 31

RSA overview - encryption Bob wants to send a message x (an

element of Zn) to Alice. He looks up her encryption key, (e,n), in

a directory. The encrypted message is

Bob sends y to Alice.

nxxEy e mod)(

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 32

RSA overview - decryption

To decrypt the message

she’s received from Bob, Alice


Claim: D(y) = x

nyyD d mod)(

nxxEy e mod)(

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 33

Tiny RSA example. Let p = 7, q = 11. Then n = 77 and

Choose e = 13. Then d = 13-1 mod 60 = 37.

Let message = 2. E(2) = 213 mod 77 = 30. D(30) = 3037 mod 77=2

60)( n

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 34

Authentication and Authorization Authentication is a service that

allows receivers of a messages to identify its origin. makes is difficult for third parties to masquerade as

someone else. e.g., your driver’s license and photo authenticates

your image to a name, address, and birth date.

Authorization is a service that Allows only entities that have been authenticated

and who appear on an access list to utilize a service. E.g., your date of birth on your driver’s license

authorizes you to drink as someone who is over 21.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 35

Authentication Authentication codes provide assurance that

message has not been tampered with and has indeed originated from a specific source.

Independent of encryption. In fact, encryption may even be undesirable.



(Receiver)X Y Y’ X’




Authentication Key Verification Key

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 36

Substitution and Impersonation Two types of attacks on authentication

schemes: Substitution attack

Impersonation attack

Hello Bob, I love you- Alice

Hello Bob, I hate you

- Alice

Hello Bob, I love you- Olivia

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 37

Digital Signatures Desirable properties of handwritten signatures:

Signed document is authentic. Signature is unforgeable. Signature is not reusable. Signed document is unalterable. Signature cannot be repudiated. (Above not strictly true but mostly so)

Same properties and more can be achieved by digital signatures.

Digital Signatures use public key cryptography.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 38

RSA based signature

Alice signs message by encrypting with private key. Bob decrypts message with Alice’s public key. If meaningful message then it must have been

encrypted with Alice’s private key!

Hello, I love you






Hello, I love you

Message Alice signs Signed messageBob verifies Message

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 39

Signing With Message Digests A fixed length “fingerprint” of a

message. Instead of signing message, sign the

message digest.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 40

Cryptographic Hash Functions Requirements of cryptographic hash

functions: Can be applied to data of any length. Output is fixed length. Relatively easy to compute h(x), given x. Infeasible to get x, given h(x). Given x, infeasible to find y such that h(x) =

h(y). Weak collision property. Infeasible to find any pair x and y such that

h(x) = h(y). Strong collision property.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 41

MD5 - Message Digest Algorithm

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 42

Wireless Security

How is wireless different? 802.11 Security

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 43

Wireless Dimension

Access to Medium:Unlike wired medium

(cables) wireless medium (air) is

ubiquitous hence access restrictions to the medium must be handled explicitly, where as in wired environments it is


War Dialing:Attacker gains access to wired

medium by exhaustive dialing of

phone numbers

War Driving:Attacker gains

access to wireless medium by just driving by the

network coverage area.

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 44

How is wireless different? The Medium

Wireless medium has no explicit packet boundary This property weaken privacy and authentication

mechanisms adopted from wired environment Portability

Wireless devices are smaller in size and portable Data in those devices require more protection than

data on non-portable devices Mechanisms to recover stolen or lost devices are

important Mechanisms for self-destruction of data is also


11/28/2001 Wireless Security 45

How is wireless different? Mobility

Mobility brings even bigger challenges Trust in infrastructure

Wired networks assume certain level of trust in local infrastructure (we trust our routers)

In wireless networks this is a weak assumption Would you put same level of trust on an Access Point in JFK as

you put on your home AP? Security mechanisms should anticipate these variances in trust Or, security mechanisms should be independent of location or

infrastructure Trust in location

Wired networks implicitly assume network address is equivalent to physical location (128.238.x.x is Poly’s resources)

In wireless networks physical location is not tied to network address. Physical location may change transparent to end nodes.

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How is wireless different? Mobility

Privacy of location On wired network privacy of location is not a

concern In wireless networks location privacy of the user is

a serious issue because users can be tracked, their travel behaviors can be used for marketing purposes etc.

Similar scenario exists on the Web: A user’s web surfing pattern can be tracked and this raised several privacy issues in 1999 (Double Click’s Cookie Tracking)

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 47

How is wireless different? Processing power, memory & energy

requirements Handheld devices have stringent processing

power, memory, and energy requirements Current security solutions require expensive

processing power & memory Handheld devices mandate inexpensive

substitutes for Crypto algorithms (AES instead of 3-DES) Authentication schemes

Better one-time password schemes with feasible remote key updates

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 48

Power consumption & crypto algorithms







11/28/2001 Wireless Security 49

How is wireless different? Network Topologies

Wired networks usually rely on network topology to deploy security solutions

E.g: firewall is installed on a machine where all traffic is visible

Wireless networks (esp. ad-hoc) have dynamic topologies

Wireless networks may not have single point of convergence (hidden host problem!)

Wireless networks put emphasis on host based solutions e.g: distributed firewalls

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 50

802.11 & Security A MAC, PHY layer specification Should serve mobile and portable

devices What is mobile? What is portable?

Should provide transparency of mobility

Should appear as 802 LAN to LLC (“messy MAC”)

Basic Service Set (BSS) Distribution System (DS) Station (STA) STA that is providing access to

Distribution System Service (DSS) is an Access Point (AP)

802.11 supports Ad-hoc networking Provide link level security

Components of 802.11

BSS (1)

BSS (2)






11/28/2001 Wireless Security 51

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) Wired equivalence privacy?

Wireless medium has no packet boundaries WEP control access to LAN via authentication

Wireless is an open medium Provides link-level security equivalent to a closed medium No end-to-end privacy

Security Goals of WEP Access Control

Provide access control to the underlying medium through authentication

Confidentiality Provide confidentiality to data on the underlying

medium through encryption Data Integrity

Provide means to determine integrity of data between links

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Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) An attack on WEP should compromise at least

one of these properties Three levels of security

Open system – WEP is disabled in this mode. No security. Shared Key Authentication – provides access control to

medium Encryption – provides confidentiality to data on network

You can have confidentiality on an open system! That is, you can encrypt all the traffic and not have

access control to the medium! Which also means, a wily hacker can have all his traffic

encrypted on our network so that no one “see” what s/he is doing!

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Properties of WEP It is reasonably strong

Withstand brute force attacks and cryptanalysis It is self-synchronizing

Uses self-synchronizing stream cipher It is efficient

Hardware/software implementation It may be exportable

Rest of the world needs security too! It is optional

WEP layer should be independent of other layers

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WEP Frame

Key id is used to choose between four secret keys

ICV is integrity check sum (CRC-32) Pad is zero. Unused.




IV3 p




Key id



11/28/2001 Wireless Security 55

WEP crypto function

WEP uses RC4 PRNG CRC-32 for integrity algorithm IV is renewed for each packet (usu. iv++) actual key size = (vendor advertised size – 24)


secret key

init. vectorWEPPRNG

seed key sequence

integrity algorithm ICV


cipher text





11/28/2001 Wireless Security 56

Attacks on WEP Stream ciphers and keystream reuse

Stream ciphers expand a secret key to a stream of pseudo random numbers

Message is XORed (denoted by ‘+’ here after) with random number stream to produce the cipher text

Suppose two messages used the same secret key then stream cipher is easily broken so WEP uses an IV to extend the life of secret key

But, reusing IV is same as reusing the secret key!

Given two cipher texts with the same IV, we can remove the effects of XORing with the RC4 stream! (for the same secret key)

C1 = P1 + RC4(IV, key)C2 = P2 + RC4(IV, key)but…(C1+C2) = (P1+P2) and (P1+P2) can be easily cryptanalyzed

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 57

Attacks on WEP Two assumptions for this attack

Availability of ciphertexts with same IV IV length is fixed 24 bits (224 = 16,777,216) Implementations make the reuse factor worse! Every time a card is initialized IV is set to zero! IV is usually reused after only 5,000 packets! So, obtaining cipher text with same IV is practical

Partial knowledge of plaintexts Can use legitimate traffic to obtain known plain

texts e.g: Login:, password: prompts in a telnet session

Bouncing Spam off a mail server through wireless network

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 58

Dictionary Attack Assuming secret key is rarely changed, this

attack compromises WEP’s confidentiality goal…

A dictionary of IVs (~224 entries) can be built For each IV find the associated key stream Ci= Pi + RC4(IVi, key)Tabulate these two fields searchable by IV For each packet, scan the table to find the IV first and

then XOR the message with corresponding keystream in the dictionary to decrypt the message.Cn = Pn + RC4(IV, key) we know RC4(IV, key) from the dictionary, we know Cn so we can find Pn!

Size of the dictionary depends on size of the IV, which is fixed by the standard at 24 bits!

Increasing key size has no affect on this attack!

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 59

Attack on Access Control

It is possible to get authenticated without knowing the secret key! (shown in red)

We only need a plaintext, ciphertext pair of a legitimate authentication. (shown in black)




128 nonce

nonce+RC4(IV, key) IV

Request received

nonce+RC4(IV, key)

Decrypt the packetand verify nonce


128 nonce

nonce+RC4(IV, key) IV

Request received

nonce+RC4(IV, key)

Decrypt the packetand verify nonce


al s



acker U


g D






m P


us S




11/28/2001 Wireless Security 60

Further Reading Cryptography: Theory and Practice – D. Stinson. CRC Press. Handbook of Applied Cryptography – Menezes et. al. CRC

Press. Cryptography and Network Security – William Stallings. Applied Cryptography – B. Schneier. John Wiley. North American Crypto archive http://cryptography.org/ Crypto Resource page

http://world.std.com/~franl/crypto.html Ron Rivest’s crypto page

http://www.toc.lcs.mit.edu/~rivest/crypto-security.html Cryptography Research Inc. Resource page

http://www.cryptography.com/resources/index.html Cryptography archive: http://www.austinlinks.com/Crypto/ AES home page http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/aes/

11/28/2001 Wireless Security 61

Further Reading The MD5 unofficial homepage -


HMAC RFC - http://www.landfield.com/rfcs/rfc2104.html Secure Hash Algorithm – SHA -

http://csrc.nist.gov/fips/fip180-1.txt Digital Signature Standard – DSS -

http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip186.htm X.509 page http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/pkix

-charter.html Ten Risks of PKI - http://www.counterpane.com/pki


11/28/2001 Wireless Security 62

Further Reading – Wireless Security

802.11 specification Overview of IEEE 802.11b Security, Sultan Weatherspoon Intercepting Mobile Communications: The Insecurity of 802.11, Nikita

Borisov, Ian Goldberg et al. Coping with Risk: Moving to Coping with Risk: Moving to Wireless

Wireless Using the Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir Attack to Break WEP, Adam

Stubblefield, John Ioannidis, et al. http://www.practicallynetworked.com/tools/wireless_articles_security.

htm http://www.nas.nasa.gov

