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Wisdom Circles Presentation09

Date post: 28-May-2015
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Presentation explaining the Wisdom Circles Framework.
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Learning From and In Circles Remembering and Honoring Community & Connection
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Learning From and In Circles

Learning From and In Circles

Remembering and Honoring Community & Connection

Remembering and Honoring Community & Connection

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Why Wisdom Circles?Why Wisdom Circles?

It is increasingly clear that our cultural values have been undermined, so that even among the masses, and especially among today’s

youth, there are individuals who are seeking, not so much the destruction, as something

new on which to build. And because the destruction has been so wide spread and has gone so deep, this new foundation must be

located in the depths in the most natural, the most primordial, most universally human core

of existence.

- Marie-Louise Von Franz

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Start with NeedsStart with Needs

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Why Wisdom Circles?Why Wisdom Circles?

The Lonely Coyotes

Who will tend the fires of community for our youth?

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Why Wisdom Circles?Why Wisdom Circles?

The Story of “Half-Boy” (Michael Meade)

“Our youth seek wholeness and a place in the heart of the village”

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Self Awareness - recognize emotions; describe interests & values; assess strengths; self-confidence & hope

Self Manage Emotions & Behavior - manage stress; express emotions appropriately; set & monitor goals; persevere

Socially Aware - perspective of & empathize with others; appreciate individual & group similarities & differences; seek out appropriate resources

Relationship Skills - build relationships built on cooperation; resist inappropriate social pressure; prevent, manage, & resolve interpersonal conflict

Responsible Decision Making - consider ethical standards, social norms, respect for others, likely consequences of various courses of action; motivated to contribute to well being of their schools & communities.

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What are Wisdom Circles?What are Wisdom Circles?

Framework of personal, social, and character development based upon the needs of youth that fosters resiliency

Cross-cultural & Intergenerational social/emotional learning curriculum

Utilizes Arts-Based & Inquiry Based Learning

Focuses on both Content & Process

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Connection: Relationship to Community

Need: To know where we come from (culture, lineage, history)

Resource: Wisdom Archetype: Teacher Practices: Listen with the ear

in the heart; story telling; reflection; curiosity; openness; patience; trust; resiliency

Season: Fall (releasing the seeds of self)

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Connection: Relationship to self

Need: Personal Power/Impact

Resource: Power Archetype: Warrior Practices: Take a stand;

respect; discipline; responsibility; faithfulness; be seen…be heard; be true…be clear

Season: Winter (honoring the seeds of self)

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Connection: Relationship to the world

Need: Share our gifts with others

Resource: Vision Archetype: Visionary Practices: What we

believe, we are; right thinking; integrity; authenticity; truthfulness; perceptiveness; service to others; sharing

Season: Spring (planting seeds of self in the world)

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Connection: One-to-One relationships

Need: To live with heart & meaning

Resource: Love Archetype: Healer Practices: Do what you

love; know yourself; courage; encourage others; humility; acknowledgement; compassion; forgiveness; gratitude

Season: Summer (flourishing of the seeds of self)

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The Meeting PlaceThe Meeting Place

Connection: “The Whole”; the “Big Picture”

Need: To create; to connect to the “whole”

Resource: Creativity Archetype:

Artist/Creator Practices: Relate &

Create; follow the golden threads; connect

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Cross-Cultural & IntergenerationalCross-Cultural & Intergenerational

The Circle is a Universal symbol used as a teaching metaphor in many cultures

Circle is a symbol of connection - Circles within Circles

Student’s learn about concepts related to personal growth & character through the eyes of various cultures in individual, group, class, & school-wide activities

Students learn from each other, family & community members - Expanding Circles

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Celtic Celtic

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African Web of LifeAfrican Web of Life

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Ancient Trypillian Ancient Trypillian

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Applications To Social/Emotional LearningApplications To Social/Emotional Learning

Individual advising/counselling Incident Reports Restitution Process

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Applications To Social/Emotional LearningApplications To Social/Emotional Learning

Group counseling & social/emotional learning Original Face (Warrior Archetype) has

themes of dealing effectively with emotions (anger); right use of power; conflict mediation; discipline; responsibility

Original Medicine (Visionary Archetype) has themes of life purpose; career planning; social justice; anti-racism & prejudice

Wise Lives Program

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Applications To Social/Emotional LearningApplications To Social/Emotional Learning

Class & whole school integration - Dr. Egbert Junior High School Curricular areas (L.Arts, Math, Social,

PE; Health) Social Responsibility Week – Warrior

Stick Anti-Racism/Multi-Cultural Week “Quality” of the month Quarterly Assemblies & bulletin board

displays Learning Through the Arts projects

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Film-Making/Media Arts Wisdom Circle themes used with videographer in Language Arts/Humanities classes to create visual montages & music videos based on student stories in grade 7, 8, & 9. Videos compiled into 20 minute vignette presentation for Fine Arts Evening.

CAPES Grant 2-year CAPES grant acquired which involved

further integration of Wisdom Circle themes (content) into Language Arts & Social Studies curriculums

Learning Through the Arts Projects - Dr. Egbert Junior High

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Wisdom Circles are spaces that are facilitated with the intent of honoring both inner and outer wisdom.

Encouraged to sit and listen to one’s own “inner wisdom” about topic or issue

Experience of others entwine with one’s own inner resources to create new & authentic knowing and learning experiences that comes from the self - not an “expert”

Practice listening skills

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Process includes our stories…Process includes our stories…

Stories movie in circles.They don’t go in straight lines.

So it helps if you listen in circles.There are stories inside stories and stories

between stories,And finding your way through them is as

easy and as hard as finding your way home.

And part of the finding is the getting lost.And when you are lost,

You start to look around and to listen.

-from a Traveling Jewish Theatre, Coming from a Great Distance

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Process Builds Community…Process Builds Community…

Adherence to the following Agreements: Listen with soft eyes Be Present (Pay attention to What and

Who is at your Gate) Never Share or Die Extend and Perceive Welcome Confidentiality

(Process based on work of Parker Palmer (Courage Circles); Rachael Kessler (Council Process)

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Integrating Wisdom Circle @ Belfast Elementary SchoolIntegrating Wisdom Circle @ Belfast Elementary School

Ambassadors Assembly - Original Story (Feb.);

Ambassador Assembly - Original Face (June); whole school Rock Project

Digital Storytelling - Grade 6 creating Original Stories (iMovies) for end of year presentation

Grade 3/4 Story Catchers African Project - “Original Stories” of community and culture shared between students Belfast & students living in Africa

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