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Wisconsin Sector Alliance for the Green Economy SAGE Local Planning Guidance Released by the Department of Workforce Development Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards on June 9, 2010

Wisconsin Sector Alliance for the Green Economy

SAGE Local Planning Guidance

Released by the Department of Workforce Development Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards

on June 9, 2010

Wisconsin’s Sector Alliance for the Green Economy 

Local SAGE Project Teams ‐ Planning Guidance 



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1. Introduction to Wisconsin’s SAGE Grant 1.1. Background On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and announced that $550 Million was being made available for competitive workforce training proposals in the energy sector . As part of that effort, US DOL began publicly releasing preliminary guidance in order to expedite the planning and development process prior to release of the actual Request for Proposals (RFP). From February to June of 2009, a multi-agency team, led by Wisconsin’s Department of Workforce Development (DWD) gathered a wide range of sector input and feedback, including meetings with more than 70 energy sector stakeholders. This information was used to identify energy sector workforce training needs that were not already being met through targeted ARRA funding, WIA funding or other sources. US DOL/ETA released the RFP in July, 2009. Planning continued, proposal development began in earnest and Wisconsin’s Sector Alliance for the Green Economy (SAGE) proposal was submitted by the Council on Workforce Investment in October, 2009.

On January 20, 2010, USDOL funded the SAGE grant at the requested amount of $6 Million over three years. The CWI is the grant sponsor, with DWD serving as the fiscal agent and grant recipient. DWD’s Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards (BAS) administers and oversees the SAGE grant. 1.2. Two-part Strategy During the planning process, potential training approaches were narrowed to a two-part strategy designed to promote enduring sector partnerships, while quickly converting proposal funding into green skills training to a substantial segment of the energy sector workforce. Planning Component The first part of the SAGE strategy relies upon the development or renewal of Energy Sector Training Partnerships at the state and local level. Sector strategies are not new to Wisconsin. They have been successfully deployed throughout the state’s workforce programs for several years and currently target a variety of industries. As described in Sections 2 and 3, below, SAGE’s partnership strategy focuses on the broad energy sector and seeks to formalize long-term energy sector partnerships. Immediate Training Component The planning component of the SAGE project is supported by immediate and direct training activities, which form the other half of the two-part SAGE strategy: Focus initial training resources on traditional apprenticeship occupations to quickly get industry-based, statewide, standardized and flexible green training into the workforce. Much of this activity will be performed by DWD/BAS and selected industry stakeholders on a statewide level, including:

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Identify green training gaps and needs through ongoing industry analysis with specified trades.

Conduct full or modified DACUM with industry subject matter experts (SMEs).

Contract with curriculum vendors (primarily Wisconsin Technical College System).

Incorporate new green curriculum and components into existing apprenticeship curriculum for Sheet Metal Worker, Steamfitter, Heat & Frost Insulator, Construction Electrician, Ironworker, Painter & Decorator, Plumber, Roofer & Waterproofer and to-be-selected manufacturing apprenticeship programs.

Establish new apprenticeship programs for Weatherization Installer, Energy Auditor and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator.

Retool or expanding apprenticeship programs for Electric Line Worker, Electric Meter Technician and Substation Electrician.

Arrange for the completed training programs or components to be delivered to apprentices and journeyworkers in both the near and long term.

In addition, BAS and the CWI Energy Sector Subcommittee (CWI-ESS) will rely upon Local SAGE Teams to establish partnerships with energy sector stakeholders, including Local Apprenticeship Committees, in order to more effectively administer and deliver the following services:

Build internal awareness and procedural structure that serve to better recruit, prepare and refer Job Center customers to energy sector jobs, including SAGE’s targeted apprenticeship trades.

Provide SAGE’s support and training funds to eligible enrollees.

Provide core-level case management and retention services, helping apprentices and journeyworkers navigate workforce development services for which they may be eligible.

2. State SAGE Team (CWI-ESS) Wisconsin’s energy sector strategy is driven by a dynamic structure of industry stakeholders who come together as the Energy Sector Subcommittee (ESS) of the Council on Workforce Investment. This committee’s charge is to “Establish priorities that will create measureable success for industry partnerships in Wisconsin for the Energy Sector.” 2.1 Overall Responsibilities In the broader sense, this subcommittee’s responsibilities will be to:

Establish knowledge base about state industry partnerships and trends in sector strategies.

Identify and sustain an energy industry leadership framework in the state over time.

Review LMI data to determine workforce challenges and work to close industry skill gaps.

Develop and implement workforce training and development initiatives to improve the State’s industry competitiveness focusing on apprenticeships and career pathways that align with labor market gaps. Assist educational and training institutions in aligning curriculum and programs to meet industry demands.

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Develop and promote middle skill jobs within the targeted industry sector as well as address the needs of special populations (low-income populations or those with barriers to employment).

Establish priorities for effectively scaling regional industry partnerships in Wisconsin.

Establish a mechanism to identify and track measurable goals.

Leverage financial resources and in-kind support to carry out the sector strategies, and promote ongoing communication between employers, workers, training provides, and service agencies.

2.2. Specific SAGE-related Responsibilities During the next three years, this subcommittee’s responsibilities will include the provision of oversight and guidance to SAGE grant activities, which encompass the following:

Establish Wisconsin’s “green” energy training sector strategy.

Align the project’s “green” energy training and placement strategies with Wisconsin workforce delivery structures such as Job Centers Wisconsin’s energy infrastructure ARRA energy-related funding at work in Wisconsin

Address “green” training gaps in existing workforce & industry sectors

Refine & develop “green” apprenticeship models

Develop career pathways for existing and emerging energy-related career clusters

Assist local project teams with service delivery

Provide formative feedback

Implement & oversee Wisconsin’s “green” energy training sector strategy

Facilitate local partnerships & industry collaborations Establish a Local SAGE Plan structure that demonstrates the development or refinement

of a local Energy Sector Plan within each of the state’s Grow Regions Review and approve Local SAGE Plans

Monitor grant objectives & performance

Provide guidance to local project teams on services and expected outcomes

Develop collaborations to provide continuous feedback loops into project activities

Ensure sustainable, long-term training partnership beyond grant period

3. Local SAGE Team Structure 3.1. Membership

Wisconsin’s GROW regions were established to encourage regional partnerships for coordinating economic, workforce, and education system development. Within each GROW region is one or more Workforce Development Board (WDB) structure that provides a statewide network of local service delivery systems and serves as the foundation for Local SAGE Teams. SAGE funding for local staffing and services is organized around the seven regions established under the initial round of GROW grants. This foundation allows the Local SAGE Team to build upon the existing priorities of the workforce development system and to firmly establish their energy sector

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services within that framework. Local SAGE Team membership should encompass energy sectors stakeholders, and must include:

Required Member Member’s Role

Workforce Development Boards

Provide leadership and direction to Local SAGE Team within scope of project activities; manage local grant(s) for service delivery and case management; ensure that SESP activities are conducted efficiently and collaboratively within the scope of the locally established workforce development structure. In regions where there are more than one WDB, the WDBs will work collaboratively to meet the leadership role for that region.

Energy efficiency and/or renewable energy industries

Inform team on workforce needs relating to specific energy efficiency and renewable energy industries; seek out resources and feedback from energy industry; ensure that project planning and services are positioned as future-focused in regard to emerging workforce needs of the energy industry.

Labor organization (construction and/or mfg )

Represent the interests of all of labor in their area by ensuring that the SAGE Team is aware of labor workforce needs and issues relating to the energy sector; actively build coalitions between the industries and labor in order to promote effective workforce training outcomes; secure resources and feedback from related organizations to apply towards positive grant outcomes.

Registered adult apprenticeship (training center, sponsor and/or employer)

Partners will troubleshoot structural issues related to “greening up” skilled apprenticeship trades. They will provide support for introducing new training models that support green construction education and experience within existing apprenticeship programs. They will bring focus and commitment to fulfilling the demand for a skilled workforce in renewable energy, energy efficiency and smart grid technologies.

Local non-profit (involved in energy efficiency and/or renewable energy industries or services)

Represent the interests of CBOs and other non-profit organizations who are engaged in energy sector work (e.g., CAP agencies engaged in weatherization or energy auditing) or who have an active role in preparing the region’s skilled trades workforce (e.g., WI’s Regional Training Partnership (WRTP) Building Industry Group Skilled Trades Employment Program (BIG STEP), which is a nonprofit organization that will provide pre-apprenticeship recruitment, placement and retention activities.)

Local Technical College

Local technical colleges will provide energy education guidance. They deliver nearly all related apprenticeship training, which will include most SAGE components. They also provide certifications, associate degrees, technical diplomas and customized curricula.

Local economic development organization

Local economic development organizations are partners within the local WDBs. As partners, they participate in workforce development strategic planning, sector strategy initiatives, WIA and other workforce funded initiatives. Their expertise on economic development drivers helps shape local workforce development efforts.

Wisconsin Job Service

Wisconsin Job Service brings both a local and statewide perspective regarding the public labor exchange and specialized reemployment programs. Job Service has made a commitment through its Reemployment Services strategy to provide access to WorkKeys and KeyTrain throughout the state assists all jobseekers with public core services.

It is anticipated that the local team’s leadership role will be provided by a Workforce Development Board. However, exceptions will be considered based on the merits presented by the Local Team in its energy sector plan. Through this local sector-based partnership, it is expected that these stakeholder members will apply their expertise to many workforce issues.

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The role of a Local SAGE Team member is to represent constituents’ unique perspectives, insights and training needs as the local area builds and implements energy sector strategies.

3.2. Relationship to CWI-ESS The relationship between the Local SAGE Team and the CWI-ESS mirrors the two-part strategy of the SAGE grant in that it will focus on the broader workforce issues of Wisconsin’s energy sector industries, while also centering on specific core-level services to the apprentices and journeyworkers participating in SAGE’s training activities. The CWI-ESS will work with DWD staff to review SAGE’s planned outcomes and analyze Local SAGE Plans and activities for achievement of those outcomes. Local Teams, while directly focused on achieving SAGE’s planned outcomes, will also think and plan strategically to develop a unified vision of how the existing and emerging needs of the energy sector fit into the area’s short and long-term workforce planning strategies. The CWI-ESS will utilize this “on the ground” input and feedback to shape and adjust its workforce strategies on a statewide level.

3.3. Purpose and Scope The Local SAGE Team will convene each region’s energy sector stakeholders to create or enhance a regional Energy Sector Training Plan that 1) demonstrates knowledge of the energy industry’s economic and workforce issues within the region, 2) applies the resources of local team members to solutions specific to local energy sector needs, 3) helps workers gain and improve the skills needed for careers in the energy sector, and 4) establishes enduring and positive strategies and system resources for workers and employers. In addition, the local team will assist in the provision of direct services by providing core-level case management, support fund and training funds to SAGE’s income-eligible enrollees through Wisconsin’s exceptional One-stop Job Center system. The teams will work to establish or enhance the workforce development linkages to and from the apprenticeship community of apprenticeship sponsors, employers, educators and apprentices within their local region. The teams will provide follow-up and retention to those served.

3.4. Funding Allocation The CWI-ESS has allocated funding designated for local SAGE staffing and participant supports to the local teams using a method based on the state’s existing WIA allocation formula, with additional funding (participant and/or staffing) to areas within the state experiencing dislocation due to auto-industry losses, such as Kenosha and Rock counties, and those experiencing high unemployment rates for minorities, such as Milwaukee. See Table 1., Local SAGE Allocations.

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Table 1. SAGE Grant - Local SAGE Team - Three-year Funding AllocationsTotal Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

$2,000,000 200,000 800,000 1,000,000 $ 100,000 50,000 50,000 0 $1,900,000 $ 150,000 $ 750,000 $1,000,000

$1,350,000 270,000$ $ 540,000 $ 540,000 (Based on est. .5 FTE per WDA plus add'l .5 FTE for WDA#2)

$3,350,000 $ 470,000 $1,340,000 $1,540,000

SAGE Teams & WDAs

Within Region

2010 WIA Adult

Share Per WDA

Grow Region Cumu-lative Share

SAGE Formula

Allocation for Participant Supports

SAGE Auto-impact

AlottmentSAGE Staff Allocation

Total Year 1 Local SAGE

Team Allocation

SAGE Formula

Allocation for Participant Supports

SAGE Auto-impact

Alottment*SAGE Staff Allocation

Total Year 2 Local SAGE

Team Allocation

SAGE Formula

Allocation for Participant Supports

SAGE Staff Allocation

Total Year 3 Local SAGE

Team Allocation

42.66% $ 63,990 $ 25,000 $ 90,000 $ 178,990 $ 319,950 $ 25,000 $ 180,000 $ 524,950 $ 426,600 $ 180,000 $ 606,600 1. Southeast 9.01%2. Milwaukee 28.10%3. WOW 5.55%

17.54% $ 26,310 $ - $ 45,000 $ 71,310 $ 131,550 $ - $ 90,000 $ 221,550 $ 175,400 $ 90,000 $ 265,400 4. Fox Valley 7.63%5. Bay Area 9.91%

7.63% $ 11,445 $ - $ 22,500 $ 33,945 $ 57,225 $ - $ 45,000 $ 102,225 $ 76,300 $ 45,000 $ 121,300 6. NorthCentral 7.63%

8.18% $ 12,270 $ - $ 22,500 $ 34,770 $ 61,350 $ - $ 45,000 $ 106,350 $ 81,800 $ 45,000 $ 126,800 7. Northwest 8.18%

6.21% $ 9,315 $ - $ 22,500 $ 31,815 $ 46,575 $ - $ 45,000 $ 91,575 $ 62,100 $ 45,000 $ 107,100 8. West Central 6.21%

3.93% $ 5,895 $ - $ 22,500 $ 28,395 $ 29,475 $ - $ 45,000 $ 74,475 $ 39,300 $ 45,000 $ 84,300 9. Western 3.93%

13.85% $ 20,775 $ 25,000 $ 45,000 $ 90,775 $ 103,875 $ 25,000 $ 90,000 $ 218,875 $ 138,500 $ 90,000 $ 228,500

10. So. Central 8.32%11. Southwest 5.53%

Totals 100.00% $ 150,000 $ 50,000 $ 270,000 $ 470,000 $ 750,000 $ 50,000 $ 540,000 $1,340,000 $1,000,000 $ 540,000 $ 1,540,000

Notes: SAGE formula allocation for participant supports is based on WIA 2010 Adult share for all three years; year 2 and 3 allocations may be adjusted per year 1 expenditures.* Local SAGE Plan must identify how Auto-industry Allotment will be expended in Rock or Kenosha county.

Anticipated Year 2 (2011) Anticipated Year 3 (2011)

SAGE Local Participant Supports Total: Less SAGE Auto-impact Allotment:

SAGE Local Participant Supports Allocation:

SAGE Local Staffing Allocation:

Total Local SAGE Team Funding Allocation:

Year 1 (2010)

Seven Rivers

North Central

Northland Works

Regional Workforce

West Central


New North

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4. Regional Service Delivery (SAGE) Responsibilities 4.1. SAGE Recruitment

Over the 3 year grant period, the SAGE grant intends that 6,764 apprentices and journeyworkers will potentially gain greener skills, knowledge and abilities through the new and updated training components being incorporated into selected apprenticeship programs through the SAGE grant. Of these individuals, nearly 85% (5,710) were already apprentices or journeyworkers when the SAGE grant began on January 30, 2010. These individuals are considered incumbent workers in the SAGE grant and are therefore not included in common measures reporting. There are no Local SAGE Team recruitment expectations for these individuals. The remaining 1,054 individuals are “new apprentices” who became registered apprentices after the SAGE grant began, but will become (employed) registered apprentices prior to receiving or being eligible to receive any SAGE services beyond eligibility determination. Per US DOL guidance, these individuals are also considered to be incumbent workers in the SAGE grant and are, therefore, also not included in common measures reporting. The State anticipates that recruitment of “new apprentices” for SAGE-impacted apprenticeship programs will continue to occur through a wide range of existing apprenticeship recruitment and application structures. Although recruitment is not a primary focus of the SAGE grant, DWD/BAS views SAGE as an opportunity to build and improve better linkages into the recruitment structure at the local level. Therefore, local SAGE Teams are expected to describe how they will seek out and build partnerships with their regional apprenticeship sponsors in order to improve the flow of qualified applicants from the Job Center system to local apprenticeship sponsors and thereby establish lasting improvements in the area of apprentice preparation and recruitment. In the Milwaukee Alliance Grow Region, because high unemployment among minorities exists in the targeted trades, the Local SAGE Team is expected to demonstrate, within their regional Energy Sector Training Plan, how their partnership building activities will specifically include formalized partnership with organizations such as WRTP/BIG STEP which prepare minorities and improve the flow of qualified minorities from the broad network of workforce systems to local apprenticeship sponsors. In the regions that include Kenosha and Rock County, which have both been affected by the auto-industry decline, the Local SAGE Team is expected to describe how they will increase the awareness, preparation and entry to apprenticeship for dislocated autoworkers.

4.2. SAGE Enrollment SAGE enrollment occurs at the point when “an individual determined eligible to participate in the program receives a service funded by the program in either a physical location (e.g., Job Center,

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Technical College, other apprenticeship training center) or remotely through electronic technologies.” The individuals who are eligible to be enrolled as SAGE participants are:

New and existing Apprentices who are registered in a SAGE-impacted apprenticeship.

Journeyworkers who actively participate in one or more SAGE-funded training activities.

Other individuals who are approved by DWD/BAS to actively participate in one or more SAGE-funded training activities.

DWD/BAS has determined that the following scenarios describe the SAGE enrollment point:

An apprentice who is newly registered into an apprenticeship program for which SAGE-funded development, upgrades or improvements have already been fully implemented will be concurrently enrolled in SAGE by DWD/BAS at time of registration.

An apprentice who is already participating in a SAGE-targeted apprenticeship program will automatically be enrolled in SAGE by DWD/BAS on the date that the SAGE-funded training upgrades or improvements are considered by DWD/BAS to have been fully implemented in the apprentice’s apprenticeship program.

A Journeyworker who is participating in a SAGE-funded upgrade and/or improvement training will be enrolled in SAGE by DWD/BAS on the date that the SAGE-funded training activity is provided to the journeyworker.

Any other individual who is approved by DWD/BAS to participate in a SAGE-funded upgrade and/or improvement training will be enrolled in SAGE by DWD/BAS on the date that the SAGE-funded training activity is provided to the individual.

DWD/BAS will collect participant information as required by US-DOL for each enrollee:

Enrollee contact information

Enrollment Eligibility information (apprenticeship registration dates, SAGE-activity implementation dates, journeyworker participation dates, etc.)

EEO information (age, sex, ethnicity/race and disability status)

Veteran characteristics and status

Education information, employment status and employment information DWD/BAS will ensure that all SAGE enrollees are made aware of the services that may be available to them through the Wisconsin Job Center system, including the location and business hours of the Job Centers. In addition, enrollees will be made aware of the eligibility requirements related to local SAGE case management, training funds and support funds, will be provided an application form for these services, and will be given instruction for accessing those funds through their Local SAGE Team.

4.3. Eligibility Requirements for Local SAGE Team Services and Funds The Local SAGE Team must ensure that any SAGE enrollee who receives local SAGE services has been determined eligible by the Local SAGE Team. Local SAGE-funded services include

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core-level case management (beyond eligibility screening), support funds or training funds. To be eligible to receive local SAGE services or funds, the individual: 1. Must be a Wisconsin resident, and 2. Must be registered in a SAGE-impacted apprenticeship program or approved activity, and 3. Must have a family annual income at or below 250% of poverty.

4.4. Priority Participant Categories for Local SAGE Team Services and Funds Each Local SAGE Team will be required to submit, as part of their Energy Sector Training Plan, agreement that, if the need for SAGE funding assistance outpaces available funding, the local team will adhere to priority of service strategies for individuals who are within the following priority participant categories: veterans, low income, or recipients of public assistance.

4.5. Local Service Delivery Performance Outcomes

Table 2. Local SAGE Team - Three-year Performance RequirementsTotal Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

945 95 378 473 945600 60 240 300 600

1,545 155 618 773 1,545

Training SupportYear 1 Total Training Support

Year 2 Total Training Support

Year 3 Total

42.66% 40 26 66 161 102 264 202 128 3301. Southeast 9.01%2. Milwaukee 28.10%3. WOW 5.55%

17.54% 17 11 27 66 42 108 83 53 1354. Fox Valley 7.63%5. Bay Area 9.91%

7.63% 7 5 12 29 18 47 36 23 596. NorthCentral 7.63%

8.18% 8 5 13 31 20 51 39 25 637. Northwest 8.18%

6.21% 6 4 10 23 15 38 29 19 488. West Centra 6.21%

3.93% 4 2 6 15 9 24 19 12 39. Western 3.93%

13.85% 13 8 21 52 33 86 65 42 1010. So. Centra


7l 8.32%

11. Southwest 5.53%Totals 100.00% 95 60 155 378 240 618 473 300 773

SAGE Teams &

WDAs Within Region

2010 WIA Adult

Share Per WDA

Grow Region Cumu-lative Share

Notes: In order to qualify for SAGE support or training funds, an individual must be an eligible Registered Apprentice in a SAGE-impacted apprenticeship program.

Seven Rivers

Southwest/South Cent

Milwaukee Alliance

New North

North Central

Northland Works

Anticipated Year 3 (2011)

E Minimum Participant Levels - Training Funds: E Minimum Participant Levels - Support Funds:

Year 1 (2010)

West Central

Anticipated Year 2 (2011)SAGE Minimum Particpant LSAGE Minimum Particpant LSAGE Minimum Particpant L

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4.6. Local Case Management

Concurrent with determining apprentice eligibility for local SAGE services and funds, the Local SAGE Team is encouraged to offer the apprentice one or more Core Services typical to Wisconsin’s Job Centers, as needed and determined appropriate:

Intake and/or Orientation to Job Center services and programs.

Initial assessment of need for support or training funds.

Information and/or referral to non-SAGE services or programs which will aid the apprentice in successfully completing the apprenticeship.

Information regarding filing for Unemployment Compensation.

Workshops designed to improve basic work skills or competencies.

The case management services associated with SAGE apprentices should be designed to meet at least one of two primary goals: 1) to increase apprentice retention in and completion of the apprenticeship program; or 2) to increase apprentice access to workforce development services for which the apprentice may be eligible. Services provided by case management staff may include identifying barriers to successful participation in apprenticeship and referring eligible individuals to services designed to address barriers through counseling and access to services., assisting in the enrollment to Job Center activities designed to enhance on-the-job performance and retention; assisting individuals in accessing community services and SAGE funding (See 4.7. Support and Training Funding). Case management staff are also responsible for reporting and tracking provision of SAGE services and funding (See 4.8. Reporting and Tracking).

4.7. Local Dual Enrollment

A SAGE case manager may identify the need to leverage SAGE’s support and training resources with those available from other employment and training programs. Coordination and cost sharing with other programs is encouraged as a method to enhance an apprentice’s ability to successfully complete the apprenticeship program. When this happens, the case manager must adhere to all state and local regulations governing the coordinated program(s), including ASSET reporting requirements, mix or sequence of service requirements, and the financial contribution from each provider. Because this type of dual or coordinated service will be identifiable at the State level through ASSET, no additional SAGE reporting will be necessary at the local level.

4.8. Local Support and Training Funding The Local SAGE Team will ensure that training-related expense reimbursement or direct payments (books, supplies, tuition, required clothing or equipment pertaining to the registered apprenticeship program) are limited to a maximum of $1,800 per eligible apprentice.

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The Local SAGE Team will ensure that support-related expense reimbursement or direct payments (childcare, transportation, housing and other reasonable expenses required for participation in the program) are limited to a maximum of $500 per eligible apprentice. All SAGE training and support funding limitations apply to an apprentice at a statewide level, for the life of the SAGE grant.

Example 1: An eligible apprentice who receives Training-related funds of $1,800 from one Local SAGE Team cannot receive additional Training-related funds from another SAGE Team. Example 2: An eligible apprentice who receives Support-related SAGE funds of $300 in year 1 of the grant and $200 in year 2 of the grant, cannot receive additional Support-related funding in year 3 of the grant because the maximum limit has been met.

Reimbursement directly to the eligible apprentice for training or support expenses is allowable if the apprentice is able to provide adequate proof of payment, which must be documented and retained on file during the life of the SAGE grant.

4.9. Local Service Reporting and Tracking

DWD/BAS will establish a reporting structure by which Local SAGE Teams will track and report the provision of SAGE-funded services on an ongoing basis. It is anticipated that this system will be an online system. However, additional instructions and technical assistance regarding the tracking and reporting mechanism will be provided upon contract issuance. The Local SAGE Team will be responsible for tracking and reporting, for each SAGE enrollee served, the following services, at minimum:

SAGE Local Service Eligibility Screening, including determination outcome.

Referral to and/or provision of other partner services (will be tracked at DWD via ASSET crossmatch).

Outcome of needs assessment.

Provision of support service funds, including nature of training-related expense (e.g., daycare, transportation, housing), date of issuance, amount of issuance, issuing ID.

Provision of training funds, including nature of required expense (e.g., tuition, books, required clothing or equipment), date of issuance, amount of issuance, issuing ID.

Local SAGE Teams are reminded that dual enrollment with non-SAGE programs may require non-SAGE (WIA/other) reporting that is outside the scope or authority of the SAGE grant. Grantees will also be expected to describe and document their grant-funded spending and activities and progress in detail. Reporting guidelines will be included in the grant agreements

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between recipient partnerships and DWD, and those agreements will emphasize the importance of timely and complete reporting.

5. Regional Energy Sector Training Plan Responsibilities

5.1. Confirmation of Intent to Respond By June 9, 2010, each Local SAGE Team must submit the Intent to Respond form (form provided) which acknowledges receipt of the planning guidance, identifies who will be lead/fiscal agency, and provides justification for a request of up to $25K energy sector planning funds. If the Intent to Respond form is not received by DWD/BAS via email or in person by 4:00 pm on June 9, 2010, DWD/BAS will initiate a search for alternative entities for the delivery of local SAGE services and funds.

5.2. Plan Submission Requirements and Timeframe Local SAGE Teams must submit the Local Energy Sector Training Plan using instructions in this Section 5 and in Section 8. The State recognizes that many local teams have prepared energy sector planning documents, reports and strategic papers which may provide some or all of the information required in 5.4, below. Local teams are encouraged to reference these existing plans and documents, rather than recreate or duplicate the information. However, it is incumbent upon the local team to include all referenced documents and materials and to ascertain whether their submission provides a cohesive and effectual response that can be evaluated by the CWI-ESS in terms of responsiveness. Submissions are not competitive. However, a Local Team will not receive SAGE funding until the CWI-ESS has approved the Local Energy Sector Training Plan. DWD staff will provide technical assistance as needed. If the CWI-ESS determines that an acceptable plan is not forthcoming in a reasonable time, and if technical assistance has not proven effective, the CWI-ESS may recommend that staffing, support and training funds be awarded to an alternative entity. Technical assistance requests can be submitted to:

SAGE Project Coordinator DWD/Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards 201 E. Washington Ave, Rm E100 PO Box 7972 Madison, WI 53707

Phone: 608-266-3332 Fax: 608-266-0766 Email: [email protected]

5.3. Required Components

Local Energy Sector Training Plan submissions must be limited to 12 single-sided, double-spaced pages in 11 pt font or larger, not counting attachments. The plan’s required components are listed here:

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5.3.1. Describe the workforce and economic issues of energy sector industries within your region. 5.3.2. Describe your local energy sector partnership and how it has been structured to ensure that

the unique perspectives, insights, concerns, and training needs of energy sector industries have been or will be incorporated into the workforce development structure.

5.3.3. Describe any limitations or exclusions in the scope of your local energy sector partnership (as it relates to the existing or emerging energy industries within the region), the reasons for the limitation and any plans to expand the scope within the next three years.

5.3.4. Describe how your team collectively applies or will apply available resources to solutions specific to local energy sector needs.

5.3.5. Describe how your team currently helps or will help energy sector workers to gain and improve the skills they need for careers in the energy sector.

5.3.6. Describe how your team has or will establish enduring and positive workforce strategies and system resources for energy sector workers and employers within the region.

5.3.7. Describe your team structure, clearly identifying whether the team is standalone or whether an existing team fulfills the requirements. If an existing team fulfills the requirements, describe how members have been or will be made aware of their SAGE role and responsibilities. Complete and submit the Local SAGE Team Signature Page.

5.3.8. Describe how Local SAGE Team will achieve the deliverables described below. o Identify the intended Local SAGE Team Service Provider (Local SAGE Grantee),

provide contact and address information and describe qualifications to serve as the provider of local SAGE services.

o Describe the Local SAGE Team Service Provider’s linkages to Registered Apprenticeship including local construction apprenticeship committees, participating employers, sponsors and BAS's Apprenticeship Training Representative(s).

o Describe how the SAGE staffing allocation will be deployed, including location(s). o Describe how the local team will reinforce or strengthen apprentice awareness of SAGE

services and funds; and Job Center services through local linkages and partnerships with the apprenticeship community in SAGE-impacted trades.

o Describe how the SAGE eligibility determination and provision of training and support funds will work within the existing Job Center structure.

5.4. Plan Review and Approval

DWD will review local plans and provide a summary report for each Local SAGE Team.

The summary reports and recommendations will be presented to CWI-ESS Evaluation Workgroup on August 3, 2010.

From August 3, 2010 to August 16, 2010, the Evaluation Workgroup may request clarification, additional information or plan restructuring from the Local SAGE Team and will allow no less than 10 days for local team response.

Final summary reports and recommendations will be presented to the CWI-ESS on September 2, 2010.

Wisconsin’s Sector Alliance for the Green Economy 

Local SAGE Project Teams ‐ Planning Guidance 



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5.5. Planning and Partnership Status Reports

In both of years 2 and 3 of the SAGE grant, the Local SAGE Team will be scheduled to appear before the CWI-ESS to provide a status update regarding the energy sector partnership and strategic plan and local SAGE grant activities and services for the GROW Region.

6. Grant Period All grants to Local SAGE Team fiscal agents are intended to begin on September 17, 2010 and end on December 31, 2012. No SAGE funds are available beyond this period.

7. Monitoring and Oversight

7.1. Performance Outcomes – Planning The planning-related performance of the Local SAGE Teams will be evaluated using the team’s Energy Sector Training Plan in year 1 of the grant. The CWI-ESS will also provide evaluative review of the teams during their annual “Energy Update” reports to the CWI-ESS in years 2 and 3 of the grant. Deficiencies will be addressed through technical assistance provided by DWD sector specialists.

7.2. Performance Outcomes – Service Delivery The service delivery related performance of the Local SAGE Teams will be evaluated using the team’s reported information for numbers served, funds expended and quality/accuracy review of same. Specific service delivery performance requirements will be based on Table 2 (page 11), may be negotiated at time of award, and will be incorporated into the contractual agreement between DWD and the Local SAGE Team’s selected service provider.

7.3. Expenditure of Funds Use of SAGE grant funds must comply with all applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and policies governing use of federal funds. Costs that may be funded with SAGE grant funds allocated for staffing are limited to: • Staff salaries and fringe benefits. • Travel associated with SAGE training or service provision • Facilities (e.g., rent in proportional share to SAGE usage). • Supplies and materials related specifically to SAGE activities. Provision of SAGE training or support funds to eligible enrollees must comply with the requirements described in Section V of this guidance document. DWD/BAS will employ regular deobligation and reallocation of funds as a mechanism to ensure that idle funds are quickly identified and distributed to areas of greater need. Deobligation will

Wisconsin’s Sector Alliance for the Green Economy 

Local SAGE Project Teams ‐ Planning Guidance 



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be based on actual expenditure levels, not obligation levels. The expenditure of local SAGE funds will be reviewed four times during their three-year life:

1. At the end of the program year 1 2. At the mid-point of the following program year 2 3. At the end of the following program year 2 4. At the mid-point of the following program year 3

The determination for deobligation/reobligation will be based upon the following minimum expected expenditure rates:

a. At least 15% expended at the end of the first year b. At least 45% expended at the mid-point of the second year c. At least 75% expended at the end of the second year d. At least 90% expended at the mid-point of the third year.

All local areas that have met the expenditure criteria of the state policy are eligible for any potential reallocation of deobligated funds based on the method used to allocate their regular formula funds or based on specific areas of greater need as determined by DWD/BAS.

8. Plan Submission

Local SAGE Teams are reminded to submit the Intent to Respond form immediately. NOTE: This form is due on June 9, 2010. (form provided)

Applicants must submit an electronic copy of the Local SAGE Team’s Energy Sector Training Plan no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday July 26, 2010. Applicants must also submit one hard copy (with original signatures) either postmarked by July 26 or hand-delivered by the 4:00 deadline. Please note that DWD restricts e-mail files to 20MB. Both electronic and hard copies should be submitted to:

DWD/DET Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards 201 E. Washington Ave., Room E100 P.O. Box 7972 Madison, WI 53707-7972

Phone: (608) 266-3332 Fax: (608) 266-0766 Email: [email protected]

Applicants must complete the forms and respond to the planning questions as specified below. This includes the following items in the order in which they should be submitted:

Local SAGE Grant – Cover Page

Energy Sector Training Plan (See Section 5 for Required Components and Format)

Local SAGE Team Signature page (form provided)

Budget, Budget Backup, and Quarterly Expenditure and Performance Plans (forms provided)



Intent to Respond

Submit by 4:00pm on 6/9/2010

Grow Region Name:


Participating WDAs:

Completion and submission of this form signifies that your GROW Region team intends to establish a Local SAGE Team for the purpose of 1) establishing or furthering energy sector workforce planning within the region, and 2) delivering SAGE services, training and support funds to eligible enrollees. 1. Does your GROW Region have an energy sector team or workgroup in place? Yes No

If No, go to #4. 2. Does the team/workgroup include all energy sector partners required by SAGE? Yes No 3. Does the team have a written energy sector plan that meets the requirements specified in the SAGE Local Planning

Guidance document? Yes No 4. Describe your need and planned usage for up to $25,000 planning funds to establish a Local SAGE Team and develop

a written energy sector training plan for your region. Provide assurances that these planning funds do not duplicate those provided by DWD through the Industry Partnership convening grants. Limit your response to no more than one page, single spaced using 11 pt font or larger.

Authorized Signatures (Signatures of individuals authorized by the applicant organization and fiscal agent organization, if different from the application organization.) Applicant Organization Signature Print Name

Print Title:

Fiscal Agent Organization Signature Print Name

Print Title:

Submit this form by 4:00 pm on June 9, 2010 to:

SAGE Project Coordinator DWD/Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards 201 E. Washington Ave, Rm E100 PO Box 7972 Madison, WI 53707

Phone: 608-266-3332 Fax: 608-266-0766 Email: [email protected]




COVER PAGE - Regional Energy Sector Training Plan

Grow Region Name:

Submission Date:

Participating WDAs:

Applicant Organization Information (Provide information requested for the applicant organization.) Organization Name: Grant Contact Person:

Contact Person Title:



Street Address and/or PO Box:

City, State, Zip:

Fiscal Agent Information (If the fiscal agent is different from above, complete all information requested below. If the fiscal agent is the same as the applicant, provide only the name and contact info for the fiscal contact.) Organization Name: Fiscal Contact Person:

Contact Person Title:



Street Address and/or PO Box:

City, State, Zip:

Authorized Signatures (Signatures of individuals authorized by the applicant organization and fiscal agent organization, if different from the application organization.) Applicant Organization Signature Print Name

Print Title:

Fiscal Agent Organization Signature Print Name

Print Title:



SIGNATURE PAGE - Regional Energy Sector Training Plan Include the name of each organization that is a member of the Local SAGE Team and the name/title of the individual authorized to sign agreements on behalf of that organization. Obtain the signature of each member authorized representative and date of signature. Expand or add additional signature pages as needed.

WDA Name:

WDA Number:

Executive Director (Print):



WDA Board Chair (Print)




WDA Name:

WDA Number:

Executive Director (Print):



WDA Board Chair (Print)




WDA Name:

WDA Number:

Executive Director (Print):



WDA Board Chair (Print)




Business/Organization Name: Name of Authorized Representative:







Signature Page __ of __ Business/Organization Name: Name of Authorized Representative:





Business/Organization Name: Name of Authorized Representative:





Business/Organization Name: Name of Authorized Representative:





Business/Organization Name: Name of Authorized Representative:





Business/Organization Name: Name of Authorized Representative:





Business/Organization Name: Name of Authorized Representative:





Business/Organization Name: Name of Authorized Representative:







SAGE Local Services -- GRANT BUDGET PAGE AND BUDGET BACK-UP Provide a detailed program budget in the categories listed below. Include grant funds, and total budget by line item. Complete and attach the detailed budget backup page that details what is included in each budget line as indicated under each budget line item.

Budget Category SAGE Grant Funds, Per Table 1

STAFF SALARIES - (Provide title, salary and number of hours for each staff position to be funded by this grant.)

STAFF FRINGE BENEFITS - (Budget back-up: provide type and cost of FB for each position funded with grant dollars)

TRAVEL (Mileage required for SAGE training or service provision.) - (Budget back-up: describe by staff and by type of travel expense, e.g., training or service provision.)

SUPPLIES, MATERIALS - (Budget back-up: provide types of materials included and estimated cost for each.)

FACILITIES RENT - (Budget back-up: describe costs as allocated to SAGE grant.)




BUDGET BACK-UP (To be provided by applicant.)



QUARTERLY EXPENDITURE AND PERFORMANCE PLAN SAGE Local Services Complete the table below, describing the planned levels of total expenditures and performance for each quarter and cumulatively through the period of the grant. Planned quarterly levels should reflect the level and type of activity expected to occur within the quarter. DWD/DET will track actual expenditure levels against planned expenditure levels and reserves the right to reallocate funds from the grant as described in Section 7.3 of the SAGE Local Team Guidance document.

Quarterly Planned Expenditures Cumulative Planned Expenditures Planned Expenditures Planned # to be Served Planned Expenditures Planned # to be Served

Quarter and Qtr End Date $$ % $$ % # % $$ % Qtr 1 ending Dec, 2010

Qtr 2 ending Mar, 2011

Qtr 3 ending Jun, 2011

Qtr 4 ending Sep, 2011

Qtr5 ending Dec, 2011

Qtr 6 ending Mar, 2012

Qtr 7 ending Jun, 2012

Qtr 8 ending Sep, 2012

Qtr 9 ending Dec, 2012
